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In the cultures of the alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, division rhythms of any length from 12 to 75 h were found at a range of different growth rates that were set by the intensity of light as the sole source of energy. The responses to light intensity differed in terms of altered duration of the phase from the beginning of the cell cycle to the commitment to divide, and of the phase after commitment to cell division. The duration of the pre-commitment phase was determined by the time required to attain critical cell size and sufficient energy reserves (starch), and thus was inversely proportional to growth rate. If growth was stopped by interposing a period of darkness, the pre-commitment phase was prolonged corresponding to the duration of the dark interval. The duration of the post-commitment phase, during which the processes leading to cell division occurred, was constant and independent of growth rate (light intensity) in the cells of the same division number, or prolonged with increasing division number. It appeared that different regulatory mechanisms operated through these two phases, both of which were inconsistent with gating of cell division at any constant time interval. No evidence was found to support any hypothetical timer, suggested to be triggered at the time of daughter cell release.  相似文献   

The cell cycle program of polypeptide labeling in syndhronous cultures of wild-type Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was analyzed by pulse-labeling cells with 35SO4 = or [3H]arginine at different cell cycle stages. Nearly 100 labeled membrane and soluble polypeptides were resolved and studied using one-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)- polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The labeling experiments produced the following results. (a) Total 35SO4 = and [3H]arginine incorporation rates varied independently throughout the cell cycle. 35SO4 = incorporation was highest in the mid-light phase, while [3H]arginine incorporation peaked in the dark phase just before cell division. (b) The relative labeling rate for 20 of 100 polypeptides showed significant fluctuations (3-12 fold) during the cell cycle. The remaining polypeptides were labeled at a rate commensurate with total 35SO4 = or [3H]arginine incorporation. The polypeptides that showed significant fluctuations in relative labeling rates served as markers to identify cell cycle stages. (c) The effects of illumination conditions on the apparent cell cycle stage-specific labeling of polypeptides were tested. Shifting light-grown asynchronous cells to the dark had an immediate and pronounced effect on the pattern of polypeptide labeling, but shifting dark-phase syndhronous cells to the light had little effect. The apparent cell cycle variations in the labeling of ribulose 1,5-biphosphate (RUBP)-carboxylase were strongly influenced by illumination effects. (d) Pulse-chase experiments with light-grown asynchronous cells revealed little turnover or inter- conversion of labeled polypeptides within one cell generation, meaning that major polypeptides, whether labeled in a stage-specific manner or not, do not appear transiently in the cell cycle of actively dividing, light-grown cells. The cell cycle program of labeling was used to analyze effects of a temperature-sensitive cycle blocked (cb) mutant. A synchronous culture of ts10001 was shifted to restrictive temperature before its block point to prevent it from dividing. The mutant continued its cell cycle program of polypeptide labeling for over a cell generation, despite its inability to divide.  相似文献   

We have used two monoclonal antibodies to demonstrate the presence and localization of actin in interphase and mitotic vegetative cells of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Commercially available monoclonal antibodies raised against smooth muscle actin (Lessard: Cell Motil. Cytoskeleton 10:349-362, 1988; Lin: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 78:2335-2339, 1981) identify Chlamydomonas actin as a approximately 43,000-M(r) protein by Western immunoblot procedures. In an earlier study, Detmers and coworkers (Cell Motil. 5:415-430, 1985) first identified Chlamydomonas actin using NBD-phallacidin and an antibody raised against Dictyostelium actin; they demonstrated that F-actin is localized in the fertilization tubule of mating gametes. Here, we show by immunofluorescence that vegetative Chlamydomonas cells have an array of actin that surrounds the nucleus in interphase cells and undergoes dramatic reorganization during mitosis and cytokinesis. This includes the following: reorganization of actin to the anterior of the cell during preprophase; the formation of a cruciate actin band in prophase; reorganization to a single anterior actin band in metaphase; rearrangement forming a focus of actin anterior to the metaphase plate; reextension of the actin band in anaphase; presence of actin in the forming cleavage furrow during telophase and cytokinesis; and finally reestablishment of the interphase actin array. The studies presented here do not allow us to discriminate between G and F-actin. None the less, our observations, demonstrating dynamic reorganization of actin during the cell cycle, suggest a role for actin that may include the movement of basal bodies toward the spindle poles in mitosis and the formation of the cleavage furrow during cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Metabolites and lipids are the final products of enzymatic processes, distinguishing the different cellular functions and activities of single cells or whole tissues. Understanding these cellular functions within a well‐established model system requires a systemic collection of molecular and physiological information. In the current report, the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was selected to establish a comprehensive workflow for the detailed multi‐omics analysis of a synchronously growing cell culture system. After implementation and benchmarking of the synchronous cell culture, a two‐phase extraction method was adopted for the analysis of proteins, lipids, metabolites and starch from a single sample aliquot of as little as 10–15 million Chlamydomonas cells. In a proof of concept study, primary metabolites and lipids were sampled throughout the diurnal cell cycle. The results of these time‐resolved measurements showed that single compounds were not only coordinated with each other in different pathways, but that these complex metabolic signatures have the potential to be used as biomarkers of various cellular processes. Taken together, the developed workflow, including the synchronized growth of the photoautotrophic cell culture, in combination with comprehensive extraction methods and detailed metabolic phenotyping has the potential for use in in‐depth analysis of complex cellular processes, providing essential information for the understanding of complex biological systems.  相似文献   

The chloroplast enzyme ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (Ru-1,5-P2) carboxylase (EC 4.1 1.39) is made up ot two nonidentical subunits, one synthesized in the chloroplast and the other outside. Both of these subunits of the assembled enzyme are synthesized in a stepwise manner during the synchronous cell cycle of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The activity of this enzyme increases in the light and this increase is due to de novo protein synthesis as shown by the measurement of the amount of protein and by the pulse incorporation of radioactive arginine in the 18S enzyme peak in linear sucrose density gradients. During the dark phase of the cell cycle, there is little change in the enzymatic activity as well as in the amount of this enzyme. Pulse-labeling studies using radioactive arginine indicated that there is a slow but detectable rate of synthesis of the carboxylase and of its subunits in the dark. Ru-1,5-P2 carboxylase, prelabeled with radioactive arginine throughout the entire light period, shows a similarly slow rate of degradation in the following dark period. This slow turnover of the enzyme in the dark accounts for the steady levels of carboxylase protein and of enzymatic activity during this period. A wide variety of inhibitors of protein synthesis by 70S and 80S ribosomes abolished the incorporation of [3H]arginine into total Ru-1,5-P2 carboxylase during short-term incubation. These results suggest a tight-coordinated control of the biosynthesis of the small and large subunits of the enzyme. This stringent control is further substantiated by the finding that both subunits are synthesized in sychrony with each other, that the ratio of radioactivity of the small to the large subunit remains constant throughout the entire light-dark cycle, and that the rates of synthesis and of degradation of both subunits are similar to that of the assembled enzyme.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cell cycles are driven by a set of regulators that have undergone lineage-specific gene loss, duplication, or divergence in different taxa. It is not known to what extent these genomic processes contribute to differences in cell cycle regulatory programs and cell division mechanisms among different taxonomic groups. We have undertaken a genome-wide characterization of the cell cycle genes encoded by Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, a unicellular eukaryote that is part of the green algal/land plant clade. Although Chlamydomonas cells divide by a noncanonical mechanism termed multiple fission, the cell cycle regulatory proteins from Chlamydomonas are remarkably similar to those found in higher plants and metazoans, including the proteins of the RB-E2F pathway that are absent in the fungal kingdom. Unlike in higher plants and vertebrates where cell cycle regulatory genes have undergone extensive duplication, most of the cell cycle regulators in Chlamydomonas have not. The relatively small number of cell cycle genes and growing molecular genetic toolkit position Chlamydomonas to become an important model for higher plant and metazoan cell cycles.  相似文献   

The influence of growth retardant choline chloride (0.02, 0.2 and 2 g/l) on cell size and division as well as chlorophyll accumulation and chloroplast ultrastructure of unicellular green algae Chlamydomonas was studied. It was shown that at any concentration used (0.02, 0.2, and 2 g/l) choline chloride decreased the rate of cell division. The content of chlorophyll and carotenoid per cell decreased and the sizes of cells increased at all concentrations of choline chloride. On the basis of electron microscopy data, the conclusion was made that an increase in the concentration of choline chloride intensified destruction processes in membranes of chloroplasts and other cell organelles.  相似文献   

The quantitative method is suggested to estimate cell cycle phase durations and dispersions of progress through the phases for population of cells. The method is based on the analysis of frequency of cells with different staining of sister chromatids by means of 5-bromodeoxycytidine. The process of cell population progress is described by the Gauss probability integral. The durations of the cell cycle phases are determined for cell culture of Chinese hamster.  相似文献   

【背景】藻类是生产生物柴油的主要原料,而一些真菌和细菌能够与藻类共生并提高生物柴油产量,因此藻-菌共生培养技术成为国内外研究的热点。【目的】研究共生真菌Simplicilliumlanosoniveum对衣藻Chlamydomonas reinhardtii细胞生长和脂类合成的影响。【方法】将分离的蓝藻共生真菌和衣藻混合(共生)培养。【结果】与衣藻单独培养相比,混合培养衣藻的比生长速率(0.20 d-1)、细胞产率[0.17 g/(L·d)]和生物量(2.85 g/L)分别提高了10.3%、51.3%和55.7%;脂类比合成速率[0.68 mg/(g·d)]、合成速率[1.95 mg/(L·d)]和含量(220.4 mg/g)分别提高了33.3%、107.5%和32.0%,并且脂类中的饱和脂肪酸以及单不饱和脂肪酸C18-1和C18-2的比例上升,有利于生物柴油的加工。【结论】真菌Simplicilliumlanosoniveum能够促进衣藻的生长和脂类合成,因此藻-菌混合培养可用于生物柴油原料的生产。  相似文献   

Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of isolated cytoplasmic and chloroplast ribosomal ribonucleic acid species during the synchronous vegetative cell cycle of the eukaryote Chlamydomonas reinhardtii suggests that a separate control of cytoplasmic and chloroplast rRNA might exist. It was found that the amount of cytoplasmic rRNA linearly increased during the entire G1 phase of the cell cycle, whereas chloroplast rRNA accumulated only through 70% of the G1 period. The amount of cytoplasmic rRNA per mother cell remained constant during nuclear DNA synthesis but a gradual loss of chloroplast rRNA was noted at this time. A significant decline in all four rRNA species occurred at the time of cell division.  相似文献   

The effect of anaerobiosis on the induction of the xanthophyll cycle was investigated in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The results showed that, anaerobiosis obtained by either sulfur starvation or by bubbling nitrogen in the culture grown in complete medium induced the xanthophyll cycle even when cultures were exposed to low light conditions. The zeaxanthin content reached 35 mmol mol?1 Chl a, after 110 h in anaerobic sulfur-starved cultures, and 30 mmol mol?1 Chl a within 24 h in sulfur replete cultures bubbled with nitrogen. Both starved and non-starved cultures grown under aerobic conditions, did not exhibit any sizeable increase in the zeaxanthin content. Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements revealed a decrease in the maximum photochemical quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm) by more than 50 %. The chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics (OJIP) analysis showed a strong rise at the J-step indicating a strong reduction of QA. Our findings demonstrated that anaerobiosis in low light exposed cultures induced the xanthophyll cycle through a strong increase of the level of plastoquinone pool reduction, which was associated to the formation of a trans-thylakoid membranes proton gradient, while in dark anaerobic cultures, no appreciable induction of xanthophyll cycle could be observed, despite the sizeable increase in non–photochemical quenching.  相似文献   

Nitrogen deficiency severely inhibits leaf growth. This response was analysed at the cellular level by growing Lolium perenne L. under 7.5 mM (high) or 1 mM (low) nitrate supply, and performing a kinematic analysis to assess the effect of nitrogen status on cell proliferation and cell growth in the leaf blade epidermis. Low nitrogen supply reduced leaf elongation rate (LER) by 43% through a similar decrease in the cell production rate and final cell length. The former was entirely because of a decreased average cell division rate (0.023 versus 0.032 h(-1)) and thus longer cell cycle duration (30 versus 22 h). Nitrogen status did not affect the number of division cycles of the initial cell's progeny (5.7), and accordingly the meristematic cell number (53). Meristematic cell length was unaffected by nitrogen deficiency, implying that the division and mitotic growth rates were equally impaired. The shorter mature cell length arose from a considerably reduced post-mitotic growth rate (0.033 versus 0.049 h(-1)). But, nitrogen stress did not affect the position where elongation stopped, and increased cell elongation duration. In conclusion, nitrogen deficiency limited leaf growth by increasing the cell cycle duration and decreasing mitotic and post-mitotic elongation rates, delaying cell maturation.  相似文献   

Cellular perception of pressure is a largely unknown field in microalgae research although it should be addressed for optimization of a photobioreactor design regarding typically occurring pressure cycles. Also for the purpose of using microalgae as basic modules for material cycles in controlled ecological life support systems, the absence of pressure in outer space or the low absolute pressures on other planets is an abiotic factor that needs to be considered for design of integrated microalgae‐based modules. The aim of this work is to study the effects of lowered pressure and pressure changes on photosynthesis as well as morphology. Two Chlamydomonas reinhardtii wild‐type strains were exposed to controlled pressure patterns during batch cultivations. Sudden pressure changes should test for existing threshold values for cell survival to mimic such events during space missions. Algae were grown inside a 2 L photobioreactor with an integrated vacuum pump ensuring constant pressures down to 700 mbar. Cultivation samples were analyzed for OD750, cell dry weight, and morphology via light microscope. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii CC‐1690 cells showed decreased growth rates, higher carbon dioxide uptake rates, and unchanged oxygen production rates at lower pressures. For sudden pressures changes in the range of 300 mbar no fatal threshold was determined. This study shows that pressure reduction affects growth, gas exchange rates, and morphology. Within the tested pressure range no fatal threshold value was reached.  相似文献   

We report on the changes the photosynthetic apparatus of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii undergoes upon acclimation to different light intensity. When grown in high light, cells had a faster growth rate and higher biomass production compared with low and control light conditions. However, cells acclimated to low light intensity are indeed able to produce more biomass per photon available as compared with high light-acclimated cells, which dissipate as heat a large part of light absorbed, thus reducing their photosynthetic efficiency. This dissipative state is strictly dependent on the accumulation of LhcSR3, a protein related to light-harvesting complexes, responsible for nonphotochemical quenching in microalgae. Other changes induced in the composition of the photosynthetic apparatus upon high light acclimation consist of an increase of carotenoid content on a chlorophyll basis, particularly zeaxanthin, and a major down-regulation of light absorption capacity by decreasing the chlorophyll content per cell. Surprisingly, the antenna size of both photosystem I and II is not modulated by acclimation; rather, the regulation affects the PSI/PSII ratio. Major effects of the acclimation to low light consist of increased activity of state 1 and 2 transitions and increased contributions of cyclic electron flow.  相似文献   

Summary In synchronized cultures of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) was found to selectively mutate replicating forms of nuclear DNA. This conclusion was based on the 15- to 30-fold increase in the recovery of MNNG induced Mendelian streptomycin resistant mutants (sr-1) which was correlated with mutagenesis during the period of nuclear DNA replication. No concomitant increase in the recovery of non-Mendelian streptomycin resistant mutants (sr-2) occurred during this same period.Mutagenesis at the time of chloroplast DNA replication, however, resulted in a 1.5- to 1.6-fold increase in the recovery of both sr-1 and sr-2 induced mutants.  相似文献   

Six lettuce cultivars were grown to a dry weight of about 0.2 g per plant at four constant temperatures with high light intensity and ample nutrients. Relative growth rates (RGR) were sigmoidally related to temperature, averaging 0.11 g/g/day at 10 °C and 0.35 g/g/day at 22 °C. The cultivars Cobham Green and Avoncrisp had higher RGRs than the others, but the cultivar-temperature interaction was not statistically significant. Temperature affected both components of RGR, i.e. net assimilation rate and leaf area ratio, about equally: the faster-growing cultivars had higher net assimilation rates than the others. Growth rate predictions from the cabinet work agreed fairly well with observations made in the field.  相似文献   

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