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Many invasive alien plants occur in large populations with abundant flowers which are highly attractive to pollinators, and thus might affect pollination of co-occurring native species. This study focuses on the invasive Heracleum mantegazzianum and distance-dependent effects on pollination of Mimulus guttatus in abandoned grassland over 2 years. First, we examined pollinator abundance in yellow traps at 0, 10, 30 and 60–200 m from H. mantegazzianum. We then placed M. guttatus plants at the same distances to monitor effects of the invasive species on pollinator visitation and seed set of neighbouring plants. Finally, we conducted a garden experiment to test if deposition of H. mantegazzianum pollen reduces seed set in M. guttatus. No distance effect was found for the number of bumblebees in traps, although the invasive species attracted a diverse assemblage of insects, and visitation of M. guttatus was enhanced close to H. mantegazzianum. This positive effect was not reflected by seed set of M. guttatus, and heterospecific pollen decreased seed set in these plants. Overall there is little evidence for negative effects of the invasive species on pollination of neighbouring plants, and flower visitation even increases close to the invaded patches. The functional role of the invader and suitable control strategies need further clarification, since removal of H. mantegazzianum may actually damage local pollinator populations. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Senecio inaequidens, a south African species that has recently invaded parts of Europe, especially human disturbed habitats, was examined under laboratory and glasshouse conditions to assess the germination of achenes, soil seed banks, growth of seedlings and its breeding system. These observations allowed identification of ecological characteristics that may contribute to the invasiveness of the species. Achenes derived from three populations of S. inaequidens were germinated over a wide temperature range (from 14/6 °C day/night temperatures to a constant temperature of 30 °C). They exhibited a rapid achene germination especially when temperatures reached 20 °C. Germination of seeds from soil samples also exhibited a prolonged germination over time suggesting therefore different types of dormancy. Growth response was studied along a nitrogen gradient from 0.33 to 16.0 mmol l–1 and data were interpreted using growth analysis. Seedlings of S. inaequidens exhibited a slow growth in low nutrient availability and a rapid growth rate when exposed to high nutrient availability, which contributed to producing a large leaf area and biomass. Four types of pollination were studied in S. inaequidens. Hand-pollinations showed that S. inaequidens was mostly self-incompatible. Self-pollinated capitula only showed 7.6% viable achenes, significantly lower than insect-pollinated and cross-pollinated capitula. Some individuals were more self-fertile than others ensuring the production of some offspring in a situation of colonisation. Natural pollination occurred with generalist insects. Most of these results confirm the invasive ability of S. inaequidens.  相似文献   

Mills MD  Rader RB  Belk MC 《Oecologia》2004,141(4):713-721
We suggest that the ultimate outcome of interactions between native species and invasive species (extinction or coexistence) depends on the number of simultaneous negative interactions (competition and predation), which depends on relative body sizes of the species. Multiple simultaneous interactions may constrain the ability of native species to trade fitness components (i.e., reduced growth for reduced risk of predation) causing a spiral to extinction. We found evidence for five types of interactions between the adults and juveniles of introduced western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) and the juveniles of native least chub (Iotichthys phlegethontis). We added ten large (23–28 mm) and seven small (9–13 mm) young-of-the-year (YOY) least chub to replicate enclosures with zero, low, and high densities of mosquitofish in a desert spring ecosystem. Treatments with mosquitofish reduced the average survival of least chub by one-third. No small YOY least chub survived in enclosures with high mosquitofish densities. We also performed two laboratory experiments to determine mortality to predation, aggressiveness, and habitat selection of least chub in the presence of mosquitofish. Mean mortality of least chub due to predation by large mosquitofish was 69.7% over a 3-h trial. Least chub were less aggressive, selected protected habitats (Potamogeton spp.), and were more stationary in the presence of mosquitofish where the dominance hierarchy was large mosquitofish>>large least chubsmall mosquitofish>>small least chub. Least chub juveniles appear to be figuratively caught in a vice. Rapid growth to a size refuge could reduce the risk of predation, but the simultaneous effects of competition decreased least chub growth and prolonged the period when juveniles were vulnerable to mosquitofish predation.  相似文献   

Different biotic interactions may influence one another to produce complex patterns of direct and indirect effects, which together influence plant reproductive success. However, so far most studies on plant-animal interactions have focused on single interactions in isolation. In this study, we studied the effect of florivory by the weevil Cionus nigritarsis on pollinator visitation rate in the self-incompatible perennial herb Verbascum nigrum by combining observations of florivory and pollination in natural populations with records of pollinator visitation to plants with different levels of experimentally inflicted damage.Increasing levels of damage through either natural or simulated florivory resulted in fewer pollinator visits per plant and per flower. As expected, the magnitude of the indirect effect of florivory on pollinator visitation was proportional to the intensity of florivory. Our results indicate that biotic non-pollinating agents, such as florivores, may induce substantial changes in pollinator availability. Therefore, studies addressing different plant-animal interactions in parallel are necessary to better comprehend the factors influencing the reproductive performance and demography of flowering plants.  相似文献   

Following the detection of the harlequin ladybird, Harmonia axyridis, in 2003 in potato crops in Belgium, a study was carried out between 2004 and 2006 on the phenology of this species compared to native species in potato. The results confirmed the success of H. axyridis, with high population levels in 2004 and 2005. In 2006, aphid populations were very low and no H. axyridis larvae were sampled in potato, but the indigenous species Coccinella septempunctata and Propylea quatuordecimpunctata were detected. A species by species comparison of the date of first larvae detection, the larvae population peak, and the difference between this peak and the aphid population peak was performed. Results showed a clear correlation between C. septempunctata and P. quatuordecimpunctata and potato aphids, with a delay of 3.5 and 6.5 days between the aphid and ladybird population peaks for the two native species. H. axyridis arrived 7–8 days after the two indigenous species and the larval peak population occurred 15.8 days after the aphid population peak. This meant that H. axyridis had to complete its larval development with very low aphid populations or even with no aphids at all. The reason for its late arrival and the possible food resources used by H. axyridis larvae are discussed.  相似文献   

The potential for classical biological control to cause unintended harm to native species was evaluated in the case of the endemic Hawaiian koa bug, Coleotichus blackburniae White (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae), and parasitoids introduced to Hawaii for control of an agricultural pest, the southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula (L.) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Parasitism of C. blackburniae eggs, nymphs and adults by biocontrol agents was quantified across a wide range of habitats and compared to other sources of mortality. Egg mortality due to the biocontrol agent Trissolcus basalis Wollaston (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) was low (maximum 26%) and confined to elevations below 500 m on a single host plant. Predation, mainly by alien spiders and ants, was the greatest source of egg mortality (maximum 87%). Parasitism of adult C. blackburniae by the biocontrol agent Trichopoda pilipes (F.) (Diptera: Tachinidae) was near zero at 21 of 24 sites surveyed. Three sites with high bug density had higher levels of T. pilipes parasitism, reaching maxima of 70% among adult female bugs, 100% among males and 50% among fifth instars. Male-biased parasitism indicated that T. pilipes is adapted to using male aggregation pheromone for finding C. blackburniae hosts. The relative impacts of biocontrol agents and other sources of mortality were compared using life tables. Invasive species, particularly generalist egg predators, had the greatest impacts on C. blackburniae populations. Effects of intentionally introduced parasitoids were relatively minor, although the tachinid T. pilipes showed potential for large impacts at individual sites. In retrospect, non-target attacks by biological control agents on C. blackburniae were predictable, but the environmental range and magnitude of impacts would have been difficult to foresee.  相似文献   

Summary We hypothesize that the tritrophic interaction between ants, the aphid Aphis jacobaeae, the moth Tyria jacobaeae, and the plant Senecio jacobaea can explain the genetic variation observed in pyrrolizidine alkaloid concentration in natural populations of S. jacobaea. The ant Lasius niger effectively defends S. jacobaea plants infested with A. jacobaeae against larvae of T. jacobaeae. S. jacobaea plants with A. jacobaeae which are defended by ants escape regular defoliation by T. jacobaeae. Plants with aphids and ants have a lower pyrrolizidine alkaloid concentration than plants without aphids and ants. When these data are fitted to an existing theoretical model for temporal variation in fitness it is shown that varying herbivore pressure by T. jacobaeae in interaction with ants defending aphid-infested plants with a low pyrrolizidine alkaloid concentration can lead to a stable polymorphism in pyrrolizidine alkaloid concentration. Costs of the production and maintenance of pyrrolizidine alkaloids are not accounted for in the model.Publication of the Meijendel-comité, new series no. 114  相似文献   

Although plant–animal interactions like pollination and herbivory are obviously interdependent, ecological investigations focus mainly on one kind of interaction ignoring the possible significance of the others. Plants with flowers offer an extraordinary possibility to study such mutualistic and antagonistic interactions since it is possible to measure changes in floral traits and fitness components in response to different organisms or combinations of them. In a three factorial common garden experiment we investigated single and combined effects of root herbivores, leaf herbivores and decomposers on flowering traits and plant fitness of Sinapis arvensis. Leaf herbivory negatively affected flowering traits indicating that it could significantly affect plant attractiveness to pollinators. Decomposers increased total plant biomass and seed mass indicating that plants use the nutrients liberated by decomposers to increase seed production. We suggest that S. arvensis faced no strong selection pressure from pollen limitation, for two reasons. First, reduced nutrient availability through leaf herbivory affected primarily floral traits that could be important for pollinator attraction. Second, improved nutrient supply through decomposer activity was invested in seed production and not in floral traits. This study indicates the importance of considering multiple plant–animal interactions simultaneously to understand selection pressures underlying plant traits and fitness.  相似文献   

Summary From 1985–1987, patterns of fruit and seed set were studied in a population of mayapple (Podophyllum peltatum), a clonal, self-incompatible herb found in deciduous woods in eastern North America. Mayapple flowers do not produce nectar, but depend on infrequent visits by nectar-seeking queen bumble bees for pollination. In all years female reproductive success in mayapple colonies was influenced by colony size (number of flowers), by the distance to neighbouring colonies and by proximity to lousewort plants (Pedicularis canadensis), a prolific nectar producer heavily visited by bumble bees. In all years fruit and seed set were greater in mayapple colonies <25 m from lousewort flowers than in matched colonies which were >50 m from lousewort. In 1985 and 1987 the frequency of queen bumble bee visits to flowers in colonies close to lousewort was about four times greater than to distant colonies. In 1986 I removed about 80% of lousewort flowers to test whether the enhanced fruit and seed set in mayapples close to lousewort was pollinator mediated. Mayapple colonies close to flowerless lousewort patches did not differ in fruit or seed set from matched colonies >50 m from lousewort. In contrast, mayapples close to flowering lousewort patches had greater fruit and seed set compared with distant colonies. Over all years, a larger proportion of mayapples close to flowering lousewort patches had enhanced fruit and seed set compared with colonies close to louseworts without flowers. Though rarely documented, this type of facilitative interaction between plants that are highly attractive to pollinators (magnet species), and co-flowering species that are rarely visited by pollinators, may be widespread in plant communities.  相似文献   

Many alpine plants display a generalist pollination system where almost any available flower visitor could act as a legitimate pollinator. Co-flowering related plant species displaying a generalized pollination system can decrease their fitness due to interspecific mating. In this study, we determine the difference in diversity and composition of the pollination systems of two co-occurring species endemic to the alpine region of the Sierra Nevada (SE Spain), Erysimum nevadense Reut. and Erysimum baeticum baeticum (Heywood) Polatschek (Brassicaceae), and check for the potential role of floral and plant traits in explaining the observed differences. For this, we labeled 30 plants in two populations of each plant species located in the same area. We determined flower visitor assemblage by sampling all insects approaching the flowers and contacting the sexual organs during 60-min surveys. We found that the diversity of the pollinator assemblage was similar between the two studied wallflower species, both species showing a much generalized pollination system. However, the composition of the pollinator assemblage was different, since the flowers of E. nevadense were visited mostly by beetles and in a lesser extent by hover-flies, whereas the flowers of E. baeticum baeticum were visited mostly by ants and bees. Interestingly, flower traits varied between species, with E. nevadense displaying yellow, smaller and shallower flowers and E. baeticum baeticum displaying purple, large and deeper flowers. These findings suggest that differences in floral traits can explain the observed differences in the composition of the pollinator assemblage between both wallflower species.  相似文献   

When invasive woody plants become dominant, they present an extreme challenge for restoration of native plant communities. Invasive Morella faya (fire tree) forms extensive, nearly monospecific stands in wet and mesic forests on the Island of Hawai’i. We used logging, girdling, and selective girdling over time (incremental girdling) to kill stands of M. faya at different rates, with the objective of identifying a method that best promotes native forest re-establishment. We hypothesized that rapid canopy opening by logging would lead to establishment of fast-growing, non-native invaders, but that slower death of M. faya by girdling or incremental girdling would increase the establishment by native plants adapted to partial shade conditions. After applying the M. faya treatments, seed banks, seed rain, and plant recruitment were monitored over 3 years. Different plant communities developed in response to the treatments. Increased light and nitrogen availability in the logged treatment were associated with invasion by non-native species. Native species, including the dominant native forest tree, (Metrosideros polymorpha) and tree fern (Cibotium glaucum), established most frequently in the girdle and incremental girdle treatments, but short-lived non-native species were more abundant than native species. A diverse native forest is unlikely to develop following any of the treatments due to seed limitation for many native species, but girdling and incremental girdling promoted natural establishment of major components of native Hawaiian forest. Girdling may be an effective general strategy for reestablishing native vegetation in areas dominated by woody plant invaders.  相似文献   

Blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus (Rathbun), are an ecologically and commercially important species along the East coast of North America. Over the past century and a half, blue crabs have been exposed to an expanding set of exotic species, a few of which are potential competitors. To test for interactions with invasive crabs, juvenile C. sapidus males were placed in competition experiments for a food item with two common non-indigenous crabs, the green crab Carcinus maenas (L.) and the Japanese shore crab, Hemigrapsus sanguineus (De Haan). Agonistic interactions were evaluated when they occurred. In addition, each species’ potential to resist predators was examined by testing carapace strength. Results showed that C. maenas was a superior competitor to both C. sapidus and H. sanguineus for obtaining food, while the latter two species were evenly matched against each other. Regarding agonism, C. sapidus, was the “loser” a disproportionate number of times. C. sapidus carapaces also had a significantly lower breaking strength. These experiments suggest that both as a competitor, and as potential prey, juvenile blue crabs have some disadvantages compared with these common sympatric exotic crab species, and in areas where these exotics are common, juvenile native blue crabs may be forced to expend more energy in conflict that could be spent foraging, and may be forced away from prime food items toward less optimum prey.  相似文献   

McCall AC 《Oecologia》2008,155(4):729-737
While herbivory has traditionally been studied as damage to leaves, florivory – herbivory to flowers prior to seed set – can also have large effects on plant fitness. Florivory can decrease fitness directly, either through the destruction of gametes or through alterations to plant physiology during fruit set, and can also change the appearance of a flower, deterring pollinators and reducing seed set. In order to distinguish between these hypotheses, it is necessary to both damage flowers and add pollen in excess to study the effects of damage on pollen limitation. Very few studies have used this technique over the lifetime of a plant. Here I describe a series of experiments showing the effects of natural and artificial damage on reproductive success in the annual plant Nemophila menziesii (Hydrophyllaceae, sensu lato). I show that natural and artificial petal damage decreased radial symmetry relative to controls and that both types of damage deterred pollinator activity. Both naturally damaged flowers and artificially damaged flowers in the field set fewer fruit or seed relative to undamaged control flowers. Finally, in an experiment crossing artificial petal damage with pollen addition, petal damage alone over the lifetime of this plant decreased female fitness, but only after a threshold of damage was reached. The fitness effect appeared to be direct because there was no detectable effect of pollen addition on the relationship between florivory and fitness. This result implies that both damaged and undamaged plants show similar amounts of pollen limitation and suggests that pollinator-mediated effects contributed little to the negative effects of florivory on female fitness. Florivores may thus be an under-appreciated agent of selection in certain plants, although more experimental manipulation of florivory is needed to determine if it is important over a range of taxa.  相似文献   

The invasion of the green crab Carcinus maenas in the northeastern U.S. and its competition with the native blue crab Callinectes sapidus and other native crustaceans has been well-documented and researched. Various reasons for the invader’s success against native crabs have been examined (juvenile predation, food source flexibility, etc.), but another possibility is a difference in the learning ability of invasive versus native crab species. In this study, the learning ability of C. maenas and C. sapidus was tested by their increased speed in locating hidden food over successive days. The data suggest that C. maenas possesses a learning ability significantly greater than that of C. sapidus, which may partially contribute to its success.  相似文献   

Invasive plants are capable of modifying attributes of soil to facilitate further invasion by conspecifics and other invasive species. We assessed this capability in three important plant invaders of grasslands in the Great Plains region of North America: leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula), smooth brome (Bromus inermis) and crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum). In a glasshouse, these three invasives or a group of native species were grown separately through three cycles of growth and soil conditioning in both steam-pasteurized and non-pasteurized soils, after which we assessed seedling growth in these soils. Two of the three invasive species, Bromus and Agropyron, exhibited significant self-facilitation via soil modification. Bromus and Agropyron also had significant facilitative effects on other invasives via soil modification, while Euphorbia had significant antagonistic effects on the other invasives. Both Agropyron and Euphorbia consistently suppressed growth of two of three native forbs, while three native grasses were generally less affected. Almost all intra- and interspecific effects of invasive soil conditioning were dependent upon presence of soil biota from field sites where these species were successful invaders. Overall, these results suggest that that invasive modification of soil microbiota can facilitate plant invasion directly or via ‘cross-facilitation’ of other invasive species, and moreover has potential to impede restoration of native communities after removal of an invasive species. However, certain native species that are relatively insensitive to altered soil biota (as we observed in the case of the forb Linum lewisii and the native grasses), may be valuable as ‘nurse’species in restoration efforts.  相似文献   

The interplay of abiotic factors and competition has a long history in ecology, although there are very few studies on the interaction of salinity and competition in fish. Mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) are among the most invasive fish worldwide, with well documented ecological impacts on several taxa such as amphibians and small native fish. It has been previously hypothesized, based on field observations, that salinity limits the invasive success of mosquitofish and provides a competitive refuge for Mediterranean cyprinodonts. We experimentally tested this hypothesis by examining the agonistic behaviour and food competition between mosquitofish and an endangered native cyprinodont (Aphanius fasciatus) at three salinities (0, 15, 25‰). Intraspecific aggressive behaviour for both species was not significantly affected by salinity. As salinity increased, mosquitofish decreased their aggressive behaviour towards cyprinodonts and captured less prey. In contrast, the cyprinodonts did not change their behaviour with different salinity treatments, with the possible exception of increased defensive acts in higher salinities, but captured more prey with increasing salinity because of the reduced efficiency of mosquitofish. Our study confirms previous field observations that salinity limits the invasive success of mosquitofish and provides one of the few experimental demonstrations that it may mediate behavioural and competitive interactions between fish species. Condition-specific competition of mosquitofish might be expected with other species and ecosystems worldwide and illustrates the importance of integrating biotic and abiotic factors in the study of interspecific interactions.  相似文献   

Caño L  Escarré J  Vrieling K  Sans FX 《Oecologia》2009,159(1):95-106
This paper tests the prediction that introduced plants may become successful invaders because they experience evolutionary changes in growth and defence in their new range [evolution of increased competitive ability hypothesis (EICA)]. Interspecific and intraspecific binary feeding choices were offered to the snail Helix aspersa. The choices were between: (1) plants of the invasive Senecio inaequidens and Senecio pterophorus derived from populations in the introduced range (Europe) and plants of three indigenous species (Senecio jacobea, Senecio vulgaris and Senecio malacitanus) from populations in Europe; (2) plants of the invasive S. inaequidens and S. pterophorus from populations in the introduced range (Europe) and from populations in the native range (South Africa). We did not find a clear pattern of preference for indigenous or alien species of Senecio. However, we found that European invasive populations of S. inaequidens and S. pterophorus were less palatable than South African native populations. Moreover, in contrast to the predictions of the EICA hypothesis, the invasive genotypes of both species also showed a higher total concentration of pyrrolizidine alkaloids, and in the case of S. inaequidens we also found higher growth than in native genotypes. Our results are discussed with respect to the refinement of the EICA hypothesis that takes into account the difference between specialist and generalist herbivores and between qualitative and quantitative defences. We conclude that invasive populations of S. inaequidens and S. pterophorus are less palatable than native populations, suggesting that genetic differentiation associated with founding may occur and contribute to the plants’ invasion success by selecting the best-defended genotypes in the introduced range.  相似文献   

Madjidian JA  Morales CL  Smith HG 《Oecologia》2008,156(4):835-845
Biological invasions might constitute a major threat to mutualisms. Introduced pollinators might competitively displace their native counterparts, which in turn affects the pollination of native plants, if native and alien visitors differ in pollinator effectiveness. Since its invasion in 1994 into south-west Argentina, the introduced European bumblebee Bombus ruderatus has continuously increased in abundance, along with a simultaneous decrease in the abundance of the native Bombus dahlbomii. The latter is the only native bumblebee species of the temperate forests of southern South America, and the main pollinator of the endemic herb Alstroemeria aurea. In order to evaluate the impact of the ongoing displacement of the native by the alien bumblebee, we compared the pollinator effectiveness (i.e., the combination of pollinator efficiency per visit and visitation frequency) between both bumblebee species, as well as related pollinator traits that might account for potential differences in pollinator efficiency. Native Bombus dahlbomii, which has a larger body and spent more time per flower, was the more efficient pollinator compared to Bombus ruderatus, both in terms of quantity and quality of pollen deposited per visit. However, Bombus ruderatus was a much more frequent flower visitor than Bombus dahlbomii. As a consequence, Bombus ruderatus is nowadays a more effective pollinator of A. aurea than its native congener. Despite the lack of evidence of an increase in seed set at the population level, comparisons with historical records of Bombus dahlbomii abundances prior to Bombus ruderatus' invasion suggest that the overall pollination intensity of A. aurea might in fact have risen as a consequence of this invasion. Field experiments like these, that incorporate the natural variation in abundance of native and alien species, are powerful means to demonstrate that the consequences of invasions are more complex than previous manipulated and controlled experiments have suggested.  相似文献   

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