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A molecular study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of Hepatitis C virus genotypes in HCV infected population of Balochistan. Forty HCV seropositive samples belonging to seven different locations of Balochistan were collected from different health care centres. Qualitative analysis of these samples using PCR resulted in 28 positive samples. The PCR positive samples were subjected to genotyping using the method described by Ohno et al (J Clin Microbiol 35:201–202, 1997) with minor modifications. Genotyping of 28 samples revealed three different genotypes including 3a, 3b and 1a. The most prevalent genotype was 3a with rate of 50% followed by genotype 3b and 1a, respectively. Nine samples remained untyped, suggesting the need of further investigation of genotypes in this region. It has been proposed that sequencing of these samples may be helpful to unreveal these genotypes and further epidemiology of HCV genotypes. Further more, extensive and large scale studies are needed to understand the epidemiology of HCV genotypes, as no such study has been carried in this province.  相似文献   

A molecular study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of Hepatitis C virus genotypes in HCV infected population of UAE. 67 HCV seropositive samples were collected from different health care centres. Quantitative analysis of these samples using PCR resulted in 67 positive samples. The PCR positive samples were subjected to genotyping using the method described by Simmonds et al. (J Gen Virol 74: 2391–2399, 1993). HCV genotype 4 was the predominant genotype (46.2%) followed by genotype 3a (23.8%) and 1a (15%). The predominant genotype among the female patients was genotype 4 (65.6%), while genotype 3a was the predominant among the male patients (42.8%). The predominance of HCV genotype 4 in our population confirms the predominance of HCV genotype 4 in UAE and most of the Arab countries in the Middle East. Implications of genotyping for clinical outcome of HCV infection, response to treatment as well as for vaccine development are discussed.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the population of hepatitis C virus (HCV) sequences in paired liver and serum samples from four patients with chronic hepatitis C. Sequences from three different biopsy specimens from a liver explant from one patient were compared with each other and with the circulating sequences. Our results demonstrate that the circulating quasispecies does not necessarily reflect the viral population replicating in the liver and that this is not due to a macroscopic anatomic compartmentalization of HCV replication. This finding has important implications for the pathogenesis and natural history of chronic HCV infection.  相似文献   

HIV/HCV coinfected individuals under highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) represent an interesting model for the investigation of the role played by the immune system in driving the evolution of the HCV quasispecies. We prospectively studied the intra-host evolution of the HCV heterogeneity in 8 coinfected subjects, selected from a cohort of 32 patients initiating HAART: 5 immunological responders (group A) and 3 immunological non-responders (group B), and in two HCV singly infected controls not assuming drugs (group C). For all these subjects at least two serial samples obtained at the first observation (before HAART) and more than 1 year later, underwent clonal sequence analysis of partial E1/E2 sequences, encompassing the whole HVR1. Evolutionary rates, dated phylogenies and population dynamics were co-estimated by using a Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach, and site specific selection pressures were estimated by maximum likelihood-based methods. The intra-host evolutionary rates of HCV quasispecies was 10 times higher in subjects treated with HAART than in controls without immunodeficiency (1.9 and 2.3 × 10(-3) sub/site/month in group A and B and 0.29 × 10(-3) sub/site/month in group C individuals). The within-host Bayesian Skyline plot analysis showed an exponential growth of the quasispecies populations in immunological responders, coinciding with a peak in CD4 cell counts. On the contrary, quasispecies population remained constant in group B and in group C controls. A significant positive selection pressure was detected in a half of the patients under HAART and in none of the group C controls. Several sites under significant positive selection were described, mainly included in the HVR1. Our data indicate that different forces, in addition to the selection pressure, drive an exceptionally fast evolution of HCV during HAART immune restoration. We hypothesize that an important role is played by the enlargement of the viral replicative space.  相似文献   

Patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection (530 in toto), and 294 individuals with chronic liver disease of different aetiology, were enrolled in this study to investigate the prevalence of monoclonal gammopathies (MG) during chronic liver dysfunction. A monoclonal band was detected in 61 HCV+ patients and in nine HCV subjects only. In both instances, a correlation between MG presence and advanced age or degree of hepatic injury was noted. The prevalence of HCV genotype 2a was higher in HCV+ patients with, rather than in those without, MG. The MG+ HCV+ subjects did not exhibit human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-A33, B8, B65 and DR16 expression, while an increased frequency of DR15 structure was seen in the same group of individuals in comparison with MG- HCV+ patients and healthy donors. These findings suggest a possible relationship between HLA haplotype expression, virus genotypes and the occurrence of MG during the course of chronic HCV infection.  相似文献   

When chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections are complicated by acquisition of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), liver disease appears to accelerate and serum levels of HCV RNA may rise. We hypothesized that HIV might affect the HCV quasispecies by decreasing both complexity (if HIV-induced immunosuppression lessens pressure for selecting HCV substitutions) and the ratio of nonsynonymous (d(N)) to synonymous (d(S)) substitutions, because d(N) may be lower (if there is less selective pressure). To test this hypothesis, we studied the evolution of HCV sequences in 10 persons with chronic HCV infection who seroconverted to HIV and, over the next 3 years, had slow or rapid progression of HIV-associated disease. From each subject, four serum specimens were selected with reference to HIV seroconversion: (i) more than 2 years prior, (ii) less than 2 years prior, (iii) less than 2 years after, and (iv) more than 2 years after. The HCV quasispecies in these specimens was characterized by generating clones containing 1 kb of cDNA that spanned the E1 gene and the E2 hypervariable region 1 (HVR1), followed by analysis of clonal frequencies (via electrophoretic migration) and nucleotide sequences. We examined 1,320 cDNA clones (33 per time point) and 287 sequences (median of 7 per time point). We observed a trend toward lower d(N)/d(S) after HIV seroconversion in 7 of 10 subjects and lower d(N)/d(S) in those with rapid HIV disease progression. However, the magnitude of these differences was small. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that HIV infection alters the HCV quasispecies, but the number of subjects and observation time may be too low to characterize the full effect.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies directed against hepatitis C virus (HCV) E2 protein can neutralize cell-cultured HCV and pseudoparticles expressing envelopes derived from multiple HCV subtypes. For example, based on antibody blocking experiments and alanine scanning mutagenesis, it was proposed that the AR3B monoclonal antibody recognized a discontinuous conformational epitope comprised of amino acid residues 396–424, 436–447, and 523–540 of HCV E2 envelope protein. Intriguingly, one of these segments (436–447) overlapped with hypervariable region 3 (HVR3), a domain that exhibited significant intrahost and interhost genetic diversity. To reconcile these observations, amino-acid sequence variability was examined and homology-based structural modelling of E2 based on tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) E protein was performed based on 413 HCV sequences derived from 18 subjects with chronic hepatitis C. Here we report that despite a high degree of amino-acid sequence variability, the three-dimensional structure of E2 is remarkably conserved, suggesting broad recognition of structural determinants rather than specific residues. Regions 396–424 and 523–540 were largely exposed and in close spatial proximity at the surface of E2. In contrast, region 436–447, which overlaps with HVR3, was >35 Å away, and estimates of buried surface were inconsistent with HVR3 being part of the AR3B binding interface. High-throughput structural analysis of HCV quasispecies could facilitate the development of novel vaccines that target conserved structural features of HCV envelope and elicit neutralizing antibody responses that are less vulnerable to viral escape.  相似文献   

The prevalence of 1) hepatitis C virus (HCV), an agent likely to be responsible for parenterally transmitted hepatitis non-A, non-B, 2) hepatitis B virus (HBV) and 3) human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection was studied in 211 patients with clotting disorders (78% of the patients had residual factor activities of less than or equal to 2%). Of these patients 71% were positive for HBV markers and 44% for HIV markers. Using a new ELISA technique, 80% were anti-HCV-positive. The prevalence of anti-HCV was greater in patients with more severe clotting disorders and was related to the total amount of replacement therapy received; the prevalence was less in older patients. Seroconversion after a single exposure to dry heat-treated factor concentrates was documented in 3 patients 3-4 months after exposure.  相似文献   

The lack of a suitable small animal model for the analysis of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection has hampered elucidation of the HCV life cycle and the development of both protective and therapeutic strategies against HCV infection. Human and mouse harbor a comparable system for antiviral type I interferon (IFN) induction and amplification, which regulates viral infection and replication. Using hepatocytes from knockout (ko) mice, we determined the critical step of the IFN-inducing/amplification pathways regulating HCV replication in mouse. The results infer that interferon-beta promoter stimulator (IPS-1) or interferon A receptor (IFNAR) were a crucial barrier to HCV replication in mouse hepatocytes. Although both IFNARko and IPS-1ko hepatocytes showed a reduced induction of type I interferons in response to viral infection, only IPS-1-/- cells circumvented cell death from HCV cytopathic effect and significantly improved J6JFH1 replication, suggesting IPS-1 to be a key player regulating HCV replication in mouse hepatocytes. We then established mouse hepatocyte lines lacking IPS-1 or IFNAR through immortalization with SV40T antigen. Expression of human (h)CD81 on these hepatocyte lines rendered both lines HCVcc-permissive. We also found that the chimeric J6JFH1 construct, having the structure region from J6 isolate enhanced HCV replication in mouse hepatocytes rather than the full length original JFH1 construct, a new finding that suggests the possible role of the HCV structural region in HCV replication. This is the first report on the entry and replication of HCV infectious particles in mouse hepatocytes. These mouse hepatocyte lines will facilitate establishing a mouse HCV infection model with multifarious applications.  相似文献   

The host–virus interactions leading to cell infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) are not fully understood. The tetraspanin CD-81 and human scavenger receptor SR-BI/Cla1 are major receptors mediating virus cell entry. However, HCV in patients' sera is associated with lipoproteins and infectious potential of the virus depends on lipoproteins associated to virus particles. We show here that lipoprotein lipase (LPL), targeting triglyceride-rich lipoproteins (TRL) to the liver, mediates binding and internalization of HCV to different types of cells, acting as a bridge between virus-associated lipoproteins and cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG). The dimeric structure and catalytic activity of LPL are required for LPL-mediated HCV uptake to cells. Unexpectedly, exogenous LPL significantly inhibits HCVcc infection in vitro . This effect is prevented by anti-LPL antibodies and by tetrahydrolipstatin (THL) a specific inhibitor of LPL enzymatic activity. In addition, we show that antibodies directed to apolipoprotein B (ApoB)-containing lipoproteins efficiently inhibits HCVcc infection. Our findings suggest that LPL mediates HCV cell entry by a mechanism similar to hepatic clearance of TRL from the circulation, promoting a non-productive virus uptake. These data provide new insight into mechanisms of HCV cell entry and suggest that LPL could modulate HCV infectivity in vivo .  相似文献   

This study analyzes the effect of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), and thus immunologic status, on hepatitis C virus (HCV) load and quasispecies diversity in patients coinfected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and HCV. Three cohorts of coinfected patients were analyzed retrospectively over a period of 7 to 10 months: group A was antiretroviral drug na?ve at baseline and then on HAART for the remainder of the study, group B did not receive antiretroviral therapy at any point, and group C was on HAART for the entire study. HCV quasispecies diversity was analyzed by sequencing hypervariable region 1. In a longitudinal analysis, there was no significant change from baseline in any immunologic, virologic, or quasispecies parameter in any of the three groups. However, in comparison to groups A and B, group C had significantly higher CD4+- and CD8+-cell counts, a trend toward a higher HCV load, and significantly increased number of HCV clones, entropy, genetic distance, and ratio of nonsynonymous substitutions per nonsynonymous site to synonymous substitutions per synonymous site (Ka/Ks). In addition, CD4+-cell count was positively correlated with HCV load, genetic distance, and Ka. Interestingly, patients infected with HCV genotype 2 or 3 had a significantly higher CD4+-cell count, HCV load, genetic distance, and Ka/Ks than those infected with genotype 1. These results suggest that there is no immediate effect of HAART on HCV but that, with prolonged HAART, immune restoration results in an increase in HCV load and quasispecies diversity.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the major etiologic agent of non-A, non-B hepatitis. HCV infection frequently causes chronic hepatitis, which progresses to liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Since the discovery of HCV in 1989, a large number of genetic analyses of HCV have been reported, and the viral genome structure has been elucidated. An enveloped virus, HCV belongs to the family Flaviviridae, whose genome consists of a positive-stranded RNA molecule of about 9.6 kilobases and encodes a large polyprotein precursor (about 3000 amino acids). This precursor protein is cleaved by the host and viral proteinase to generate at least 10 proteins: the core, envelope 1 (E1), E2, p7, nonstructural (NS) 2, NS3, NS4A, NS4B, NS5A, and NS5B. These HCV proteins not only function in viral replication but also affect a variety of cellular functions. HCV has been found to have remarkable genetic heterogeneity. To date, more than 30 HCV genotypes have been identified worldwide. Furthermore, HCV may show quasispecies distribution in an infected individual. These findings may have important implications in diagnosis, pathogenesis, treatment, and vaccine development. The hypervariable region 1 found within the envelope E2 protein was shown to be a major site for the genetic evolution of HCV after the onset of hepatitis, and might be involved in escape from the host immunesurveillance system.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hepatitis C virus (HCV)-derived lipopeptides can induce epitope-specific immune responses in lymphocytes from HCV-naive individuals. We analyzed whether such T cells generated by in vitro immunization with HCV core-derived lipopeptides exert HCV-specific cytolytic activity. METHODS: Using a sensitive flow cytometric cytotoxicity assay we characterized HCV-specific cytotoxicity in T cells generated in vitro with HCV core-derived 25-mer lipopeptides. In addition, we studied expressions of Fas ligand and perforin and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) secretion in HLA-A2-HCV(core_35-44) tetramer-positive T cells generated with lipopeptide amino acid 20-44 (LP20-44). RESULTS: CD8+ T cells induced in vitro with HCV core-derived lipopeptides only infrequently exerted HCV-specific cytotoxicity, irrespective of whether antigen-coated T2 cells or autologous B lymphoblasts were used as targets. Detailed analysis of HLA-A2-HCV(core_35-44) tetramer-positive T cells generated with LP20-44 revealed that in vitro immunization resulted in T cells that secreted IFN-gamma after antigen-specific restimulation and that upregulated expression of Fas ligand but not of perforin. CONCLUSIONS: Our data confirm at the functional level that HCV lipopeptides induce antigen-specific T lymphocytes that produce IFN-gamma but exert significant cytotoxicity in only a minority of experiments, probably because expression of cytolytic effector molecules is not enhanced in their granules.  相似文献   

HCVisthemajorcauseofposttransfusionnonA,nonBhepatitis[1].About50%oftheinfectionswilldevelopintochronichepatitisandamongthemabout20%willresultinlivercirrhosisandhepatocellularcarcinoma[2].BecausethetiterofHCVparticleinpatient’sbloodisextremelylow,andthereisno…  相似文献   

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