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Lysosomal trafficking in rat cardiac myocytes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
By immunolabeling of cryosections, we have characterized in rat cardiac myocytes the cation-independent mannose-6-phosphate receptor (MPR), a lysosomal membrane glycoprotein, lgp120, and a lysosomal enzyme, MEP (homologous to cathepsin L). Most of the MPR label was located in large membrane-filled structures (MPR structures) in large clusters of mitochondria adjacent to but distinct from the Golgi complex. Lpg120 and MEP showed typical lysosomal localization throughout the cell, often associated with regions that appeared to contain autophagosome-like structures. In addition, MEP and lgp120 co-localized within MPR structures. MEP and MPR were localized inside the lumen of MPR structures. MPR was associated mostly with inner membranes, whereas lgp120 was predominantly bound to the outer limiting membrane. MPR, lgp120, and MEP were not detected in Golgi stacks, but some labeling was seen in the putative TGN. Our data suggest that the MPR structures are prelysosomes involved in lysosomal enzyme targeting in rat cardiac myocytes.  相似文献   

The contractile cycle of the cardiac myocyte is essentially controlled by the concentration of intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i). Measurement of [Ca2+]i using Ca2+-dependent fluorescence and simultaneous monitoring of cell dynamics enable characterization of a variety of substances interacting with ion channels and contractile proteins. In this report we describe a novel method featuring up to 480 frames/s for monitoring rapid changes in cellular calcium and cell length, in which every individual cycle allows effective evaluation of major cell parameters. Computers aid in determination of time to peak (in ms), time to 50% decrease (ms), diastolic Ca2+ (relative fluorescence units, rfu), systolic Ca2+ (rfu), Ca2+ transients (rfu), DeltaCa2+/Delta(t) rise (rfu/s), and DeltaCa2+/Delta(t) fall (rfu/s). Contractile parameters are as follows: maximum cell length (microm), minimum cell length (microm), absolute cell shortening (microm), peak DeltaL/Delta(t) shortening (microm/s), and peak DeltaL/Delta(t) relaxation (microm/s). In summary, we succeeded in demonstrating that this system is a unique and valuable tool that allows simultaneous and accurate assessment of contractile parameters and of calcium movements of isolated adult cardiac myocytes.  相似文献   

It is of paramount importance to investigate the relation between the time-dependent change in intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) (Ca2+ transients) and the mechanical activity of isolated single myocytes to understand the regulatory mechanisms of heart function. However, because of technical difficulties in performing mechanical measurements with single myocytes, the simultaneous recording of Ca2+ transients and mechanical activity has mainly been performed with multicellular cardiac preparations that give conflicting results concerning Ca2+ transients during isometric twitches and during twitches with unloaded shortening. In the present study, we coupled intracellular Ca2+ measurement optics with a force measurement system using carbon fibers to examine the relation between Ca2+ transients and the mechanical activity of rat single ventricular myocytes over a wide range of load. To minimize the possible load dependence of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ loading, contraction mode was switched at every twitch from unloaded shortening to isometric contraction. During a twitch with unloaded shortening, the Ca2+ transients exhibited a higher peak and a higher rate of decay than transients during an isometric twitch. Similarly, when we changed the contraction mode in every pair of twitches, Ca2+ transients were dependent only on the mode of contraction. Mechanical uncoupling with 2,3-butanedione monoxime abolished this dependence on the mode of contraction. Our results suggest that Ca2+ transients reflect the affinity of troponin C for Ca2+, which is influenced by the change in strain on the thin filament but not by the length change per se.  相似文献   

Atrial and ventricular myocytes 200 to 300 microm long containing one to five myofibrils are isolated from frog hearts. After a cell is caught and held between two suction micropipettes the surface membrane is destroyed by briefly jetting relaxing solution containing 0.05% Triton X-100 on it from a third micropipette. Jetting buffered Ca2+ from other pipettes produces sustained contractions that relax completely on cessation. The pCa/force relationship is determined at 20 degrees C by perfusing a closely spaced sequence of pCa concentrations (pCa = -log[Ca2+]) past the skinned myocyte. At each step in the pCa series quick release of the myocyte length defines the tension baseline and quick restretch allows the kinetics of the return to steady tension to be observed. The pCa/force data fit to the Hill equation for atrial and ventricular myocytes yield, respectively, a pK (curve midpoint) of 5.86 +/- 0.03 (mean +/- SE.; n = 7) and 5.87 +/- 0.02 (n = 18) and an nH (slope) of 4.3 +/- 0.34 and 5.1 +/- 0.35. These slopes are about double those reported previously, suggesting that the cooperativity of Ca2+ activation in frog cardiac myofibrils is as strong as in fast skeletal muscle. The shape of the pCa/force relationship differs from that usually reported for skeletal muscle in that it closely follows the ideal fitted Hill plot with a single slope while that of skeletal muscle appears steeper in the lower than in the upper half. The rate of tension redevelopment following release restretch protocol increases with Ca2+ >10-fold and continues to rise after Ca2+ activated tension saturates. This finding provides support for a strong kinetic mechanism of force regulation by Ca2+ in frog cardiac muscle, at variance with previous reports on mammalian heart muscle. The maximum rate of tension redevelopment following restretch is approximately twofold faster for atrial than for ventricular myocytes, in accord with the idea that the intrinsic speed of the contractile proteins is faster in atrial than in ventricular myocardium.  相似文献   

Passive stiffness of rat cardiac myocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intact single cells were isolated from adult rat hearts by enzymatic digestion and suspended in 0.25 mM Ca++ Tyrode's solution. Quiescent, clearly striated rodlike cells were selected for study of the elastic properties of the cells at various stages of membrane and myofilament extraction. Selected cells were placed in a relaxing solution (pCa + 9, 10 mn EGTA) and then each end gently pulled into the tip of a closely fitting suction micropipette for attachment to a force transducer and length perturbation driver. This procedure was performed in low Ca++ to prevent Ca++ loading of the cell during attachment and at room temperature to prevent chemical skinning of the cell. Stiffness was measured by applying a 5-Hz sinusoidal length perturbation (5 percent L0) to one end of the cell while measuring the induced tension change at the other. The ratio of sinusoidal tension change to applied length change (stiffness) was determined for each cell over a length range of about 1-1.3 L0 before removal of the contractile filaments and up to 3.0 L0 after treatment with 0.6 M KI. The stiffness-length relation was measured first in relaxing solution and then in 0.25 mM Ca++ Tyrode's. If spontaneous contractions or contracture occurred the cell was rejected. If the cell remained quiescent and relaxed it was treated again with relaxing solution and 1 percent Triton X-100 to remove the membranes. The stiffness-length relation was again measured and then the cell was superfused with 0.47 M KCl/10 mM pyrophosphate solution to remove the myosin filaments.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Because mutation of AMP deaminase 1 gene leading to reduced AMP deaminase activity may result in protection of cardiac function in patients with heart disease, inhibitors of AMP deaminase (AMPD) may have therapeutic applications. This study evaluated the effect of a specific inhibitor of AMP deaminase 3-[2-(3-carboxy-4-bromo-5,6,7,8-tetrahydronaphthyl)ethyl]-3,6,7,8-tetrahydroimidazo [4,5-d][1,3]diazepin-8-ol (AMPDI) on the isolated human enzyme and on nucleotide catabolism in rat cardiomyocytes. AMPDI effectively inhibited isolated human AMPD with an IC(50) = 0.5 micro M. AMPDI was much less effective with isolated cardiomyocytes (IC(50) = 0.5 mM). AMPDI is a very effective inhibitor of AMPD that despite lower efficiency in the cell system examined could be useful for in vivo studies.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that both adenosine receptor activation and direct activation of protein kinase C (PKC) decrease unloaded shortening velocity (V(max)) of rat ventricular myocytes. The goal of this study was to further investigate a possible link among adenosine receptors, phosphoinositide-PKC signaling, and V(max) in rat ventricular myocytes. We determined that the adenosine receptor agonist R-phenylisopropyladenosine (R-PIA, 100 microM) and the alpha-adrenergic receptor agonist phenylephrine (Phe, 10 microM) increased turnover of inositol phosphates. PKC translocation from the cytosol to the sarcolemma was used as an indicator of PKC activation. Western blot analysis demonstrated an increased PKC-epsilon translocation after exposure to R-PIA, Phe, and the PKC activators dioctanoylglycerol (50 microM) and phorbol myristate acetate (1 microM). PKC-alpha, PKC-delta, and PKC-zeta did not translocate to the membrane after R-PIA exposure. Finally, PKC inhibitors blocked R-PIA-induced decreases in V(max) as well as Ca(2+)-dependent actomyosin ATPase in rat ventricular myocytes. These results support the conclusions that adenosine receptors activate phosphoinositide-PKC signaling and that adenosine receptor-induced PKC activation mediates a decrease in V(max) in ventricular myocytes.  相似文献   

Mechanoelectric transduction can initiate cardiac arrhythmias. To examine the origins of this effect at the cellular level, we made whole cell voltage-clamp recordings from acutely isolated rat ventricular myocytes under controlled strain. Longitudinal stretch elicited noninactivating inward cationic currents that increased the action potential duration. These stretch-activated currents could be blocked by 100 microM Gd(3+) but not by octanol. The current-voltage relationship was nearly linear, with a reversal potential of approximately -6 mV in normal Tyrode solution. Current density varied with sarcomere length (SL) according to I (pA/pF) = 8.3 - 5.0 SL (microm). Repeated attempts to record single channel currents from stretch-activated ion channels failed, in accord with the absence of such data from the literature. The inability to record single channel currents may be a result of channels being located on internal membranes such as the T tubules or, possibly, inactivation of the channels by the mechanics of patch formation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the role of myosin heavy chain (MHC) in determining loaded shortening velocities and power output in cardiac myocytes. Cardiac myocytes were obtained from euthyroid rats that expressed alpha-MHC or from thyroidectomized rats that expressed beta-MHC. Skinned myocytes were attached to a force transducer and a position motor, and isotonic shortening velocities were measured at several loads during steady-state maximal Ca(2+) activation (P(pCa4.5)). MHC expression was determined after mechanical measurements using SDS-PAGE. Both alpha-MHC and beta-MHC myocytes generated similar maximal Ca(2+)-activated force, but alpha-MHC myocytes shortened faster at all loads and generated approximately 170% greater peak normalized power output. Additionally, the curvature of force-velocity relationships was less, and therefore the relative load optimal for power output (F(opt)) was greater in alpha-MHC myocytes. F(opt) was 0.31 +/- 0.03 P(pCa4.5) and 0.20 +/- 0.06 P(pCa4.5) for alpha-MHC and beta-MHC myocytes, respectively. These results indicate that MHC expression is a primary determinant of the shape of force-velocity relationships, velocity of loaded shortening, and overall power output-generating capacity of individual cardiac myocytes.  相似文献   

Sarcomere lengths, cell widths, indices of stiffness, and striation pattern uniformity were determined from radially compressed isolated adult cardiac myocytes from the rat. Single cells were bathed in a series of relaxing solutions containing 0-15% concentrations of nonpenetrating long chain polymers PVP-40 and dextran T-500. There were no significant changes observed in average sarcomere lengths or in striation pattern uniformity at any concentration. But cell widths decreased and stiffness increased in both polymers in a concentration-osmotic pressure-dependent relationship. Changes in cell width and stiffness were repeatable in either polymer, but only after an initial compression with a 10 or 15% concentration solution. The observed reduction in cell width after initial compression correlates well with known myofilament lattice spacing compression in rat cardiac muscle and is qualitatively similar to compressions seen in skeletal muscle preparations. But the cardiac myofilament lattice may not be as compressible as the skeletal lattice. Like skeletal muscle, stiffness exhibits a two-phase relationship where most of the increase occurs at solution osmotic pressures greater than 20 Torr. Finally, the inherently greater passive stiffness-length relationship of cardiac muscle is maintained at higher osmotic pressures such that the passive elastic modulus is strongly length dependent.  相似文献   

The influence of phosphocreatine in the presence or absence of MgATP and MgADP was studied in Triton X-100-treated thin papillary muscles and ventricular strips of the rat heart. The pCa/tension relationships, the pMgATP/tension relationships, and the tension responses to quick length changes were analyzed. The results show three major consequences of the reduction of the phosphocreatine concentration in the presence of millimolar concentrations of the MgATP. (a) The resting tension and the maximal Ca2+-activated tension were increased, and the pCa/tension relationship was shifted toward higher pCa values and its steepness was decreased; these effects were enhanced by the inclusion of MgADP. (b) The time constant of tension recoveries after quick stretches applied during maximal activation was increased, while the extent of these recoveries was decreased. (c) The study of pMgATP/tension relationships in low Ca concentrations showed that the decrease in phosphocreatine induced a shift toward higher MgATP values with no changes in maximal rigor tension or the slope coefficient; these effects were increased by the increase in MgADP and were independent of the preparation diameter. Thus, modifications of the apparent Ca sensitivity and resting and maximal tension when phosphocreatine is decreased seem to be due to an increasing participation of rigor-like or slowly cycling cross-bridges spending more time in the attached state. These results suggest that endogenous creatine kinase is able to ensure maximal efficiency of myosin ATPase by producing a local high MgATP/MgADP ratio.  相似文献   

C-protein, a substantial component of muscle thick filaments, has been postulated to have various functions, based mainly on results from biochemical studies. In the present study, effects on Ca(2+)-activated tension due to partial removal of C-protein were investigated in skinned single myocytes from rat ventricle and rabbit psoas muscle. Isometric tension was measured at pCa values of 7.0 to 4.5: (a) in untreated myocytes, (b) in the same myocytes after partial extraction of C-protein, and (c) in some myocytes, after readdition of C-protein. The solution for extracting C-protein contained 10 mM EDTA, 31 mM Na2HPO2, 124 mM NaH2PO4, pH 5.9 (Offer et al., 1973; Hartzell and Glass, 1984). In addition, the extracting solution contained 0.2 mg/ml troponin and, for skeletal muscle, 0.2 mg/ml myosin light chain-2 in order to minimize loss of these proteins during the extraction procedure. Between 60 and 70% of endogenous C-protein was extracted from cardiac myocytes by a 1-h soak in extracting solution at 20-23 degrees C; a similar amount was extracted from psoas fibers during a 3-h soak at 25 degrees C. For both cardiac myocytes and skeletal muscle fibers, partial extraction of C-protein resulted in increased active tension at submaximal concentrations of Ca2+, but had little effect upon maximum tension. C-protein extraction also reduced the slope of the tension-pCa relationships, suggesting that the cooperativity of Ca2+ activation of tension was decreased. Readdition of C-protein to previously extracted myocytes resulted in recovery of both tension and slope to near their control values. The effects on tension did not appear to be due to disruption of cooperative activation of the thin filament, since C-protein extraction from cardiac myocytes that were 40-60% troponin-C (TnC) deficient produced effects similar to those observed in cells that were TnC replete. Measurements of the tension-pCa relationship in skeletal muscle fibers were also made at a sarcomere length of 3.5 microns which, because of the distribution of C-protein on the thick filament, should eliminate any interaction between C-protein and actin. The effects of C-protein extraction were similar at long and short sarcomere lengths. These data are consistent with a model in which C-protein modulates the range of movement of myosin, such that the probability of myosin binding to actin is increased after its extraction.  相似文献   

The amount of work the heart can perform during ejection is governed by the inherent contractile properties of individual myocytes. One way to alter contractile properties is to alter contractile proteins such as myosin heavy chain (MyHC), which is known to demonstrate isoform plasticity in response to disease states. The purpose of this study was to examine myocyte functionality over the complete range of MyHC expression in heart, from 100% alpha-MyHC to 100% beta-MyHC, using euthyroid and hypothyroid rats. Peak power output in skinned cardiac myocytes decreased as a nearly linear function of beta-MyHC expression during maximal (r2 = 0.85, n = 44 myocyte preparations) and submaximal (r2 = 0.82, n = 31 myocyte preparations) Ca2+ activation. To determine whether single myocyte function translated to the level of the whole heart, power output was measured in working heart preparations expressing varied ratios of MyHC. Left ventricular power output of isolated working heart preparations also decreased as a linear function of increasing beta-MyHC expression (r2 = 0.82, n = 34 myocyte preparations). These results demonstrate that power output is highly dependent on MyHC expression in single myocytes, and this translates to the performance of working left ventricles.  相似文献   

Mechanically induced orientation of adult rat cardiac myocytes in vitro   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary A population of freshly isolated adult rat cardiac myocytes is spatially oriented using a computerized mechanical cell stimulator device for tissue cultured cells. A continuous unidirectional stretch of the substratum at 60 to 400 μm/min for 120 to 30 min, respectively, during the cell attachment period in serum-free medium induces a significant three-fold increase in the number of rod-shaped myocytes oriented parallel to the direction of movement. The myocytes orient less well with unidirectional substratum stretching after their adhesion to the substratum. In contrast, adult myocytes plated onto a substratum undergoing continuous 10% stretch-relaxation cycling show no significant change in myocyte orientation or cytoskeletal organization. Orientation of rod-shaped myocytes is dependent on several factors other than the type of mechanical activity. These include: a) the speed of substratum movement; b) the final stretch amplitude; and c) the timing between initiation of substratum stretching and adhesion of myocytes to the substratum. Oriented adult rod shaped myocytes representing 65 to 70% of the total myocyte population in this model system can now be submitted to different patterns of repetitive mechanical stimulation for the study of stretch-induced alterations in cell growth and gene expression. This work was supported by grants AR36266, AR39998, and RR05818 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, and grant NAG2-414 from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC. J.-L. Samuel was a recipient from the Foundation pour la Recherche Médicale.  相似文献   

cAMP activates an ATP-permeable pathway in neonatal rat cardiac myocytes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The molecular mechanisms associated withintracellular ATP release by the heart are largely unknown. In thisstudy the luciferin-luciferase assay and patch-clamp techniques wereused to characterize the pathways responsible for ATP release inneonatal rat cardiac myocytes (NRCM). Spontaneous ATP release by NRCMwas significantly increased after cAMP stimulation under physiologicalconditions. cAMP stimulation also induced an anion-selectiveelectrodiffusional pathway that elicited linear,diphenylamine-2-carboxylate (DPC)-inhibitable Cl currentsin either symmetrical MgCl2 or NaCl. ATP, adenosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate), and the ATP derivatives ADP andAMP, permeated this pathway; however, GTP did not. The cAMP-induced ATPcurrents were inhibited by DPC and glibenclamide and by a monoclonalantibody raised against the R domain of the cystic fibrosistransmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). The channel-like nature ofthe cAMP-induced ATP-permeable pathway was also determined by assessingprotein kinase A-activated single channel Cl and ATPcurrents in excised inside-out patches of NRCM. Single channel currentswere inhibited by DPC and the anti-CFTR R domain antibody. Thus thedata in this report demonstrate the presence of a cAMP-inducibleelectrodiffusional ATP transport mechanism in NRCM. Based on thepharmacology, patch-clamping data, and luminometry studies, the dataare most consistent with the role of a functional CFTR as the anionchannel implicated in cAMP-activated ATP transport in NRCM.


Owing in part to their interactions with membrane proteins, polyamines (e.g., spermine, spermidine, and putrescine) have been identified as potential modulators of membrane excitability and Ca(2+) homeostasis in cardiac myocytes. To investigate whether polyamines also affect cardiac myofilament proteins, we assessed the effects of polyamines on contractility using rat myocytes and trabeculae that had been permeabilized with Triton X-100. Spermine, spermidine, and putrescine reversibly increased the [Ca(2+)] required for half-maximal tension (i.e., right-shifted tension pCa curves), with the following order of efficacy: spermine (+4) > spermidine (+3) > putrescine (+2). However, synthetic analogs that differed from spermine in charge distribution were not as effective as spermine in altering isometric tension. None of the polyamines had a significant effect on maximal tension, except at high concentrations. After flash photolysis of DM-Nitrophen (a caged Ca(2+) chelator), spermine accelerated the rate of tension development at low and intermediate but not high [Ca(2+)]. These results indicate that polyamines, especially spermine, interact with myofilament proteins to reduce apparent Ca(2+) binding affinity and speed cross-bridge cycling kinetics at submaximal [Ca(2+)].  相似文献   

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