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We used sequence data from the intron and spacer of the trnL-trnF chloroplast region to study phylogenetic relationships among Acanthaceae. This region is more variable than other chloroplast loci that have been sequenced for members of Acanthaceae (rbcL and ndhF), is more prone to length mutations, and is less homoplasious than these genes. Our results indicate that this region is likely to be useful in addressing phylogenetic questions among but not within genera in these and related plants. In terms of phylogenetic relationships, Elytraria (representing Nelsonioideae) is more distantly related to Acanthaceae sensu stricto (s.s.) than Thunbergia and Mendoncia. These last two genera are strongly supported as sister taxa. Molecular evidence does not support monophyly of Acanthaceae s.s., although there is strong morphological evidence for this relationship. There is strong support for monophyly of four major lineages within Acanthaceae s.s.: the Acanthus, Barleria, Ruellia, and Justicia lineages as here defined. The last three of these comprise a strongly supported monophyletic group, and there is weaker evidence linking the Ruellia and Justicia lineages as closest relatives. Within the Acanthus lineage, our results confirm the existence of monophyletic lineages representing Aphelandreae and Acantheae. Lastly, within the Justicia lineage, we develop initial hypotheses regarding the definition of sublineages; some of these correspond to earlier ideas, whereas others do not. All of these hypotheses need to be tested against more data.  相似文献   

Nearly 5.6?kb of noncoding chloroplast DNA sequence was combined with 9.2?kb of previously published sequence in addressing phylogenetic relationships among Callitropsis, Xanthocyparis, and the New World cypresses (Hesperocyparis; Cupressaceae). Maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses of aligned nucleotide sequence and coded length mutations provide strong support for several relationships. These include a clade in which Xanthocyparis and Callitropsis are successively nested at the base of a monophyletic Hesperocyparis and identification of H. bakeri as sister to the remaining Hesperocyparis. Two principal clades are recovered within Hesperocyparis; (1) the Arizonica group, which contains taxa sometimes recognized as varieties of H. lusitanica, H. guadalupensis, and H. arizonica, and (2) the Macrocarpa group, which contains H. macrocarpa and H. goveniana and its allies. Our results are equivocal with respect to placement of H. macnabiana, a morphologically distinct species resolved as the sister group to either the Macrocarpa or Arizonica group, depending on the data set analyzed. We discover many instances in which taxa recognized as varieties or closely related species are placed in disparate parts of the phylogeny. These include segregates of H. lusitanica, H. guadalupensis, and H. arizonica, all of which are included in clades with other species. Despite analyzing 14,799?bp of aligned sequence and 230 binary characters, we find poor support for several relationships, especially within the Arizonica group. These results suggest recovery of well-supported relationships among the closely related taxa of Hesperocyparis will require additional sources of evidence (e.g., morphological, biochemical characters). Implications for morphological evolution and taxonomic revision are discussed.  相似文献   

The Gnaphalieae are a group of sunflowers that have their greatest diversity in South America, Southern Africa, and Australia. The objective of this study was to reconstruct a phylogeny of the South African Gnaphalieae using sequence data from two noncoding chloroplast DNA sequences, the trnL intron and trnL/trnF intergenic spacer. Included in this investigation are the genera of the Gnaphalieae from the African basal groups, members of the subtribes Cassiniinae, Gnaphaliinae, and Relhaniinae, and African representatives from the large Old World genus Helichrysum. Results indicate that two Gnaphaloid genera, Printzia and Callilepis, should be excluded from the Gnaphalieae. In most trees the Relhaniinae s.s. (sensu stricto) and some of the basal taxa comprise a clade that is sister to the remainder of the tribe Gnaphalieae. The Relhaniinae, which are restricted to Africa, are not a monophyletic group as presently circumscribed, nor are the South African members of Helichrysum, the Cassiniinae and Gnaphaliinae. There is general agreement between our molecular analysis and that of morphology, particularly in the terminal branches of the trees.  相似文献   

蹄盖蕨科的系统发育: 叶绿体DNA trnL-F区序列证据   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
蹄盖蕨科Athyriaceae是蕨类植物中一个复杂的大科,由于属间关系不甚清楚,该科分类系统还有一些问题,比如新蹄盖蕨、拟鳞毛蕨属、假冷蕨属、肠蕨属、短肠蕨属和菜蕨属的系统位置常有争议。根据蹄盖蕨科34种植物和3种外类群植物的叶绿体DNA trnL-F区序列建立了系统发育树,结果显示:1.trnL_F区序列分析的结果与rbcL基因序列分析的结果几乎一致。2.新蹄盖蕨属Neoathyrium Ching&Z.R.Wang不应成立,该属应与角蕨属Cornopteris Nakai合并。3.假冷蕨属Pseudo  相似文献   

In phylogenetic analyses of nuclear ITS and chloroplast trnL DNA sequences, the mostly endemic Australian genera; Halosarcia, Pachycornia, Sclerostegia, Tecticornia, and Tegicornia of the subfamily Salicornioideae (Chenopodiaceae) together form a monophyletic group, congruent with the hypothesis that they evolved from a common ancestor. However, limited genetic differentiation evident in both nrDNA and cpDNA sequences among these taxa suggests a possible rapid radiation. Based on fossil pollen records and climatic models of other authors, it is hypothesized that the expansion of the Australian endemic Salicornioideae most likely occurred during the Late Miocene to Pliocene, when increasing aridity caused the formation of extensive salt lakes along endorheic paleodrainage channels. Moreover, Australian Sarcocornia representatives were supported as monophyletic, nested within a paraphyletic Sarcocornia clade that also comprised European Salicornia in the ITS analysis. This suggests that Sarcocornia arrived in Australia subsequent to the ancestor of the Australian endemic genera most likely via long-distance dispersal.  相似文献   

Coding nucleotide sequences contain myriad functions independent of their encoded protein sequences. We present the COMIT algorithm to detect functional noncoding motifs in coding regions using sequence conservation, explicitly separating nucleotide from amino acid effects. COMIT concurs with diverse experimental datasets, including splicing enhancers, silencers, replication motifs, and microRNA targets, and predicts many novel functional motifs. Intriguingly, COMIT scores are well-correlated to scores uncalibrated for amino acids, suggesting that nucleotide motifs often override peptide-level constraints.  相似文献   

The nuclear internal transcribed spacers, the 5.8S subunit, ~560 bp of the small subunit, and ~320 bp of the large subunit of the nuclear ribosomal DNA repeat from 17 species of Monilinia and eight species of closely related genera were sequenced. Phylogenies were constructed using maximum parsimony. The results support the hypothesis that Monilinia is not monophyletic. A fundamental distinction was found between the section Junctoriae and the section Disjunctoriae. Four evolutionary lineages were identified within the Disjunctoriae: one species on Crataegus, one group of species on dry stone fruits of rosaceous hosts, one group of species on capsular fruits of ericaceous hosts, and one group of species on sweet berry fruits of ericaceous hosts. Comparisons between branching topologies of hosts and Monilinia species suggest that although cospeciation among hosts and parasites has been the rule, several host jumps have taken place. Sclerotinia pirolae was determined to be a true member of the Disjunctoriae. The closest taxon groups to the Junctoriae were found to be Botrytis and Sclerotinia, with Ciborinia being the closest taxon group to the Disjunctoriae. There is evidence of an increased rate of ssrRNA evolution in the lineage of species that attack ericaceous berries.  相似文献   

The Malpighiaceae are a family of ~1250 species of predominantly New World tropical flowering plants. Infrafamilial classification has long been based on fruit characters. Phylogenetic analyses of chloroplast DNA nucleotide sequences were analyzed to help resolve the phylogeny of Malpighiaceae. A total of 79 species, representing 58 of the 65 currently recognized genera, were studied. The 3' region of the gene ndhF was sequenced for 77 species and the noncoding intergenic spacer region trnL-F was sequenced for 65 species; both sequences were obtained for the outgroup, Humiria (Humiriaceae). Phylogenetic relationships inferred from these data sets are largely congruent with one another and with results from combined analyses. The family is divided into two major clades, recognized here as the subfamilies Byrsonimoideae (New World only) and Malpighioideae (New World and Old World). Niedenzu's tribes are all polyphyletic, suggesting extensive convergence on similar fruit types; only de Jussieu's tribe Gaudichaudieae and Anderson's tribes Acmanthereae and Galphimieae are monophyletic. Fleshy fruits evolved three times in the family and bristly fruits at least three times. Among the wing-fruited vines, which constitute more than half the diversity in the family, genera with dorsal-winged samaras are fairly well resolved, while the resolution of taxa with lateral-winged samaras is poor. The trees suggest a shift from radially symmetrical pollen arrangement to globally symmetrical pollen at the base of one of the clades within the Malpighioideae. The Old World taxa fall into at least six and as many as nine clades.  相似文献   

A statistical analysis of the occurrence of particular nucleotide runs in DNA sequences of different species has been carried out. There are considerable differences of run distributions in DNA sequences of procaryotes, invertebrates and vertebrates. There is an abundance of short runs (1-2 nucleotides long) in the coding sequences and there is a deficiency of such runs in the noncoding regions. However, some interesting exceptions from this rule exist for the run distribution of adenine in procaryotes and for the arrangement of purine-pyrimidine runs in eucaryotes. The similarity in the distributions of such runs in the coding and noncoding regions may be due to some structural features of the DNA molecule as a whole. Runs of guanine (or cytosine) of three to six nucleotides occur predominantly in noncoding DNA regions in eucaryotes, especially in vertebrates.  相似文献   

We develop a quantitative method for analyzing repetitions of identical short oligomers in coding and noncoding DNA sequences. We analyze sequences presently available in the GenBank separately for primate, mammal, vertebrate, rodent, invertebrate and plant taxonomic partitions. We find that some oligomers "cluster" more than they would if randomly distributed, while other oligomers "repel" each other. To quantify this degree of clustering, we define clustering measures. We find that (i) clustering significantly differs in coding and noncoding DNA; (ii) in most cases, monomers, dimers and tetramers cluster in noncoding DNA but appear to repel each other in coding DNA. (iii) The degree of clustering for different sources (primates, invertebrates, and plants) is more conserved among these sources in the case of coding DNA than in the case of noncoding DNA. (iv) In contrast to other oligomers, we find that trimers always prefer to cluster. (v) Clustering of each particular oligomer is conserved within the same organism.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic position of the recently described monotypic Vietnamese genus Grushvitzkya is evaluated using nuclear ribosomal ITS and chloroplast ndh F sequence data . Grushvitzkya stellata has often been considered as intermediate between Brassaiopsis and Trevesia , but differs in having a 5-locular ovary rather than a 2- or 6–16-locular ovary, respectively. The molecular data indicate that Grushvitzkya is deeply nested within Brassaiopsis and has a close relationship with B. phanrangensis from central and southern Indochina, and B. stellata from the regions bordering China and Vietnam. The Kimura 2-parameter distances of the ITS sequences between G. stellata and B. phanrangensis and B. stellata are 0.403 and 0.945%, respectively. Furthermore, G. stellata and B. phanrangensis have an identical ndh F sequence profile. Grushvitzkya stellata differs from B. stellata by a single nucleotide in their ndh F sequences. The available evidence is compatible with the hypothesis that Grushvitzkya diverged recently from B. phanrangensis and B. stellata . Although these three closely related species all possess stellate trichomes, G. stellata and B. phanrangensis have highly similar trichome micromorphology, with almost no difference in size, shape and branching pattern, supporting a very close relationship between the two taxa. The higher number of locules in the ovary of Grushvitzkya appears to be a secondary increase despite earlier interpretations that higher numbers are evolutionarily primitive. Grushvitzkya is herein merged with Brassaiopsis ; because the combination B. stellata is occupied, a new name, Brassaiopsis grushvitzkyi , is proposed.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 142 , 455–463.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The cool temperate rainforests of Australia were much reduced in range during the cold and dry glacial periods, although genetic evidence indicates that two key rainforest species, Nothofagus cunninghamii and Tasmannia lanceolata, survived within multiple locations and underwent only local range expansions at the end of the Last Glacial. To better understand the glacial response of a co-occurring but wind-dispersed and less cold-tolerant rainforest tree species, Atherosperma moschatum, a chloroplast phylogeographic study was undertaken.


A total of 3294 bp of chloroplast DNA sequence was obtained for 155 samples collected from across the species'' range.

Key Results

The distribution of six haplotypes observed in A. moschatum was geographically structured with an inferred ancestral haplotype restricted to Tasmania, while three non-overlapping and endemic haplotypes were found on the mainland of south-eastern Australia. Last glacial refugia for A. moschatum are likely to have occurred in at least one location in western Tasmania and in Victoria and within at least two locations in the Great Dividing Range of New South Wales. Nucleotide diversity of A. moschatum was lower (π = 0·00021) than either N. cunninghamii (0·00101) or T. lanceolata (0·00073), and was amongst the lowest recorded for any tree species.


This study provides evidence for past bottlenecks having impacted the chloroplast diversity of A. moschatum as a result of the species narrower climatic niche during glacials. This hypothesis is supported by the star-like haplotype network and similar estimated rates of chloroplast DNA substitution for A. moschatum and the two more cold tolerant and co-occurring species that have higher chloroplast diversity, N. cunninghamii and T. lanceolata.  相似文献   

Lycium comprises approximately 70 species and is disjunctly distributed in temperate to subtropical regions in South America, North America, southern Africa, Eurasia, and Australia. Among them, only Lycium sandwicense A. Gray sporadically occurs widely on oceanic islands in the Pacific Ocean. To investigate phylogenetic and biogeographic relationships of the genus with emphasis on L. sandwicense, the coding region of matK, the two intergenic spacers trnT (UGU)-trnL (UAA) and trnL (UAA)-trnF (GAA), and the trnL (UAA) intron of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) were sequenced. A strict consensus tree resulting from the phylogenetic analysis indicates the following: (1) New World species comprise a potentially paraphyletic assemblage; (2) southern African, Australian, and Eurasian species together are monophyletic; (3) southern African species are a paraphyletic assemblage; and (4) L. sandwicense is in a clade with certain New World species. The estimated biogeographic events based on the cpDNA analysis indicate that (1) Lycium originated in the New World, (2) all southern African, Australian, and Eurasian species have a common ancestor from the New World, (3) Australian and Eurasian species originated once from a southern African progenitor, and (4) L. sandwicense differentiated from the New World species.  相似文献   

The intra- and interspecific phylogeny of Fagopyrum (Polygonaceae) species was studied using nucleotide sequence data from two noncoding regions in chloroplast DNA, the trnK (UUU) intron and the trnC (GCA)-rpoB spacer. Thirty-seven accessions of ten species and two unidentified samples in the urophyllum group of Fagopyrum were analyzed. Both of the studied regions showed high variability, including nucleotide substitutions, insertion/deletions, and inversions. Separate parsimony analyses of the two regions generated phylogenies that were largely consistent with each other. A single most parsimonious tree derived from the combined data of the two regions suggested that (1) either F. statice or F. leptopodum was derived from the ancestor more than once, (2) F. gracilipes, a tetraploid species, has recently been derived from diploid ancestor and rapidly spread out to its present distribution areas, and (3) F. pleioramosum, F. macrocarpum, and F. callianthum, three newly discovered species endemic to the upper Min River valley, differentiated from their common ancestral species in the present distribution area.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships were inferred using nucleotide sequence variation of the nuclear-encoded chalcone synthase gene (Chs) and the chloroplast gene matK for members of five tribes from the family Brassicaceae to analyze tribal and subtribal structures. Phylogenetic trees from individual data sets are mostly in congruence with the results from a combined matK-Chs analysis with a total of 2721 base pairs, but with greater resolution and higher statistical support for deeper branching patterns. The analysis indicates that tribes Lepidieae, Arabideae, and Sisymbrieae are not monophyletic. Among taxa under study four different lineages each were detected in tribes Arabideae and Lepidieae, interspersed with taxa from tribes Sisymbrieae, Hesperideae, and Brassiceae. It is concluded that tribe Brassiceae might be the only monophyletic group of the traditional tribes. From our data we estimated several divergence times for different lineages among cruciferous plants: 5.8 mya (million years ago) for the Arabidopsis-Cardaminopsis split, 20 mya for the Brassica-Arabidopsis split, and ~40 mya for the age of the deepest split between the most basal crucifer Aethionema and remaining cruciferous taxa.  相似文献   

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