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The effect of a 12:12-h light:dark (LD) cycle on the phasing of several cell parameters was explored in a variety of marine picophytoplanktonic strains. These included the photosynthetic prokaryotes Prochlorococcus (strains MED 4, PCC 9511, and SS 120) and Synechococcus (strains ALMO 03, ROS 04, WH 7803, and WH 8103) and five picoeukaryotes (Bathycoccus prasinos Eikrem et Throndsen, Bolidomonas pacifica Guillou et Chrétiennot-Dinet, Micromonas pusilla Manton et Parke, Pelagomonas calceolata Andersen et Saunders, and Pycnococcus provasolii Guillard et al.). Flow cytometric analysis was used to determine the relationship between cell light scatter, pigment fluorescence, DNA (when possible), and the LD cycle in these organisms. As expected, growth and division were tightly coupled to the LD cycle for all of these strains. For both Prochlorococcus and picoeukaryotes, chl and intracellular carbon increased throughout the light period as estimated by chl fluorescence and light scatter, respectively. In response to cell division, these parameters decreased regularly during the early part of the dark period, a decrease that either continued throughout the dark period or stopped for the second half of the dark period. For Synechococcus, the decrease of chl and scatter occurred earlier (in the middle of the light period), and for some strains these cellular parameters remained constant throughout the dark period. The timing of division was very similar for all picoeukaryotes and occurred just before the subjective dusk, whereas it was more variable between the different Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus strains. The burst of division for Prochlorococcus SS 120 and PCC 9511 was recorded at the subjective dusk, whereas the MED 4 strain divided later at night. Synechococcus ALMO 03, ROS 04, and WH 7803, which have a low phycourobilin to phycoerythrobilin (PUB:PEB) ratio, divided earlier, and their division was restricted to the light period. In contrast, the high PUB:PEB Synechococcus strain WH 8103 divided preferentially at night. There was a weak linear relationship between the FALSmax:FALSmin ratio and growth rate calculated from cell counts (r = 0.83, n = 11, P < 0.05). Because of the significance of picoplanktonic populations in marine systems, these results should help to interpret diel variations in oceanic optical properties in regions where picoplankton dominates.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: A study of marine bacteria from a fixed off-shore area in Cardigan Bay showed there was little significance in the variation between numbers from different levels within 8 fathoms deep. There was a suggestion of seasonal variation in surface water in colony counts at 15–18°. In general, the bacterial content was highest over the summer months, but showed little direct correlation with temperature, pH or light.
Strains were mainly obligate halophytes and small Gram-negative rods predominated (96%). Nearly 50% of strains isolated liquefied gelatin; otherwise, biochemical reactions were weak. The proportion of pigmented strains was low.
Alien bacteria were present in irregularly varying numbers in all samples and showed no seasonal variation. Coli-aerogenes strains were recorded in small numbers, at all depths and in all seasons, but Bact. coli type I only rarely occurred.  相似文献   

The marine brown alga Fucus spiralis L. and the red alga Goniotrichum alsidii (Zanard) increase their growth upon the, addition of SeO32- or SeO42- when cultivated axenically in the artificial seawater ASP6 F2. In the concentration range 1 · 10?10-1 · 10?7 M there are two optima, one at 3.3 · 10?10 M and another at 3.3 · 10?8 M. α-To-copherol, often administered together with selenium to mammals suffering from selenium deficiency, gives no additive effect with selenium, but α-tocopherol in the concentration range 1 × 10?7-1 × 10?6 M does influence the morphology of the Fucus plants. Organically bound selenium has no effect.  相似文献   

海水网箱养殖鲈鱼皮肤溃疡病的流行病学研究   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
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A method for the axenic culture of marine microscopic algae that utilizes various types of paper as solid substrates for growth is described. Investigations into the growth of 39 algal, strains on various paper substrates were conducted. Applications of the method to bioassay are discussed.  相似文献   

Characteristics of carbon production, excretion and dark respiration, and nitrate uptake kinetics were studied using continuous culture techniques for Thalassiosira allenii Takano, Monorhrysis lutheri Droop and Dunaliella tertiolccta Butcher. Fur T. allenii. the ratio of dark C loss to daytime net C production varied between 0.1 and 0.2 over a growth rate range from ca. 0.005 to 0.06 h-1. For M. lutheri and D. tertiolecta. this same ratio varied belween 0.2 and 0.3 between growth rates of ca. 0.005 and 0.025 h-1, but declined at higher growth rates when the dark nitrate uptake capacity of the cells was exceeded by the pumping rate. Carbon excretion rates averaged less than 1.5% of daytime net C production rates. Productivity indices showed little correlation with growth rate, due to the significant poisitive correlation between chl a:C ratios and growth rate. Chlorophyll a:C ratios for T. allenii were less than 0.01 al growth rates less than 0.03 h-1, and appoached zero at zero growth rate. Dark nitrate maximum uptake rates for M. lutheri, D. tertiolecta and T. allenii averaged 23, 64 and 120%, respectively, of light nitrate maximum uptake rates. Excretion of nitrite was observed during most nitrate uptake experiments. This excretion reduced net uptake of nitrate spikes in the dark for M. lutheri and D. tertiolecta by 79 and 23%, respectively.  相似文献   

研究探讨了饲料淀粉对全养殖周期异育银鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio)生长性能和糖代谢的影响。实验以玉米淀粉为主要糖源,分别设计淀粉水平为3%(S3)、13%(S13)、23%(S23)、33%(S33)和43%(S43)的5种等氮等脂饲料,在长江故道江面网箱中饲养初始体重为(12.0±0.1) g的异育银鲫幼鱼340d,期间根据鱼体养成阶段共取样5次,生长阶段分为63d(D63,幼鱼期)、110d(D110,养成前期)、223d(D223,越冬期)、275d(D275,越冬后)和340d(D340,养成中后期)。研究结果表明,幼鱼期D63异育银鲫后肠淀粉酶活力较低且对饲料淀粉水平变化不敏感,自养成前期D110之后鱼体后肠淀粉酶活力增强且随饲料淀粉水平的变化产生波动。幼鱼期D63异育银鲫glut2 mRNA相对表达量无显著差异,其他阶段异育银鲫glut2 mRNA相对表达量水平随饲料淀粉水平升高而升高。各个生长阶段异育银鲫糖酵解的敏感度高于糖异生代谢,幼鱼期D63与养成前期D110异育银鲫糖脂转化能力较强。幼鱼期D63异育银鲫适宜饲料淀粉水平为23%;养成前期D1...  相似文献   

Skeletonema costatum and Coccolithus huxleyi were grown in nitrogen-limited chemostat cultures with illumination provided in light/dark cycles. S. costatum assimilated nitrate and ammonium primarily during the day and less so at night. Conversely, the concentration of nitrate and ammonium in the culture medium varied periodically, increasing at night and decreasing in the light. C. huxleyi assimilated both N sources at a rate sufficient to keep them at very low levels both day and night. However, the activity of N-assimilating enzymes, measured in cell-free extracts, were higher in the light than in the dark periods, implying light/dark differences in the capacity to assimilate nitrogen. Such periodicity in the rate of uptake and enzymatic activity appears to complicate the mathematical expression of nutrient-limited growth of phytoplankton exposed to natural light/dark cycles. Three aspects of dial periodicity in N assimilation have been observed in natural phytoplankton communities in the sea: (1) in assimilation rate, (2) in activity of enzymes of N-assimilation, and (3) in the ammonium concentration of the seawater. The cultures also showed periodicity in these parameters and appear to be useful model systems for study.  相似文献   

Bioluminescence is broadly distributed in marine dinoflagellates and has been intensively studied in Lingulodinium (Gonyaulax) polyedra. In this species, bioluminescence is regulated in a circadian fashion; the enzyme (luciferase) and the luciferin (substrate)‐binding protein are synthesized and degraded on a daily basis. Synthesis of both proteins is regulated at the level of translation. The L. polyedra luciferase gene is composed of three contiguous domains that are greater than 75% identical at the nucleic acid level. Possible explanations for the high degree of sequence conservation include: (1) the domains evolved through a recent duplication event; (2) the sequence similarity is maintained by a molecular process such as gene conversion; or (3) there is a functional role associated with the primary nucleic acid sequence, such as in the translational regulation of luciferase expression. The phylogenetic relationship of dinoflagellates predicted from 18S rDNA genes provides a framework for examining the molecular evolution of the regulation of luciferase expression and of genes encoding luciferase and the luciferin‐binding protein. In particular, we are examining the evolution of the circadian rhythm of bioluminescence and of luciferase abundance, the presence/absence of the luciferin‐binding protein, and the molecular structure of the luciferase gene. We anticipate that this approach will distinguish between regions of the luciferase molecule that are conserved for enzyme function versus those concerned with the regulation of protein expression. In addition, it will provide insight into the evolution of the regulatory processes and pathways.  相似文献   

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