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Mycorrhizal inoculation can enhance outcomes of ecological restoration, but the benefits may be context-dependent. Here, we performed a meta-analysis of field studies to elucidate conditions in which adding mycorrhizal fungi enhances restoration success. We found inoculation increased plant biomass by an average effect size of 1.7 in 70 independent comparisons from 26 field-based studies, with the largest increases to N-fixing woody plants, C4-grasses and plants growing in soils with low plant-available P. Growth responses to inoculation increased with time for the first 3 yr after inoculation, especially for N-fixing woody plants and plants growing in severely altered soils. We found that mycorrhizal inoculation increased species richness of restored plant communities by 30%, promoted establishment of target species, and enhanced similarity of restored to reference communities. We conclude that the addition of mycorrhizal fungi to restoration sites can facilitate rapid establishment of vegetation cover, and restoration of diverse plant communities more akin to reference sites.  相似文献   

Restoration of ecological processes is key to restoring the capacity of ecosystems to support social, economic, cultural and aesthetic values. The sustainability of the restored system also depends on processes associated with carbon, nutrient and hydrologic cycles, yet most restoration monitoring is limited to plant community composition. Our research has shown that short-term plant composition monitoring is a necessary but insufficient predictor of long-term restoration success. Long-term (up to 75 years) studies in the western United States show that short-term monitoring of plant community composition alone incorrectly predicted the failure of treatments that were ultimately successful, and the success of treatments that ultimately failed. We propose that vegetation composition monitoring be combined with one or more ecological process indicators reflecting changes in three fundamental ecosystem attributes on which restoration success depends: soil and site stability, hydrologic function and biotic integrity. These simple, rapid, plot-level indicators reflect changes in resource redistribution and vegetation structure. We include a case study involving restoration of mixed grass prairie on mineland in the west-central United States.  相似文献   

For decades, industry groups and many media outlets have propagated the notion that environmental protection is bad for business. However, missing from this public debate has been a detailed accounting of the U.S. economic output and employment that are created through conservation, restoration, and mitigation actions, which we call the “Restoration Economy.” In this paper, we review related literature, including 14 local and state‐level case studies of privately funded environmental restoration projects. We also review federal and state government programs that fund restoration throughout the United States, revealing the complex nature of this sector. We find growing evidence that the restoration industry not only protects public environmental goods but also contributes to national economic growth and employment, supporting as many as 33 jobs per $1 million invested, with an employment multiplier of between 1.48 and 3.8 (the number of jobs supported by every restoration job) and an output multiplier of between 1.6 and 2.59 (multiplier for total economic output from investments). The existing literature also shows that restoration investments lead to significant positive economic and employment impacts and appear to have particularly localized benefits, which can be attributed to the tendency for projects to employ local labor and materials. While these initial figures are promising, the extent of environmental restoration activities and benefits at a national level is not yet well understood. Our findings reveal the need for a methodological framework for more accurately and broadly estimating the size of the U.S. restoration sector and its impact on the U.S. economy.  相似文献   

Ecological restoration projects have traditionally focused on vegetation as both a means (seeding, planting, and substrate amendments) and ends (success based upon primary productivity and vegetation diversity). This vegetation‐centric approach to ecological restoration stems from an historic emphasis on esthetics and cost but provides a limited measure of total ecosystem functioning and overlooks alternative ways to achieve current and future restoration targets. We advocate a shift to planning beyond the plant community and toward the physical and biological components necessary to initiate autogenic recovery, then guiding this process through the timely introduction of top predators and environmental modifications such as soil amendments and physical structures for animal nesting and refugia.  相似文献   

Ecosystem resilience is the inherent ability to absorb various disturbances and reorganize while undergoing state changes to maintain critical functions. When ecosystem resilience is sufficiently degraded by disturbances, ecosystem is exposed at high risk of shifting from a desirable state to an undesirable state. Ecological thresholds represent the points where even small changes in environmental conditions associated with disturbances lead to switch between ecosystem states. There is a growing body of empirical evidence for such state transitions caused by anthropogenic disturbances in a variety of ecosystems. However, fewer studies addressed the interaction of anthropogenic and natural disturbances that often force an ecosystem to cross a threshold which an anthropogenic disturbance or a natural disturbance alone would not have achieved. This fact highlights how little is known about ecosystem dynamics under uncertainties around multiple and stochastic disturbances. Here, we present two perspectives for providing a predictive scientific basis to the management and conservation of ecosystems against multiple and stochastic disturbances. The first is management of predictable anthropogenic disturbances to maintain a sufficient level of biodiversity for ensuring ecosystem resilience (i.e., resilience-based management). Several biological diversity elements appear to confer ecosystem resilience, such as functional redundancy, response diversity, a dominant species, a foundation species, or a keystone species. The greatest research challenge is to identify key elements of biodiversity conferring ecosystem resilience for each context and to examine how we can manage and conserve them. The second is the identification of ecological thresholds along existing or experimental disturbance gradients. This will facilitate the development of indicators of proximity to thresholds as well as the understanding of threshold mechanisms. The implementation of forewarning indicators will be critical particularly when resilience-based management fails. The ability to detect an ecological threshold along disturbance gradients should therefore be essential to establish a backstop for preventing the threshold from being crossed. These perspectives can take us beyond simply invoking the precautionary principle of conserving biodiversity to a predictive science that informs practical solutions to cope with uncertainties and ecological surprises in a changing world.  相似文献   

We introduce a new method for quantifying the ecological condition (C) of sites based on documented species’ responses to environmental stress. Preliminary research is needed to establish species-specific logistic functions, representing probabilities of finding individual species across an explicit reference gradient, ranging from maximally stressed (C = 0) to minimally stressed (C = 10) localities. Each function takes into account the species’ tolerance to stress, the species’ overall ubiquity, and the probability of detecting the species when it is present. Given a set of standardized species-specific functions, the ecological condition of any site can be derived by iteration, converging on the value of C that best “predicts” the species that are actually present. Species from multiple taxonomic groups can be included in the calculations, and results are not directly affected by species richness or sampling area. We demonstrate a successful application of this method for bird species assemblages in the U.S. portion of the Great Lakes coastal zone. Approximately, 28% of the bird species observed in the Eastern Deciduous Forest Ecological Province and 35% of the species in the Laurentian Mixed Forest Ecological Province showed strong relationships with a reference gradient of land cover variables. Functional stress–response relationships of these species can be used effectively to estimate ecological condition at new sites. The estimated condition based on bird species generally mirrors the reference condition, but deviations from the expected 1:1 relationship provide meaningful insights about ecological condition of the target areas. Sensitivity analysis using different numbers of species shows that our method is robust and can be applied consistently with 25–30 species exhibiting strong stress–response functions.  相似文献   

灌木作为干旱半干旱地区植被的主要组成部分,对于维持生态系统稳定性和发挥生态服务功能具有重要作用。灌丛保育效应可以减轻限制性因子对目标植物生长和繁殖的不利影响,促进退化生境植物物种自然更新和植被恢复。本文综述了近20年有关灌丛保育效应研究和应用的主要成果,从微生境改善、肥岛形成、防御和抵抗作用发挥、有益微生物引入和协助繁殖体传播或保存以及种间竞争网络格局改变等方面阐述灌丛保育效应的促进机制,并从非生物环境、生物干扰、生活史阶段和生长繁殖策略等方面分析影响灌丛保育效应发挥的关键因素。从完善灌丛保育效应的理论机制和开展多因素共同作用下多植物物种相互作用关系模型构建角度,对灌丛保育效应的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

Functional trait diversity provides a powerful means of addressing ecology's persistent questions, through its dual role as an indicator of mechanisms driving differences in species composition between communities and as a predictor of ecosystem‐level processes. Functional traits provide a means of testing mechanisms behind species turnover between communities because environmental heterogeneity, competition and disturbance influence species fitness via their traits. Functional traits also provide a link between species and multiple ecosystem‐level processes, such as primary productivity, nutrient fluxes and resilience, since species influence these processes via their traits. This special issue demonstrates that functional diversity offers a practical means of investigating ecology's persistent questions.  相似文献   

Global increases in the magnitude and frequency of flood events have raised concerns that traditional flood management approaches may not be sufficient to deal with future uncertainties. There is a need to move towards approaches that manage the resilience of the system to floods by understanding and managing drivers of vulnerability and adaptive capacity. Here we pilot an approach to measure the resilience of a system to a flood. A method is presented in which indicators are used to measure and map the spatial distribution of the levels of flood resilience across a landscape. Using three flood affected municipalities in South Africa, 24 resilience indicators related to floods and its relevant social, ecological, infrastructural and economic aspects are selected, and integrated into a composite index using a principal components analysis (PCA). A fifth component of institutional resilience is used to explore levels of disaster planning, mitigation and public awareness capacities and where these can be increased. The PCA transformed the 24 variables into four main components, the first of which was strongly correlated with underlying social variables, while the second and third correlated well with economic and ecological variables respectively. Distinct spatial variation of flood resilience was found across the study area, with highest flood resilience in main cities, and lowest in wards located on the periphery of cities often the location of peri-urban informal settlements. The disaggregation of underlying indicators showed wards with lowest flood resilience also had the lowest social, economic and ecological resilience. The flood resilience index was sensitive to the exclusion of all three components highlighting the importance of capturing the multidimensionality of flood resilience. The approach allows for a simple, yet robust index able to include an array of datasets generally available in flood prone areas with potential to disaggregate and trace variables for management and decision making.  相似文献   

The study of global environmental change and its effect on biodiversity and ecosystem function is at an exciting crossroads, at which ideas developed largely through theory and small-scale experiments are now being tested with ecosystem services as they are delivered to people in real-world landscapes. Pollinators and pollination are emerging as a model system for exploring these questions, which inherently required working large spatio-temporal scales. In this Invited View, I discuss current questions that are at the leading edge of this research. I first point out some surprising knowledge gaps in our understanding of pollinators’ response to global change. I then outline several ways in which current understanding of the biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationship might be transformed by studies conducted at large spatio-temporal scales. Specifically, I propose two hypotheses that relate to the number of species required to saturate ecosystem function, and to the mechanisms through which biodiversity stabilizes ecosystem function over space or time.  相似文献   

Body-size spectrum has proved to be a highly informative indicator to summarize the functional structure of a community at taxon-free resolution. In this study, an approach based on body-size spectrum of protozoan communities was used to detect the defense of microalgae against protozoan grazing. The biofilm-dwelling protozoan communities were used as a test predator system, and two algal species, Chlorella sp. and Nannochloropsis oceanica, were employed as test microalgae. A nine-day bioassay test was carried out by exposing biofilm-dwelling protozoan communities to a gradient of concentrations 100 (control), 104, 105, 106, and 107 cell ml−1 of both microalgae, respectively. Results showed that both algal species represented strong defense effects on the test predator system at different levels of concentration. The body-size distinctness of the protozoan assemblages showed a sharp decrease at high concentration level more than 106 cell ml−1 in both algal treatments. Based on the paired body-size distinctness indices of the protozoa, ellipse tests demonstrated that the body-size spectrum showed an increasing trend of departure from the expected pattern with increasing concentrations of both test algae. Thus, it is suggested that the body-size spectrum of protozoa may be used as a useful indicator to identify the defense of microalgae against protozoan grazing.  相似文献   

Recent concepts of environmental sustainability have focused on narrative economic and societal aspects rather than quantitative ones. Many key sustainability indicators also lack a consistent definition of sustainability, have perspectives that are too short-term, and are unable to model the dynamics of complex environmental utilization which can then result in inappropriate projection of long-term sustainability and/or sustainability indication. Here I propose a generalized quantitative framework of environmental sustainability requiring that (1) environmental capacities and utilization rates are identified, (2) their complex temporal dynamics are quantitatively modeled or estimated (3) while also adjusting for uncertainties, and finally, (4) using one of three options, determining which cumulative utilization pathways can be sustained for a (usually well-defined) period of time. Using the example of wood volume and its growth as capacities and harvest as utilization, and the example of global greenhouse gas emissions as the utilization component and the capacity of the air to absorb these emissions, I demonstrate how the proposed framework can be applied in practice, how sustainability indicators could be developed, and also how they can inform policies and measures to ensure sustainability.  相似文献   

As the pace of ecosystem restoration increases, more attention has been directed towards understanding public preferences for ecosystem restoration projects. This paper utilizes a choice experiments technique to evaluate the restoration project of an endangered species, Nymphoides peltata (known locally as asaza) in Lake Kasumigaura, Japan. The restoration project evaluated in this paper consists of two attributes: an extinction risk and a lakeshore ecosystem. First, we observe a positive willingness-to-pay for the vegetation restoration project: the mean willingness-to-pay for restoring the endangered specie and avoiding extinction was about JPY6,800 and the mean willingness-to-pay for restoring the covering area to the ideal condition that the species originally inhabited in 1996 was about JPY1,600. Second, we clarify what kinds of individual characteristics affect preferences for restoration projects compared with preferences for the status quo. The results show that respondents who have strong environmental attitudes, visit experience, high income, and are female are more likely to prefer restoration projects to the status quo. Third, we investigate whether knowledge and comprehension of ecological information have any influence on respondents’ value formations. We find that respondents’ comprehension of ecological information is positively related to their willingness-to-pay for the avoidable level of extinction risk attribute, while respondents’ knowledge of ecological terms has no effect. Overall, our findings suggest that the public strongly desires the avoidance of extinction of endangered species, and indicates that researchers should be careful about how ecological information is given.
Yohei MitaniEmail:

高原湖泊流域是高原地区人类活动的重要载体,兼具高生态价值和高脆弱性的特点。随着高原湖泊流域城市化和工业化发展加速,湖泊面积萎缩,污染加剧,流域生态环境受损严重,引发了一系列生态环境问题,如水土流失、水污染、湿地退化、生境质量下降等。亟需开展生态修复以平衡经济发展与生态环境保护之间关系,而基于整体保护与系统治理思维诊断并修复生态修复优先区,是科学有序推进国土空间生态保护与修复的重要抓手。基于此,研究以高原湖泊流域典型代表滇池流域为例,利用人类足迹和景观生态风险模型定量评估生态系统所受负向干扰,以最小累积阻力模型和电路理论构建流域生态网络;提取生态网络受负向干扰较高的关键区域为生态修复优先区并提出针对性修复措施。研究表明:(1)滇池流域人类干扰和生态风险整体较高,人类干扰整体呈核心—边缘递减的圈层式分布,中高生态风险占据了绝大部分区域。人类交通网络大幅扩展了人类干扰和生态风险的强度和深度;(2)区域生态网络呈典型湖泊生态网络特点,38条生态廊道呈放射状或环状分布,连通湖区、山区两大生态空间内共23块生态源地,保障区域生态安全;(3)研究共提取生态源地修复优先区73.83km2  相似文献   

“再野化”:山水林田湖草生态保护修复的新思路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨锐  曹越 《生态学报》2019,39(23):8763-8770
作为一种新兴的生态保护修复方法,“再野化”(rewilding)是指特定区域中荒野程度的提升过程,尤其强调提升生态系统韧性和维持生物多样性。再野化实践的核心要素包括保护核心荒野地、增加荒野地的连通性、保护和重引入关键种(包括大型食肉动物)、适度允许自然干扰的发生、降低人类干扰和管理程度、拆除部分人工基础设施等。评述了北美洲和欧洲的再野化实践。通过比较研究,提出基于再野化的我国山水林田湖草生态保护修复的新思路,包括战略层面的5项转变和行动层面的5项建议。5项战略转变,包括从还原论思维转向整体思维、从工程性修复转向保护优先和自然恢复为主、从项目尺度转向景观尺度、从短期试点转向长期实践、从政府主导转向多方参与;5项行动建议,包括开展荒野和再野化基础调查、保护仅存的高价值荒野地、探索“城-乡-野”系统性再野化途径、以荒野保护区和再野化区域为核心建立大尺度景观保护网络、开展基于再野化的生态体验和自然教育。  相似文献   

延安市生态修复双赢模式实证研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
曹世雄  刘伟  赵麦换  冯飞 《生态学报》2018,38(22):7879-7885
"越穷越垦、越垦越穷"的贫困陷阱是困扰全球可持续发展的学术难题之一,探索摆脱贫困陷阱的有效途径,是生态修复的核心目标。因此,生态修复不仅要依据当地气候与地理条件开展生态治理,同时要改变当地居民的生产生活行为,发展有利于生态修复的绿色产业,使当地居民的生产生活行为既可以提高收入、改善生活,又有利于生态修复。从而摆脱"越穷越垦、越垦越穷"的被动局面,实现生态修复与居民生计改善的双赢目标。为了验证这一模式的可行性,该研究在退耕还林项目实施的基础上,通过补短板的方式,在延安市开展了生态修复双赢模式实证研究。结果表明,新方案实施前,延安市NDVI增长速度是陕西省平均水平的41%;新方案实施后,是陕西省平均水平的195%,新方案的贡献率为74.0%。双赢模式较好解决了环境保护与社会经济发展彼此分离的这一矛盾,提高了生态修复的治理效果,为我国生态脆弱区精准扶贫和生态文明建设提供了理论依据和治理样板。  相似文献   

Effects of air pollution on biogenic volatiles and ecological interactions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chemical signals play important roles in ecological interactions but are vulnerable to perturbation by air pollution. In polluted air masses, signals may travel shorter distances before being destroyed by chemical reactions with pollutants, thus losing their specificity. To determine which scent-mediated interactions are likely to be affected, we review existing literature to build a picture of what chemicals are commonly found in such interactions and the spatial scales at which interactions occur. We find that pollination, attraction of natural enemies of plant pests, aggregation pheromones, and mate attraction are likely to be affected. We review the scant literature on this topic and extend the hypothesis to include heretofore unexplored interactions. New research should investigate whether air pollution deleteriously affects populations of organisms that rely on scent plumes. Additionally, we need to investigate whether or not breakdown products created by the reaction of signaling chemicals with pollutants can provide usable signals, and whether or not there has been adaptation on the part of scent emitters or receivers to use either breakdown products or more robust chemical signals. The proposed research will necessarily draw on tools from atmospheric science, evolutionary biology, and ecology in furthering our understanding of the ecological implications of how air pollution modifies the scentscape.  相似文献   

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