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Detection of Toxoplasma gondii Oocysts in Drinking Water   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The world’s largest outbreak of waterborne toxoplasmosis occurred in a municipality in the western Canadian province of British Columbia. When drinking water emerged as a possible source of infection during the outbreak investigation, a laboratory method was needed to attempt detection of the parasite, Toxoplasma gondii. The method developed was based on the current U.S. Environmental Protection Agency method for detection of Cryptosporidium oocysts. Collection of large-volume drinking water samples and cartridge filter processing were unchanged, although identification of Toxoplasma oocysts in the filter retentate was carried out by using a previously described rodent model. Validation of the method developed was tested by using oocysts from a well-characterized Toxoplasma strain.  相似文献   

Inactivation of Toxoplasma gondii oocysts occurred with exposure to pulsed and continuous UV radiation, as evidenced by mouse bioassay. Even at doses of ≥500 mJ/cm2, some oocysts retained their viability.  相似文献   

Infections caused by Toxoplasma gondii are widely prevalent in animals and humans throughout the world. In the United States, an estimated 23% of adolescents and adults have laboratory evidence of T. gondii infection. T. gondii has been identified as a major opportunistic pathogen in immunocompromised individuals, in whom it can cause life-threatening disease. Water contaminated with feces from domestic cats or other felids may be an important source of human exposure to T. gondii oocysts. Because of the lack of information regarding the prevalence of T. gondii in surface waters, there is a clear need for a rapid, sensitive method to detect T. gondii from water. Currently available animal models and cell culture methods are time-consuming, expensive, and labor-intensive, requiring days or weeks for results to be obtained. Detection of T. gondii nucleic acid by PCR has become the preferred method. We have developed a PCR amplification and detection method for T. gondii oocyst nucleic acid that incorporates the use of hot-start amplification to reduce nonspecific primer annealing, uracil-N-glycosylase to prevent false-positive results due to carryover contamination, an internal standard control to identify false-negative results due to inadequate removal of sample inhibition, and PCR product oligoprobe confirmation using a nonradioactive DNA hybridization immunoassay. This method can provide positive, confirmed results in less than 1 day. Fewer than 50 oocysts can be detected following recovery of oocyst DNA. Development of a T. gondii oocyst PCR detection method will provide a useful technique to estimate the levels of T. gondii oocysts present in surface waters.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The excystation of sporozoites from intact Toxoplasma gondii oocysts or mechanically released sporocysts was studied by light and electron microscopy. Both intact oocysts and free sporocysts excysted in 5% bovine bile in 0.9% NaCl solution after 30–60 min incubation at 37 C. Sporozoites were first activated in either intact sporocysts or oocysts within 2–12 min of incubation in bile. Sporozoites escaped from sporocysts through 4 plate-like sutures in the sporocyst wall, and from the oocyst as the oocyst wall ruptured at one or more points.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. We have been collaborating since 1992 in studies on southern sea otters ( Enhdyra lutris nereis ) as part of a program to define factors, which may be responsible for limiting the growth of the southern sea otter population. We previously demonstrated Toxoplasma gondii in sea otiers. We postulated that cat feces containing oocysts could be entering the marine environment through storm run-off or through municipal sewage since cat feces are often disposed down toilets by cat owners. The present study examined the sporulation of T. gondii oocysts in seawater and the survival of sporulated oocysts in seawater. Unsporulated oocysts were placed in 1.5 ppt artificial seawater, 32 ppt artificial seawater or 2% sulfuric acid (positive control) at 24 C in an incubator. Samples were examined daily for 3 days and development monitored by counting 100 oocysts from each sample. From 75 to 80% of the oocysts were sporulated by 3 days post-inoculation under all treatment conditions. Groups of 2 mice were fed 10,000 oocysts each from each of the 3 treatment groups. All inoculated mice developed toxoplasmosis indicating that oocysts were capable of sporulating in seawater. Survival of sporulated oocysts was examined by placing sporulated T. gondii oocysts in 15 ppt seawater at room temperature 22–24 C (RT) or in a refrigerator kept at 4 C. Mice fed oocysts that had been stored at 4C or RT for 6 months became infected. These results indicate that T. gondii oocysts can sporulate and remain viable in seawater for several months.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. Toxoplasma gondii infections have been reported in a number of marine mammals. Presently it is not known how these animals acquire T. gondii from their aquatic environment. The eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica , has been shown to remove Cryptosporidium oocysts from seawater and a similar phenomenon may be occurring with T. gondii oocysts and marine invertebrates. The present study was done to determine if eastern oysters could remove and retain T. gondii oocysts from seawater. Oocysts of the VEG strain of T. gondii (1 × 106 oocysts) were placed in seawater (32 ppt NaCl) containing live eastern oysters. The infected seawater was removed one day postinoculation (PI) and replaced with fresh seawater. Selected oysters were removed at 1, 3 and 6 days PL Hemolymph, gill washes, and oyster tissue were collected separately at each observation time. The oyster tissue was homogenized and all 3 samples fed separately to mice. Toxoplasma gondii positive mice were observed at each time period. The results indicate that T. gondii oocysts can be removed from seawater by eastern oysters and retain their infectivity. Contaminated raw oysters may serve as a source of T. gondii infection for marine mammals and humans.  相似文献   

The physical properties that govern the waterborne transmission of Toxoplasma gondii oocysts from land to sea were evaluated and compared to the properties of carboxylated microspheres, which could serve as surrogates for T. gondii oocysts in transport and water treatment studies. The electrophoretic mobilities of T. gondii oocysts, lightly carboxylated Dragon Green microspheres, and heavily carboxylated Glacial Blue microspheres were determined in ultrapure water, artificial freshwater with and without dissolved organic carbon, artificial estuarine water, and artificial seawater. The surface wettabilities of oocysts and microspheres were determined using a water contact angle approach. Toxoplasma gondii oocysts and microspheres were negatively charged in freshwater solutions, but their charges were neutralized in estuarine water and seawater. Oocysts, Glacial Blue microspheres, and unwashed Dragon Green microspheres had low contact angles, indicating that they were hydrophilic; however, once washed, Dragon Green microspheres became markedly hydrophobic. The hydrophilic nature and negative charge of T. gondii oocysts in freshwater could facilitate widespread contamination of waterways. The loss of charge observed in saline waters may lead to flocculation and subsequent accumulation of T. gondii oocysts in locations where freshwater and marine water mix, indicating a high risk of exposure for humans and wildlife in estuarine habitats with this zoonotic pathogen. While microspheres did not have surface properties identical to those of T. gondii, similar properties shared between each microsphere type and oocysts suggest that their joint application in transport and fate studies could provide a range of transport potentials in which oocysts are likely to behave.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii is a zoonotic parasite resulting in human infections and one of the infectious pathogens leading to uveitis and retinochoroiditis. The present study was performed to assess T. gondii infection in 20 ocular patients with chronic irregular recurrent uveitis (20 aqueous humor and 20 peripheral blood samples) using PCR. All samples were analyzed by nested PCR targeting a specific B1 gene of T. gondii. The PCR-positive rate was 25% (5/20), including 5% (1) in blood samples, 25% (5) in aqueous humor samples, and 5% (1) in both sample types. A molecular screening test for T. gondii infection in ocular patients with common clinical findings of an unclear retinal margin and an inflammatory membrane over the retina, as seen by fundus examination, may be helpful for early diagnosis and treatment.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular protozoan pathogen that commonly infects humans. It is a well characterized apicomplexan associated with causing food- and water-borne disease outbreaks. The definitive host is the feline species where sexual replication occurs resulting in the development of the highly infectious and environmentally resistant oocyst. Infection occurs via ingestion of tissue cysts from contaminated meat or oocysts from soil or water. Infection is typically asymptomatic in healthy individuals, but results in a life-long latent infection that can reactivate causing toxoplasmic encephalitis and death if the individual becomes immunocompromised. Meat contaminated with T. gondii cysts have been the primary source of infection in Europe and the United States, but recent changes in animal management and husbandry practices and improved food handling and processing procedures have significantly reduced the prevalence of T. gondii cysts in meat1, 2. Nonetheless, seroprevalence in humans remains relatively high suggesting that exposure from oocyst contaminated soil or water is likely. Indeed, waterborne outbreaks of toxoplasmosis have been reported worldwide supporting the theory exposure to the environmental oocyst form poses a significant health risk3-5. To date, research on understanding the prevalence of T. gondii oocysts in the water and environment are limited due to the lack of tools to detect oocysts in the environment 5, 6. This is primarily due to the lack of efficient purification protocols for obtaining large numbers of highly purified T gondii oocysts from infected cats for research purposes. This study describes the development of a modified CsCl method that easily purifies T. gondii oocysts from feces of infected cats that are suitable for molecular biological and tissue culture manipulation7.  相似文献   

In China alone, an estimated 30 million people are at risk of schistosomiasis, caused by the Schistosoma japonicum parasite. Disease has re-emerged in several regions that had previously attained transmission control, reinforcing the need for active surveillance. The environmental stage of the parasite is known to exhibit high spatial and temporal variability, and current detection techniques rely on a sentinel mouse method which has serious limitations in obtaining data in both time and space. Here we describe a real-time PCR assay to quantitatively detect S. japonicum cercariae in laboratory samples and in natural water that has been spiked with known numbers of S. japonicum. Multiple primers were designed and assessed, and the best performing set, along with a TaqMan probe, was used to quantify S. japonicum. The resulting assay was selective, with no amplification detected for Schistosoma mansoni, Schistosoma haematobium, avian schistosomes nor organisms present in non-endemic surface water samples. Repeated samples containing various concentrations of S. japonicum cercariae showed that the real-time PCR method had a strong linear correlation (R2 = 0.921) with light microscopy counts, and the detection limit was below the DNA equivalent of half of one cercaria. Various cercarial concentrations spiked in 1 liter of natural water followed by a filtration process produced positive detection from 93% of samples analyzed. The real-time PCR method performed well quantifying the relative concentrations of various spiked samples, although the absolute concentration estimates exhibited high variance across replicated samples. Overall, the method has the potential to be applied to environmental water samples to produce a rapid, reliable assay for cercarial location in endemic areas.  相似文献   

目的建立快速、灵敏、特异及检测结果易判断的PCR方法,并应用于大规模猕猴种群的弓形虫常规检测中。同时比较巢式PCR和单一PCR的一致性。方法根据弓形虫保守基因p30(SAG1)设计了内、外两对进行巢式PCR扩增以及B1基因设计一对引物进行单一PCR扩增,将DNA样本进行10倍倍比稀释,以检测巢式PCR反应的灵敏度;并对医学生物学研究所自繁猕猴共150只进行了弓形虫检测。结果巢式PCR检测法检测限度可达10^-3ng/uL,而且方法特异。两种PCR法检测结果基本一致,其中巢式PCR检测阳性率(10%)稍高于单一PCR检测阳性率(8.67%)。结论巢式PCR和一次PCR方法都可应用于猕猴弓形虫的常规检测中,并提示巢式PCR比单一PCR更敏感、检出率更高。  相似文献   

Several recent outbreaks of toxoplasmosis were related to drinking water. We propose a strategy for Toxoplasma oocyst detection as part of an approach to detecting multiple waterborne parasites, including Giardia and Cryptosporidium spp., by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency method with the same sample. Water samples are filtered to recover Toxoplasma oocysts and purified on a sucrose density gradient. Detection is based on PCR and mouse inoculation (bioassay) to determine the presence and infectivity of recovered oocysts. In an experimental seeding assay with 100 liters of deionized water, a parasite density of 1 oocyst/liter was successfully detected by PCR in 60% of cases and a density of 10 oocysts/liter was detected in 100% of cases. The sensitivity of the PCR assay varied from less than 10 to more than 1000 oocysts/liter, depending on the sample source. PCR was always more sensitive than mouse inoculation. This detection strategy was then applied to 139 environmental water samples collected over a 20-month period. Fifty-three samples contained PCR inhibitors, which were overcome in 39 cases by bovine serum albumin addition. Among 125 interpretable samples, we detected Toxoplasma DNA in 10 cases (8%). None of the samples were positive by mouse inoculation. This strategy efficiently detects Toxoplasma oocysts in water and may be suitable as a public health sentinel method.  相似文献   

Contamination of hospital water systems with legionellae is a well-known cause of nosocomial legionellosis. We describe a new real-time LightCycler PCR assay for quantitative determination of legionellae in potable water samples. Primers that amplify both a 386-bp fragment of the 16S rRNA gene from Legionella spp. and a specifically cloned fragment of the phage lambda, added to each sample as an internal inhibitor control, were used. The amplified products were detected by use of a dual-color hybridization probe assay design and quantified with external standards composed of Legionella pneumophila genomic DNA. The PCR assay had a sensitivity of 1 fg of Legionella DNA (i.e., less than one Legionella organism) per assay and detected 44 Legionella species and serogroups. Seventy-seven water samples from three hospitals were investigated by PCR and culture. The rates of detection of legionellae were 98.7% (76 of 77) by the PCR assay and 70.1% (54 of 77) by culture; PCR inhibitors were detected in one sample. The amounts of legionellae calculated from the PCR results were associated with the CFU detected by culture (r = 0.57; P < 0.001), but PCR results were mostly higher than the culture results. Since L. pneumophila is the main cause of legionellosis, we further developed a quantitative L. pneumophila-specific PCR assay targeting the macrophage infectivity potentiator (mip) gene, which codes for an immunophilin of the FK506 binding protein family. All but one of the 16S rRNA gene PCR-positive water samples were also positive in the mip gene PCR, and the results of the two PCR assays were correlated. In conclusion, the newly developed Legionella genus-specific and L. pneumophila species-specific PCR assays proved to be valuable tools for investigation of Legionella contamination in potable water systems.  相似文献   

Malaria is endemic in the Cukurova region while it is sporadic in other regions of Turkey. Therefore, the laboratory and clinical diagnosis of malaria is important for the treatment of malaria. In this study, 92 blood samples that were taken from the suspected malaria patients for routine diagnosis in a period of 10 years between 1999 and 2009 were analyzed. All of these blood samples were examined by microscopic examinations using Giemsa-stained thick blood films, nested PCR, and real-time PCR. The sensitivity-specificity and positive-negative predictive values for these diagnostic tests were then calculated. It was found that the positive predictive values of microscopic examination of thick blood films, nested PCR, and real-time PCR were 47.8%, 56.5%, and 60.9% for malaria, respectively. The real-time PCR was found to have a specificity of 75% and sensitivity of 100%, while specificity and sensitivity of nested PCR was found 81.2% and 97.7% according to the microscopic examination of thick blood films, respectively.  相似文献   

Two methods, centrifugation and flocculation, were evaluated to determine their efficiencies of recovery of Toxoplasma gondii oocysts from contaminated water samples. Demineralized and tap water replicates were inoculated with high numbers of sporulated or unsporulated T. gondii oocysts (1 × 105 and 1 × 104 oocysts). The strain, age, and concentration of the seeded oocysts were recorded. Oocysts were recovered either by centrifugation of the contaminated samples at various g values or by flocculation with two coagulants, Fe2(SO4)3 and Al2(SO4)3. The recovery rates were determined with the final pellets by phase-contrast microscopy. Sporulated oocysts were recovered more effectively by flocculation with Al2(SO4)3 (96.5% ± 21.7%) than by flocculation with Fe2(SO4)3 (93.1% ± 8.1%) or by centrifugation at 2,073 × g (82.5% ± 6.8%). For the unsporulated oocysts, flocculation with Fe2(SO4)3 was more successful (100.3% ± 26.9%) than flocculation with Al2(SO4)3 (90.4% ± 19.1%) or centrifugation at 2,565 × g (97.2% ± 12.5%). The infectivity of the sporulated oocysts recovered by centrifugation was confirmed by seroconversion of all inoculated mice 77 days postinfection. These data suggest that sporulated Toxoplasma oocysts purified by methods commonly used for waterborne pathogens retain their infectivity after mechanical treatment and are able to induce infections in mammals. This is the first step in developing a systematic approach for the detection of Toxoplasma oocysts in water.  相似文献   

实时荧光PCR快速检测食品中致敏原芹菜成分   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
探讨采用实时荧光PCK技术建立检测食品中致敏原芹菜成分的方法.试验结果表明:针对芹菜管家基因Mrd基因设计的特异性检测引物和探针进行检测时,31种样品经实时PCR扩增,只有芹菜和西芹样品产生阳性的荧光信号,其余样品均不产生荧光信号.灵敏度试验结果表明:该方法对芹菜致敏原基因的检测灵敏度较高,可检测到芹菜过敏原样品中10mg/kg~1mg/kg的含量.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe optimization of SYBR Green I-based real-time PCR parameters and testing of a large number of microbial species with vvh-specific oligonucleotide primers to establish a rapid, specific, and sensitive method for detection of Vibrio vulnificus in oyster tissue homogenate and Gulf of Mexico water (gulf water). Selected oligonucleotide primers for the vvh gene were tested for PCR amplification of a 205-bp DNA fragment with a melting temperature of approximately 87°C for 84 clinical and environmental strains of V. vulnificus. No amplification was observed with other vibrios or nonvibrio strains with these primers. The minimum level of detection by the real-time PCR method was 1 pg of purified genomic DNA or 102 V. vulnificus cells in 1 g of unenriched oyster tissue homogenate or 10 ml of gulf water. It was possible to improve the level of detection to one V. vulnificus cell in samples that were enriched for 5 h. The standard curves prepared from the real-time PCR cycle threshold values revealed that there was a strong correlation between the number of cells in unenriched samples and the number of cells in enriched samples. Detection of a single cell of V. vulnificus in 1 g of enriched oyster tissue homogenate is in compliance with the recent Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Conference guidelines. The entire detection method, including sample processing, enrichment, and real-time PCR amplification, was completed within 8 h, making it a rapid single-day assay. Rapid and sensitive detection of V. vulnificus would ensure a steady supply of postharvest treated oysters to consumers, which should help decrease the number of illnesses or outbreaks caused by this pathogen.  相似文献   

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