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The digger wasp species Ampulex compressa produces its venom in two branched gland tubules. They terminate in a short common duct, which is bifurcated at its proximal end. One leg is linked with the venom reservoir, the other one extends to the ductus venatus. Each venom gland tubule possesses, over its entire length, a cuticle-lined central duct. Around this duct densely packed class 3 gland units each composed of a secretory cell and a canal cell are arranged. The position of their nuclei was demonstrated by DAPI staining. The brush border of the secretory cells surrounds the coiled end-apparatus. Venom is stored in a bladder like reservoir, which is surrounded by a thin reticulated layer of muscle fibres. The reservoir as a whole is lined with class 3 gland units. The tubiform Dufour's gland has a length of about 350 μm (∅ 125 μm) only and is surrounded by a network of pronounced striated muscle fibres. The glandular epithelium is mono-layered belonging to the class 1 type of insect epidermal glands. The gland cells are characterized by conspicuous lipid vesicles. Secretion of material via the gland cuticle into the gland lumen is apparent. Analysis of the polypeptide composition demonstrated that the free gland tubules and the venom reservoir contain numerous proteins ranging from 3.4 to 200 kDa. The polypeptide composition of the Dufour's gland is completely different and contains no lectin-binding glycoproteins, whereas a dominant component of the venom droplets is a glycoprotein of about 80 kDa. Comparison of the venom reservoir contents with the polypeptide pattern of venom droplets revealed that all of the major proteinaceous constituents are secreted. The secreted venom contains exclusively proteins present in the soluble contents of the venom gland. The most abundant compound class in the Dufour's gland consisted of n-alkanes followed by monomethyl-branched alkanes and alkadienes. Heptacosane was the most abundant n-alkane. Furthermore, a single volatile compound, 2-methylpentan-3-one, was identified in various concentrations in the lipid extract of the Dufour's gland.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of some integumental glands occurring in the head, thorax and abdomen of K. flavicollis soldiers is described. The secretory units consist of two cells, the canal cell and the secretory cell (this latter filled with secretion granules). A cylindrical and distorted extracellular space, or reservoir, with an irregular outline is lined by short microvilli. The end-apparatus is made up of small overlapping cuticular laminae which in section resemble small wavy rods. The ample distribution of the units has led the authors to consider them dermal glands. Scanning electron micrographs confirm that the glands' activity consists in the secretion of material which then spreads over the surface of the integument. The dissimilar appearance of the secretion granules present in glands of different soldiers suggests that the electron-lucid granules and the granules with fibrils are two completely different secretions at different ages of the animal. The authors do not therefore rule out the hypothesis that these integumental glands may later produce or release pheromones.  相似文献   

Sperm storage in female insects is important for reproductive success and sperm competition. In Drosophila melanogaster females, sperm viability during storage is dependent upon secretions produced by spermathecae and parovaria. Class III dermal glands are present in both structures. Spermathecal glands are initially comprised of a three-cell unit that is refined to a single secretory cell in the adult. It encapsulates an end-apparatus joining to a cuticular duct passing secretions to the spermathecal lumen. We have examined spermatheca morphogenesis using DIC and fluorescence microscopy. In agreement with a recent study, cell division ceases by 36 h after puparium formation (APF). Immunostaining of the plasma membrane at this stage demonstrates that gland cells wrap around the developing end-apparatus and each other. By 48–60 h APF, the secretory cell exhibits characteristic adult morphology of an enlarged nucleus and extracellular reservoir. A novel finding is the presence of an extracellular reservoir in the basal support cell that is continuous with the secretory cell reservoir. Some indication of early spermathecal gland formation is evident in the division of enlarged cells lying adjacent to the spermathecal lumen at 18 h APF and in cellular processes that bind clusters of cells between 24 and 30 h APF.  相似文献   

The wasps of the genus Polistes have been considered the key to understanding the evolution of social behavior in Hymenoptera. Several studies have shown that the development of organized insect societies was accompanied by the evolution of structures like exocrine glands, which became specialized to perform specific functions. This article investigates the ultrastructural and cytochemical features of the hypopharyngeal glands of Polistes versicolor. These glands have been studied in depth in social bees, where they occur only in nurses and produce the royal jelly. Our results revealed that these glands basically did not vary among individuals or between sexes. They are constituted by spherical cells, each with a large nucleus and well‐developed rough endoplasmic reticulum. Secretion vesicles are abundant, but lipid droplets were not observed, indicating that these glands may not have a role in pheromone synthesis. Acid phosphatase was detected in lysosomes, and also free in the cytosol, but did not seem to be related with cell death. Thus, our results suggest that the hypopharyngeal glands of P. versicolor may not have a specialized social role, but could produce digestive enzymes.  相似文献   

The specialized cell types and two distinct regions of the adult Rhodnius prolixus cement gland develop from a simple pseudostratified epithelial tube during the 20–22 days of the fifth stadium. Feeding initiates the first phase, proliferation. Cells round up and divide tangentially to the lumen. Following the proliferation phase, differentiative mitoses occur and differentiation, resulting in secretory units (consisting of a ductule, gland cell and cuticular lining), ensues in the distal region. Ductule morphogenesis occurs without pseudocilia, thus differing from other insect glands. The complex changes in cell shape and interaction occur during development of the secretory unit. The secretory cell and end-apparatus develop from a double cell unit at the base of elongating ductules. The inner cell produces a complex end-apparatus of epicuticle that mirrors the microvillar pattern and then it degenerates. The ductules are lined by cuticulin and inner epicuticle while the central gland lumen has a layer of endocuticle as well. The epithelium of the proximal region remains simple producing the thick corrugated cuticle characteristic of the adult secretory duct. The mesodermal covering forms a thick longitudinal striated muscle layer that adheres to the epithelium via desmosomes.  相似文献   

The venom gland of Crotalus viridis oreganus is composed of two discrete secretory regions: a small anterior portion, the accessory gland, and a much larger main gland. These two glands are joined by a short primary duct consisting of simple columnar secretory cells and basal horizontal cells. The main gland has at least four morphologically distinct cell types: secretory cells, the dominant cell of the gland, mitochondria-rich cells, horizontal cells, and “dark” cells. Scanning electron microscopy shows that the mitochondria-rich cells are recessed into pits of varying depth; these cells do not secrete. Horizontal cells may serve as secretory stem cells, and “dark” cells may be myoepithelial cells. The accessory gland contains at least six distinct cell types: mucosecretory cells with large mucous granules, mitochondria-rich cells with apical vesicles, mitochondria-rich cells with electron-dense secretory granules, mitochondria-rich cells with numerous cilia, horizontal cells, and “dark” cells. Mitochondria-rich cells with apical vesicles or cilia cover much of the apical surface of mucosecretory cells and these three cell types are found in the anterior distal tubules of the accessory gland. The posterior regions of the accessory gland lack mucosecretory cells and do not appear to secrete. Ciliated cells have not been noted previously in snake venom glands. Release of secretory products (venom) into the lumen of the main gland is by exocytosis of granules and by release of intact membrane-bound vesicles. Following venom extraction, main gland secretory and mitochondria-rich cells increase in height, and protein synthesis (as suggested by rough endoplasmic reticulum proliferation) increases dramatically. No new cell types or alterations in morphology were noted among glands taken from either adult or juvenile snakes, even though the venom of each is quite distinct. In general, the glands of C. v. oreganus share structural similarities with those of crotalids and viperids previously described.  相似文献   

前言 中华蜜蜂囊幼病是我国养蜂业的一种重要病毒病,发病率很高,有的地区造成大量的幼虫死亡,给我国养蜂生产带来一定的危害,为了对防治病害提供科学的依据,我们首先对该病病原进行了分离、提纯及电子显微镜的研究等工作。发现该病毒对幼虫和成蜂,尤其对工蜂体内各个器官都有程度不同的影响。在幼虫发病期症状特别明显,病幼虫身体松软多水,其表皮容易破裂,当悬挂幼虫时其幼虫末端积聚有透明的液滴,在巢房内幼虫头部尖并变成黑色,头部稍微向上抬起呈船形。死后的幼虫干涸变为褐色的外壳留于巢房内,当感染的幼虫全部封盖后,巢房盖的中央有一小孔,这些异常的变化都是囊幼病的典型症状。幼虫症状虽很明显,但工蜂感染病毒后在外部形态上却没有明显  相似文献   

The serigenous glands of a number of different sawfly larvae have been examined. Silk is secreted by pear-shaped cells which may be fused together in pairs or triplets, or exist simply as free, single cells. The cells are arranged in numerous groups attached to a pair of wide silk reservoirs by means of short canals. Each gland cell contains a large, irregular, ramifying nucleus and an intracellular duct which receives droplets of synthesised silk protein. Two modifications of this basic arrangement are described. It is suggested that the secretory cells are dermal gland cells, and that the intracellular duct is a rudimentary end-apparatus. A comparison is made between these and some other types of dermal gland cell found in insects.  相似文献   

The salivary glands of two species of Zoraptera, Zorotypus caudelli and Zorotypus hubbardi, were examined and documented mainly using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results obtained for males and females of the two species are compared and functional aspects related to ultrastructural features are discussed. The salivary glands are divided into two regions: the secretory cell region and the long efferent duct, the latter with its distal end opening in the salivarium below the hypopharyngeal base. The secretory region consists of a complex of secretory cells provided with microvillated cavities connected by short ectodermal ducts to large ones, which are connected with the long efferent duct. The secretory cell cytoplasm contains a large system of rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus producing numerous dense secretions. The cells of the efferent duct, characterized by reduced cytoplasm and the presence of long membrane infoldings associated with mitochondria, are possibly involved in fluid uptaking from the duct lumen.  相似文献   

In the wasp venom apparatus, the convoluted gland is the tract of the thin secretory unit, i.e. filament, contained in the muscular reservoir. Previous transmission electron microscope investigation on Stenogastrinae disclosed that the free filaments consist of distal and proximal tracts, from/to the venom reservoir, characterized by class 3 and 2 gland patterns, respectively. This study aims to extend the ultrastructural analysis to the convoluted tract, in order to provide a thorough, subcellular representation of the venom gland in these Asian wasps. Our findings showed that the convoluted gland is a continuation of the proximal tract, with secretory cells provided with a peculiar apical invagination, the extracellular cavity, collecting their products. This compartment holds a simple end-apparatus lined by large and ramified microvilli that contribute to the processing of the secretory product. A comparison between previous and present findings reveals a noticeable regionalization of the stenogastrine venom filaments and suggests that the secretory product acquires its ultimate composition in the convoluted tract.  相似文献   

The cells that secrete the aggregation pheromone of the male nitidulid beetle Carpophilus freemani are exceptionally large and lie within the body cavity. These secretory cells share many ultrastructural features with cells of other pheromone and defense glands, but they also have several unique features. A deep invagination of the surface of each of these cells acts as the secretory surface for the pheromone. The invaginated surface is highly convoluted and surrounds a narrow cuticular ductule that is connected to the tracheal system. This surface is not covered with microvilli as the comparable surfaces are in other insect secretory cells. Each secretory cell is filled with an abundance of lipid spheres that presumably contain precursors for the pheromone. Examining cells from beetles producing different levels of pheromone showed that sizes of secretory cells are positively correlated with rates of pheromone production. Whereas secretory and ductule cells of other insect glands are usually epidermal cells, these cells of nitidulid beetles represent the first pheromone glands in which oenocytes are believed to have been recruited for pheromone production and tracheal cells have been recruited as ductules for these cells.  相似文献   

In the honeybee, Apis mellifera, the queen larvae are fed with a diet exclusively composed of royal jelly (RJ), a secretion of the hypopharyngeal gland of young worker bees that nurse the brood. Up to 15% of RJ is composed of proteins, the nine most abundant of which have been termed major royal jelly proteins (MRJPs). Although it is widely accepted that RJ somehow determines the fate of a female larva and in spite of considerable research efforts, there are surprisingly few studies that address the biochemical characterisation and functions of these MRJPs. Here we review the research on MRJPs not only in honeybees but in hymenopteran insects in general and provide metadata analyses on genome organisation of mrjp genes, corroborating previous reports that MRJPs have important functions for insect development and not just a nutritional value for developing honeybee larvae.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the interommatidial exocrine glands, found in the compound eyes of the water strider Aquarius remigis, is described using light, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy. The glandular pores of the glands are specialized into minute “nail-headed” structures (NS), which are described for the first time in arthropod compound eyes. Each NS is composed of two components: a rod-like stalk and a cup-like depression. The TEM study shows that the glands are class 3 epidermal glands as defined by Noirot and Quennedey (1974, 1991). Each gland consists of 3 cells: a gland cell, an intermediary cell, and a duct (canal) cell. The gland cell contains abundant electron-lucent vesicles, while the intermediary cell contains a large number of osmiophilic secretory granules. These two cells might secrete different substances which mix together in the dilated sac-like portion of the conducting canal before final release. The possible functions of the secretions released from these glands are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The electrophoretical protein patterns of hypopharyngeal glands, larval food ofMelipona, and royal jelly ofApis were compared.Since protein patterns of hypopharyngeal glands from newly emerged workers, brood cell provisioners and foragers are similar to freshly deposited larval food, the identical protein bands probably represent actual gland secretion. This suggests that, as inApis, the glands secrete proteins to the larval food, and maintain this ability throughout life, although at slightly different intensities, according to the activity of the bees.The similarity on the electrophoretic profiles of the major larval food protein inApis andMelipona is an interesting finding because of its probable evolutionary significance.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2022,25(3):101964
Honeybee venom is a complex mixture of toxic components, including major royal jelly protein (MRJP) 8 and 9. MRJP 8 and MRJP 9 are allergens, and MRJP 8 reduces melittin-induced cell apoptosis. However, their functional roles are poorly understood, and their antimicrobial activities have not been determined. In this study, the antimicrobial role of MRJP 8 and MRJP 9 of honeybee (Apis mellifera) venom (AmMRJP 8 and AmMRJP 9) was demonstrated. The presence of AmMRJP 8 and AmMRJP 9 in the secreted venom was observed using antibodies against recombinant AmMRJP 8 and AmMRJP 9 produced in baculovirus-infected insect cells. Recombinant AmMRJP 8 and AmMRJP 9 exhibited an inhibitory activity against microbial serine proteases. Consistent with their inhibitory activity, they induced structural damage by binding to microbial surfaces, resulting in a broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity against bacteria and fungi. They had little effect on hemolysis. Therefore, AmMRJP 8 and AmMRJP 9 could function as antimicrobial agents in honeybee venom.  相似文献   

The female reproductive system of Eupolybothrus fasciatus (Newport) (Chilopoda Lithobiomorpha) includes three types of well-developed accessory glands, viz. large glands, small glands, and the periatrial gland. External morphology and the ultrastructural organization of these glands have been investigated by light and electron microscopy. The small and large glands are paired and have coiled ducts that open, respectively, into and externally to the genital atrium. By contrast, the periatrial gland is unpaired and is located on the ventral wall of the atrium into which it opens via several small canals. Ultrastructural features show that all three glands consist of two different types of cells: secretory cells and ductule cells. The secretary cells contain prominent secretory granules and are similar to a class of insect epidermal gland cells (class 3) organized as acini surrounding an extracellular lumen into which microvilli project. The granules, which have different morphological features in each gland, could be responsible for important differential functions such as producing a sexual attractant, providing a coating material that protects eggs laid on the ground, and contributing to a fluid that digests spermatophores. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Several secretory and nonsecretory enzymes were localized histochemically in the main venom gland of 13 viperid snakes. All secretory cells show the intracellular oxidative enzymes succinate dehydrogenase and monoamine oxidase. The granular reactions obtained for both enzymes resemble mitochondria in distribution. Distinctive cells with a very high succinate dehydrogenase activity are dispersed among the secretory cells of all species except Atractaspis. Nonspecific acid phosphatase activity is found in the supranuclear region of the secretory cells in species that do not secrete this enzyme and throughout the cytoplasm in snakes that secrete the enzyme. Nonspecific alkaline phosphatase activity occurs in the secretory cells of those snakes whose venom shows this activity. Leucine amino peptidase (aryl amidase) activity is found in the venom and in the secretory cells of all the species. In Vipera palaestinae both the venom and the secretory cells of the main venom gland contain nonspecific esterase, L-amino acid oxidase and phosphodiesterase activities. The localization of phosphodiesterase and L-amino acid oxidase do not show major differences between glands at different intervals from an initial milking. Adenosine-monophosphate phosphatase activity is localized in the supranuclear region of the secretory cells in the glands of Vipera palaestinae and Aspis cerastes. Its activity is found in the venom of Aspis only.  相似文献   

Social insects possess a rich set of exocrine organs producing diverse pheromones and defensive compounds. This is especially true for termite imagoes, which are equipped with several glands producing, among others, sex pheromones and defensive compounds protecting imagoes during the dispersal flight and colony foundation. Here, we describe the clypeal gland, a new termite exocrine organ occurring in the labro-clypeal region of imagoes of most Rhinotermitidae, Serritermitidae and Termitidae species. The clypeal gland of Coptotermes testaceus consists of class 1 (modified epidermal cell) and class 3 (bicellular gland unit) secretory cells. Ultrastructural features suggest that the gland secretes volatile compounds and proteins, probably after starting the reproduction. One peculiar feature of the gland is the presence of multiple secretory canals in a single canal cell, a feature never observed before in other insect glands. Although the function of the gland remains unknown, we hypothesize that it could produce secretion signalling the presence of functional reproductives or their need to be fed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2021,24(3):666-670
The dominant protein components of honeybee royal jelly (RJ) are major royal jelly proteins (MRJPs), which exhibit various biological properties. However, the biological basis of why bee venom contains MRJPs and what role MRJPs play in bee venom remains to be elucidated. This study reports the antiapoptotic role of MRJP 8 of Apis mellifera venom (AmMRJP 8) in melittin-treated mammalian cells. Recombinant AmMRJP 8 reduced caspase-3 activity and melittin-induced cell apoptosis. Additionally, recombinant AmMRJP 8 decreased the production levels of H2O2 and proinflammatory molecules. These results indicate that MRJP in bee venom plays a role in cell protection in bee venom-induced inflammatory responses.  相似文献   

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