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Summary Biological electron transfer is not well understood. The question is addressed in this contribution with reference to the so-called blue copper proteins, each of which has a single copper atom at its active centre. The redox activity (as probed by the electron self exchange reaction) of the Cu centre seems not to be affected. The electron self exchange reaction is known to proceed through His-117, and the hydrophobic patch is most important in the formation of the azurin/azurin encounter complex. Ph effects have not been observed on the three-dimensional structure ofA. denitrificans azurin, which may indicate that if present at all these have no direct physiological implications. Mutants are in process of construction.  相似文献   

This work reports density functional computations of metal-substituted models of biological [Fe3S4] clusters in oxidation states [MFe2S4](+/0/-1) (M=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Mo). Geometry optimization with a dielectric screening model is shown to provide a substantial improvement in structure, compared to earlier used standard procedures. The error for average Fe-S bonds decreased from 0.038A to 0.016A with this procedure. Four density functionals were compared, B3LYP, BP86, TPSS, and TPSSh. B3LYP and to a lesser extent TPSSh energies were inconsistent with experiment for the oxidized [Fe3S4]+ cluster. BP86 (and to a slightly lesser extent TPSS) was within expected theoretical and experimental uncertainties for all oxidation states, the only qualitative error being 5kJ/mol in favor of the M(S)=3/2 configuration for the [Fe3S4]+ cluster, so BP86 was used for quantitative results. Computed reorganization energies and reduction potentials point directly towards the [Fe3S4] cluster as the superior choice of electron carrier, with the [ZnFe2S4] cluster a close second. In addition, partially and fully Mo-substituted clusters were investigated and found to have very low reorganization energies but too negative reduction potentials. The results provide a direct rationale why any substitution weakens the cluster as an electron carrier, and thus why the [Fe3S4] composition is optimal in the biological clusters.  相似文献   

Flavocytochrome P450 BM3 FMN domain is unique among the family of flavodoxins and homologues, in not forming a stable neutral blue FMN semiquinone radical. Anaerobic, one-electron reduction of the isolated domain over the pH 7-9.5 range showed that it forms an anionic red semiquinone that disproportionates slowly (0.014s(-1) at pH 7). The rate of disproportionation decreased at higher pH, indicating that protonation of the anionic semiquinone is an important feature of the mechanism. The reduction potential for the oxidised-semiquinone couple was determined to be -240mV and was largely independent of pH. The semiquinone appears, therefore, to be kinetically trapped by a slow protonation event, enabling it to act as a low-potential electron donor to the P450 heme.  相似文献   

Recent evidence has shown that the properties of metal binding sites can be tuned by more than the ligands in the primary coordination sphere. We investigated the incorporation of four phenylalanine residues into the secondary coordination sphere of the small soluble blue copper protein azurin. The locations for placement of these residues in azurin were based on the structure of the highly hydrophobic blue copper protein rusticyanin, which is known to have a significantly higher reduction potential than azurin. Using site-directed mutagenesis, these residues in close proximity to the copper binding site were mutated to large hydrophobic phenylalanine residues individually and in combination. We also added the Met121Leu mutation on top of the Phe mutations to construct a total of 13 variants. We found little change in the UV-visible absorption and EPR data for these proteins, however modest increases in reduction potential were observed with increases by as much as 30 mV per Phe residue. Furthermore, we observed the increases in potential to be additive.  相似文献   

 Metal clusters are ubiquitously used as electron-transfer (ET) agents in biology. Their presence raises the question of how the polynuclear nature of these systems influences ET. In an earlier study, a theoretical model was formulated to describe ET from a mixed-valence dimer to a diamagnetic acceptor. In the present work, this approach is generalized to analyze the effect of valence delocalization on the rate of ET in a larger class of donor–acceptor systems. Our results indicate that the effect of valence delocalization on ET rate depends on whether the mixed-valence (MV) state occurs in the initial or final state of the reaction and on the reaction regime (normal vs inverted) as defined by Marcus. The analysis provides a possible correlation between the rate constant for ET from CuA to heme a and the difference in the valence delocalization of the CuA centers in wild-type and mutant species of cytochrome c oxidase. We have analyzed the dependence of the electron flow through extended circuits containing MV clusters on valence delocalization. A significant effect was found in the fast ET regime where the capacity of the circuit to conduct electrons is optimally used. The possibility of controlling electron conduction by tuning valence delocalization is briefly addressed. Received: 16 July 1997 / Accepted: 26 November 1997  相似文献   

Blue copper proteins are type-I copper-containing redox proteins whose role is to shuttle electrons from an electron donor to an electron acceptor in bacteria and plants. A large amount of experimental data is available on blue copper proteins; however, their functional characterization is hindered by the complexity of redox processes in biological systems. We describe here the application of a semiquantitative method based on a comparative analysis of molecular interaction fields to gain insights into the recognition properties of blue copper proteins. Molecular electrostatic and hydrophobic potentials were computed and compared for a set of 33 experimentally-determined structures of proteins from seven blue copper subfamilies, and the results were quantified by means of similarity indices. The analysis provides a classification of the blue copper proteins and shows that (I) comparison of the molecular electrostatic potentials provides useful information complementary to that highlighted by sequence analysis; (2) similarities in recognition properties can be detected for proteins belonging to different subfamilies, such as amicyanins and pseudoazurins, that may be isofunctional proteins; (3) dissimilarities in interaction properties, consistent with experimentally different binding specificities, may be observed between proteins belonging to the same subfamily, such as cyanobacterial and eukaryotic plastocyanins; (4) proteins with low sequence identity, such as azurins and pseudoazurins, can have sufficient similarity to bind to similar electron donors and acceptors while having different binding specificity profiles.  相似文献   

Summary We report the optical absorption spectra of azurin (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) in the temperature range 290-20 K. The samples used are protein aqueous solutions containing 65% (by Vol.) glycerol as cryoprotectant. The measured spectra are deconvoluted in gaussian components and the temperature dependence of the zeroth, first and second moment of the observed bands is analyzed using the harmonic Franck-Condon approximation for the coupling between electronic transitions and nuclear vibrations. The analysis provides information on the stereodynamic properties of the active site of this protein. The possible functional relevance of these results is also suggested.  相似文献   

 The unfolding of oxidized and reduced azurin by guanidine hydrochloride has been monitored by circular dichroism. Dilution experiments showed the unfolding to be reversible, and the equilibrium data have been interpreted in terms of a two-state model. The protein is stabilized by the strong metal binding in the native state, so that the folding free energy is as high as –52.2 kJ mol–1 for the oxidized protein. The reduced protein is less stable, with a folding free energy of –40.0 kJ mol–1. A thermodynamic cycle shows, as a consequence, that unfolded azurin has a reduction potential 0.13 V above that of the folded protein. This is explained by the bipyramidal site in the native fold stabilizing Cu(II) by a rack mechanism, with the same geometry being maintained in the Cu(I) form. In the unfolded protein, on the other hand, the coordination geometries are expected to differ for the two oxidation states, Cu(I) being stabilized by the cysteine thiol group in a linear or trigonal symmetry, whereas Cu(II) prefers oxygen ligands in a tetragonal geometry. Received: 15 January 1997 / Accepted: 3 April 1997  相似文献   

The protein Etp1 of Schizosaccharomyces pombe consists of an amino-terminal COX15-like domain and a carboxy-terminal ferredoxin-like domain, Etp1fd, which is cleaved off after mitochondrial import. The physiological function of Etp1fd is supposed to lie in the participation in the assembly of iron-sulfur clusters and the synthesis of heme A. In addition, the protein was shown to be the first microbial ferredoxin being able to support electron transfer in mitochondrial steroid hydroxylating cytochrome P450 systems in vivo and in vitro, replacing thereby the native redox partner, adrenodoxin. Despite a sequence similarity of 39% and the fact that fission yeast is a mesophilic organism, thermodynamic studies revealed that Etp1fd has a melting temperature more than 20 °C higher than adrenodoxin. The three-dimensional structure of Etp1fd has been determined by crystallography. To the best of our knowledge it represents the first three-dimensional structure of a yeast ferredoxin. The structure-based sequence alignment of Etp1fd with adrenodoxin yields a rational explanation for their observed mutual exchangeability in the cytochrome P450 system. Analysis of the electron exchange with the S. pombe redox partner Arh1 revealed differences between Etp1fd and adrenodoxin, which might be linked to their different physiological functions in the mitochondria of mammals and yeast.  相似文献   

The thermodynamics of the one-electron reduction of the ferric heme in free and cyanide-bound Arthromyces ramosus peroxidase (ARP), a class II plant peroxidase, were determined through spectro-electrochemical experiments. The data were compared with those for class III horseradish peroxidase C (HRP) and its cyanide adduct, and were interpreted in terms of ligand binding features, electrostatic effects and solvent accessible surface area of the heme group and of catalytically relevant residues in the heme distal site. The values for free and cyanide-bound ARP (−0.183 and −0.390 V, respectively, at 25 °C and pH 7) are higher than those for HRP and HRP-CN. ARP features an enthalpic stabilization of the ferrous state and a remarkably negative reduction entropy, which are both unprecedented for heme peroxidases. Once the compensatory contributions of solvent reorganization are partitioned from the measured reduction enthalpy, the resulting protein-based value for ARP turns out to be less positive than that for HRP by +10 kJ mol−1. The smaller stabilization of the oxidized heme in ARP most probably results from the less pronounced anionic character of the proximal histidine, and the decreased polarity in the heme distal site as compared with HRP, as indicated by the X-ray structures. The surprisingly negative value for ARP is the result of peculiar reduction-induced solvent reorganization effects.  相似文献   

Five-coordinate thiolato complexes, [L1M(SMeIm)] (M = Co and Ni) (L1 = hydrotris(3,5-diisopropyl-1-pyrazolyl)borate anion and HSMeIm = 2-mercapto-1-methylimidazole), were synthesized. These complexes were compared with the corresponding Cu(II) and Zn(II) complexes with the same ligands and were also compared with the related four-coordinate complexes [L1M(SC6F5)] (HSC6F5 = pentafluorobenzenthiol). All the complexes were characterized by X-ray crystallography and UV-Vis absorption, IR, 1H NMR, and other spectroscopic techniques. All five-coordinate thiolato complexes, [L1M(SMeIm)] (M = Co, Ni, and Cu), form a distorted square pyramidal structure with a high spin state, and only [L1Zn(SMeIm)] takes a four-coordinate structure with a distorted tetrahedral configuration. The N21-M-S bond angles of the obtained five-coordinate complexes were proportional to the corresponding d value, which comes from between the equatorial basal plane with N4S ligand donor sets and metal ion. These observations and M-S bond distances affect on UV-Vis and far-IR spectral behavior.  相似文献   

A range of heteropentalene and bipyridinium compounds have been tested as catalysts of electron transfer to oxygen from spinach ferredoxin-NADP+ oxidoreductase reduced by NADPH. For a particular class of compound, the rate of oxygen reduction increased with increasing midpoint potential of the compound under conditions in which reduction of the compound was rate-limiting. Compounds with similar midpoint potentials from different structural classes showed marked differences in rate, attributed to specificity in the interaction with ferredoxin-NADP+ oxidoreductase.  相似文献   

Two nitrogen and sulfur containing ligands, 1-methyl-4-((4-methylimidazol-5-yl)methylthio)benzene (NS-mim) (1) and 1-methyl-4-(2-pyridylmethylthio)benzene (NS-mpy) (2) were synthesized and a series of their Cu(II) complexes, 3-10, prepared. The imidazole-containing complexes (3-6) have the form [Cu(NS-mim)2(solvent)2](X)2 where X = ClO4, BF4and [Cu(NS-mim)2(Y)2] where Y = Cl or Br and the pyridine-containing complexes (7-10) have the form [Cu(NS-mpy)2]X2 (where X = ClO4, BF4) and [Cu2(NS-mpy)2Y4] (where Y = Cl or Br). These complexes were characterized by a combination of elemental analysis, FAB-MS and electrochemistry. The X-ray structure of the imidazole-containing [Cu(NS-mim)2(DMF)2](ClO4)2 (3) was determined and it showed the copper(II) coordinated only by the nitrogen donors while the sulfurs remain uncoordinated. In comparison, the X-ray structure of the pyridine-containing [Cu2(NS-mpy)2(Cl)4] (9) shows a dinuclear copper(II) complex with the nitrogens and the sulfurs coordinated along with a terminal chloride and two μ-chloro atoms bridging the coppers. Cyclic voltammetry studies indicated that the complexes undergo quasi-reversible one-electron reductions in acetonitrile at potentials between 0.31 and 0.51 V versus SCE. The complexes were found to be active for the oxidation of di-tert-butyl catechol (DTBC) with the rate dependent on the ligand and the counterion present.  相似文献   

铜是生物体不可缺少的一种元素,在细胞内把铜转运到含铜的蛋白质是细胞正常代谢的基本要求,转铜伴铝在体内执行重要的生理功能,它们不但保护细胞免受游离铜离子的有害作用。而且也确保铜被运输到其特异的靶蛋白。作者综述了转铜伴铝的功能、结构特性,以及可能的金属转移机制。  相似文献   

Gene knock-out studies on Geobacter sulfurreducens have shown that the monoheme c-type cytochrome OmcF is essential for the extracellular electron transfer pathways involved in the reduction of iron and uranium oxy-hydroxides, as well as, on electricity production in microbial fuel cells. A detailed electrochemical characterization of OmcF was performed for the first time, allowing attaining kinetics and thermodynamic data. The heterogeneous electron transfer rate constant was determined at pH?7 (0.16?±?0.01?cm?s?1) indicating that the protein displays high electron transfer efficiency compared to other monoheme cytochromes. The pH dependence of the redox potential indicates that the protein has an important redox-Bohr effect in the physiological pH range for G. sulfurreducens growth. The analysis of the structures of OmcF allowed us to assign the redox-Bohr centre to the side chain of His47 residue and its pKa values in the reduced and oxidized states were determined (pKox?=?6.73; pKred?=?7.55). The enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs free energy associated with the redox transaction were calculated, pointing the reduced form of the cytochrome as the most favourable. The data obtained indicate that G. sulfurreducens cells evolved to warrant a down-hill electron transfer from the periplasm to the outer-membrane associated cytochrome OmcF.  相似文献   

The interaction of the radicals OH?, t-BuO?, eaq?, CO2XXX and O2XXX with the copper oxidase. laccase. from Polyporus, has been studied by the pulse-radiolysis technique. Each of these radicals formed transient adducts with a broad absorption maximum around 310 nm. Analysis of the optical properties and of the very fast rates of formation of these compounds shows that each radical interacts with a limited number of sites on the polypeplide part of the protein amongst R-S-S-R. histidine and aromatic residues. Interaction with the carbonyl group of some of the peptide bonds is also possible. The few target sites are probably hit simultaneously and electron transfer between these sites may also occur. In all cases, in a subsequent step, intramolecular electron transfer from the polypeptide radical adducts leads to a partial reduction of the blue type-1 Cu2+ with rates varying between 103 and 104 s?1. Further reduction of the type-1 Cu2+ occurs through a slow intermolecular reaction between two laccase radical transient adducts. In the case of COXXX2 and OXXX2, this slow reduction could alternatively be due to an intermolecular reaction between laccase and COXXX2 or OXXX2. The oxidant radicals OH?. BrXXX2 and (SCN)XXX2, which formed radical adducts with fully ascorbate-reduced laccase, did not induce any type-1 copper reoxidation.  相似文献   

The interaction of water molecules with copper in wild-type azurin and different site-directed mutants of the coordinated residues is studied by nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersion. Different degrees of solvent accessibility are found. The low relaxivity of wild-type azurin agrees with a solvent-protected copper site in solution, the closest water being found at a distance of more than 5?Å from the copper. This low relaxivity contrasts with the relatively large relaxivity of the His46Gly and His117Gly azurin mutants, which shows clear evidence of copper-coordinated water. The data on the latter mutants are best analyzed in terms of one and two water molecules coordinated to the copper in His46Gly and His117Gly, respectively. The Met121His azurin mutant shows an intermediate behavior. The data are analyzed in terms of an increased solvent accessibility with respect to the wild-type azurin, resulting in semi-coordination of water at low pH. These different modes of coordination lead to different geometries, ranging from the trigonal type 1 site of wild-type azurin to the tetragonal type 2 copper sites of the His117Gly and His46Gly azurin mutants through a so-called type 1.5 site of the Met121His mutant. A correlation is found between the relaxation time (τs) of the unpaired electron of copper(II) and the geometry of the metal site: as the tetragonal character decreases the relaxation becomes significantly faster. τs values of ≤1?ns are found for the tetrahedrally distorted type 1 and type 1.5 sites and of 5–15?ns for the tetragonal type 2 sites.  相似文献   

Heme-thiolate proteins (HTPs) play critical biological roles by catalyzing challenging chemical reactions. The ability of HTPs to selectively oxidize inert substrates under mild conditions has led to much research aimed at the development of useful in vitro oxidation technology. Very complex electron transfer machinery is required to support HTP chemistry, and electrochemical methods provide many of the needed components. The challenge is to find a system that has good electrode-enzyme electronic coupling that, in turn, would drive catalytic turnover at relatively high rates. Several systems reviewed herein have shown promise in experimental work on components that could be part of a molecular machine for the selective oxidation of organic substrates.  相似文献   

Copper(II) complexes of a series of linear pentadentate ligands containing two benzimidazoles, two thioether sulfurs and a amine nitrogen, viz. N,N-bis{4-(2″-benzimidazolyl)(methyl)-3-thiabutyl}amine(L1), N,N-bis{4-(2″-benzimidazolyl)(methyl)-3-thiabutyl}N-methylamine (L2), 2,6-bis{4-(2″-benzimidazolyl)(methyl)-3-thiabutyl}pyridine(L3), N,N-bis{4-(2″-benzimidazolyl)-2-thiabutyl}amine (L4), N,N-bis{4-(2″-benzimidazolyl)-2-thiabutyl}N-methylamine (L5) and 2,6-bis{4-(2″-benzimidazolyl)-2-thiabutyl}-3pyridine (L6) have been isolated and characterized by electronic absorption and EPR spectroscopy and cyclic and differential pulse voltammetry. Of these complexes, [Cu(L1)](BF4)2 (1) and [Cu(L2)](BF4)2 (4) have been structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. The coordination geometries around copper(II) in 1 and 4 are described as trigonal bipyramidal distorted square based pyramidal geometry (TBDSBP). The distorted CuN3S basal plane in them is comprised of amine nitrogen, one thioether sulphur and two benzimidazole nitrogens and the other thioether sulfur is axially coordinated. The ligand field spectra of all the complexes are consistent with a mostly square-based geometry in solution. The EPR spectra of complexes [Cu(L1)](BF4)2 (1), [Cu(L1)](NO3)2 (2), [Cu(L2)](BF4)2 (4) and [Cu(L3)](ClO4)2 (6) are consistent with two species indicating the dissociation/disproportionation of the complex species in solution. All the complexes exhibit an intense CT band in the range 305-395 nm and show a quasireversible to irreversible CuII/CuI redox process with relatively positive E1/2 values, which are consistent with the presence of two-coordinated thioether groups. The addition of N-methylimidazole (mim) replaces the coordinated thioether ligands in solution, as revealed from the negative shift (222-403 mV) in the CuII/CuI redox potential. The present study reveals that the effect of incorporating an amine nitrogen donor into CuN2S2 complexes is to generate an axial copper(II)-thioether coordination and also to enforce lesser trigonality on the copper(II) coordination geometry.  相似文献   

The role of protein structure in the control of electron transfer in metalloproteins is briefly discussed, with reference to existing theoretical models and available three dimensional information.  相似文献   

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