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Ecosystem services are natural functions of an ecosystem that can be, secondarily, used for the benefit of humans. A recent estimate showed that ecosystem services equal, on average, 33 trillion dollars a year, with pollination being responsible for 112 billions dollars. The alteration of natural systems and the loss of pollinating species have caused a decrease in many crops' productivity. The objective of this work is to evaluate the pollination as an ecological service in agriculture, testing the hypothesis that the presence of forest remnants increases coffee agricultural productivity through an increase in pollination. This argument is based on the assumption that areas of preservation of native forest required by Brazilian law provide pollinators to local agroecosystems. Fruit production was compared among three different planting regimes: agrosilviculture, and conventional monoculture with and without preserved forest remnants nearby. The average flower production by branch was different among the farms and was not related to the planting methods. The first flowering was larger than the second, representing 81–98% of the flowers' total production. The farms near forest fragments had an increase of 14.6% in production that can be related to the pollinating services.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Research - Arabidopsis thaliana and Brassica rapa are in the same evolutionary lineage, although the latter experienced an additional whole genome triplication event. Therefore, it...  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2022,25(1):101844
Brassica rapa L., is a crop grown globally and studies have indicated that insect pollination can improve yields. However, the importance of insect pollination in this crop depends on cultivar reproductive biology, insect pollinator species and their abundances. In Bangladesh, the acreage of B. rapa for oilseed production has been expanding, but little is known about whether insects contribute to yield improvements. Using the commonly grown variety Tori-7, we found that plants with inflorescences left exposed to flower visiting insects (body width > 1.5 mm) had a 30.8% greater seed yield compared to those where insect flower visitors were excluded. Of 794 insect flower visiting individuals recorded from observation and trapping surveys conducted across four separate fields, Apis bees (four spp.) were the most abundant (66.1%), followed by flies Musca domestica (14.7%), Sepsis fulgens (6.3%) and hoverflies (3.0%; 3 spp; Syrphidae). Other flower visitors included ants, wasps, beetles, butterflies and moths. For the cultivar assessed, we calculated the economic value of oilseed rape was $US 87.5 million per annum in Bangladesh, of which the economic value of insect pollination was $US 26.92 million per annum. Thus, one in every four dollars earned by our Bangladeshi growers resulted from insect crop pollination. This demonstrates to growers the need to promote and protect insect pollination to optimize their economic returns.  相似文献   

One of the major aims of pollination ecology has been to understand the role and relative importance of different pollinator species in both natural and agricultural systems. This study explores how the quantity of pollen delivered in a single visit to a stigma (SVD) differs across insect species from a wide range of taxa (Orders: Hymenoptera, Diptera and Coleoptera) and assesses the morphological and behavioural traits that lead to differences in pollen delivery. We used oilseed rape (OSR) (Brassica napus L.), an economically important crop with open self-fertile flowers, as a test system. Behavioural traits and SVD were measured in the field for individuals of all frequent flower-visiting species of OSR. Individuals were collected and morphological traits were measured in the laboratory. The quantities of free pollen on different body parts of flower visitors, or ‘pollen load’, were also measured. Behavioural and morphological traits were then assessed as predictors of SVD. The individuals that delivered most pollen were (in order of greatest median number of pollen grains delivered): bumblebees (Bombus spp.), mining bees (Andrenidae) and honeybees (Apis mellifera). However, all but one family of flies tested delivered a significantly greater median number of pollen grains than the control, and most delivered more than sweat bees (Halictidae). Behavioural and morphological traits were important in determining pollen delivery, with greater body length, hairiness and visit duration all resulting in greater SVD. Pollen load was measured for a proportion of individuals and we found that for momentary flower visits, a greater quantity of pollen on the head of the flower visitor was linked to a greater SVD. This study demonstrates that, while bees are important pollinators in this system, many fly taxa are also effective at delivering pollen and this is linked to morphological and behavioural traits found in both groups.  相似文献   

de Jong TJ  Hesse E 《The New phytologist》2012,194(4):1134-1142
Pollen of the crop oilseed rape (Brassica napus, AACC) can cross-fertilize ovules of Brassica rapa (AA), which leads to an influx of unpaired C-chromosomes into wild B. rapa populations. The presence of such extra chromosomes is thought to be an indicator of introgression. Backcrosses and F(1) hybrids were found in Danish populations but, surprisingly, only F(1) hybrids were found in the UK and the Netherlands. Here, a model tests how the level of selection and biased vs unbiased transmission affect the population frequency of C-chromosomes. In the biased-transmission scenario the experimental results of the first backcross are extrapolated to estimate survival of gametes with different numbers of C-chromosomes from all crosses in the population. With biased transmission, the frequency of C-chromosomes always rapidly declines to zero. With unbiased transmission, the continued presence of plants with extra C-chromosomes depends on selection in the adult stage and we argue that this is the most realistic option for modeling populations. We suggest that selection in the field against plants with unpaired C-chromosomes is strong in Dutch and UK populations. The model highlights what we do not know and makes suggestions for further research on introgression.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Pollination is an important process in the life cycle of plants and is the first step in bringing together the male and female gametophytes for plant reproduction. While pollination has been studied for many years, accurate knowledge of the morphological aspects of this process is still far from complete. This study therefore focuses on a morphological characterization of pollination, using time-series image analysis of self- and cross-pollinations in Brassica rapa.


Time-lapse imaging of pollen behaviour during self- and cross-pollinations was recorded for 90 min, at 1 min intervals, using a stereoscopic microscope. Using time-series digital images of pollination, characteristic features of pollen behaviours during self- and cross-pollinations were studied.

Key Results

Pollen exhibited various behaviours in both self- and cross-pollinations, and these were classified into six representative patterns: germination, expansion, contraction, sudden contraction, pulsation and no change. It is noteworthy that in ‘contraction’ pollen grains shrunk within a short period of 30–50 min, and in ‘pulsation’ repeated expansion and contraction occurred with an interval of 10 min, suggesting that a dehydration system is operating in pollination. All of the six patterns were observed on an individual stigma with both self- and cross-pollinations, and the difference between self- and cross-pollinations was in the ratios of the different behaviours. With regard to water transport to and from pollen grains, this occurred in multiple steps, before, during and after hydration. Thus, pollination is regulated by a combination of multiple components of hydration, rehydration and dehydration systems.


Regulated hydration of pollen is a key process for both pollination and self-incompatibility, and this is achieved by a balanced complex of hydration, dehydration and nutrient supply to pollen grains from stigmatic papilla cells.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of microsatellites in Brassica rapa L   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report here the isolation and characterization of microsatellites, or simple sequence repeats (SSRs), in Brassica rapa. The size-fractionated genomic library was screened with (GA)(15) and (GT)(15) oligonucleotide probes. A total of 58 clones were identified as having the microsatellite repeats, and specific primer pairs were designed for 38 microsatellite loci. All primer pairs, except two, amplified fragments having the sizes expected from the sequences. Of the 36 primer pairs, 35 amplified polymorphic loci in 19 cultivars of B. rapa, while monomorphism was observed in only one primer pair. A total of 232 alleles was identified by the 36 primer pairs in 19 cultivars of B. rapa, and these primer pairs were examined also in nine Brassicaceae species. Most of the 36 primer pairs amplified the loci in the Brassicaceae species. Segregation of the microsatellites was studied in an F(2) population from a cross of doubled-haploid lines DH27 x G309. The microsatellites segregated in a co-dominant manner. These results indicate that the microsatellites isolated in this study were highly informative and could be useful tools for genetic analysis in B. rapa and other related species.  相似文献   

Sterck and colleagues (Behaviour 134:749–774, 1997) focused attention on the evolutionary ecology of female social relationships within and between groups and proposed a model that distinguishes 4 categories of female relationships, which correspond to particular types of intra- and intergroup competition. They emphasized literature on haplorhines in their model because of numerous, detailed studies conducted on a range of species in the wild; in contrast, strepsirrhines such as the lemuroids are poorly represented. We evaluate more closely their classification of lemuroids as Dispersal-Egalitarian using a greater number of species of Lemur, Eulemur, Varecia, Hapalemur, Indri, and Propithecus. For the focal species we found that female philopatry occurs rarely, agonistic rates are relatively low, female dominance hierarchies are not stable and do not exist year-round, and intra- and intergroup female-female competition is infrequent. Therefore, our results support the suggestion that a majority of lemuroid taxa we surveyed correspond to the Dispersal-Egalitarian category with 2 probable exceptions: Lemur catta and Propithecus edwardsi. Because female Lemur catta are philopatric, have year-round dominance hierarchies with female matrilines, exhibit the highest rates of agonism in studied lemuroids, and have frequent intra- and intergroup female-female competition, it would seem that they more closely correspond to the category Resident-Nepotistic. However, maternal Lemur catta rarely support their offspring in agonistic contests and matrilineal rank is not inherited, which leads us to state that the species does not fit into any existing category that explains the nature of female social relationships. The relationships of female Propithecus edwardsi are also a challenge to categorize under the current model because some of their characteristics —typical female dispersal and low agonistic rates— fall into the Dispersal-Egalitarian category, yet other behaviors —intense targeted aggression and stable and year-round female dominance hierarchies— do not.  相似文献   

Calanthe striata has nectarless flowers that are self‐compatible, but pollinator dependent. Field observations showed that the flowers were pollinated exclusively by the carpenter bee Xylocopa appendiculata circumvolans, although the bees occasionally wasted pollen by delivering to the stigmatic surface pollinaria that retained their anther caps. Fruit set ratios at the population level varied spatiotemporally, but were generally low (8.3–17.3%). Calanthe striata blooms in spring when post‐overwintering carpenter bees have not yet started foraging for brood production. It can therefore exploit an abundance of opportunistic/naïve foragers. This timing may also increase the possibility of pollinator visits, because no rewarding co‐flowering plants are available in the orchid habitats. A literature review of Orchidaceae pollinated by carpenter bees revealed that at least 14 species of Orchidoideae and Epidendroideae have evolved flowers specialized for carpenter bee pollination. They typically have shallow pink/magenta flowers with a foothold for pollinators; pollinaria are attached to the head, ventral thorax or base of the middle legs of carpenter bees when they insert their heads and/or proboscises into flowers; pollination success is generally low, a probable consequence of the deceptive pollination systems. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013 , 171 , 730–743.  相似文献   

It is possible to monitor the movement of transgenes by tagging them with green fluorescent protein (GFP). In order to develop a model to study transgene flow, canola (Brassica napus cv Westar) was transformed with two GFP constructs, mGFP5er (GFP only) and pSAM 12 [GFP linked to a synthetic Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) cry1Ac endotoxin gene]. Transformed callus sectors that fluoresced green were preferentially selected in the tissue culture process. Four independent GFP canola events and 12 events of GFP/Bt canola were regenerated through tissue culture. GFP fluorescence was macroscopically detectable throughout the entire life cycle of canola. The GFP/Bt events were insecticidal to neonate corn earworm (Helicoverpa zea) larvae and prevented herbivory damage. Fluorescence intensity at 508 nm varied between the independent transformation events, and ranged from 7.6×105 to 13.8×105 (counts per second) in contrast with the wild-type at 5.3×105 cps. Nine GFP/Bt and three GFP events were hybridized with three wild accessions of B. rapa. The resultant hybrids fluoresced green and were insecticidal to neonate corn earworm larvae to the same degree as the transgenic canola parents. However, fluorescence intensities of the hemizygous F1 hybrid lines were lower than the respective original homozygous canola parents. Each F1 hybrid line was backcrossed by hand onto the B. rapa parent, and transgenic backcrosses were produced at rates ranging from 15% to 34%. These data suggest that GFP can be used as a tool to monitor transgene flow from crop species to wild relatives. Received: 11 September 2000 / Accepted: 1 February 2001  相似文献   

西藏白菜型油菜遗传多样性的RAPD分析   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24  
通过利用22个10bp随机引物对来自西藏高原地区107份白菜型油菜种质资源材料的PAPD分析,探讨了西藏白菜型油菜品种之间的遗传分化关系,结果表明:(1)供试的107份材料共产生236条谱带,其中210条谱带有多态性,占88.98%,说明白菜型油菜在西藏高原地区具有较丰富的遗传多样性;(2)根据引物扩增出的DNA指纹图谱,运用UPGMA分析法,在遗传距离为0.078处,可将供试的107份白菜型油菜划分为11个类群,发现来自于同一地区或气候相似区的品种往往聚在一起,表明西藏高原白菜型油菜品种的相似性与其原产地的地理,气候背景密切相关,并在此基础上,结合西藏高原农业发展历史,气候背景以及地形地貌特点和植物地理学,植物区系学,植物进化论等方面的综合分析,提出西藏高原是世界白菜型油菜起源地的观点。  相似文献   

土壤生态系统稳定性研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
李小方  邓欢  黄益宗  王新军  朱永官 《生态学报》2009,29(12):6712-6722
土壤生态系统稳定性是指土壤生态系统对抗人为干扰和自然剧烈变化的能力,可以由抵抗力和恢复力两个方面来表征.土壤生态系统稳定性是土壤健康指标的核心之一,进行稳定性评价对于土壤健康评价尤其是人为污染和物理干扰后土壤的健康评价具有重要参考价值.与地上生态系统研究结论相似,土壤生态系统稳定性的评价,与所选择的干扰性质和土壤过程密切相关.国内外近年来土壤生态系统稳定性方面的研究进展,主要包括:土壤生态系统稳定性的概念,土壤生态系统稳定性的研究方法,土壤生态系统稳定性的影响因素,保持土壤生态系统稳定性的对策,并提出了问题与展望.  相似文献   

We examined the significance of retaining color-changed flowers in pollination success of Weigela middendorffiana through a single visit of bumble bees. Inner parts of flowers changed color with age from yellow to red. In an investigation of the mating system, duration of each color phase, reproductive ability of each of the color-phase flowers, and the effects of color-changed flowers on bumble bee behavior (1) flowers of this species were self-incompatible, (2) color-changed flowers provided little reward to pollinators and little residual reproductive ability, (3) the timing of floral color change was delayed with the progress of flowering season within individual plants, while the duration of the red phase shortened with the progress of flowering season, and (4) red-phase flowers did not attract bumble bees at a distance but did contribute to reducing the number of successive flower visits during a single stay within the plants. Red-phase flowers seemed to indicate the low reward level of old flowers and functioned as a cue to discourage pollinators from staying longer on the same plant. Our results predict that the retention of color-changed flowers without sexual function can enhance the pollination success of a whole plant through male function by reducing successive flower visits during a single stay of pollinators, i.e., geitonogamous pollination.  相似文献   



LIM (Lin-11, Isl-1 and Mec-3 domains) genes have been reported to trigger the formation of actin bundles, a major higher-order cytoskeletal assembly, in higher plants; however, the stress resistance related functions of these genes are still not well known. In this study, we collected 22 LIM genes designated as Brassica rapa LIM (BrLIM) from the Brassica database, analyzed the sequences, compared them with LIM genes of other plants and analyzed their expression after applying biotic and abiotic stresses in Chinese cabbage.


Upon sequence analysis these genes were confirmed as LIM genes and found to have a high degree of homology with LIM genes of other species. These genes showed distinct clusters when compared to other recognized LIM proteins upon phylogenetic analysis. Additionally, organ specific expression of these genes was observed in Chinese cabbage plants, with BrPLIM2a, b, c, BrDAR1, BrPLIM2e, f and g only being expressed in flower buds. Furthermore, the expression of these genes (except for BrDAR1 and BrPLIM2e) was high in the early flowering stages. The remaining genes were expressed in almost all organs tested. All BrDAR genes showed higher expression in flower buds compared to other organs. These organ specific expressions were clearly correlated with the phylogenetic grouping. In addition, BrWLIM2c and BrDAR4 responded to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans infection, while commonly two BrDARs and eight BrLIMs responded to cold, ABA and pH (pH5, pH7 and pH9) stress treatments in Chinese cabbage plants.


Taken together, the results of this study indicate that BrLIM and BrDAR genes may be involved in resistance against biotic and abiotic stresses in Brassica.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-641) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A wide variety of insect species provide pollination services in natural and agricultural ecosystems, but in order to quantify their contribution it is necessary to evaluate their effectiveness. An important component of this is to determine their ability to transfer pollen to stigmas which typically requires observers to wait for insects to visit focal flowers (static approach); a time-consuming process not amenable to obtaining measures for pollinating species of low local abundance. An alternative method (active approach) is to detach test flowers and present them to the targeted flower visitor. This offers a number of advantages (e.g. increased speed and flexibility), but may alter insect behaviour. We compared pollen deposition within flowering onion crops using three bee (Apoidea) and three fly (Diptera) species. The two approaches resulted in similar numbers of pollen grains being deposited onto stigmas for each insect species, thereby supporting the validity of the active as an alternative to the static approach in our test crop. The ability to rapidly assess stigmatic pollen deposition of a broad range of insects using the active approach can greatly assist assessments of pollinator contribution within plant pollinator assemblages.  相似文献   

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