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面包酵母不对称还原酮基泛解酸内酯   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:利用市售面包酵母作催化剂,对酮基泛解酸内酯不对称还原进行了研究,并考察了底物浓度、辅因子、环糊精添加量和pH值对不对称还原反应的影响.方法:以市售面包酵母作催化剂,酮基泛解酸内酯作为底物在摇瓶中进行催化,用手性色谱柱对催化产物进行了检测.结果:发现反应条件为底物浓度低于2.56-mg/ml,辅因子选用蔗糖,β-环糊精添加量为16.7mg/ml,pH 4~5适合于酮基泛解酸内酯的不对称还原.在如上优化的催化条件下,产物得率大于45%,对映体过量率(e.e.)大于90%.结论:以酵母细胞作催化剂进行酮基泛解酸内酯不对称还原工艺具有生产光学纯泛解酸内酯的潜力.  相似文献   

In this work a recombinant BHK21 clone producing a fusion protein with potential application in tumour target therapy was adapted to five different serum-free media (SFM) and to a protein-free medium (PFM). Only the PFM did not require a gradual adaptation to cell growth in the absence of serum. All tested SFM required a gradual adaptation (up to 35 days). For the majority of the SFM tested, cell specific productivity was not affected by the decrease in serum concentration during adaptation; however, cell growth was significantly affected by the serum decrease. Both cell growth and productivity were increased when PFM SMIF6 was used instead of the control medium. Long term measurements (approximately 100 days) of cell specific productivity for PFM and the two best SFM showed that productivity was maintained. This indicates the media capability to be used in long term production processes.  相似文献   

It is shown that alcohol-water mixtures (e.g., 43 wt% ethanol) provide a suitable medium for the efficient production in high yield of beta-hematin from ferriprotoporphyrin IX (FP), as measured by infrared spectroscopy. Previous and present light-absorption data of FP, obtained under specific acid conditions in an ethanol-water medium, suggest the presence of FP monomers, which are considered to promote the reaction leading to beta-hematin. Other aspects of the mechanism of reaction are discussed.  相似文献   

A chemically defined protein free medium, DF6S, was developed for the cultivation of a recombinant Chinese hamster ovary cell line (CHO2DS) producing human prothrombin in suspension batch culture. DF6S was formulated by optimizing DME/F12 with amino acids and supplementing the optimized DME/F12 with aurintricarboxylic acid, ethanolamine, ferric sulfate, Pluronic F68, putrescine and sodium pyruvate. From a seeding density of 2.3 × 105 cells ml–1, CHO2DS cells grown in suspension in DF6S medium reached a maximal cell density of 1.92 × 106 cells ml–1 with an accumulated prothrombin concentration of 16.7 mg l–1 after 6 days in culture.  相似文献   

A novel bacterial consortium (TJ-2) for mineralization of aromatic amines resulting from decolorization of azo dyes was developed. Three bacterial strains were identified as Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes (TJ-21,EU072476), Pseudomonas citronellolis (TJ-22,EU072477) and Pseudomonas testosterone (TJ-23,EU072477) by 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. Aromatic amine mineralization under aerobic conditions was observed to be significantly higher with the consortium as compared to pure strains indicating complementary interactions among these strains. It was observed that more than 90% mineralization of aromatic amines was achieved within 18 h for different initial aromatic amines concentrations. It was also observed that aromatic amine mineralization depends upon the structure of aromatic amine. Para- and meta-hydroxy substituted aromatic amine were easily mineralized as compared to ortho-substituted which undergoes autoxidation when exposed to oxygen. The consortium was capable of mineralizing other aromatic amines, thus, conferring the possibility of application of TJ-2 for the treatment of industrial wastewaters containing aromatic amines.  相似文献   

为降低烟叶中的淀粉含量,提高烟叶的可用性,从云南马龙C3F-2014烟叶表面筛选出一株高产淀粉酶的细菌,经16sRNA测序鉴定为 Bacillus koreensis 。本研究利用响应面法优化 Bacillus koreensis 的培养基提高了其表达淀粉酶的产量。首先,单因素优化试验表明培养基的最优碳源、氮源和金属离子分别为淀粉、蛋白胨和Ca2+,培养条件单因素试验表明 Bacillus koreensis 最适初始pH、最适温度和最适接种量分别为pH8.0、37 ℃和3%。利用Box-Behnken中心组合设计对可溶性淀粉、蛋白胨、Ca2+设计三因素三水平实验,通过响应面回归分析,得到模型预测的最优培养基条件。在18.74 g/L可溶性淀粉,21.56 g/L蛋白胨,0.52 g/L CaCl2的培养基条件下 Bacillus koreensis 产淀粉酶最高。验证试验得到的淀粉酶活力达到959.39±22.34 U/mL,与模型的预测值相近,比未优化前提高了69.76%。本研究结果为烟草天然源淀粉酶处理烟叶,提高烟叶品质的工业化应用提供了基础。  相似文献   

There are many PAH-degrading bacteria in mangrove sediments and in order to explore their degradation potential, surface sediment samples were collected from a mangrove area in Fugong, Longhai, Fujian Province of China. A total of 53 strains of PAH-degrading bacteria were isolated from the mangrove sediments, consisting of 14 strains of phenanthrene (Phe), 13 strains of pyrene (Pyr), 13 strains of benzo[a]pyrene (Bap) and 13 strains of mixed PAH (Phe + Pyr + Bap)-degrading bacteria. All of the individual colonies were identified by 16S rDNA sequencing. Based on the information of bacterial PCR-DGGE profiles obtained during enrichment batch culture, Phe, Pyr, Bap and mixed PAH-degrading consortia consisted of F1, F2, F3, F4 and F15 strains, B1, B3, B6, B7 and B13 strains, P1, P2, P3, P5 and P7 strains, M1, M2, M4, M12 and M13 strains, respectively. In addition, the degradation ability of these consortia was also determined. The results showed that both Phe and mixed PAH-degrading consortia had the highest ability to degrade the Phe in a liquid medium, with more than 91% being degraded in 3 days. But the biodegradation percentages of Pyr by Pyr-degrading consortium and Bap by Bap-degrading consortium were relatively lower than that of the Phe-degrading consortium. These results suggested that a higher degradation of PAHs depended on both the bacterial consortium present and the type of PAH compound. Moreover, using the bacterial community structure analysis method, where the consortia consist of different PAH-degrading bacteria, the information from the PCR-DGGE profiles could be used in the bioremediation of PAHs in the future.  相似文献   

A new parameter could be introduced to facilitate the optimization of media used for cultivation of stock cultures on agar slants. This parameter reduces the amount of data generated in optimization experiments to one single value (hs-value) for each medium composition. The hs-value (high and stable product formation) allows an assessment of any medium formulation with regard to reproducibility and product formation, demonstrated for the production process of the antibiotic gallidermin by Staphylococcus gallinarum TÜ 3928. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

We describe the development of a molecular detection system designed for use with synovial fluid (SF)-based infections. The methodology employs a lysis/extraction procedure that effectively disrupts microorganisms allowing for release of the microbial DNA and its amplification by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). We tested the effectiveness of adding a mixed-bed, ion-exchange resin to the extract to remove PCR inhibitory components present in the SF. After centrifugation to separate the resin, DNA contained in the supernatant is subjected to PCR using oligonucleotide primers designed for broad-spectrum microorganism detection. Amplification products are analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis and/or DNA hybridization methodology. We report here the detection sensitivity and specificity of the protocol using SF inoculated withEscherichia coli andStaphyloccocus aureus. We have applied this new methodology to clinical SF specimens with results superior to standard laboratory culturing assays.  相似文献   

A reaction-diffusion system which describes the spatial spread of bacterial diseases is studied. It consists of two nonlinear parabolic equations which concern the evolution of the bacteria population and of the human infective population in an urban community, respectively. Different boundary conditions of the third type are considered, for the two variables. This model is suitable to study oro-faecal transmitted diseases in the European Mediterranean regions. A threshold parameter is introduced such that for suitable values of it the epidemic eventually tends to extinction, otherwise a globally asymptotically stable spatially inhomogeneous stationary endemic state appears. The case in which the bacteria diffuse but the human population does not, has also been considered.Work performed under the auspices of the G.N.A.F.A. [L. M.] and the G.N.F.M. [V. C.] C.N.R. in the context of the Program of Preventive Medicine (Project MPP1), C.N.R., Italy  相似文献   

We propose a novel effective method for a continuous peptide synthesis in an aqueous/organic biphasic medium using a pulsed column reactor. N-Formyl-l-aspartyl-l-phenylalanine methyl ester was enzymatically synthesized continuously. With this extractive method using a pulsed column reactor, we can synthesize peptides with a stable performance even if a peptide (or a peptide-amino acid complex) is precipitated due to its high hydrophobicity.  相似文献   

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