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Length measurements of sperms of 51 species of Cypridoidea ostracods were taken to supplement the paucity of ostracod sperm data in the published literature. The lengths of the posterior regions (carrying the mitochondria) and the thinner anterior regions were also measured when appropriate. Maximum lengths of sperms for individual species varied from 268 μm for Fabaeformiscandona velifera Smith and Janz, 2008 through to 11 787 μm for Australocypris robusta De Deckker, 1974; these lengths represent the shortest so far recorded for the superfamily and the longest ever recorded in ostracods, respectively. There appears to be only a loose relationship between taxonomy and sperm lengths. Species of the subfamily Candoninae generally have the shortest sperms compared with other subfamilies, but one Candoninae species, Candona altoides Petkovski, 1961, has sperms longer than some species of the families Cyprididae, Ilyocyprididae and Notodromadidae. The family Cyprididae showed the most variation, with sperms ranging from 1000 μm through to 11 787 μm in length. No hypothesis satisfactorily explains the origin of giant sperms in ostracods or the longevity of this trait through geological eras, and their existence remains enigmatic.  相似文献   

The systematics of the freshwater ostracods of the subfamily Dolerocypridinae in Southeast Asia is reviewed: A total of five species are known and they are assigned to three genera. Astenocypris papyracea (Sars) 1903 and Dolerocypris sinensis Sars, 1903 are redescribed. Dolerocypris fasciata (Müller) 1776, from Indonesia is figured and the hitherto observed variations are discussed. Dolerocypris pellucida Klie, 1932 is transferred to the genus Tanycypris Triebel, 1959.  相似文献   

Claude Meisch 《Hydrobiologia》2007,585(1):181-200
The posterior end of body of the extant ostracods exhibits a pair of variously shaped appendages, commonly designated as furca(e), uropods or caudal rami, used for feeding and/or locomotion. It is here shown that the so-called furca of all extant ostracods has evolved from the (probably epipodal) vibratory plates of a pair of uropods. The transformation comprised the following steps: (a) complete reduction of the uropodal protopodite and endopodite; (b) sclerotisation of the lateral walls of the vibratory plates; (c) transformation of the branchial filaments into spines and/or claws; (d) re-orientation of the plates from posterodorsal to posteroventral. These modifications are suggested to have evolved in parallel with a change in function, from respiratory to locomotory and/or feeding. The most primitive condition, reminiscent of the ancestral state of character, is seen in the Platycopida: the ‘furca’ still appears similar in shape to the vibratory plates of the pair of sixth limbs. In the Podocopida the uropodal plates have been modified into plate-like, more often into rod-shaped rami mainly used for locomotion. In both the Platycopida and Podocopida the anus has remained in its original place, posterior to the ‘furcal’ plates or rami. In the Myodocopida and Halocyprida the uropodal vibratory plates are transformed into heavily developed lamellae bearing sturdy spines. They are activated by a complex apparatus of muscles and sclerites, the development of which necessitated the displacement of the anus from the end of the body towards its present place, anterior to the ‘furca’. The furca of the Ostracoda being not a ‘true’ furca, a change in terminology is proposed: uropodal plates or lamellae in the Platycopida, Palaeocopida and Myodocopida/Halocyprida; uropodal rami in the Podocopida. The so-called furcae of the Ostracoda being homologous structures, it is concluded that all extant ostracods belong to a monophyletic lineage.  相似文献   

Spinicaudatans and ostracods form two components of the diverse arthropod fauna from the Montceau Lagerstätte (Stephanian, France). Spinicaudatans are represented by Montcestheria orri gen. and sp. nov. and Euestheria feysi sp. nov., and ostracods by a single species, Carbonita sp. aff. salteriana (Jones, 1862). Allied forms such as Montcestheria sp. aff. orri, Montcestheria sp. and Euestheria cebennensis (Grand'Eury, 1890), all from coeval localities in France, are also described. Montcestheria gen. nov. has carapace features, external (possibly sexual) dimorphism, preserved soft parts (e.g. appendages, gut) and resting eggs similar to those of Recent spinicaudatans, suggesting comparable lifestyles, reproductive strategies and feeding modes. Detailed anatomical comparisons are made with Cyzicus tetracerus from Recent ephemeral freshwater ponds. The ostracods belong to the Superfamily Carbonitoidea, which is a recurrent component of Carboniferous non‐marine biotas. Spinicaudatan‐rich assemblages typically occur in several Westphalian–Stephanian Lagerstätten (including Montceau) and localities from Europe and North America, where freshwater conditions prevailed, indicating that the group had already colonized continental waters by the Late Carboniferous. Similarities with the fauna from Recent temporary freshwater ponds (e.g. low diversity/high density spinicaudatan‐ostracod populations, synchronous spinicaudatan populations developing from resting eggs, high diversity/low density insects, amphibians) suggest the presence of temporary or ephemeral aquatic environments at Montceau as part of a complex limnic ecosystem. Flooding may have been the main driving force by which faunal and floral elements drifted away from their respective biotopes into the depositional areas, thus explaining the co‐occurrence of terrestrial (e.g. myriapods, scorpions, plants), amphibian and aquatic (e.g. conchostracans and syncarids from temporary and permanent settings, respectively) elements in fossil assemblages.  相似文献   

There are close to 2,000 subjective species and about 200 genera of Recent non-marine Ostracoda. Together, Cyprididae (1,000 spp.) and Candonidae (c. 550 spp.) represent more than 75% of the extant specific diversity; the remaining 11 families comprise the other 25% of the species. The Palaearctic region has the highest absolute non-marine ostracod diversity, followed by the Afrotropical. The Australian region has the highest relative endemicity. About 90% of the species and 60% of the genera occur in one zoogeographical region only. This means that all the biological mechanisms which lead up to efficient dispersal and which are present in at least part of the non-marine Ostracoda (e.g. brooding, drought-resistant eggs, parthenogenesis) have not induced common cosmopolitan distributions in ostracods. Several habitats are hotspots for ostracod diversity and endemicity. For example, it appears that the ancient lakes hold up to 25% of the total ostracod diversity. Other speciation-prone habitats are groundwater, temporary pools and Australian salt lakes; in the latter two instances, cladogenesis has often been paralleled by gigantism. The present ostracod diversity results from 9 to 12 separate invasions of the non-marine habitat, starting about 400 Myr ago. Genetic diversity can be very different in different species, mostly, but not always, related to reproductive mode. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

Indiacypris luxata (Brady), a freshwater ostracod from Sri Lanka is described and both the valves and the limbs and soft parts are figured.  相似文献   

Entocytherids are epifauna on larger crustaceans. We assessed the effectiveness of chlorobutanol and carbonated water for removing entocytherid, Ankylocythere sinuosa, from crayfish, Procambarus clarkii. This was done using different exposure times and by assessing entocytherid and crayfish survival, together with the number of entocytherids removed. According to our results, chlorobutanol submersion of crayfishes in shorter time periods is more effective for removing entocytherids without killing the crayfish host. However, carbonated water submersion is better to extract larger amounts of living entocytherids. Finally, both chemicals are appropriate tools to establish standardised protocols for removing entocytherids from crayfish for ecological studies because the proportions of removed entocytherids per crayfish become constant whatever the entocytherid load of the crayfish. (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A taxonomic reevaluation of five species of Southeast Asian freshwater ostracods formerly assigned to the genus Cypridopsis Brady, 1868 has resulted in the retention of Cypridopsis adusta Sars, 1903, Cypridopsis exigua Sars, 1903 and Cypridopsis dubia Sars, 1903 in Cypridopsis and transfer of Cypridopsis albida (Vavra) 1898 and Cypridopsis arsenia Tressler, 1937 to the genus Plesiocypridopsis Rome, 1965.  相似文献   

The Ontogeny of Neonesidea oligodentata (Bairdioidea, Ostracoda, Crustacea)   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
This is the first detailed ontogenetic study of the appendages and carapace of a bairdioidean ostracod. This paper uses the development of the appendages and changes in the pore systems of the carapace through ontogeny to help determine the relationship between the Bairdioidea and other podocope groups. Neonesidea oligodentata has eight post-embryonic stages: one fewer than the Cypridoidea, Cytheroidea and Darwinuloidea. The first instar of N. oligodentata resembles that of the second instar of the Cypridoidea and Cytheroidea in terms of appendages, and it is postulated that there is an additional instar stage of N. oligodentata that molts within the egg. The general sequence of appearance of the limbs from instar A-7 onwards is similar to that of the Cypridoidea and Cytheroidea, but different from that of the Darwinuloidea. Like the Cypridoidea and Cytheroidea, N. oligodentata has a gap in its ontogenetic development during instar A-6, where no new Anlage is added. Pore system analysis of A-7 instars suggests that the Bairdioidea may be more closely related to the Cypridoidea than to the Cytheroidea.  相似文献   

With respect to Middle Devonian ostracods from western Canada, special cases of palaeocopine extradomiciliar dimorphism are discussed, as in the opinion of many workers are unusual for younger hollinoideans and, in particular, primitiopsoideans. Although the general view that velar dimorphism is the main characteristic of Mid Palaeozoic Palaeocopina is basically not wrong, dimorphic histial structures, even though less conspicuous in aspect, have been recognised in some Mid-Devonian hollinoideans, specifically hollinids and ctenoloculinids. This is now also proven to be true of distinct hollinellids and, by the way, discrete primitiopsids, while distinguishing between narrow-based projections (ridges, flanges, spines) and broad-based protrusions (e.g. lobes). Whereas the former may occur in velar as well as histial situations, lobal features are especially found in the histial position. Special attention is paid to false primitiopsids, being (with some caution) grouped in the Hollinoidea (Family unknown). Essentially, three genera are new or redefined (former left under open nomenclature): Gen. aff. Abditoloculina: multilobate in aspect, lobal (histial) dimorphic; Gen. aff. Gravia: coalesced velar dimorphic; Bisphenella: histial dimorphic. With respect to the hold discussion about ostracod phylogeny, the updated standard classification scheme is given, as applied to Palaeozoic, non-myodocopine ostracods. Reduction of dimorphism in palaeocopines is considered to be an apomorphic character, lack of dimorphism assumed to indicate asexual reproduction. At the same time, a plea is made in favour of reviving Treatise revision.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of the cytheroidean species Loxoconcha japonica is documented from the earliest instar to the adult. The first instar (instar A-8) of L. japonica is different from that of cypridoidean species in that it has an additional appendage, the furca, present. From instar A-7 onwards, the appearance of the appendages is similar to that of cypridoidean and bairdioidean species. The furca is well developed in instars A-8 to A-5, and is probably an important appendage in these early instars, despite its reduced form in the adults. Some appendages of L. japonica (e.g. the antennae) gain very few setae and claws through ontogeny, compared with species from other superfamilies. This possibly reflects paedomorphic evolution of this species.  相似文献   

Four new species of the ostracod genus Gomphocythere are described from Lake Tanganyika (East Africa): Gomphocythere downingi n. sp. G. coheni n. sp., G. wilsoni n. sp., and G. woutersi n. sp. All species are endemic to the lake and are found within a variety of substrates and depths. The addition of these four new species brings the total number of endemic Gomphocythere species in Lake Tanganyika to nine. Other Gomphocythere species are known from water bodies throughout East and South Africa and in the Levant. Brooding is an important, but not a unique, preadaptation for the persistence and taxic prolific speciation of this lineage in Lake Tanganyika.  相似文献   

Dietmar Keyser 《Hydrobiologia》2005,538(1-3):95-106
The noding of Cyprideis torosa is investigated. Studies reveal structural changes in the ornamentation and the cellular layers of the epidermis in the noded area. Noding is caused by the inability of the animal to regulate the increasing osmotic pressure during moulting in low saline water. Therefore it must be considered as a phenotypic and not a genetic response.  相似文献   

Details of ostracode carapace structures were examined by SEM and TEM. The podocopine ostracode Semicytherura kazahana has major ridges on the carapace surface and develops its prismatic layer inside the adult carapace. Electron microscopy at the final molt reveals that the major ridges arise from the highly dense formation of pits within the underlying swollen epidermis, and that disappearance of the epidermis in the presumptive area of the prismatic layer occurs after the calcification of the outer lamella cuticle, and just before synthesis of the membranous layer. These facts suggest that the formation of the carapace in Semicytherura takes place via a more complex process than that of the other podocopid ostracodes.  相似文献   

Deprez  Tim  Wooldridge  Tris  Mees  Jan 《Hydrobiologia》2000,441(1):141-148
The effect of temperature on growth rate, shell size and shell shape in Krithe praetexta praetexta (Sars) was studied in four thermocultures. From July 1995 to June 1996, the cultures were kept in a continuously flowing open system pumping water from the intermediate watermass of the Gullmarn fjord, west coast of Sweden. Three cultures were kept at constant temperatures of 5, 10 and 14 °C, respectively. The fourth (reference) culture largely followed the natural variation in temperature. At the termination of the experiment, all living ostracods from a 125 m sieve were sampled from the cultures. Population age structures were analysed for the various thermocultures of K. praetexta praetexta. These were more shifted towards later ontogenetic stages with higher temperature, i.e. the ontogenetic development was more rapid in the warmer cultures. An alternative explanation is due to diapause causing cohorts to accumulate in some ontogenetic stages only when the temperature is constant. The differences in shell size of K. praetexta praetexta among the thermoconstant cultures were not statistically significant.  相似文献   

Smith  Robin J.  Martens  Koen 《Hydrobiologia》2000,419(1):31-63
The chaetotaxy (shape, structure and distribution of setae) of appendages and valve allometry during the post embryonic ontogeny of the cyprididine ostracod Eucypris virens are described. It is shown that the basic ontogenetic development of E. virens is very similar to that of other species of the family Cyprididae. During ontogeny, the chaetotaxy shows continual development on all podomeres of the limbs with the exception of the last podomere on the antennulae. The long setae on the exopodite and protopodite of the antennae have a natatory function until the actual natatory setae develop in later instars. Aesthetascs (presumed chemoreceptors) ya and y3 are the first to develop and may have an important function in the first instars. Cyprididae require a pediform limb in the posterior of the body presumably to help them to attach to substrates and this is reflected by the pediform nature of one limb at all times throughout all instars. This study has also shown that the fifth limb is most probably of thoracic origin and hence ostracods have only one pair of maxillae.  相似文献   

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