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The diets of the banded leaf monkey ( Presbytis melalophos ) at Kuala Lompat in the Krau Game Reserve of West Malaysia and the red leaf monkey ( Presbytis rubicunda ) in Sepilok Virgin Jungle Reserve, Sabah, East Malaysia have been examined in relation to plant chemistry. Both monkeys spent about half their time eating foliage, and about half their time eating fruits and seeds. They both favoured leaves with high digestibility (due to relatively low levels of fibre) and high levels of protein, a combination found predominantly in young leaves and some flowers. The monkeys appeared to favour seeds and fruits with high concentrations of storage carbohydrates or fats, but not those rich in simple sugars. Selection of seeds and fruits was not correlated with protein content.
An analysis of the fibre and protein contents of foods showed that, on an annual basis, the two monkeys achieved a comparable intake for both items. However, these diets were obtained in radically different ways. Presbytis melalophos was able to eat foliage from many of the common tree species in its home range, whereas P. rubicunda relied on rare trees and lianas. This difference is attributed to the very high density of Dipterocarpaceae at Sepilok, a tree family that provides little food for colobines. The rarity of P. rubicunda's food plants at Sepilok is considered to be the main reason for the greater home range size and lower population density in comparison to P. melalophos.
Finally, the biochemical profiles of the young leaf diet of these two monkeys were compared with previously published information on two African and one south Indian colobines. In many respects the intake of supposed critical components, protein and fibre, showed marked similarities between different animals, considering contrasts in their habitats.  相似文献   

Little is known about the classification and phylogenetic relationships of the leaf monkeys (Presbytis). We analyzed mitochondrial DNA sequences of cytochrome b (Cyt b) and 12S rRNA to determine the phylogenetic relationships of the genus Presbytis. Gene fragments of 388 and 371 bp of Cyt b and 12S rRNA, respectively, were sequenced from samples of Presbytis melalophos (subspecies femoralis, siamensis, robinsoni, and chrysomelas), P. rubicunda and P. hosei. The genus Trachypithecus (Cercopithecidae) was used as an outgroup. The Cyt b NJ and MP phylogeny trees showed P. m. chrysomelas to be the most primitive, followed by P. hosei, whereas 12S rRNA tree topology only indicated that these two species have close relationships with the other members of the genus. In our analysis, chrysomelas, previously classified as a subspecies of P. melalophos, was not included in either the P. m. femoralis clade or the P. m. siamensis clade. Whether or not there should be a separation at the species level remains to be clarified. The tree topologies also showed that P. m. siamensis is paraphyletic with P. m. robinsoni, and P. m. femoralis with P. rubicunda, in two different clades. Cyt b and 12S rRNA are good gene candidates for the study of phylogenetic relationships at the species level. However, the systematic relationships of some subspecies in this genus remain unclear.  相似文献   

Taxonomy of thePresbytis melalophos group in Sumatera has been based solely on the distinction in the pelage coloration and has been a subject of controversy. In the present study, extensive field observations were undertaken. Three species, i. e.P. melalophos, P. thomasi, andP. femoralis, are recognized in Sumatera based on the cranial morphology, pelage coloration, and vocalization. Subspecies of each species are revised, a new classification is proposed, and a new subspecies,Presbytis melalophos bicolor, is described. A detailed distribution map of species and subspecies is presented. No sympatry occurs between the species. Finally, a cladistic analysis is presented for the three species, based on the cranial characters; the branching sequence is first between theP. melalophos clade and theP. femoralis- P. thomasi clade and second between theP. femoralis clade and theP. thomasi clade.  相似文献   

This paper presents comparative data on the vocal communication of two Asian leaf monkeys, the Nilgiri langur (Presbytis johnii) and South Indian common langur (Presbytis entellus), based on sound recordings and behavioural observations of free-ranging groups. Spectrographical analyses revealed a repertoire of 18 basic patterns for Nilgiri langurs, and 21 basic patterns for common langurs. The repertoires of the two langur species consist of both discretely structured vocal patterns, in which alterations of the physical parameters are restricted to intra-class variation, and those in which structural variations cause integration between different sections of the repertoire. Qualitative assessments of group scans indicate that in both species vocal behaviour is characterized by pronounced sex-differences in the use of the different elements of the vocal repertoire. Comparison of data available from different populations of P. entellus suggests population-specific modifications on both structural and behavioural levels. Moreover, characteristic elements of the vocal systems of the two Asian species demonstrate striking similarities to those described for the African black-and-white colobus.  相似文献   

The chemoprophylactic use of diethylcarbamazine citrate at total oral doses of 15--180 mg/kg body weight was tested against subperiodic Brugia malayi infection in the leaf monkey (Presbytis melalophos). A total dose of 45 mg/kg body weight given over 9 days killed all developing infective larvae. Similarly, a total dose of 35 mg/kg body weight given over 7 days killed all fourth stage larvae. The minimum effective dose that prevents infection would be 5 mg/kg body weight daily for 7 days every month.  相似文献   

According to ecological theory, the concept of niche differentiation is essential to our understanding of how sympatric species can limit competition over resources. We here examine ecological niche differentiation in 2 sympatric Asian langurs, Presbytis potenziani and Simias concolor, both endemic to the Mentawai Islands off the west coast of Sumatra. We collected data (home range size, canopy use, activity budgets, diet, and niche breadth and overlap) using GPS and scan/focal animal sampling methods on 2 groups of Presbytis potenziani and 3 groups of Simias concolor living in a mixed primary rain forest in northern Siberut. Results show that home ranges of the 2 species overlapped completely and that the home range size of Presbytis potenziani was ca. 4 times larger than that of Simias concolor. Lower canopy levels (<20 m) were used more often by Simias concolor, whereas Presbytis potenziani preferred the canopy >20 m. Apart from foraging and other activities, there was little difference in overall activity budgets of the 2 species. Regarding diet, although 60% of all food species examined were used by both langur species, they shared only 3 of the 10 most commonly eaten species. Presbytis potenziani fed more selectively on fruits, whereas Simias concolor fed predominantly on leaves. Levin’s niche breadth indices revealed that the diet of Simias concolor is more general (0.34) than that of Presbytis potenziani (0.22). Based on a Pianka index of 0.32, we conclude that there is a relatively small food niche overlap between the 2 colobine species and that diet represents an important mechanism enabling their coexistence.  相似文献   

The formation and fate of the corpus luteum have been described for a previously un researched species of South-east Asian colobine, the Dusky leaf monkey, Presbytis obscura. Histological material from 44 wild female monkeys collected at various stages of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and lactation over a 12-month period was available for study. The corpus luteum of the menstrual cycle was a cystic structure and consisted of a thin rim of luteal tissue surrounding a central cavity filled with a meshwork of fibrin. At the end of the luteal phase the corpus luteum either degenerated into a corpus albicans, or became transformed into a corpus aberrans. Corpora aberrantia have previously only been described in the ovaries of the rhesus monkey, where they may persist for many months. Ultimately the corpus aberrans may also degenerate into a corpus albicans. Small corpora lutea atretica were observed during early pregnancy but there was no evidence of corpora lutea accessoria. Anovulatory cycles were common amongst the females included in this study and may play a role in limiting the growth of troops in their natural environment. Comparisons have been drawn between the findings presented here and those published for other species of catarrhine primate.  相似文献   

Presbytis potenziani is found only on the Mentawai Islands, Indonesia, and its ecology and feeding and ranging behavior have been little studied. I studied 10 groups ofPresbytis potenziani in the primary forests of North Pagai Island, Mentawai, Indonesia.P. potenziani used primarily the upper strata of the forests for feeding, movement, and resting. Groups remained cohesive during their daily activities, ranged between 100 to > 1000 m daily, and occupied home ranges of ≤ 40 ha. Neither sex predominantly initiated group movement. Locomotion was primarily quadrupedal, with frequent leaping. P. potenziani showed two feeding peaks, one in early morning and one during midafternoon. P. potenziani fed mainly on climbers and trees of the Dipterocarpaceae. They ate primarily leaves, but also fed on fruits and other plant parts.  相似文献   

Data on intermale social relations and troop membership changes in one Nepalese high-altitude population of free-ranging langurs (Presbytis entellus)are reported here. Data were collected from six troops by three observers and cover 32 months of observations. The predominantly multi-male troops indicate an alternating pattern of exclusions and introductions with gradual adult male replacement. Takeovers and infant killing were not observed. Analysis of adult social behavior records show qualitative and quantitative differences in intrasexual relations, with primarily agonistic social contacts occurring between males. Agonistic encounters between females and between males differ in frequency of occurrence, types of be-haviors used, cause, and consistency in direction of threats between individuals. Individual adult male frequency of interaction with females and immatures varied significantly, with the majority of these interactions occurring between the dominant troop male and other troop members. Data indicate that intermale dominance is a major factor in determining male access to fertile females: This appears to be achieved by either directly excluding males from the troop or effectively “controlling” their inter-actions with troop females. Data from these studies are compared with data from other Presbytis entellusinvestigations. Review of these data suggests that intraspecific variability in intermale social dynamics and type of troop male membership change are correlated with the percentage of nontroop males. It is suggested that environmental pressures resulting in social crowding can be critical in determing the occurrence of takeovers in some populations of Presbytis entellus.  相似文献   

26 specimens of Presbytis entellus were examined for a variety of blood proteins. In contrast to previous studies of other species of leaf monkeys, our P.entellus sample proved to be very heterogeneous. Polymorphisms were found in the third component of complement, group-specific component, glycine-rich beta-glycoprotein, alpha1-antitrypsin, phosphoglucomutase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, adenylate kinase, superoxide dismutase, malate dehydrogenase, and phosphohexose isomerase. Variable band strengths that might represent polymorphism were found in acid phosphatase and lactate dehydrogenase. Further analyses of the P. cristatus sample studied by Barnicot and Hewett-Emmett failed to disclose variation. The interpretation of blood protein variability in relation to sample collection and population structure is discussed.  相似文献   

The langurs of the genus Presbytis inhabit tropical rainforests of Sundaland, and with more than 50 color variants grouped in up to eleven species, Presbytis is one of the most diverse Old World monkey genera. The number of taxa and their phylogenetic relationships however remain controversial. To address these issues, we analyzed a 1.8 kb long fragment of the mitochondrial genome, including the cytochrome b gene, the hypervariable region I of the D-loop and the intermediate tRNAs, from individuals representing nine species. Based on our data, we obtained various well-supported terminal clades, which refer mainly to described taxa. Relationships among these clades are not fully resolved, suggesting at least two radiations in the evolutionary history of the genus. According to divergence age estimates, radiations occurred in the late Miocene and the early to middle Pleistocene. Our findings support the revision of the current classification of the genus Presbytis and enable us to discuss implications for conservation. However, further studies including nuclear sequence data are necessary to completely understand the evolutionary history of the genus, and to address possible hybridization events among taxa.  相似文献   

The taxonomic status ofPresbytis barbei Blyth has been discussed in the light of fresh collections obtained from its type localityviz Tripura, India. The study reveals thatPresbytis barbei Blyth (1847) is nothing but a synonym ofPresbytis phayrei phayrei Blyth and the so called type specimens ofbarbei present in the Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta, appear to be wrongly labelled specimens ofPresbytis cristatus atrior Pocock.  相似文献   

The testicular histology of the dusky leaf monkey, Presbytis obscura,is described following a study of material from 16 adult males collected over a 13-month period in Peninsular Malaysia. The histological appearances were similar to those of the other cercopithecines studied so far. No seasonal variation in the height of the seminiferous epithelium was observed, and spermatogenesis was seen in all the adult testes. These findings suggest that males of this species are capable of breeding throughout the year. These results are discussed in relation to field observations of births of this species and to the birth patterns exhibited by other species of langur.  相似文献   

Sound recordings and behavioural data were collected from four primate species of two genera (Macaca, Presbytis). Comparative analyses of structural and behavioural aspects of vocal communication revealed a high degree of intrageneric similarity but striking intergeneric differences. In the two macaque species (Macaca silenus, Macaca radiata), males and females shared the major part of the repertoire. In contrast, in the two langurs (Presbytis johnii, Presbytis entellus), many calls were exclusive to adult males. Striking differences between both species groups occurred with respect to age-specific patterns of vocal behaviour. The diversity of vocal behaviour was assessed from the number of different calls used and the proportion of each call in relation to total vocal output for a given age/sex class. In Macaca, diversity decreases with the age of the vocalizer, whereas in Presbytis the age of the vocalizer and the diversity of vocal behaviour are positively correlated. A comparison of the data of the two genera does not suggest any causal relationship between group composition (e.g. multi-male vs. one-male group) and communication system. Within each genus, interspecific differences in vocal behaviour can be explained by differences in social behaviour (e.g. group cohesion, intergroup relation, mating behaviour) and functional disparities. Possible factors responsible for the pronounced intergeneric differences in vocal behaviour between Macaca and Presbytis are discussed.  相似文献   

白头叶猴是我国独有的灵长类物种,其栖息地十分狭小而分散。典型的热带喀斯特峰丛洼地-峰丛谷地地貌组合,特殊的石灰岩季雨林或次生植被和多种石灰土构成的石山景观,与周边的土山景观有明显区别。环境的异质性和不连续性,使之成为边界明显但又互相隔离的同质性斑块,为穴居和过群居生活的白头叶猴提供了至关重要的生存空间。白头叶猴这一适应于热带气候,善攀爬、植食性和穴居习性的物种,选择低峰丛洼地-峰丛谷地作为适宜的栖息地,是在长期进化过程中生态适应的结果。目前,白头叶猴仅分布于几处互相隔离的地块。近几十年来,由于人类活动的强烈干扰,使其栖息地急速缩小和更加分散。只有正确处理人地关系、人与野生动物的关系,禁止石山地区的过度开发,维持这一自然综合体的完整性和保持景观异质性,白头叶猴才有生存的可能和发展的机会。  相似文献   

Serum samples from wild Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus) from Mysore State, India, were compared to samples from a laboratory colony from Davis, Calif., for antibodies to rotavirus, which is an important cause of gastroenteritis in mammals. Animals from the laboratory colony had a higher frequency and higher levels of antibody than wild animals. It is likely that wild populations of langurs have a much lower incidence of rotaviral infection than laboratory populations, which are exposed to both crowded conditions and rotaviruses from other species.  相似文献   

Members of the order Carnivora display a broad range of locomotor habits, including cursorial, scansorial, arboreal, semiaquatic, aquatic, and semifossorial species from multiple families. Ecomorphological analyses from osteological measurements have been used successfully in prior studies of carnivorans and rodents to accurately infer the locomotor habits of extinct species. This study uses 20 postcranial measurements that have been shown to be effective indicators of locomotor habits in rodents and incorporates an extensive sample of over 300 individuals from more than 100 living carnivoran species. We performed statistical analyses, including analysis of variance (ANOVA) and stepwise discriminant function analysis, using a set of 16 functional indices (ratios). Our ANOVA results reveal consistent differences in postcranial skeletal morphology among locomotor groups. Cursorial species display distal elongation of the limbs, gracile limb elements, and relatively narrow humeral and femoral epicondyles. Aquatic and semiaquatic species display relatively robust, shortened femora and elongate metatarsals. Semifossorial species display relatively short, robust limbs with enlarged muscular attachment sites and elongate claws. Both semiaquatic and semifossorial species have relatively elongate olecranon process of the ulna and enlarged humeral and femoral epicondyles. Terrestrial, scansorial, and arboreal species are characterized by having primarily intermediate features, but arboreal species do show relatively elongate manual digits. Morphological indices effectively discriminate locomotor groups, with cursorial and arboreal species more accurately classified than terrestrial, scansorial, or semiaquatic species. Both within and between families, species with similar locomotor habits converge toward similar postcranial morphology despite their independent evolutionary histories. The discriminant analysis worked particularly well to correctly classify members of the Canidae, but not as well for members of the Mustelidae or Ursidae. Results are used to infer the locomotor habits of extinct carnivorans, including members of several extinct families, and also 12 species from the Pleistocene of Rancho La Brea. J. Morphol., 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The silvered leaf monkey (Presbytis cristatus) from South Kalimantan ( Borneo ), Indonesia is a natural host for a variety of filarial nematodes including Brugia malayi and Wuchereria kalimantani . Experimental studies show that it is host for W. bancrofti, a filarial nematode causing elephantiasis in man. Presbytis cristatus is a gregarious primate of primary and secondary forests, roaming in troops of 20-30 members. Primarily a fruit and leaf eater under natural conditions, this monkey can adapt to a laboratory diet of commercial monkey chow supplemented with fruits and vegetables. Troops, led by an alpha male, immediately respond to protect their young during stressful or dangerous situations. Infants are born singly and are bright orange. Transition to the adult grey and black coloration begins three to five months after birth. Silvered leaf monkeys can be readily trapped. Initially they are aggressive and will attack but become tractable several days after capture. Reaching upward is an important feeding behavior of the silvered leaf monkey and they will not feed from the floor of the cage. In the laboratory they are nonaggressive and lend themselves to various procedures such as blood drawing and examination. Silvered leaf monkeys travel well in commercial animal transport cages. In the United Stages they are not an endangered species and can be readily imported. In Indonesia they are not protected by law and can be exported.  相似文献   

Interspecific differences in the amount and form of molar wear in nonhuman primates are only beginning to be documented and understood. The purpose of this study was to look at the wear gradient between M1 and M2 in a sample of macaques and langurs to determine if differences in wear gradient could be related to differences in diet. A skeletal collection of wild shot Macaca fascicularis, Presbytis cristata, and Presbytis rubicunda from the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University was examined using photogrammetric techniques. X, Y, and Z coordinates were used to compute areas of dentin exposure on the buccal occlusal surfaces of M1 and M2. The relationship between these variables was examined using Bartlett’s three-group method and least-squares regression. Interspecific comparisons of the resultant y intercepts indicate that (I) M. fascicularis (as compared with P. cristata or P.) has more dentin exposed on M1 when there is none exposed on M2, and (2) P. cristata (as compared with P. rubicunda) has more dentin exposed on M1 when there is none exposed on M2. Factors that might be responsible for these differences are (a) differences in dentin/enamel structure, (b) differences in molar eruption timing, and (c) differences in behavior. An unusual intercusp sequence of dentin exposure in the langurs makes precise interpretations difficult. However, at the present time, behavioral differences among the species deserve further consideration as a cause of the observed differences in molar wear gradient.  相似文献   

The G- and Q-bands and the location of the nucleolar organizer regions (NOR) in the chromosomes of Presbytis obscurus and the Q- and C-bands of P. cristatus pyrrhus are described. Their chromosomes are compared to those of Macaca mulatta and to other Cercopithecidae and Hylobatidae. The origin of the two different banding patterns of pair no. 1 in our specimen of P. cristatus pyrrhus is discussed.  相似文献   

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