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13C-NMR analysis of the glutathione conjugates formed from (±)-benzo(a)-pyrene 4,5-oxide-4,5-13C by a purified glytathione transferase from little skate (Raja erinacea) liver demonstrated that equivalent amounts of the positional isomers (4,5-dihydro-4-hydroxy-5-glutathionylbenzo(a)pyrene and 4,5-dihydro-4-glutathionyl-5-hydroxybenzo(a)pyrene) were formed. Separation of these conjugates by HPLC and subsequent 13C-NME studies showed that only one diastereoisomer of each positional isomer was formed by the skate enzyme, each enantiomer of the arene oxide having produced only one of the two possible positional isomers. The non-enzymic reaction of (±)-benzo(a)pyrene 4,5-oxide with glutathione produced the four possible stereoisomers resulting from trans addition to the epoxide ring. This was also true when rat liver cytosol was used as the source of transferase activity. The data demonstrate that skate liver glutathione transferase 4 has high substrate regiospecificity and stereospecificity for (±)-benzo(a)pyrene 4,5-oxide.  相似文献   



Vitamin E compounds exhibit prostate cancer preventive properties experimentally, but serologic investigations of tocopherols, and randomized controlled trials of supplementation in particular, have been inconsistent. Many studies suggest protective effects among smokers and for aggressive prostate cancer, however.


We conducted a nested case-control study of serum α-tocopherol and γ-tocopherol and prostate cancer risk in the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial, with 680 prostate cancer cases and 824 frequency-matched controls. Multivariate-adjusted, conditional logistic regression models were used to estimate odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for tocopherol quintiles.


Serum α-tocopherol and γ-tocopherol were inversely correlated (r = −0.24, p<0.0001). Higher serum α-tocopherol was associated with significantly lower prostate cancer risk (OR for the highest vs. lowest quintile = 0.63, 95% CI 0.44–0.92, p-trend 0.05). By contrast, risk was non-significantly elevated among men with higher γ-tocopherol concentrations (OR for the highest vs. lowest quintile = 1.35, 95% CI 0.92–1.97, p-trend 0.41). The inverse association between prostate cancer and α-tocopherol was restricted to current and recently former smokers, but was only slightly stronger for aggressive disease. By contrast, the increased risk for higher γ-tocopherol was more pronounced for less aggressive cancers.


Our findings indicate higher α-tocopherol status is associated with decreased risk of developing prostate cancer, particularly among smokers. Although two recent controlled trials did not substantiate an earlier finding of lower prostate cancer incidence and mortality in response to supplementation with a relatively low dose of α-tocopherol, higher α-tocopherol status may be beneficial with respect to prostate cancer risk among smokers. Determining what stage of prostate cancer development is impacted by vitamin E, the underlying mechanisms, and how smoking modifies the association, is needed for a more complete understanding of the vitamin E-prostate cancer relation.  相似文献   

Carabids(Coleoptera:Carabidae)seem to be suitable bioindicalors of the environmental impacts of novel agrotechnologies,including deployment of the genetically engineered(GE)crops.In this article,we describe our effort to employ carabids in the environmental risk assessment(ERA).GE maize MON88017,its near-isogenic hybrid nontreated or treated with the soil insccticide chlorpyrifos,and two reference hybrids were used to compare three different ways how to utilize carabids in ERA.The analysis of abundance of all captured carabids or of the most abundant carabid specics did not disclose any differences between the treatments.The analysis based on the categories of functional traits revealed distinct fecatures of some treatments and proved suitable for ERA because it permitted field data transportability in spite of different species compositions.Our results indicate that GE maize has no detrimental environmental effecl,On the other hand,we found significant trends toward lower abundance and lower species number(including analysis of all carabid species together)in plots treated with the insecticide,and some tendencies to higher abundance and higher species number in plots sown with the reference hybrid PR38N86.Using functional group indicators alows identification of unintended changes in ecological functions of agroecosystem and comparability across geographics.We recommend data evaluation at the level of the categories of functional traits in ERA of GE crops and other agricultural practices.  相似文献   

Sepsis is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, and the magnitude of the problem seems higher in developing countries. In the last two decades the accepted standard treatment has resulted in only a slight decrease in mortality, and that decrease has been overshadowed by an almost 300% increase in incidence. Recently has been documented the close relationship between infection, inflammation and coagulation in sepsis has been documented; and although clinically overt disseminated intravascular coagulation may occur in only 30% to 50% of septic patients, the activation of the coagulation cascade is an early and common response to the infectious challenge. Moreover most of the molecules involved in the pro-coagulant state that characterizes sepsis are also powerful generators or amplifiers of the inflammatory response. These findings have fostered a comprehensive body of research regarding biological products with anticoagulant activity, as additional therapies for patients with the most severe states of the sepsis syndrome. This review explains the biological and molecular aspects that support the potential use of anticoagulant treatments in sepsis. Furthermore, we analyze the evidence provided by experimental and pre-clinical studies, which suggest the usefulness of heparin as an effective complementary treatment throughout the clinical stages of the disease.  相似文献   

Factors affecting activity, habitat use, and home-range size of the red fox were analysed in a highly heterogeneous rural environment. Individual differences in behaviour were used to test our hypotheses. Food habits tended to depend on food availability, which, in turn, was mainly influenced by temperature. Diet was highly heterogeneous. Insects, e.g. grasshoppers and beetles, and cultivated fruits were the staple of the diet, but no diet component stood out clearly from all others. For an opportunistic species such as the fox, habitat heterogeneity may be the main factor underlying a wide trophic niche. All foxes selected the vineyard as part of their home ranges, whereas they preferred for activity the abandoned olive-yard among the habitats of their home ranges. Human intolerance of foxes affects their pattern of activity, habitat selection, and ranging behaviour. Foxes were strongly nocturnal. Cover-rich habitats were preferred for resting and for movements in daylight. Areas under human management were mainly used at night. Selectivity was higher for resting than for activity sites. Variation in home-range size and shape can be influenced not only by the dispersion of the main food patches, but also by the location of shelters  相似文献   



Multiple studies have shown that glial cells of the spinal cord, such as astrocytes and microglia, have close contact with neurons, suggesting the term tripartite synapse. In these synapses, astrocytes surrounding neurons contribute to neuronal excitability and synaptic transmission, thereby increasing nociception and thus the persistence of chronic pain. Conversely, the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor is crucial in the generation and maintenance of chronic pain. It has multiple sites of modulation. One is the site of recognition of extracellular neurotransmitter (glutamate), which can be blocked by competitive antagonists such as (3-(2-carboxipiperazin-4)1-propyl phosphonic acid), (±)-CPP, resulting in a blockade of the calcium current and thus the intracellular transduction process. In the present study, we investigated whether the potential antinociceptive effect of glial inhibition produced by propentofylline (PPF) can be enhanced when combined with an NMDA-receptor inhibitor such as (±)-CPP.


We used Sprague-Dawley monoarthritic rats. The monoarthritis was induced by injection of complete Freund adjuvant in the right tibiotarsal joint. Four weeks later, rats were treated with PPF (1, 10, 30, and 100 μg/10 μl) intrathecally (i.t.) for 10 days, injected once with (±)-CPP (2.5, 5, 12.5, 25, 50, and 100 μg/10 μl, i.t.), or both treatments combined. The antinociceptive effect was evaluated on day 11 for PPF and immediately to (±)-CPP, by assessing the vocalization threshold to mechanical stimulation of the arthritic paw.


The data indicate that intrathecal administration of increasing concentrations of (±)-CPP or PPF produced a significant dose-dependent antinociceptive effect with respect to monoarthritic rats receiving saline. The linear regression analysis showed that the dose that produces 30% of maximal effect (ED30) for i.t. (±)-CPP was 3.97 μg, and 1.42 μg for i.t. PPF. The administration of the PPF and (±)-CPP combination in fixed proportions of ED30 produced a dose-dependent antinociceptive effect, showing an interaction of the supraadditive type.


The results suggest that glia inhibitors can synergically potentiate the effect of glutamate blockers for the treatment of chronic inflammatory pain.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that the invasive success of Centaurea maculosa may be related to its stronger allelopathic effects on native North American species than on related European species, one component of the “novel weapons” hypothesis. Other research indicates that C. maculosa plants from the invasive range in North America have evolved to be larger and better competitors than conspecifics from the native range in Europe, a component of the “evolution of increased competitive ability” hypothesis. These hypotheses are not mutually exclusive, but this evidence sets the stage for comparing the relative importance of evolved competitive ability to inherent competitive traits. In a competition experiment with a large number of C. maculosa populations, we found no difference in the competitive effects of C. maculosa plants from North America and Europe on other species. However, both North American and European C. maculosa were much better competitors against plants native to North America than congeners native to Romania, collected in areas where C. maculosa is also native. These results are consistent with the novel weapons hypothesis. But, in a second experiment using just one population from North America and Europe, and where North American and European species were collected from a broader range of sites, competitive interactions were weaker overall, and the competitive effects of C. maculosa were slightly stronger against European species than against North American species. Also consistent with the novel weapons hypothesis, (±)-catechin had stronger effects on native North American species than on native European species in two experiments. Our results suggest that the regional composition of the plant communities being invaded by C. maculosa may be more important for invasive success than the evolution of increased size and competitive ability. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The repair of DNA damage protects the genome of the cell from the insults of cancer causing agents. This was originally demonstrated in individuals with the rare genetic disease, xeroderma pigmentosum, the prototype of cancer genes, and subsequently in the relationship of mismatch repair to colon cancer. Recent studies suggests that individuals with less dramatic reductions in the capacity to repair DNA damage are observed at polymorphic frequency and these individuals have an increased susceptibility to several types of cancer. Screening of individuals for DNA sequence variation in the exons of 9 DNA repair genes has resulted in identification of 15 different polymorphic amino acid substitution variants. Although the studies to relate these variants to reduced DNA repair capacity and cancer status have not been completed, the available information is sufficient to suggest that DNA repair genes should be incorporated into molecular epidemiology and cancer susceptibility studies. The availability of molecular epidemiology data presents exciting opportunities for refinement of risk estimation models and identification of individuals at increased risk of disease, with resultant opportunities for effective surveillance and early intervention and treatment. The opportunities to acquire susceptibility data are associated with possible perils for establishment of regulations for permissible exposures to carcinogenic agents and also stigmatization of ‘at risk’ individuals that may result in decreased access to employment opportunities and health care.  相似文献   

Hypertension is a multifactorial disease in which the interplay of genetic and environmental factors that maintain blood pressure stable throughout life is altered. Cytochrome P450 (CYP)-derived metabolites of arachidonic acid such as epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (EETs) and 20-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (20-HETE), active on vascular tone, endothelial function and renal sodium reapportion, have been identified as candidate mediators in the development of hypertension in several animal models, with remarkable sex-specific effect. Several SNPs, some recognized as functional, in human genes implicated in EETs/20-HETE biosynthesis and metabolism, such as CYP2J2 and CYP4A11, have been tested for association with blood pressure, hypertension and its long-term cardiovascular consequences in different populations, with conflicting results. A sex-specific effect, related to CYP4F2 polymorphisms and expression, has been observed in association studies. This finding indicates that altered 20-HETE bioactivity underlay the excess of hypertension and associated vascular events observed in men with respect to women and is consistent with the results from experimental models. Further epidemiological and mechanistic studies are required to confirm the effect of lipid mediators on blood pressure in humans and define the mechanisms of a putative sex-specific effect.  相似文献   

Contemporary research indicates that religious institutions can play bonding and bridging roles in the lives of immigrants, strengthening the bonds within immigrant groups while simultaneously connecting immigrants to the wider society. The majority of this research focuses on religious institutions in US cities with long histories of immigration and sizable immigrant populations. This article examines the role of religious institutions in the lives of refugees living in a city with a small, but rapidly growing immigrant population. Evidence from interviews with Catholic and Muslim refugees and participant observation at two houses of worship suggests that the functions of religious institutions differ for refugees from majority and minority religious traditions. Catholic refugees use their church for bonding and bridging purposes, while Muslim refugees use their mosque primarily for bonding purposes.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies have evaluated the association between tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α)-308G/A and (TNF-α)-238G/A polymorphisms, and the risk of autoimmune liver disease (AILD), yet the results are conflicting. To derive a more precise estimation of the relationship, we performed this meta-analysis. A systematic review was conducted to identify all eligible studies of TNF-α polymorphisms and AILD risk. We used odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) to assess the strength of the association between the two TNF-α polymorphisms and AILD risk. A total of 15 eligible studies were identified. Overall, positive associations of -308G/A polymorphism with AILD risk were found (A vs G allele: OR = 1.45, 95%CI = 1.13–1.86; AA vs GG: OR = 2.74, 95%CI = 1.51–4.96; GA vs GG: OR = 1.46, 95%CI = 1.11–1.92; dominant model: OR = 1.57, 95%CI = 1.18–2.10; recessive model: OR = 2.22, 95%CI = 1.31–3.76). In subgroup analysis by ethnicity, a significantly higher risk was found in Caucasians. In subgroup analysis by AILD category, significant association was observed in autoimmune hepatitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis, especially in Caucasians. Patients carrying TNF-α-238A allele had a slightly decreased risk of developing AILD (OR = 0.65, 95%CI = 0.48–0.87). However, we found both TNF-α polymorphisms were not associated with primary biliary cirrhosis risk, even in subgroup analysis. Our meta-analysis suggests that the TNF-α-308G/A and -238G/A polymorphisms may contribute to AILD susceptibility in Caucasians, especially for autoimmune hepatitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis. Nevertheless, we found both TNF-α polymorphisms were unlikely to be associated with the risk of primary biliary cirrhosis.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Tian C  Zhang J  Li X  Wan H  He C  Guo L  Meilang Q  Peng C  Duo L  Huang J  Fan H 《Immunogenetics》2011,63(1):23-32
The -159C/T polymorphism in the CD14 gene has been implicated in susceptibility to asthma, but a large number of studies have reported inconclusive results. The aim of this study is to investigate the association between the -159C/T polymorphism in the CD14 gene and the risk of asthma by meta-analysis. We searched Pubmed, Embase, CNKI database, Wanfang database, Weipu database, and Chinese Biomedical database, covering all publications (last search been performed on April 20, 2010). Statistical analysis was performed by using the softwares Revman 4.2 and STATA 10.0. A total of 17 case-control studies in 17 articles (4,246 cases and 3,631 controls) were included in this meta-analysis. There was no association between this polymorphism and asthma risk in combined analyses (odds ratio (OR)?=?0.86 and 95% confidence interval (95% CI)?=?0.72-1.02, P?=?0.09 for TC?+?TT vs. CC). In the subgroup analysis by age, ethnicity, and atopic status, no significant associations of asthma risks were obtained from age groups, ethnic groups, and atopic groups for TC?+?TT vs. CC comparison. For atopic population, significant decreased atopic asthma risks were found among Asian population (OR?=?0.69, 95% CI 0.52-0.92, P?=?0.01) and children population (OR?=?0.69, 95% CI 0.54-0.89, P?=?0.0004) for TC?+?TT vs. CC comparison. This meta-analysis suggests that CD14 is a candidate gene for atopic asthma susceptibility. The -159C/T polymorphism may be a protective factor for atopic asthma in Asian and children. More studies are needed to validate these associations.  相似文献   

The threat of rabies being reintroduced into Britain is probably greater now than at any time over the last 60 years. This threat is reviewed with particular regard to the problems that would be posed should rabies be introduced to the high-density fox populations found in many cities in southern England. Computer models can provide a valuable means of understanding the pattern of rabies spread in fox populations and the likely problems of control, so the construction of previous rabies models was reviewed. None were found to be suitable for analysing the particular problems posed by high-density, spatially heterogeneous, urban fox populations. Therefore, a new spatial stochastic simulation model was produced, based on demographic and other data collected during a long-term study on the urban fox population in Bristol, and fox density data collected from a number of cities in southern England. The simulation model was used to analyse the effects of spatial heterogeneity in the fox population on the pattern of rabies spread. Simulations were then used to evaluate the effects of: (i) varying levels of fox control; (ii) changing the size of the control zone; (iii) the onset of the rabies epizooty at different times of the year: and (iv) delay before the commencement of control on the chances of containing the disease. These simulations were run for four cities (Bournemouth and Poole, Bristol, Leicester and the West Midlands conurbation) with different mean fox population densities. It was found that the variance in the monthly velocity of the rabies front was greater for heterogeneous fox populations. In cities with high fox densities, low or moderate levels of control were unsuccessful in containing the disease, but these urban areas had the highest rates of success with the highest levels of control. A three-month delay in the commencement of a rabies control campaign on average reduced the chance of successfully controlling the disease by 10-20%, although this was higher in lower-density fox populations. Rabies outbreaks in the dispersal period were on average 10% less likely to be contained. Increasing the size of the control zone increased the chances of successfully containing the disease, although this effect was density dependent, so the effect was less in low-density fox populations. These results are discussed in relation to the current rabies contingency plans for British urban areas.  相似文献   

Summary The quantitative imaging of lithium distribution, in histological sections of 15-days old mouse embryos (whose mother had been submitted to Li-treatment), was performed using6Li isotope as tracer,6Li(n,)3H nuclear reaction for detection, and dielectric track detectors. Despite the particular difficulties of cryosectioning the embryos without disturbing the lithium distribution, the Li regionalization appeared to be very clear-cut. The ectomesodermic tissues were significantly more loaded with lithium than the endodermic ones. This is probably related to the ectomesodermic tissues being also those most sensitive to the teratogenic effect of lithium. The Li-distribution in the embryo brain was almost homogeneous, instead of being heterogeneous as in adult brain. The mean Li-concentration in the embryo brain was not much below the Li concentration in the grey matter of the mother brain, but it was significantly larger than that in the white matter of the mother brain. Our results are discussed in the context of teratogenic effects observed in situ during mammalian development.  相似文献   

Tardigrades have two forms of dormancy, namely cryptobiosis and encystment. The encystment is a form of diapause known for a limited number of species of tardigrades and still little studied. To increase the knowledge on encystment, two species of eutardigrades from Italy have been considered: the moss-dwelling Amphibolus volubilis (Eohypsibiidae), and the limnic Dactylobiotus parthenogeneticus (Murrayidae). Cysts have been collected in nature, or induced under laboratory conditions. In the latter case, it was possible to follow the several steps of encystment processes. Two different types of cyst (“type 1” and “type 2”) have been found in A. volubilis, while in D. parthenogeneticus only one type has been found. In general, the ovoid-shaped cysts are constituted by a series of cuticles surrounding the animals and resemble an onion or a Matrioshka Russian doll. In all three types of cyst, the encystment processes show both common and peculiar traits. Encystment begins with the discharging of the sclerified parts of the buccal-pharyngeal apparatus, as in the molting process, but without the loss of the old cuticle. Then, two or three new cuticles are serially synthesized, according to cyst type. In A. volubilis, the ultrastructure of these new cuticular involucra is similar to that of non-encysted animal cuticles, while in D. parthenogeneticus the ultrastructure of the new cuticular involucra differs from that of non-encysted animal cuticle. A modified buccal-pharyngeal apparatus has been observed both in “type 2” cyst of A. volubilis and in the D. parthenogeneticus cyst.  相似文献   

Rat liver nuclei were incubated with [14C]benzo(a)pyrene (BP) or [3H](±)-trans-7,8-dihydrodiol of BP (3H-BP-7,8-diol) in the presence of a NADPH-generating system. The nuclei were able to form from BP the 9,10-, 4,5- and 7,8-dihydrodiols, the 3,6- and 1,6-quinones as well as the 3- and 9-phenols. The total nuclear metabolism was stimulated 11-fold by prior administration to the rats of 3-methylcholanthrene (3MC). BP-7,8-dihydrodiol formation, under these circumstances, was enhanced 29-fold. The rat liver nuclei were also able to form from [3H]BP-7,8-diol, (±)-7β,8α-dihydroxy-9β,10β-epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydro BP (diol epoxide 1), (±)-7β,8α-dihydroxy-9α,10α-epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydro BP (diol epoxide 2), as well as three unknown metabolites. Diol epoxides 1 and 2 represented 23 and 65% of the total metabolites produced during the control nuclear incubation. Pretreatment of the rats with 3MC resulted in 4-fold increase in nuclear metabolic activity. Under the latter circumstances, the diol epoxides 1 and 2 represented 43 and 38%, respectively, of the total nuclear metabolites. Incubation of liver nuclei with labeled BP or BP-7,8-diol in the presence of NADPH resulted in alkylation of DNA. The alkylated deoxyribonucleosides were separated by Sephadex LH-20 chromatography. Two peaks of radioactivity were noted after incubation with the parent polycyclic hydrocarbon while only one peak was seen after incubation with the diol derivative. These results emphasize the importance of nuclei in the metabolism of BP and in the subsequent alkylation of DNA, reactions which may be related to mutagenesis or carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

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