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Isolation and characterization of ribosomes from Bacillus subtilis spores   总被引:3,自引:7,他引:3  
Bishop, Helen L. (Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y.), and Roy H. Doi. Isolation and characterization of ribosomes from Bacillus subtilis spores. J. Bacteriol. 91:695-701. 1966.-The isolation of ribosomes from Bacillus subtilis spores was accomplished by freezing the spores in liquid nitrogen and grinding the spore pellet with an equal weight of levigated alumina. The ribosomes, which were adsorbed to the alumina, were freed by the addition of vegetative-cell ribosomes or bulk ribonucleic acid (RNA) to the crude alumina-ground extract. The spore ribosomes had sedimentation properties and RNA and protein compositions similar to those of vegetative-cell ribosomes. The difficulty encountered in obtaining spore ribosomes by ordinary extraction methods may be the result of nuclease and protease activities which were demonstrated in spore extracts.  相似文献   

The in vivo formation of disulfide bonds, which is critical for the stability and/or activity of many proteins, is catalyzed by thiol-disulfide oxidoreductases. In the present studies, we show that the Gram-positive eubacterium Bacillus subtilis contains three genes, denoted bdbA, bdbB, and bdbC, for thiol-disulfide oxidoreductases. Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase, containing two disulfide bonds, was unstable when secreted by B. subtilis cells lacking BdbB or BdbC, and notably, the expression levels of bdbB and bdbC appeared to set a limit for the secretion of active alkaline phosphatase. Cells lacking BdbC also showed decreased stability of cell-associated forms of E. coli TEM-beta-lactamase, containing one disulfide bond. In contrast, BdbA was not required for the stability of alkaline phosphatase or beta-lactamase. Because BdbB and BdbC are typical membrane proteins, our findings suggest that they promote protein folding at the membrane-cell wall interface. Interestingly, pre-beta-lactamase processing to its mature form was stimulated in cells lacking BdbC, suggesting that the unfolded form of this precursor is a preferred substrate for signal peptidase. Surprisingly, cells lacking BdbC did not develop competence for DNA uptake, indicating the involvement of disulfide bond-containing proteins in this process. Unlike E. coli and yeast, none of the thiol-disulfide oxidoreductases of B. subtilis was required for growth in the presence of reducing agents. In conclusion, our observations indicate that BdbB and BdbC have a general role in disulfide bond formation, whereas BdbA may be dedicated to a specific process.  相似文献   

In order to detect the product of dnaB gene in B. subtilis, a gene which is involved in the initiation of DNA replication and the formation of the DNA-membrane complex, we synthesized an origopeptide of 15 amino acids which corresponds to a region near the carboxyl-terminal of the gene product, and raised antibody against the synthetic peptide. We have also employed a filter binding assay to measure the predicted DNA binding activity of the product of the dnaB gene, using the plasmid pUB110. The binding activity was detected after fractionation of cell lysates of B. subtilis on sucrose-density gradients. When the active fraction was prepared from a mutant which was temperature-sensitive for the dnaB gene, the DNA binding activity in the fraction showed significant thermolability. Furthermore, the binding activity was inhibited by the purified antibody raised against the synthetic peptide. These results suggest that the product of the dnaB gene does indeed have DNA binding activity, and that the filter binding assay and the antibody can be used for the detection and characterization of the gene product.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis CH3-5 was isolated from cheonggukjang prepared according to traditional methods. CH3-5 secreted at least four different fibrinolytic proteases (63, 47, 29, and 20 kDa) into the culture medium. A fibrinolytic enzyme gene, aprE2, encoding a 29 kDa enzyme was cloned from the genomic DNA of CH3-5, and the DNA sequence determined. aprE2 was overexpressed in heterologous B. subtilis strains deficient in extracellular proteases using a E. coli-Bacillus shuttle vector. A 29 kDa AprE2 band was observed and AprE2 seemed to exhibit higher activities towards fibrin rather than casein.  相似文献   

Identification of the sporulation gene spoOA product of Bacillus subtilis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A 2.4-kilobase fragment of the Bacillus subtilis chromosome containing the wild-type spoOA gene derived from the phi 105dspoOA+-Bc-1 transducing phage was cloned onto plasmid pBR322 in Escherichia coli. A recombinant plasmid harboring the mutant spoOA12 allele on the 2.4-kilobase insert was also constructed from the phi 105dspoOA12-1 phage DNA and pBR322. Protein products synthesized in response to plasmid DNA in a DNA-directed cell-free system derived from E. coli were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacryl-amide gel electrophoresis. A protein of approximately 27,500 daltons synthesized with the recombinant plasmid DNA harboring the wild-type spoOA gene as template was not formed with the recombinant plasmid DNA harboring the spoOA12 allele. Since the spoOA12 mutation is a nonsense mutation, we conclude that the 27.5-kilodalton protein is the product of the spoOA gene.  相似文献   

The ybxF gene is a member of the streptomycin operon in a wide range of gram-positive bacteria. In Bacillus subtilis, it codes for a small basic protein (82 amino acids, pI 9.51) of unknown function. We demonstrate that, in B. subtilis, YbxF localizes to the ribosome, primarily to the 50S subunit, with dependence on growth phase. Based on three-dimensional structures of YbxF generated by homology modeling, we identified helix 2 as important for the interaction with the ribosome. Subsequent mutational analysis of helix 2 revealed Lys24 as crucial for the interaction. Neither the B. subtilis ybxF gene nor its paralogue, the ymxC gene, is essential, as shown by probing DeltaybxF, DeltaymxC, or DeltaybxF DeltaymxC double deletion strains in several functional assays.  相似文献   

Thin-sectioning of Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633 protoplasts and cells has revealed electron-dense particles resembling cytoplasmic ribosomes in mesosomal tubules and vesicles.  相似文献   

YsxC is a small GTPase of Bacillus subtilis with essential but still unknown function, although recent works have suggested that it might be involved in ribosome biogenesis. Here, purified YsxC overexpressed in Escherichia coli was found to be partly associated with high-molecular-weight material, most likely rRNA, and thus eluted from gel filtration as a large complex. In addition, purification of ribosomes from an E. coli strain overexpressing YsxC allowed the copurification of the YsxC protein. Purified YsxC was shown to bind preferentially to the 50S subunit of B. subtilis ribosomes; this interaction was modulated by nucleotides and was stronger in the presence of a nonhydrolyzable GTP analogue than with GTP. Far-Western blotting analysis performed with His6-YsxC and ribosomal proteins separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that YsxC interacted with at least four ribosomal proteins from the 50S subunit. Two of these putative protein partners were identified by mass spectrometry as L1 and L3, while the third reactive band in the one-dimensional gel contained L6 and L10. The fourth band that reacted with YsxC contained a mixture of three proteins, L7/L12, L23, and L27, suggesting that at least one of them binds to YsxC. Coimmobilization assays confirmed that L1, L6, and L7/L12 interact with YsxC. Together, these results suggest that YsxC plays a role in ribosome assembly.  相似文献   

The trxA gene is regarded as essential in Bacillus subtilis, but the roles of the TrxA protein in this gram-positive bacterium are largely unknown. Inactivation of trxA results in deoxyribonucleoside and cysteine or methionine auxotrophy. This phenotype is expected if the TrxA protein is important for the activity of the class Ib ribonucleotide reductase and adenosine-5'-phosphosulfate/3'-phosphoadenosine-5'-phosphosulfate reductase. We demonstrate here that a TrxA deficiency in addition causes defects in endospore and cytochrome c synthesis. These effects were suppressed by BdbD deficiency, indicating that TrxA in the cytoplasm is the primary electron donor to several different thiol-disulfide oxidoreductases active on the outer side of the B. subtilis cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   

The Bacillus subtilis spoIIIJ gene, which has been proven to be vegetatively expressed, has also been implicated as a sporulation gene. Recent genome sequencing information in many organisms reveals that spoIIIJ and its paralogous gene, yqjG, are conserved from prokaryotes to humans. A homologue of SpoIIIJ/YqjG, the Escherichia coli YidC is involved in the insertion of membrane proteins into the lipid bilayer. On the basis of this similarity, it was proposed that the two homologues act as translocase for the membrane proteins. We studied the requirements for spoIIIJ and yqjG during vegetative growth and sporulation. In rich media, the growth of spoIIIJ and yqjG single mutants were the same as that of the wild type, whereas spoIIIJ yqjG double inactivation was lethal, indicating that together these B. subtilis translocase homologues play an important role in maintaining the viability of the cell. This result also suggests that SpoIIIJ and YqjG probably control significantly overlapping functions during vegetative growth. spoIIIJ mutations have already been established to block sporulation at stage III. In contrast, disruption of yqjG did not interfere with sporulation. We further show that high level expression of spoIIIJ during vegetative phase is dispensable for spore formation, but the sporulation-specific expression of spoIIIJ is necessary for efficient sporulation even at the basal level. Using green fluorescent protein reporter to monitor SpoIIIJ and YqjG localization, we found that the proteins localize at the cell membrane in vegetative cells and at the polar and engulfment septa in sporulating cells. This localization of SpoIIIJ at the sporulation-specific septa may be important for the role of spoIIIJ during sporulation.  相似文献   

Chromosomal DNA fragment which complemented rec223 mutation of Bacillus subtilis was cloned. Introduction of one copy of the cloned gene into the cells of the rec mutant restored both normal activity for DNA damages repair after mitomycin C action and recombination proficiency. Using multicopy vector led to no formation of recombinants, which was probably connected with overproduction of rec223 gene protein product in Bacillus subtilis cells.  相似文献   

A recombinant plasmid was constructed by ligation of chromosomal DNA from a sulfanilamide-resistant strain of Bacillus subtilis to the plasmid vector pUB110 which specifies neomycin resistance. Recombinant molecules generated in vitro were introduced into a B. subtilis recipient strain which carried the recE4 mutation, and selection was for neomycin-sulfanilamide-resistant transformants. A single colony was isolated containing the recombinant plasmid pKO101. This 6.3-megadalton plasmid simultaneously conferred resistance to neomycin and sulfanilamide when transferred into sensitive Rec+ or Rec- cells by either transduction or transformation.  相似文献   

In the course of the Bacillus subtilis genome sequencing project, we identified an open reading frame encoding a putative 16.4?kDa protein. This protein shows, respectively, 34% and 25% identity with the Escherichia coli regulatory proteins Lrp and AsnC. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that it represents a new group in the AsnC-Lrp family. Sequence comparisons, as well as immunodetection experiments, lead to the conclusion that the product of this B. subtilislrp-likegene is a bona fide Lrp protein – the first one to be detected in gram-positive bacteria. When expressed in E.?coli, the B. subtilis Lrp-like protein is able to repress, by about two-fold, the expression of the ilvIH operon which is normally regulated by E. coli Lrp, indicating functional similarity in their regulatory targets. Vegetative growth of a B. subtilis lrp-like mutant is not affected in rich medium. However, the lrp-like mutation causes a transitory inhibition of growth in minimal medium in the presence of valine and isoleucine, which is relieved by leucine. This points to a possible role in regulation of amino acid metabolism. In addition, sporogenesis occurs earlier in the lrp-like mutant than in the reference strain, implying that the B. subtilis Lrp-like protein plays a role in the growth phase transition.  相似文献   

The ywtD gene, which codes for an enzyme that degrades gamma-polyglutamic acid (PGA), was cloned from Bacillus subtilis IFO16449. The gene is located immediately downstream of ywsC and ywtABC, a PGA operon involved in PGA biosynthesis, and it showed partial similarity to genes coding for DL-endopeptidase, a peptidoglycan-degrading enzyme. The ywtD gene, from which signal sequence is excised, was inserted into pET15b, and the recombinant plasmid was then transformed into Escherichia coli. Histidine-tagged YwtD was purified from sonicated cells of the transformant. The purified YwtD degraded PGA to yield two hydrolyzed products, a high-molecular-mass product (490 kDa with nearly 100% L-glutamic acid) and an 11-kDa product (with D-glutamic acid and L-glutamic acid in an 80:20 ratio). This finding and results of enzymatic analysis of the two products with carboxypeptidase G suggest that YwtD is a novel enzyme cleaving the gamma-glutamyl bond only between D- and L-glutamic acids of PGA, and it may be designated gamma-DL-glutamyl hydrolase.  相似文献   

The structure of the hydrolyzed product (F-2) with a molecular mass of about 2 kDa released from gamma-polyglutamic acid by the gamma-glutamyl hydrolase YwtD of Bacillus subtilis was analyzed. The results showed that F-2 is an optically heterogeneous polymer consisting of D- and L-glutamic acid in an 80:20 ratio with D-glutamic acid on both the N- and C-terminal sides, suggesting that YwtD is an enzyme that cleaves the gamma-glutamyl bond between D- and D-glutamic acid recognizing adjacent L-glutamic acid toward the N-terminal region.  相似文献   

The structural gene for a subtilisin J from Bacillus stearothermophilus NCIMB10278 was cloned in Bacillus subtilis using pZ124 as a vector, and its nucleotide sequence was determined. The nucleotide sequence revealed only one large open reading frame, composed of 1,143 base pairs and 381 amino acid residues. A Shine-Dalgarno sequence was found 8 bp upstream from the translation start site (GTG). The deduced amino acid sequence revealed an N-terminal signal peptide and pro-peptide of 106 residues followed by the mature protein comprised of 275 residues. The productivity of subtilisin in the culture broth of the Bacillus subtilis was about 46-fold higher than that of the Bacillus stearothermophilus. The amino acid sequence of the extracellular alkaline protease subtilisin J is highly homologous to that of subtilisin E and it shows 69% identity with subtilisin Carlsberg, 89% with subtilisin BPN' and 70% with subtilisin DY. Some properties of the subtilisin J that had been purified from the Bacillus subtilis were examined. The subtilisin J has alkaline pH characteristics and a molecular weight of 27,500. It retains about 50% of its activity even after treatment at 60 degrees C for 30 min in the presence of 2 mM calcium chloride.  相似文献   

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