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m-Tyrosine is a non-protein amino acid that is structurally similar to the common protein amino acids p-tyrosine and phenylalanine. Copious amounts of m-tyrosine can be found in root exudates of the fine fescue cultivar, Festuca rubra L. ssp. commutata (Chewings fescue). The phytotoxicity of m-tyrosine may contribute to the allelopathic potential of F. rubra. m-Tyrosine in Euphorbia myrsinites (donkey-tail spurge), was previously shown to be synthesized via transamination of m-hydroxyphenylpyruvate. Here we show that m-tyrosine biosynthesis in F. rubra occurs through direct hydroxylation of phenylalanine in the root tips, perhaps through the activity of a cytochrome P450 enzyme. Hence, E. myrsinites and F. rubra, the only two plant species known to produce m-tyrosine, use distinct biosynthetic pathways that likely arose independently in evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Genetic variability in the federally endangered pitcher plant Sarracenia rubra ssp. alabamensis was assessed in eight Alabama populations using starch gel electrophoresis. Ten populations of the more widespread Sarracenia rubra ssp. rubra were sampled in the southeastern United States for comparison. Fifteen allozyme loci representing 13 enzyme systems were scored for each species. In contrast to S. oreophila and S. jonesii, two previously analyzed endangered pitcher plants, genetic diversity was high for both S. rubra subspecies. Within ssp. alabamensis the percentage polymorphic loci (Ps) was 80.0, the mean number of alleles per polymorphic locus was (APs) = 2.58, and expected heterozygosity (Hes) was 0.209. Genetic diversity was slightly lower for ssp. rubra (Ps = 73.3, APs = 2.91, and Hes = 0.177). The proportion of total genetic diversity found among populations was fairly low for both species (GST = 0.09 for ssp. alabamensis and 0.14 for ssp. rubra). Little genetic divergence has occurred between the two subspecies as indicated by the lack of diagnostic alleles, the proportion of total genetic diversity between taxa (GST = 0.09), and the genetic identity estimate (I = 0.90). The relatively high genetic diversity found for ssp. alabamensis indicates that the maintenance of its evolutionary potential is possible if population sizes are maintained or increased. Low levels of genetic diversity found within small Georgia ssp. rubra populations indicate that genetic erosion may increase extinction risks for these populations.  相似文献   

The differential expressions of three genes rbcL, salT and rab!6 in response to ABA, NaCl, PEG and heat shock were investigated in seedlings of a salt-tolerant rice mutant 20 (mutant 20) and its parental variety Oryza sativa var. japonica 77-170(170). By Northern blot analysis it was found that ABA induced the expression of all three genes of rbcL, salT and rab16 in shoots and roots of both 170 and mutant 20 with the exceptions of rab16 in shoots of mutant 20 and rbcL in roots of 170. Lower concentrations of NaCl induced rbcL expression in shoots of mutant 20 but not 170. Higher concentrations of NaCl decreased rbcL expression but induced expressions of salT and rab16 in shoots of both 170 and mutant 20. PEG(15%) and 37℃ heat shock showed almost no effects on the expression of the three genes in mutant 20. However, they caused a decrease in rbcL expression and slight induction of the rab16 gene in 170, with salT expression unaffected. These results indicated that mutant 20 was relatively less responsiv  相似文献   

Zinc-induced vacuolation in root meristematic cells of Festuca rubra L.   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Abstract. The effect of Zn on vacuole development in root meristematic cells was examined in three cultivars of Festuca rubra: a Zn-tolerant cultivar (Merlin), a salt-tolerant cultivar (Hawk) and a non-tolerant cultivar (S.59) in order to determine whether or not vacuole development was related to Zn tolerance. Treatment with Zn greatly increased the percentage of cells in the apical meristem which were vacuolated in all three cultivars (7.01-fold increase in Merlin, 3.61-fold increase in Hawk and 5.39-fold increase in S.59 over the range 0–0.5 μg Zn cm?3). Morphometric analyses on electromicrographs indicated that the percentage total vacuolar volume fraction of meristematic tissue was also increased by Zn treatment. Most of this increase was due to an increase in a particular component of the vacuole which was 0.2–0.5 μm in diameter, spherical or ovoid in outline and possessed a distinct amorphous electron dense matrix (Type A intravacuolar body). X-ray microanalysis revealed that this matrix was rich in calcium and phosphorus in control plants. In Zn-treated roots, elevated levels of Zn were found in the matrix in Merlin and Hawk, but not in S.59. In addition, intravacuolar membranous whorls or myelin bodies were more highly organized in Zn-treated Merlin and Hawk but not S.59. Elevated Zn levels were not found in any other vacuolar component nor in nuclei, nucleoli, cell walls or ground cytoplasm. Control roots of Merlin possessed a greater type A vacuolar volume fraction than either Hawk or S.59 which may confer a greater capacity to compartmentalize Zn at the onset of exposure to toxic metals than the other cultivars. Predictably, the EM procedures resulted in loss of Zn from the roots to the fixative and dehydrating solutions. However, the rate of loss was the same (approximately 75–80%) regardless of cultivar. These findings are discussed in relation to their possible role in the mechanisms of Zn tolerance in these cultivars.  相似文献   

Prem P. Jauhar 《Chromosoma》1975,52(4):363-382
The basis of diploid-like chromosome pairing in hexaploid (2n=6x=42) Festuca arundinacea Schreb. and hexaploid F. rubra L. has been investigated. On the combined evidence derived from chromosome pairing in some euploid (2n=42) and monosomic (2n=41) hybrids from a diallel set of crosses between ten geographically diverse ecotypes of tall fescue, intergeneric hybrids involving tall fescue as well as red fescue, and euploid (2n=56) and aneuploid (2n=52, 53, 54, 55) amphiploids between Lolium multiflorum and F. arundinacea, it is concluded that diploid-like meiosis in these hexaploid species as well as in other natural polyploid species of Festuca is under genetic control. It is further inferred that this diploidizing gene(s) system must at least be disomic in dosage to be effective in suppressing homoeologous pairing and, therefore, had no influence upon pairing in haploid complements of the hybrids, i.e., it is haplo-insufficient or hemizygous-ineffective. — It has also been shown that sterility in hybrids between some geographically isolated ecotypes of tall fescue results from irregular meiosis due to the breakdown of the regulatory mechanism, rather than from chromosomal differentiation of the parental ecotypes as widely believed so far. The evolutionary significance of such a gene-repressing effect of certain genotypes or genes is indicated. — It is further suggested that the hemizygous ineffectiveness of the genetic control of bivalent pairing is of evolutionary significance and could have major implications on the cytogenetic relationships and the breeding of the entire Lolium-Festuca complex.  相似文献   

The expression pattern of the salT gene was analyzed in different cell types and organs of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in response to saline and hormonal treatments to obtain detailed information on the physiological cues controlling gene expression. Gel blot analysis of RNA and in-situ hybridization performed on seedlings grown for 10 ds in the presence of 1% NaCl revealed that salT was expressed mainly in the younger tissues of the plant. In contrast, 6-week-old plants exhibited maximal salT mRNA accumulation in sheaths of older leaves. In addition, salT was normally expressed in rapidly dividing suspension-cultured cells, but not in quiescent ones. Altogether, these results may indicate that salT expression in each region of the plant is dependent on the metabolic activity of the cells as well as on whether or not they are stressed. The effects of two growth regulators, abscisic acid (ABA) and gibberellic acid, were investigated in combination with the effects of NaCl. Gibberellic acid had a synergistic effect on the induction of the salT gene when combined with 0.5% NaCl, but did not induce salT on its own. At 10 μM, ABA induced salT both in the absence of NaCl and in its presence. Whereas 1 μM ABA acted additively with NaCl to induce gene expression, 5 μM ABA with NaCl was only as effective as NaCl alone. This may indicate that the two stimuli act independently and possibly through antagonistic signal transduction pathways. Received: 26 March 1998 / Accepted: 11 July 1998  相似文献   

Primary and secondary induction requirements for flowering of Festuca rubra   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Root and shoot temperatures were varied independently to determine the importance of root temperature during cold acclimation. Spinach ( Spinacia oleracea L. cvs Harbin and Bloomsdale) plants were subjected to 20/20°C. 20/5°C, 5/20°C, and 5/5°C (shoot/root) temperature treatments. Leaf freezing tolerance, water potential, stomatal resistance, osmotic potential, and water content were measured at 0.25. 1.25, 3.25, and 7.25 days of treatment. There was no change in freezing tolerance or the water relations of the 20/20°C treated plants during the course of the experiment. Freezing tolerance was increased by the 5°C shoot temperature treatments, but was not enhanced by water stress induced by the low root temperature. Leaf water potential and water content decreased and stomatal resistance increased within 6 h in the 20/5°C plants. By day 3, osmotic potential began decreasing in the 20/5°C plants. Leaf water content, osmotic potential, and water potential decreased more gradually in plants grown with 5°C shoot temperature, irrespective of root temperature. Decreased water content and osmotic potential were not correlated with increased freezing tolerance as reported for other herbaceous crop plants.  相似文献   

In order to study the genetic differentiation between Festuca rubra L. individuals growing in a heterogeneous environment, indices of salt tolerance, mean relative growth rates and the numbers of tillers formed by plants grown in a Hoagland solution, were determined. It was found that plants from salt marsh sites have a high index of salt tolerance, a high mean relative growth rate and numerous tillers; plants from coastal sand dunes are less tolerant, grow slowly and form few tillers; plants from the inland polder sites are rather salt sensitive, fast growing and form a high number of tillers. The heritability of the mean relative growth rate and the tiller number appeared to differ from zero. Apparently, these characters have been under recent selection and thus give a picture of the adaptations of individual plants to the different environments encountered. An indication of gene flow has been found, although the effect of gene flow seems to be small in the face of the force of selection. It was concluded that the distinction of three ecotypes within the species F. rubra is insufficient to describe the differentiation found. Considering the differences observed, it seems more reasonable to speak of ecotypic variation.  相似文献   

用能值分析辅以生理指标测定研究狐毛草的耐盐性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
狐毛草(Festucarubra)系羊茅属,禾本科,广布于温带和寒带地区,我国以西南最盛,大部分供饲料用。有关植物对重金属毒害和抗性的研究[1]揭示,狐毛草能在很高浓度(500μg·g-1)的铬溶液和较高浓度(100μg·g-1)的铜溶液中存活,可见狐毛草在消除重金属毒害和有机废物的环境生态工程中有很好的应用前景。同时,根据南京大学生物技术研究所引种海滩耐盐经济植物的经验,狐毛草是继大米草和互花米草之后的又一优良的耐盐经济植物,因此,对其抗性生理的研究是十分必要的。本文运用能值分析方法对试验结果进行分析处理。能值分析理论和…  相似文献   

In the present study we investigated the response to iron (Fe) deficiency in two cultivars of Festuca rubra L. (Rubina and Barnica) used in correction of chlorosis of fruit trees cultivated on calcareous soils. We found that a Fe-chelating compound, identified as 2-deoxymugineic acid (DMA), was secreted from the roots in response to Fe-deficiency in both cultivars. The amount of DMA secreted into solution increased with the development of Fe-deficiency. The secretion showed a distinct diurnal rhythm characterized by a secretion peak at between 2 and 5 hours after sunrise at 20°C. However, this secretion peak was delayed by 3 hour at low temperature (<10°C) and occurred 3 h earlier at high temperature (30°C). When water used for the collection of root exudates was pre-warmed (25°C) or pre-cooled (10°C), this led to an earlier or a delayed secretion compared to control (15°C) under the same air temperature, respectively. Short-term shading treatment did not affect the secretion pattern of DMA. These results demonstrate that the secretion time of DMA from the roots is, at least partly controlled by the temperature in the root environment. Overall, these findings suggest that the ability of Festuca rubra to prevent Fe chlorosis symptoms (`re-greening effect') of associated fruit trees is partially related to the secretion of DMA which increase Fe availability in calcareous soils.  相似文献   

Turgor regulation in the salt-tolerant alga Chara longifolia   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Chara longifolia is a salt‐tolerant Charophyte which regulates its turgor inresponse to osmotic stress. Membrane depolarization, in creased membrane conductance, and cessation of cytoplasmic streaming (due to increase in cytoplasmic Ca2 + ) precede regulation in response to hypotonic stress. Measurements of these three parameters are presented here with simultaneous turgor measurements. Variability in the occurrence, rate and extent of turgor regulation in individual cells was correlated with magnitude of the stress. Hypertonic stress showed the same slow time course as was found previously, requiring several days for complete regulation. Fifty μ M nifedipine, a Ca2 + channel blocker, inhibited turgor regulation. In the presence of 5 μ M nifedipine, turgor regulation was delayed. An increase in conductance preceded regulation, but membrane depolarization was less and no detectable change in cytoplasmic streaming was observed, requiring modifications to a previously presented model for turgor regulation. There was no significant difference in 45Ca2 + influx under control and stress conditions. However, the control flux was insensitive to nifedipine, whereas under stress the flux is inhibited 54% by nifedipine. We suggest that osmotic stress results in a rapid increase in a nifedipine‐sensitive Ca2 + entry mechanism, followed very quickly by a decrease in the control entry mechanism.  相似文献   

Anthesis and pollen dispersal of H. lanatus and F. rubra were related to climate factors during a field investigation on Schiermonnikoog. In both species the anthesis showed a diurnal periodicity and could be connected to air temperature, relative air humidity, and light intensity. In the pollen release of both species no daily periodicity was found. This pollen release appears to be dependent on neither the temperature nor the light intensity. It could be related to only one of the measured climate factors, viz. the relative air humidity. It was discussed that anthesis is an active process based on physiological and ecological properties of the plant, whereas the pollen dispersal is only a mechanical process.  相似文献   

Summary Seed and transplanted adult plants from populations of Festuca rubra, collected from inland, salt-marsh and sand-dune sites were grown on culture solution with added sodium chloride. The growth of the populations of the three habitats was reduced differentially by salt. The salt marsh ecotype Festuca rubra ssp. litoralis was only slightly affected and the inland ecotype F. rubra ssp. rubra was severely retarded at 60 mM NaCl. The dune ecotype F. rubra ssp. arenaria had an intermediate tolerance. The tolerant ecotypes accumulated less sodium chloride as compared to the sensitive ecotype, suggesting that salt tolerance is caused in part by salt exclusion.In addition, the dune ecotype F.r. arenaria appeared to be more drought tolerant than the salt marsh ecotype. Abscission of salt-saturated leaves does not function as an adaptation to salinity in Festuca rubra.All three ecotypes accumulated proline with increased salinity. The response was most pronounced in the drought tolerant F.r. arenaria, indicating that proline accumulation is a response to osmotic stress rather than to ion-specific effects of salinity. The observed differences in salt tolerance may be explained by differential sensitivity to toxic effects of sodium chloride.The occurrence on a beach plain of closely adjacent populations of F.r. arenaria and F.r. litoralis, differing markedly in salt tolerance, is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. The dynamics of tillers in natural populations of three cohabiting perennial grass species, Agrostis stolonifera, Festuca rubra and Poa irrigata (= Poa pratensis ssp. irrigata) were studied for five years in a Baltic seashore meadow. The process of tiller population maintenance was very dynamic. Both birth and death rates of tillers were high, particularly in A stolonifera, and the turnover rate of the populations was high. Recruitment was mainly by vegetative tillers, produced continuously throughout the growing season. The proportion of flowering tillers was low, but varied between years. Considerable year-to-year variation was also found in birth and death rates. Despite this between-year variation and the differences found between species in flowering frequency, pattern of survivorship and tiller longevity, population sizes of the species remained relatively constant.  相似文献   

Serine carboxypeptidases (SCPs) comprise a large family of protein hydrolyzing enzymes and have roles ranging from protein turnover and C-terminal processing to wound responses and xenobiotic metabolism. The proteins can be classified into three groups, namely carboxypeptidase I, II and III, based on their coding protein sequences and the fact that each family is characterized by a central catalytic domain of unique topology designated as the “α/β hydrolase fold”. The available SCP protein sequences have been utilized as datasets to build a HMM (hidden Markov model) profile, which is used to search the rice (Oryza sativa L. ssp. japonica) proteome. A total of 71 SCP and serine carboxypeptidase-like (SCPL) protein-coding genes exist in rice. The intron-exon structure, chromosome localization, expression and characteristics of encoded protein sequences of the 71 putative genes are reviewed.  相似文献   

The increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels is predicted to stimulate plant carbon (C) fixation, potentially influencing the size, structure and function of micro- and mesofaunal communities inhabiting the rhizosphere. To assess the effects of increased atmospheric CO2 on bacterial, fungal and nematode communities in the rhizosphere, Carex arenaria (a nonmycorrhizal plant species) and Festuca rubra (a mycorrhizal plant species) were grown in three dune soils under controlled soil temperature and moisture conditions, while subjecting the aboveground compartment to defined atmospheric conditions differing in CO2 concentrations (350 and 700 μL L−1). Real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis methods were used to examine effects on the size and structure of rhizosphere communities. Multivariate analysis of community profiles showed that bacteria were most affected by elevated CO2, and fungi and nematodes to a lesser extent. The influence of elevated CO2 was plant dependent, with the mycorrhizal plant ( F. rubra ) exerting a greater influence on bacterial and fungal communities. Biomarker data indicated that arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) may play an important role in the observed soil community responses. Effects of elevated CO2 were also soil dependent, with greater influence observed in the more organic-rich soils, which also supported higher levels of AMF colonization. These results indicate that responses of soil-borne communities to elevated CO2 are different for bacteria, fungi and nematodes and dependent on the plant type and soil nutrient availability.  相似文献   

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