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The Pacinian corpuscle (PC) is a cutaneous mechanoreceptor sensitive to high-frequency vibrations (20–1000 Hz). The PC is of importance due to its integral role in somatosensation and the critical need to understand PC function for haptic feedback system development. Previous theoretical and computational studies have modeled the physiological response of the PC to sustained or vibrating mechanical stimuli, but they have used estimates of the receptor’s mechanical properties, which remain largely unmeasured. In this study, we used micropipette aspiration (MPA) to determine an apparent Young’s modulus for PCs isolated from a cadaveric human hand. MPA was applied in increments of 5 mm H2O (49 Pa), and the change in protrusion length of the PC into the pipette was recorded. The protrusion length vs. suction pressure data were used to calculate the apparent Young’s modulus. Using 10 PCs with long-axis lengths of 2.99 ± 0.41 mm and short-axis lengths of 1.45 ± 0.22 mm, we calculated a Young’s modulus of 1.40 ± 0.86 kPa. Our measurement is on the same order of magnitude as those approximated in previous models, which estimated the PC to be on the same order of magnitude as skin or isolated cells, so we recommend that a modulus in the kPa range be used in future studies.  相似文献   

This article describes a mathematical model of the Pacinian corpuscle based on the analysis of the available experimental data and on previous theoretical research. The model includes the main anatomofunctional constituents of the corpuscle: the capsula and the mechano-to-neural transduction; its structure accounts for the formation of the receptor potential and of the spikes on the nerve terminal. Comparison of the theoretical predictions with the experimental results, in response to different types of stimuli provides a substantial validation of the model and an explanation for the basic aspects of the transduction, in particular for: a) the receptor potential time course for isolated stimuli; b) the frequency response, in terms of receptor potential ;c) the frequency threshold curve for the spikes; d) the firing rate, I.S.I. and P.S.T. histograms and the synchronization coefficient, in response to sustained sinusoidal inputs. Possible lines for future experimental research are suggested from the model predictions.  相似文献   

Light- and electron-microscopic immunocytochemistry (ICC) was performed on Pacinian corpuscles (PCs) obtained from cat mesentery to determine the presence and location of various proteins within the accessory capsule and the neurite. Antibodies to tubulin, neurofilament 200, actin, collagen II and V, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and S-100 were used. Type II collagen was localized only in the outer core of the accessory capsule, which is composed of an inner core, an intermediate layer or growth zone, an outer core and an external capsule. Type V collagen was found only in the intermediate growth zone. Intermediate filaments labeled with anti-GFAP were only found in the inner core. The calcium-binding protein that was labeled by anti-S-100 was found only in the inner core. Diffuse and variable staining for actin is present throughout the accessory capsule. The differences in distribution of these various proteins within the capsule suggest different structural/functional properties of the various capsule regions. The neurite was found to contain microtubules (i.e., tubulin) and neurofilaments throughout, but these cellular inclusions were not found within the cytoplasmic extensions (filopodia) that project from the neurite into the hemilamellar clefts formed by the inner-core hemilamellae. The extensions, however, were found to contain actin in a much greater density than that seen in the neurite proper. The presence of actin, but apparent lack of other cytostructural elements within the extensions, is highly reminiscent of the composition of stereocilia found on vestibular and auditory hair cells. Since stereocilia have been shown to play a role in hair-cell mechanotransduction, it is possible that the cytoplasmic extensions are significantly involved with mechanotransduction within the PC.  相似文献   

Light- and electron-microscopic immunocytochemistry (ICC) was performed on Pacinian corpuscles (PCs) obtained from cat mesentery to determine the presence and location of various proteins within the accessory capsule and the neurite. Antibodies to tubulin, neurofilament 200, actin, collagen II and V, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and S-100 were used. Type II collagen was localized only in the outer core of the accessory capsule, which is composed of an inner core, an intermediate layer or growth zone, an outer core and an external capsule. Type V collagen was found only in the intermediate growth zone. Intermediate filaments labeled with anti-GFAP were only found in the inner core. The calcium-binding protein that was labeled by anti-S-100 was found only in the inner core. Diffuse and variable staining for actin is present throughout the accessory capsule. The differences in distribution of these various proteins within the capsule suggest different structural/functional properties of the various capsule regions. The neurite was found to contain microtubules (i.e., tubulin) and neurofilaments throughout, but these cellular inclusions were not found within the cytoplasmic extensions (filopodia) that project from the neurite into the hemilamellar clefts formed by the inner-core hemilamellae. The extensions, however, were found to contain actin in a much greater density than that seen in the neurite proper. The presence of actin, but apparent lack of other cytostructural elements within the extensions, is highly reminiscent of the composition of stereocilia found on vestibular and auditory hair cells. Since stereocilia have been shown to play a role in hair-cell mechanotransduction, it is possible that the cytoplasmic extensions are significantly involved with mechanotransduction within the PC.  相似文献   

The sites for mechano-electric conversion in a Pacinian corpuscle   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The sensory nerve ending in the Pacinian corpuscle is surrounded by a non-nervous capsular structure which occupies about 99.9 per cent of the corpuscle's entire mass. After extirpation of practically all of the non-nervous structure, the sense organ's remains continue to function as a mechano-receptor, namely to produce generator and all-or-nothing potentials in response to mechanical stimuli. Compression of the first intracorpuscular node of Ranvier abolishes the production of "all-or-nothing" potentials in the corpuscle. Graded generator potentials constitute then the only response to mechanical stimulation. This reveals that the first node is the site of origin of the all-or-nothing potential and that the non-myelinated ending is incapable of producing all-or-nothing responses in response to mechanical stimulation. Compression of the entire length of non-myelinated ending suppresses the production of generator potentials. Partial compression of the ending abolishes mechano-responsiveness only of the compressed part. The intact remains of the ending continue to give generator potentials upon mechanical stimulation. This suggests that the generator potential arises at functionally independent membrane parts distributed all over the non-myelinated nerve ending. 24 to 36 hours after denervation of the corpuscle by transection of its sensory axon, no sign of electric activity is detected. Failure of mechano-reception at the nerve ending precedes that of conduction at the degenerating myelinated axon.  相似文献   

Landon  D.N.  Wiseman  O.J. 《Brain Cell Biology》2001,30(6):457-464
The fortuitous finding of a complex Pacinian corpuscle within the lamina propria of the human urinary bladder is described. It consisted of a complex of encapsulated nerve endings within the areolar connective tissue of the lamina propria immediately adjacent to the inner aspect of the detrusor muscle. It showed no structural evidence of directional sensitivity and was associated on its outer aspect with small unmyelinated axons containing small clear and dense-cored vesicles. This appears to be the first report of an encapsulated nerve ending within the lining of the adult human urinary bladder.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical demonstration of protein kinase C (PKC) subspecies (alpha, beta, gamma) was carried out in Pacinian corpuscles of rat hind feet using monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies against each of these subspecies. The inner core cells and lamellae and the Schwann cell cytoplasm of the nerve fiber innervating the corpuscle were strongly positive for PKC alpha-immunoreactivity (IR). In contrast, the axon terminal and the outer core did not display any positive alpha-IR. Very weak PKC beta-IR was detected in the ultraterminal region of the axon terminal, while the trunk region showed no immunoreactivity. Very faint PKC beta-IR was found also in the lamellar cells located at the periphery of the inner core and the endoneurial fibroblasts in the intermediate layer. PKC gamma-IR was not detected in any part of the corpuscle. The strong PKC alpha-IR in the inner core and the presence or absence of PKC alpha-, beta-, and gamma-IR in the axon terminal are discussed from the point of view of the functional aspects of each part.  相似文献   

The presence of vimentin and S-100 protein in cat Pacinian corpuscles of cat mesentery has been investigated immunohistochemically (streptavidin-biotin method) using monoclonal antibodies. A positive reaction for both vimentin- and S-100 protein-like was found only in the lamellae of the inner core. The presence of vimentin and the co-expression of vimentin/S-100 protein-like in sensory corpuscles is reported for the first time. The authors discuss the origin of the inner core and capsule of sensory corpuscles on the basis of their immunohistochemical characteristics.  相似文献   

Static displacements in Pacinian corpuscles (PCs) were measured using video microscopy. Mechanical stimuli of 10–40?µm steps were applied to the PC capsule surfaces using cylindrical contactors with different diameters. Displacements parallel to the stimulation axis were measured at various locations in the focal plane of the optical setup. In contrast to previous data in the literature, the displacements within the corpuscle were found to be linearly related to the indentation amplitude. Displacements decreased as a function of lamella depth, with a more negative slope close to the surface and less negative slope at deeper locations. The experimental data were compared to the predictions of a previous mechanical model, and to the results of two new models: () elastic semi-infinite continuum model; () ovoid isotropic finite-element model. Although the previous model did not specify displacement boundary conditions, it predicted the current experimental results well. On the other hand, the experimental displacements were found to be smaller than those predicted by the semi-infinite continuum and finite-element models. However, both semi-infinite continuum and finite-element models yielded close results, which show that the three-dimensional ovoid geometry of the corpuscle is not the primary factor for determining the displacements in physiological conditions. Furthermore, simulations with the finite-element model using a wide range of material properties yielded similar results. This supports the hypothesis that a homogeneous isotropic model for the PC cannot predict experimental results. The modeling analyses suggest that the experimental results are largely affected by the displacement of the incompressible interlamellar fluid and the layered structure of the corpuscle.  相似文献   

Static displacements in Pacinian corpuscles (PCs) were measured using video microscopy. Mechanical stimuli of 10-40 microm steps were applied to the PC capsule surfaces using cylindrical contacts with different diameters. Displacements parallel to the stimulation axis were measured at various locations in the focal plane of the optical setup. In contrast to previous data in the literature, the displacements within the corpuscle were found to be linearly related to the indentation amplitude. Displacements decreased as a function of lamella depth, with a more negative slope close to the surface and less negative slope at deeper locations. The experimental data were compared to the predictions of a previous mechanical model, and to the results of two new models: (1) elastic semi-infinite continuum model; (2) ovoid isotropic finite-element model. Although the previous model did not specify displacement boundary conditions, it predicted the current experimental results well. On the other hand, the experimental displacements were found to be smaller than those predicted by the semi-infinite continuum and finite-element models. However, both semi-infinite continuum and finite-element models yielded close results, which show that the three-dimensional ovoid geometry of the corpuscle is not the primary factor for determining the displacements in physiological conditions. Furthermore, simulations with the finite-element model using a wide range of material properties yielded similar results. This supports the hypothesis that a homogeneous isotropic model for the PC cannot predict experimental results. The modeling analyses suggest that the experimental results are largely affected by the displacement of the incompressible interlamellar fluid and the layered structure of the corpuscle.  相似文献   

It is shown on the basis of simple physical principles that the parameters determining the shape of the nerve ending of the Pacinian corpuscle are optimal.I. P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics, N. I. Lobachevskii Gor'kii State University. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 423–429, July–August, 1977.  相似文献   

In a screen for mouse mutations with dominant behavioral anomalies, we identified Wheels, a mutation associated with circling and hyperactivity in heterozygotes and embryonic lethality in homozygotes. Mutant Wheels embryos die at E10.5-E11.5 and exhibit a host of morphological anomalies which include growth retardation and anomalies in vascular and hindbrain development. The latter includes perturbation of rhombomeric boundaries as detected by Krox20 and Hoxb1. PECAM-1 staining of embryos revealed normal formation of the primary vascular plexus. However, subsequent stages of branching and remodeling do not proceed normally in the yolk sac and in the embryo proper. To obtain insights into the circling behavior, we examined development of the inner ear by paint-filling of membranous labyrinths of Whl/+ embryos. This analysis revealed smaller posterior and lateral semicircular canal primordia and a delay in the canal fusion process at E12.5. By E13.5, the lateral canal was truncated and the posterior canal was small or absent altogether. Marker analysis revealed an early molecular phenotype in heterozygous embryos characterized by perturbed expression of Bmp4 and Msx1 in prospective lateral and posterior cristae at E11.5. We have constructed a genetic and radiation hybrid map of the centromeric portion of mouse Chromosome 4 across the Wheels region and refined the position of the Wheels locus to the approximately 1.1-cM region between D4Mit104 and D4Mit181. We have placed the locus encoding Epha7, in the Wheels candidate region; however, further analysis showed no mutations in the Epha7-coding region and no detectable changes in mRNA expression pattern. In summary, our findings indicate that Wheels, a gene which is essential for the survival of the embryo, may link diverse processes involved in vascular, hindbrain, and inner ear development.  相似文献   

Colicins are a diverse family of large antibacterial protein toxins, secreted by and active against Escherichia coli and must cross their target cell's outer membrane barrier to kill. To achieve this, most colicins require an abundant porin (e.g. OmpF) plus a low‐copy‐number, high‐affinity, outer membrane protein receptor (e.g. BtuB). Recently, genetic screens have suggested that colicin N (ColN), which has no high‐affinity receptor, targets highly abundant lipopolysaccharide (LPS) instead. Here we reveal the details of this interaction and demonstrate that the ColN receptor‐binding domain (ColN‐R) binds to a specific region of LPS close to the membrane surface. Data from in vitro studies using calorimetry and both liquid‐ and solid‐state NMR reveal the interactions behind the in vivo requirement for a defined oligosaccharide region of LPS. Delipidated LPS (LPSΔLIPID) shows weaker binding; and thus full affinity requires the lipid component. The site of LPS binding means that ColN will preferably bind at the interface and thus position itself close to the surface of its translocon component, OmpF. ColN is, currently, unique among colicins in requiring LPS and, combined with previous data, this implies that the ColN translocon is distinct from those of other known colicins.  相似文献   

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