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Assessment of in vitro effects of metyrapone on Leydig cell steroidogenesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Metyrapone, a specific inhibitor of 11beta-hydroxylase inhibits glucocorticoid production and it is used in the diagnosis/treatment of hypercortisolism and also to test the functional integrity of hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis. To assess the impact of glucocorticoid deficiency, this drug is preferred over adrenalectomy, which eliminates all the hormonal secretions of the adrenal cortex and medulla. However, whether metyrapone has any direct effect on the extra-adrenocortical cellular or tissue functions remains to be resolved. Our previous study showed a depressed testicular Leydig cell testosterone production in rats treated with metyrapone. Therefore, the present study was designed to examine the possible direct effect of metyrapone on testicular Leydig cell steroidogenesis in vitro. Leydig cell viability and the reactive oxygen species (ROS) concentration were not altered by any of the concentration of metyrapone tested. The efficacy of Leydig cell testosterone production under basal as well as LH-stimulated condition was not altered by metyrapone treatment. Further, Leydig cellular (14)C-glucose oxidation, the activity and mRNA levels of cytochrome side chain cleavage (P(450)scc), 3beta- and 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3beta-HSD and 17beta-HSD) were not altered in metyrapone-treated cells. Therefore, it is concluded from the present study that metyrapone has no direct effect on Leydig cell testosterone production and, therefore, changes recorded in the in vivo studies are exclusively due to corticosterone deficiency.  相似文献   

Phospholipase C (PLC), an enzyme involved in the hydrolysis of membrane phospholipid- phosphatidylinositol-bisphosphate to inositol triphosphate and diacylglycerol, and Phorbol 12, myristate 13, acetate (PMA), a tumor promoting agent, could significantly stimulate testosterone (T) secretion from Leydig cells. Arachidonic acid (AA) stimulated T secretion by about 2 fold. The steroidogenic effect of PLC and AA was biphasic. At low concentrations both PLC and AA (100 mU and 12.5 microM, respectively) augmented hCG induced T secretion, while at higher concentrations (PLC: 500 mU and AA: 200 microM) they inhibited steroid production. AA also had a biphasic effect on hCG induced cyclic AMP secretion. 5, 8, 11, 14 Eicosatetraynoic acid (ETYA), a general inhibitor of AA metabolism, and Nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA), an inhibitor of the lipoxygenase pathway of AA metabolism, inhibited hCG induced T secretion while indomethacin, an inhibitor of cyclo-oxygenase pathway, had no effect on hCG induced T secretion. We conclude from these data that AA plays a role in the regulation of hCG induced steroidogenic responses in rat Leydig cells and that the metabolite(s) of AA that are involved are not cyclooxygenase products.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of restraint stress (3 hr) on plasma LH and testosterone levels, on the Leydig cell LH/hCG receptor, and on the activity of enzymes in the testicular steroidogenic pathway of the adult rat. Restraint stress caused a 47% reduction in plasma testosterone concentrations, but had no effect on plasma LH levels. The binding capacity and affinity of Leydig cell LH/hCG receptors were not affected by restraint. Stress did not affect the testicular activity of 20,22 desmolase or 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, but testicular interstitial cells of stressed rats incubated in vitro with progesterone as a substrate produced more 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone but less testosterone than control cells, and when incubated with 17 alpha-hydroxypregnenolone, produced 39% less androstenedione and 40% less testosterone than control cells. These results suggest that restraint stress inhibited 17,20 desmolase but not 17 alpha-hydroxylase activity. When the delta 4 pathway was blocked with cyanoketone (3 beta-HSD inhibitor), stress did not alter the production of pregnenolone or 17 alpha-hydroxypregnenolone, but the production of dehydroepiandrosterone by cells from stressed rats was subnormal, suggesting again a reduction of 17,20 desmolase activity. The data suggest that a major site of the inhibitory action of restraint stress on testicular steroidogenesis is the 17,20 desmolase step. The disruption of androgen production by restraint appears to be LH independent since stress did not affect plasma LH levels, the binding capacity or affinity of LH/hCG receptors, or the activity of 20,22 desmolase.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the effects of retinol and retinoic acid on steroid production in MA-10 mouse Leydig tumor cells. Results showed that both retinol and retinoic acid greatly increased progesterone production in this cloned cell line. The stimulatory effect of retinoids is not inhibited by cycloheximide suggesting that de novo protein synthesis is not required. The presence of the retinoid binding proteins CRBP and CRABP could not be detected in MA-10 Leydig cell cytosol indicating that the stimulatory action of retinoids on progesterone production is not mediated through these cellular binding proteins. Both previous and present findings suggest that retinoids play an important role in the regulation of Leydig cell steroidogenesis and that MA-10 Leydig tumor cells may represent an ideal in vitro cell system to study the mechanism of action of retinoids in Leydig cell steroidogenesis.  相似文献   

Human corpora lutea of various ages were minced and incubated in the presence of hCG (10 i.u./ml), cAMP (10 mM) or FSH (20 mu/ml) and production of progesterone and oestradiol was measured. Cyclic AMP and hCG stimulated progesterone and oestradiol production during at least the mid- and late luteal phases, but FSH stimulated only oestradiol production during the early and mid-luteal phases and had no effect on progesterone production. This demonstrates that progesterone and oestradiol synthesis by the human corpus luteum can be independently controlled.  相似文献   

Rat testicular interstitial fluid (IF) contains a polypeptide factor(s) which when added to Percoll-purified rat Leydig cells in vitro, enhances both basal and hCG-stimulated production of testosterone in a dose-dependent manner. To assess the possible physiological significance of this factor(s), its levels in testicular IF from individual rats were assessed following the suppression of intratesticular levels of testosterone by either (a) treatment with anti-LH, (b) induction of unilateral cryptorchidism, or (c) treatment with ethane-1,2-dimethane sulphonate (EDS). These treatments suppressed testosterone levels in IF by 80 to 99% and in each instance levels of the IF-factor were increased. This increase occurred as early as 5h after anti-LH treatment, but restoration of normal intratesticular levels of testosterone at 20-40 h after anti-LH treatment by testosterone injection failed to normalize levels of the IF-factor. In contrast, injection of LH into normal rats raised IF testosterone to supranormal levels and this was associated with a reduction in levels of the IF-factor, and similar effects of hCG were observed in rats pretreated with anti-LH. Therefore, whilst these studies suggest that the IF-factor(s) may be of physiological importance, its local regulation does not appear to involve a straightforward negative feedback control by testosterone.  相似文献   

Tumour Leydig cells have been incubated in the presence or absence of lutropin (luteinizing hormone, ;LH'). Stimulation of cells with lutropin (1000ng/ml) in the presence of 1-methyl-3-isobutylxanthine (0.25mm) resulted in increased steroid production and increased protein phosphorylation. When pregnenolone metabolism was inhibited, basal pregnenolone production was 26.9+/-7.4ng/60min per 10(6) cells; stimulated production was 156.1+/-39.5ng/60min per 10(6) cells (means+/-s.d., n=4). Lutropin-dependent phosphorylated proteins of molecular mass 17000, 22000, 24000, 33000 and 57000Da were detected. A significant increase of [(32)P]P(i) incorporation into these phosphorylated proteins was observed concomitant with the increased pregnenolone production. The occurrence of the phosphoproteins in nuclei, mitochondria and postmitochondrial-supernatant was investigated. The 17000Da phosphoprotein was found in the nuclear fraction, whereas the 22000, 24000, 33000 and 57000Da phosphoproteins were localized in the postmitochondrial-supernatant fraction. Of the cholesterol-side-chain-cleavage activity, 80.3+/-6.1% (mean+/-s.d., n=5) was present in the mitochondrial fraction isolated from tumour Leydig cells, and this activity was 2.5-fold increased when cells had been preincubated with lutropin/1-methyl-3-isobutylxanthine (basal production: 194.6+/-28.6ng/30min per mg of protein; lutropinstimulated production: 498.8+/-91.5ng/30min per mg of protein; means+/-s.d., n=3). The similarities in the kinetics of the phosphorylation of proteins and the pregnenolone production after addition of lutropin/1-methyl-3-isobutylxanthine indicate that the phosphoproteins could be involved in the lutropin-dependent increase in steroidogenesis in tumour Leydig cells. It remains to be demonstrated, however, to what extent the phosphoproteins outside the mitochondria can influence the cholesterol-side-chain-cleavage activity inside the mitochondria.  相似文献   

Clinical and experimental studies have shown the adverse effects of glucocorticoid deficiency/metyrapone treatment on testicular Leydig cell testosterone production. However, molecular mechanisms that underlie the effects of glucocorticoid deficiency on Leydig cell steroidogenesis are not yet determined. Therefore, the present study was designed to assess the mechanism of this phenomenon. Following metyrapone-induced corticosterone deficiency, serum testosterone, and Leydig cell 14C-glucose oxidation were decreased. StAR mRNA and protein levels were significantly increased in Leydig cells of corticosterone-deficient animals. mRNA levels and the specific activities of P(450)scc and 17beta-HSD were decreased by corticosterone deficiency, whereas the activity and mRNA of 3beta-HSD were increased. Simultaneous administration of corticosterone prevented its deficiency-induced changes in Leydig cells. Our results show that metyrapone-induced corticosterone deficiency impairs Leydig cell testosterone production by decreasing the activities of steroidogenic enzymes and their mRNA expression and glucose oxidation.  相似文献   

Age-related changes in responsiveness of rat Leydig cells to hCG   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The responsiveness of decapsulated testes and isolated Leydig cell preparations from rats (30-80 days of age) to a constant dose of 3 ng hCG/2 ml was assessed by comparison of the production of testosterone and "total 17beta-hydroxy androgen" (17beta-HA). When testosterone secretion was used as the index of response, there was a marked increase in the production with age by decapsulated testes and also by equal numbers of Leydig cells. When 17beta-HA was taken as the response parameter this increase was only marginal for the decapsulated testes and there was an age-dependent decrease when expressed per 10(6) cells. These differences probably reflect changes in the metabolism of testosterone to 5alpha-reduced products with increasing age because 80% of androgen secreted at 30 days is 3alpha-androstanediol and 86% is secreted as testosterone at 80 days. We conclude that for studies on hCG responsiveness and the steroidogenic capacity of immature rat Leydig cells (a) testosterone is an inappropriate response parameter and (b) this response undergoes a decrease rather than an increase during prepubertal development.  相似文献   

The secretion of progesterone and 20 alpha-hydroxypregn-4-en-3-one (20 alpha-dihydroprogesterone) by granulosa cells from 30-day-old rats pretreated with PMSG (4 i.u.; i.p.) was significantly increased in a time- and concentration-dependent manner by FSH or cytochalasin B. Whereas FSH markedly stimulated progestagen secretion during 3 h of incubation, a significant enhancement of the steroidogenic response was not noted until 12 h of exposure to the inhibitor in vitro. Although cytochalasin B also enhanced the submaximal stimulation of progestagen production by FSH (15 ng/ml), it was ineffective in the presence of maximal stimulatory concentration of the gonadotrophin (150 ng/nl). With increasing concentrations of cytochalasin B, the ability of FSH to further stimulate progestagen secretion was progressively reduced. Granulosa cells cultured in medium alone contained a prominent cytoplasmic array of microfilaments which was markedly reduced by FSH or cytochalasin B. FSH and, to a greater extent, cytochalasin B elicited concentration-dependent reductions in the mean area occupied by the cells on the culture surface, the contour index (a size-independent representation of cell profile irregularity) and cell perimeter, indicating that the cells underwent less spreading and were more spherical and regular in outline in the presence of either agent. The FSH-induced reductions in the three shape-related parameters were augmented by cytochalasin B although the influence of the FSH on the mean area and perimeter was progressively reduced in the presence of higher concentrations of cytochalasin B.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Leydig cells are the primary source of androgens in the mammalian testis. It is established that the luteinizing hormone (LH) produced by the anterior pituitary is required to maintain the structure and function of the Leydig cells in the postnatal testis. Until recent years, a role by the thyroid hormones on Leydig cells was not documented. It is evident now that thyroid hormones perform many functions in Leydig cells. For the process of postnatal Leydig cell differentiation, thyroid hormones are crucial. Thyroid hormones acutely stimulate Leydig cell steroidogenesis. Thyroid hormones cause proliferation of the cytoplasmic organelle peroxisome and stimulate the production of steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR) and StAR mRNA in Leydig cells; both peroxisomes and StAR are linked with the transport of cholesterol, the obligatory intermediate in steroid hormone biosynthesis, into mitochondria. The presence of thyroid hormone receptors in Leydig cells and other cell types of the Leydig lineage is an issue that needs to be fully addressed in future studies. As thyroid hormones regulate many functions of Sertoli cells and the Sertoli cells regulate certain functions of Leydig cells, effects of thyroid hormones on Leydig cells mediated via the Sertoli cells are also reviewed in this paper. Additionally, out of all cell types in the testis, the thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH), TRH mRNA and TRH receptor are present exclusively in Leydig cells. However, whether Leydig cells have a regulatory role on the hypothalamo-pituitary-thyroid axis is currently unknown.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to evaluate the effects of calcium ionophore A23187 on adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cyclic AMP) and testosterone production in rat interstitial cells. Interstitial cells were incubated in Krebs-Ringer solution with varying amounts of luteinizing hormone, pregnenolone, or A23187. Cyclic AMP and testosterone were measured in the incubation medium after 4 h incubation. A23187 (0.01--10 microgram/ml) caused progressive increases of cyclic AMP formation (from 0.18 +/- 0.02 (S.E.) pmol/10(6) cells for the control of 0.42 +/- 0.02 pmol/10(6) cells, P less than 0.025), while testosterone production remained unaltered. When varying amounts of A23187 were added concomitantly with luteinizing hormone (5 IU/l), A23187 inhibited luteinizing hormone-induced steroidogenesis in a dose-dependent manner, but it had no effect on luteinizing hormone-induced cyclic AMP formation. When pregnenolone (10(-6) M) was added to the cells, testosterone formation increased from 1.50 +/- 0.22 to 8.46 +/- 1.65 ng/10(6) cells. A23187 (1 microgram/ml) had no discernable effect on the conversion of pregnenolone to testosterone. The main effect of increased cytosol calcium on steroidogenesis seems to be at the steps beyond adenylate cyclase-cyclic AMP. These results suggest that calcium is important for the conversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone, while the steps beyond pregnenolone are relatively independent of Ca2+.  相似文献   

Antisera (a/s) raised to individual α- and β-subunits of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) have been characterized for specificity using immunoaffinity procedures and used to study the disposition of the two subunits when intact hCG is complexed with luteinizing hormone (LH) receptor of the Leydig cells. Three kinds of experiments were done. (a) The ability of the preformed hormone-antibody (H-Ab) complex to bind to receptor and stimulate a response; (b) the ability of the a/s to dissociate hCG from its complex with the receptor and thereby terminate response; and (c) the ability of the premixed antibody and receptor to compete for binding of labeled hCG. Although the subunit specific a/s used here were equipotent in binding hCG (capacity to bind and Ka being very similar), their behavior once the receptor preparation or Leydig cell is introduced into the system was drastically different. The β-subunit antibody relative to the α-subunit antibody, appeared to be poorly effective in preventing hCG from either binding to the receptor or inhibiting the continuation of response. The results suggest that hCG upon interaction with the receptor loses the determinants specific to the β-region more rapidly compared to those specific to the α-region suggesting thereby that the initial interaction of hCG with the receptor should be occurring through sites in the β-subunit. Although the α-subunit portion of the hCG molecule is available for binding to the antibody for a relatively longer time, the biological response of the cell seems very sensitive to such binding with the antibody as it invariably results in loss of response. In the Leydig cell system, the ability of the a/s to bind hCG that is already complexed to the receptor appears to be dependent upon the time of addition of the antibody to the incubation medium. The antisera were totally ineffective in inhibiting steroidogenic response to hCG if added 60 min after addition of hCG. This would suggest that the hormone-receptor complex once formed perhaps continues to change its orientation with the result that with time relatively less and less of antigenic determinants become available for antibody binding.  相似文献   

Testicular mitochondria were previously shown to contain an abundance of peripheral-type benzodiazepine recognition site(s)/receptor(s) (PBR). We have previously purified, cloned, and expressed an Mr 18,000 PBR protein (Antkiewicz-Michaluk, Mukhin, A. G., Guidotti, A., and Krueger, K. E. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 17317-17321; (Sprengel, R., Werner, P., Seeburg, P. H., Mukhin, A. G., Santi, M. R., Grayson, D. R., Guidotti, A., and Krueger, K. E. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 20415-20421); and in this report, we present evidence that PBR are functionally linked to Leydig cell steroid biosynthesis. A spectrum of nine different ligands covering a range of over 4 orders of magnitude in their affinities for PBR were tested for their potencies to modulate steroidogenesis in the MA-10 mouse Leydig tumor cell line. The Ki for inhibition of [3H]1-(2-chlorophenyl)-N-methyl-N-(1-methylpropyl)-3-isoquinoline carboxamide binding and the EC50 for steroid biosynthesis for this series of compounds showed a correlation coefficient of r = 0.95. The most potent ligands stimulated steroid production by approximately 4-fold in these cells. This stimulation was not inhibited by cycloheximide, unlike human chorionic gonadotropin- or cyclic AMP-activated steroidogenesis. The action of PBR ligands was not additive to stimulation by human chorionic gonadotropin or cyclic AMP, but was additive to that of epidermal growth factor, another regulator of MA-10 Leydig cell steroidogenesis. Moreover, PBR ligands stimulated, in a dose-dependent manner, pregnenolone biosynthesis by isolated mitochondria when supplied with exogenous cholesterol. This effect was not observed with mitoplasts (mitochondria devoid of the outer membrane). Cytochrome P-450 side chain cleavage activity, as measured by metabolism of (22R)-hydroxycholesterol, was not affected by PBR ligands in intact cells. Similar results were also obtained with purified rat Leydig cells. In conclusion, PBR are implicated in the acute stimulation of Leydig cell steroidogenesis possibly by mediating the entry, distribution, and/or availability of cholesterol within mitochondria.  相似文献   

Hsu CC  Tsai SJ  Huang YL  Huang BM 《FEBS letters》2003,543(1-3):140-143
We demonstrate the mechanism by which Cordyceps sinensis (CS) mycelium regulates Leydig cell steroidogenesis. Mouse Leydig cells were treated with forskolin, H89, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, staurosporine, or steroidogenic enzyme precursors with or without 3 mg/ml CS; then testosterone production was determined. H89, but not phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate or staurosporine, decreased CS-treated Leydig cell steroidogenesis. CS inhibited Leydig cell steroidogenesis by suppressing the activity of P450scc enzyme, but not 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, 17alpha-hydroxylase, 20alpha-hydroxylase, or 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzymes. Thus, CS activated the cAMP-protein kinase A signal pathway, but not protein kinase C, and attenuated P45scc enzyme activity to reduce human chorionic gonadotropin-stimulated steroidogenesis in purified mouse Leydig cells.  相似文献   

The effects of various calcium-channel blockers on androgen production by collagenase-dispersed mouse testicular interstitial cells were investigated. Cobalt caused a dose-dependent inhibition of the maximum rate of luteinizing hormone (LH)-stimulated androgen production without altering the concentration of LH required for half maximum stimulation (EC50). Nickel and manganese also inhibited LH-stimulated steroidogenesis but were less potent than cobalt. The major site at which cobalt treatment inhibited steroidogenesis was beyond cAMP formation and before 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. This conclusion was based on the observation that cobalt inhibited dibutyryl cAMP-stimulated androgen production but did not affect protein synthesis and pregnenolone-supported androgen production. Androgen production was unaffected by the organic calcium-channel blockers verapamil and the (+) and (-) enantiomers of D600 at concentrations less than 0.1 mM. At a concentration of 0.1 mM the organic calcium-channel blockers inhibited LH- and dibutyryl cAMP-stimulated androgen production. Unlike cobalt, the organic calcium-channel blockers also inhibited pregnenolone-supported androgen production and reduced the rate of protein synthesis. Similarities between the effects of cobalt in the present study and previous reports of the effects of reduced extracellular calcium concentrations on androgen production suggest that cobalt inhibits androgen production as a result of its ability to block calcium influx. The calcium channels involved in the steroidogenic process appear, however, to be relatively insensitive to the organic calcium-channel blockers.  相似文献   

The effects of transforming growth factor (TGF) on Leydig cell steroidogenesis in primary culture were investigated. Basal testosterone levels were 3.7 +/- 0.54 ng/ml (mean +/- SE, N = 7). In the presence of hCG (10 ng/ml), testosterone levels increased to 22.77 +/- 3.05 ng/ml. TGF-beta caused a dose dependent inhibition of hCG-stimulated testosterone formation but without effects on basal levels. TGF-beta also inhibited 8-bromo cyclic AMP-induced testosterone formation and hCG-stimulated cyclic AMP formation. In contrast, TGF-alpha had no effect on either basal or hCG-stimulated testosterone formation and did not modify the inhibitory effect of TGF-beta. Present study indicates that TGF-beta can modulate Leydig cell steroidogenesis.  相似文献   

Kit and its ligand, Kitl, function in hematopoiesis, melanogenesis, and gametogenesis. In the testis, Kitl is expressed by Sertoli cells and Kit is expressed by spermatogonia and Leydig cells. Kit functions are mediated by receptor autophosphorylation and subsequent association with signaling molecules, including phosphoinositide (PI) 3-kinase. We previously characterized the reproductive consequences of blocking Kit-mediated PI 3-kinase activation in KitY(719F)/Kit(Y719F) knockin mutant male mice. Only gametogenesis was affected in these mice, and males are sterile because of a block in spermatogenesis during the spermatogonial stages. In the present study, we investigated effects of the Kit(Y719F) mutation on Leydig cell development and steroidogenic function. Although the seminiferous tubules in testes of mutant animals are depleted of germ cells, the testes contain normal numbers of Leydig cells and the Leydig cells in these animals appear to have undergone normal differentiation. Evaluation of steroidogenesis in mutant animals indicates that testosterone levels are not significantly reduced in the periphery but that LH levels are increased 5-fold, implying an impairment of steroidogenesis in the mutant animals. Therefore, a role for Kit signaling in steroidogenesis in Leydig cells was sought in vitro. Purified Leydig cells from C57Bl6/J male mice were incubated with Kitl, and testosterone production was measured. Kitl-stimulated testosterone production was 2-fold higher than that in untreated controls. The Kitl-mediated testosterone biosynthesis in Leydig cells is PI 3-kinase dependent. In vitro, Leydig cells from mutant mice were steroidogenically more competent in response to LH than were normal Leydig cells. In contrast, Kitl-mediated testosterone production in these cells was comparable to that in normal cells. Because LH levels in mutant males are elevated and LH is known to stimulate testosterone biosynthesis, we proposed a model in which serum testosterone levels are controlled by elevated LH secretion. Leydig cells of mutant males, unable to respond effectively to Kitl stimulation, initially produce lower levels of testosterone, reducing testosterone negative feedback on the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. The consequent secretion of additional LH, under this hypothesis, causes a restoration of normal levels of serum testosterone. Kitl, acting via PI 3-kinase, is a paracrine regulator of Leydig cell steroidogenic function in vivo.  相似文献   

The stimulation of cyclic AMP accumulation and testosterone synthesis in isolated rat Leydig cells by ovine and bovine ICSH, their subunits prepared by a new, mild procedure (dissociation of subunits at pH 3 and salt fractionation) and the recombined hormones have been studied. Whereas the isolated subunits exhibit less than 0.2% of the potency of the native hormones, recombination of the subunits results in full restoration of the biological activity. In contrast to this, recombination of the subunits prepared by a countercurrent distribution method resulted in only partial regeneration of the biological activity. The ovine hormone was found to be twice as active as the bovine ICSH. Both heterologous hybrids of the subunits of the ovine and bovine hormones were significantly more active than the bovine hormone. The utility of the isolated rat Leydig cell system as a rapid, sensitive bioassay for ICSH is also discussed.  相似文献   

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