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It is well known that estrogenic compounds affect development of fertilized eggs of many species of birds, fish and amphibians through disrupted activity of carbonic anhydrase (CA). The most potent activity comes from the most commonly occurring synthetic sterol, 17α-Ethynylestradiol (EE2). Less is known about the responses of aquatic phytoplankton to these compounds. Here we show for the first time that, in comparision to the control, the addition of 7 µM EE2 reduced the growth rate of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii by 68% for cells grown at high CO2. When cells were grown in ambient air (low Ci) with a fully activated carbon concentrating mechanism through the induction of CA activity, the growth rates were reduced by as much as 119%. A reduced growth rate could be observed at EE2 concentrations as low as 10 pM. This was accompanied by a reduced maximum capacity for electron transport in photosystem II as determined by a lower FV/FM for low Ci-grown cells, which indicates the involvement of CAH3, a CA specifically located in the thylakoid lumen involved in proton pumping across the thylakoid membranes. These results were in agreement with an observed reduction in the chloroplastic affinity for Ci as shown by a strong increase in the Michaelis-Menten K0.5 for HCO3 . In itself, a lowering of the growth rate of a green alga by addition of the sterol EE2 warrants further investigation into the potential environmental impact by the release of treated waste water.  相似文献   

The regulatory mechanism of state transitions was studied in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (C.r.) wild type (WT) as well as mutant strains deficient in the photosystem I (PSI) or the photosystem II (PSII) core. Time-resolved fluorescence measurements were obtained on instantly frozen cells incubated beforehand in the dark in aerobic or anaerobic conditions which leads to state 1 (S1) or state 2 (S2). WT data contains information on the light-harvesting complex (LHC) connected to PSI and PSII. The mutants' data contain information on either LHCII-LHCI-PSI or LHCII-PSII, plus information on LHC antennas devoid of a PS core. In a simultaneous analysis of the data from all strains under S1 or S2 conditions a unified model for the excited state dynamics at 77 K was created. This yielded the completely resolved LHCII-LHCI-PSI and LHCII-PSII dynamics and quantified the state transitions. In WT cells the fraction of light absorbed by LHCII connected to PSII decreases from 45% in S1 to 29% in S2, while it increases from 0% to 16% for LHCII connected to PSI. Thus (16/45 =) 36% of all LHCII is involved in the state transition. In the mutant strains deficient in the PSI core, the red most species peaking at 716 nm disappears completely, indicating that this far red Chl pigment is located in the PSI core. In the mutant strain deficient in the PSII core, red shifted species with maxima at 684 and 686 nm appear in the LHCII antenna. LHCII-684 is quenched and decays with a rate of (310 ps)? 1.  相似文献   

An endogenous clock regulates the temporal expression of genes/mRNAs that are involved in the circadian output pathway. In the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, a clock-controlled RNA-binding protein (Chlamy 1) was identified recently, which represents an analog of the circadian trans-acting factor CCTR from the phylogenetically diverse alga Gonyaulax polyedra. In order to identify in C. reinhardtii target mRNAs that can be recognized by Chlamy 1, gel mobility-shift assays and UV-crosslinking experiments were carried out, and revealed that this protein interacts specifically with the 3' untranslated regions of several mRNAs and recognizes them all via a common cis-acting element, composed of at least seven UG repeats. By using competition assays, it was found that the affinity of Chlamy 1 is highest for mRNAs whose products are key components of nitrogen and CO2 metabolism. Since the activities of enzymes involved in nitrogen metabolism vary in a temporal pattern that is opposite in phase to that of Chlamy 1 binding activity, the protein may repress the translation of the cognate mRNAs.  相似文献   

Mass-spectrometric disequilibrium analysis was applied to investigate CO2 uptake and HCO3 transport in cells and chloroplasts of the microalgae Dunaliella tertiolecta and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, which were grown in air enriched with 5% (v/v) CO2 (high-Ci cells) or in ambient air (low-Ci cells). High- and low-Ci cells of both species had the capacity to transport CO2 and HCO3, with maximum rates being largely unaffected by the growth conditions. In high- and low-Ci cells of D. tertiolecta, HCO3 was the dominant inorganic C species taken up, whereas HCO3 and CO2 were used at similar rates by C. reinhardtii. The apparent affinities of HCO3 transport and CO2 uptake increased 3- to 9-fold in both species upon acclimation to air. Photosynthetically active chloroplasts isolated from both species were able to transport CO2 and HCO3. For chloroplasts from C. reinhardtii, the concentrations of HCO3 and CO2 required for half-maximal activity declined from 446 to 33 μm and 6.8 to 0.6 μm, respectively, after acclimation of the parent cells to air; the corresponding values for chloroplasts from D. tertiolecta decreased from 203 to 58 μm and 5.8 to 0.5 μm, respectively. These results indicate the presence of inducible high-affinity HCO3 and CO2 transporters at the chloroplast envelope membrane.  相似文献   

The interrelations between thylakoid polypeptide components and Mg2+-induced Chl a fluorescence and thylakoid surface charge changes were investigated in Zostera marina chloroplasts treated with Ca2+ and trypsin. It was observed that: 1. The increase of Mg2+- induced PS Ⅱ fluorescence intensity was closely related to the decrease of Mg2+-induced surface charge density of the thylakoid membrane in the normal chloroplast; 2. Removal of the 32~34 kD polypeptides of the thylakoid surface by Ca2+ extraction of the chloroplast did not affect the Mg2+-induced phenomena; 3. If the Ca2+-treated chloroplast was further digested by trypsin to remove the 26 kD polypeptide of the membrane surface, the Mg2+-induced phenomena disappeared completely. These results clearly indicated that the 26 kD polypeptide of thylakoid surface is the specific acting site of the cation that induced these two correlated phenomena in the chloroplast from Zostera marina. The mechanism on the regulating effect of the cation on excitation energy distribution between PS Ⅱ and PS Ⅰ was discussed.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Plant Physiology - The earlier-detected effect of the mineral nitrogen form in the nutrient medium (ammonium or nitrate) on the quantity of ribosomes in the cells of...  相似文献   

The small hydrophobic polypeptide PsbT is associated with the photosystem II (PSII) reaction center (D1/D2 heterodimer). Here, we report the effect of the deletion of PsbT on the biogenesis of PSII complex during light-induced greening of y-1 mutants of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The y-1 is unable to synthesize chlorophylls in the dark but do so in the light. The dark-grown y-1 cells accumulated no major PSII proteins but a small amount of PsbT. Upon illumination, PsbT was immediately synthesized while chlorophylls, major PSII proteins, and O(2)-evolving activity increased after a 1-h lag. The y-1 cells without PsbT accumulated chlorophylls and PSI protein at a similar rate, whereas the accumulation of PSII complex was specifically retarded during greening. The absence of PsbT did not affect the synthesis of PSII proteins. These results indicate that PsbT is required for the efficient biogenesis of PSII complex.  相似文献   

The rate of mRNA decay is an important step in the control of gene expression in prokaryotes, eukaryotes and cellular organelles. Factors that determine the rate of mRNA decay in chloroplasts are not well understood. Chloroplast mRNAs typically contain an inverted repeat sequence within the 3 untranslated region that can potentially fold into a stem-loop structure. These stem-loop structures have been suggested to stabilize the mRNA by preventing degradation by exonuclease activity, although such a function in vivo has not been clearly established. Secondary structures within the translation reading frame may also determine the inherent stability of an mRNA. To test the function of the inverted repeat structures in chloroplast mRNA stability mutants were constructed in the psaB gene that eliminated the 3 flanking sequences of psaB or extended the open reading frame into the 3 inverted repeat. The mutant psaB genes were introduced into the chloroplast genome of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Mutants lacking the 3 stem-loop exhibited a 75% reduction in the level of psaB mRNA. The accumulation of photosystem I complexes was also decreased by a corresponding amount indicating that the mRNA level is limiting to PsaB protein synthesis. Pulse-chase labeling of the mRNA showed that the decay rate of the psaB mRNA was significantly increased demonstrating that the stem-loop structure is required for psaB mRNA stability. When the translation reading frame was extended into the 3 inverted repeat the mRNA level was reduced to only 2% of wild-type indicating that ribosome interaction with stem-loop structures destabilizes chloroplast mRNAs. The non-photosynthetic phenotype of the mutant with an extended reading frame allowed us to test whether infrequently used stop codons (UAG and UGA) can terminate translation in vivo. Both UAG and UGA are able to effectively terminate PsaB synthesis although UGA is never used in any of the Chlamydomonas chloroplast genes that have been sequenced.  相似文献   

Energetic properties of chlorophylls in photosynthetic complexes are strongly modulated by their interaction with the protein matrix and by inter-pigment coupling. This spectral tuning is especially striking in photosystem I (PSI) complexes that contain low-energy chlorophylls emitting above 700 nm. Such low-energy chlorophylls have been observed in cyanobacterial PSI, algal and plant PSI–LHCI complexes, and individual light-harvesting complex I (LHCI) proteins. However, there has been no direct evidence of their presence in algal PSI core complexes lacking LHCI. In order to determine the lowest-energy states of chlorophylls and their dynamics in algal PSI antenna systems, we performed time-resolved fluorescence measurements at 77 K for PSI core and PSI–LHCI complexes isolated from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The pool of low-energy chlorophylls observed in PSI cores is generally smaller and less red-shifted than that observed in PSI–LHCI complexes. Excitation energy equilibration between bulk and low-energy chlorophylls in the PSI–LHCI complexes at 77 K leads to population of excited states that are less red-shifted (by ~?12 nm) than at room temperature. On the other hand, analysis of the detection wavelength dependence of the effective trapping time of bulk excitations in the PSI core at 77 K provided evidence for an energy threshold at ~?675 nm, above which trapping slows down. Based on these observations, we postulate that excitation energy transfer from bulk to low-energy chlorophylls and from bulk to reaction center chlorophylls are thermally activated uphill processes that likely occur via higher excitonic states of energy accepting chlorophylls.  相似文献   

γ-irradiation of frozen solutions of Fe(II) hemoproteins at 77 K generates both electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) active singly reduced and oxidized heme centers trapped in the conformation of the Fe(II) precursors. The reduction products of pentacoordinate (S = 2) Fe(II) globins, peroxidases and cytochrome P450cam show EPR and electron–nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectra characteristic of (3d 7) Fe(I) species. In addition, cryoreduced Fe(II) α-chains of hemoglobin and myoglobin exhibit an S = 3/2 spin state produced by antiferromagnetic coupling between a porphyrin anion radical and pentacoordinate (S = 2) Fe(II). The spectra of cryoreduced forms of Fe(II) hemoglobin α-chains and deoxymyoglobin reveal that the Fe(II) precursors adopt multiple conformational substates. Reduction of hexacoordinate Fe(II) cytochrome c and cytochrome b 5 as well as carboxy complexes of deoxyglobins produces only Fe(II) porphyrin π-anion radical species. The low-valent hemoprotein intermediates produced by cryoreduction convert to the Fe(II) states at T > 200 K. Cryogenerated Fe(III) cytochrome c and cytochrome b 5 have spectra similar to these for the resting Fe(III) states, whereas the spectra of the products of cryooxidation of pentacoordinate Fe(II) globins and peroxidases are different. Cryooxidation of CO–Fe(II) globins generates Fe(III) hemes with quantum-mechanically admixed S = 3/2, 5/2 ground states. The trapped Fe(III) species relax to the equilibrium ferric states upon annealing at T > 190 K. Both cryooxidized and reduced centers provide very sensitive EPR/ENDOR structure probes of the EPR-silent Fe(II) state. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The core of this second article shows how logical errors and inconsistencies in previous theories of energy coupling in oxidative phosphorylation are overcome by use of a torsional mechanism and the unified theory of ATP synthesis/hydrolysis. The torsional mechanism is shown to satisfy the pioneering and verified features of previous mechanisms. A considerable amount of data is identified that is incompatible with older theories but is now explained in a logically consistent and unified way. Key deficiencies in older theories are pinpointed and their resolution elucidated. Finally, major differences between old and new approaches are tabulated. The new theory now provides the elusive details of energy coupling and transduction, and allows several novel and experimentally verifiable predictions to be made and a considerable number of applications in nanotechnology, energy conversion, systems biology, and in health and disease are foreseen.  相似文献   

The core of this second article shows how logical errors and inconsistencies in previous theories of energy coupling in oxidative phosphorylation are overcome by use of a torsional mechanism and the unified theory of ATP synthesis/hydrolysis. The torsional mechanism is shown to satisfy the pioneering and verified features of previous mechanisms. A considerable amount of data is identified that is incompatible with older theories but is now explained in a logically consistent and unified way. Key deficiencies in older theories are pinpointed and their resolution elucidated. Finally, major differences between old and new approaches are tabulated. The new theory now provides the elusive details of energy coupling and transduction, and allows several novel and experimentally verifiable predictions to be made and a considerable number of applications in nanotechnology, energy conversion, systems biology, and in health and disease are foreseen.  相似文献   

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