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In vivo patellofemoral forces in high flexion total knee arthroplasty   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study compares the in vivo patellofemoral contact forces generated in high flexion fixed bearing posterior cruciate retaining Nexgen CR-Flex (PCR) and high flexion posterior stabilized Nexgen LPS-Flex (LPS) TKAs with that of normal knees from full knee extension to maximum weight bearing flexion. Ten patients with the PCR total knee arthroplasty (TKA), ten with the LPS TKA and seven patients having normal knees were fluoroscoped while performing a deep knee bend activity. In vivo femorotibial kinematics, obtained from 3D-to-2D registration technique, and patellar kinematics obtained by direct measurements from the fluoroscopic images were entered into a 3D inverse dynamics mathematical model to determine the in vivo contact forces at the knee. The variation in the patellofemoral and quadriceps forces with flexion were found to be similar across the three groups-increasing from full extension to 90 degrees of flexion, reaching a maximum between 90 degrees and 120 degrees of flexion and then decreasing until maximum flexion. At maximum knee flexion, these forces were found to be significantly lower in the normal knees than in the TKAs. The patellar ligament to quadriceps force ratio decreased with the increase in knee flexion while the patellofemoral to quadriceps force ratio increased. A strong correlation was found to exist between the patellofemoral forces, the femorotibial contact forces and the forces in the extensor mechanism. The PCR TKA in this study exhibited greater resemblance to the normal patients with respect to the patellofemoral forces than the LPS TKA though significant differences in the two implant types were not observed.  相似文献   

Tibiofemoral loading is very important in cartilage degeneration as well as in component survivorship after total knee arthroplasty. We have previously reported the axial knee forces in vivo. In this study, a second-generation force-sensing device that measured all six components of tibial forces was implanted in a 74-kg, 83-year-old male. Video motion analysis, ground reaction forces, and knee forces were measured during walking, stair climbing, chair-rise, and squat activities. Peak total force was 2.3 times body weight (BW) during walking, 2.5 x BW during chair rise, 3.0 x BW during stair climbing, and 2.1 x BW during squatting. Peak anterior shear force at the tibial tray was 0.30 x BW during walking, 0.17 x BW during chair rise, 0.26 x BW during stair climbing, and 0.15 x BW during squatting. Peak flexion moment at the tray was 1.9% BW x Ht (percentage of body weight multiplied by height) for chair-rise activity and 1.7% BW x Ht for squat activity. Peak adduction moment at the tray was -1.1% BW x Ht during chair-rise, -1.3% BW x Ht during squatting. External knee flexion and adduction moments were substantially greater than flexion and adduction moments at the tray. The axial component of forces predominated especially during the stance phase of walking. Shear forces and moments at the tray were very modest compared to total knee forces. These findings indicate that the soft tissues around the knee absorbed most of the external shear forces. Our results highlight the importance of direct measurements of knee forces.  相似文献   

Relatively high rates of loosening and implant failure have been reported after total ankle arthroplasty. Abnormal kinematics and incongruency of the articular surface may cause increased contact pressure and rotational torque applied to the implant, leading to loosening and implant failure. We measured in vivo kinematics of two-component total ankle arthroplasty (TNK ankle), and assessed congruency of the articular surface during the stance phase of gait. Eighteen ankles of 15 patients with a mean age of 75±6 years (mean±standard deviation) and follow-up of 44±38 months were enrolled. Lateral fluoroscopic images were taken during the stance phase of gait. 3D-2D model-image registration was performed using the fluoroscopic image and the implant models, and three-dimensional kinematics of the implant and incongruency of the articular surface were determined. The mean ranges of motion were 11.1±4.6°, 0.8±0.4°, and 2.6±1.5° for dorsi-/plantarflexion, inversion/eversion, and internal/external rotation, respectively. At least one type of incongruency of the articular surface occurred in eight of 18 ankles, including anterior hinging in one ankle, medial or lateral lift off in four ankles, and excessive axial rotation in five ankles. Among the four ankles in which lift off occurred during gait, only one ankle showed lift off in the static weightbearing radiograph. Our observations will provide useful data against which kinematics of other implant designs, such as three-component total ankle arthroplasty, can be compared. Our results also showed that evaluation of lift off in the standard weightbearing radiograph may not predict its occurrence during gait.  相似文献   

Relatively high rates of loosening and implant failure have been reported after total ankle arthroplasty, especially in first and second generation implants. Abnormal kinematics and incongruency of the articular surface may cause increased loads applied to the implant with concomitant polyethylene wear, resulting in loosening and implant failure. The purpose of this study was to measure three-dimensional kinematics of two-component total ankle arthroplasty during non-weightbearing and weightbearing activities, and to investigate incongruency of the articular surfaces during these activities. Forty-seven patients with a mean age of 71 years were enrolled. Radiographs were taken at non-weightbearing maximal dorsiflexion and plantarflexion, and weightbearing maximal dorsiflexion, plantarflexion, and neutral position. 3D-2D model-image registration was performed using the radiographs and the three-dimensional implant models, and three-dimensional joint angles were determined. The implanted ankles showed 18.1±8.6° (mean±standard deviation) of plantarflexion, 0.1±0.7° of inversion, 1.2±2.0° of internal rotation, and 0.8±0.6mm of posterior translation of the talar component in the non-weightbearing activity, and 17.8±7.5° of plantarflexion, 0.4±0.5° of inversion, 1.8±2.0° of internal rotation, and 0.7±0.5mm of posterior translation in the weightbearing activity. There were no significant differences between the non-weightbearing and weightbearing kinematics except for the plantarflexion angle. Incongruency of the articular surface occurred in more than 75% of the ankles. Our observations will provide useful data against which kinematics of other implant designs, such as three-component total ankle arthroplasty, can be compared.  相似文献   

Aim was to develop an in vivo technique which allows determination of femoro-tibial and of femoro-patellar 3D-kinematics in TKA simultaneously. The knees of 20 healthy volunteers and of eight patients with TKA (PCR, rotating platform) were investigated. Kinematics analysis was performed in an open MR-system at different flexion angles with external loads being applied. The TKA components were identified using a 3D-fitting technique, which allows an automated 3D-3D-registration of the TKA. Femoro-patellar and femoro-tibial 3D-kinematics were analyzed by image postprocessing. The validity of the postprocessing technique demonstrated a coefficient of determination of 0.98 for translation and of 0.97 for rotation. The reproducibility yielded a coefficient of variation (CV%) for patella kinematics between 0.17% (patello-femoral angle) and 6.8% (patella tilt). The femoro-tibial displacement also showed a high reproducibility with CV% of 4.0% for translation and of 7.1% for rotation. While in the healthy knees the typical screw-home mechanism was observed, a paradoxical anterior translation of the femur relative to the tibia combined with an external rotation occurred after TKA. Fifty percent of the TKA's experienced a condylar lift-off of >1mm predominately on the medial side. Regarding patellar kinematics significant changes were found in both planes in TKA with an increased patella height in the sagittal plane and patella tilt and shift in the transversal plane. The results demonstrate that the presented 3D MR-open based method is highly reproducible and valid for image acquisition and postprocessing and provides--for the first time--in vivo data of 3D-kinematics of the tibio-femoral and simultaneously of the patello-femoral joint during knee flexion.  相似文献   

In designing a posterior-stabilized total knee arthroplasty (TKA) it is preferable that when the cam engages the tibial spine the contact point of the cam move down the tibial spine. This provides greater stability in flexion by creating a greater jump distance and reduces the stress on the tibial spine. In order to eliminate edge loading of the femoral component on the posterior tibial articular surface, the posterior femoral condyles need to be extended. This provides an ideal femoral contact with the tibial articular surface during high flexion angles. To reduce extensor mechanism impingement in deep flexion, the anterior margin of the tibial articular component should be recessed. This provides clearance for the patella and patella tendon. An in vivo kinematic analysis that determined three dimensional motions of the femorotibial joint was performed during a deep knee bend using fluoroscopy for 20 subjects having a TKA designed for deep flexion. The average weight-bearing range-of-motion was 125 degrees . On average, TKA subjects experienced 4.9 degrees of normal axial rotation and all subjects experienced at least -4.4 mm of posterior femoral rollback. It is assumed that femorotibial kinematics can play a major role in patellofemoral kinematics. In this study, subjects implanted with a high-flexion TKA design experienced kinematic patterns that were similar to the normal knee. It can be hypothesized that forces acting on the patella were not substantially increased for TKA subjects compared with the normal subjects.  相似文献   

The objective of the current study was to use fluoroscopy to accurately determine the three-dimensional (3D), in vivo, weight-bearing kinematics of 10 normal and five anterior cruciate ligament deficient (ACLD) knees. Patient-specific bone models were derived from computed tomography (CT) data. 3D computer bone models of each subject's femur, tibia, and fibula were recreated from the CT 3D bone density data. Using a model-based 3D-to-2D imaging technique registered CT images were precisely fit onto fluoroscopic images, the full six degrees of freedom motion of the bones was measured from the images. The computer-generated 3D models of each subject's femur and tibia were precisely registered to the 2D digital fluoroscopic images using an optimization algorithm that automatically adjusts the pose of the model at various flexion/extension angles. Each subject performed a weight-bearing deep knee bend while under dynamic fluoroscopic surveillance. All 10 normal knees experienced posterior femoral translation of the lateral condyle and minimal change in position of the medial condyle with progressive knee flexion. The average amount of posterior femoral translation of the lateral condyle was 21.07 mm, whereas the average medial condyle translation was 1.94 mm, in the posterior direction. In contrast, all five ACLD knees experienced considerable change in the position of the medial condyle. The average amount of posterior femoral translation of the lateral condyle was 17.00 mm, while the medial condyle translation was 4.65 mm, in the posterior direction. In addition, the helical axis of motion was determined between maximum flexion and extension. A considerable difference was found between the center of rotation locations of the normal and ACLD subjects, with ACLD subjects exhibiting substantially higher variance in kinematic patterns.  相似文献   

Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) is a very successful surgical procedure but clinical outcomes were reported to be affected by implant design, ligament balancing, alignment or patient-related anatomical factors. It was recently demonstrated that malpositioning of the TKA components and patient related anatomical factors can considerably alter tibio-femoral (TF) and patellofemoral maximum contact forces. However, up to now, how a component malpositioning and different soft-tissue anatomy changes TF knee kinematics was not yet fully investigated. The goal of this study was to evaluate how sensitive TF kinematics are to these factors during a simulated loaded squat for different TKA designs. Four TKA types (a fixed bearing, posterior stabilized prosthesis; a high flexion fixed bearing guided motion prosthesis; a mobile bearing prosthesis and a hinge prosthesis) were virtually implanted on the same virtual cadaver leg model which underwent a loaded squat between 0° and 120°. The reference models were then modified to simulate either component malpositioning in several directions or changes in ligaments geometry by change in the collateral ligament insertions. The results showed that, for all implant designs, TF kinematics were affected by changes in implant positioning and anatomical factors. While the ranges of motion predicted for all tested configurations were generally similar to the reference configuration for each type of TKA, the modifications resulted in shifts in the maximum and minimum values for the TF rotations and translations.  相似文献   

Musculoskeletal models are currently the primary means for estimating in vivo muscle and contact forces in the knee during gait. These models typically couple a dynamic skeletal model with individual muscle models but rarely include articular contact models due to their high computational cost. This study evaluates a novel method for predicting muscle and contact forces simultaneously in the knee during gait. The method utilizes a 12 degree-of-freedom knee model (femur, tibia, and patella) combining muscle, articular contact, and dynamic skeletal models. Eight static optimization problems were formulated using two cost functions (one based on muscle activations and one based on contact forces) and four constraints sets (each composed of different combinations of inverse dynamic loads). The estimated muscle and contact forces were evaluated using in vivo tibial contact force data collected from a patient with a force-measuring knee implant. When the eight optimization problems were solved with added constraints to match the in vivo contact force measurements, root-mean-square errors in predicted contact forces were less than 10 N. Furthermore, muscle and patellar contact forces predicted by the two cost functions became more similar as more inverse dynamic loads were used as constraints. When the contact force constraints were removed, estimated medial contact forces were similar and lateral contact forces lower in magnitude compared to measured contact forces, with estimated muscle forces being sensitive and estimated patellar contact forces relatively insensitive to the choice of cost function and constraint set. These results suggest that optimization problem formulation coupled with knee model complexity can significantly affect predicted muscle and contact forces in the knee during gait. Further research using a complete lower limb model is needed to assess the importance of this finding to the muscle and contact force estimation process.  相似文献   

Wear of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene bearings in total knee replacements remains a major limitation to the longevity of these clinically successful devices. Few design tools are currently available to predict mild wear in implants based on varying kinematics, loads, and material properties. This paper reports the implementation of a computer modeling approach that uses fluoroscopically measured motions as inputs and predicts patient-specific implant damage using computationally efficient dynamic contact and tribological analyses. Multibody dynamic simulations of two activities (gait and stair) with two loading conditions (70-30 and 50-50 medial-lateral load splits) were generated from fluoroscopic data to predict contact pressure and slip velocity time histories for individual elements on the tibial insert surface. These time histories were used in a computational wear analysis to predict the depth of damage due to wear and creep experienced by each element. Predicted damage areas, volumes, and maximum depths were evaluated against a tibial insert retrieved from the same patient who provided the in vivo motions. Overall, the predicted damage was in close agreement with damage observed on the retrieval. The gait and stair simulations separately predicted the correct location of maximum damage on the lateral side, whereas a combination of gait and stair was required to predict the correct location on the medial side. Predicted maximum damage depths were consistent with the retrieval as well. Total computation time for each damage prediction was less than 30 min. Continuing refinement of this approach will provide a robust tool for accurately predicting clinically relevant wear in total knee replacements.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to document the early history of knee extensor torque production before and after total knee arthroplasty (TKA), explore the relationship between strength assessments, and describe an 8-week resistive-training protocol. Thirty-eight individuals (19 men, 19 women) with unilateral TKA volunteered to participate in this repeated-measures study. For this group, the mean age was 72.23 +/- 5.34 years; height was 168.00 +/- 8.57 cm; and weight was 79.42 +/- 14.57 kg. Torque production of the knee extensors was assessed isokinetically at 60 and 180 degrees .s(-1) before surgery, 30 days after unilateral TKA (+30), and 60 days after unilateral TKA (+60). Torque production was significantly different between limbs at both 60 and 180 degrees .s(-1) (p < 0.0125) before surgery. Torque production was lower at +30 compared with before surgery at both 60 and 180 degrees .s(-1) (p < 0.002). By +60, torque production was greater than at +30 at both 60 and 180 degrees .s(-1) (p < 0.002).  相似文献   

Chronic shoulder impingement is a common problem for manual wheelchair users. The loading associated with performing manual wheelchair activities of daily living is substantial and often at a high frequency. Musculoskeletal modeling and optimization techniques can be used to estimate the joint contact forces occurring at the shoulder to assess the soft tissue loading during an activity and to possibly identify activities and strategies that place manual wheelchair users at risk for shoulder injuries. The purpose of this study was to validate an upper extremity musculoskeletal model and apply the model to wheelchair activities for analysis of the estimated joint contact forces. Upper extremity kinematics and handrim wheelchair kinetics were measured over three conditions: level propulsion, ramp propulsion, and a weight relief lift. The experimental data were used as input to a subject-specific musculoskeletal model utilizing optimization to predict joint contact forces of the shoulder during all conditions. The model was validated using a mean absolute error calculation. Model results confirmed that ramp propulsion and weight relief lifts place the shoulder under significantly higher joint contact loading than level propulsion. In addition, they exhibit large superior contact forces that could contribute to impingement. This study highlights the potential impingement risk associated with both the ramp and weight relief lift activities. Level propulsion was shown to have a low relative risk of causing injury, but with consideration of the frequency with which propulsion is performed, this observation is not conclusive.  相似文献   

Using a three-dimensional (3D) modality to image patients' knees before and after total knee arthroplasty (TKA) allows researchers and clinicians to evaluate causes of pain after TKA, differences in implant design, and changes in the articular geometry as a result of surgery. Computed tomography (CT) has not been fully utilized to date for evaluating the knee after TKA due to metal artifacts obscuring part of the image. We describe an accurate, validated protocol, which has been implemented in vivo, that improves visibility of the patellofemoral joint, matches implant models automatically in 3D, segments preoperative bone semi-automatically, detects and sets coordinate systems automatically, determines the six degrees of freedom of knee pose and geometry, and allows for multiple other measurements that are clinically relevant. Subjects are imaged at 0° and 30° knee flexion, while pushing on a custom-made knee rig to provide partial loadbearing. With some modifications, the protocol can be adopted by any group with access to a CT scanner and image analysis software, allowing for the investigation of numerous clinical and biomechanical questions.  相似文献   

For clinically predictive testing and design-phase evaluation of prospective total knee replacement (TKR) implants, devices should ideally be evaluated under physiological loading conditions which incorporate population-level variability. A challenge exists for experimental and computational researchers in determining appropriate loading conditions for wear and kinematic knee simulators which reflect in vivo joint loading conditions. There is a great deal of kinematic data available from fluoroscopy studies. The purpose of this work was to develop computational methods to derive anterior–posterior (A–P) and internal–external (I–E) tibiofemoral (TF) joint loading conditions from in vivo kinematic data. Two computational models were developed, a simple TF model, and a more complex lower limb model. These models were driven through external loads applied to the tibia and femur in the TF model, and applied to the hip, ankle and muscles in the lower limb model. A custom feedback controller was integrated with the finite element environment and used to determine the external loads required to reproduce target kinematics at the TF joint. The computational platform was evaluated using in vivo kinematic data from four fluoroscopy patients, and reproduced in vivo A–P and I–E motions and compressive force with a root-mean-square (RMS) accuracy of less than 1 mm, 0.1°, and 40 N in the TF model and in vivo A–P and I–E motions, TF flexion, and compressive loads with a RMS accuracy of less than 1 mm, 0.1°, 1.4°, and 48 N in the lower limb model. The external loading conditions derived from these models can ultimately be used to establish population variability in loading conditions, for eventual use in computational as well as experimental activity simulations.  相似文献   

The aim of this exploratory study was to verify whether the evaluation of quadriceps muscle weakness is influenced by the testing modality (isometric vs. isokinetic vs. isoinertial) and by the calculation method (within-subject vs. between-subject comparisons) in patients 4–8 months after total knee arthroplasty (TKA, n = 29) and total hip arthroplasty (THA, n = 30), and in healthy controls (n = 19). Maximal quadriceps strength was evaluated as (1) the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) torque during an isometric contraction, (2) the peak torque during an isokinetic contraction, and (3) the one repetition maximum (1-RM) load during an isoinertial contraction. Muscle weakness was calculated as the difference between the involved and the uninvolved side (within-subject comparison) and as the difference between the involved side of patients and controls (between-subject comparison). Muscle weakness estimates were not significantly affected by the calculation method (within-subject vs. between-subject; P > 0.05), whereas a significant main effect of testing modality (P < 0.05) was observed. Isometric MVC torque provided smaller weakness estimates than isokinetic peak torque (P = 0.06) and isoinertial 1-RM load (P = 0.008), and the clinical occurrence of weakness (proportion of patients with large strength deficits) was also lower for MVC torque. These results have important implications for the evaluation of quadriceps muscle weakness in TKA and THA patients 4–8 months after surgery.  相似文献   

Individuals with unilateral transtibial amputations have greater prevalence of osteoarthritis in the intact knee joint relative to the residual leg and non-amputees, but the cause of this greater prevalence is unclear. The purpose of this study was to compare knee joint contact forces and the muscles contributing to these forces between amputees and non-amputees during walking using forward dynamics simulations. We predicted that the intact knee contact forces would be higher than those of the residual leg and non-amputees. In the axial and mediolateral directions, the intact and non-amputee legs had greater peak tibio-femoral contact forces and impulses relative to the residual leg. The peak axial contact force was greater in the intact leg relative to the non-amputee leg, but the stance phase impulse was greater in the non-amputee leg. The vasti and hamstrings muscles in early stance and gastrocnemius in late stance were the largest contributors to the joint contact forces in the non-amputee and intact legs. Through dynamic coupling, the soleus and gluteus medius also had large contributions, even though they do not span the knee joint. In the residual leg, the prosthesis had large contributions to the joint forces, similar to the soleus in the intact and non-amputee legs. These results identify the muscles that contribute to knee joint contact forces during transtibial amputee walking and suggest that the peak knee contact forces may be more important than the knee contact impulses in explaining the high prevalence of intact leg osteoarthritis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Ex vivo studies have suggested that cartilage contact areas and pressure are of high clinical relevance in the etiology of osteoarthritis in patients with patellar subluxation. The aims of this study were therefore to validate in vivo measurements of contact areas with 3D open magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and to study knee joint contact areas in patients with patellar subluxation at different angles of knee flexion in comparison with healthy subjects. METHODS: 3D-MRI data sets of 12 healthy volunteers and eight patients with patellar subluxation were acquired using a standard clinical (1.5 T) and an open (0.2 T) MRI scanner. We compared femoro-patellar and femoro-tibial contact areas obtained with two different sequences from open MRI [dual-echo-steady-state (DESS) and fast-low-angle-shot (FLASH) sequences] with those derived from standard clinical 1.5 T MRI. We then analyzed differences in joint contact areas between healthy subjects and patients with patellar subluxation at 0 degree, 30 degrees, and 90 degrees of knee flexion using open MRI. RESULTS: The correlation of the size of contact areas from open MRI with standard clinical MRI data ranged from r = 0.52 to 0.92. Open-MRI DESS displayed a smaller overestimation of joint contact areas (+21% in the femoro-patellar, +12% in the medial femoro-tibial, and +19% in the lateral femoro-tibial compartment) than FLASH (+40%, +37%, +30%, respectively). The femoro-patellar contact areas in patients were significantly reduced in comparison with healthy subjects (-47% at 0 degree, -56% at 30 degrees, and -42% at 90 degrees of flexion; all p < 0.01), whereas no significant difference was observed in femoro-tibial contact areas. CONCLUSIONS: Open MRI allows one to quantify joint contact areas of the knee with reasonable accuracy, if an adequate pulse sequence is applied. The technique permits one to clearly identify differences between patients with patellar subluxation and healthy subjects at different flexion angles, demonstrating a significant reduction and lateralization of contact areas in patients. In the future, application of this in vivo technique is of particular interest for monitoring the efficacy of different types of surgical and conservative treatment options for patellar subluxation.  相似文献   

The ovine stifle joint is a promising animal model for investigation of joint mechanobiology. A method for in vivo measurement of dynamic 3-D kinematics of the ovine stifle joint is described (accuracy: 0.36 +/- 0.39 mm). Inter-subject variability in kinematics is greater than both intra-subject and inter-session variability. For future studies in which joint kinematics are measured prior to and following controlled orthopaedic interventions, pooling of data should be avoided and each subject should act as its own control.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional, mathematical model of the elbow and wrist joints, including 15 muscle units, 3 ligaments and 4 joint forces, has been developed. A new strain gauge transducer has been developed to measure functional grip forces. The device measures radial forces divided into six components and forces of up to 250N per segment can be measured with an accuracy of +/-1%. Ten normal volunteers were asked to complete four tasks representing occupational activities, during which time their grip force was monitored. Together with kinematic information from the six-camera Vicon data, the moment effect of these loads at the joints was calculated. These external moments are assumed to be balanced by the internal moments, generated by the muscles, passive soft tissue and bone contact. The effectiveness of the body's internal structures in generating joint moments was assessed by studying the geometry of a simplified model of the structures, where information about the lines of action and moment arms of muscles, tendons and ligaments is contained. The assumption of equilibrium between these external and internal joint moments allows formulation of a set of equations from which muscle and joint forces can be calculated. A two stage, linear optimisation routine minimising the overall muscle stress and the sum of the joint forces has been used to overcome the force-sharing problem. Humero-ulnar forces of up to 1600N, humero-radial forces of up to 800N and wrist joint forces of up to 2800N were found for moderate level activity. The model was validated by comparison with other studies.  相似文献   

In this prospective study we employed a newly developed gait analysis system to compare the ground reaction force patterns in 15 patients before and after total hip or knee replacement. In this system, data are measured separately for each limb. Measured data were also obtained from 30 healthy adults and compared with those obtained from the patient group. We analysed the three-dimensional force patterns, impulse, frequency, stride and double stance, and compared changes in the postoperative gait patterns. The vertical force maxima Fy identify the peak forces obtaining during walking. The results showed significantly increased (p < 0.05) postoperative force maxima Fy2 and Fy3 for both knee replacement (Fy2: 82.48 to 86.17 and Fy3: 96.09 to 99.35% body weight, pre- and postoperatively, respectively) and hip replacement (Fy2: 84.44 to 88.08 and Fy3: 98.63 to 101.96% body weight, pre- and postoperatively, respectively). The ADAL system proved suitable for the easy performance of gait analysis, and thus may be of future value in the area of clinical quality assurance.  相似文献   

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