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1. Until the late 1960s, Euterpe edulis was the most important edible palm species in the Brazilian markets. Since then, overharvesting of natural stands and the limited scope of plantations have caused the industry to shift to the multistemmed E. oleracea from the Amazon river estuary.
2. As a result of the relocation of the industry, the structure of the palm harvesting industry has changed and illegal trade has continued to exploit the remaining natural stands of E. edulis .
3. It is suggested that, to avoid the total harvesting of E. edulis and to achieve sustainable management of the palm heart, it will be necessary to diversify the local economy, create incentives for small land owners to improve their management practices, while keeping their competitiveness against the illegal trade, create the incentive of new sources of palm hearts and create a 'green stamping' for management palms.
4. Transformation of the illegal structure of the palm heart industry is probably the only solution to avoid the total depletion of the wild stands of E. edulis .  相似文献   

The current interest in non-timber forest products as an economic option for the Brazilian Amazon represents a radical departure from the policies that have guided development in the region during recent decades. Despite this interest, little is currently known about the forms of resource management or economic strategies practiced by populations dependent on such resources. In this study, we measured the annual income and expenditures of ten households on Combu Island, located in the Amazon estuary near the major port city of Belém; in addition, we documented local uses and management of natural resources on the island Average annual income per household was found to be over U.S. $4000, derived primarily from the harvest and sale of non-timber forest products. The results of this study show that the combination of proximity to a major market and appropriate resource management can lead to high and apparently sustainable economic returns.Formerly Senior Researcher at the Museu Paraense Emílio GoeldiFormerly Student Fellow at the Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi  相似文献   

Summary The authors have made an study and an specific classification of 156 yeast-like forms of fungus beloning to the genusCandida isolated in their majority from differents products of the human body.They verify also the high percentage of parasitism with is found theCandida albicans and the roll this specimen has as an aetiological agent in certain vulvo-vaginitis, bronchomycosis, onychomycosis and perionychomycosis, moist mycosis of interdigital spaces, inguinocrural, perianal, axillary and others cutaneous folds.With the name of Candidomycosis are designed the pathological process produced by fungus beloning to the GenusCandida.

Trabajo presentado a la 4a. Jornada Clínica de Verano en el Hospital Viña del Mar los días 25-26-27-28 de Enero de 1950. (Viña del Mar;Chile).

Profesor Adjunto de Parasitología de la Facultad de Medicina de Buenos Aires. — Jéfe del Laboratorio del Instituto de Clínica Quirürgica.

Médico Jefe del Laboratorio de Micología y Tuberculosis del Instituto de Microbiología e Inmunología del ProfesorHugo Vaccaro de la Universidad do Chile.-Becado durante el año 1949 en Argentina por la Comisión Nacional de Cultura, para realizer estudios de Micología con el Prof. Dr. Flavio L. Niño.

Ayudante del Laboratorio del Instituto de Clínica Quirúrgica.  相似文献   

Summary The authors review and comment on Brazilian literature on the observations of South American Blastomycotic lesion in perineal, anal and/or rectal localization.They relate a case of a patient presenting a perineal lesion two years after the excision of a tumor caused byP. brasiliensis in the brain.They comment onMackinnon's pathogenic theory of South American Blastomycosis that presumes that lungs are the portal of entry ofP. brasiliensis by inhalation of its spores. Thus, mucocutaneous lesions are secondary to a primary pulmonary localization by hematogenous route.
Sumário Os autores revisam e comentam a literatura brasileira sôbre as observacões de Blastomicose Sul-americana com localização peineoano-retal.Relatam a observação de um paciente no qual a lesão perineal surgiu dois anos após a ablação de um tumor do cérebro porP. brasiliensis.Discutem a casuística à luz da teoria patogênica deMackinnon, admitindo que a porta de entrada do fungo seja pelas vias aéreas, por inhalação dos espórios do fungo. As lesões mucocutãneas são pois secundárias à localização pulmonar primária, (às vêzes inaparantes) da qual resultam por disseminaçåo hematógena.

Summary The vegetation was studied of a number of savannas in northern and southern Surinam, and in French Guiana. The results are compared in particular with the vegetation classification proposed earlier for northern Surinam, and with some records from the northern Rupununi Savanna, Guyana (Van Donselaar 1965).The savannas studied near Brownsweg (northern Surinam) have vegetation types that correspond completely with those of some other savannas of the same geological-pedological type more to the North, as described before. New is the finding of a type of scrub bordering the savanna, being the scrub equivalent of a type of bushes described earlier as theMarlierea type.On the top and the slopes of the Blauwe Berg near Berg en Dal (northern Surinam) an anthropogenic savanna has developed. Two new vegetation types are recorded here that belong to the alliance Rhynchosporo-Trachypogonion. At the foot of the hill a flat savanna supports a vegetation that gives the impression of being of recent origin and unbalanced.It appears possible to apply the existing classification to the communities found on savannas near Cayenne (French Guiana). In this area the conspicuousByrsonima verbascifolia (var.villosa fo.spathulata) occurs in several undescribed vegetation types that belong to various entities. A xerophilous and a hygrophilous community ofByrsonima verbascifolia are distinguished, belonging to the Rhynchosporo-Trachypogonion and the Bulbostylidion lanatae, respectively.On the Sipaliwini Savanna in southern Surinam most vegetation types do not fit into one of the existing alliances. However, if new alliances would be described, it should be possible to include them into the existing orders. There probably is an alliance, called here communities ofTrachypogon plumosus andBulbostylis spadicea, that might be regarded as the southern counterpart of the Rhynchosporo-Trachypogonion in the order Trachypogonetalia plumosi, and a supposed alliance with muchRhynchospora graminea andR. globosa might have the same position with regard to the Imperato-Mesosetion in the order Paspaletalia pulchelli. Among the communities that might be included in the alliance Axonopodion chrysitidis there is one occurring on sandy soil without a hog-wallow structure at the surface. Floristically it has connections with the Paspaletalia pulchelli but it also has many characteristic species of its own. Whether this community has to be placed in a distinct alliance will have to depend on the results of further investigations in this area. Anyhow, more data are needed for the drafting of a complete picture of the rich and interesting Sipaliwini Savanna.On a savanna south-west of the airstrip Sipaliwini (southern Surinam) the vegetation consists mainly of communities belonging to the Bulbostylidion lanatae.Summarizing the above-mentioned results, one may say that a number of communities not studied before are added to the picture of the savanna vegetation of the Guianas. It proved possible to integrate these communities without much difficulty in the classification presented earlier that so far has functioned as a practical framework.
Beobachtungen an Savannen vegetationstypen in den Guayanas
Zusammenfassung Die Vegetation einiger Savannen in Nordsurinam, Südsurinam und Französisch-Guayana wurde untersucht. Die Ergebnisse werden besonders verglichen mit einer schon früher vorgeschlagenen Vegetationsklassifikation und mit einigen Aufnahmen der nördlichen Rupununisavanne in Guayana, dem ehemahligen Britisch-Guayana (Van Donselaar 1965).Die bei Brownsweg (Nordsurinam) untersuchten Savannen haben Vegetationstypen, die denjenigen anderer, schon früher bearbeiteter, mehr nördlich gelegener Savannen desselben geologisch-pädologischen Typs ganz ähnlich sind. Es wurde ein neuer, die offenen Savannen begrenzender Typ von Gestrüpp gefunden. Er ist als Gestrüppäquivalent eines Buschtyps, der früher alsMarlierea-typ beschrieben worden ist, zu betrachten.Auf dem Gipfel und den Hängen des Blauen Berges bei Berg en Dal (Nordsurinam) hat sich eine anthropogene Savanne entwickelt. Zwei neue Vegetationstypen wurden hier angetroffen, beide dem Verband Rhynchosporo-Trachypogonion angehörend. Eine flache Savanne am Fuß des Berges trägt eine Vegetation, die rezent entstanden und noch nicht ausgeglichen zu sein scheint.Es ergibt sich, daß die vorhandene Klassifikation auch auf die Pflanzengesellschaften einiger Savannen bei Cayenne (Französisch-Guayana) zutrifft. In dieser Gegend findet sich die auffälligeByrsonima verbascifolia (var.villosa fo.spathulata) in mehreren unbeschriebenen Vegetationstypen, die verschiedenen Einheiten angehören. Es wurde eine xerophile und eine hygrophile Gesellschaft vonByrsonima verbascifolia unterschieden, die den Verbänden Rhynchospora-Trachypogonion bezw. Bulbostylidion lanatae zugeteilt werden können.Die meisten Vegetationstypen der Sipaliwinisavanne (Südsurinam) passen nicht in einen der beschriebenen Verbände. Wenn aber neue Verbände dafür beschrieben würden, so könnten diese in den bestehenden Ordnungen untergebracht werden. Es ist wohl ein Verband zu unterscheiden, hier Gesellschaften vonTrachypogon plumosus undBulbostylis spadicea genannt, der als ein südliches Gegenstück des nördlichen Rhynchosporo-Trachypogonion-Verbandes in der Ordnung Trachypogonetalia plumosi zu betrachten wäre, und vermutlich steht ein Verband mit vielRhynchospora graminea undR. globosa in demselben Verhältnis zum Imperato-Mesosetion-Verband in der Ordnung Paspaletalia pulchelli. Unter den Gesellschaften, die dem Verband Axonopodion chrysitidis zuzurechnen sind, gibt es eine auf sandigem Boden ohne Hügel-und-Schlenken-Struktur. Sie hat floristische Beziehungen zu den Paspaletalia pulchelli, aber hat auch manche eigene Kennarten. Die Entscheidung, ob diese Gesellschaft in einem neuen Verband unterzubringen ist, muß von weiteren Untersuchungsergebnissen abhängig gemacht werden. Überhaupt ist noch viel weitere Arbeit erforderlich, bevor das Bild der Vegetation der reichen und interessanten Sipaliwinisavanne vollständig ist.Die Vegetation einer Savanne südwestlich des Flugplatzes Sipaliwini (Südsurinam) besteht hauptsächlich aus Gesellschaften des Verbandes Bulbostylidion lanatae.Als Zusammenfassung der obenerwähnten Ergebnisse kann man sagen, daß eine Anzahl von bisher nicht bekannten Gesellschaften dem Gesammtbild der Savannenvegetation der Guayanas hinzugefügt worden ist. Es hat sich gezeigt, daß diese Gesellschaften ohne viel Mühe in die früher veröffentlichte Klassifikation eingefügt werden können, so daß diese als ein praktisches Ramenwerk brauchbar bleibt.

Observaçoes sôbre vegetaçoes de savana nas Guianas
Resumo A vegetação foi estudada em várias savanas ao norte e sul de Suriname, e na Guiana Francêsa. Os resultados foram comparados, em particular, com a classificação de tipos de vegetação obtida antes no norte de Suriname e com alguns dados da parte norte da Savana Rupununi, Guiana Inglesa, agora Guyana (Van Donselaar 1965).As savanas estudadas perto de Brownsweg (norte do Suriname) possuem tipos de vegetação que correspondem completamente com aqueles de outras savanas do mesmo tipo geológico-pedológico mais ao norte, já descritos antes. Foi encontrada aí uma faixa arbustiva bordejando a savana que é nova e, equivalente ao tipo de capões descrito anteriormente como o tipo deMalierea.No topo e nas vertentes do Blauwe Berg perto de Berg en Dal (norte do Suriname) uma savana antropogênica encontra-se desenvolvida aí. Dois tipos novos de vegetação são aí apontados que pertencem a aliança Rhynchosporo-Trachypogonion. No sopé de colina encontra-se uma savana plana que apresenta uma vegetação dando a impressão se sêr de origem recente e em desequilíbrio.Parece sêr possível aplicar a classificação existente das comunidades encontradas nas savanas próximas à Cayenne (Guiana Francêsa). Nessa área a conspícuaByrsonima verbascifolia (var.villosa fo.spathulata) ocorre em vários tipos vegetais não descritos que pertencem a entidades diversas. Uma comunidade xerófila e uma higrófila deByrsonima verbascifolia são definidas, pertencendo a primeira ao Rhynchosporo-Trachypogonione, a segunda ao Bulbostylidon lanatae.Na Savana Sipaliwini ao sul de Suriname a maioria dos tipos de vegetação não se acomodam a nenhuma das alianças existentes. Entretanto, se novas alianças fossem criadas, seria possível incluilas nas ordens existentes. É provàvelmente uma aliança chamada aquí comunidades deTrachypogon plumosus eBulbostylis spadicea que pudesse sêr considerada como correspondente sulino do Rhynchosporo-Trachypogonion na ordem Trachypogonetalia plumosi, e uma aliança com muitaRhynchospora graminea eR. globosa que pudesse estar na mesma situação em relação ao Imperato-Mesosetion da ordem Paspaletalia pulchelli. Entre as comunidades possíveis de sêr incluidas na aliança Axonopodion chrysitidis, é uma que se encontra em solo arenoso, mas sem a superfície com caneluras reticuladas que é chamada hogwallowed em inglês e kaw-foetoe no Suriname. Além das conecções florísticas com a Paspaletalia pulchelli tem muitas espécies características próprias. Se esta comunidade tem que sêr localizada numa aliança separada, dependerá dos resultados de investigações futuras nesta área. Em tôdo caso mais dados são necessários para a delineação dum desenho completo da rica e interessante Savana Sipaliwini.Na savana SW do compo d'aterrisagem Sipaliwini (sul do Suriname) a vegetação consiste, a maioria, de comunidades de Bulbostylidion lanatae.Reunindo os resultados acima mencionados, podemos dizer que um número de comunidades não estudados antes são acrescentados à pintura da vegetação das savanas das Guianas. Também evidenciou-se sêr possível integrar estas comunidades sem muitas dificuldades não classificação apresentada antes, que até agora funciona como moldura prática.

Summary Elytrosporangium (Greek Elytron, pod), a new genus of Actinomycetales from soil, placed in the family ActinoplanaceaeCouch, and its type species,E. brasiliense, are described. The main characteristic of the new genus is the production, in the substratal mycelium, of pod-shaped sporangia (merosporangia) with non-motile, globose, subglobose, to more or less cylindrical sporangiospores in chains. In addition, aerial mycelium with spores in chains, as inStreptomyces, is produced.
Zusammenfassung Elytrosporangium (griechisch: Elytron, Schote) eine neue Gattung von Actinomycetels des Bodens wird hier zusammen mit der ArttypeE. brasiliense beschrieben. Das Hauptmerkmal der genannten Gattung ist die Erzeugung von Sporangien in Schotenform (Merosporangien) im vegetativen Myzel. Die Sporangien bilden sich sowohl am Ende von Haupthyphen als auch in kleinen seitlichen Zweigen, einzeln oder als Trauben, von zwei bis fünf. Die Sporangiosporen bilden eine Kette, die Basale mehr oder weniger zylindrisch und die übrigen fast kugelförmig. Luftmyzel mit Ketten von Konidien können erzeugt werden wie inStreptomyces. Wir betrachten die beschriebene Gattung als zur Familie Actinoplanaceae gehörend.Die Arttype wurde isoliert von Bodenproben welche gesammelt wurden in einen Bodenprofil von 45 cm Tiefe in Verfolg des Programms einer Mikrobiologischen Prospektion des Bodens im Nordosten von Brasilien welches IMUR gemeinsam mit anderen brasilianischen wissenschaftlichen Körperschaften ausführt.

Sumário Elytrosporangium (grego Elytron, vágem), um novo gênero de Actinomycetales do solo é descrito, juntamente com sua espécie tipo,E. brasiliense, A principal característica do gênero em foco é a produção de esporângios em forma de vágem (merosporângios), no micélio vegetativo. Os esporângios formam-se tanto na extremidade de hifas principais como na de pequenos ramos laterais, isoladamente ou em cachos de dois a cinco.Os esporangiosporos constituem uma cadeia, os basais sendo mais ou menos cilíndricos e os demais globosos ou subglobosos.Um micélio aéreo exibindo cadeias de conídios pode ser produzido, como emStreptomyces.Consideramos o gênero em causa como integrante da familia Actinoplanaceae. A espécie tipo foi isolada de amostra de solo coletada num perfil, a 45 cm de profundidade, como decorrência de programa de prospecção microbiológica dos solos do Nordeste do Brasil que o IMUR vem desenvolvendo em colaboração com entidades científicas brasileiras.

IMUR, Publ. no. 467.  相似文献   

Recent global commitments to forest and landscape restoration in the tropics call for new management approaches that benefit both biodiversity and livelihoods of forest‐dependent people. The sustainable use of wild forest products is a promising pathway, but requires clarity about harvested species' demography and harvesters' rights. Here, we explored how the exploitation of fruits of the threatened palm Euterpe edulis, a key fruit source for wildlife in Brazil's globally important Atlantic Forest biodiversity hotspot, could trigger local community involvement in restoration. This palm has both non‐destructive (fruit) and destructive (palm heart) culinary uses, each with unique biological and resource‐use conditions. We quantified all demographic stages of this species in multiple agroforests, secondary forests, and protected areas to parameterize demographic projections of palm populations, harvest profitability, and fruit provisioning to wildlife under different management scenarios. Field observations showed a clear depression of adult palm populations in protected areas, likely due to palm heart poaching, and of intermediate size classes in agroforests, probably from weeding by farmers. Field data and demographic models reveal that in this region, agroforests and secondary forests can successfully conserve this species while providing lasting profits for farmers under most scenarios. These findings demonstrate a clear case where local stakeholders both contribute to and benefit from restoration through harvest of wild products and also highlight a potential source of income from regenerating tropical forests.  相似文献   

Basal stem rot of oil palm caused by Ganoderma boninense is of major economic importance. Observations of the low incidence of disease due to Ganoderma species in natural stands, suggest that the disease is kept under control by some biological means. Trichoderma spp. are saprophytic fungi with high antagonistic activities against soil-borne pathogens. However, their abundance and distribution are soil and crop specific. Trichoderma species have been found to be concentrated in the A1 (0–30 cm) and Be soil horizons (30–60 cm), although the abundance of Trichoderma was not significantly different between the oil palm and non-oil palm ecosystems. Characterisation of Trichoderma isolates based on cultural, morphological and DNA polymorphism showed that T. harzianum, T. virens, T. koningii and T. longibrachiatum made up 72, 14, 10 and 4% of the total Trichoderma isolates isolated. As Trichoderma species are present in the oil palm ecosystem, but at lower numbers and in locations different from those desired, soil augmentation with antagonistic Trichoderma spp. can be developed as a strategy towards integrated management of basal stem rot of oil palm.  相似文献   

Summary N2-fixing bacteria were isolated from the rhizosphere of naturally grown salt tolerant grass (Leptochloa fusca). A broad spectrum of diazotrophs was found to be associated with the roots ofL. fusca. the systematic position of the three isolates, NIAB-1, C-2 and Iso-2 was determined by morphological, biochemical and mol % (G+C) DNA contents. Two isolates were identified asKlebsiella pneumoniae (NIAB-1) andBeijerinckia sp. (Iso-2).15N enrichment studies confirmed the nitrogen fixing ability of the isolates. The effects of different levels of combined nitrogen (NO 3 & NH 4 + ), pH (5.5–9.0) and salt (NaCl) on nitrogenase activity of the isolates were determined at various time intervals. All isolates exhibited nitrogenase activity even in the presence of 5 mmol/l NO 3 or NH 4 + in a semi-solid medium after 24 h of growth. Maximum nitrogenase activity was observed at alkaline pH and all isolates were able to tolerate up to 3% NaCl in the medium.
Resumen Se han aíslado bacterias fijadoras de N2 en la rizosfera del hábitat natural de la graminea halófilaLeptochloa fusca. Un amplio espectro de diazotrofos se encontró asociado con las raíces deL. fusca. La posición sistemática de tres aíslados: NIAB-1, C-2 y Iso-2 se determinó utilizando sus características morfológicas, bioquímicas y el % (G+C) molar del ADN. El aíslado NIAB-1 se identificó comoKlebsiella pneumoniae y el aíslado Iso-2 comoBeijerinckia. sp. Estudios mediante15N confirmaron la habilidad fijadora de N2 de los aíslados. Se determinaron periodicamente los efectos de distintos niveles de nitrógeno combinado (NO3 y NH4 +), pH (5.5–9.0) y sal (NaCl) en la actividad nitrogenásica de los aíslados. Todas las cepas aísladas mostraron actividad nitrogenásica incluso en presencia de 5mmol/l de NO3 y NH4 + en un medio semisólido desqués de 24 h. de crecimiento. La actividad nitrogenásica máxima se observó a pH alcalino y todos loa aíslados eran capaces de tolerar hasta 3% de NaCl en el medio.

Résumé Des bactéries fixatrices de l'azote ont été isolées à partir de la rhizosphère de l'herbe halotoléranteLeptochloa fusca développée dans les conditions naturelles. Il a été constaté qu'un large spectre de diazotrophes est associé aux racines de la plante. La position taxonomique de 3 souches isolées, NIAB-1, C-2 et Iso-2, a été déterminée par des critères morphologiques et biochimiques et par le pourcentage de (G+C) de l'ADN. Deux souches on été identifiées commeKlebsiella pneumoniae (NIAB-1) etBeijerinckia sp. (Iso-2). Les études d'enrichissement en15N ont confirmé l'aptitude des souches à fixer l'azote. les effets de différents niveaux d'azote combiné (NO3 et NH4 +), de pH (5.5–9.0) et de sel (NaCl) sur l'activité nitrogénasique des souches ont été déterminés à divers intervalles de temps. Toutes les souches présentent une activité nitrogènase après 24 h de croissance en milieu semi-solide, et cela même en présence de 5 mmol/l de NO3 ou NH4 +. L'activité nitrogènase maximum est observée à pH alcalin, et toutes les souches tolèrent jusqu'à 3% de NaCl dans le milieu.

Resumen Se han aislado cinco cepas dePrototheca de muestras de origen humano: raspado vulvar, tinea corporis, secreción de oído, plieques de la mano, onicopatía inespecífica. Se estudian los caracteres morfológicos (propiedades asimilativas, termofilia) de estas cepas. Dos de ellas pertenecen a la especiePrototheca zopfii. Dos a la especieP. wickerhamii y la quinta es unaP. trispora. El autor hace resalter la frecuencia cada vez mayor con que se viene aislando este género de algas incoloras en el material patológico y la necesidad de su reconocimiento ya que son fácilmente confundibles con las levaduras.
FivePrototheca strains of human origin are isolated. Morphological and physiological characters are studied. Two strains belong to the speciesPrototheca zophii, two to the speciesP. wickerhamii and the other one toProtheca trispora. The author emphasizes the frequency, with which this genus of chloric algae are lately reported, and the importance of their identification easily confused with that of the yeasts.Ultimamente hemos venido encontrando cada vez con mayor frecuencia en el material clínico, ejemplares del género Prototheca. La ubicación taxonómica de este género es aún dudosa; se le ha considerado un grupo intermedio entre algas incoloras y hongos (Tubaki, 1959). Nuestras 5 cepas han sido encontradas en un lapso de cuatro años, de un total de 320 muestras.

The efficiency of GUS (-Glucuronidase) gene expression in embryogenic callus and young leaflets of mature and seedling palm after microprojectile bombardment with five constructs (pEmuGN, pAHC25, pAct1-F4, pGH24 and pBARGUS) was evaluated to identify the most suitable promoter(s) to use in transformation attempts in oil palm. Expression of the GUS gene driven by theEmu, Ubi1, Act1 35S orAdh1 was assayed, both histochemically and fluorometrically, from a total of 200 plates of tissues in eight independent experiments two days after bombardment. A completely randomized experimental design was used for each experiment, and the data analysed by ANOVA and Duncan's Multiple Range Test. The expression level of GUS driven by theEmu orUbi1 promoters was significantly higher than that of the Act], 35S and Adhl promoters in many experiments, and that of theAdhl was significantly lower than those of the other four promoters. Both histochemical and fluorometric data indicate that in embryogenic callus, the expression of theEmu promoter was higher than that of theUbi1 whereas in young leaflets from mature palm the Ubi1 expression was stronger. The performances of the five promoters were also tested in tobacco callus using a fluorometric GUS assay. The activity of the 35S promoter was highest, and significantly different from that of all the other promoters except theEmu, and that of theAct1 promoter was lowest. These results indicate that either theUbil orEmu promoter should facilitate the expression of desired genes in oil palm and aid in development of an efficient stable transformation system.Abbreviations GUS -Glucuronidase - EC embryogenic callus - YLMP young leaflet from mature palm - YLSP young leaflet from seedling palm - MU methyl umbelliferone - MUG 4-methyl--D-glucuronide - X-glue 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indoyl-glucuronide - Ubil maize ubiquitin 1 - Actl rice actin 1 - Adh1 maize alcohol dehydrogenase 1 - Emu a recombinant truncated maize alcohol dehydrogenase 1 - ANOVA Analysis of variance - DMRT Duncan's Multiple Range Test Communicated by W A. Parrott  相似文献   

Caiçaras are native inhabitants of the Atlantic coast on southeastern Brazil, whose subsistence is based especially on agriculture and artisanal fishing. Because of their knowledge about the environment acquired through generations, Caiçara people can play an important role in Atlantic Forest conservation. An ethnobotanical study was conducted within two Caiçara communities (Ponta do Almada and Camburí beach, São Paulo State, Brazil), focusing on plant uses. In 102 interviews, 227 plant ethnospecies were quoted, mainly for food, medicine, handicraft and construction of houses and canoes. People from studied communities depend on the native vegetation for more than a half of the species known and used. Using diversity indices, plant uses are compared between studied communities and between gender and age categories within each community. We found quantitative differences in the knowledge about plants between gender categories for each kind of use (medicinal, food and handicrafts). Older and younger informants also have different knowledge about plants for handicraft and medicine, but not for edible plants.  相似文献   

Prior field studies of Alouatta showed the highest frugivory in A. belzebul. During 10 mo between October 1999 and October 2000, we studied the feeding ecology of a group of 7–9 red-handed howlers (Alouatta belzebul discolor) in a primary forest on the banks of a tributary of the Teles Pires River, near Paranaíta, MT, Brazil (9°34S; 56°19W). The howlers used 3 types of habitat: upland (terra firme) forest, flood plain forest (igapó) and palm forest (açaizal). During 45 complete days of observation, the group fed on 67 plant species (N = 2039 feeding records) in 24 families. The 2 most used families were Leguminosae and Moraceae, with 17 species each. Fruits predominated (40–80%) in every month, except June, when young leaves accounted for 54% of the diet. Dialium guianense (Leguminosal, Caesalpinioideae) was the most consumed species. Flower (6%) and mature leaf (5%) consumptions were low. Tree bark, live and decayed wood, and woody twig monthly consumption varied from 0 to 26%, and occurred only in igapó, where they used mostly Macrolobium acaciaefolium (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae), Clitoria amazonum (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae) and Licania cf. canescens (Chrysobalanaceae). Our study on Alouatta belzebul discolor complements the high frugivory in A. b. belzebul and documents uncommon dietary items for the species. Although there is intraspecific variation in howler diets and new studies have shown higher frugivory for more folivorous species, Alouatta belzebul seems to be the most frugivorous howler species, in spite of its wide geographical distribution and, in this case, sympatry with Ateles chamek, a frugivore.  相似文献   

Molecular analysis of genetic diversity amongand within phenotypically similar wild Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum(chile) populations revealed geneticdifferences among accessions spread over abroad geographic range. These chiles areregionally known as chiltepíns and are a 50metric ton per year wild harvest for the spiceindustry, as well as a genetic resource forcrop improvement. Understanding geneticvariability in this species providesinformation related to conservation efforts. The objective of this research was to surveygenetic diversity among and within an insitu population and ex situ accessionsof chiltepíns. Random AmplifiedPolymorphic DNA (RAPD) molecular markers wereused to study the genetic structure of an in situ population found at the nothernmostrange of this species and ex situaccessions collected from Mexico and Guatemala. Novel genetic variation was found in both thein situ northern disjunct population, aswell as some ex situ accessions, thussupporting conservation of this species viaboth in situ and ex situ strategies The evidence presented here supports effortsto conserve outlier populations via insitu management practices.  相似文献   

Phenology, dry matter production, population structure and environmental conditions were examined inErythronium japonicum Decne plants growing on the floor of a deciduous broad-leavedQuercus mongolica forest (Q.m. stand), an evergreen coniferousCryptomeria japonica plantation (C. j. stand) and bare ground left for 3 years after the clearing of a forest composed of youngQ. mongolica andPinus densiflora trees (bare stand) in the cool temperate zone of Japan. The average population density of the plants growing at theQ.m. stand was much higher than that observed at the bare stand, whereas the average number of flowering plants at the former stand was less than half of that at the latter. The population density and number of flowering plants growing at theC. j. stand were both less than 30% of those at theQ. m. stand. The number of seedlings at theQ. m. stand was much more than that at the bare andC. j. stands. Their survivorship rate over 1 year at the former stand also seems to be significantly higher than those at the other stands. Their aboveground and belowground parts at the bare stand were exposed to more severe heat and water stress than those at the other two stands. The net production per leaf area of the plants growing at theQ. m. stand was two and six times larger than those at the bare andC. j. stands, respectively. The plants at the bare stand did not use the available solar radiation as efficiently for dry matter production through photosynthesis as those growing at theQ. m. stand, whereas those at theC. j. stand are strongly restricted in their photosynthetic process by the significantly limited light condition on the floor of the evergreen coniferous plantation. The differences in the number of plants reaching sexual maturity, the density and structure of the population and the net production between their three habitats are discussed here from the standpoint of differences in environmental conditions.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the nesting ecology of blue-and-yellow macaws (Ara ararauna) and the structure, conservation, and management of the Mauritia flexuosa palm swamps where they nest: clutch size averaged 2.6 and the number of chicks fledged per nesting attempt was 0.5. Macaws nested in tall dead palms in healthy palm swamps and in palms of all heights in open dieing palm stands. All nesting palms rose well above the surrounding vegetation presumably to discourage terrestrial predators. PVC nest boxes failed to attract nesting blue-and-yellow macaws. A small section of palm swamp was managed to encourage macaw nesting by cutting the tops off of M. flexuosa palms and clearing the understory vegetation. The palms remained standing from 4 to 7 years and were occupied by nesting macaws at a rate of 24%. The data presented here suggest that cutting five palms a year in perpetuity would produce a stand of approximately 20 standing dead palms used by 6 or more pairs of macaws annually. However, macaw occupancy rates would depend on the density of macaws and density of naturally occurring nest sites. This management scheme could be conducted on a 100-year rotation in an area of 1–4 ha or more depending on the palm density. Such a colony could be used to increase reproductive success of blue-and-yellow macaw populations, create a valuable ecotourism resource, and concentrate macaw nesting in protected areas.  相似文献   

Villar  Carlos  Stripeikis  Jorge  Colautti  Dario  D'Huicque  Liliana  Tudino  Mabel  Bonetto  Carlos 《Hydrobiologia》2001,457(1-3):225-233
Cd, Cr, Cu and Pb concentrations were measured in the water and these plus Zn were measured in the diet, muscle and liver of the detritivorous fish Prochilodus lineatus and the omnivorous fish Pterodoras granulosus at two sites (Lower Paraná River and Río de la Plata right margin) located upstream and downstream, respectively, from Buenos Aires, an important source of xenobiotics. Cu and Cr concentrations in water were higher in the Río de la Plata coastal waters, while Cd and Pb were below detection limits. The stomach contents of P. lineatus showed a higher metal content at the estuary, attaining concentrations within the range reported for contaminated sediments. However, metals in fish tissue were not higher at the estuary and, except for Cd in liver, were lower than in the organic fraction of the stomach content. Thus, only Cd was accumulated. The P. granulosus diet was composed mainly of river vegetation debris and clams, Corbicula fluminea, at the estuary. Cd, Cu and Pb in liver were higher at the estuary while only Cu was higher in the diet at this site. The different nature of the diet seems associated with a differential bioavailability of its metal content. P. granulosus accumulates Cu at both sites and Cd at the estuary. Both fishes showed higher metal content in liver than in muscle. Cr in liver was below detection limits. No relation was found between metal content and fish size. Overall, metal content in fish tissues were low, except for Cu in P. granulosus and Cd in P. lineatus, similar to those of uncontaminated sites, suggesting that homeostatic mechanisms prevent metal accumulation.  相似文献   

Resumen Se presenta una revisión general de algunas de las publicaciones mexicanas sobre micología médica aparecidas durante los años de 1946 a 1958. Se divide el trabajo en secciones de acuerdo con las micosis que se han observado en México y se comentan los trabajos publicados correspondientes a cada tema.Se observa que las micosis más frecuentes en México, además de las dermatomicosis, son el micetoma actinomicósico producido porNocardia brasiliensis, la esporotricosis, la coccidioidomicosis, la actinomicosis, la cromomicosis y la infección primaria pulmonar epidémica porH. capsulatum. Las demás se presentan en forma escasa y sólo en ocasiones se encuentran comunicaciones en la literatura.Se proporciona la bibliografía de los trabajos comentados.
Summary A general review is presented of some of the mexican literature dealing with medical mycology appeared during the 1946–1958 period.This paper is divided in several sections in accordance with the mycoses that have been observed in Mexico; brief comments are made of each reference.It can be observed that in addition to the dermatomycosis, the most frequent mycoses in Mexico are the actinomycotic mycetoma produced byNocardia brasiliensis, sporotrichosis, coccidioidomycosis, actinomycosis, chromomycosis and the acute pulmonar primoinfection of histoplasmosis. The other mycoses are not very common in Mexico and are only occasionally observed.A complete list of the reviewed papers is appended.

Summary The rhizosphere microflora of arecanut palm under continuous application of organic manures and inorganic fertilizers was studied. The nutrients applied are 100 g N, 40 g P2O5 and 140 g K2O/palm/year in the form of organics and inorganics. The application of organic manure increased the microbial population. The increase in microbial population was observed between the rhizosphere samples collected at 0–30cm and 30–60 cm depths. The surface cultivation of soil increased the microbial population.Trichoderma sp. andAspergillus sp. dominated in therhizosphere of arecanut palm. Contribution No. 208. Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, Vittal-574243, Karnataka, India.  相似文献   

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