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Journal of Ichthyology - Information is provided on new specimens of the recently described Amblyeleotris memnonia species (Gobiidae), previously known only by its holotype. The absence of...  相似文献   

Angelfishes (Fam. Pomacanthidae) of the Nha Trang Bay (Central Vietnam) are reviewed. Fourteen species of pomacanthids belonging to six genera (Apolemichthys, Centropyge, Chaetodontoplus, Genicanthus, Pomacanthus, and Pygoplites) are recorded in the bay. All species are identified on preserved material. Two new species for the bay are found: Centropyge bispinosa and C. heraldi. C. herald is new species for coastal waters of Continental Vietnam and of adjacent areas. For all pomacanthid species of the bay, areas are described, brief diagnostic characteristics are supplied, and distribution by biotopes and depths is indicated based on data of underwater observations.  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - From the coast of Vietnam, Nemipterus biendongensis sp. n. has been described, similar in body proportions to N. balinensoides, but differing from this species in a...  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - An overview of the species of gurnards of the genus Pterygotrigla, found in Nha Trang Bay and the adjacent water area of the South China Sea (south of Central Vietnam) has...  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - The results of observations of the behavior of free-swimming sharksuckers Echeneis naucrates in a prosperous ecosystem (Maldives, Indian Ocean) and in the areas exposed to...  相似文献   

The concentrations of metals, viz., Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, and Ni, were investigated in brown algae of the genus Sargassum collected in the coastal waters of Nha Trang Bay (South China Sea). Metal concentrations in algae growing in the zone of influence of the city of Nha Trang were higher than those in macrophytes collected to the south and north of the city. Similar levels of Cu and Fe concentrations were observed in macrophytes from the urbanized coastal areas of Nha Trang Bay and in algae from the Peter the Great Bay (Sea of Japan). This is suggestive of comparable metal inputs from the anthropogenic sources of the cities of Nha Trang and Vladivostok (Peter the Great Bay). However, the concentrations of Pb, Ni, and Cd in algae from the coastal waters of Nha Trang Bay were lower than in macrophytes from the inshore zone of Vladivostok. The high level of pollution of sea water with Zn compounds near Nha Trang was local. The metal levels in macrophytes from background areas reflect the geochemical features of the environment. Sargassum algae from Nha Trang Bay had lower concentrations of Zn, Cd, and Ni and higher concentrations of Mn than algae from Peter the Great Bay. The background concentrations of Cu, Pb, and Fe in macrophytes from both bays were virtually the same.  相似文献   

Gobioid fishes collected in Nha Trang and Van Phong bays (Vietnam) represented by 44 species, including 30 species continuously associated with soft bottoms in the open parts of the bays with normal marine conditions are reviewed. A new species, Navigobius khanhoa sp. n., is described. This species differs from other species of the genus in much higher number of rays in the second dorsal fin (26), smaller size of the mouth, teeth on the jaws arranged in a single row, and other characters. Four species from the genera Acentrogobius, Eviota, Favonigobius, and Gnatholepis have not been identified to the species, and, most likely, some of them are new for science. Nine species are recorded in the fauna of Vietnam for the first time: Aulopareia unicolor, Bathygobius hongkongensis, Egglestonichthys bombylios, Glossogobius circumspectus, Oplopomops diacanthus, Oxyurichthys auchenolepis, Tomiyamichthys ex gr. russus, Tryssogobius porosus, and Valenciennea immaculata. An occurrence of Glossogobius olivaceus in the fauna of Vietnam is confirmed. Three species, G. olivaceus, Oligolepis acutipennis, and Periophthalmus kalolo, are recorded in the Cai River delta for the first time. A new synonymy is established: Eviota gurjanovae (Prokofiev, 2007) = E. prasina (Klunzinger, 1871). The current state of knowledge of Gobiidae fauna of Vietnam is discussed, and the updating of the species composition of Gobiodontini of Nha Trang Bay is presented in addition to the species list published earlier (Prokofiev, 2007).  相似文献   

Peculiarities of asexual reproduction, evisceration, and regeneration were studied in 13 holothurian species of the orders Dendrochirotida and Aspidochirotida from Nha Trang Bay of the South China Sea. Asexual reproduction by fission has been described for the first time for Cladolabes schmeltzii. It has been shown for the first time that transected C. schmeltzii and Colochirus robustus successfully regenerate not only their anterior, but also their posterior structures. It was found that Pseudocolochirus violaceus was able to regenerate the anterior part of the body and to eject viscera through the anus. The modes of evisceration and regeneration of the gut have been elucidated for ten species of aspidochirotids. It has been shown that the intestine of Holothuria scabra forms from two anlagen rather than from a single one, as previously believed.  相似文献   

In October 2003 and January 2005, comparative observations were made on the reefs of Mju and Moon islands near the city and port of Nha Trang, which we first investigated in 1981. Appreciable changes due to anthropogenic impact have occurred on the reefs that are the nearest to the city. There was a reduction in substrate cover by reef-building corals, a substitution of dominant scleractinian species, and a decrease in the numbers and diversity of common species of corallobionts. The index of species diversity for scleractinians also decreased. The seaweeds Chnoospora and Halimeda spread into all zones of the reefs. Changes in coral communities on more distant and protected reefs were not so marked.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Marine Biology - Strains of Vibrio spp. isolated from samples of water and aquatic organisms of the temperate (173 strains) and tropical (124 strains) climatic zones...  相似文献   

The growth of individuals is analyzed in the mass tropical species manybar goatfish Parupeneus multifasciatus from the Nha Trang Bay of the South China Sea. The relationship between the body weight and body length is determined for the females and males. Among the fishes larger 180 mm fork length (FL), the males prevail. Linear growth of the sagitta is characterized by negative allometry in relation to body length, and sagitta growth in length is faster than in width. Age of fish assessed based on the analysis of daily increments on the sagitta does not exceed three years, and the majority of individuals reach the first sexual maturity by the age of one year. The growth rate of the fish is characterized by a large individual variation.  相似文献   

Two new cutthroat eel species are described from Vietnam. Dysomma intermedium sp. nov. has a relatively long trunk, being about half of head length and anal-fin origin more than twice pectoral-fin length behind the pectoral-fin tip; pectoral fin well developed; dorsal-fin origin over or slightly in front of base of pectoral fin; two intermaxillary teeth; four or five compound teeth on ethmovomer; single row of seven or eight teeth on lower jaw; total lateral-line pores 70–76; and 21 pre-anal and 118–124 total vertebrae. Dysommina brevis sp. nov. differs from congeners by having a trunk shorter than head length, its length 11.1%–11.8% TL; a short pre-anal length 24.6%–25.6% TL, eye diameter 11.8%–12.3% head length; three large and one or two small teeth on ethmovomer; and fewer teeth on the upper and lower jaws. In addition, a specimen representing the first record of Dysommina orientalis in Vietnamese water is documented.  相似文献   

Gonadal differentiation and development of sex cells are described in the tropical representative of the family Mullidae, manybar goatfish Parupeneus multifasciatus, using histological methods and observations of oocytes in vivo. Anatomical differentiation of the gonads is registered by approximately 5 cm fork length (FL) and 1.5 g body weight of the fish, and cytological differentiation (in the females) occurs by approximately 6 cm body length and 2.6 g body weight. In the ovaries of sexually mature females before spawning, oocytes of all phases and periods of development can be found. Based on the gonadal structure and frequency distribution of oocyte diameter, the type of oogenesis is continuous.  相似文献   

The species composition and structure of algal fouling communities on the underwater artificial substrates at lobster farms in Nha Trang Bay (Vietnam) were studied for the first time. In total, 126 taxa (species and forms) of macroalgae (24% green, 16% brown, and 60% red), as well as eight species of cyanobacteria, were found. Depending on the area and quality of the substrate, fouling algae form polydominant turf communities, mono- and bidominant communities of crustose algae, or no specific communities. The flora of macroalgal fouling at lobster farms in Nha Trang Bay was similar in terms of its diversity and species composition to that of coral reefs in areas of the Indo-Pacific with a low level of pollution. This similarity might be due to the diversity and cleanness of the substrates (the absence of sediment on the surface of the underwater structures).  相似文献   

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