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Biocides must be developed for controlling mould establishment on cellulose-based building materials. Accordingly, biocides intended for indoor applications must be non-toxic, non-volatile, odourless, hypoallergenic, and able to provide long-term protection under conditions of high humidity. Multi-component biocide systems were tested in American Wood-Preservers’ Association soil block tests for inhibition of brown-rot and white-rot decay fungi and American Society for Testing and Materials standard tests for inhibition of mould fungi and termites. Multi-component systems combining a borate base supplemented with either 0.1% azole or 0.5% thujaplicin, performed well against the two brown-rot fungi Postia placenta and Gloeophyllum trabeum; the white-rot fungus Coriolus versicolor; the three mould fungi Aspergillus niger, Penicillium chrysogenum, and Trichoderma viride; and the subterranean termite Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar). It was concluded that for interior applications borate-based multi-component biocide systems can protect wood from decay fungi, mould fungi, and termites, and that a system containing thiabendazole provided protection at a lower retention than the other biocides in this study. Synergy was observed between the borate base and voriconazole in inhibition of mould.  相似文献   

Abstract Interspecific mycelial interactions among brown-rot fungi resulted in either deadlock or replacement of one fungus by the other. Similarly, most of the brown-rot fungi deadlocked with some or all of the whitre-rot fungi tested, while a few were able to replace some of the white-rot fungi. The results indicate similarities in interspecific mycelial interactions among brown-rot fungi and between brown-rot and white-rot fungi. The results further suggest that some brown-rot fungi are capable of invading and occupying domains within white-rot fungal communities in decaying wood.  相似文献   

Abstract: The possible roles of oxalic acid, veratryl alcohol, and manganese were investigated in relation to lignin biodegradation by white-rot basidiomycetes. Oxalate inhibited both lignin peroxidase (LiP) and manganese-peroxidase (MnP). and was decarboxylated by the mediation of veratryl alcohol and Mn. Oxalate was shown to regulate the mineralization of lignin in the in vivo system of Phanerochaete chrysosporium . In the brown-rot wood decay process, oxalic acid may serve as an acid catalyst as well as an electron donor for the Fenton reaction, to breakdown cellulose and hemicellulose. Oxaloacetase and glyoxylate oxidase may play a key role in production of oxalic acid by white-rot and brown-rot basidiomycetes such as Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Coriolus versicolor and Tyromyces palustris . A possible role of oxalate metabolism is discussed in relation to the physiology of wood-rotting fungi.  相似文献   

Beech (Fagus orientalis) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) wood blocks were treated with some commercial extracts as well as water-based wood preservative salts at various concentrations to increase retention and fixation. The penetration, fixation, and antifungal properties of different treatment solutions were compared with statistical analysis. Retention levels of solutions were generally higher for Scots pine wood than beech wood. The highest retention levels were seen in wood treated with sumac leaf extract and oak valonia extract. Leaching tests indicated that both wood types treated with sumac extracts showed higher retention levels than wood treated with the other fruit and bark extract solutions. Adding 1% water-based wood preservative salts to valonia and sumac leaf extracts increased the retention levels. Concentrations of more than 1% did not contribute to retention either individually or with salt additions. Three percent and higher concentrations of wood-preserving salts accelerated and increased the amount of leaching. The results showed that the extract alone was resistant to leaching. Mycological tests showed that all extractives were significantly effective against wood decay.  相似文献   

Sympatric divergence in traits affecting species recognition can result from selection against cross‐species mating (reproductive character displacement, RCD) or interspecific aggression (agonistic character displacement, ACD). When the same traits are used for species recognition in both contexts, empirically disentangling the relative contributions of RCD and ACD to observed character shifts may be impossible. Here, we develop a theoretical framework for partitioning the effects of these processes. We show that when both mate and competitor recognition depend on the same trait, RCD sets the pace of character shifts. Moreover, RCD can cause divergence in competitor recognition, but ACD cannot cause divergence in mate recognition. This asymmetry arises because males with divergent recognition traits may avoid needless interspecific conflicts, but suffer reduced attractiveness to conspecific females. Therefore, the key empirical issue is whether the same or different traits are used for mate recognition and competitor recognition.  相似文献   

Sex among the flowers: the distribution of plant mating systems   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Previous reviews of plant outcrossing rate survey data have agreed that predominant selfing and predominant outcrossing are alternative stable states of mating system evolution. We reanalyzed the most recent data and plot outcrossing rates as a continuous variable rather than as a class variable. Wind-pollinated species are indeed bimodal. However, the shape of the distributions for animal-pollinated species reveals that intermediate rates of outcrossing are common (49% of species fall between 20% and 80% outcrossing). Consequently, we suggest that mating system is best considered a continuous rather than a discrete character of plant populations.  相似文献   

The potential use of organosilicons as protective agents against basidiomycetes attack of wood used in outdoor applications was investigated using Scots pine sapwood and beech specimens. Both mini-blocks and EN 113 specimens were subjected to brown-rot and white-rot fungi. A dose–response could be observed showing that with higher weight percentage gain of the organosilicon, the resistance (i.e., efficacy) against fungi increased. At relatively low weight percentage gains, which are assumed to be economically feasible, Scots pine could be partly protected against decay by Postia placenta and Coniophora puteana and beech could be partly protected against decay by C. puteana and Trametes versicolor. Full protection was achieved by some silicons for Scots pine sapwood against C. puteana and for beech against T. versicolor. The most promising products were a solvent-based mixture of the alkoxysilanes methyltrimethoxysilane (MTM) and octyltriethoxysilane (OTES) and a water-based micro-emulsion of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and triethoxysilane (TES) when applied above 20 and 30% weight gain for Scots pine and above 30 and 40% weight gain for beech. A water-based mixture of dimethylmethylhydrogen siloxane (DMS) and N-octyltriethoxysilane (n-OTES) was able to protect beech at weight gains above 30%.  相似文献   

We studied the mesostigmatid mite community in four classes of wood decay in mixed (pine-oak) forest stands in the Wielkopolska region, Cental-West Poland. A total of 80 samples, including bark, phloem and rotten wood of coniferous and deciduous species logs, were taken in August 2006 and 2007. Decay classes were a qualitative, categorical index based on visual assessment of decomposition in coarse woody debris. A total of 3621 mesostigmatid mites were counted and identified to 91 species. In general the total number of species was diverse in the decay classes and ranged from 35 (classes I and II) to 58 (class IV). The average number of species did not differ significantly among wood decay classes. Also the abundance of mesostigmatids did not differ significantly among wood decay classes, but the highest abundance was observed in the last class (IV). Cluster analysis of the species identity index showed that the microhabitats were divided into two main clusters: relatively undecayed wood and decayed wood. Species accumulation curves showed that relatively decayed wood (class IV) had a greater rate of species accumulation than undecayed wood from the class I decomposition.  相似文献   

Interest in the mechanisms of wood-degrading fungi has grown in tandem with lignocellulose bioconversion efforts, yet many potential biomass feedstocks are non-woody. Using corn stover (Zea mays) as a substrate, we tracked degradative capacities among brown rot fungi from the Antrodia clade, including Postia placenta, the first brown rot fungus to have its genome sequenced. Decay dynamics were compared against Gloeophyllum trabeum from the Gloeophyllum clade. Weight loss induced by P. placenta (6.2 %) and five other Antrodia clade isolates (average 7.4 %) on corn stalk after 12 weeks demonstrated inefficiency among these fungi, relative to decay induced by G. trabeum (44.4 %). Using aspen (Populus sp.) as a woody substrate resulted in, on average, a fourfold increase in weight loss induced by Antrodia clade fungi, while G. trabeum results matched those on stover. The sequence and trajectories of chemical constituent losses differed as a function of substrate but not fungal clade. Instead, chemical data suggest that characters unique to stover limit decay by the Antrodia clade, rather than disparities in growth rate or extractives toxicity. High p-coumaryl lignin content, lacking the methoxy groups characteristically cleaved during brown rot, is among potential rate-distinguishing characters in grasses. This ineptitude among Antrodia clade fungi on grasses was supported by meta-analysis of other unrelated studies using grass substrates. Concerning application, results expose a problem if adopting the strategy of the model decay fungus P. placenta to treat corn stover, a widely available plant feedstock. Overall, the results insinuate phylogenetically distinct modes of brown rot and demonstrate the benefit of using non-woody substrates to probe wood degradation mechanisms.  相似文献   

The covariances among the populations of distinct compartments are studied for the multi-compartmental birthless death-migration-immigration process. The important role played by the transition matrix of the deterministic process is underlined. Several examples are discussed. Work performed under the auspices of the GNFM-CNR.  相似文献   

Worldwide correlations of mechanical properties and green wood density   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
? Premise of the study: The density of wood is highly correlated with the ability of stems and roots to resist bending or twisting, which is important for evaluating the mechanical behavior of trees. It also provides a measure of carbon storage, which is an important variable in modeling ecosystem processes and tree construction costs. However, most measurements of the density and mechanical properties of wood have little direct bearing on understanding the biomechanics of living plants because they are based on kiln- or air-dried samples. ? Methods: Here, we present and analyze the relationships between four important mechanical properties (Young's modulus, the modulus of rupture, and the maximum strength in shearing and in compression) and the density of green wood (i.e., wood at 50% moisture content) from a worldwide, taxonomically broad spectrum of 161 species. ? Key results: These data indicate that each of the mechanical properties disproportionately increases across species with increasing green wood density, i.e., stems composed of denser green wood are disproportionately stiffer and stronger than stems with equivalent cross-sections composed of less dense green wood. ? Conclusions: Although denser wood may have a higher carbon construction cost, the mechanical benefits of denser woods likely outweigh the extra cost.  相似文献   

The specific enzymes associated with lignin degradation in solid lignocellulosic substrates have not been identified. Therefore, we examined extracts of cultures of Phanerochaete chrysosporium that were degrading a mechanical pulp of aspen wood. Western blot (immunoblot) analyses of the partially purified protein revealed lignin peroxidase, manganese-dependent peroxidase (MnP), and glyoxal oxidase. The dominant peroxidase, an isoenzyme of MnP (pI 4.9), was isolated, and its N-terminal amino acid sequence and amino acid composition were determined. The results reveal both similarities to and differences from the deduced amino acid sequences from cDNA clones of dominant MnP isoenzymes from liquid cultures. Our results suggest, therefore, that the ligninolytic-enzyme-encoding genes that are expressed during solid substrate degradation differ from those expressed in liquid culture or are allelic variants of their liquid culture counterparts. In addition to lignin peroxidase, MnP, and glyoxal oxidase, xylanase and protease activities were present in the extracts of the degrading pulp.  相似文献   

Testes weight, body weight and mating systems in marsupials and monotremes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Relationships between testes weight, body weight and mating systems were examined in 40 marsupial species and in the extant monotremes. Relationships between relative testes weight and mating systems in marsupials resemble those previously described for primates. Thus relative testes weights are greatest in those marsupials where females mate with multiple males during the fertile period, i.e. polyandrous species (e.g. Antechinus ftavipes, Isoodon obesulus, Perameles nasuta, Potorous tridactylus, Macropus eugenii and M. agilis) and smallest in monandrous forms (e.g. Petauroides volans and Petaurus breviceps ) where females usually mate with a single male. These findings are consistent with effects of sperm competition upon the evolution of relative testes sizes in marsupials. Where field studies on marsupial mating systems are lacking, we make predictions based upon examination of their relative testes weights. Tarsipes rostratus, Acrobates pygmaeus, Macropus rufogriseus and Sarcophilus harrisii are predicted to engage in multiple matings and sperm competition. Conversely, Lasiorhinus latifrons, Cercatetus concinnus and Pseudoantechinus macdonnellensis are predicted to be monandrous in their mating behaviour. The monotremes ( Ornithorhynchus anatinus, Tachyglossus aculeatus and Zaglossus bruijnii ) are characterized by possession of very large testes; monotremes are shown to have significantly greater relative testes weights than marsupials, primates or avian species. This taxonomic difference is unlikely to be related lo the occurrence of oviparity or to the abdominal position of the testes in the Monotremata. Their mating systems are not known in detail, but some evidence for multiple matings (and hence for sperm competition) exists for Tachyglossus aculeatus so that their large testes may be adaptive in this context.  相似文献   

Some previous primate studies have found a positive correlation between male dominance and mating success when data from subadult males were included in the analyses. The information in this paper suggests that an unconscious bias may have been introduced when data on subadult males were included because of the lower dominance rank of these animals. Data from a study of rhesus monkeys on Cayo Santiago showed that subadult males mated significantly less than adults. Because these monkeys are not fully mature, data on them should not be used in any test for correlation between adult male dominance and mating success. The only significant correlation found for adult male mating success was an inverse one with relation to age. Based on behavioral data young, fully adult males have the best chance of fathering offspring regardless of their dominance rank.  相似文献   

Variation of dead wood decay rates among tropical trees remains one source of uncertainty in global models of the carbon cycle. Taking advantage of a broad forest plot network surveyed for tree mortality over a 23-year period, we measured the remaining fraction of boles from 367 dead trees from 26 neotropical species widely varying in wood density (0.23–1.24 g cm−3) and tree circumference at death time (31.5–272.0 cm). We modeled decay rates within a Bayesian framework assuming a first order differential equation to model the decomposition process and tested for the effects of forest management (selective logging vs. unexploited), of mode of death (standing vs. downed) and of topographical levels (bottomlands vs. hillsides vs. hilltops) on wood decay rates. The general decay model predicts the observed remaining fraction of dead wood (R 2 = 60%) with only two biological predictors: tree circumference at death time and wood specific density. Neither selective logging nor local topography had a differential effect on wood decay rates. Including the mode of death into the model revealed that standing dead trees decomposed faster than downed dead trees, but the gain of model accuracy remains rather marginal. Overall, these results suggest that the release of carbon from tropical dead trees to the atmosphere can be simply estimated using tree circumference at death time and wood density.  相似文献   

The applicability of two methods of respirometry to measurement of the carbon dioxide output of naturally decaying branches and wood of standing trees was studied. The Warburg respirometer was judged unsuitable for general use on decaying wood. A conductivity respirometer was found satisfactory. Carbon dioxide production was essentially unaffected by fragmentation suggesting that the measurements obtained are likely to be a valuable indication of decay in the intact tree or branch. The carbon dioxide production of samples was fairly stable when conditions were kept constant but responded promptly to increased or decreased moisture. Wood from branches infested with Polyporus tulipiferae in which moisture was increased from approximately 20%–50% (fresh weight basis) increased its carbon dioxide output over a 4-day period by some seven times. Comparable wood in which the moisture content was reduced from 45 to 20 % showed an almost linear reduction in rate over a similar period to about one-sixth the original rate. Rate of decay in stained and unstained zones of living trees showed no consistent effect of the stain. However, rates of decay in heart-rot of poplar caused by Fomes igniarius were only one-third those reported by Verrall (1937) for decay in culture.  相似文献   

The role of the homokaryotic life stage in the dynamics of fungal communities is relatively unknown. However, homokaryons are thought to be only a temporary stage and are therefore not generally used in ecological experiments with fungi. In this study, the relative competitive ability and growth rates of homokaryons and heterokaryons of wood decay fungi were tested to assess the potential role of homokaryons in community dynamics. A homokaryon and a heterokaryon of each of four species (Aleurodiscus lividocoeruleus, Peniophora sp. 1, Peniophora sp. 2 and Pereniporia medulla‐panis) were assessed for their competitive abilities on an agar medium. The relationship between nuclear status and competitive ability varied between species. The homokaryon of Peniophora sp. 2 was competitively superior to its heterokaryon, whereas the homokaryon of Peniophora sp. 1 was inferior to its heterokaryon. A hierarchy of competitive abilities of each isolate revealed that Pereniporia medulla‐panis homokaryon = P. medulla‐panis heterokaryon > Peniophora sp. 1 heterokaryon > Peniophora sp. 2 homokaryon > Peniophora sp. 2 heterokaryon > A. lividocoeruleus heterokaryon = A. lividocoeruleus homokaryon. This experiment indicates that homokaryons as well as heterokaryons have the potential to influence community structure through competitive effects.  相似文献   

Compatible pollinations from many different taxa display nonrandom mating. Here we describe a system for examining questions of nonrandom mating in Arabidopsis thaliana. Using this system, we demonstrate that Arabidopsis thaliana displays nonrandom mating between distinct accessions. Statistical analysis of these data demonstrates aspects of both pollen competition and male–female complementarity in these matings. Cytological experiments implicate pollen germination and pollen tube growth rates as possible causal factors in these nonrandom mating efficiencies.  相似文献   

Representative plasmids for most incompatibility groups in Escherichia coli K-12 were transferred to a "bald" strain to compare transfer frequencies for liquid and solid media. Standard broth matings were used for a liquid environment, but for solid surface mating, conjugation was allowed to take place on nutrient plates before washing off the cells for transconjugant selection on plates containing appropriate drugs. Plasmids that determine rigid pili transferred at least 2,000x better on plates than in broth. Some plasmids that determine thick flexible pili transferred 45 to 470x better, whereas others transferred equally well in both environments, as did plasmids of the I complex, which determine thin flexible pili. These results clearly distinguished a number of surface mating systems where most plasmids were derepressed for transfer and determined conjugative pili constitutively. The temperature-independent IncH2 plasmid R831b transferred best on plates, but other IncH plasmids transferred equally well in broth. This inconsistency led to the reclassification of R831b as IncM.  相似文献   

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