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The distribution of ommatidial diameters and interommatidial angles, as determined by measuring the angles between the optic axes of adjacent ommatidia, are mapped across the surface of the compound eyes of a variety of species selected for different adult behaviors, developmental histories, and taxonomic positions. The size of the visual fields, prey capture foveas, foveas composed of large dorsal ommatidia, and other specializations in the numbers of ommatidia that view various directions in the visual field are discussed in relation to adult behavior. Advanced species have less resemblance between their larval and adult eyes than primitive species. In contrast to their larvae, adults increase the monocular resolution of each eye at the expense of binocular vision. Most species have foveas which view in approximately the anterior direction, instead of in a region of binocular overlap, and many species have foveal bands which view along the horizon. Some advanced perching species, which approach their prey and other odonates from below, have an additional vertical foveal band that views along a vertical plane from the anterior direction to a more dorsal direction. The most unusual foveal band is seen in active flying species. The large dorsal ommatidia of the migratory Anax junius, which cover approximately one third of the eye surface, view a narrow region of the visual field that extends along a plane from the most lateral direction of one eye to a dorsal direction, and continues without interruption to the most lateral direction of the other eye.  相似文献   

A phenogenetic study was carried out of the eyD-mutation in Drosophila melanogaster which reduces the eye and quantitatively affects different regions of the head capsule originating from the eye imaginal disc. It was shown that the change in eye size is connected causally with changes in certain regions of head capsule: increase in chaetae number or duplication in different regions of the head capsule may be due to the degeneration of presumptive ommatidia. It is supposed that the variable response of chaetae number to the decrease in eye size depends on the origin of chaetae and their topography at different stages of the disc development.  相似文献   

This study asks whether photomechanical movements in the retinal cells of the lateral eye of the American horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus, are controlled locally within each ommatidium, or whether they are a retinal array property involving lateral communication between ommatidia. Three experiments were performed. A small spot, a vertical slit down the center, or the anterior third of an otherwise masked eye was illuminated. The contralateral eye was fully illuminated in each experiment and served as a light-adapted control. Morphometric analyses of aperture length and rhabdom dimensions were made from serial 1-microm plastic sections. The results suggest there is a different spatial threshold for photomechanical movement for aperture lengthening than for rhabdom lengthening. When only a few ommatidia are illuminated, the aperture does not change. When about 10% are illuminated, they lengthen, but the masked ommatidia do not. When about a third are illuminated, all the ommatidia in the eye lengthen together, including the two thirds that were masked. When either only a few ommatidia or about 10% of the ommatidia are illuminated, rhabdom shape is unchanged. When a third of the eye is illuminated, the illuminated rhabdoms lengthen, but the masked rhabdoms do not.  相似文献   

Electron microscopic investigations on the eye of the worker bee showed that the ommatidia located in the uppermost part of the dorsal half of the eye are characterized by a distinct structural specialization: Nine visual cells contribute microvilli to the rhabdom over its full length. Within these rhabdoms the microvilli are arranged in at least three different directions. This specialization affects an area of at least 60 ommatidia. The most dorsal eye region differs, therefore, structurally from all other regions which have been investigated to date. Because the ommatidia in question are oriented skyward, their peculiar structure is discussed with respect to several concepts of polarized light detection by the bee.  相似文献   

The peripheral regions of the fly eye show a number of specializations. First, immediately interior to the circumscribing head capsule and completely encircling the rest of the eye lies a thick band of pigment cells (pigment rim; PR). Second, in the dorsal periphery of the eye directly interior to the PR lie the dorsal rim (DR) ommatidia that are specialized polarized light detectors. The equivalent position in the ventral eye is occupied by standard ommatidia. Third, ommatidia characteristically project mechanosensory hairs above their lenses, but in the most peripheral rows (including the DR) the ommatidia are bald. Wingless secreted from the head capsule appears to organize all these peripheral specializations. Higher Wg levels induce PR, intermediate levels induce DR, and lower levels induce baldness. The predisposition of dorsal cells to generate DR ommatidia appears to be endowed by the exclusive dorsal expression of Iroquois genes.  相似文献   

Polarization sensitivity in arthropod photoreceptors is crucially dependent on the arrangement of the microvilli within the rhabdom. Here, we present an electron-microscopical study in which the degree of microvillar alignment and changes in the cross-sectional areas of the rhabdoms along their length were studied in the compound eye of the desert ant, Cataglyphis bicolor. Serial cross-sections through the retina were taken and the orientation of the microvilli was determined in the photoreceptors of individually identified ommatidia. The reconstructions of microvillar alignment were made in the three anatomically and functionally distinct regions of the Cataglyphis compound eye: the dorsal rim area (DRA), the dorsal area (DA), and the ventral area (VA). The following morphological findings are consistent with polarization sensitivities measured previously by intracellular recordings. (1) The microvilli of the DRA photoreceptors are aligned in parallel along the entire length of the cell from the distal tip of the rhabdom down to its proximal end, near the basement membrane. The microvilli of the retinular cells R1 and R5 are always parallel to each other and perfectly perpendicular, with only minor deviation, to the microvillar orientation of the remaining receptor cells. (2) In the DA and VA regions of the eye, the microvillar tufts of the small receptors R1, R3, R5, R7, and R9 change their direction repetitively every 1-4 7m for up to 90°. In contrast, the large receptor cells R2, R4, R6, and R8 maintain their microvillar orientation rigidly. (3) In the DRA ommatidia, the cross-sectional areas of the rhabdomeres do not change along the length of the rhabdom, but substantial changes occur in the DA and VA ommatidia.  相似文献   

The development of the compound eye was analyzed by marking individual ommatidia and by studying naturally occurring pigment band patterns. New ommatidia are added to the eye along its anterior margin. This changes the directions of view of the older ommatidia with the greatest change occurring in the fovea. New ommatidia are added to the fovea medially, and old ones are removed laterally as their interommatidial angles and directions of view in the visual field change. Over one-third of the aeshnid ommatidia are foveal during at least one of the early larval instars, and are then used for peripheral vision later in development. The design of each ommatidium is a compromise so that it is adapted for all stages of development, but sometimes better adapted for one instar than for others. Factors which are balanced for best vision are lens diameter, facet admission function, interommatidial angle, and inclination of the optic axis to the eye surface. Ommatidia are described in terms of these factors throughout their life history, from initial differentiation anteriorly, through passage through the fovea, to their final relatively posterior location.  相似文献   

The changes in the directions of view of marked larval ommatidia were observed after the emergence of the adult. Those ommatidia that had been present during the first larval instar had the most posterior directions of view in the adult visual field while the newest ommatidia that had not been functional for vision in the aquatic larva contributed to the anterior and dorsal foveas of the aerial adults. The changes in interommatidial angles at emergence are discussed. Contrary to the general trend for interommatidial angles between retained larval ommatidia to decrease at emergence, the interommatidial angles in the larval fovea of aeshnid visual predators increase at emergence. The modifications in an odonate compound eye at emergence are like an exaggeration of the modifications that occur at the moult from one larval instar to the next, except that the newest ommatidia do not have any compromises in their design for use in the aquatic vision of the larvae. This is in contrast to the ommatidia retained from the earliest larval instars which have to have the most compromises in their design so that they can be adapted for the visual requirements of every larval instar, as well as the adult. This is discussed in relation to the trend among advanced species of odonates to replace the larval ommatidia by an entirely new set of adult ommatidia.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the accessory eye of the shrimp, Palaemonetes, was studied after light and dark adaptation. Adjacent to the principal compound eye, the accessory eye is a small compound eye composed of about 20 ommatidia which are smaller in structure to the ommatidia of the principal compound eye. During dark adaptation, rhabdomal microvilli increase in length; however, little pigment migration occurs. The implications of these changes in relation to the function of the accessory eye are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the superposition eye of the Saturniid moth Antheraea polyphemus Cramer was investigated by electron microscopy. Each of the approximately 10000 ommatidia consists of the same structural components, but regarding the arrangement of the ommatidia and the rhabdom structure therein, two regions of the eye have to be distinguished. In a small dorsal rim area, the ommatidia are characterized by rectangularly shaped rhabdoms containing parallel microvilli arranged in groups that are oriented perpendicular to each other. In all other ommatidia, the proximal parts of the rhabdoms show radially arranged microvilli, whereas the distal parts may reveal different patterns, frequently with microvilli in two directions or sometimes even in one direction. Moreover, the microvilli of all distal cells are arranged in parallel to meridians of the eyes. By virtue of these structural features the eyes should enable this moth not only discrimination of the plane of polarized light but also skylight-orientation via the polarization pattern, depending on moon position. The receptor cells exhibit only small alterations during daylight within the natural diurnal cycle. However, under illumination with different monochromatic lights of physiological intensity, receptor cells can be unbalanced: Changes in ultrastructure of the rhabdomeres and the cytoplasm of such cells are evident. The effects are different in the daytime and at night. These findings are discussed in relation to the breakdown and regeneration of microvilli and the influence of the diurnal cycle. They are compared with results on photoreceptor membrane turnover in eyes of other arthropod species.  相似文献   

Ommatidial rotation in the Drosophila eye provides a striking example of the precision with which tissue patterning can be achieved. Ommatidia in the adult eye are aligned at right angles to the equator, with dorsal and ventral ommatidia pointing in opposite directions. This pattern is established during disc development, when clusters rotate through 90 degrees, a process dependent on planar cell polarity and rotation-specific factors such as Nemo and Scabrous. Here, we demonstrate a requirement for epidermal growth factor receptor (Egfr) signalling in rotation, further adding to the manifold actions of this pathway in eye development. Egfr is distinct from other rotation factors in that the initial process is unaffected, but orientation in the adult is greatly disrupted when signalling is abnormal. We propose that Egfr signalling acts in the third instar imaginal disc to 'lock' ommatidia in their final position, and that in its absence, ommatidial orientation becomes disrupted during the remodelling of the larval disc into an adult eye. This lock may be achieved by a change in the adhesive properties of the cells: cadherin-based adhesion is important for ommatidia to remain in their appropriate positions. In addition, we have evidence that there is an error-correction mechanism operating during pupal stages to reposition inappropriately orientated ommatidia. Our results suggest that initial patterning events are not sufficient to achieve the precise architecture of the fly eye, and highlight a novel requirement for error-correction, and for an Egfr-dependent protection function to prevent morphological disruption during tissue remodelling.  相似文献   

In carabid beetles, physiological and behavioural characteristics reflect specific habitat demands and there is a strong correlation between body form and habit in species with different life style. In this study, we compared the morphometry and compound eye characteristics of three species of the genus Siagona: Siagona jenissoni, Siagona dejeani and Siagona europaea. These carabids have a stenotopic lifestyle in Mediterranean clayey soils, inhabiting the ground fissure system formed during the dry season. All species have a Mediterranean distribution and are nocturnal olfactory hunters, and are strict ant predators. For morphometric measurements, we considered body length (mm), wing length (mm), antenna length (mm), head width (mm), trochanter length (mm), number of ommatidia, eye surface area (mm2), ommatidia density (number of ommatidia/mm2 of eye surface area), head height (mm), thorax height (mm) and abdomen height (mm). The data revealed intersexual and interspecific differences. The three species differ in relative length of the antennae, density and number of ommatidia and relative trochanter length. Significant differences occurred in wing sizes, which are well developed in Siagona europaea, the only species capable of flight. When eye size is compared with other ground beetles of various lifestyles, Siagona shows pronounced "microphthalmy" an adaptation to subterranean life in clayey crevices of tropical and subtropical climates with a marked dry season.  相似文献   

Summary The compound eye of Psychoda cinerea comprises two types of ommatidia, arranged so as to divide the retina into distinct dorsal and ventral regions. The P-type ommatidium, in the ventral part of the eye, differs fundamentally from the other dipteran ommatidia so far described, and is regarded as a primitive ommatidium. The acone dioptric apparatus is the same in both types, with a spherical lens and four Semper cells, the processes of which expand below the rhabdom to form a ring of pigment sacs. Only the distal region of the rhabdom is surrounded by a continuous ring of screening pigment, formed by 2 primary and 12–16 secondary pigment cells. The highly pigmented retinula cells penetrate the basement membrane proximally at about the level of their nuclei; in this region they are separated from the hemolymph by glial elements. The rhabdomeres R1–6 are fused to form a tube. The two types of ommatidia are defined by the arrangement of the retinula cells R7/8: in the T type the central rhabdomeres are one below the other, in the usual tandem position, whereas in the P type only R8 is central, with R7 in the peripheral ring. In the proximal region of the retina, retinula cells with parallel microvilli in neighboring ommatidia are joined in rows by lateral processes from the R8 cells. All the rhabdomeres are short and not twisted, which suggests that the retinula cells are highly sensitive to direction of polarization. The eye can adapt by a number of retinomotor processes. These findings, together with observations of behavior, imply that the psychodids have well-developed visual abilities.  相似文献   

了解红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren复眼形态结构及其与不同性别、品级的关系,为探索其基于视觉行为习性的、有效的非化学防控措施提供新思路和依据。采用扫描电镜技术,比较研究红火蚁工蚁、有翅雌蚁、雄蚁的复眼形态差异。结果表明:(1)工蚁复眼圆形,略外凸,小眼数约110个;雌蚁复眼长椭圆形,外凸,小眼数约510个;雄蚁复眼近半球形,小眼数约805个;(2)工、雌和雄蚁复眼中心区域小眼排列较紧密,多为较规则的五、六边形,边缘区域小眼排列不紧密,多为不规则的四至六边形,且少量相邻小眼的间距较大。工蚁、雌蚁和雄蚁复眼小眼面积大小依次为500,360,348.61μm2,同品级内小眼面大小相差不大;(3)雌、雄蚁复眼中心区域近背区小眼间着生少量感觉毛,感觉毛长度和直径依次为:雌蚁17.5~90.2,2.16~4.29μm,雄蚁17.5~27.9,1.41~2.52μm。表明雌蚁、雄蚁复眼及视力较发达,工蚁则较弱,不同性别或品级个体复眼的形状、小眼数目和形状、表面被物均有较大差异和区域性分化。  相似文献   

Many insects exploit sky light polarization for navigation or cruising-course control. The detection of polarized sky light is mediated by the ommatidia of a small specialized part of the compound eye: the dorsal rim area (DRA). We describe the morphology and fine structure of the DRA in monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus). The DRA consists of approximately 100 ommatidia forming a narrow ribbon along the dorsal eye margin. Each ommatidium contains two types of photoreceptor with mutually orthogonal microvilli orientations occurring in a 2:6 ratio. Within each rhabdomere, the microvilli are well aligned. Rhabdom structure and orientation remain constant at all retinal levels, but the rhabdom profiles, as seen in tangential sections through the DRA, change their orientations in a fan-like fashion from the frontal to the caudal end of the DRA. Whereas these properties (two microvillar orientations per rhabdom, microvillar alignment along rhabdomeres, ommatidial fan array) are typical for insect DRAs in general, we also report and discuss here a novel feature. The ommatidia of monarch butterflies are equipped with reflecting tapeta, which are directly connected to the proximal ends of the rhabdoms. Although tapeta are also present in the DRA, they are separated from the rhabdoms by a space of approximately 55 μm effectively inactivating them. This reduces self-screening effects, keeping polarization sensitivity of all photoreceptors of the DRA ommatidia both high and approximately equal.  相似文献   

白薯天蛾的复眼结构及形态特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
高慰曾 《昆虫学报》1986,(3):267-271
白薯天蛾Herse convolvuli L.复眼的外部形状与棉铃虫蛾Heliothis armigera Hübner眼虽较相似但其结构却明显不同,大小也不等,其长为4.28毫米,宽为3.78毫米,整个复眼大约有27,000个小眼组成。小眼密度为1177.9/毫米,约为棉铃虫蛾小眼密度的1/3。复眼不同部位上的小眼长度不等,侧部最短,背、后、前、腹依次递增。视杆长度占小眼总长的比例明显地短于棉铃虫,其侧部小眼的视杆约占小眼总长的23%,而腹部视杆仅占小眼总长的18%左右。屏蔽色素移动的幅度也较小,当充分光适应色素带最宽时才仅占屈光器加透明区总长的35%左右,同样条件下棉铃虫蛾眼的色素带可宽达80%以上。网膜细胞在透明区基部膨大,细胞核大多数在此集中。本文对小眼及小眼间16个不同水平的横切面进行了形态上的描述并根据小眼结构上的某些特征讨论了与其功能和蛾子趋光行为之间相关的一些问题。  相似文献   

Summary The spectral sensitivities of individually stimulated ommatidia in the compound eye of Daphnia magna were measured using a fast spectral scan voltage-clamp technique with extracellular recording. Chromatic adaptation was used to reveal the contributions of individual spectral classes of photoreceptors to the ommatidial sensitivity. Ommatidia in the dorsal and ventral regions of the compound eye were tested. Four spectral classes of photoreceptors were found in each ommatidium, among them a previously undetected class with peak sensitivity in the ultraviolet. The wavelengths of peak sensitivity were at 348, 434, 525, and 608 nm for the dorsal ommatidia. The three longer wavelength classes agreed well with those found previously by intracellular recording (Schehr 1984). Only small differences in wavelength and magnitude of peak sensitivity were found between the four classes in the dorsal versus ventral ommatidia.  相似文献   

In the Drosophila eye, neighboring ommatidia are separated by inter-ommatidial cells (IOCs). How this ommatidial spacing emerges during eye development is not clear. Here we demonstrate that four adhesion molecules of the Irre cell recognition module (IRM) family play a redundant role in maintaining separation of ommatidia. The four IRM proteins are divided into two groups: Kirre and Rst are expressed in IOCs, and Hbs and Sns in primary pigment cells (1°s). Kirre binds Hbs and Sns in vivo and in vitro. Reducing activity of either Rst or Kirre alone had minimal effects on ommatidial spacing, but reducing both together led to direct ommatidium:ommatidium contact. A similar phenotype was also observed when reducing both Hbs and Sns. Consistent with the role of these factors in sorting ommatidia, mis-expression of Hbs plus Sns within a single IOC led to complete separation of the cell from neighboring ommatidia. Our results indicate mutual preferential adhesion between ommatidia and IOCs mediated by four IRM proteins is both necessary and sufficient to maintain separation of ommatidia.  相似文献   

Using the results of an optical analysis, a digital computer technique was developed to analyze the relative excitation produced by arbitrary figures at the rhabdom of the receptors of a compound eye. This technique was applied to several sets of figures for the honeybee (Apis mellifera) and a reasonable agreement was found with behavioral data. Similarly, the significance of a fixed cutoff angle for a visual field was investigated. It is concluded that overlap between neighboring ommatidia is highly significant for visual processing in the apposition eye, contrary to the assumptions of the mosaic theory.  相似文献   

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