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Nakaba S  Sano Y  Kubo T  Funada R 《Plant cell reports》2006,25(11):1143-1148
We monitored the distribution of death of secondary xylem cells in a conifer, Abies sachalinensis. The cell death of tracheids, which are tracheary elements, occurred successively and was related to the distance from cambium. Thus, it resembled programmed cell death. By contrast, the death of long-lived ray parenchyma cells had the following features: (1) ray parenchyma cells remained alive for several years or more; (2) in many cases, no successive cell death occurred even within a given radial cell line of a ray; and (3) the timing of cell death differed among upper and lower radial cell lines and other lines of cells within a ray. These results indicate that the death of long-lived ray parenchyma cells involves a different process from the death of tracheids. The initiation of secondary wall formation and the lignification of ray parenchyma cells in the current year's annual ring were delayed in the upper and lower radial cell lines of a ray. In addition, the density of distribution and orientation of cortical microtubules in such cells were different from those in cells in other radial lines. Ray parenchyma cells in the previous year's annual ring within the upper and lower radial cell lines of a ray contained many starch grains. Our results indicate that positional information is an important factor in the control of the pattern of differentiation and, thus, of the functions of ray parenchyma cells that are derived from the same cambial ray cells.  相似文献   

Oribe Y  Funada R  Shibagaki M  Kubo T 《Planta》2001,212(5-6):684-691
A study was made of cambial activity, the localization of storage starch around the cambium, and the localization and occurrence of microtubules in cambial cells from dormancy to reactivation in locally heated (22–26 °C) stems of the evergreen conifer Abies sachalinensis. Heating induced localized reactivation of the cambium in the heated portions of the stem. Erect ray cambial cells resumed cell division 1 d prior to the reactivation of fusiform cambial cells and procumbent ray cambial cells. The re-initiation of the division of fusiform cambial cells occurred first on the phloem side. During the heat treatment, the amount of storage starch decreased in procumbent ray cambial cells and in the phloem parenchyma adjacent to the cambium but increased in fusiform cambial cells. Preprophase bands of microtubules, spindle microtubules and phragmoplast microtubules were observed both in erect ray cambial cells and in procumbent ray cambial cells. By contrast, no evidence of the presence of such preprophase bands of microtubules was detected in fusiform cambial cells. The results suggest that the localized heating of stems of evergreen conifers might provide a useful experimental model system for studies of the dynamics of cambial reactivation in intact trees. Received: 25 May 2000 / Accepted: 12 July 2000  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Research - This study evaluated variation in the height at which absent rings and internodes were detected along stem of Abies sachalinensis trees grown under shade for...  相似文献   

Cancer chemoprevention, the prevention of cancer by ingestion of chemical agents that reduce the risk of carcinogenesis, is one of the potent ways to reduce morbidity and mortality. We have been searching for cancer chemopreventive agents from the leaves and barks of coniferous trees that have been treated as waste in the forestry industry. We have previously reported the isolation of spiro‐biflavonoids, named as abiesinols, and a neolignan from the MeOH extract of the bark of Abies sachalinensis. These compounds were tested for their inhibitory effects on the activation of (±)‐(E)‐methyl‐2‐[(E)‐hydroxyimino]‐5‐nitro‐6‐methoxyhex‐3‐enamide (NOR 1), a nitric oxide (NO) donor, as a primary screening test for anti‐tumor initiators. All compounds tested exhibited potent inhibitory effects on NOR 1 activation. Furthermore, abiesinol A, bearing a spiro‐biflavonoid skeleton, showed remarkable anti‐tumor‐initiating activity in the in vivo two‐stage mouse skin carcinogenesis test using peroxynitrite (ONOO?; PN) as the initiator and 12‐O‐tetradecanoylphorbol‐13‐acetate (TPA) as the promoter.  相似文献   

Araucaria angustifolia is an endangered species that occurs in the high and cold regions of southern Brazil. This species has economic importance due to its wood and seeds, as well as playing a fundamental ecological role for the southern fauna and flora. Climate change can affect its distributional area and conservation, making it urgent to investigate the effect of climate on its development. The objective of our study was to investigate how growth rates of A. angustifolia vary in relation to interannual precipitation, temperature, frost and snowfall events. For this purpose, we used two samples obtained from each of 33 individual trees from a forest fragment on the Santa Catarina plateau, Brazil. Classical dendrochronological methods were applied for the preparation and dating of the samples. The tree rings were measured using specialized software. Superposed Epoch analysis was used to test the snow accumulation events. The climatic variables were tested by means of a correlation analysis. The Superposed Epoch analysis was used to test the snow accumulation events. Our results indicate that the species shows significant sensitivity to the climate, with the maximum and minimum absolute temperatures respectively correlated with positive and negative growth rates. Snowfall also reduced growth of A. angustifolia. Overall, extreme cold events are threats to the conservation of the species.  相似文献   

Accuracy of a stand reconstruction technique was examined by comparing the estimated values of the aboveground biomass, total stem volume, stem volume growth, and stand density of Abies sachalinensis stands to those observed between 1980 and 1998 in Hokkaido, northern Japan. Census data from two stands established in 1973, one fertilized and the other unfertilized, were used for the examination. The stand statistics in the past were estimated from the DBH and height of individual trees measured in 1998, data on the aboveground biomass and stem volume with bark for nine living trees of various sizes harvested in each plot in 1998 or in 1999, and data from the stem analysis of the same harvested trees. We showed that the reconstructed patterns of the frequency distribution in aboveground biomass and in stem volume were generally the same as those observed in both plots and in any year in the past (except for 1982 and/or 1980), and that the reproduced patterns of stand development over time were similar to those observed directly in the past. Accuracy in predicting stand statistics was generally in the order of ±10% relative error. We consider that the present method of stand reconstruction could be used to estimate aboveground biomass, total stem volume, and stem volume growth of a stand in the past. Interpretation of results for the early years (1982 and 1980) and for the stand density requires caution.  相似文献   

Abies sachalinensis and Picea glehnii are co-dominant tree species and major components of the forests of Hokkaido, Japan. Recent work suggests that a reversal in potential competitive superiority at different developmental stages could be important to explain their coexistence. Such shifts in competitive advantage can be mechanistically understood by studying the corresponding physiological differences between distinct life stages. Accordingly, our objective was to investigate in the field the photosynthesis of shade-growing juveniles of these species from two different size-classes, seedlings and saplings. Our results show that seedlings of both species had higher concentrations of photoprotective xanthophylls than saplings, especially in spring, and suggest that seedlings have a lower threshold of stress tolerance than saplings. Photosynthetic capacity per needle area and lateral shoot extension rate decreased from the seedling to the sapling stage in A. sachalinensis, while in P. glehnii, both increased from the seedling to the sapling stage. Abies sachalinensis had higher photosynthetic rates at the seedling stage but lower rates at the sapling stage than P. glehnii. Nevertheless, A. sachalinensis had a higher lateral shoot extension rate than P. glehnii at both stages. Our physiological results support previous ecological observations that A. sachalinensis is a superior competitor to P. glehnii in the understory, and show that its competitive advantage is higher at the seedling stage than at the sapling stage.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of intraspecific hybridization of local and nonlocal genotypes on growth traits of progeny in Abies sachalinensis, we performed reciprocal crossing between nonlocal trees in a high‐elevation zone (1,100–1,200 m asl) and local trees in a low‐elevation zone (530 m asl) in Hokkaido, northern Japan, in 1979 and established a common garden experiment using local × local (female × male ), local × nonlocal , nonlocal × local , and nonlocal × nonlocal progeny in the low‐elevation zone in 1986. Survival, height, diameter at breast height (dbh), needle nitrogen content, specific leaf area (SLA), and needle area per shoot diameter (NA) of 25‐year‐old progeny were measured in 2005. The survival rate was consistently high (>85% on average). Reductions in height and dbh were apparent in F1 hybrids compared with local × local progeny. Furthermore, outbreeding depression was significant in height growth of nonlocal × local F1 hybrids and in dbh of both F1 hybrids. Reductions in growth traits may be related to morphological needle traits, such as the low values of SLA and NA. Elevation guidelines for A. sachalinensis seed zones are discussed to ensure the long‐term viability of both restored and native populations.  相似文献   

元宝山冷杉群落种内与种间竞争的数量关系   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:28  
元宝山冷杉 (AbiesyuanbaoshanensisY .J .LuetL .K .Fu)特产广西 ,是种群数量极少的濒危物种。根据调查资料 ,采用Hegyi提出的单木竞争指数模型CI=∑Nj=1 (Dj/Di)·1Lij对元宝山冷杉群落的种间、种内竞争强度进行定量分析。结果表明 :元宝山冷杉种内竞争较之与其伴生树种间的竞争剧烈 ;竞争木对对象木的竞争强度与对象木的胸高直径服从幂函数关系CI=ADB,竞争强度随对象木个体的增大而减小。当元宝山冷杉胸高直径达到 35~ 40cm后 ,竞争强度变化不明显。利用模型预测了元宝山冷杉种内和种间的竞争强度  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》2005,83(3):187-192
We investigated the effect of intraspecific competition on growth parameters and photosynthesis of the salt marsh species Atriplex prostrata Boucher in order to distinguish the effects of density-dependent growth inhibition from salt stress. High plant density caused a reduction of 30% in height, 82% in stem dry mass, 80% in leaf dry mass, and 95% in root dry mass. High density also induced a pronounced 72% reduction in leaf area, 29% decrease in length of mature internodes and 50% decline in net photosynthetic rate. The alteration of net photosynthesis paralleled growth inhibition, decreasing from 7.6 ± 0.9 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 at low density to 3.5 ± 0.4 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 at high density, indicating growth inhibition caused by intraspecific competition is mainly due to a decline in net photosynthesis rate. Plants grown at high density also exhibited a reduction in stomatal conductance from 0.7 ± 0.1 mol H2O m−2 s−1 at low density to 0.3 ± 0.1 mol H2O m−2 s−1 at high density and a reduction in transpiration rate from 6.0 ± 0.3 mmol H2O m−2 s−1 at low density to 4.3 ± 0.3 mmol H2O m−2 s−1 at high density. Biomass production was inhibited by an increase in plant density, which reduced the rate of photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and leaf area of plants.  相似文献   

Neonatal mortality and altitude in Peru   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

On Caribbean coral reefs, high rates of grazing by herbivorous fishes are thought to benefit corals because fishes consume competing seaweeds. We conducted field experiments in the Florida Keys, USA, to examine the effects of grazing fishes on coral/seaweed competition. Initially, fragments of Porites divaracata from an inshore habitat were transplanted into full-cage, half-cage, and no-cage treatments on a fore-reef. Within 48 h, 56% of the unprotected corals in half-cage and no-cage treatments (62 of 111) were completely consumed. Stoplight parrotfish (Sparisoma viride) were the major coral predators, with redband parrotfish (S. aurofrenatum) also commonly attacking this coral. Next, we transplanted fragments of P. porites collected from the fore-reef habitat where our caging experiments were being conducted into the three cage treatments, half in the presence of transplanted seaweeds, and half onto initially clean substrates. The corals were allowed to grow in these conditions, with concurrent development of competing seaweeds, for 14 weeks. Although seaweed cover and biomass were both significantly greater in the full-cage treatment, coral growth did not differ significantly between cage treatments even though corals placed with pre-planted seaweeds grew significantly less than corals placed on initially clean substrate. This surprising result occurred because parrotfishes not only grazed algae from accessible treatments, but also fed directly on our coral transplants. Parrotfish feeding scars were significantly more abundant on P. porites from the half and no-cage treatments than on corals in the full cages. On this Florida reef, direct fish predation on some coral species (P. divaracata) can exclude them from fore-reef areas, as has previously been shown for certain seaweeds and sponges. For other corals that live on the fore-reef (P. porites), the benefits of fishes removing seaweeds can be counterbalanced by the detrimental effects of fishes directly consuming corals. Received: 31 May 1997 / Accepted: 2 September 1997  相似文献   

Abstract. Fallopia (Polygonum) sachalinensis (Polygonaceae) is native to the Far East from where it was introduced into Europe and Northern America. It has only recently appeared on the large alluvial plains of alpine rivers, while it has formed monospecific stands in many habitats. In this study, we investigated some of the biological characteristics of this species in order to predict its invasiveness under the specific environmental conditions of alpine alluvia. When compared to other plants which tend to monopolize space, F. sachalinensis appears to have a life cycle characterized by an early seasonal development. It exhibits a high growth rate – ca. 4 to 5 cm/day, and its productivity is associated with intrinsic characteristics of the species: abundant leaf cover, the appearance of branches when the leaves reach an optimal size on the main stem, and favourable leaf orientation to capture high light intensity. Another morphological characteristic is the presence of a large medullary air cell containing a liquid rich in mineral salts which can be used by the plant when the demand for evaporation increases. Clonal spread associated with an extraordinarily high rate of proliferation of below-ground organs, and mechanisms for adaptation to adverse conditions are biological traits rendering F. sachalinensis an invader in alluvial plains along alpine rivers. There is a risk that such species experience a demographic explosion in the geographical region under study.  相似文献   

Summary Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl.), Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmanni Parry), and Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) seedlings were grown in open-ended tube cultures of sand and perlite, irrigated with nitrate, ammonium, and a 1∶1 mixture of ammonium and nitrate, combined factorially with pH values of 4.6, 5.3 and 6.0 giving a total of nine treatments. Douglas-fir showed intolerance to ammonium which was especially marked in root weight. Lodgepole pine and Engelmann spruce made poor growth with nitrate, but showed little difference between ammonium and mixed sources. Only Douglas-fir showed a significant response to pH treatments with pH 5.3 plants being largest. Contamination of the sand with carbonate-bicarbonate, apparently caused seedlings grown in ammonium solutions to be larger in sand than in perlite. Douglas-fir grown in perlite cultures showed a growth response like the first experiment and nitrate reductase activity in the order nitrate > nitrateammonium mixture > ammonium. Plastic bead cultures had poor growth response due to low retention of water by the substrate, but the nitrate reductase assays produced results like the perlite cultures. Lodgepole pine grown in water culture demonstrated the well known pH shift associated with different nitrogen forms, and when assayed for nitrate reductase these seedlings had larger relative activities than Douglas-fir, but the order of activity remained nitrate > mixed source > ammonium.  相似文献   

Regeneration of natural forests was studied in the Nakagawa Experiment Forest of Hokkaido University using age distribution surveys made by the clear felling method. In Plot 1 (30 m × 65 m),Abies sachalinensis dominated the canopy layer but there were also a fewBetula ermanii trees.Sasa senanensis densely covered the forest floor. Most of the canopy trees were from 122 to 195 years old. Seedlings younger than 50 years old ofA. sachalinensis were found on fallen logs and root bases. There were, however, few trees from 50 to 120 years old. The present canopy trees seemed to have regenerated after competitive pressure from old canopy andSasa disappeared 180 years ago. Plot 2 (50 m × 100 m) on serpentinite soil was dominated byPicea glehnii. Sasa kulirensis covered the floor but not as densely asS. senanensis in Plot 1. The ages ofP. glehnii ranged from 1 to 586 years old, and the age distribution ofA. sachalinensis was L-shaped. A small gap in the canopy formed about 290 years ago, and it gradually extended. Conifers regenerated continuously in the extending gap butB. ermanii did not. One hundred thirty years ago, part of Plot 2 was again destroyed andA. sachalinensis andB. ermanii regenerated. Thus, two types of regeneration were found. One regenerated both conifers andBetula after a sudden disturbance of canopy layer or death ofSasa, and the other, under an extending gap, regenerated only conifers.  相似文献   

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