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Fixed point observation to ascertain the grouping patterns of wild pygmy chimpanzees was carried out at a marsh grassland known locally as Iyoko amidst the tropical rain forest of Yalosidi, Republic of Zaïre. The chimpanzees were seen alone or in parties consisting of up to 32 individuals. The mean size of parties which arrived at Iyoko was 7.9 (N=67), although the modal party size was 2–5. The majority (76%) of all observed parties including those that reformed after joining/parting while staying at Iyoko (N=96) was of the mixed type, i.e., consisting of adult male(s), adult female(s), and dependent individual(s). There was a tendency for parties to be composed of approximately equal numbers of adult males and females. All “social” activities such as sexual behavior and branch-dragging displays were recorded only in mixed parties consisting of more than ten individuals. The joining of parties of pygmy chimpanzees after arriving separately at Iyoko was seen 13 times and the parting of those before departing from Iyoko occurred seven times in total. In contrast, antagonistic encounters between two parties were recorded twice. These observations suggest that the joining/parting between parties is an intra-unit-group phenomenon while antagonistic encounters between parties are inter-unit-group interactions. It was assumed that at least two such unit-groups of pygmy chimpanzees consisting of 80–90 individuals in total utilized Iyoko without intermingling with each other. A comparison on grouping patterns among three pygmy chimpanzee populations (Yalosidi, Wamba, and Lomako) indicates that in terms of basic social organization they show many similarities except for the mean unit-group size, the mean party size, and the modal party size. Perhaps differences in the unit-group size were simply reflected as a whole in the differences of the mean party size as well as the modal party size observed across the three populations.  相似文献   

The author studied the social organization and behavior of wild chimpanzees in the Budongo Forest, Uganda, between September, 1966, and March, 1967. A population of more than 50 chimpanzees became habituated to the author and was followed continuously, by means of individual identification, throughout the study period. The present article deals with the chimpanzee's social behavior, with special reference to social organization.The central organization which controls and maintains chimpanzee society cannot be rigid dominance rank order, since agonistic interactions among chimpanzees were not frequent. On the other hand, friendly or associative social behavior was frequently observed, some of which was unique in non-human primates. Greeting behavior, especially, and begging-and-food-sharing behavior show the existence of the chimpanzee's unique communicative system, which is backed by symbolic function. This kind of communicative system appears to have an important role in the maintenance of the unique social organization of chimpanzees, which has a loose regional integration, though the animals frequently gather into parties and later split up.Sexual activity was observed throughout the study period, but the peak was seen between December and February, during the dry season.The field work necessary for this study was carried out as a part of the Kyoto University Africa Primatological Expedition and was financed mainly by a Grant for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education and partially by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research and by the economic world of Japan.  相似文献   

Citizen science has grown rapidly in popularity in recent years due to its potential to educate and engage the public while providing a means to address a myriad of scientific questions. However, the rise in popularity of citizen science has also been accompanied by concerns about the quality of data emerging from citizen science research projects. We assessed data quality in the online citizen scientist platform Chimp&See, which hosts camera trap videos of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and other species across Equatorial Africa. In particular, we compared detection and identification of individual chimpanzees by citizen scientists with that of experts with years of experience studying those chimpanzees. We found that citizen scientists typically detected the same number of individual chimpanzees as experts, but assigned far fewer identifications (IDs) to those individuals. Those IDs assigned, however, were nearly always in agreement with the IDs provided by experts. We applied the data sets of citizen scientists and experts by constructing social networks from each. We found that both social networks were relatively robust and shared a similar structure, as well as having positively correlated individual network positions. Our findings demonstrate that, although citizen scientists produced a smaller data set based on fewer confirmed IDs, the data strongly reflect expert classifications and can be used for meaningful assessments of group structure and dynamics. This approach expands opportunities for social research and conservation monitoring in great apes and many other individually identifiable species.  相似文献   

Although chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and bonobos (Pan paniscus) are closely related, females of the two species show surprisingly large differences in many behavioral aspects. While female chimpanzees tend to range alone or in small parties during non-estrous periods, female bonobos aggregate even more often than do males. Female chimpanzees do not have frequent social interactions with other females, whereas female bonobos maintain close social associations with one another. Although the ranging patterns of chimpanzee parties are generally led by males, female bonobos often take the initiative in ranging behavior. While female chimpanzees usually do not exhibit estrus during postpartum amenorrhea or pregnancy, female bonobos exhibit a prolonged pseudo-estrus during such non-conceptive periods. Studies of these two species have also shown great differences in agonistic behaviors performed by males. Male chimpanzees frequently fight with other males to compete for estrous females, but male bonobos seldom do so. While there are many records of infanticide by male chimpanzees, there is no confirmed record of such an event among bonobos. Several cases of within-group killing among adult male chimpanzees have been reported, but there is no such record for bonobos. While intergroup conflicts among chimpanzees sometimes involve killing members of the other group, intergroup conflicts among bonobos are considerably more moderate. In some cases, bonobos from two different groups may even range together for several days while engaging in various peaceful interactions. I will address two important questions that arise from these comparisons, exploring why females of such closely related species show such clear differences in behavior and whether or not the behavioral characteristics of female bonobos contribute to the peaceful nature of bonobo society.  相似文献   

Wild chimpanzees form temporary parties that vary in size and composition. Previous studies have revealed considerable intraspecific variation in party compositions. We examined patterns of association among age, sex, and reproductive classes of chimpanzees at Ngogo in the Kibale National Park, Uganda. We employed a class-based association index and a randomization procedure to control for confounding factors and to test for differences between classes. Results indicate that males associated with other males significantly more than expected if all classes behaved equivalently, while females generally associated with individuals of the same sex less than expected. To interpret these patterns we used two additional indices that separate associations into two components: general gregariousness and preference for particular classes of associates. Males and estrous females were more gregarious than other classes, while anestrous females were less so. After controlling for general gregariousness, adult males as a class showed no specific preference for associating with each other. Anestrous females preferred each other as party members, and estrous females avoided each other. These results are consistent with previous findings that adult males are more gregarious than females. They diverge from the standard picture of chimpanzee society, however, by suggesting a mutual affinity among anestrous females, but not among adult males as a class.  相似文献   

A community of chimpanzees at Mt. Assirik in south-eastern Senegal subsists in a hot, dry and open environment. This wide-ranging, savanna-living group provides an opportunity for comparisons of social organization with other population elsewhere in Africa living in forest and woodland. The group numbered about 28 over the four-year study, and its composition by age and sex was typical. The average size of parties (i.e., temporary sub-groups) did not differ from other populations. However, a high proportion of the group tended to remain together in such parties. The composition of parties resembled that found elsewhere, but some differences emerged between the wet and dry seasons. Larger, mixed parties containing adult males were much more common in open, non-forested habitats than were solitary individuals or parties without adult males. Large parties tended to form for travelling, especially for rapid movement over long distances. Such aspects of social organization seem unlikely to be related to the availability of food in any simple way. Instead, they seem to be adaptations to threat from predators and patchily distributed food, water and nesting sites. This results in occasional bivouacs and mass-migrations from one part of the home-range to another, especially in the dry season.  相似文献   

The status hierarchy is fundamental in the lives of male chimpanzees. This study describes the dominance interactions and social status among adult male chimpanzees of the Sonso community in the Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda, during the period that they were first studied (1994 and 1995). Social dominance is typically measured using the behaviour of either the subordinate or the dominant individual, but a relationship is dependent on the behaviour of both parties and this study explicitly used both subordinate and dominant behaviours to investigate the status hierarchy. Among adult males of the Sonso community, agonistic interactions occurred at a low rate and pant-grunts were rare, but males could be ranked into separate hierarchies of agonistic dominance and pant-grunting (labelled respect) using ratios of behaviour performed/behaviour received. These hierarchies were combined to form a single hierarchy of social status that divided the males among five distinct status levels. The highest status level was held by an alliance between two males who replaced the previous alpha male during the first part of the study. Neither male in this alliance partnership pant-grunted to the other, although the reason for cooperative behaviour was unclear. Although the nominally beta male was treated as such by other adult males, he achieved surprisingly little mating success. Budongo Forest chimpanzees do not warrant the sometimes-expressed view that they are non-aggressive and peaceable and the broad pattern of their status interactions matches with that seen in other chimpanzee populations.  相似文献   

Many studies investigating culture in nonhuman animals tend to focus on the inferred need of social learning mechanisms that transmit the form of a behavior to explain the population differences observed in wild animal behavioral repertoires. This research focus often results in studies overlooking the possibility of individuals being able to develop behavioral forms without requiring social learning. The disregard of individual learning abilities is most clearly observed in the nonhuman great ape literature, where there is a persistent claim that chimpanzee behaviors, in particular, require various forms of social learning mechanisms. These special social learning abilities have been argued to explain the acquisition of the relatively large behavioral repertoires observed across chimpanzee populations. However, current evidence suggests that although low‐fidelity social learning plays a role in harmonizing and stabilizing the frequency of behaviors within chimpanzee populations, some (if not all) of the forms that chimpanzee behaviors take may develop independently of social learning. If so, they would be latent solutions—behavioral forms that can (re‐)emerge even in the absence of observational opportunities, via individual (re)innovations. Through a combination of individual and low‐fidelity social learning, the population‐wide patterns of behaviors observed in great ape species are then established and stably maintained. This is the Zone of Latent Solutions (ZLS) hypothesis. The current study experimentally tested the ZLS hypothesis for pestle pounding, a wild chimpanzee behavior. We tested the reinnovation of this behavior in semi‐wild chimpanzees at Chimfunshi Wildlife Orphanage in Zambia, Africa, (N = 90, tested in four social groups). Crucially, all subjects were naïve to stick pounding before testing. Three out of the four tested groups reinnovated stick pounding—clearly demonstrating that this behavioral form does not require social learning. These findings provide support for the ZLS hypothesis alongside further evidence for the individual learning abilities of chimpanzees.  相似文献   

Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) form multi-male and multi-female unit groups with fission–fusion grouping patterns. Short-range interaction (SRI) plays an important role in the unity of these groups and in maintaining social bonds among members. This study evaluated three models of chimpanzee social structure that differed according to the emphasis each placed on social bonds between the sexes, i.e., the male-only, the bisexual, and the male-bonded unit-group model. I investigated differences in SRI between the sexes among group members in well-habituated wild chimpanzees in Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania. I followed six focal adult males and six females, and quantified their respective SRI with other chimpanzees. Except between subordinate males and adult females, adults in general engaged in SRI with about 60–90% of the individuals with whom they made visual contact each day, whether in large or small parties. Although the number of social grooming (SGR) partners was limited, male–male SGR networks were wider than were either male–female or female–female SGR networks among adults. The number of contact-seeking behavior (CSB) partners was also limited, but dominant males had more CSB partners. Adult females mainly interacted by pant-grunt greeting (PGG) with adult males, but tended to do so mainly with the highest-ranking male(s) within visual contact. These results indicated that the social bonds among adult males were essential to group unity. Because of clear male dominance, adult females established peaceful coexistence with all group members despite less frequent SRI with subordinate males by maintaining affiliative social bonds with dominant males, thereby supporting the male-bonded unit-group model. Adult females had many female SRI partners, but these interactions did not involve performing conspicuous behaviors, suggesting that females maintain social bonds with other females in ways that differ from how such bonds are maintained with and between adult males.  相似文献   

A large body of theoretical and empirical research suggests that kinship influences the development and maintenance of social bonds among group‐living female mammals, and that human females may be unusual in the extent to which individuals form differentiated social relationships with nonrelatives. Here we combine behavioral observations of party association, spatial proximity, grooming, and space use with extensive molecular genetic analyses to determine whether female chimpanzees form strong social bonds with unrelated individuals of the same sex. We compare our results with those obtained from male chimpanzees who live in the same community and have been shown to form strong social bonds with each other. We demonstrate that party association is as good a predictor of spatial proximity and grooming in females as it is in males, that the highest party association indices are consistently found between female dyads, that the sexes do not differ in the long‐term stability of their party association patterns, and that these results cannot be explained as a by‐product of the tendency of females to selectively range in particular areas of the territory. We also show that close kin (i.e. mother–daughter and sibling dyads) are very rare, indicating that the vast majority of female dyads that form strong social bonds are not closely related. Additional analyses reveal that “subgroups” of females, consisting of individuals who frequently associate with one another in similar areas of the territory, do not consist of relatives. This suggests that a passive form of kin‐biased dispersal, involving the differential migration of females from neighboring communities into subgroups, was also unlikely to be occurring. These results show that, as in males, kinship plays a limited role in structuring the intrasexual social relationships of female chimpanzees. Am. J. Primatol. 71:840–851, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Complex ecological pressures affect the social dynamics of many primate species, but it is unclear how they affect primate speciation. Molecular tools are often used to answer questions about the evolutionary histories and social systems of primates. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), in particular, is frequently used to answer many of these questions, but because it is passed from mothers to offspring it reveals only the histories of females. In many species, including chimpanzees, females generally disperse from their natal groups while males are philopatric, and thus differences in dispersal patterns likely leave different signatures in the genome. We previously analyzed samples from 187 unrelated male and female chimpanzees in Nigeria and Cameroon using 21 autosomal microsatellites and mtDNA sequences. Here, we examine the contributions of males and females in shaping the genetic history of these chimpanzees by genotyping a subset of 56 males at 12 Y-chromosome microsatellites. We found that Y-chromosome population structure differed from the results of analysis of mtDNA haplotypes. The results also revealed that males in rainforest habitats (Guinean and Congolian rainforests) are more closely related to one another than those inhabiting the savanna-woodland mosaic ecotone in central Cameroon. In contrast, the pattern of female relatedness did not differ across habitats. We hypothesize that these differences in population structure and patterns of relatedness among males in different habitat types may be due to differences in the community dynamics of chimpanzees in the ecotone vs. rainforests, and that these factors contribute to making Cameroon an engine of diversification for chimpanzees. Broadly, these results demonstrate the importance of habitat variation in shaping social systems, population genetics, and primate speciation.  相似文献   

Spider monkeys (Ateles sp.) live in a flexible fission–fusion social system in which members of a social group are not in constant association, but instead form smaller subgroups of varying size and composition. Patterns of range use in spider monkeys have been described as sex‐segregated, with males and females often ranging separately, females utilizing core areas that encompass only a fraction of the entire community range, and males using much larger portions of the community range that overlap considerably with the core areas of females and other males. Males are also reported to use the boundary areas of community home ranges more often than females. Spider monkeys thus seem to parallel the “male‐bonded” patterns of ranging and association found among some groups of chimpanzees. Over several years of research on one group of spider monkeys (Ateles belzebuth) in Yasuní National Park, Ecuador, we characterized the ranging patterns of adult males and females and evaluated the extent to which they conform to previously reported patterns. In contrast to ranging patterns seen at several other spider monkey sites, the ranges of our study females overlapped considerably, with little evidence of exclusive use of particular areas by individual monkeys. Average male and female home range size was comparable, and males and females were similar in their use of boundary areas. These ranging patterns are similar to those of “bisexually bonded” groups of chimpanzees in West Africa. We suggest that the less sex‐segregated ranging patterns seen in this particular group of spider monkeys may be owing to a history of human disturbance in the area and to lower genetic relatedness between males, highlighting the potential for flexibility some aspects of the spider monkeys' fission–fusion social system. Am. J. Primatol. 72:129–141, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The social system of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) is characterized by the fission-fusion of social groups. Several studies have reported that females are less gregarious than males. In the current study, adult female gregariousness depended on their reproductive state. Noncycling adult females (pregnant, lactating, or post reproductive) were observed in large bisexual parties less often than cycling adult females. On the other hand, cycling adult females were observed in large bisexual parties as often as males, regardless of their estrous state. More males were in parties that included cycling adult females with maximal genital swelling (estrous females) than in parties without them. Moreover, a bisexual party including more estrous females contained more males. These results suggest that large bisexual parties of chimpanzees are constructed by a dual mechanism. First, cycling adult females are attracted to parties that consist of the top ranking male and large numbers of adult and adolescent males. Second, adult and adolescent males that did not belong to parties originally are attracted by estrous females and join them. Thus, in Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania, bisexual parties of chimpanzees can be characterized as "parties for reproduction."  相似文献   

The emergence of technology has been suggested to coincide with scarcity of staple resources that led to innovations in the form of tool-assisted strategies to diversify or augment typical diets. We examined seasonal patterns of several types of tool use exhibited by a chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) population residing in central Africa, to determine whether their technical skills provided access to fallback resources when preferred food items were scarce. Chimpanzees in the Goualougo Triangle exhibit a diverse repertoire of tool behaviours, many of which are exhibited throughout the year. Further, they have developed specific tool sets to overcome the issues of accessibility to particular food items. Our conclusion is that these chimpanzees use a sophisticated tool technology to cope with seasonal changes in relative food abundance and gain access to high-quality foods. Subgroup sizes were smaller in tool using contexts than other foraging contexts, suggesting that the size of the social group may not be as important in promoting complex tool traditions as the frequency and type of social interactions. Further, reports from other populations and species showed that tool use may occur more often in response to ecological opportunities and relative profitability of foraging techniques than scarcity of resources.  相似文献   

Fission-fusion systems can have the group or the individual as their primary unit. In group-based fission-fusion systems, predation risk reduction is the major benefit to grouping, in the individual-based ones the benefits are likely to be primarily social. Orangutans, like chimpanzees, are examples of an individual-based fission-fusion species. The orangutans inhabiting a Sumatran swamp forest (Suaq Balimbing) are more likely than elsewhere to form travel parties. As elsewhere, the main benefits of grouping are social: mating opportunities, protection from harassment and socialization of infants. Most animals also incur costs, but these are relatively low at Suaq Balimbing due to the high productivity of the swamp. Costs seem to be disproportionately high for females with mid-sized infants, who avoid parties.  相似文献   

A central issue in socioecology is the nature of the relationship between an organism's environment and its social structure. In chimpanzees, the fission-fusion social system is thought to minimize feeding competition for primary dietary components: ephemeral, dispersed patches of ripe fruit. Intragroup feeding competition is thought to force individuals into small parties. Informal observations in the Sonso region of the Budongo forest had suggested that in this habitat, food supply was such that feeding competition was less important in determining grouping patterns than elsewhere. We used data collected on food supply and party sizes over a 4-year period to investigate this suggestion. In accord with theoretical expectation, sizes of foraging parties fluctuated with the size of food patches. However, party sizes showed either negative or no relationship with habitat-wide measures of food abundance. Likewise party sizes showed little relationship to overall measures of food dispersion. For important dietary items, both fruit and leaves had patchy distributions, though the degree of clumping was not strong, and fruit was not more clumped than leaves. Generally, abundant food appeared to be less patchy, and chimpanzees appeared to use more patches as food became more abundant rather than forming larger parties. We suggest that both dispersal and abundance need to be considered when investigating the impact of food supply on grouping patterns, and that the importance of food as a factor in determining chimpanzee grouping patterns declines with increasing levels of abundance.  相似文献   

Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) groom in gatherings in which many individuals may be connected via multiple chains of grooming and they often exchange partners with each other. They sometimes groom another while receiving grooming; that is, one animal can play two roles (i.e., groomer and groomee) simultaneously. Although this feature of chimpanzees is notable from the viewpoint of the evolution of human sociality, information on our other closest living relative, the bonobo (Pan paniscus), is still lacking. In this study, I describe grooming interactions of bonobos at Wamba in the Luo Scientific Reserve, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DR Congo), with a particular focus on the formation of grooming gatherings. Like chimpanzees, the bonobos also performed mutual grooming (two individuals grooming each other simultaneously) and polyadic grooming (three or more individuals). However, unlike chimpanzees, these sessions lasted for only a short time. Bonobos rarely groomed another while receiving grooming. Because social grooming occurred not only in trees but also in open spaces, including treefall gaps, the conditions did not necessarily limit the opportunity to make multiple chains of grooming. However, bonobos also engaged in social grooming in different ways from chimpanzees; That is, many individuals were involved simultaneously at a site, in which they separated for dyadic grooming. Some cases clearly showed that bonobos preferred a third party not to join while grooming in a dyad, suggesting that bonobos have a preference for grooming in dyads and that immature individuals formed the preference that was shared among adults while growing up. Most members of the study group ranged together during the majority of the study period. Although bonobos show a fission–fusion grouping pattern, when group members frequently encounter one another on a daily basis, they may not be motivated to form multiple grooming chains at this site, as do chimpanzees.  相似文献   

The social group of pygmy chimpanzees (Pan paniscus) of Wamba   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This is a sociological study of the pygmy chimpanzees of Wamba which have been provisioned sufficiently since 1977. The society of the pygmy chimpanzee is basically similar to that of the common chimpanzee in the flexibility in forming parties and in the existence of a definite social unit, i.e.,unit group. It also resembles in that young females play an important role in exchanging members among unit groups, thus, as transmitters of genes from group to group, while males do in integrating groups, delimiting the social boundaries of unit groups through their inter-group antagonism. Pygmy chimpanzees differ from common chimpanzees in fission and fusion pattern of parties. The former generally forms parties larger in size and more homogeneous in composition than the latter. Any party of the former has both reproductive and nursing functions, while the parties of the latter are categorized into various types according to functions and compositions. This uniformity in pygmy chimpanzee parties seems to be well maintained by the females' high sexual ability to manifest semi-continual estrus.  相似文献   

Aspects of the social grooming and play behavior of a group of six adolescent and young adult chimpanzees are contrasted and compared. Eleven months’ data indicate that older chimpanzees groomed more and played less than younger individuals. This transition period occurred earlier for females than males. Grooming behavior appeared to vary with reproductive state. A positive correlation was found between the estrous condition of cycling females and the amount of grooming that they received from the males. A mother of a young infant received particularly high levels of grooming from the other group members. Less variation among individuals was found for frequencies of play as compared to grooming. Play dropped following the death of one individual and was entirely inhibited for three weeks following the group’s transfer to a new environment and the reintroduction of a former group member. Comparison to a free-ranging population indicates important differences in both frequencies and general patterns of play and grooming.  相似文献   

Orangutans and chimpanzees differ in many aspects of their mating and social systems. Nevertheless, because both great apes require enormous maternal investment in offspring and because female reproductive potential is limited, female orangutans and chimpanzees should be selective of their mates, yet expected to exhibit anti-infanticide strategies such as mating with multiple males. We review and compare mating patterns in orangutans and chimpanzees to understand how these critical pressures are filtered through the different demands of the socioecology of each species. We highlight the variation in female mating behavior as a function of the proximity of ovulation. We conclude that both genera pursue tactics for paternity confusion by mating with multiple males and by mating cooperatively or even proceptively with nonpreferred partners when conception is unlikely. Mating selectivity is suggested by variation in proceptive behavior toward particular partners and by increased resistance of nonpreferred partners during the periovulatory period. Thus, data for both species support a mixed mating strategy whereby females shift their mating behavior in accordance with ovulatory status to accommodate the competing demands of mate selectivity and paternity confusion.  相似文献   

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