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The feline sarcoma virus oncogene v-fms has significantly contributed to the dissection of peptide growth factor action since it encodes the transmembrane tyrosine kinase gp140v-fms, a transforming version of colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor, a member of the growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase family. In this study, the functional significance of structural differences between distinct tyrosine kinase types, in particular between cellular receptors and viral transforming proteins of distinct structural types, has been further investigated, and their functional compatibility has been addressed. For this purpose, major functional domains of three structurally distinct tyrosine kinases were combined into two chimeric receptors. The cytoplasmic gp140v-fms kinase domain and the kinase domain of Rous sarcoma virus pp60v-src were each fused to the extracellular ligand-binding domain of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor to create chimeras EFR and ESR, respectively, which were studied upon stable expression in NIH 3T3 fibroblasts. Both chimeras were faithfully synthesized and routed to the cell surface, where they displayed EGF-specific, low-affinity ligand-binding domains in contrast to the high- and low-affinity EGF-binding sites of normal EGF receptors. While the EFR kinase was EGF controlled for autophosphorylation and substrate phosphorylation in vitro, in vivo, and in digitonin-treated cells, the ESR kinase was not responsive to EGF. While ESR appeared to recycle to the cell surface upon endocytosis, EGF induced efficient EFR internalization and degradation, and phorbol esters stimulated protein kinase C-mediated downmodulation of EFR. Despite its ligand-inducible kinase activity, EFR was partly EGF independent in mediating mitogenesis and cell transformation, while ESR appeared biologically inactive.  相似文献   

Avian sarcoma virus (ASV) induces sarcomas in animals and transforms fibroblasts to a neoplastic state in cell culture. A single viral gene (src) is responsible for both the induction and maintenance of neoplastic transformation. Recent work has identified a protein with a molecular weight of 60,000 daltons that is apparently encoded in src and may be the effector molecule for the gene (Brugge and Erikson, 1977; Purchio et al, 1978). The putative product of src can be immunoprecipitated by antisera obtained from rabbits bearing tumors induced by ASV. We have used this approach to isolate the protein to characterize further its genetic origins and possible function. Our rabbit tumor antisera precipitated a protein with a molecular weight of 60,000 daltons; according to serological, biochemical and genetic criteria, this protein is encoded in src. We found that this protein is phosphorylated and therefore denoted it pp60. Phosphorylation of pp60 could be accomplished in vitro with extracts of ASV-infected cells. A temperature-sensitive conditional mutation in src had no demonstrable effect on either the production or stability of pp60 in the infected cell, but phosphorylation of the protein was temperature-sensitive. Since the mutant src is not expressed at the restrictive temperature, our findings raise the possibility that phosphorylation of pp60 is required for its function as the putative effector of src. Immunoprecipitates prepared with extracts of ASV-infected cells and the rabbit tumor antisera contained a protein kinase activity that catalyzed phosphorylation of the heavy chains of immunoglobulin molecules, using either ATP or GTP as phosphate donor. The kinase activity immunoprecipitated in parallel with pp60 was obtained only from cells that contained a functioning product of src and could not be precipitated with antisera directed against structural proteins of ASV. A temperature-sensitive conditional mutation in src caused the kinase activity to be thermally inactivated in vitro far more rapidly than the activity from cells infected with wild-type virus. We conclude that both the protein kinase and pp60 are encoded in src, and that the enzymatic activity may be an intrinsic property of pp60. Phosphorylation of pp60 in cellular extracts was inhibited by calcium ion, whereas the immunoprecipitable kinase activity was not, suggesting that the kinase responsible for pp60 phosphorylation may be distinct from that encoded in src. Collett and Erikson (1978) have also identified a protein kinase activity associated with pp60. These findings raise the possibility that phosphorylation of specific cellular targets might account for transformation of the host cell by src.  相似文献   

We obtained a regressing-tumor antiserum specific for the unique sequence of the transforming protein P140 of Fujinami sarcoma virus by injecting Fischer rats with syngeneic embryo cells transformed with Fujinami sarcoma virus. This serum is capable of immunoprecipitating a protein of 98,000 daltons from cell extracts of normal, uninfected chicken bone marrow cells. This normal cellular protein (NCP98) was shown to be structurally related to P140, sharing the majority of 35S-methionine-labeled tryptic peptides with the viral gene product P140. NCP98 is a phosphoprotein in vivo, with an associated in vitro protein kinase activity, capable of phosphorylating specifically at tyrosine residues of NCP98 itself and a-casein, an externally added substrate. This kinase activity is biochemically indistinguishable from the kinase activity associated with P140 by all criteria tested. Moreover, in vitro-phosphorylated NCP98 and P140 shared the same phosphopeptides. The expression of NCP98 is tissue-specific. It is readily detectable in bone marrow cells and detectable to a lesser extent in liver and lung cells from 6–18 day old chickens.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a 5' segment of the human genomic c-fms proto-oncogene suggested that recombination between feline leukemia virus and feline c-fms sequences might have occurred in a region encoding the 5' untranslated portion of c-fms mRNA. The polyprotein precursor gP180gag-fms encoded by the McDonough strain of feline sarcoma virus was therefore predicted to contain 34 v-fms-coded amino acids derived from sequences of the c-fms gene that are not ordinarily translated from the proto-oncogene mRNA. The (gP180gag-fms) polyprotein was cotranslationally cleaved near the gag-fms junction to remove its gag gene-coded portion. Determination of the amino-terminal sequence of the resulting v-fms-coded glycoprotein, gp120v-fms, showed that the site of proteolysis corresponded to a predicted signal peptidase cleavage site within the c-fms gene product. Together, these analyses suggested that the linked gag sequences may not be necessary for expression of a biologically active v-fms gene product. The gag-fms sequences of feline sarcoma virus strain McDonough and the v-fms sequences alone were inserted into a murine retroviral vector containing a neomycin resistance gene. Both constructs were biologically active when transfected into NIH 3T3 cells and produced morphologically transformed foci at equivalent efficiencies. When transfected into a cell line (psi 2) expressing complementary viral gene functions, G418-resistant (Neor) cells containing either of these vector DNAs produced high titers of transforming viruses. Analysis of proteins produced in cells containing the vector lacking gag gene sequences showed that gP180gag-fms was not synthesized, whereas normal levels of both immature gp120v-fms and mature gp140v-fms were detected. The glycoprotein was efficiently transported to the cell surface, and it retained wild-type tyrosine kinase activity. We conclude that a cryptic hydrophobic signal peptide sequence in v-fms was unmasked by gag deletion, thereby allowing the correct orientation and transport of the v-fms gene product within membranous organelles. It seems likely that the proteolytic cleavage of gP180gag-fms is mediated by signal peptidase and that the amino termini of gp140v-fms and the c-fms gene product are identical.  相似文献   

In chick embryo fibroblasts transformed by Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) the tyrosine phosphorylation of a cellular protein of 34,000 daltons mol. wt. (34 kd) is greatly enhanced; this was shown to be catalyzed by the phosphotransferase activity of RSV transforming protein pp60src. We report here that in cytoplasmic extracts of both normal and transformed cells, in the presence of magnesium ions, the majority of the 34-kd protein is associated with large structures and that a fraction of 34 kd appears to be associated with ribonucleoprotein particles (RNPs). In addition, upon u.v. light cross-linking of RNA to protein in normal or transformed cells, an anti-34 kd serum immunoprecipitates RNA fragments of apparent low sequence complexity as detected by T1 fingerprint analysis. Our results indicate that the 34-kd protein may play a role in the cell at the level of RNPs.  相似文献   

Avian myeloblastosis virus (AMV) is an oncogenic retrovirus that rapidly causes myeloblastic leukemia in chickens and transforms myeloid cells in culture. AMV carries an oncogene, v-myb, that is derived from a cellular gene, c-myb, found in the genomes of vertebrate species. We constructed a plasmid vector that allows expression of a portion of the coding region for v-myb in a procaryotic host. We then used the myb-encoded protein produced in bacteria to immunize rabbits. The antisera obtained permitted identification of the proteins encoded by both v-myb and chicken c-myb. The molecular weights of the products of v-myb and c-myb (45,000 and 75,000 respectively) indicate that the v-myb protein is an appreciably truncated version of the c-myb protein.  相似文献   

The primary translation product of the PRC II avian sarcoma virus genome is a protein of 105,000 daltons (P105), and we have previously shown that approximately 50% of the P105 molecules are converted to molecules of 110,000 daltons (P110) by posttranslational modification. Fractionation of PRC II-infected cells showed that P105 was contained primarily in a nonionic detergent-soluble compartment, whereas P110 partitioned almost exclusively with a nonionic detergent-insoluble or crude cytoskeletal fraction. The tyrosine-specific protein kinase activity previously observed in immunoprecipitates which presumably contained both P110 and P105 was found predominantly in the P110-containing immunoprecipitates made from the cytoskeletal fraction and was essentially absent from the P105-containing immunoprecipitates prepared from the soluble fraction. Individual analysis of 32P-labeled P110 and P105 prepared by this fractionation technique revealed that P110 contained more phosphotyrosine per mole of protein than did P105. Examination of the tryptic peptide maps of 32P-labeled P110 and P105 suggested that the additional phosphotyrosine in P110 resulted from phosphorylation at discrete sites within the protein. From these experiments, we conclude that PRC II-infected cells contain two discrete forms, P105 and P110, of the transforming protein and that each of these proteins exhibits distinct structural and functional characteristics.  相似文献   

We prepared infectious stocks of an avian retrovirus, a modified spleen necrosis virus, containing the herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase gene and the avian sarcoma virus v-src gene. Viruses were recovered after cotransfection of chicken cells with DNA of recombinants between cloned spleen necrosis virus thymidine kinase and v-src and with DNA of cloned reticuloendotheliosis virus strain A. When v-src was inserted near the 5'end of the viral genome, only low titers of recombinant virus were recovered. Most of the recovered viruses were smaller than expected and did not transform the morphology of rat or chicken cells. A very small amount of virus of the expected structure was recovered; this virus transformed rat cells and expressed v-src. Cotransfection data indicated that one reason we failed to recover a significant titer of recombinant virus is that efficient expression of v-src is acutely toxic to chicken and dog cells. Insertion of v-src near the 3' end of the viral genome, such that it was expressed at a lower level compared with the 5'-v-src-containing virus, yielded a higher titer of recombinant virus, and this virus was transforming. The differences in the recovery and transforming activity of these viruses indicate that the location of an oncogene in the viral genome is an important factor regulating the level of its expression and whether or not this expression is toxic or transforming to cells.  相似文献   

M Nishizawa  N Goto    S Kawai 《Journal of virology》1987,61(12):3733-3740
A new avian transforming retrovirus, NK24, was isolated from a chicken with a nephroblastoma. This transforming virus induced fibrosarcomas with osteogenic cell proliferation and nephroblastomas in vivo and transformed fibroblast cells in vitro. From extracts of NK24-transformed cells, anti-gag serum immunoprecipitated a 100-kilodalton nonglycosylated protein with no detectable protein kinase activity. An NK24 provirus present in infected quail cells was molecularly cloned and subjected to nucleotide sequence analysis. The genome of NK24 was 5.3 kilobases long and had a 1,126-base-pair sequence of cellular origin in place of a viral sequence of avian leukosis virus containing the 3' half of the gag gene and the 5' half of the pol gene. Although the entire env gene was retained, it appeared to be inactive, possibly owing to the loss of function of its splice acceptor site as a result of a second deletion of 1,598 bases in the 3' half of the pol gene that extended to the acceptor site. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that the NK24 virus contained the fos gene, previously identified as the oncogene of FBJ and FBR murine osteosarcoma viruses. Unlike the v-fos gene products of FBJ and FBR, which suffer a structural alteration at their carboxyl termini, the NK24 v-fos gene product seemed to have the same carboxyl-terminal structure as the chicken c-fos gene product. A comparison of the structures of the products of the NK24 v-fos and mouse c-fos genes suggested that the fos gene product consists of highly conserved regions and relatively divergent regions.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing of the TrkB gene produces a full length tyrosine kinase receptor as well as two truncated isoforms that contain extracellular and transmembrane domains but lack the kinase domain and have unique C terminal tails. The function of the truncated TrkB isoforms is unclear and to gain insights into their function, we have isolated a protein from 15N neuroblastoma cells that specifically binds the TrkB.T1 isoform. Pulldown experiments using a GST fusion protein containing the TrkB.T1 intracellular domain identified a 61 kDa protein from radiolabeled 15N lysates. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments showed that the 61 kDa protein interacted with epitope-tagged TrkB.T1 overexpressed in 15N cells as well as with TrkB.T1 which was endogenously expressed. Peptide competition experiments revealed that the protein, designated TTIP (for Truncated TrkB Interacting Protein), showed specific binding to the TrkB.T1 tail. MALDI MS and MS/MS analysis has revealed that TTIP is a novel protein not yet listed in the current databases.  相似文献   

M S Collett  J S Brugge  R L Erikson 《Cell》1978,15(4):1363-1369
In this paper, we identify and characterize both structurally and functionally a protein from normal uninfected avian cells that is antigenically related to the pp60src viral protein responsible for transformation by ASV. This protein was detected by immunoprecipitation of radiolabeled normal cell extracts with serum derived from marmosets bearing ASV-induced tumors. The normal avian cell protein, which has been detected in each of the four avian species tested (chicken, duck, quail and pheasant) is a phosphoprotein of 60,000 daltons. This protein is not related to any of the ASV structural proteins; however, its immunoprecipitation is prevented by preadsorption of the antiserum with cell extracts specifically containing pp60src. Peptide analyses by partial proteolysis using chymotrypsin resulted in a map of the normal cell protein that was very similar to that of pp60src. When Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease was used, however, one of the major cleavage products of the normal cell protein exhibited an altered migration with respect to the corresponding pp60src product. Tryptic phosphopeptide analyses demonstrated that phosphorylation of the normal cell protein was also different from that seen in pp60src. The expression of the normal cell protein did not seem to be affected by cellular growth conditions, maintaining a constant level which was approximately 30–50 fold lower than that of pp60src in infected cells. The normal cell protein appeared to be functionally dissimilar to pp60src lacking detectable protein kinase activity in the currently available assay system.  相似文献   

We have examined the phosphorylation of a 50,000-dalton cellular polypeptide associated with the Rous sarcoma virus (FSV) transforming protein pp60-src. It has been shown that pp60src forms a complex with two cellular polypeptides, an 89,000-dalton heat-shock protein (89K) and a 50,000-dalton phosphoprotein (50K). The pp60src-associated protein kinase activity phosphorylates at tyrosine residues, and the 50K polypeptide present in the complex contains phosphotyrosine and phosphoserine. These observations suggest that the 50K polypeptide may be a substrate for the protein kinase activity of pp60src. To examine this possibility, we isolated the 50K polypeptide by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis from lysates of uninfected or virally infected cells. Tryptic phosphopeptide analysis indicated that the 50K polypeptide isolated by this method was the same polypeptide as that complexed to pp60src. In uninfected cells or cells infected by a transformation-defective mutant, the 50K polypeptide contained phosphoserine but little or no phosphotyrosine. In cells infected by Schmidt-Ruppin or Prague RSV, there was a 40- to 50-fold increase in the quantity of phosphotyrosine in the 50K protein. Thus, the phosphorylation of the 50K polypeptide at tyrosine is dependent on the presence of pp60src. However, the 50K polypeptide isolated from cells infected by temperature-sensitive mutants of RSV was found to be phosphorylated at tyrosine at both permissive and nonpermissive temperatures; this behavior is different from that of other substrates or putative substrates of the pp60src kinase activity. It is possible that the 50K polypeptide is a high-affinity substrate of pp60src.  相似文献   

When human A431 cells, which carry high numbers of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors, are exposed to EGF, the total content of phosphotyrosine in cell protein is increased, the EGF receptor becomes phosphorylated at tyrosine, and new phosphotyrosine-containing 36,000- and 81,000-dalton proteins are detected. We examined the properties of A431 cells infected with Snyder-Theilen feline sarcoma virus, whose transforming protein has associated tyrosine protein kinase activity, and Harvey and Kirsten sarcoma viruses, whose transforming proteins do not. In all cases, the infected cells were more rounded and more capable of anchorage-independent growth than the uninfected cells. EGF receptors were assayed functionally by measuring EGF binding and structurally by metabolic labeling and immunoprecipitation. In no case did infection appear to alter the rate of EGF receptor synthesis, but infection reduced EGF receptor stability by about 50% for cloned Harvey sarcoma virus-infected cells and by 80% for cloned feline sarcoma virus-infected cells. The corresponding reductions in EGF binding were 70 and 90%, respectively. The proteins of feline sarcoma virus-infected A431 cells contained an increased amount of phosphotyrosine, and the 36,000- and 81,000-dalton phosphoproteins were detected. The EGF receptor was not detectably phosphorylated at tyrosine, however, unless the cells were exposed to EGF. The Harvey and Kirsten sarcoma virus-infected cells did not exhibit elevated levels of phosphotyrosine either in the total cell proteins or in the EGF receptor, nor were the 36,000- and 81,000-dalton proteins detectable. However, these phosphoproteins were found in the infected cells after EGF treatment. Thus, all of the infected A431 cells exhibited reduced EGF binding and increased degradation of EGF receptors, yet their patterns of protein phosphorylation were distinct from those of EGF-treated A431 cells.  相似文献   

Recent work has identified a cascade of membrane bound protein kinases in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. These enzymes, designated PKL, PKS and PKM, are present in both Ehrlich tumor and mouse brain, but the cascade is active only in the tumor tissue. We have now purified a fourth protein kinase, PKF, that is also associated with this cascade. Protein kinase F prosphorylates PKL and is phosphorylated by PKS. The position of this kinase in the cascade is as follows, where the arrows denote phosphorylation: [Formula: see text] The phosphorylation by PKF, like phosphorylation by the other kinases, is at a tyrosine residue and causes the substrate kinase (PKL) to become active. The role of the tyrosine phosphorylation in activating these kinases is described in detail elsewhere. One result of activation of the cascade is the phosphorylation of the beta subunit of the Na+K+-ATPase, which causes inefficient Na+ pumping and is at last in part responsible for the high aerobic glycolysis of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. By several criteria protein kinase F from Ehrlich cells is homologous to the src gene product (pp60src) from avian sarcoma viruses. Antiserum raised against PKF and sera from rabbits bearing rous sarcoma virus (RSV)-induced tumors quantitatively precipitate the same 60 kd phosphoprotein from cell lysates of three different RSV-transformed cell lines. Both proteins phosphorylate PKL and a 130 kd cytoskeletal protein (vinculin). The tryptic maps of these proteins are closely similar. Both proteins bind specifically to PKL covalently coupled to Sepharose. We used this latter observation to facilitate the purification of pp60 src from RSV-transformed cells.  相似文献   

The transforming proteins (p21) of Harvey and Kirsten sarcoma viruses threonine kinase activity, which phosphorylates threonine 59 of the p21 proteins themselves. A tridecapeptide: Arg-Arg-Leu56-Asp-Thr-Thr59-Gly-Gln-Glu-Tyr-Ser-Ala66 containing residues 56-66 of p21 is phosphorylated solely on tyrosine by the epidermal growth factor (EGF)-stimulated tyrosine kinase of A431 cell membranes. Km-Values of 240 and 80 microM and Vmax values of 1.7 and 0.1 nmol.min-1.mg-1 were obtained in the presence and absence of EGF, respectively.  相似文献   

V Hirsch  N Riedel  J I Mullins 《Cell》1987,49(3):307-319
Nucleotide sequence analysis of the 3' portion of the genome of simian T-lymphotropic virus type 3 from African green monkeys (STLV-3agm) reveals that it has the same general genome structure as the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1), the etiologic agent of AIDS. Short segments of strong amino acid homology and similar predicted protein structure characterize the tat and art/trs open reading frames (orf) of both viruses. Strong conservation of 3' orf and of another, cs-orf, for which no protein product has been identified suggests that they both encode proteins important to the life cycle of these viruses. The extracellular glycoproteins of STLV-3 and HIV-1 share a similar backbone structure and 50%-55% amino acid homology in constant domains of the HIV-1 protein. The most evident departure in structural organization is truncation of the transmembrane glycoproteins in two STLV-3agm clones and a biologically active, noncytopathic clone of HTLV-4.  相似文献   

The phosphorylated, activated cytoplasmic domains of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGFbeta) receptors were used as probes to screen an expression library that was prepared from a highly TGFbeta-responsive intestinal epithelial cell line. One of the TGFbeta receptor-interacting proteins isolated was identified to be the mammalian homologue of the LC7 family (mLC7) of dynein light chains (DLCs). This 11-kDa cytoplasmic protein interacts with the TGFbeta receptor complex intracellularly and is phosphorylated on serine residues after ligand-receptor engagement. Forced expression of mLC7-1 induces specific TGFbeta responses, including an activation of Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), a phosphorylation of c-Jun, and an inhibition of cell growth. Furthermore, TGFbeta induces the recruitment of mLC7-1 to the intermediate chain of dynein. A kinase-deficient form of TGFbeta RII prevents both mLC7-1 phosphorylation and interaction with the dynein intermediate chain (DIC). This is the first demonstration of a link between cytoplasmic dynein and a natural growth inhibitory cytokine. Furthermore, our results suggest that TGFbeta pathway components may use a motor protein light chain as a receptor for the recruitment and transport of specific cargo along microtublules.  相似文献   

The lipid bound to p60src, the transforming protein of Rous sarcoma virus, has been identified by gas and thin-layer chromatography as the 14-carbon saturated fatty acid, myristic acid. The protein can be labeled biosynthetically with either [3H]myristic acid or [3H]palmitic acid. Incorporation of [3H]myristic acid was noticeably greater than incorporation of [3H]palmitic acid. All of the [3H]myristic acid-derived label in p60src was present as myristic acid. In contrast, none of the radioactivity derived from [3H]palmitic acid was recovered as palmitic acid. Instead, all 3H incorporated into p60src from [3H]palmitic acid arose by metabolism to myristic acid. The cellular tyrosine kinase, p60c-src also contains myristic acid. By comparison of the extent of myristylation of p60v-src with that of the Moloney murine leukemia virus structural protein precursor, Pr65gag, we estimate that greater than 80% of the molecules of p60v-src contain one molecule of this fatty acid. Myristylation is a rare form of protein modification. p60v-src contains 10 to 40% of the myristic acid bound to protein in cells transformed by Rous sarcoma virus and is easily identified in total cell lysates when [3H]myristic acid-labeled proteins are separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Comparison of the amount of [3H]myristic acid-labeled p60src in total cell lysates and in immunoprecipitates suggests that immunoprecipitation with rabbit anti-Rous sarcoma virus tumor sera detects ca. 25% of the p60src present in cells.  相似文献   

Transformation of cells by Rous sarcoma virus is mediated by the product of the viral src gene, pp60src. A hybridoma cell line producing an immunoglobulin G3 antibody to pp60src was isolated after lymph node cells from immune mice were fused with mouse myeloma cells (P3-NS1-1). Mice were immunized with p60src purified from Escherichia coli cells expressing the src gene product. The monoclonal antibody immunoprecipitated pp60src from Rous sarcoma virus-transformed cells and recognized an antigenic determinant located in the amino-terminal third of the pp60src protein.  相似文献   

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