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The foetus can be regarded as a half-allograft implanted into the maternal body. In a successful pregnancy, the mother does not reject the foetus because of the immune tolerance mechanism at the maternal-foetal interface. The innate immune cells are a large part of the decidual leukocytes contributing significantly to a successful pregnancy. Although the contributions have been recognized, their role in human pregnancy has not been completely elucidated. Additionally, the accumulated evidence demonstrates that the immune checkpoint molecules expressed on the immune cells are co-inhibitory receptors regulating their activation and biological function. Therefore, it is critical to understand the immune microenvironment and explore the function of the innate immune cells during pregnancy. This review summarizes the classic immune checkpoints such as PD-1, CTLA-4 and some novel molecules recently identified, including TIM-3, CD200, TIGIT and the Siglecs family on the decidual and peripheral innate immune cells during pregnancy. Furthermore, it emphasizes the role of the immune checkpoint molecules in pregnancy-associated complications and reproductive immunotherapy.  相似文献   

固有免疫细胞是机体抵御病原微生物的首道防线,亦是机体有效启动和维持免疫反应的重要参与者,而模式识别受体是固有免疫细胞发挥免疫功能的重要免疫分子,因此,机体对固有免疫细胞及其模式识别受体的精细调控尤为重要。表观遗传学是近年研究热点,其在固有免疫调节中的作用逐渐受到重视。就近年表观遗传学中的DNA甲基化、组蛋白共价修饰及非编码RNA等在调节固有免疫细胞分化发育及其模式识别受体的相关研究作一简述,以期为感染、炎症、自身免疫病等研究与防治提供新的思路和策略。  相似文献   

Toll样受体是机体天然免疫系统最重要的模式识别受体之一,通过识别病原寄生虫的病原相关分子模式,活化依赖和非依赖于髓样分化因子88的信号转导通路,诱导干扰素、炎症因子、趋化因子等的表达以及树突状细胞的成熟,抵御病原寄生虫的感染。因此,以下综述了Toll样受体对原病寄生虫,尤其对动物寄生性原虫与蠕虫感染的模式识别与天然免疫应答机制,以进一步理解病原寄生虫与宿主相互作用的复杂性,为寄生虫病的有效防治提供理论参考。  相似文献   

In the tumour microenvironment (TME), immunogenic cell death (ICD) plays a major role in stimulating the dysfunctional antitumour immune system. Chronic exposure of damage‐associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) attracts receptors and ligands on dendritic cells (DCs) and activates immature DCs to transition to a mature phenotype, which promotes the processing of phagocytic cargo in DCs and accelerates the engulfment of antigenic components by DCs. Consequently, via antigen presentation, DCs stimulate specific T cell responses that kill more cancer cells. The induction of ICD eventually results in long‐lasting protective antitumour immunity. Through the exploration of ICD inducers, recent studies have shown that there are many novel modalities with the ability to induce immunogenic cancer cell death. In this review, we mainly discussed and summarized the emerging methods for inducing immunogenic cancer cell death. Concepts and molecular mechanisms relevant to antitumour effects of ICD are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

To enable microbial colonization of the gut mucosa, the intestinal immune system must not only react to danger signals but also recognize cues that indicate safety. Recognition of safety, paradoxically, is mediated by the same environmental sensors that are involved in signaling danger. Indeed, in addition to their well‐established role in inducing inflammation in response to stress signals, pattern recognition receptors and a variety of metabolic sensors also promote gut‐microbiota symbiosis by responding to “microbial symbiosis factors”, “resolution‐associated molecular patterns”, markers of energy extraction and other signals indicating the absence of pathogenic infection and tissue damage. Here we focus on how the paradoxical roles of immune receptors and other environmental sensors define the microbiota signature of an individual.  相似文献   

The existence of cancer stem cells has been wellestablished in acute myeloid leukemia. Initial proof of the existence of leukemia stem cells(LSCs) was accomplished by functional studies in xenograft models making use of the key features shared with normal hematopoietic stem cells(HSCs) such as the capacity of self-renewal and the ability to initiate and sustain growth of progenitors in vivo. Significant progress has also been made in identifying the phenotype and signaling pathways specific for LSCs. Therapeutically, a multitude of drugs targeting LSCs are in different phases of preclinical and clinical development. This review focuses on recent discoveries which have advanced our understanding of LSC biology and provided rational targets for development of novel therapeutic agents. One of the major challenges is how to target the selfrenewal pathways of LSCs without affecting normal HSCs significantly therefore providing an acceptable therapeutic window. Important issues pertinent to the successful design and conduct of clinical trials evaluating drugs targeting LSCs will be discussed as well.  相似文献   

The innate immune system senses pathogens largely through signals initiated by proteins known as 'Toll-like receptors' (TLRs), of which ten representatives are known to be encoded in the human genome. The understanding of the biochemical circuitry that maintains the innate capacity for immune recognition and response has loomed as a major hurdle in immunology. A total of five adapter proteins with cytoplasmic domain homology to the TLRs are known to exist in mammals. These proteins show preferential association with individual TLR family members, giving a particular character to the signals that distinct microorganisms initiate, and also initiate the adaptive immune response. The adaptive immune response is dependent upon upregulation of costimulatory molecules (UCM) such as CD80 and CD86. Forward genetic analysis has revealed that this upregulation depends upon an adapter encoded by a locus known as Lps2, and upon type I interferon receptor signaling.  相似文献   

Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a clonal myeloproliferative disorder characterized by a chromosome translocation that generates the Bcr-Abl oncogene encoding a constitutive kinase activity. Despite remarkable success in controlling CML at chronic phase by Bcr-Abl tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), a significant proportion of CML patients treated with TKIs develop drug resistance due to the inability of TKIs to kill leukemia stem cells (LSCs) that are responsible for initiation, drug resistance, and relapse of CML. Therefore, there is an urgent need for more potent and safer therapies against leukemia stem cells for curing CML. A number of LSCassociated targets and corresponding signaling pathways, including CaMKII-γ, a critical molecular switch for co-activating multiple LSC-associated signaling pathways, have been identified over the past decades and various small inhibitors targeting LSC are also under development. Increasing evidence shows that leukemia stem cells are the root of CML and targeting LSC may offer a curable treatment option for CML patients. This review summarizes the molecular biology of LSC and itsassociated targets, and the potential clinical application in chronic myeloid leukemia.  相似文献   

The immune receptors expressed on myeloid cells (IREM) are type I transmembrane proteins encoded on human chromosome 17 (17q25.1), whose function is believed to be important in controlling inflammation. To date, three IREM receptors have been identified. IREM-1 functions as an inhibitory receptor, whereas IREM-2 and IREM-3 serve an activating function. Here, we report the crystal structure of IREM-1 extracellular domain at 2.6 A resolution. The overall fold of IREM-1 resembles that of a V-type immunoglobulin domain, and reveals overall close homology with immunoglobulin domains from other immunoreceptors such as CLM-1, TREM-1, TLT-1 and NKp44. Comparing the surface electrostatic potential and hydrophobicity of IREM-1 with its murine homologous CLM-1, we observed unique structural properties for the complementary determining region of IREM-1, which suggests that they may be involved in recognition of the IREM-1 ligand. Particularly interesting is the structural conformation and physical properties of the antibody's equivalent CDR3 loop, which we show to be a structurally variable region of the molecule and therefore could be the main structural determinant for ligand discrimination and binding. In addition, the analysis of the IREM-1 structure revealed the presence of four structurally different cavities. Three of these cavities form a continuous hydrophobic groove on the IREM-1 surface, which point to a region of the molecule capable of accommodating potential ligands.  相似文献   

Standard allogeneic stem cell transplantation (alloSCT) has provided a cure for chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) over the last 25 years, but is only an option for a minority of patients. It was hoped that the introduction of imatinib mesylate (IM), a specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor that targets the Bcr-Abl oncogene product, would provide long-term remission or even cure for those patients without a donor, but studies have shown that IM does not eliminate leukaemic stem cells in CML patients. To overcome this problem of molecular persistence, research is underway to combine reduced intensity stem cell transplant or non-donor-dependent immunotherapies with IM with the aim of increasing cure rate, reducing toxicity and improving quality of life. The alternative approach is to combine IM or second-generation agents with other novel drugs that interrupt key signalling pathways activated by Bcr-Abl. This article will focus on the latest immunotherapy and molecularly targeted therapeutic options in CML and how they may be combined to improve the outcome for CML patients in the future.  相似文献   

It has recently been suggested that the infarcted rat heart microenvironment could direct pluripotent mouse embryonic stem cells to differentiate into cardiomyocytes through an in situ paracrine action. To investigate whether the heart can function as a cardiogenic niche and confer an immune privilege to embryonic stem cells, we assessed the cardiac differentiation potential of undifferentiated mouse embryonic stem cells (mESC) injected into normal, acutely or chronically infarcted rat hearts. We found that mESC survival depended on immunosuppression both in normal and infarcted hearts. However, upon Cyclosporin A treatment, both normal and infarcted rat hearts failed to induce selective cardiac differentiation of implanted mESC. Instead, teratomas developed in normal and infarcted rat hearts 1 week and 4 weeks (50% and 100%, respectively) after cell injection. Tight control of ESC commitment into a specific cardiac lineage is mandatory to avoid the risk of uncontrolled growth and tumourigenesis following transplantation of highly plastic cells into a diseased myocardium.  相似文献   

Although immuno‐inflammatory response contributes to pathogenesis of AF, molecular and cellular mechanism in this process remains poorly understood. Recently, increasing evidence suggests that Programmed death‐1 (PD‐1)/PD‐1 ligand (PD‐L) pathway may be a potential pathway participating in AF pathogenesis. In this study, we detected the PD‐1 and PD‐L1, 2 expression on peripheral blood function cells by flow cytometry in 91 atrial fibrillation (AF) patients and 35 healthy volunteers. The expression of PD‐1 on CD4+ T cells and PD‐L1 on myeloid dendritic cells (mDCs) in AF patients is significantly down‐regulated compared with healthy volunteers. In addition, the extent of PD‐1/PD‐L1 down‐regulation is closely related with AF burden. More importantly, Allogeneic mixed leukocyte reactions (MLR) shows that the mDCs PD‐L1 down‐regulation is associated with increased T cell (CD4+ and CD8+) proliferation, increased type 1 effector cytokines (IL‐2 and IFN‐γ) secretion, and decreased type 2 effector cytokine (IL‐10) secretion. Then, PD‐L1 up‐regulation by the stimulation of IFN‐α can significantly convert this representation. Collectively, our report suggest that T(CD4+)/mDCs‐associated PD‐1/PD‐L1 pathway plays a key role in AF immune regulation. PD‐1/PD‐L1 down‐regulation in AF patients promotes T cells function and may contribute to AF pathogenesis.  相似文献   

盐分胁迫是植物在自然环境中经常遭遇的环境胁迫因素之一,会引起植物代谢紊乱乃至细胞死亡,这严重限制了植物的生长、繁育和生存。交替呼吸途径是植物较之动物独特的线粒体呼吸途径。该研究在烟草悬浮细胞中调查了交替呼吸途径对Na Cl胁迫引起的植物细胞死亡过程的调节作用及相应的内在机制,以及在200 mmol·L~(-1)Na Cl处理的烟草悬浮细胞中研究了交替呼吸途径和细胞死亡发生及H_2O_2之间的关系。结果表明:(1)随着Na Cl处理浓度的增加,烟草悬浮细胞死亡水平逐渐增加,而交替呼吸途径的容量也逐渐上升。(2)与Na Cl处理相似,外源H_2O_2的处理也能导致烟草悬浮细胞死亡水平的增加。200 mmol·L~(-1)Na Cl的胁迫导致明显的细胞死亡发生和H_2O_2产量的显著性增加;而较之200 mmol·L~(-1)Na Cl胁迫下的细胞,用水杨基氧肟酸(交替呼吸途径的抑制剂)预处理后的细胞再置于200 mmol·L~(-1)Na Cl的胁迫下导致更高水平的细胞死亡和H_2O_2的产生。综上表明,高盐胁迫诱导了烟草悬浮细胞的交替呼吸途径的增加,而交替呼吸途径则可能通过抑制活性氧的产生而起到缓解细胞死亡发生的作用。  相似文献   

Introduction: The immune system is our defense system against microbial infections and tissue injury, and understanding how it works in detail is essential for developing drugs for different diseases. Mass spectrometry-based proteomics can provide in-depth information on the molecular mechanisms involved in immune responses.

Areas covered: Summarized are the key immunology findings obtained with MS-based proteomics in the past five years, with a focus on inflammasome activation, global protein secretion, mucosal immunology, immunopeptidome and T cells. Special focus is on extracellular vesicle-mediated protein secretion and its role in immune responses.

Expert commentary: Proteomics is an essential part of modern omics-scale immunology research. To date, MS-based proteomics has been used in immunology to study protein expression levels, their subcellular localization, secretion, post-translational modifications, and interactions in immune cells upon activation by different stimuli. These studies have made major contributions to understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in innate and adaptive immune responses. New developments in proteomics offer constantly novel possibilities for exploring the immune system. Examples of these techniques include mass cytometry and different MS-based imaging approaches which can be widely used in immunology.  相似文献   

Although the identification of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) has changed the treatment paradigm of many cancer types including chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), still adjustment of neoplastic cells to cytotoxic effects of anticancer drugs is a serious challenge. In the area of drug resistance, epigenetic alterations are at the center of attention and the present study aimed to evaluate whether blockage of epigenetics mechanisms using a pan-histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor induces cell death in CML-derived K562 cells. We found that the abrogation of HDACs using panobinostat resulted in a reduction in survival of the K562 cell line through p27-mediated cell cycle arrest. Noteworthy, the results of the synergistic experiments revealed that HDAC suppression could be recruited as a way to potentiate cytotoxicity of Imatinib and to enhance the therapeutic efficacy of CML. Here, we proposed for the first time that the inhibitory effect of panobinostat was overshadowed, at least partially, through the aberrant activation of the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/c-Myc axis. Meanwhile, we found that upon blockage of autophagy and the proteasome pathway, as the main axis involved in the activation of autophagy, the anti-leukemic property of the HDAC inhibitor was potentiated. Taken together, our study suggests the beneficial application of HDAC inhibition in the treatment strategies of CML; however, further in vivo studies are needed to determine the efficacy of this inhibitor, either as a single agent or in combination with small molecule inhibitors of PI3K and/or c-Myc in this malignancy.  相似文献   

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