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Twenty-one compounds were isolated and identified from the ethanol extract of the fruits of Nicandra physaloides, including four new (14) and 17 known compounds (521). All the compounds were isolated from the genus Physalis for the first time. In this study, NMR spectroscopy was used to study the compound structures by comparing their data with those reported in the literature. Moreover, the potential anti-inflammatory activity of RAW264.7 cells induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was evaluated. Among the monoterpenoids, compounds (5–7, 9) exhibited weak anti-inflammatory activities, with IC50 values ranging from 29.10 to 68.30 μM.  相似文献   

Potato virus Y (PVY) is a common potyvirus of agricultural importance, belonging to the picornavirus superfamily of RNA plus-stranded viruses. A covalently linked virus-encoded protein VPg required for virus infectivity is situated at the 5' end of potyvirus RNA. VPg seems to be involved in multiple interactions, both with other viral products and host proteins. VPgs of potyviruses have no known homologs, and there is no atomic structure available. To understand the molecular basis of VPg multifunctionality, we have analyzed structural features of VPg from PVY using structure prediction programs, functional assays, and biochemical and biophysical analyses. Structure predictions suggest that VPg exists in a natively unfolded conformation. In contrast with ordered proteins, PVY VPg is not denatured by elevated temperatures, has sedimentation values incompatible with a compact globular form, and shows a CD spectrum of a highly disordered protein, and HET-HETSOFAST NMR analysis suggests the presence of large unstructured regions. Although VPg has a propensity to form dimers, no functional differences were seen between the monomer and dimer. These data strongly suggest that the VPg of PVY should be classified among intrinsically disordered proteins. Intrinsic disorder lies at the basis of VPg multifunctionality, which is necessary for virus survival in the host.  相似文献   

Five different amino acid substitutions in the VPg of Potato virus Y were shown to be independently responsible for virulence toward pvr2(3) resistance gene of pepper. A consequence of these multiple mutations toward virulence involving single nucleotide substitutions is a particularly high frequency of resistance breaking (37% of inoculated plants from the first inoculation) and suggests a potentially low durability of pvr2(3) resistance. These five mutants were observed with significantly different frequencies, one of them being overrepresented. Genetic drift alone could not explain the observed distribution of virulent mutants. More plausible scenarios were obtained by taking into account either the relative substitution rates, the relative fitness of the mutants in pvr2(3) pepper plants, or both.  相似文献   

The green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene was fused to the potato virus X (PVX) TGBp2 gene, inserted into either the PVX infectious clone or pRTL2 plasmids, and used to study protein subcellular targeting. In protoplasts and plants inoculated with PVX-GFP:TGBp2 or transfected with pRTL2-GFP:TGBp2, fluorescence was mainly in vesicles and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). During late stages of virus infection, fluorescence became increasingly cytosolic and nuclear. Protoplasts transfected with PVX-GFP:TGBp2 or pRTL2-GFP:TGBp2 were treated with cycloheximide and the decline of GFP fluorescence was greater in virus-infected protoplasts than in pRTL2-GFP:TGBp2-transfected protoplasts. Thus, protein instability is enhanced in virus-infected protoplasts, which may account for the cytosolic and nuclear fluorescence during late stages of infection. Immunogold labeling and electron microscopy were used to further characterize the GFP:TGBp2-induced vesicles. Label was associated with the ER and vesicles, but not the Golgi apparatus. The TGBp2-induced vesicles appeared to be ER derived. For comparison, plasmids expressing GFP fused to TGBp3 were transfected to protoplasts, bombarded to tobacco leaves, and studied in transgenic leaves. The GFP:TGBp3 proteins were associated mainly with the ER and did not cause obvious changes in the endomembrane architecture, suggesting that the vesicles reported in GFP:TGBp2 studies were induced by the PVX TGBp2 protein. In double-labeling studies using confocal microscopy, fluorescence was associated with actin filaments, but not with Golgi vesicles. We propose a model in which reorganization of the ER and increased protein degradation is linked to plasmodesmata gating.  相似文献   

Isolate M of Potato virus A (PVA‐M; genus Potyvirus) is avirulent in Nicandra physaloides L. (family Solanaceae). The inoculated leaves are infected but no systemic infection is observed. Forty plants of ‘Black Pod’ (BP) and ‘Black Pod Alba’ (BPA), two variants of N. physaloides described in this study, were inoculated with PVA‐M. Two plants of BP and one plant of BPA were systemically infected. Mosaic, blistering and dark green islands developed on the systemically infected leaves, and flowers showed colour‐break symptoms. PVAprogeny were sequence‐characterised for the 6K2 protein and viral genome‐linked protein (VPg) encoding regions known to control the long distance movement of PVA in N. physaloides. All virus progeny (designated as PVA‐Mm) in the systemically infected leaves of the plants inoculated with PVA‐M contained only a single amino acid substitution (Vail 16Met) in the central part of VPg due to a nucleotide substitution G6033A, as compared to PVA‐M. Other PVA isolates that infected N. physaloides systemically also contained Metll6 in VPg. In a previous study using chimeric viruses, Metl16 in VPg was shown to be a major determinant for vascular movement of PVA in N. physaloides, and this study reveals that the mutation for Metl16 can occur in vivo during replication of the avirulent PVA‐M in infected plants. Immunolocalisation studies on BP and BPA plants showed that the pods (berries) and seed coat contained PVA‐Mm in the developing seeds, but no virus was detected in embryons. Up to 27% of the mature seeds contained PVA‐Mm but no transmission to seedlings was observed in a total of 450 seeds tested, and no test plants were infected following mechanical inoculation with extracts prepared from the seeds.  相似文献   

Genomes of some positive-strand RNA viruses do not contain cap-structure, but instead their 5'-end is covalently linked to a viral protein called VPg. Complex formation between VPg and cellular translation initiation factors (eIFs) has been extensively studied in the context of the model of this complex involvement in virus mRNA translation initiation and cellular protein translation shut down in infected cells. The potato virus (PVY) VPg was expressed in bacterial and baculovirus systems in order to investigate its binding capacity to wheat eIF4E and its isoform. Both purified recombinant eIF4E and eIF(iso)4E were identified in vitro as binding partners of the purified recombinant VPg by using affinity chromatography, as well in vivo by coexpressing of recombinant VPg and eIFs in insect cells with following complex purification using affinity chromatography. Besides it was shown that PVY VPg also formed a complex with endogenous insect eIF4E in vivo. PVY VPg interaction with eIF4E of wheat (non permissive plant for PVY), and also with so evolutionary distant partner as insect eIF4E suggests the conservation of general structural features of eIF4E implicated in the formation of the complex with VPg.  相似文献   

Deletion of various portions, or insertion of six histidine residues (6xHis) into various positions of the membrane-bound 6K2 protein (53 amino acids) of Potato virus A (PVA, genus Potyvirus), inhibited systemic infection in Nicotiana tabacum and N. benthamiana plants. However, a spontaneous mutation (Gly2Cys) that occurred in 6K2 adjacent to the 6xHis insert placed between Ser1 and Gly2 enabled systemic infection in a single N. benthamiana plant. No symptoms were observed, but virus titers were similar to the symptom-inducing wild-type (wt) PVA. N. tabacum plants were not systemically infected, albeit virus propagation was observed in inoculated protoplasts. The 6xHis/Gly2Cys mutant was reconstructed in vitro and serially propagated by mechanical inoculation in N. benthamiana. Following the third passage, a novel viral mutant appeared, lacking the last four His residues of the insert, as well as the Gly2 and Thr3 of 6K2. It infected N. tabacum plants systemically, and in the systemically infected N. benthamiana leaves, vein chlorosis and mild yellowing symptoms were observed, typical of wt PVA infection. The mutant virus accumulated to titers similar to wt PVA in both hosts. These results show that the PVA 6K2 protein affects viral long-distance movement and symptom induction independently and in a host-specific manner.  相似文献   

The nucleolus and Cajal bodies (CBs) are prominent interacting subnuclear domains involved in a number of crucial aspects of cell function. Certain viruses interact with these compartments but the functions of such interactions are largely uncharacterized. Here, we show that the ability of the groundnut rosette virus open reading frame (ORF) 3 protein to move viral RNA long distances through the phloem strictly depends on its interaction with CBs and the nucleolus. The ORF3 protein targets and reorganizes CBs into multiple CB-like structures and then enters the nucleolus by causing fusion of these structures with the nucleolus. The nucleolar localization of the ORF3 protein is essential for subsequent formation of viral ribonucleoprotein (RNP) particles capable of virus long-distance movement and systemic infection. We provide a model whereby the ORF3 protein utilizes trafficking pathways involving CBs to enter the nucleolus and, along with fibrillarin, exit the nucleus to form viral 'transport-competent' RNP particles in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

The influenza A virus M2 ion channel protein has the longest cytoplasmic tail (CT) among the three viral envelope proteins and is well conserved between different viral strains. It is accessible to the host cellular machinery after fusion with the endosomal membrane and during the trafficking, assembly, and budding processes. We hypothesized that identification of host cellular interactants of M2 CT could help us to better understand the molecular mechanisms regulating the M2-dependent stages of the virus life cycle. Using yeast two-hybrid screening with M2 CT as bait, a novel interaction with the human annexin A6 (AnxA6) protein was identified, and their physical interaction was confirmed by coimmunoprecipitation assay and a colocalization study of virus-infected human cells. We found that small interfering RNA (siRNA)-mediated knockdown of AnxA6 expression significantly increased virus production, while its overexpression could reduce the titer of virus progeny, suggesting a negative regulatory role for AnxA6 during influenza A virus infection. Further characterization revealed that AnxA6 depletion or overexpression had no effect on the early stages of the virus life cycle or on viral RNA replication but impaired the release of progeny virus, as suggested by delayed or defective budding events observed at the plasma membrane of virus-infected cells by transmission electron microscopy. Collectively, this work identifies AnxA6 as a novel cellular regulator that targets and impairs the virus budding and release stages of the influenza A virus life cycle.  相似文献   

N-terminal Edman sequencing of the genome-linked viral protein (VPg) of Plautia stali intestine virus (PSIV, Dicistroviridae) detected heterologus residues. The VPg sequence determined was found to be triplicated in the nonstructural protein precursor. Multiple VPg-like sequences were also found in 10 of the 12 dicistroviruses with a maximum of six copies in Solenopsis invicta virus-1. We postulate that redundant VPg coding sequences facilitate multiplication of dicistroviruses, because fewer cycle of translation of the nonstructural protein precursor produces larger amounts of VPg proteins in parallel with the increased production of capsid proteins by the intergenic internal ribosome entry site mediated translation.  相似文献   

Tobacco plant lines transformed with the coat protein (CP) gene of the tobacco veinal necrosis strain of potato virus Y (PVYN), and previously shown to be protected against mechanical inoculation with the virus, have now been tested for specificity and protection against virus infection mediated by viruliferous aphids. To determine the specificity of virus protection, two transgenic tobacco lines, A30 and A80, were challenged with several isolates of distinct PVY strains (PVYN, PVYO and PVYC) by mechanical inoculation. Clear levels of protection against the PVYO-isolates tested were maintained in the transgenic plants, although these levels were slightly lower than the protection against the homologous PVYN strain from which the CP gene was derived. Interestingly, no protection against mechanical virus inoculation with the Gladblaadje isolate of PVYC could be observed. To assess the levels of protection against aphid-mediated virus infection, two transgenic plant lines, A30 and D25, showing respective levels of protection of 95 and 80% against mechanical virus inoculation, were challenged using PVYN viruliferousMyzus persicae. Virus inoculation using six aphids per plant, resulted in similar levels of protection in both transgenic lines as found previously for mechanical inoculation. Protection was maintained in both lines, even when as many as 60 viruliferous aphids were used per plant in the inoculation experiments.  相似文献   

辛德毕斯病毒装配及其6K蛋白与中间纤维的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用温和的选择性抽提方法与整装细胞电镜技术,DGD包埋-去包埋剂电镜技术相结合,对辛德毕斯病毒的装配与宿主细胞中间纤维的关系进行了探讨。电镜观察清晰地显示了病毒“装配中心”被中间纤维所网络,病毒的装配过程显然是以中间纤维为支架;正在装配的核壳体与已装配的核壳体紧密结合在中间纤维丝上。根据电镜照片分析,核壳体可能是沿中间纤维由装配中心向外扩散。应用人工合成6K蛋白所得抗体进行胶体金标记,证明辛德毕斯病毒非结构性6K蛋白也与中间纤维紧密结合。  相似文献   

实验研究了放置温度、时间、冻融、pH、盐以及柠檬酸对黄原胶和假酸浆子胶混胶黏度的影响.结果表明:黄原胶和假酸浆子胶有协效性,当假酸浆子胶与黄原胶的质量比15:85时,二者的协同增效性最高,胶溶液为非牛顿型流体,且变化满足Herschel-Bulkley方程.温度、时间对混胶有一定的影响.进一步对其研究表明:冻融、pH、盐以及柠檬酸都对其影响较小.  相似文献   

The definition of the precise molecular composition of membranous replication compartments is a key to understanding the mechanisms of virus multiplication. Here, we set out to investigate the protein composition of the potyviral replication complexes. We purified the potyviral 6K2 protein‐induced membranous structures from Potato virus A (PVA)‐infected Nicotiana benthamiana plants. For this purpose, the 6K2 protein, which is the main inducer of potyviral membrane rearrangements, was expressed in fusion with an N‐terminal Twin‐Strep‐tag and Cerulean fluorescent protein (SC6K) from the infectious PVA cDNA. A non‐tagged Cerulean‐6K2 (C6K) virus and the SC6K protein alone in the absence of infection were used as controls. A purification scheme exploiting discontinuous sucrose gradient centrifugation followed by Strep‐tag‐based affinity chromatography was developed. Both (+)‐ and (–)‐strand PVA RNA and viral protein VPg were co‐purified specifically with the affinity tagged PVA‐SC6K. The purified samples, which contained individual vesicles and membrane clusters, were subjected to mass spectrometry analysis. Data analysis revealed that many of the detected viral and host proteins were either significantly enriched or fully specifically present in PVA‐SC6K samples when compared with the controls. Eight of eleven potyviral proteins were identified with high confidence from the purified membrane structures formed during PVA infection. Ribosomal proteins were identified from the 6K2‐induced membranes only in the presence of a replicating virus, reinforcing the tight coupling between replication and translation. A substantial number of proteins associating with chloroplasts and several host proteins previously linked with potyvirus replication complexes were co‐purified with PVA‐derived SC6K, supporting the conclusion that the host proteins identified in this study may have relevance in PVA replication.  相似文献   

The viral protein covalently linked to the 5' end of the plus-sense, single-stranded RNA genome of potyviruses (genus Potyvirus) can be an avirulence determinant in incompatible potyvirus-host combinations in which the resistance prevents systemic virus infection. The mechanism is not well known. This study shows that virus strain-specific resistance to systemic infection with Potato virus A (PVA) in Solanum commersonii is overcome by a single amino acid (aa) substitution, His118Tyr, in the viral genome-linked protein (VPg). Virus localization and other experiments revealed that Tyr118, controls phloem loading of PVA. The critical boundary may be constituted in phloem parenchyma, companion cells, or both. Tyr118 also controls the cellular level of virus accumulation in infected leaves, including phloem cells. Amino acid substitutions at three additional positions of the central part (aa 116) and C terminus (aa 185) of the VPg and of the N terminus of the 6K2 protein (aa 5) affect virus accumulation and rate of systemic infection but are not sufficient for phloem loading of PVA. These data, together with previous studies, indicate that the PVA VPg aa residues crucial for systemic infection are host specific. Also, our data and previous studies on other potyvirus-host species combinations indicate that the central part of the VPg is a domain with universal importance to virus-host interactions required for systemic invasion of plants with potyviruses.  相似文献   

Antigenic analysis of potato virus A particles and coat protein   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Five monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) were prepared to particles of potato virus A (PVA), isolate B11. In immunoblots, MAbs A1D8 and A5B6 reacted only with full length molecules of PVA coat protein (CP). Pepscan tests with overlapping octapeptides representing the whole sequence of PVA CP showed that the epitope detected by MAb A5B6 is contained in its N-terminal octapeptide. MAbs A9A4, A3H4 and A6B8 reacted with CP molecules that lacked about 5 kD of sequence at their end(s) and detected epitopes at residues 52 to 62, 64 to 73 and 75 to 82 respectively, all of which lie in the protease-resistant core of the CP. The epitope which reacts with MAb A3H4 is in a region predicted to be hydrophobic and is not detected in intact virus particles, indicating it is a cryptotope. In contrast, MAbs A6B8 and A9A4 reacted with freshly purified PVA particles but more strongly with partially degraded ones. Pepscan tests with polyclonal antibodies to PVA isolate B11 identified five additional immunogenic sequences in PVA CP and showed that regions at the N-termini of the intact and core molecules are immunodominant. PVA isolate B11 was not transmitted by aphids, and its CP N-terminal octapeptide contains the sequence DAS, which is associated with aphid-non-transmissibility in other potyviruses. MAb A5B6, which detects this region, reacted strongly in ELISA with three out of four other aphid-non-transmissible PVA isolates but only weakly with three aphid-transmissible ones, suggesting that differences in N-terminal sequence may underlie most of the differences in aphid transmissibility.  相似文献   

A mutant of the Cucumber mosaic virus subgroup IA strain Fny (Fny-CMV) lacking the gene encoding the 2b protein (Fny-CMVdelta2b) induced a symptomless systemic infection in tobacco. Both the accumulation of Fny-CMVdelta2b in inoculated tissue and the systemic movement of the virus appeared to proceed more slowly than for wild-type Fny-CMV. The influence of the 2b protein on virus movement in the inoculated leaf was examined using viral constructs derived from Fny-CMV and Fny-CMVdelta2b expressing the green fluorescent protein. Laser scanning confocal microscopy was used to visualize the movement of these viruses. Whereas the wild-type virus spread between the epidermal cells as well as the mesophyll cells, the mutant virus spread less efficiently through the epidermal layer and moved preferentially through the mesophyll. Thus, the 2b protein of Fny-CMV influences the dynamics of movement of the virus both within the inoculated leaf and through the whole plant. We propose that this altered movement profile of Fny-CMVdelta2b results in the absence of disease symptoms in tobacco.  相似文献   

Two acidic domains of the Potato leafroll virus (PLRV) coat protein, separated by 55 amino acids and predicted to be adjacent surface features on the virion, were the focus of a mutational analysis. Eleven site-directed mutants were generated from a cloned infectious cDNA of PLRV and delivered to plants by Agrobacterium-mediated mechanical inoculation. Alanine substitutions of any of the three amino acids of the sequence EWH (amino acids 170 to 172) or of D177 disrupted the ability of the coat protein to assemble stable particles and the ability of the viral RNA to move systemically in four host plant species. Alanine substitution of E109, D173, or E176 reduced the accumulation of virus in agrobacterium-infiltrated tissues, the efficiency of systemic infection, and the efficiency of aphid transmission relative to wild-type virus, but the mutations did not affect virion stability. A structural model of the PLRV capsid predicted that the amino acids critical for virion assembly were located within a depression at the center of a coat protein trimer. The other amino acids that affected plant infection and/or aphid transmission were predicted to be located around the perimeter of the depression. PLRV virions play key roles in phloem-limited virus movement in plant hosts as well as in transport and persistence in the aphid vectors. These results identified amino acid residues in a surface-oriented loop of the coat protein that are critical for virus assembly and stability, systemic infection of plants, and movement of virus through aphid vectors.  相似文献   

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