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Trends in several photosynthetic parameters and their responseto changed growth light were followed for 15 d in leaves ofyoung birch saplings using a rapid-response gas exchange measuringequipment. These in vivo measurements were compared to biochemicalassays that were made from the same leaves after the gas exchangestudies. The measurements were made on leaves that were selectedprior to the study and were at that time of similar age. Forthe first 7 d the photosynthetic parameters were followed fromthe growth conditions of moderate light (200 µmol m–2s–1; referred to as controls later in the text). On day7 some of the saplings were transferred to grow either underhigh (450 µmol m–2 s–1; referred to as highlight plants) or low (75 µmol m–2 s–1; referredto as low light plants) light and the capability of the preselectedleaves for acclimation was followed for 6 d. For comparison,at the end of the experiment the measurements were made on bothcontrols and on young leaves that had developed under high andlow light. Generally the in vivo measured rate of CO2 uptake (gross photosynthesis)both at 310 ppm CO2 and 2000 ppm CO2 corresponded very wellto the biochemically determined CO2 fixation capacity in vitroafter rapid extraction (measured as the initial and total activityof Rubisco, respectively). However, if the flux of CO2 intothe chloroplasts was limited by the closure of the stomata,as was the case of the high light plants, then the in vitromeasured Rubisco activity was greater than the in vivo measuredCO2 uptake. Vmax, calculated from the mesophyll conductanceat 1% O2, exceeded the initial activity of Rubisco (assayedat saturating RuBP and CO2) constantly by 60%. The catalyticactivity of Rubisco in birch leaves was overall very low, evenwhen calculated from the total activity of Rubisco (Kcat 0.63–1.18 s–1), when compared to herbaceous C3 species. Signs of light acclimation were not observed in most of thephotosynthetic parameters and in chloroplast structure whenmature birch leaves were subjected to changes in growth lightfor 6 d. However, the change of the growth light either to highor low light caused day-to-day fluctuations in most of the measuredphotosynthetic parameters and in the case of the high lightplants signs of photoinhibition and photodestruction were alsoobserved (decrease in the amount of chlorophyll and increasein chlorophyll a/b ratio). As a result of these fluctuationsthese plants achieved a new and lower steady-state conditionbetween the light and dark reactions, as judged from the molarratio of RuBP to Rubisco binding site. Key words: Acclimation, photosynthesis, light, Rubisco, birch  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of phenotypicrecurrent selection for high and low post-anthesis leaf-laminain vivo NRA on nitrate uptake, nitrate partitioning and in vitroNRA of seedling roots and leaves. In Experiment 1, intact plantsof cycle 0, 4, and 6 of the high and low NRA strains were grownon NH4-N for 11 d, then exposed to 1.0 mol m–3 KNO3, andcultures sampled at 6 h and 28 h (induction and post-inductionperiods). Nitrate uptake, tissue nitrate concentration and invitro NRA were determined. The pattern of response to selectionin seedling leaf NRA was similar to that observed for in vivoNRA of field grown plants. Leaf NRA increased between 6 h and28 h. Root NRA was not affected by selection or sampling time.Treatments differed in total fresh weight but not in reductionor uptake of nitrate per unit weight, indicating a lack of correspondencebetween NRA and reduction and supporting the idea that concomitantreduction by NR is not obligatorily linked to nitrate influxin the intact plant. In Experiment 2, dark-grown plants of cycle 0, and 6 of thehigh and low NRA strains were cultured without N, detopped onday 6, transferred the following day to 0-75 mol m–3 KNO3and sampled at 6 h and 28 h. In contrast to Experiment 1, selectionpopulations differed in nitrate reduction and root NRA, whichby 28 h reached higher average levels than root NRA of intactplants. Translocation and reduction were inversely related amongstrains within each sampling time. The high level of translocationin detopped plants of the low NRA strain was difficult to reconcilewith its low leaf NRA level of Experiment 1. It is suggestedthat nitrate transport in detopped roots is altered relativeto the intact system in a way which permits greater NRA inductionand nitrate reduction. The results indicate that nitrate partitioningby detopped root systems should be interpreted with caution. Key words: Zea, nitrate reductase activity, nitrate uptake, nitrate reduction, nitrate partitioning, selection  相似文献   

Molybdenum is thought to be of intermediate mobility in thephloem and this may limit N2-fixation by restricting the supplyof molybdenum to the nodules of legumes. When no molybdenumwas supplied to Phaseolus vulgaris nodule Mo content increasedat the expense of shoots and roots even when seed molybdenumcontent was large. Nodules sampled from plants receiving molybdenumin the feeding solution had a concentration of 21–78 µgMo g-1. In the absence of molybdenum and with deficient seedcontent (<0.5 µg Mo seed-1) nodule concentrations rangedfrom 1.9 to 3.5 fig Mo g-1 in a small seeded genotype and 8.7±0.48µg Mo g-1 in a large seeded genotype. N2-fixation in theseplants was not impaired except in one instance where noduleconcentration was 1.9 µg Mo g-1. Evidence that molybdenumis effectively translocated from leaves to roots and noduleswas obtained using foliar treatments. All of the 3.3 µgMo applied to a leaf was recovered in the plant after 10 d.Mo content of the nodules increased by 81%, whilst Mo contentof shoots increased by 56%. Root Mo content was eight timesgreater than that in plants not receiving a foliar treatmentof molybdenum. We conclude that when molybdenum was scarce inthe plant it was mobile and was translocated from roots andshoots to the nodules. As a result, nodule concentrations andcontents of molybdenum were frequently maintained at amountssufficient for N2-fixation even when the plant was entirelydependent on a small seed reserve of molybdenum.  相似文献   

Leaves from in vitro and greenhouse cultured plants of Malusdomestica (Borkh.) cv. Mark were subjected to 4 h of darkness;4 h of 1 M mannitol induced water stress; 1 h of 10–4M to 10–7 M cis-trans abscisic acid (ABA) treatment; 1h of 0.12% atmospheric CO2. Stomatal closure was determinedby microscopic examination of leaf imprints. In all treatments,less than 5% of the stomata from leaves of in vitro culturedplants were closed. The diameter of open stomata on leaves fromin vitro culture remained at 8 µm. In contrast, an averageof 96% of the stomata on leaves of greenhouse grown plants wereclosed after 4 h in darkness; 56% after 4 h of mannitol inducedwater stress; 90% after 1 h of 10–4 M ABA treatment; 61%after 1 h in an atmosphere of 0.12% CO2. Stomata of in vitroapple leaves did not seem to have a closure mechanism, but acquiredone during acclimatization to the greenhouse environment. Thelack of stomatal closure in in vitro plants was the main causeof rapid water loss during transfer to low relative humidity.  相似文献   

The significance of nickel (Ni), which is essential for ureaseactivity, for growth and nitrogen (N) metabolism ofBrassicanapusgrown in nutrient solution with either NH4NO3or urea assole N source was investigated. Although Ni contents were below25 µg kg-1d. wt, growth of plants relying on NH4NO3wasnot affected by the Ni status. However, supplementing the growthmedium with 0.04 µMNi enhanced dry matter production ofurea-grown plants significantly. Urease activity was significantlyreduced in leaves and roots of plants grown without supplementaryNi irrespective of N source. Plants grown with urea withoutadditional Ni accumulated large amounts of urea and had loweramino acid contents indicating impaired usage of the N supplied,while those grown with NH4NO3under Ni-deprived conditions accumulatedendogenous urea in their older leaves. It is suggested thatNi may not be strictly essential for plants receiving mineralN, or that the critical level is well below 25 µg kg-1d.wt. These results confirm that Ni is required for urease activityand thus for growth of plants on urea-based media, as well asfor recycling endogenous urea.Copyright 1999 Annals of BotanyCompany. Brassica napusvar.annua, amino acids, N nutrition, nickel, spring rape, urea, urease activity.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of pretreatments (18 h at 5 µmoldm–3) with abscisic acid, the ethylene-releasing substance‘Ethephon’, gibberellic acid, indoleacetic acid,kinetin and zeatin on nitrate uptake and in vivo nitrate reductaseactivity (NRA) in roots of nitrogen-depleted Phaseolus vulgarisL. Nitrate uptake showed an apparent induction pattern witha steady state after about 6 h, in all treatments. The nitrateuptake rate after 6 h was unaffected or at most 30% lower aftertreatments with the plant growth regulators. Gibberellic acid, kinetin and zeatin induced substantial NRAin roots in the absence of nitrate, whereas Ethephon enhancedNRA only during nitrate nutrition. Kinetin-induced NRA (Ki-NRA)was maximal after a pretreatment at 1 µmol dm–3,and showed a lag phase of 6–8 h. Ki-NRA was additive tonitrate-induced NRA (NO3-NRA) for at least 24 h, independentof the induction sequence. After full induction, Ki-NRA approximated20% of NO-3-NRA. Abscisic acid counteracted the developmentof Ki-NRA, but not of NO3-NRA. Cycloheximide and tungstatewere equally effective to suppress the development of nitratereductase activity after supply of kinetin or NO3. Our data are consistent with the operation of two independentenzyme fractions (Ki-NRA and NO3-NRA) with apparentlyidentical properties but with separate control mechanisms. Theabsence of major effects of plant growth regulators on the time-courseand rate of nitrate uptake suggests that exogenous regulators,and possibly endogenous phytohormones are of minor importancefor initial nitrate uptake. The differential effect of someregulators on nitrate uptake and root NRA furthermore indicatesthat the processes of uptake and reduction of NO3 arenot obligatory or exclusively coupled to each other.  相似文献   

Single, seed-grown plants of ryegrass (Lolium perenne L. cv.Melle) were grown for 49 d from the early seedling stage ingrowth cabinets at a day/night temperature of 20/15 C, witha 12 h photoperiod, and a CO2 concentration of either 340 or680µI 1–1 CO2. Following complete acclimation tothe environmental regimes, leaf and whole plant CO2 effluxesand influxes were measured using infra-red gas analysis techniques.Elevated CO2 increased rates of photosynthesis of young, fullyexpanded leaves by 35–46% and of whole plants by morethan 50%. For both leaves and whole plants acclimation to 680µI–1 CO2 reduced rates of photosynthesis in bothCO2 regimes, compared with plants acclimated to 340µll–1. There was no significant effect of CO2 regime onrespiration rates of either leaves or whole plants, althoughleaves developed in elevated CO2 exhibited generally lower ratesthan those developed in 340µI I–1 CO2. Initially the seedling plants in elevated CO2 grew faster thantheir counterparts in 340µI I–1 CO2, but this effectquickly petered out and final plant weights differed by onlyc. 10%. Since the total area of expanded and unexpanded laminaewas unaffected by CO2 regime, specific leaf area was persistently13–40% lower in elevated CO2 while, similarly, root/shootratio was also reduced throughout the experiment. Elevated CO2reduced tissue nitrogen contents of expanded leaves, but hadno effect on the nitrogen contents of unexpanded leaves, sheathsor roots. The lack of a pronounced effect of elevated CO2 on plant growthwas primarily due to the fact that CO2 concentration did notinfluence tiller (branch) numbers. In the absence of an effecton tiller numbers, any possible weight increment was restrictedto the c. 2.5 leaves of each tiller. The reason for the lackof an effect on tillering is not known. Key words: Lolium perenne, ryegrass, elevated CO2, photosynthesis, respiration, growth, development  相似文献   

Single clonal plants of white clover (Trifolium repens L) grownfrom explants in a Perlite rooting medium, and dependent fornitrogen on N2 fixation in root nodules, were grown for severalweeks in controlled environments which provided two regimesof CO2, and temperature 23/18 °C day/night temperaturesat 680 µmol mol–1 CO2, (C680), and 20/15 °Cday/night temperatures at 340 µmol mol–1 CO2 (C340)After 3–4 weeks of growth, when the plants were acclimatedto the environmental regimes, leaf and whole-plant photosynthesisand respiration were measured using conventional infra-red gasanalysis techniques Elevated CO2 and temperature increased ratesof photosynthesis of young, fully expanded leaves at the growthirradiance by 17–29%, despite decreased stomatal conductancesand transpiration rates Water use efficiency (mol CO2 mol H2O–1)was also significantly increased Plants acclimated to elevatedCO2, and temperature exhibited rates of leaf photosynthesisvery similar to those of C340 leaves ‘instantaneously’exposed to the C680 regime However, leaves developed in theC680 regime photosynthesised less rapidly than C340 leaves whenboth were exposed to a normal CO2, and temperature environmentIn measurements where irradiance was varied, the enhancementof photosynthesis in elevated CO2 at 23 °C increased graduallyfrom approx 10 % at 100 µmol m–1 s–1 to >27 % at 1170 µmol m–2 s–1 In parallel, wateruse efficiency increased by 20–40 % at 315 µmolm–2 s–1 In parallel, water use efficiency increasedby 20–40 % at 315 µmol m–2 s–1 In parallel,water use efficiency increased by 20–40 % at 315 µmolm–2 s–1 In parallel, water use efficiency increasedby 20–40 % at 315 µmol m–2 s–1 to approx100 % at the highest irradiance Elevated CO2, and temperatureincreased whole-plant photosynthesis by > 40 %, when expressedin terms of shoot surface area or shoot weight No effects ofelevated CO2 and temperature on rate of tissue respiration,either during growth or measurement, were established for singleleaves or for whole plants Dependence on N2, fixation in rootnodules appeared to have no detrimental effect on photosyntheticperformance in elevated CO2, and temperature Trifolium repens, white clover, photosynthesis, respiration, elevated CO2, elevated temperature, water use efficiency, N2 fixation  相似文献   

Acclimation of Lolium temulentum to enhanced carbon dioxide concentration   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Acclimation of single plants of Lolium temulentum to changing[CO2] was studied on plants grown in controlled environmentsat 20°C with an 8 h photoperiod. In the first experimentplants were grown at 135 µ;mol m–2 s–1 photosyntheticphoton flux density (PPFD) at 415µl l–1 or 550µll–1 [CO2] with some plants transferred from the lowerto the higher [CO2] at emergence of leaf 4. In the second experimentplants were grown at 135 and 500 µmol m–2 s–1PPFD at 345 and 575 µl l–1 [CO2]. High [CO2] during growth had little effect on stomatal density,total soluble proteins, chlorophyll a content, amount of Rubiscoor cytochrome f. However, increasing [CO2] during measurementincreased photosynthetic rates, particularly in high light.Plants grown in the higher [CO2] had greater leaf extension,leaf and plant growth rates in low but not in high light. Theresults are discussed in relation to the limitation of growthby sink capacity and the modifications in the plant which allowthe storage of extra assimilates at high [CO2]. Key words: Lolium, carbon dioxide, photosynthesis, growth, stomatal density  相似文献   

Mistletoes usually have slower rates of photosynthesis thantheir hosts. This study examines CO2assimilation, chlorophyllfluorescence and the chlorophyll content of temperate host–parasitepairs (nine hosts parasitized by Ileostylus micranthus and Carpodetusserratus parasitized by Tupeia antarctica). The hosts of I.micranthus had higher mean annual CO2assimilation (3.59 ±0.41 µmol m-2 s-1) than I. micranthus(2.42 ± 0.20µmol m-2 s-1), and C. serratus(2.41 ± 0.43 µmolm-2 s-1) showed higher CO2assimilation than T. antarctica(0.67± 0.64 µmol m-2 s-1). Hosts saturated at significantlyhigher electron transport rates (ETR) and light levels thanmistletoes. The positive relationship between CO2assimilationand electron transport suggests that the lower CO2assimilationrates in mistletoes are a consequence of lower electron transportrates. When photosynthetic rates, ETR and chlorophyll a /b ratioswere adjusted for photosynthetically active radiation, hostsdid not have significantly higher CO2assimilation (3.21 ±0.37 µmol m-2 s-1) than mistletoes (2.54 ± 0.41µmol m-2 s-1), but still had significantly higher ETRand chlorophyll a / b ratios. The electron transport rates,saturating light and chlorophyll a / b ratios of sun leavesfrom mistletoes were similar to host shade leaves. These responsesindicate that in comparison with their hosts, mistletoe leaveshave the photosynthetic characteristics of the leaves of shadeplants. Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company CO2assimilation, photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), chlorophyll fluorescence, electron transport rate (ETR), photochemical quenching (qp), non-photochemical quenching (qn), sun and shade leaves, chlorophyll content, Ileostylus micranthus, Tupeia antarctica, New Zealand  相似文献   

The photosynthetic response to CO2 concentration, light intensityand temperature was investigated in water hyacinth plants (Eichhorniacrassipes (Mart.) Solms) grown in summer at ambient CO2 or at10000 µmol(CO2) mol–1 and in winter at 6000 µmol(CO2)mol–1 Plants grown and measured at ambient CO2 had highphotosynthetic rate (35 µmo1(CO2) m–2 s–1),high saturating photon flux density (1500–2000) µmolm–2 s–1 and low sensitivity to temperature in therange 20–40 °C. Maximum photosynthetic rate (63 µmol(CO2)m–2 s–1) was reached at an internal CO2 concentrationof 800 µmol mol–1. Plants grown at high CO2 in summerhad photosynthetic capacities at ambient CO2 which were 15%less than for plants grown at ambient CO2, but maximum photosyntheticrates were similar. Photosynthesis by plants grown at high CO2and high light intensity had typical response curves to internalCO2 concentration with saturation at high CO2, but for plantsgrown under high CO2 and low light and plants grown under lowCO2 and high light intensity photosynthetic rates decreasedsharply at internal CO2 concentrations above 1000 µmol–1. Key words: Photosynthesis, CO2, enrichment, Eichhornia crassipes  相似文献   

The relationships between CO2 concentrating mechanisms, photosyntheticefficiency and inorganic carbon supply have been investigatedfor the aquatic macrophyte Littorella uniflora. Plants wereobtained from Esthwaite Water or a local reservoir, with thelatter plants transplanted into a range of sediment types toalter CO2 supply around the roots. Free CO2 in sediment-interstitial-waterranged from 1–01 mol m–3 (Esthwaite), 0.79 mol m–3(peat), 0.32 mol m–3 (silt) and 0–17 mol m–3(sand), with plants maintained under PAR of 40 µmol m–2s–1. A comparison of gross morphology of plants maintained underthese conditions showed that the peat-grown plants with highsediment CO2 had larger leaf fresh weight (0–69 g) andtotal surface area (223 cm2 g–1 fr. wt. including lacunalsurface area) than the sand-grown plants (0.21 g and 196 cm2g–1 fr. wt. respectively). Root fresh weights were similarfor all treatments. In contrast, leaf internal CO2 concentration[CO2], was highest in the sand-grown plants (2–69 molm–3, corresponding to 6.5% CO2 in air) and lowest inthe Esthwaite plants (1–08 mol m–3). Expressionof CAM in transplants was also greatest in the low CO2 regime,with H+ (measured as dawn-dusk titratable acidity) of 50µmolg fr. wt., similar to Esthwaite plants in natural sediment.Assuming typical CAM stoichiometry, decarboxylation of malatecould account largely for the measured [CO2]1 and would makea major contribution to daytime CO2 fixation in vivo. A range of leaf sections (0–2, 1–0, 5–0 and17–0 mm) was used to evaluate diffusion limitation andto select a suitable size for comparative studies of photosyntheticO2 evolution. The longer leaf sections (17.0 mm), which weresealed and included the leaf tip, were diffusion-limited witha linear response to incremental addition of CO2 and 1–0mol m–3 exogenous CO2 was required to saturate photosynthesis.Shorter leaf sections were less diffusion-limited, with thegreatest photosynthetic capacity (36 µmol O2 g–1 fr. wt. h–1) obtainedfrom the 1.0 mm size and were not infiltrated by the incubatingmedium. Comparative studies with 1.0 mm sections from plants grown inthe different sediment types revealed that the photosyntheticcapacity of the sand-grown plants was greatest (45 µmolO2 g–1 fr. wt. h–1) with a K0.5 of 80 mmol m–3.In terms of light response, saturation of photosynthesis intissue slices occurred at 850–1000 µmol m–2s–1 although light compensation points (6–11 µmolm–2s–1) and chlorophyll a: b ratios (1.3) were low.While CO2 and PAR responses were obtained using varying numbersof sections with a constant fresh weight, the relationshipsbetween photosynthetic capacity and CO2 supply or PAR were maintainedwhen the data were expressed on a chlorophyll basis. It is concludedthat under low PAR, CO2 concentrating mechanisms interact inintact plants to maintain saturating CO2 levels within leaflacunae, although the responses of the various components ofCO2 supply to PAR require further investigation. Key words: Key words-Uttorella uniflora, internal CO2 concentration, crassulacean acid metabolism, root inorganic carbon supply, CO2 concentrating mechanism  相似文献   

REUVENI  J.; GALE  J.; ZERONI  M. 《Annals of botany》1997,79(2):191-196
Sodium chloride, at a concentration of 88 mol m-3in half strengthHoagland nutrient solution, increased dry weight per unit areaofXanthium strumarium L. leaves by 19%, and chlorophyll by 45%compared to plants grown without added NaCl at ambient (350µmol mol-1) CO2concentration. Photosynthesis, per unitleaf area, was almost unaffected. Even so, over a 4-week period,growth (dry weight increment) was reduced in the salt treatmentby 50%. This could be ascribed to a large reduction in leafarea (>60%) and to an approx. 20% increase in the rate ofdark respiration (Rd). Raising ambient [CO2] from zero to 2000 µmol mol-1decreasedRd in both control and salinized plants (by 20% at 1000, andby 50% at 2000 µmol mol-1CO2concentration) compared toRd in the absence of ambient CO2. High night-time [CO2] hadno significant effect on growth of non-salinized plants, irrespectiveof day-time ambient [CO2]. Growth reduction caused by salt wasreduced from 51% in plants grown in 350 µmol mol-1throughoutthe day, to 31% in those grown continuously in 900 µmolmol-1[CO2]. The effect of [CO2] at night on salinized plants depended onthe daytime CO2concentration. Under 350 µmol mol-1day-time[CO2], 900 µmol mol-1at night reduced growth over a 4-weekperiod by 9% (P <0.05) and 1700 µmol mol-1reduced itby 14% (P <0.01). However, under 900 µmol mol-1day-time[CO2], 900vs . 350 µmol mol-1[CO2] at night increasedgrowth by 17% (P <0.01). It is concluded that there is both a functional and an otiose(functionless) component to Rd, which is increased by salt.Under conditions of low photosynthesis (such as here, in thelow day-time [CO2] regime) the otiose component is small andhigh night-time [CO2] partly suppresses functional Rd, therebyreducing salt tolerance. In plants growing under conditionswhich stimulate photosynthesis (e.g. with increased daytime[CO2]), elevated [CO2] at night suppresses mainly the otiosecomponent of respiration, thus increasing growth. Consequently,in regions of adequate water and sunlight, the predicted furtherelevation of the world atmospheric [CO2] may increase plantsalinity tolerance. Xanthium strumarium ; respiration; photosynthesis; salt stress; sodium chloride; carbon dioxide; atmosphere  相似文献   

When young tomato plants grown in high light (400 µmolquanta m–2s–1 PAR) were transferred to low light(100 µmol quanta m–2s–1 PAR), non-cyclic electrontransport capacity was decreased and the rate of dark re-oxidationof Q, the first quinone electron acceptor of photosystemII, was decreased within 1–2 d. In contrast, the amountof coupling factor CF1, assayed by its ATPase activity, decreasedmore gradually over several days. The total chlorophyll contentper unit leaf area remained relatively constant, although thechlorophyll a/chlorophyll b ratio declined. When young tomato plants grown in low light were transferredto high light, the ATPase activity of isolated thylakoids increasedmarkedly within 1 d of transfer. This increase occurred morerapidly than changes in chlorophyll content per leaf area. Inaddition, in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence induction curvesindicate that forward electron transfer from Q occurredmore readily. The functional implications of these changes arediscussed. Key words: Tomato, leaves, light intensity, thylakoid membrane  相似文献   

In this paper we report for the first time the occurrence ofan inducible weak CAM in leaves of Talinwn triangulare (Jacq.)Willd. This plant is a terrestrial perennial deciduous herbwith woody stems and succulent leaves which grows under fullexposure and in the shade in northern Venezuela. Plants grownin a greenhouse (‘sun’ plants) and a growth cabinet(‘shade’ plants) with daily irrigation showed CO2uptake only during the daytime (maximum rate, 4?0 µmolm–2 s–1) and a small acid accumulation during thenight (6?0 µmol H+g–1 FW). Twenty-four hours aftercessation of irrigation, no CO2 exchange was observed duringpart of the night. Dark fixation reached a maximum (1?0 µmolCO2 m–2 s–1, 100 µmol H+ g–1 FW) onday 9 of drought. By day 30 almost no gas exchange was observed,while acid accumulation was still 10 µmol H+ g–1FW. Rewatering reverted the pattern of CO2 exchange to thatof a C3 plant within 24 h. Daytime and night-time phosphoenolpyruvatecarboxylase activity increased up to 100% (shade) and 62% (sun)of control values after 10 and 15 d of drought, respectively.Light compensation point and saturating irradiance were similarin well-watered sun and shade plants, values being characteristicof sun plants. CAM seems to be important for the tolerance ofplants of this species to moderately prolonged (up to 2 months)periods of drought in conditions of full exposure as well asshade, and also for regaining high photosynthetic rates shortlyafter irrigation. Key words: Talinum triwigulare, inducible CAM, PEP-C activity, recycling  相似文献   

Clonal plants of white clover (Trifolium repens L ), whollydependent on N2 fixation, were grown for 6 weeks in controlledenvironments providing either (C680 regime) 23/18 °C day/nighttemperatures and a CO2, concentration of 680 µmol mol–1,or (C340 regime) 20/15 °C day/night temperatures and a CO2,concentration of 340 µmol mol–1 During the firsthalf of the experimental period the C680 plants grew fasterthan their C340 counterparts so that by week 3 they were twicethe weight this 2 1 superiority in weight persisted until theend of the experiment The faster initial growth of the C680plants was based on an approx 70 % increase in leaf numbersand an approx 30 % increase in their individual area Initially,specific leaf area (cm2 g–1 leaf) was lower in C680 thanin C340 leaves but became similar in the latter half of theexperiment Shoot organ weights, including petioles and stolons,reflected the C680 plant's better growth in terms of photosyntheticsurface Throughout, C680 plants invested less of their weightin root than C340 plants and this disparity increased with timeAcetylene reduction assays showed that nitrogenase activityper unit nodule weight was the same in both C680 and C340 plantsBoth groups of plants invested about the same fraction of totalweight in nodules Nitrogen contents of plant tissues were similarirrespective of growth regime, but C680 expanded leaves containedslightly less nitrogen and their stolons slightly more nitrogenthan their C340 counterparts However, C680 leaves containedmore non-structural carbohydrate Young, unshaded C680 leavespossessed larger palisade cells, packed more tightly withinthe leaf, than equivalent C340 leaves The reason for the C680regime's loss of superiority in relative growth rate duringthe second half of the experiment was not clear, but more accumulationof non-structural carbohydrate, constriction of root growthand increased self-shading appear to be the most likely causes Trifolium repens, white clover, elevated CO2, elevated temperature, growth, N2 fixation, leaf structure  相似文献   

A comparison was made between two methods of measuring the relationshipbetween the external [K+] and the flux of K+ into whole plantsof Lolium perenne and Raphanus sativus. The values of flux obtainedfrom solutions of 1.2 µM K+ held constant around the rootswere three and six times greater for Lolium and Raphanus respectivelythan the values obtained at the same concentration in a depletionexperiment in which the solutions, initially 100 µM K+,were depleted to below 1.2 µM K+ by plant uptake. In thedepletion experiment with Lolium, the flux was higher into plantsgrown at low [K+] than into plants grown at 100 µM eventhough [K+] within the plant was about the same for all groupsof plants. It is suggested that Lolium grown at low [K+] hasan efficient mechanism for K+ uptake which continues to operatefor some time after the plants have been transferred to a higherconcentration. With both species, Km was 15–20 µMin the depletion experiment and below 1 µM when concentrationswere held constant.  相似文献   

Short-term exposure of spinach plants to 250 ppb H2S at a photonfluence rate of 35µmol m–2s–1 (within the400–700 nm range) in the ambient air did not affect invitro nitrate reductase activity (NRA) in the leaves. Likewise,H2S exposure did not significantly affect in vivo NRA measuredunder anaerobic conditions. In vivo NRA of untreated plantswas apparently inhibited in the presence of oxygen. However,shortterm H2S exposure increased in vivo "aerobic" NRA up tofive fold of that of untreated plants. H2S induced increaseof in vivo "aerobic" NRA depended on the sulfide concentration.After 24 hours of exposure maximal increase (two to five fold)of in vivo NRA "aerobic" was observed at 220 ppb H2S. It isproposed that H2S inhibited NADH oxidizing enzymes, which resultedin an increase in NADH supply to nitrate reductase (NR) in thepresence of oxygen. It was unlikely that the increase in invivo "aerobic" NRA in sulfide exposed plants was due to an alteredcompetition between mitochondrial respiration and NR since leafrespiration was not affected by an exposure to 250 ppb H2S (Received February 12, 1986; Accepted June 27, 1986)  相似文献   

Nodulated 1-1.5-year-old plants of Acacia littorea grown inminus nitrogen culture were each partnered with a single seedlingof the root hemiparasite Olax phyllanthi. Partitioning of fixedN between plant organs of the host and parasite was studiedfor the period 4–8 months after introducing the parasite.N fluxes through nodules of Acacia and xylem-tapping haustoriaof Olax were compared using measured xylem flows of fixed Nand anatomical information for the two organs. N2 fixation duringthe study interval (635 µg N g FW nodules–1 d–1)corresponded to a xylem loading flux of 0.20 µg N mm–2d–1 across the secretory membranes of the pencycle parenchymaof the nodule vascular strands. A much higher flux of N (4891µg mm–2 d–1) exited through xylem at the junctionof nodule and root. The corresponding flux of N from host xylemacross absorptive membranes of the endophyte parenchyma of Olaxhaustorium was 1.15 µg N mm–1 d–1, six timesthe loading flux in nodules. The exit flux from haustorium toparasite rootlet was 20.0 pg N mm–1 d–1, 200-foldless than that passing through xylem elements of the nodule.Fluxes of individual amino compounds in xylem of nodule andhaustorium were assessed on a molar and N basis. N flux valuesare related to data for transpiration and partitioning of Cand N of the association recorded in a companion paper. Key words: Olax phyllanthi, host-parasite relationships, N flux, Acacia, N2 fixation  相似文献   

Spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings were asepticallycultivated and the effects of different N-nutrition on net uptakeand reduction of nitrate were investigated. The characteristicsof nitrate uptake were calculated, Ks as 0?2 mol m–3 andVmax as 18 µmol g–1 d–1. Low pH, and Al3+ in the medium caused adecrease in nitrate uptake rate. An in vivo assay was set upwhich allowed the measurement of NRA in both roots and needlesof spruce seedlings. The in vivo nitrate reductase activitywas repressed by ammonium and stimulated by nitrate. Nitratereduction was similar to nitrate uptake, negatively affectedby low pH and ammonium. Therefore, a limited N-supply to spruceseemed to occur when pH was low in the rhizosphere combinedwith the presence of Al3+ and . Key words: Spruce, nitrate uptake, nitrate reduction  相似文献   

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