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The rat collapsin response mediator protein-2 (CRMP-2) is a member of CRMP family (CRMP-1-5). The functional consequence of CRMP-2 during embryonic development, particularly in neurite elongation, is relatively understood; however, the role in nerve regeneration is unclear. Here we examined the role of CRMP-2 during nerve regeneration using rat hypoglossal nerve injury model. Among the members, CRMP-1, CRMP-2, CRMP-5 mRNA expressions increased after nerve injury, whereas CRMP-3 and CRMP-4 mRNA did not show any significant change. In the N1E-115 cells, CRMP-2 has the most potent neurite elongation activity among the CRMP family members. In dorsal root ganglion (DRG) organ culture, CRMP-2 overexpression by adenoviral vector demonstrated substantial neurite elongation. On the other hand, CRMP-2 (DeltaC381), which acts as a dominant negative form of CRMP-2, inhibited neurite formation. Collectively, it would be plausible that CRMP-2 has potent nerve regeneration activity after nerve injury. We therefore examined whether CRMP-2 overexpression in the injured hypoglossal motor neurons accelerates nerve regeneration. A retrograde-tracer, Fluoro-Gold (FG), was used to evaluate the number of reprojecting motor neurons after nerve injury. CRMP-2-overexpressing motor neurons demonstrated the accelerated reprojection. The present study suggests that CRMP-2 has potent neurite elongation activity in nerve regeneration in vivo.  相似文献   

Targets in limb regions of the chick embryo are further removed from the dorsal root ganglia that innervate them compared with thoracic ganglion-to-target distances. It has been inferred that axons grow into the limb regions two to three times faster than into nonlimb regions. We tested whether the differences were due to intrinsic properties of the neurons located at different segmental levels. Dorsal root ganglia (DRG) were isolated from the forelimb, trunk, and hind limb regions of stage 25–30 embryos. Neurite outgrowth was measured in dissociated cell culture and in cultures of DRG explants. Although there was considerable variability in the amount of neurite outgrowth, there were no substantive differences in the amount or the rate of outgrowth comparing brachial, thoracic, or lumbosacral neurons. The amount of neurite outgrowth in dissociated cell cultures increased with the stage of development. Overall, our data suggest that DRG neurons express a basal amount of outgrowth, which is initially independent of target-derived neurotrophic influences; the magnitude of this intrinsic growth potential increases with stage of development; and the neurons of the DRG are not intrinsically specified to grow neurites at rates that are matched to the distance they are required to grow to make contact with their peripheral targets in vivo. We present a speculative model based on Poisson statistics, which attempts to account for the variability in the amount of neurite outgrowth from dissociated neurons. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Chronic diabetic neuropathy is associated with peripheral demyelination and degeneration of nerve fibers. The mechanism(s) underlying neuronal injury in diabetic sensory neuropathy remain poorly understood. Recently, we reported increased expression and function of transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) in large dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons in diabetic sensory neuropathy. In this study, we examined the effects of TRPV1 activation on cell injury pathways in this subpopulation of neurons in the streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat model. Large DRG neurons from diabetic (6–8 weeks) rats displayed increased oxidative stress and activation of cell injury markers compared with healthy controls. Capsaicin (CAP) treatment induced decreased labeling of MitoTracker Red and increased cytosolic cytochrome c and activation of caspase 3 in large neurons isolated from diabetic rats. CAP treatment also induced oxidative stress in large diabetic DRG neurons, which was blocked by pre-treatment with caspase or calpain inhibitor. In addition, both μ-calpain expression and calpain activity were significantly increased in DRG neurons from diabetic rats after CAP treatment. Treatment with capsazepine, a competitive TRPV1 antagonist, markedly reduced these abnormalities in vitro and prevented activation of cell injury in large DRG neurons in diabetic rats in vivo . These results suggest that activation of the TRPV1 receptor activates pathways associated with caspase-dependent and calpain-dependent stress in large DRG neurons in STZ-diabetic rats. Activation of the TRPV1 receptor may contribute to preferential neuronal stress in large DRG neurons relatively early in diabetic sensory neuropathy.  相似文献   

Calcium dynamics in the endoplasmic reticulum of dorsal root ganglion neurons of rats during Ca2+ release induced by caffeine and subsequent Ca2+ uptake were studied. Calcium release is shown to include two (a short transient and a prolonged slow) phases. We suggest that the transient phase reflects release of free Ca from the calcium store, while the slow phase reflects transition of Ca from a bound form to a free one. The process of Ca2+ uptake is characterized by exponential recovery of the calcium level in the store due to the SERCA activity. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 361–363, July–August, 2006.  相似文献   

Yang X  Han JQ  Liu R 《生理学报》2008,60(1):143-148
本文旨在探讨肠道局部炎症对脊髓肠道感觉传入神经通路的近期及远期效应,应用三硝基苯磺酸(trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid,TNBS)建立大鼠结肠炎动物模型,用DiI(3)逆行神经标记法识别支配肠道炎症部位的脊髓背根神经节(dorsalrootganglia,DRG)神经元,通过肉眼观察、平均组织损伤评分及髓过氧化物酶活性测定等方法评价肠道组织的炎症反应状态,用免疫组织化学法测定香草酸受体l(vanilloid receptor 1,VRl)和降钙素基因相关肽(calcitonin gene-related peptide,CGRP)在支配结肠炎症部位的DRG神经元中的表达,比较炎症不同阶段(给予TNBS后7、21、42 d)CGRP和VRI阳性神经元的数目.结果显示,炎症急性期(即给予TNBS后7 d)结肠黏膜肉眼可见明显损伤,同时相应DRG中表达CGRP及VRl的神经元增加近2倍[(95.38±9.45)%VS(42.86±5.02)%,(89.23±8.21)%VS(32.54±4.58)%].给予TNBS后21、42 d,肠道炎症反应已完全消退,但表达CGRP及VRl的DRG神经元数目仍明显高于对照组[(86.25±8.21)%,(68.28±7.12)%VS(42.86±5.02)%;(67.22±6.52)%,(56.25±4.86)%VS(32.54±4.58)%].结果提示,肠道局部炎症可以上调支配肠道的脊髓传入神经元中CGRP和VRl的表达,这种异常表达可以持续至肠道炎症反应消退后的一定时间.  相似文献   

Levetiracetam (LEV), a new anticonvulsant agent primarily used to treat epilepsy, has been used in pain treatment but the cellular mechanism of this action remains unclear. This study aimed to investigate effects of LEV on the excitability and membrane depolarization-induced calcium signaling in isolated rat sensory neurons using the whole-cell patch clamp and fura 2–based ratiometric Ca2+-imaging techniques. Dorsal root ganglia (DRG) were excised from neonatal rats, and cultured following enzymatic and mechanical dissociation. Under current clamp conditions, acute application of LEV (30 µM, 100 µM and 300 µM) significantly increased input resistance and caused the membrane to hyperpolarize from resting membrane potential in a dose-dependent manner. Reversal potentials of action potential (AP) after hyperpolarising amplitudes were shifted to more negative, toward to potassium equilibrium potentials, after application of LEV. It also caused a decrease in number of APs in neurons fired multiple APs in response to prolonged depolarization. Fura-2 fluorescence Ca2+ imaging protocols revealed that HiK+ (30 mM)-induced intracellular free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) was inhibited to 97.8 ± 4.6% (n = 17), 92.6 ± 4.8% (n = 17, p < 0.01) and 89.1 ± 5.1% (n = 18, p < 0.01) after application of 30 µM, 100 µM and 300 µM LEV (respectively), without any significant effect on basal levels of [Ca2+]i. This is the first evidence for the effect of LEV on the excitability of rat sensory neurons through an effect which might involve activation of potassium channels and inhibition of entry of Ca2+, providing new insights for cellular mechanism(s) of LEV in pain treatment modalities.  相似文献   

The inhibitory effect of capsaicin on axoplasmic transport in cultured dorsal root ganglion cells was analyzed by video-enhanced contrast microscopy. Capsaicin inhibited particle transports in a dose-dependent manner, irrespective of the diameter of axons. The effect of capsaicin was reversible at low concentrations. Capsaicin affected both the anterograde and retrograde transport. Large organelles were more sensitive to capsaicin than small ones in the retrograde transport. An experiment using calcium-sensitive dye, Fura 2, indicated that capsaicin raised the intraneuronal free calcium concentration preceding the inhibition of the transport. Electron microscopy revealed that microtubules and neurofilaments are disorganized and disoriented by capsaicin. We reached a conclusion that capsaicin inhibits fast axoplasmic transport of both anterograde and retrograde directions in all types of somatosensory neurons in culture by disorganizing intraaxonal cytoskeletal structures, through the elevated intracellular Ca2+ concentration. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

To examine mechanisms underlying substance P (SP) release from primary sensory neurons in response to activation of the non-selective cation channel transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA1), SP release from cultured rat dorsal root ganglion neurons was measured, using radioimmunoassay, by stimulating TRPA1 with allyl isothiocyanate (AITC), a TRPA1 agonist. AITC-evoked SP release occurred in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. Interestingly, p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38) inhibitor SB203580 significantly attenuated AITC-evoked SP release. The in vivo effect of AITC-evoked SP release from primary sensory neurons in mice was evaluated. Hind paw intraplantar injection of AITC induced nociceptive behaviors and inflammation (edema, thermal hyperalgesia). AITC-induced thermal hyperalgesia and edema were inhibited by intraplantar pre-treatment with either SB203580 or neurokinin-1 receptor antagonist CP96345. Moreover, intrathecal pre-treatment with either CP96345 or SB203580 inhibited AITC-induced nociceptive behaviors and thermal hyperalgesia. Immunohistochemical studies demonstrated that intraplantar AITC injection induced the phosphorylation of p38 in mouse dorsal root ganglion neurons containing SP. These findings suggest that activation of TRPA1 evokes SP release from the primary sensory neurons through phosphorylation of p38, subsequent nociceptive behaviors and inflammatory responses. Furthermore, the data also indicate that blocking the effects of TRPA1 activation at the periphery leads to significant antinociception.  相似文献   

To obtain insight into which subpopulations of sensory neurons in dorsal root ganglia are supported by different neurotrophins, we retrogradely labeled cutaneous and muscle afferents in embryonic day 9 chick embryos and followed their survival in neuron-enriched cultures supplemented with either nerve growth factor (NGF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), or neurotrophin-3 (NT-3). We found that NGF is a wide survival factor for subpopulations of both cutaneous and muscle afferents, whereas the survival effects of BDNF and NT-3 are restricted primarily to muscle afferents. We also measured soma size in each neurotrophic factor. These new data show that BDNF- and NT-3–dependent cells appear to be a mixture of two populations of neurons: one small diameter and the other large diameter. In contrast, based on size alone, NGF-dependent cells appear to be a single population of only small-diameter neurons. Thus, BDNF and NT-3 may have some new, previously unreported effects on small-diameter afferent neurons. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Jia YD  Chen X  Tang M  Jiang ZY 《生理学报》2008,60(1):149-155
本文在mRNA和蛋白水平观察了功能性ghrelin受体(growth hormone secretagogue receptor type la,GHS-Rla)在大鼠内脏迷走及脊髓传入神经通路中的表达.结果显示:(1)GHS-Rla免疫反应阳性神经元及GHS-Rla mRNA分布于背根神经节(dorsal root ganglion,DRG)及结状神经节(nodose ganglion,NG).(2)应用免疫双标技术观察到DRG和NG中都有一些GHS-Rla免疫反应阳性神经元,同时降钙素基因相关肽(calcitonin gene-related peptide,CGRP)染色呈阳性,显示GHS-Rla和CGRP共存于同一神经元,表明内脏传入神经元存在许多亚核群.(3)应用荧光金(fluorogold)标记的神经逆行追踪技术对从胃投射到DRG和NG的神经元进行免疫组织化学染色,观察到一些表达CGRP的GHS-Rla免疫反应阳性神经元也被荧光金染色.上述实验结果证实了GHS-Rla在迷走神经和脊髓传入神经元中的表达,提示ghrelin参与了胃.脑轴的调节.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase (PMCA) plays a major role in clearing Ca2+ from the neuronal cytoplasm. Calmodulin stimulates PMCA activity and for some isoforms this activation persists following clearance of Ca2+ owing to the slow dissociation of calmodulin. We tested the hypothesis that PMCA-mediated Ca2+ efflux from rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons in culture would remain stimulated following increases in intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i). PMCA-mediated Ca2+ extrusion was recorded following brief trains of action potentials using indo-1-based photometry in the presence of cyclopiazonic acid. A priming stimulus that increased [Ca2+]i to 506 +/- 28 nm (>15 min) increased the rate constant for [Ca2+]i recovery by 47 +/- 3%. Ca2+ clearance from subsequent test stimuli remained accelerated for up to an hour despite removal of the priming stimulus and a return to basal [Ca2+]i. The acceleration depended on the magnitude and duration of the priming [Ca2+]i increase, but was independent of the source of Ca2+. Increases in [Ca2+]i evoked by prolonged depolarization, sustained trains of action potentials or activation of vanilloid receptors all accelerated Ca2+ efflux. We conclude that PMCA-mediated Ca2+ efflux in DRG neurons is a dynamic process in which intense stimuli prime the pump for the next Ca2+ challenge.  相似文献   

Leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) and nerve growth factor (NGF) are well characterized regulators of galanin expression. However, LIF knockout mice containing the rat galanin 5' proximal promoter fragment (- 2546 to + 15 bp) driving luciferase responded to axotomy in the same way as control mice. Also, LIF had no effect on reporter gene expression in vitro, neither in the presence or absence of NGF, suggesting that other factors mediate an axotomy response from the galanin promoter. We then addressed the role of nitric oxide (NO) using NGF-deprived rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neuron cultures infected with viral vectors containing the above-mentioned construct, and also studied endogenous galanin expression in axotomized DRG in vivo. Blocking endogenous NO in NGF-deprived DRG cultures suppressed galanin promoter activity. Consistent with this, axotomized/NGF-deprived DRG neurons expressed high levels of neuronal NO synthase (nNOS) and galanin. Further, using pharmacological NOS blockers, or adenoviral vectors expressing dominant-negative either for nNOS or soluble guanylate cyclase in vivo and in vitro, we show that the NO-cGMP pathway induces endogenous galanin in DRG neurons. We propose that both LIF and NO, acting at different promoter regions, are important for the up-regulation of galanin, and for DRG neuron survival and regeneration after axotomy.  相似文献   

藜芦碱和乌头碱在受损背根节神经元诱发不同的放电模式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Duan JH  Xing JL  Yang J  Hu SJ 《生理学报》2005,57(2):169-174
为了研究钠通道失活门阻断后受损背根节神经元放电模式的变化特征,在大鼠背根节慢性压迫模型上采用单纤维技术记录A类神经元的自发放电。藜芦碱和乌头碱是钠通道失活门的抑制剂,但二者作用于不同的位点,前者结合于D2-S6,后者结合于D3-S6。我们比较了这两种试剂引发的放电模式。结果发现,在同一神经元,藜芦碱(1.5~5.0μmol/L)可以引起放电峰峰间期的慢波振荡,即峰峰间期由大逐渐减小,然后又逐渐增大,形成重复的振荡波形,每个振荡持续约数十秒至数分钟:而乌头碱(10~200μmol/L)则引起强直性放电,即峰峰间期逐渐减小,然后维持在一个稳定的水平。这两种不同的放电模式不因背景放电或试剂浓度的不同而发生明显的改变。实验结果表明,藜芦碱和乌头碱在受损的背根节神经元可以引发不同的放电模式,这可能与它们结合于钠通道上不同位点的抑制作用有关。  相似文献   

LaMotte RH  Ma C 《生理学报》2008,60(5):597-602
The cell body or soma in the dosal root ganglion (DRG) is normally excitable and this excitability can increase and persist after an injury of peripheral sensory neurons. In a rat model of radicular pain, an intraforaminal implantation of a rod that chronically compressed the lumbar DRG ("CCD" model) resulted in neuronal somal hyperexcitability and spontaneous activity that was accom-panied by hyperalgesia in the ipsilateral hind paw. By the 5th day after onset of CCD, there was a novel upregulation in neuronal expression of the chemokine, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP- 1 or CCL2) and also its receptor, CCR2. The neurons developed, in response to topically applied MCP-1, an excitatory response that they normally do not have. CCD also activated non-neuronal cells including, for example, the endothelial cells as evidenced by angiogenesis in the form of an increased number of capillaries in the DRG after 7 days. A working hypothesis is that the CCD induced changes in neurons and non-neuronal cells that may act together to promote the survival of the injured tissue. The release of ligands such as CCL2, in addition to possibly activating nociceptive neurons (maintaining the pain), may also act to preserve injured cells in the face of ischemia and hypoxia, for example, by promoting angiogenesis. Thus, somal hyperexcitability, as often said of inflammation, may represent a double edged sword.  相似文献   

藜芦碱致使大鼠背根神经节A类神经元产生触发性振荡   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Duan JH  Duan YB  Xing JL  Hu SJ 《生理学报》2002,54(3):208-212
在大鼠L5背根节浸浴钠通道失活门阻断剂藜芦碱(veratridine),记录该背根节神经元A类单纤维传入放电。发现:浸浴藜芦碱(1.8-3μmol/L)10min后,触压皮肤感受野或刺激坐骨神经引起部分静息纤维产生高频放电,其放电峰峰间期(interspike interval,ISI)形成U字形等型式的振荡,称之为触发性振荡。刺激脉冲的间隔越大,触发该振荡所需要的刺激脉冲数也就越多;不同时程和形式的刺激引起触发性振荡的形式无明显差异;触发性振荡的后抑制时期一般为30-90s。另外,实验还观察到该触发性振荡可由同一神经刺激引起的传入冲动触发。上述结果表明,用黎芦碱处理可使初级感觉神经元产生一种触发性振荡,该振荡机制可能与触发病的发作有关。  相似文献   

We examined the effects of diabetes on the morphological features and regenerative capabilities of adult mouse nodose ganglia (NG) and dorsal root ganglia (DRG). By light and electron microscopy, no apoptotic cell death was detected in the ganglia obtained from either streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic or normal C57BL/6J mice in vivo. Neurite regeneration from transected nerve terminals of NG and DRG explants in culture at normal (10 mM) and high (30 mM) glucose concentrations was significantly enhanced in the diabetic mice. Chromatolytic changes (i.e. swelling and migration of the nucleus to an eccentric position in the neurons, and a loss of Nissl substance in the neuronal perikarya) and apoptotic cell death (less than one-fifth of the neurons) in the cultured ganglia were present, but neither hyperglycemia in vivo nor high glucose conditions in vitro altered the morphological features of the ganglia or the ratios of apoptotic cells at 3 days in culture. By semiquantitative RT-PCR analysis, the mRNA expressions of ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) in DRG from both mice were down-regulated at 1 day in culture. The expression in diabetic DRG, but not in control DRG, was significantly up-regulated at later stages (3 and 7 days) in culture. In summary, hyperglycemia is unlikely to induce cell death in the sensory ganglia, but enhances the regenerative capability of vagal and spinal sensory nerves in vitro. The up-regulation of CNTF mRNA expression during the culture of diabetic DRG may play a role in the enhanced neurite regeneration.  相似文献   

The nerve growth factor (NGF) precursor, proNGF, is implicated in various neuropathological states. ProNGF signals apoptosis by forming a complex with the receptors p75 and sortilin, however, it can also induce neurite growth, proposed to be mediated by the receptor of mature NGF, tyrosine kinase receptor A (TrkA). The way in which these dual effects occur in adult neurons is unclear. We investigated the neurotrophic effects of proNGF on peptidergic sensory neurons isolated from adult mouse dorsal root ganglia and found that proNGF stimulated neurite extension and branching, requiring p75, sortilin and TrkA. Neurite growth rarely occurred in sortilin-expressing neurons but was commonly observed in TrkA-positive, sortilin-negative neurons that associated closely with sortilin-positive glia. ProNGF was unable to induce local trophic effects at growth cones where sortilin-positive glia was absent. We propose that in adult sensory neurons the neurotrophic response to proNGF is mediated by NGF and TrkA, and that peri-somatic glia may participate in sortilin- and p-75 dependent cleavage of proNGF. The potential ability of local glial cells to provide a targeted supply of NGF may provide an important way to promote trophic (rather than apoptotic) outcomes under conditions where regeneration or sprouting is required.  相似文献   

Members of the interleukin-6 (IL-6) family of cytokines have been implicated as major mediators of the response of the adult nervous system to injury. The basis for an interaction of IL-6 cytokines with adult sensory neurones has been established by analysing the levels and distribution of the two signal-transducing receptor subunits, glycoprotein 130 (gp130) and leukaemia inhibitory factor receptor (LIFR), in the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) of male adult rats before and following nerve injury. All sensory neurones express gp130-immunoreactivity (IR) in the cytoplasm and on the plasma membrane. Levels of gp130 and its intracellular distribution remained unchanged up to 14 days following sciatic nerve axotomy. LIFR-IR was largely absent from the cytoplasm and plasma membrane of sensory neurones, but confined almost exclusively to the nuclear compartment. However, following axotomy, punctate cytoplasmic LIFR-IR was detected which persisted up to 28 days following axotomy. The expression of cytoplasmic LIFR 2 days post-axotomy was proportionally greater in a subset of small diameter sensory neurones which expressed either the sensory neuropeptide CGRP or the cell surface marker isolectin B4. The coexpression of gp130 and LIFR in the same intracellular compartment following axotomy conveys potential responsiveness of injured sensory neurones to members of the IL-6 family of cytokines.  相似文献   

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