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The [14C] moiety from [3H]UDP[14C]glucose was incorporated by intact cotton fibers into hot water soluble, acetic-nitric reagent soluble and insoluble components, and chloroform-methanol soluble lipids; the [3H] UDP moiety was not incorporated. The 3H-label can be exchanged rapidly with unlabeled substrate in a chase experiment. The cell wall apparent free space of cotton fibers was in the order of 30 picomoles per milligram of dry fibers; 25 picomoles per milligram easily exchanged and about 5 picomoles per milligram more tightly adsorbed. At 50 micromolar UDPglucose, 70% of the [14C]glucose was found in the lipid fraction after both a short labeling period and chase. The percent of [14C]glucose incorporated into total glucan increased slightly with chase, but the fraction of total glucans incorporated into insoluble acetic-nitric reagent (cellulose) did increase within a 30-minute chase period. The data supports the concept that glucan synthesis, including cellulose, as well as the synthesis of steryl glucosides, acetylated steryl glucosides, and glucosyl-phosphoryl-polyprenol from externally supplied UDPglucose occurs at the plasma membrane-cell wall interface. The synthase enzymes for such synthesis must be part of this interfacial membrane system.  相似文献   

Several methods are described for distinguishing between the primary wall of the cotton fiber and other fiber components, such as the lumen and the secondary wall. The primary wall, a membrane less than 0.5 μ thick covering the entire fiber, has been stained while still attached to the fiber as well as after it has been mechanically stripped from the fiber. The stains include aqueous or alcoholic solutions of ruthenium red, methylene blue chloride, Nile blue sulfate, oil red, Sudan black B, iodine, and Simons' stain. Various concentrations of sodium hydroxide, cupri-ethylenediamine hydroxide, or sulfuric acid have been used to enhance color changes and to cause cellulosic swelling. Fibers that have been stained with Simons' stain and then swelled with dilute cupri-ethylenediamine hydroxide have shown the greatest color differences between the primary wall and the lumen.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of developing and mature mucilage idioblastsin the shoot apex and leaves of Cinnamomum burmanni and Cinnamomumverum (Lauraceae) is described. In all mucilage cells a suberizedlayer is present in the outer cellulosic cell wall from a veryearly stage in development onwards. This represents the firstultrastructurally documented record of a suberized wall layerin mucilage cells. Oil cells, the other type of secretory idioblastsin Lauraceae, commonly have subenzed wall layers, and the presentresults support suggestions of a possible homology of oil andmucilage cells in the so-called primitive angiosperms Suberized layer, mucilage idioblasts, Cinnamomum burmanni  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate changes in cell wallchemical composition and polymer size in the root tip of intactcotton seedlings (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. Acala SJ-2) grownin saline environments, in order to relate the interaction betweenhigh salinity and root growth to possible changes in cell wallmetabolism. Cotton seedlings were grown in modified Hoagland nutrient solutionwith various combinations of NaCl and CaCl2. Cell walls werefractionated into four fractions (pectin, hemicellulose 1 and2, cellulose), and analysed for their total sugar content, neutralsugar composition and size of polysaccharides. At 1 mol m–3Ca, 150 mol m–3 NaCl resulted in a significant increasein the cell wall uronic acid content, but a reduction in cellulosecontent on a per unit dry weight basis. Supplemental Ca overcamethe inhibitory effect of high Na on cellulose content. The neutralsugar composition of the cell wall fractions showed no majorchanges caused by varied Na/Ca ratios. Determinations of polysaccharidepolymer size showed that high Na at 1 mol m–3 Ca led toan increase in the amount of polysaccharides of intermediatemolecular size and a decrease in that of small size in the hemicellulose1 fraction, indicating a possible inhibition of polysaccharidedegradation by high Na. This change was not observed in the10 mol m–3 Ca treatments. The results reveal a relationshipbetween the effects of high salinity on root growth and cellwall metabolism, particularly in regard to cellulose biosynthesis Key words: Gossypium hirsutum, salinity, root, cell wall  相似文献   

Dugger WM  Palmer RL 《Plant physiology》1988,86(4):1270-1275
Intact, in vitro-grown cotton fibers will incorporate [14C]glucose from externally supplied UDP[14C]glucose into a variety of cell wall components including cellulose; this labeled fraction will continue to increase up to 4 hours chase time. In the fraction soluble in hot water there was no significant change in total label; however, the largest fraction after the 30 minute pulse with UDP[14C]glucose was chloroform-methanol soluble (70%) and showed a significant decrease with chase. The lipids that make up about 85% of this fraction were identified by TLC as steryl glucosides, acylated steryl glucosides, and glucosyl-phosphoryl-polyprenol. Following the pulse, the loss of label from acylated steryl glucosides and glucosylphophoryl-polyprenol was almost complete within 2 hours of chase; steryl glucosides made up about 85% of the fraction at that chase time. The total loss in the lipid fraction (about 100 picomoles per milligram dry weight of fiber) with chase times of 4 hours approximates the total gain in the total glucans.  相似文献   

Nature’s fastest motors are the cochlear outer hair cells (OHCs). These sensory cells use a membrane protein, Slc26a5 (prestin), to generate mechanical force at high frequencies, which is essential for explaining the exquisite hearing sensitivity of mammalian ears. Previous studies suggest that Slc26a5 continuously diffuses within the membrane, but how can a freely moving motor protein effectively convey forces critical for hearing? To provide direct evidence in OHCs for freely moving Slc26a5 molecules, we created a knockin mouse where Slc26a5 is fused with YFP. These mice and four other strains expressing fluorescently labeled membrane proteins were used to examine their lateral diffusion in the OHC lateral wall. All five proteins showed minimal diffusion, but did move after pharmacological disruption of membrane-associated structures with a cholesterol-depleting agent and salicylate. Thus, our results demonstrate that OHC lateral wall structure constrains the mobility of plasma membrane proteins and that the integrity of such membrane-associated structures are critical for Slc26a5’s active and structural roles. The structural constraint of membrane proteins may exemplify convergent evolution of cellular motors across species. Our findings also suggest a possible mechanism for disorders of cholesterol metabolism with hearing loss such as Niemann-Pick Type C diseases.  相似文献   

Primary Cell Wall Structure in the Evolution of Land Plants   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Investigation of the primary cell walls of lower plants improves our understanding of the cell biology of these organisms but also has the potential to improve our understanding of cell wall structure and function in angiosperms that evolved from lower plants. Cell walls were prepared from eight species, ranging from a moss to advanced gymnosperms, and subjected to sequential chemical extraction to separate the main polysaccharide fractions. The glycosyl compositions of these fractions were then determined by gas chromatography. The results were compared among the eight plants and among data from related studies reported in the existing published reports to identify structural features that have been either highly conserved or clearly modified during evolution. Among the highly conserved features are the presence of a cellulose framework, the presence of certain hemicelluloses such as xyloglucan, and the presence of rhamnogalacturonan II, a domain in pectic polysaccharides. Among the modified features are the abundance of mannosyl-containing hemicelluloses and the presence of methylated sugars.  相似文献   

A cell cycle-specific incorporation of free lipoprotein into the outer membrane of Escherichia coli was observed, with a maximal rate of incorporation occuring at the time of septation.  相似文献   

A detailed knowledge of cell wall heterogeneity and complexity is crucial for understanding plant growth and development. One key challenge is to establish links between polysaccharide-rich cell walls and their phenotypic characteristics. It is of particular interest for some plant material, like cotton fibers, which are of both biological and industrial importance. To this end, we attempted to study cotton fiber characteristics together with glycan arrays using regression based approaches. Taking advantage of the comprehensive microarray polymer profiling technique (CoMPP), 32 cotton lines from different cotton species were studied. The glycan array was generated by sequential extraction of cell wall polysaccharides from mature cotton fibers and screening samples against eleven extensively characterized cell wall probes. Also, phenotypic characteristics of cotton fibers such as length, strength, elongation and micronaire were measured. The relationship between the two datasets was established in an integrative manner using linear regression methods. In the conducted analysis, we demonstrated the usefulness of regression based approaches in establishing a relationship between glycan measurements and phenotypic traits. In addition, the analysis also identified specific polysaccharides which may play a major role during fiber development for the final fiber characteristics. Three different regression methods identified a negative correlation between micronaire and the xyloglucan and homogalacturonan probes. Moreover, homogalacturonan and callose were shown to be significant predictors for fiber length. The role of these polysaccharides was already pointed out in previous cell wall elongation studies. Additional relationships were predicted for fiber strength and elongation which will need further experimental validation.  相似文献   

The gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) antagonists bicuculline and picrotoxin stimulate a four- to fivefold increase in endogenous dopamine release from isolated intact carp retina. The release evoked by these agents is Ca2+ dependent, a finding suggesting a vesicular release. Using light microscopic autoradiography, we have localized the sites of dopamine release to the dopaminergic interplexiform cell processes of the outer plexiform layer, which synapse onto horizontal cells. Our findings support previous suggestions that the dopaminergic interplexiform cells receive GABAergic inhibitory input and that the effects of GABA antagonists on horizontal cells are mediated by dopamine release from the interplexiform cells.  相似文献   

Serpe MD  Matthews MA 《Plant physiology》1992,100(4):1852-1857
Elongation and epidermal cell turgor (P) of Begonia argenteoguttata L. leaves were simultaneously measured to determine the wall-yielding behavior of growing leaf cells in response to changes in plant water status. Rapid changes in plant water status were imposed by irrigating the rooting media with solutions of −0.20 and −0.30 MPa mannitol. These treatments caused decreases in P of 0.09 and 0.17 MPa, respectively. The decreases in P were complete within 10 min, and P did not change thereafter. Following treatments, leaf elongation was nil for periods of 25 to 38 min. Subsequently, elongation recovered to steady rates that were 45 or 75% lower than in the well-watered controls. Leaves of plants that were pretreated with −0.30 MPa of mannitol and rewatered showed an increase in P of 0.19 MPa, which was complete within 15 min; P did not change thereafter. Rewatering caused a several-fold increase in leaf elongation rates, which subsequently declined while P was increasing, to reach steady rates similar to that of the controls. Several estimates of elastic deformation indicated that most of the elongation responses to altered P were due to changes in irreversible deformation. The results showed that the initial effects of changes in P on leaf elongation were partially compensated for by changes in the cell wall-yielding properties. We conclude that linear relationships between P and adjusted growth rates are not necessarily indicative of constant wall-yielding properties. Instead, these relationships may reflect the effect of P on wall-loosening processes.  相似文献   

Boron is required for fiber growth and development in cotton ovules cultured in vitro. Incorporation of [14C]glucose by such fiber from supplied UDP-[14C]glucose into the hot alkali-insoluble fraction is rapid and linear for about 30 minutes. Incorporation of [14C]glucose from such substrate by fibers grown in boron-deficient ovule cultures is much less than in the case with fibers from ovules cultured with boron in the medium. Total products (alkali-soluble plus alkali-insoluble fractions) were also greater in fibers from ovules cultured with boron. The fraction insoluble in acetic-nitric reagent was a small part of the total glucans; however, in the boron-sufficient fibers, there was significantly more of this fraction than in fibers from boron-deficient ovule cultures. The hot water-soluble glucose polymers from the labeled fibers had a significant fraction of the total [14C]glucose incorporated from UDP-[14C]glucose. Both β-1,4- and β-1,3- water-soluble polymers were formed in the boron-sufficient fibers, whereas the same water-soluble fraction from the boron-deficient fibers was predominantly β-1,3-polymers. The incorporation of [14C]glucose from GDP-[14C]glucose by the fibers attached to the ovules was insignificant.  相似文献   

Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv Acala SJ-2) seedlings were grown in nutrient solutions with four combinations of NaCl (0.1 and 150 millimolar) and CaCl2 (1 and 10 millimolar) for 7 days, and then exposed to [14C]glucose for 5 hours. Uptake and incorporation of [14C]glucose into various cell wall fractions of the root tips were determined. At 1 millimolar Ca2+, treatment with 150 millimolar NaCl slightly stimulated uptake but considerably inhibited glucose incorporation into noncellulosic and cellulosic polysaccharides. Supplemental Ca2+ did not affect incorporation of glucose into the noncellulosic fraction (regardless of NaCl treatment) but completely alleviated the inhibitory effect of NaCl on glucose incorporation into cellulose. We suggest that high Na+ concentrations reduce synthesis of cellulose in cotton roots via disturbance of plasma membrane integrity and that supplemental Ca2+ counteracts this effect. The effects on cellulose biosynthesis are proposed to be related to Ca2+ displacement from the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Protoplasts of cotton cotyledons were isolated and culturedto undergo cell wall regeneration and cell division. DNA contentand cell cycle parameters of nuclei from cotyledons and/or protoplastswere determined by flow cytometry. The DNA content of cotton,Gossypium hirsutum L., was estimated to be 4·34±0·12pg DNA per nucleus. There was a strong positive correlation between G2 or Sand G2,and cell wall regeneration and cell division and a strong negativecorrelation between G1, and cell wall regeneration and celldivision of cotton cotyledon protoplasts. The cell cycle statusof cotyledons changes during their development; as the cotyledonsenlarge, the proportion of cells in G0 and G1 phases of thecell cycle increases. The implication of these results in relationto protoplast growth and development is discussed. Key words: Cell cycle parameters, cell wall regeneration, cell division, flow cytometry, Gossypium  相似文献   

The cell wall protein antigen was solubilized from the isolated cell walls of Clostridium botulinum type A by autolysis and purified by diethylaminoethyl-cellulose column chromatography followed by gel filtration on Sephadex G-150. The two fractions showed a high degree of the serological activity and produced a main fused precipitin line in immunodiffusion tests against the homologous antiserum. The fact that antigenic fractions contained various kinds of amino acids but no detectable amounts of amino sugars or carbohydrates suggests that the antigens were principally composed of proteins. The protein antigen possessed multiple antigenic components on immunoelectrophoresis. As serological activity, the antigen was heat-stable and resistant to tryptic digestion but sensitive to the actions of pronase, nagarse or pepsin. The protein antigen appeared to be responsible for the common antigenicity among the proteolytic strains of C. botulinum.  相似文献   

Discs of outer pericarp were excised from mature green tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) fruit and kept in sterile tissue culture plates for 4 d, including 2 d of incubation with D-[U-13C]glucose. Cell walls were prepared and the water-soluble, pectic, and hemicellulosic polymers were extracted. Cell wall synthetic capacity was determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of incorporation of the heavy isotope label. The "outer" 2-mm pericarp region, which included the cuticle, had a lower cell wall synthetic capacity than the "inner" 2-mm region immediately below it (closer to the locules), based on the percentage of labeling of the neutral sugars. There were no significant differences in relative abundance of glycosidic linkages in the two tissue regions. Label was incorporated into neutral sugars and linkages typical for each polysaccharide class were identified in the cell wall preparations. Galacturonic acid and glucuronic acid were labeled to an extent similar to that of the neutral sugars in each tissue region.  相似文献   

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