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黑龙江省二龙山水库流域景观生态评价与规划研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
从景观生态学的基本理论出发,采用地理信息系统(GIS)技术,借助于大型统计分析软件包SPSS中的主成分分析和空间系统聚类分析方法,对黑龙江省二龙山水库流域的景观生态环境进行了定量分析与评价,获得了4个景观生态评价类型.其中,良好状态的景观生态类型占全流域面积的比重最大,为36%,一般状态次之,为31%;较差状态和理想状态分别为17%和16%.并按景观空间生态结构,将全流域规划与设计为3个景观功能区,即农业景观功能区,其景观过程以作物生产为主,发展方向为兼顾经济、生态和社会多种效益的生态农业、观光农业和高效农业;生态环境保护功能区,其景观过程以水土流失、植被覆盖减少等退化过程为主,主要执行生态环境保护功能,大力发展水土保持林,努力提高植被覆盖率,是本区发展利用的方向;森林景观功能区,森林资源的合理采伐利用、林种的空间优化配置、森林的抚育以及天然林的保护成为该区发展的主要方向.  相似文献   

基于开发区规划环评的土地资源承载力评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地资源承载力评价是规划环境影响评价的重点,是决定规划是否可以实施的重要依据.基于地理信息系统技术的空间分析功能,选取高程、坡度、土地利用现状、距居民点距离、距主要交通道路距离和距环境敏感区距离作为敏感因子,综合评价了漳州招商局经济技术开发区生态敏感性程度及其空间分布状况,并将评价结果与用地布局规划图叠加进行生态适宜性分析.结果表明: 研究区84.0%的居住用地、93.1%的工业用地、86.0%的交通用地和760%的其他建设用地处于非敏感区和一般敏感区,用地规划实施总体上对区域陆域生态环境造成的影响较小,规划区内土地资源可以满足规划用地需求.以生态用地为约束条件进行人口承载力评价的结果表明,高度敏感区和60%的中度敏感区可视为生态用地,开发区规划期内人口规模为24.0万,区域人均用地可达134.0 m2,该人口规划规模适宜,符合相关建设用地标准.  相似文献   

Land use and cover changes have been identified as a major factor contributing to shape landscape structure and biodiversity patterns, particulary in areas with a long history of human occupation and habitat fragmentation, such as the Mediterranean landscapes. However, the existing studies on landscape change indicators for Mediterranean areas have mostly focused in Europe, while for other Mediterranean zones, and especially for South America, there is a serious lack of knowledge concerning the impact of landscape dynamics on ecological processes. Further research on this topic is urgently needed, given the high biodiversity levels and the rapidly increasing rates of human modification in the Mediterranean landscapes of South America. For this purpose, we investigated the dynamics of a landscape in the semiarid region of the Mediterranean zone of Chile, and measured the effect of those dynamics on functional connectivity, during a period of about four decades (1975–2011). Landscape connectivity indicators were extracted from a series of Landsat images. The Equivalent Connnected Area index (ECA) was used as indicator of connectivity trends, and was evaluated for three representative distances of seed dispersal in the study area (150 m, 500 m and 1000 m). In addition, the patches that most contribute to maintain the present connectivity, and their roles as connectivity providers, were identified through a set of commensurable indicators: betweenness centrality and the fractions (intra, flux connector) of the Integral Index of Connectivity. We found that these indicators were useful to detect and summarize a number of previously unreported trends in these Mediterranean landscapes. First, population growth and economic development were compatible with an increase in functional connectivity for forest habitats, mainly because the abandonment of marginal agricultural lands and their subsequent conversion to espinals (Acacia caven) triggered vegetation succession towards secondary forests. Second, increased forest connectivity was not associated to a decrease in the characteristic heterogeneity of Mediterranean landscapes. Third, many patches of espinal, despite being commonly regarded as of poor conservation value, were crucial to promote connectivity by acting as stepping stones among other patches with higher habitat quality. The approach here presented provides a combined assessment of landscape structure, function and change that should be valuable and applicable to deliver operational indicators in dynamic landscapes in South America and other Mediterranean regions.  相似文献   

Landscape evaluation is important in the conservation of biodiversity and sustainable development. The objective of this paper is to review and explore methods for evaluation of landscapes for ecosystem planning. Ecosystem planning is the process of land use decision-making that considers organisms and processes that characterize the ecosystem as a whole. Risk assessments, precautionary principles, adaptive management and scenario approaches are adopted to cope with the uncertainty of nature, which is an obstacle in ecosystem planning. Special attention is needed in the analysis of status and troubleshooting in the planning scheme, which is a selection of the appropriate approach and model to find problems in the present situation. There are two approaches to set targets in ecosystem planning, the species approach and the ecosystem approach. The species approach aims to protect particular species, and the ecosystem approach aims to protect total ecosystems including the species. In Europe, ecotope or biotope mapping has been developed in ecosystem planning. An ecotope is often identified by vegetation that represents a group of wildlife, but many species require combinations of different ecotopes. Landscapes have come to be recognized as a unit for ecosystem planning. Potential assessment is a method to estimate a potential of a local space or a landscape to realize an ecosystem or species habitat, and this method has been used in HEP and GAP analysis in the USA and Ecological Networks in Europe. Some examples of ecosystem planning of national and regional scales in Japan are introduced.  相似文献   

This study presents an integrated assessment approach for the sustainable development of agricultural landscapes. The approach evaluates single agricultural production practices by means of environmental, economic and social indicators. To implement the approach, a mixed method was employed that combines modelling techniques and survey methods. The economic and environmental indicators were implemented within the bio-economic modelling system MODAM (Multi-Objective Decision support system for Agro-ecosystem Management) in order to assess economic performance and the effects on the abiotic and biotic environments. The modelling approach was applied to a case study in a region of north-eastern Germany, within the state of Brandenburg. In addition, the acceptance by farmers of different production alternatives that are known to have environmental benefits was examined in the case study. To allow for a direct comparison between different indicators, the results of the assessment are dimensionless index values that indicate the suitability of certain agricultural production practices with respect to an indicator. The indicator-related indices are then aggregated into an overall index of sustainability differentiating between ‘strong’ and ‘weak’ sustainability. Results are presented for exemplarily chosen production practices for sugar beet, potato and winter rape production and set aside. Depending on the underlying concept of sustainability (‘weak’ vs. ‘strong’), different production practices were identified as the most suitable ones in a given situation. This integrated assessment enables determination of positive and negative correlations between indicators. The approach allows for the identification of production alternatives that are assessed to be economically and environmentally beneficial as well as socially accepted, although at different levels.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper was to investigate the sensitivity to degradation of semiarid plant communities in terms of plant cover and fragmentation, quantifying relationships between landscape characteristic (physical, socio-economical and historical) and vegetation degradation. The degradation of vegetation was measured as the degree of coverage of the two dominant vegetation types (i.e. tall arid brush and tall grass steppe), while fragmentation was measured as patch size and isolation. Data were obtained using GIS tools, and analyzed by logistic regression and linear multivariate regression. Results showed denser coverage at more elevated, gradual slopes that were not sea-oriented. Historical elements of the landscape had a significant effect on current natural vegetation. According to the fragmentation patterns, the vegetation is in fairly good condition (medium coverage had the largest patches but dense coverage was less isolated) but attention must be given to preserve vegetation, due to the relationships between fragmentation and human activities. Moreover, the protection plan under way in the area appeared to favour denser vegetation cover, while human activities had a measurable effect on vegetation degradation.  相似文献   

Ecosystems are under increasing pressure from human activities, with land use and land‐use change at the forefront of the drivers that provoke global and regional biodiversity loss. The first step in addressing the challenge of how to reverse the negative outlook for the coming years starts with measuring environmental loss rates and assigning responsibilities. Pinpointing the global pressures on biodiversity is a task best addressed using holistic models such as Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). LCA is the leading method for calculating cradle‐to‐grave environmental impacts of products and services; it is actively promoted by many public policies, and integrated as part of environmental information systems within private companies. LCA already deals with the potential biodiversity impacts of land use, but there are significant obstacles to overcome before its models grasp the full reach of the phenomena involved. In this review, we discuss some pressing issues that need to be addressed. LCA mainly introduces biodiversity as an endpoint category modeled as a loss in species richness due to the conversion and use of land over time and space. The functional and population effects on biodiversity are mostly absent due to the emphasis on species accumulation with limited geographic and taxonomical reach. Current land‐use modeling activities that use biodiversity indicators tend to oversimplify the real dynamics and complexity of the interactions of species among each other and with their habitats. To identify the main areas for improvement, we systematically reviewed LCA studies on land use that had findings related to global change and conservation ecology. We provide suggestion as to how to address some of the issues raised. Our overall objective was to encourage companies to monitor and take concrete steps to address the impacts of land use on biodiversity on a broader geographical scale and along increasingly globalized supply chains.  相似文献   

邵宇婷  肖轶  桑卫国 《生态学报》2022,42(21):8702-8712
以保护和提高生态系统服务功能为原则,优化生态空间格局对于保障区域生态系统稳定性具有重要作用。以南方丘陵地区为研究对象,基于土地利用数据,评估了南方丘陵地区20年间生态系统服务功能的时空变化,据此提出区域国土空间规划建议。结果表明:(1)1995-2000年间森林生态系统面积与生态系统服务功能急剧下降,在2000年之后两者均逐渐恢复。(2)南方丘陵地区生态系统服务主要受自然因素与社会经济因素的影响,空间分布呈自东南至西北逐渐降低的趋势。(3)空间叠加分析南方丘陵地区生态敏感性,划定4个生态功能区,明确重点保护区范围,严格规范对服务供给区、适度开发区及城镇建设区的干扰程度,在现有国土空间规划方案的基础上进行合理优化。研究成果探讨了生态系统服务格局在国土空间规划过程中的重要作用,可为进一步评估优化南方丘陵地区的生态空间格局提供科学参考。  相似文献   

Decisions for agricultural management are taken at farm scale. However, such decisions may well impact upon regional sustainability. Two of the likely agricultural management responses to future challenges are extended use of irrigation and increased production of energy crops. The drivers for these are high commodity prices and subsidy policies for renewable energy. However, the impacts of these responses upon regional sustainability are unknown. Thus, we conducted integrated impact assessments for agricultural intensification scenarios in the federal state of Brandenburg, Germany, for 2025. One Irrigation scenario and one Energy scenario were contrasted with the Business As Usual (BAU) scenario. We applied nine indicators to analyze the economic, social and environmental effects at the regional, in this case district scale, which is the smallest administrative unit in Brandenburg. Assessment results were discussed in a stakeholder workshop involving 16 experts from the state government.The simulated area shares of silage maize for fodder and energy were 29%, 37% and 49% for the BAU, Irrigation, and Energy scenarios, respectively. The Energy scenario increased bio-electricity production to 41% of the demand of Brandenburg, and it resulted in CO2 savings of up to 3.5 million tons. However, it resulted in loss of biodiversity, loss of landscape scenery, increased soil erosion risk, and increased area demand for water protection requirements. The Irrigation scenario led to yield increases of 7% (rapeseed), 18% (wheat, sugar beet), and 40% (maize) compared to the BAU scenario. It also reduced the year-to-year yield variability. Water demand for irrigation was found to be in conflict with other water uses for two of the 14 districts. Spatial differentiation of scenario impacts showed that districts with medium to low yield potentials were more affected by negative impacts than districts with high yield potentials.In this first comprehensive sustainability impact assessment of agricultural intensification scenarios at regional level, we showed that a considerable potential for agricultural intensification exists. The intensification is accompanied by adverse environmental and socio-economic impacts. The novelty lies in the multiscale integration of comprehensive, agricultural management simulations with regional level impact assessment, which was achieved with the adequate use of indicators. It provided relevant evidence for policy decision making. Stakeholders appreciated the integrative approach of the assessment, which substantiated ongoing discussions among the government bodies. The assessment approach and the Brandenburg case study may stay exemplary for other regions in the world where similar economic and policy driving forces are likely to lead to agricultural intensification.  相似文献   

The assessment of the value of ecosystem services is a valuable tool for biodiversity conservation that can facilitate better environmental policy decision-making and land management, and can help land managers develop interventions to compensate for biodiversity loss at the patch level. Previous studies have suggested that it is appropriate to assess the value of biodiversity for conservation planning by considering both the condition of the landscape and the spatial configuration of adjacent land uses that can be reflected as a proximity effect. This research examines the influence of spatial proximity on biodiversity conservation from the ecosystem service perspective based on the assumption that the variation in the proximity effect caused by land cover change has positive or negative impacts on ecological services. Three factors related to the spatial characteristics of the landscape were considered in this approach: the relative artificiality of the land cover types, the distance decay effect of patches and the impact of one land cover type on others. The proximity effect change (PEC) parameter reflected the relationship between the spatial proximity effect and biodiversity conservation. The results of a quantitative and spatial comparative analysis of the proposed method and the conventional method in Yingkou for the periods of 2000–2005 and 2005–2010 showed that the former can account for the temporal and spatial changes in ecosystem services for biodiversity conservation that were caused by patch-level changes as well as the interaction between the altered and adjacent patches from a spatial perspective. The metric can also identify the most critical areas for biodiversity protection and inform the efficient allocation of limited land resources for nature conservation to maximize the benefit to biodiversity by guiding the process of land-use change, particularly urbanization and agriculture. Future studies should focus on the other important factors that are applicable to the assessment of the value of biodiversity conservation in socio-ecological systems, where society and nature are mutually capable of fulfilling their roles.  相似文献   

Life Cycle Impact assessment of land use based on the hemeroby concept   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The impact category ‘land use’ describes in the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology the environmental impacts of occupying, reshaping and managing land for human purposes. Land use can either be the long-term use of land (e.g. for arable farming) or changing the type of land use (e.g. from natural to urban area). The impact category ‘land use’ comprises those environmental consequences, which impact the environment due to the land use itself, for instance through the reduction of landscape elements, the planting of monocultures or artificial vegetation, or the sealing of surfaces. Important environmental consequences of land use are the decreasing availability of habitats and the decreasing diversity of wildlife species. The assessment of the environmental impacts of land use within LCA studies is the objective of this paper. Land use leads to a degradation of the naturalness of the area utilised. In this respect the naturalness of any area can be defined as the sum of land actually not influenced by humans and the remaining naturalness of land under use. To determine the remaining naturalness of land under use, this study suggests applying the Hemeroby concept. “Hemeroby is a measure for the human influence on ecosystems” (Kowarik 1999). The Hemeroby level of an area describes the intensity of land use and can therefore be used to characterise different types of land use. Characterization factors are proposed, which allow calculating the degradation of the naturalness of an area due to a specific type of land use. Since the resource ‘nature/naturalness’ is on a larger geographical scale by far not homogeneous, the assessment of land use needs to be regionalised. Therefore, the impact category ‘land use’ has been subdivided into the impact sub-categories ‘land use in European biogeographic regions’. Following the general LCA framework, normalization values for the impact sub-categories are calculated in order to facilitate the evaluation of the characterization results with regard to their share in a reference value. Weighting factors, which enable an aggregation of the results of the different land use sub-categories and make them comparable to other impact categories (e.g. climate change or acidification) are suggested based on the assumption that the current land use pattern in the European biogeographic regions is acceptable.  相似文献   

基于最小累积阻力模型的北京市生态用地规划研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张继平  乔青  刘春兰  王海华  裴厦 《生态学报》2017,37(19):6313-6321
生态用地规划强调对区域生态系统结构与功能的保护,增强社会经济发展的生态环境支撑能力。从保障首都基本生态安全、改善大气环境质量、建设宜居城市的角度出发,通过对北京市生态重要性进行综合评价,明确北京市重要生态用地空间分布特征。在此基础上,采用最小累积阻力模型(MCR),以重要生态用地为"源",以土地覆被类型、距道路距离和距居民点距离作为阻力因子生成阻力面,模拟重要生态用地空间扩张过程,进而设置生态用地规划情景,并从景观连通性、生态功能保障度及与现状建设用地冲突情况等3个方面对不同情景下的生态用地规划方案进行保护效能评价,最终提出北京市生态用地的适宜规模和优化布局方案。研究结果表明:北京市重要生态用地总面积为9879 km~2,占市域总面积的60.20%;生态用地的适宜规模为12417 km~2,占市域总面积的75.67%,其中,平原区生态用地的适宜规模为2944 km~2,占平原区总面积的46.45%,主要分布于建成区的外围过渡地带;山区生态用地的适宜规模为9473 km~2,占山区总面积的94.05%。  相似文献   

海口市海岸带近30年土地利用变化的景观生态风险评价   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用海口市海岸带1988、2000、2009、2017年4期土地利用矢量数据,运用格网GIS法、Kriging内插法构建景观生态风险指数模型,对海口市海岸带进行景观生态风险综合评价。结果表明:(1)各景观面积波动较大,景观类型以建设用地和耕地为主;(2)2000-2017年间人类活动对景观的干扰最为强烈,各景观的分离度、干扰度、脆弱度最大值均在此时域内出现;(3)研究时域内研究区的平均生态风险值由0.3424增加到0.4468;生态风险等级总体呈低等级向高等级转移的趋势,空间分布呈中部向东西、内陆向沿海递减的趋势,高等级的风险区逐渐朝沿海地区蔓延;较高和高生态风险区主要分布在海口建成区、南渡江沿岸、美兰机场、红树林保护区以及三江镇国营农场附近;(4)城市建设和临港产业的发展导致绿地、水域面积减少且分布趋于破碎、分离,是研究区生态风险值总趋势呈增高的主要原因。研究结果可为海口市海岸带景观格局的优化、土地资源的保护和可持续发展方面提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the importance and need to identify criteria and indicators (C&I) for sustainable landscaping using native plants in Qatar. The conditions for operationalizing the criteria and indicators approach are being incorporated into sustainable development practices and management planning in Qatar. This paper aims to develop criteria and related indicators for strengthening the global sustainability assessment system (GSAS) in order to provide a holistic approach for sustainable environmental assessment and the enhancement of ecosystem services. A total of 50 potentially native plant species were prioritized and categorized based on the following different parameters: weather conditions tolerated (temperature, humidity, and rainfall), multiple use value (ecological, economical, and medicinal), standard crown size (≤50 cm and ≥50 cm) and water requirement (moist, moderate, and dry). Diverse local stakeholders as well as international experts were consulted to rank the plant species, and concluded that these prioritized native species are fit for sustainable landscaping as opposed to the exotic plant species which are imported from different geo-climatic zones. Environmental, social, economic, human, and policy sustainability aspects were considered, along with 12 criteria and 49 related indicators which were identified by promoting the use of potential native plants for sustainable landscaping in Qatar.  相似文献   

We present a synoptic assessment intended to maximize the benefits to wetland species biodiversity gained through Clean Water Act regulatory efforts within 225 sub-basins in Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas (US Environmental Protection Agency, Region 7), USA. Our assessment provides a method for prioritizing sub-basins potentially critical for supporting wetland species biodiversity and may assist environmental managers and conservationists constrained by limited resources. We prioritize sub-basins based on the projected increase in the risk of wetland species extirpation across Region 7 that would be avoided by applying a unit of regulatory protection effort within a sub-basin. Because the projected increase in risk avoided per unit effort has not been directly measured, we represent this quantity with an index of indicators drawn from readily available data. A conceptual model incorporating landscape and anthropogenic factors guides index development via a series of simple benefit-cost equations. We rank and map the final index scores to show the relative priority among sub-basins for protection effort. High priority sub-basins appear to be concentrated along the major river systems within the region, where sensitive wetland species and intensive agriculture tend to coincide. Protection of wetland species biodiversity is an important, but not exclusive, attribute around which priorities should be set. Nevertheless, incorporation of our results into management strategies should allow managers to cast their local decisions in the context of regional scale maintenance of wetland species biodiversity, increasing ecological benefits for a given protection effort.  相似文献   

The article discusses the concepts of “closeness to nature” and “hemeroby”, and outlines a method to establish two indicators of hemeroby. Until now Germany's national land use monitoring systems have lacked an indicator to capture the naturalness respectively hemeroby of the landscape. Based on digital spatial data on land use (DLM-DE) and the mapping of potential natural vegetation, these indicators have now been estimated for the whole of Germany and illustrated cartographically. The indicators have been integrated into a land use monitoring system (IOER-Monitor). A hemeroby index that considers all hemeroby classes of a reference area (e.g. administrative unit and regular grid cell) is presented as well as an indicator named “Proportion of certain natural areas”. The results on hemeroby of several time-cuts can be used to estimate the cumulative impact of land use changes on the environmental status.  相似文献   

基于GIS的山西省矿产资源规划环境影响评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘伟  杜培军  李永峰 《生态学报》2014,34(10):2775-2786
基于目前我国矿产资源规划编制过程中的环境评价,提出了一种基于GIS(Geographic Information System)技术,实现矿产资源规划环境影响定量评价方法。在对规划区环境现状进行大尺度综合评价的基础上,利用GIS的空间分析功能,有针对性的实现规划区敏感环境保护目标的筛选、环境影响范围的确定和矿产资源开发对环境保护目标影响程度的定量表达。结合山西省矿产资源规划方案,根据山西省各区域资源开发对敏感保护目标的影响特征,在定量计算各区域环境现状综合评价分级的基础上,分别对其生态环境、水环境、地质环境等方面的影响进行评价和预测,结果显示:山西省矿产资源规划空间布局总体合理,不会对敏感环境保护目标造成严重破坏,但部分矿产资源开采区距离保护目标较近,需要在矿产资源规划实施中加以保护。提出的评价方法较好地兼顾矿产资源开发与区域环境保护,可以有效地提高矿产资源规划环境评价结果的准确性和科学性;该方法可以综合地、定量地评价矿产资源规划对不同环境保护目标的影响程度和范围,为矿产资源规划方案的修订提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

Extensive economic growth, tourism activities and over-exploitation of resources have become the common causes of environmental degradation in Langkawi. The sudden development leap resulting from UNESCO's recognition of Langkawi Archipelago as a Global Geopark in 2007, leads to continuous conflicts between enhancing environmental protection and meeting tourism and development needs. Environmental sensitivity evaluation is a basis upon which the concept of environmentally sensitive areas (ESAs) can be practised in order to protect the environment, regulate development activities and promote sustainable land use planning. This study embarks on evaluating and classifying environmental sensitivity as well as comparing different ESA approaches applicable for land use planning in Langkawi. A GIS-based integrated evaluation model was performed on two assessment sets (Set A and Set B) using a standard grading system and weights determined with analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method. Of these sets, the former consists of selected indicators from the Malaysian integrated ESA instrument while the latter are derived from previous eco-environmental studies conducted in China. The projected final ESA maps of Langkawi indicate spatial distribution of four environmental sensitivity classes. More highly and moderately sensitive areas are observed in Set A, accounting for 339.15 km2 or 72.24% of the total land area compared to Set B with only 259.04 km2 or 55.18% respectively. The results also reveal large proportion of low sensitivity areas in Set A, covering areas of 117.42 km2 (25.01%). In contrast, more areas with non-sensitivity are widely distributed in Set B, occupying areas of 123.02 km2 (26.20%). Taking into consideration the natural and cultural characteristics of the islands, it is suggested that Set A is a better approach to portray current environmental concerns and to coordinate future land use planning as well as fits Langkawi's aspiration in becoming a sustainable, world-class Global Geopark. This study provides beneficial information and opportunity for reasonable rearrangement of zoning and development guidelines and strategies within sensitivity areas. It promotes effective utilization of the natural resources, minimizes negative tourism impacts and adequately highlights ecosystem functions to prosper local socio-economic growth. It also represents an early step for the design of universal ESA instruments to regulate local development activities and promote sustainable land use planning in vulnerable areas at global levels.  相似文献   

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