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In gomphocerine grasshoppers the neuromuscular patterns of stridulatory hindleg movements are produced by metathoracic rhythm generators under the control of cephalic command neurons. Injections of cholinergic agonists into the protocerebrum activate this command system which induces the performance of stridulatory sequences, resembling natural species specific movements. Injections of GABA, glycine and picrotoxin into the central protocerebrum of the species Omocestus viridulus, Chorthippus mollis and Ch. biguttulus revealed a contribution of inhibitory mechanisms to the control of the stridulatory behaviour. The experiments suggest that inhibition interferes with the cephalic command systems at three levels: (1) sustained inhibition through picrotoxin sensitive receptors acting on all command units while grasshoppers are at rest, and during stridulation on all command units except the one activating the pattern generators of the currently performed movements; (2) premature termination of song sequences, experimentally induced by injections of GABA and glycine; and (3) coupling of a timing mechanism that terminates a song sequence or its subunits with a particular movement pattern after specific durations. These results together with those from previous studies on the pharmacological activation of stridulatory behaviour suggest that a balance of inhibitory and excitatory inputs to the command system selects the appropriate song type and controls its performance. Accepted: 11 June 1998  相似文献   

The effects of the pre-exposure schedule (concurrent, intermixed, and blocked) to two similar visual stimuli were assessed in three different tasks. Participants were more accurate identifying one of two pre-exposed stimuli as the target by means of same/different judgments after concurrent than intermixed or blocked pre-exposures. Regardless of pre-exposure schedule, participants were accurate in identifying the same target stimulus in a subsequent multiple choice task. However, the other pre-exposed stimulus was incorrectly chosen as the target in a greater proportion after blocked than intermixed or concurrent pre-exposure. Finally, participants who received the blocked schedule showed a greater ability to construct the target in a puzzle test than those who received a concurrent or intermixed schedule. These results suggest that the effect of pre-exposure schedule may depend on task-specific demands. But all these results might be explained by a selective attention mechanism like that proposed by Gibson (1969) to account for perceptual learning.  相似文献   

Neurotrophins (NTs), a family of proteins including nerve growth factor, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neurotrophin-3, and neurotrophin-4, are essential for neural growth, survival, and differentiation, and are therefore crucial for brain development. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by problems of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity. ADHD is one of the most common childhood onset psychiatric disorders. Studies have suggested that both genetic and environmental factors influence the development of the disorder, although the precise causes of ADHD have not yet been identified. In this review, we assess the role of NTs in the pathophysiology of ADHD. Preclinical evidence indicates that BDNF knockout mice are hyperactive, and an ADHD rodent model exhibited decreased cerebral BDNF levels. Several lines of evidence from clinical studies, including blood level and genetic studies, have suggested that NTs are involved in the pathogenesis of ADHD and in the mechanism of biological treatments for ADHD. Future directions for research are proposed, such as using blood NTs as ADHD biomarkers, optimizing NT genetic studies in ADHD, considering NTs as a link between ADHD and other comorbid mental disorders, and investigating methods for optimally modulating NT signaling to discover novel therapeutics for treating ADHD.  相似文献   

Recent studies indicate that electrical coupling among cortical neurons may persist throughout development; electrophysiological recordings made in cortical slices from young rats reveal that numerous GABAergic neurons are electrically coupled. To determine whether these in vitro findings reflect an inhibitory neural circuit that could be functionally relevant in vivo in adult rodents, we sought to identify whether inhibitory, parvalbumin-containing neurons of the mature cortex express gap junction proteins. Immunohistochemistry was used to examine the laminar distribution of the gap junction-forming proteins connexin 32 (Cx32), connexin 36 (Cx36) and connexin 43 (Cx43) in the somatosensory cortex of the adult mouse. Double labeling immunofluorescence identified Cx32, Cx36 and Cx43 in cortical neurons that were immunoreactive (-ir) for the neuronal markers neurofilament 145 kDa and neuronal nuclei (NeuN). Parvalbumin-ir neurons throughout the cortical laminae were labeled with Cx32-ir, Cx36-ir and Cx43-ir. Stereological methods were used to quantify the extent of parvalbumin colocalization with connexins. Analysis indicated that approximately 40% of parvalbumin-ir neurons were double labeled with either Cx32-ir or Cx43-ir, and approximately 50% of parvalbumin-ir neurons were double labeled with Cx36. These findings establish an anatomical substrate for widespread electrical coupling of neurons in somatosensory cortex and suggest that gap junctions among inhibitory interneurons may persist into adulthood, providing an important mechanism for neuronal communication.  相似文献   

PCR amplification of target genes from environmental DNA extracts can suffer from PCR inhibition, caused by co-extracted substances. No simple assay has been available to quantify this inhibition. Therefore, a generally applicable PCR inhibition-assay was developed, which allows determination of statistically significant inhibition of PCR. This information is important when documenting quality of DNA in environmental extracts used as template for PCR.  相似文献   

Abstract The one-to-one correspondence of whiskers to barrels in layer IV of rodent somatosensory cortex can be demonstrated by a precise match between columns of heavy 2-deoxyglucose (2DG) label in layer IV barrels and other layers which correspond to stimulated whiskers. While there is specificity of peripheral-to-central mapping, the extent to which integration and/or modulation are generated by circuitry within or interactions between the barrel-defined whisker columns is not clear. Following stimulation of selected whiskers, large cells at the layer IV-V boundary throughout the barrel field are heavily labeled by 2-deoxyglucose (2DG) at high resolution. Many of these cells are outside the barrel columns of the stimulated whiskers. Further, the number of cells labeled is not directly related to the number of activated barrel columns. These neurons are not labeled in animals anesthetized before 2DG injection and are not as heavily labeled in barrel fields of somnolent animals. Most of the heavily labeled neurons immunolabel for glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) and are presumed to be inhibitory, while a smaller number of labeled neurons, presumed to be excitatory, immunolabel for glutamate (Glu). Similar populations of large, heavily 2DG-labeled neurons are found in other cortical areas. These relatively few neurons are exceptionally active and may modulate integrative functions of cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

The role of sialic acid for the adhesion of Helicobacter pylori to gastric mucosa cells and/or to the mucin layer is still under debate. Several but not all H. pylori strains express a sialic acid-binding adhesin, specific for terminal α-2,3-sialic acid residues. Recently, the production of sialidase by H. pylori was reported [Dwarakanath, A.D. et al. (1995) FEMS Immunol. Med. Microbiol. 12, 213–216]. We analysed several strains isolated from gastric biopsies cultivated both in liquid media and on agar plates for sialidase. Activity of this enzyme was first assayed using the fluorigenic substrate 4-methylumbelliferyl-α-d-N-acetylneuraminic acid. Since the fluorimetric assay can give false-positive results caused by non-specific interactions with umbelliferyl-tagged substances, we used also the more sensitive and specific assay with sialyl-[3H]lactitol as a substrate. No evidence for sialidase activity of H. pylori strains, cultivated under both inducible and non-inducible conditions, was obtained.  相似文献   






研究组患儿肠道菌群α−多样性低于对照组,肠杆菌属、气味杆菌属和枸橼酸杆菌属相对丰度均高于对照组,韦荣球菌属、拟杆菌属、双歧杆菌属和普氏栖粪杆菌相对丰度均低于对照组,差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。研究组患儿Conners PSQ问卷评分高于对照组(P<0.05)。研究组患儿Conners PSQ问卷各因子评分与肠道肠杆菌属、气味杆菌属和枸橼酸杆菌属均呈正相关(P<0.05),与韦荣球菌属、拟杆菌属、双歧杆菌属和普氏栖粪杆菌均呈负相关(P<0.05)。




In two experiments, the effects of Pavlovian or discriminative conditioned inhibitors on operant responding were investigated in rats. Experiment 1 found that a Pavlovian conditioned inhibitor for food suppressed food-reinforced lever pressing more than a non-differentially trained control stimulus did. Experiment 2 demonstrated that an operant discriminative inhibitor produced greater suppression of lever pressing than a Pavlovian conditioned inhibitor. Experiment 2 also found that compounding an operant discriminative stimulus (SD) for food-reinforced responding with another SD for food-reinforced responding resulted in more additive summation than when an SD was compounded with a Pavlovian conditioned excitor for food. The results of these experiments support two-factor theories that postulate that incentive and response discriminative processes summate algebraically when the processes are inhibitory or excitatory.  相似文献   

The in vitro anti-proliferative properties of various supernatants from MUC1-expressing cell lines and of purified preparations of MUC1 were evaluated. We have observed that supernatants from the MUC1- and MUC3-positive cell line T47D, but not from the MUC1- and MUC4-positive cell line MCF7, were able to inhibit proliferation of cells from various haematopoietic cell lines. Although the activity of T47D supernatants could be abrogated by immunodepletion of MUC1, immunopurified MUC1 from T47D was unable to inhibit cell proliferation. Significantly, supernatants from mouse 3T3 cells transfected with a secreted form of MUC1 or from BHK-21 cells infected with a recombinant vaccinia virus coding for the secreted form of MUC1, as well as preparations of purified MUC1 from bile or urine, were likewise unable to inhibit T cell proliferation. Surprisingly, a crude mixture of bile mucins had a suppressive effect on T cell growth. Our results suggest that other molecules, such as amino sugars or other mucins, which can associate with MUC1, are likely to be responsible for the observed anti-proliferative effects of T47D cells. Received: 20 August 1998 / Accepted: 3 December 1998  相似文献   

Prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors such as aspirin and indomethacin inhibit ovulation in experimental animals. The effect of therapeutic doses of aspirin on ovulation has been studied in 5 women. Ovulation, as assessed by measurements of urinary LH and plasma progesterone levels, basal body temperature and cervical mucus changes occured in all the control and treatment cycles. Serial sections of the corpora lutea failed to show any entrapped ova. The significance of finding a prostaglandin synthetase inhibitor which acts specifically at the ovarian level is discussed.  相似文献   

To understand how information is coded in the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) we need to decipher the relationship between neural activity and tactile stimuli. Such a relationship can be formally measured by mutual information. The present study was designed to determine how S1 neuronal populations code for the multidimensional kinetic features (i.e. random, time-varying patterns of force) of complex tactile stimuli, applied at different locations of the rat forepaw. More precisely, the stimulus localization and feature extraction were analyzed as two independent processes, using both rate coding and temporal coding strategies. To model the process of stimulus kinetic feature extraction, multidimensional stimuli were projected onto lower dimensional subspace and then clustered according to their similarity. Different combinations of stimuli clustering were applied to differentiate each stimulus identification process. Information analyses show that both processes are synergistic, this synergy is enhanced within the temporal coding framework. The stimulus localization process is faster than the stimulus feature extraction process. The latter provides more information quantity with rate coding strategy, whereas the localization process maximizes the mutual information within the temporal coding framework. Therefore, combining mutual information analysis with robust clustering of complex stimuli provides a framework to study neural coding mechanisms related to complex stimuli discrimination.  相似文献   

Jan A. D. Zeevaart 《Planta》1971,98(2):190-194
Summary The minimal duration of short-day (SD) treatment necessary to cause flower formation in the SD plant Perilla is 9 days, whereas leaves exposed to at least 12 SD can function as donors in grafting experiments. Zhdanova's report that SD given consecutively to different individual leaves for 2 or 3 days resulted in flowering, could not be confirmed.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained on a matching-to-sample task in which they had to respond to a different choice stimulus following the same durations (2 or 10 s) of two different signals. The duration signals consisted of a white light presented from the ceiling and a red light presented from the front wall. Subsequent test performance indicated that matching accuracy declined (1) when the set of choice stimuli following a duration signal differed from the set presented during training, and (2) when the color or location of the duration signal was changed from values used during training. These results are discussed in terms of attention to uninformative features of a visual stimulus.  相似文献   

Behaviour is usually assumed to depend on the reach of a critical intensity--termed reactivity threshold--by its motivation. This view represents a simple, predictive theoretical framework in ethology and animal psychology. However, it is here argued that only the influence of an isolated motivation on behaviour can be explained that way; that such a view fails to account for behaviour when several motivations are jointly activated. Upon analysis, the classical theory of behaviour (CTB) proves to be under-specified and thus leads to three conceptual problems that make it logically inconsistent for the study of multiple motivations. A revision of the CTB, called anticipatory dynamics model (ADM), is then developed in order to bring a theoretical solution to these conceptual problems. The ADM hypothesizes that an organism's motivational interactions are due to the limitation of the organism's attentional resources.  相似文献   

目的:探讨脑源性神经营养因子(Brain-derivedneurotrophicfactor,BDNF)G196A、C270T及Val66Met3个单核苷酸多态性(SNP)位点与注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)的关系。方法:选取无亲缘关系的ADHD患者共114例,健康对照共96例。采用聚合酶链反应-限制性片段长度多态性(PCR-RFLP)技术检测G196A、C270T和Val66Met3个多态性位点的多态性,采用HaploView4.0及SPSS13.0软件进行连锁不平衡分析并比较两组基因型分布和等位基因频率。结果:BDNF三个多态性位点基因型及等位基因频率分布均符合Hardy-Weinberg定律。ADHD组G196A和C270T多态性位点分布与正常对照组比较差异无统计学意义,而BDNF基因Val66Met位点的基因型及等位基因频率分布在ADHD组与对照组存在显著性差异(p〈0.05),ADHD组Val66Met位点的等位基因G(Val)频率显著高于正常对照组。结论:BDNF基因Val66Met多态性可能与ADHD发病有关,携带有Val66Met多态性位点G等位基因的个体可能更容易产生ADHD。  相似文献   

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