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Alkaloid production by several Agrobacterium rhizogenes-transformed root lines of Nicandra physaloides was studied. Early in the culture cycle all lines contained predominantly hygrine, which has previously been reported to be the major alkaloid in roots of this plant. A number of other hygrine-derived alkaloids were identified, and these generally increased in importance as the cultures matured. Some lines were found to differ quite markedly in the relative importance of the different hygrine-derived alkaloids. The possibility is raised that alkaloid biosynthesis in N. physaloides root cultures may be a good model system in which to study metabolite partitioning in branched metabolic pathways.Abbreviations FW fresh weight - GC gas chromatography - MS mass spectrometry - MW molecular weight  相似文献   

PtdIns is an important precursor for inositol-containing lipids, including polyphosphoinositides, which have multiple essential functions in eukaryotic cells. It was previously proposed that different regulatory functions of inositol-containing lipids may be performed by independent lipid pools; however, it remains unclear how such subcellular pools are established and maintained. In the present paper, a previously uncharacterized Arabidopsis gene product with similarity to the known Arabidopsis PIS (PtdIns synthase), PIS1, is shown to be an active enzyme, PIS2, capable of producing PtdIns in vitro. PIS1 and PIS2 diverged slightly in substrate preferences for CDP-DAG [cytidinediphospho-DAG (diacylglycerol)] species differing in fatty acid composition, PIS2 preferring unsaturated substrates in vitro. Transient expression of fluorescently tagged PIS1 or PIS2 in onion epidermal cells indicates localization of both enzymes in the ER (endoplasmic reticulum) and, possibly, Golgi, as was reported previously for fungal and mammalian homologues. Constitutive ectopic overexpression of PIS1 or PIS2 in Arabidopsis plants resulted in elevated levels of PtdIns in leaves. PIS2-overexpressors additionally exhibited significantly elevated levels of PtdIns(4)P and PtdIns(4,5)P(2), whereas polyphosphoinositides were not elevated in plants overexpressing PIS1. In contrast, PIS1-overexpressors contained significantly elevated levels of DAG and PtdEtn (phosphatidylethanolamine), an effect not observed in plants overexpressing PIS2. Biochemical analysis of transgenic plants with regards to fatty acids associated with relevant lipids indicates that lipids increasing with PIS1 overexpression were enriched in saturated or monounsaturated fatty acids, whereas lipids increasing with PIS2 overexpression, including polyphosphoinositides, contained more unsaturated fatty acids. The results indicate that PtdIns populations originating from different PIS isoforms may enter alternative routes of metabolic conversion, possibly based on specificity and immediate metabolic context of the biosynthetic enzymes.  相似文献   

Human bone-marrow cells and lymphocytes were incubated with [3H]deoxyuridine (dU) to study the metabolism of thymine nucleotides labelled via the thymidylate synthase (5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate:dUMP C-methyltransferase, EC step of the 'de novo' biosynthetic pathway. (1) Continuous labelling with [3H]dU was used to compare incorporation of label into DNA with the specific radioactivities of thymine nucleotides separated by paper chromatography. (2) Cells were also labelled with [3H]dU at 13 degrees C, and 'chased' in unlabelled medium at 37 degrees C in order to quantify the proportion of thymine nucleotides incorporated into DNA and the proportion degraded. Only 40% of labelled thymine nucleotides were incorporated into lymphocyte DNA during a 'chase', whereas 100% were incorporated by MOLT 4 cells (a lymphoblastoid cell line of thymic origin, Thy-ALL line). Unincorporated nucleotides were rapidly degraded in lymphocytes, but degradative activity was very low in MOLT 4 cells. The results described here reinforce our previous conclusions [Taheri, Wickremasinghe & Hoffbrand (1981) Biochem. J. 194, 451-461] that there is a single thymine nucleotide compartment in Thy-ALL cells, but at least two pools in lymphocytes and bone-marrow cells. This compartmentation of nucleotides in human cells is consistent with a model which proposes that deoxyribonucleotides are localized near replication forks by the activity of multienzyme complexes [Mathews, North & Reddy (1978) Adv. Enz. Regul. 17, 133-156]. Our results also suggest that thymine nucleotides derived by the 'de novo' mechanism may be more highly localized than those derived by salvage. In cells from patients with megaloblastic anaemia owing to deficiency of vitamin B12 or folate or in normal cells treated with methotrexate, there was a massive accumulation of labelled dUMP and decreased incorporation of label into DNA. There was no measurable incorporation of labelled deoxyuridine residues into DNA of megaloblastic cells, but deoxyuridine residues were detected in DNA of cells treated with methotrexate.  相似文献   

1) The rate of 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate breakdown is independent of pH value. 2) The adenine nucleotide pattern at alkaline pH values with its characteristic lowering of ATP and the accompanying accumulation of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate is caused by a relative excess of the activity of the hexokinase-phosphofructokinase system as compared wity pyruvate kinase. 3) The breakdown of adenine nucleotides proceeds via AMP mainly through phosphatase and not via AMP deaminase. 4) The constancy of the sum of nucleotides as long as glucose is present is postulated to be due to resynthesis via adenosine kinase which competes successfully with adenosine deaminase. 5) A procedure is given to calculate ATPase activity of glucose-depleted red cells. The results indicate that the ATPase activity is less at lower pH values and declines with time. An ATPase with a high Km for ATP is postulated. 6) During glucose depletion ATP production is mostly derived from the breakdown of 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate and the supply from the pentose phosphate pool both of which proceed at a constant rate. The contribution of pentose phosphate from the breakdown of adenine nucleotides amounts to 40% of the lactate formed at pH 6.8 and is about twice the lactate at pH 8.1.  相似文献   

The bacterial tmRNA·SmpB system facilitates recycling of stalled translational complexes in a process termed "ribosome rescue." During ribosome rescue, the nascent chain is tagged with the tmRNA-encoded ssrA peptide, which targets the tagged polypeptide for degradation. Translational pausing also induces a variety of recoding events such as frameshifts, ribosome hops, and stop codon readthrough. To examine the interplay between recoding and ribosome rescue, we determined the various fates of ribosomes that pause during translation termination. We expressed a model protein containing the C-terminal Asp-Pro nascent peptide motif (which interferes with translation termination) and quantified the protein chains produced by recoding and ssrA-peptide tagging. The nature and extent of translational recoding depended upon the codon for the C-terminal Pro residue, with CCU and CCC promoting efficient +1 frameshifting. In contrast, ssrA-peptide tagging was unaffected by C-terminal Pro coding. Moreover, +1 frameshifting was not suppressed by tmRNA·SmpB activity, suggesting that recoding and ribosome rescue are not competing events. However, cells lacking ribosomal protein L9 (ΔL9) exhibited a significant increase in recoding and a concomitant decrease in ssrA-peptide tagging. Pulse-chase analysis revealed that pre-termination ribosomes turn over more rapidly in ΔL9 cells, suggesting that increased recoding alleviates the translational arrest. Together, these results indicate that tmRNA·SmpB does not suppress transient ribosome pauses, but responds to prolonged translational arrest.  相似文献   

Hydroxyurea not only inhibited the reduction of ribonucleotides, but also gave rise to need of exogenous methionine and thymidine for full growth in the cultures of Escherichia coli K12. In vitro the drug inhibited the formation of 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate by serine hydroxymethyltransferase in the cell extracts, which suggests that this reaction is a secondary target of hydroxyurea in the cells of E. coli. The syntheses of thymine nucleotides and methionine were also the most sensitive targets of hydroxylamine in the cultures of E. coli.  相似文献   

We have investigated the kinetics of the loss of thymine dimers from the acid-insoluble fraction of several ultraviolet (UV)-irradiated cultured human cell lines. Our results show that UV fluences between 10 and 40 J/m2 produce an average of 21-85 x 10(5) thymine dimers per cell and an eventual maximal loss per cell of 12-20 x 10(5) thymine dimers. The time for half-maximal loss of dimers ranged from 12-22 h after UV irradiation. In contrast, the time for half-maximal repair synthesis of DNA measured by autoradiography was 4.5 h. This figure agrees well with reported half-maximal repair synthesis times, which range from 0.5 to 3.6 h based on our analysis. The discrepancy in the kinetics of the loss of thymine dimers from DNA and repair synthesis is discussed in terms of possible molecular mechanisms of thymine dimer excision in vivo and in terms of possible experimental artifacts.  相似文献   

We compared the in vivo metabolism of prebeta HDL particles isolated by anti-human apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) immunoaffinity chromatography (LpA-I) in human apoA-I transgenic (hA-I Tg) mice with that of lipid-free apoA-I (LFA-I) and small LpA-I. After injection, prebeta LpA-I were removed from plasma more rapidly than were LFA-I and small LpA-I. Prebeta LpA-I and LFA-I were preferentially degraded by kidney compared with liver; small LpA-I were preferentially degraded by the liver. Five minutes after tracer injection, 99% of LFA-I in plasma was found to be associated with medium-sized (8.6 nm) HDL, whereas only 37% of prebeta tracer remodeled to medium-sized HDL. Injection of prebeta LpA-I doses into C57Bl/6 recipients resulted in a slower plasma decay compared with hA-I Tg recipients and a greater proportion (>60%) of the prebeta radiolabel that was associated with medium-sized HDL. Prebeta LpA-I contained one to four molecules of phosphatidylcholine per molecule of apoA-I, whereas LFA-I contained less than one. We conclude that prebeta LpA-I has two metabolic fates in vivo, rapid removal from plasma and catabolism by kidney or remodeling to medium-sized HDL, which we hypothesize is determined by the amount of lipid associated with the prebeta particle and the particle's ability to bind to medium-sized HDL.  相似文献   

The human papillomavirus type 18 (HPV-18) E7 protein promotes S-phase reentry in postmitotic, differentiated keratinocytes in squamous epithelium to facilitate vegetative viral DNA amplification. To examine the nature and fate of the differentiated cells that reenter S phase, organotypic cultures of primary human keratinocytes transduced with HPV-18 E7 were pulse-chase-pulse-labeled with (3)H-thymidine ((3)H-TdR) and bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU). The kinetics of the appearance of doubly labeled suprabasal cells demonstrate that E7 expression did not promote prolonged S phase. Rather, there was a considerable lag before a small percentage of the cells reentered another round of S phase. Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis, indeed, revealed a small fraction of the cells with more than 4n chromosomes in the differentiated strata. Differentiated cells positive for (3)H-TdR, BrdU, or both often had enlarged nuclei or were binucleated. These results suggest that S phase is not followed by cell division, although nuclear division may occur. Interestingly, a significant fraction of differentiated cells that entered S phase subsequently accumulated p27kip1 protein with a kinetics preceding the accumulation of cyclin E. We conclude that E7-transduced, differentiated keratinocytes that enter S phase have two alternative fates: (i) a low percentage of cells undergoes endoreduplication, achieving higher than 4n ploidy, and (ii) a high percentage of cells accumulates the p27kip1, cyclin E, and p21cip1 proteins, resulting in arrest and preventing further S-phase reentry.  相似文献   

The most striking effects of intracellular injections of adenosine 3'5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) into spinal mononeurons in cats are a speeding-up of the action potential, both its rising and falling phase, and a potentiation of the after-hyperpolarization; the latter porbably indicates a marked enhancement of Ca2+ influx. In this respect, cAMP and guanosine 3'5'-cyclic monophosphate (cGMP) have similar actions, though cAMP appears to be more potent. It is suggested that through this mechanism, cyclic nucleotides may play an important role in synaptic facilitation. Changes in resting membrane potential and resistance are less conspicuous or predictable. By contrast, both agents, when injected into unresponsive cells, presumed to be neuroglia, regularly cause a drop in membrane resistance; this is associated with hyperpolarization and therefore likely to reflect an increase in membrane K+ conductance.  相似文献   

Hindquarters from starved rats were perfused with plasma concentrations of amino acids, but without other added substrates. Release of amino acids was similar to that previously reported, but, if total amino acid changes were recorded, alanine and glutamine were not formed in excess of their occurrence in muscle proteins. In protein balance (excess insulin) there was no net formation of either alanine or glutamine, even though the branched-chain amino acids and methionine were consumed. If [U-14C]valine was present, radiolabelled 3-hydroxyisobutyrate and, to a lesser extent, 2-oxo-3-methylbutyrate accumulated and radiolabel was incorporated into citrate-cycle intermediates and metabolites closely associated with the citrate cycle (glutamine and glutamate, and, to a smaller extent, lactate and alanine). If a 2-chloro-4-methylvalerate was present to stimulate the branched-chain oxo acid dehydrogenase, flux through this step was accelerated, resulting in increased accumulation of 3-hydroxyisobutyrate, decreased accumulation of 2-oxo-3-methylbutyrate, and markedly increased incorporation of radiolabel (specific and total) into all measured metabolites formed after 3-hydroxyisobutyrate. It is concluded that: amino acid catabolism by skeletal muscle is confined to degradation of the branched-chain amino acids, methionine and those that are interconvertible with the citrate cycle; amino acid catabolism is relatively minor in supplying carbon for net synthesis of alanine and glutamine; and partial degradation products of the branched-chain amino acids are quantitatively significant substrates released from muscle for hepatic gluconeogenesis. For valine, 3-hydroxyisobutyrate appears to be quantitatively the most important intermediate released from muscle. A side path for inter-organ disposition of the branched-chain amino acids is proposed.  相似文献   

Crude extracts of human KB cells grown in suspension culture contain enzyme activity that catalyzes the preferential excision of thymine-containing pyrimidine dimers from UV-irradiated E. coli DNA specifically incised adjacent to dimer sites. Fractionation of KB cell crude extracts reveals the presence of three such activities with distinct affinities for both DEAE-cellulose and phosphocellulose. One of the activities (activity B) is distinguished by its s 20,w (2.6) and isoelectric point (9.0) from the other two (activities A and C) which have similar s 20,w's (3.0-3.2) and isoelectric points (6.0). All three differ in their extent of stimulation by divalent cation and inhibition by NaCl or a sulfhydryl group inhibitor. These results indicate that multiple 5' leads to 3' dimer excision nuclease activities exist in human cells; however, there is as yet no direct evidence that these enzymes are functional in nucleotide excision repair in vivo.  相似文献   

Human cell-free extracts were used to detect activities specifically incising O6-methylguanine (m6G) paired with C or T in DNA. A 45-bp double-stranded DNA containing one m6G across from a T (m6G:T) was the test substrate. Extracts from glioblastoma cell lines A172 and A1235 (lacking the m6G-specific repair protein m6G-DNA methyltransferase, MGMT) and colon carcinoma cell line HT29, containing MGMT, showed incision activities specific for the T strand of m6G:T [and G:T, as reported previously by Wiebauer and Jiricny (1989)] substrates, but did not cleave m6G:C (or G:C) substrates. Competition experiments showed that the activity was similar to, if not identical with, the activity in human cells that incises G:T mismatches. The incision sites were similar to those recognized by human G:T- or G:A-specific mismatch enzymes, i.e., the phosphodiester bonds both 3' and 5' to the poorly matched T, suggesting the glycolytic removal of the poorly matched T followed by backbone incisions by class I or II AP endonucleases. Three experiments in which MGMT was inactivated showed that the m6G:T incision activity was not simply due to a two-step mechanisms in which MGMT would first mediate conversion of the m6G:T substrate to a G:T substrate which would serve as a substrate for G:T incision. Extracts from HT29 contained a DNA-binding factor, possibly DNA sequence-specific, that inhibited incision of the m6G:T (but not the G:T) substrate, that was removed by the addition of synthetic DNA to the reaction.  相似文献   

UV-irradiated human fibroblasts in tissue culture were exposed to photoreactivating light in an attempt to demonstrate a light-dependent loss of thymine dimers from the acid-insoluble fraction of the DNA. The only experimental conditions in which this phenomenon was observed was if the cells were grown for at least 10 days in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's minimum essential medium. Such cells lost a maximum of between 10–30% of the thymine dimers from their DNA during illumination for 1 h. When cells were grown in a variety of other media the phenomenon was not observed. The present experiments do not discriminate between true enzymatic photoreactivation and a medium-dependent photosensitization phenomenon that is not enzymatic in nature.  相似文献   

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