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黄衡宇  龙华  李鹂 《广西植物》2010,30(1):36-44
首次报道了南方山荷叶大、小孢子发生和雌、雄配子体形成。主要结果如下:花药4室,花药壁发育为基本型,由7层细胞组成,由外到内依次为表皮、药室内壁、3层中层和2层绒毡层;药室内壁有带状加厚现象,绒毡层细胞多具双核,为腺质型绒毡层;多孢原,发生于表皮下;小孢子母细胞减数分裂为同时型,小孢子四分体多为四面体型,少数为十字交叉形、直线形、左右对称形或"T"形;成熟花粉粒为2-细胞型,偶见3-细胞型;成熟花粉粒呈圆形,具单萌发孔。雌蕊1枚,子房单心皮,纵切面呈瓶状;1室,边缘胎座,具4~5枚发育不同步的横生胚珠。胚珠具双珠被,厚珠心;珠孔由两层珠被共同形成,在一直线上或呈"之"字形。多孢原,位于珠心表皮下。直线形四分体,合点端的1个大孢子发育为功能大孢子,胚囊发育为蓼型。成熟胚囊中,3个反足细胞大而明显,但宿存时间短,较早退化。  相似文献   

The life cycle of higher plants alternates between the haploid gametophyte and diploid sporophyte. The female gametophyte (FG), surrounded by the sporophyte, develops within the ovule and orients along the chalazal/micropylar axis. This polarity is important in cell specification and development for both the ovule and FG. Previously, cytokinin was shown to act in the sporophytic tissue to regulate FG development.1,2 In the highlighted study,3 we further showed that enriched cytokinin signaling in chalaza, the central domain of the ovule, is required for the specification of the functional megaspore, which usually occurs in the chalazal-most megaspore after meiosis. The restricted cytokinin signaling in the chalaza is achieved by localized cytokinin biosynthesis and perception. Here, we discuss the implications of this and other studies for the understanding of the role of two-component signaling in FG development and the genetic and cellular interactions between gametophytic and sporophytic cells. Further, we show that cytokinin-deficient mutants display distorted cell morphology in the inner integument and elevated mitotic activity in the maternal sporophyte. These results suggest that cytokinin negatively regulates cell proliferation in the sporophytic tissues surrounding the developing FG, consistent with previous results indicating that cytokinin deficiency causes an increase in the number of cells in the embryos and consequently an enlarged seed size.  相似文献   

Identification of genes expressed in the Arabidopsis female gametophyte   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The angiosperm female gametophyte typically consists of one egg cell, two synergid cells, one central cell, and three antipodal cells. Each of these four cell types has unique structural features and performs unique functions that are essential for the reproductive process. The gene regulatory networks conferring these four phenotypic states are largely uncharacterized. As a first step towards dissecting the gene regulatory networks of the female gametophyte, we have identified a large collection of genes expressed in specific cells of the Arabidopsis thaliana female gametophyte. We identified these genes using a differential expression screen based on reduced expression in determinant infertile1 (dif1) ovules, which lack female gametophytes. We hybridized ovule RNA probes with Affymetrix ATH1 genome arrays and validated the identified genes using real-time RT-PCR. These assays identified 71 genes exhibiting reduced expression in dif1 ovules. We further validated 45 of these genes using promoter::GFP fusions and 43 were expressed in the female gametophyte. In the context of the ovule, 11 genes were expressed exclusively in the antipodal cells, 11 genes were expressed exclusively or predominantly in the central cell, 17 genes were expressed exclusively or predominantly in the synergid cells, one gene was expressed exclusively in the egg cell, and three genes were expressed strongly in multiple cells of the female gametophyte. These genes provide insights into the molecular processes functioning in the female gametophyte and can be used as starting points to dissect the gene regulatory networks functioning during differentiation of the four female gametophyte cell types.  相似文献   

八角莲大孢子发生和雌配子体形成   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
黄衡宇  马绍宾 《植物研究》2004,24(3):309-315
首次报道了八角莲(Dysosma versipellis (Hance)M.cheng)大孢子发生和雌配子体形成的过程.结果:双珠被,多为厚珠心胚珠,少数为假厚珠心,胚珠多为横生,少数为弯生;边缘胎座,子房一室,多胚珠,珠孔由两层珠被共同形成,呈"之"字形;多为单孢原,位于珠心表皮下:偶见2~3个孢原细胞位于珠心表皮下;大孢子母细胞有两种发生方式;直线形大孢子四分体,合点端的大孢子发育为功能大孢子,蓼型胚囊;成熟胚囊中,二个极核在受精前合并为次生核;三个反足细胞不发达,较早退化;"品"字形卵器极性明显,其中卵细胞与助细胞极性相反;助细胞发达,其丝状器在不同发育时期形态及大小不同,且具吸器功能.  相似文献   

对广西蜘蛛抱蛋的花做常规石蜡切片并进行观察后发现:广西蜘蛛抱蛋的花药4室,绒毡层腺质型,发育后期出现双核及多核细胞。小孢子四分体左右对称型,偶见四面体型,胞质分裂连续型。成熟花粉为2细胞。子房3室,中轴胎座。胚珠倒生,双珠被,厚珠心型。珠孔由内珠被形成。胚囊发育为变异的蓼型。  相似文献   

甘阳英  徐凤霞 《广西植物》2017,37(4):517-523
荔枝科是被子植物的基部类群之一,依兰属是番荔枝科较为原始的类群,其有性生殖过程,特别是胚胎发生与发育的研究结果,可以补充被子植物胚胎学原始特征的相关基础资料。该研究利用常规石蜡切片技术,对依兰胚珠、大孢子和雌配子体的发生发育过程进行了观察。结果表明:依兰的胚珠为倒生胚珠、厚珠心、三层珠被,第三层珠被(中间珠被)发生在大孢子母细胞时期,于外珠被与内珠被之间、胚珠合点端两侧发生并隆起;雌配子体为蓼型。此外,依兰的个别胚珠中存在双雌配子体现象,且两个雌配子体均由大孢子母细胞发育而来,大小、形状相近,呈线形排列。该研究结果对于揭示原始被子植物胚胎发育特征具有重要意义。  相似文献   

银杏的生殖过程,自发现银杏的游动精子以来,已有大量报道。但由于银杏雌配子体发育周期长(4月-9月),受精过程又非常短暂,有关雌配子体发育及受精过程的研究报道较少。本文参考已有文献资料,并结合自己的研究,对银杏大孢子发生、雌配子体形成、颈卵器发育及受精作用的研究现状进行了综述,对尚存在的问题特别是精细胞中液泡状结构的特点及细胞核中DNA的存在状况、受精时精子如何进入雌配子体的颈卵器与卵核结合等进行了初步探讨,以期为今后此方面的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

利用常规石蜡制片法研究了海桐大、小孢子发生及雌、雄配子体发育的过程。结果显示:(1)小孢子母细胞减数分裂过程中的胞质分裂为连续型,四分孢子为以四面体形为主,四分孢子后期部分小孢子壁皱缩;(2)花药壁由4层结构组成,由外到内为表皮、药室内壁、中层和绒毡层;(3)海桐具多个胚珠,单珠被,薄珠心,胚珠类型为倒生胚珠。大孢子母细胞减数分裂主要形成线形排列的4个大孢子,还具有少有的十字形排列,功能大孢子位于合点端;(4)胚囊发育属单孢型的蓼型,成熟的雌配子体为四细胞五核胚囊。  相似文献   

矮沙冬青雌配子体及胚胎发育研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
周江菊  唐源江  廖景平   《广西植物》2006,26(5):561-564
矮沙冬青子房单心皮1室,边缘胎座,弯生胚珠,胚珠具双珠被、厚珠心。大孢子孢原细胞发生于珠心表皮下,大孢子母细胞减数分裂形成直线排列的四分体,合点端大孢子具功能,并按蓼型胚囊发育,雌配子体成熟于4月中旬。双受精后,胚乳发育为核型。在矮沙冬青大孢子发生、雌配子体和胚胎发育过程中未发现异常现象,因此认为矮沙冬青濒危不存在雌性生殖结构与发育过程异常的内在因素。  相似文献   

巨龙竹生殖器官形态结构及雌、雄配子体的发育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过石蜡切片的方法对巨龙竹生殖器官结构、大小孢子的发生和雌、雄配子体的发育过程进行了观察研究。 巨龙竹为一心皮组成的单室单子房,子房内具有一个胚珠,倒生、双珠被、厚珠心。大孢子母细胞减数分裂形成线形排列的4个大孢子,合点端大孢子具功能。胚囊的发育为蓼型,具多个反足细胞。巨龙竹的花药壁由4层结构组成,包括表皮、药室内壁、中层、绒毡层;花药壁发育为单子叶型,绒毡层为腺质型。小孢子母细胞减数分裂中的胞质分裂为连续型,四分孢子为四面体型;成熟花粉粒为2细胞型,具1个萌发孔。小穗发育雌雄异熟,雌蕊的发育早于雄蕊的发育。  相似文献   

The central cell characterizes the angiosperm female gametophyte (embryo sac or megagametophyte) in that it directly participates in “double fertilization” to initiate endosperm development, a feature distinguishing angiosperm from all other plant taxa. Polygonum‐type central cell is a binucleate cell that, upon fertilization with one of the two sperm cells, forms triploid endosperm to nourish embryo development. Although the formation and the structure of central cell have well been elucidated, the molecular mechanisms for its specification and development remain largely unknown. The central cell plays a critical role in pollen tube guidance during pollination and in endosperm initiation after fertilization. Recently, a group of mutants affecting specific steps of central cell development and function have been identified, providing some clues in understanding these questions. This review summarizes our current knowledge about central cell development and function, and presents overview about hypotheses for its evolution. genesis 48:466–478, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

鹅掌楸雌配子体败育对生殖的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
胚珠和雌配子体败育是限制鹅掌楸生殖成功的一个重要因素。中国东部和西部鹅掌楸种群在雌配子体发育的各阶段上的败育程度有差异,以西部种群的发育较好。西部分布区较合适的生境促进了胚囊的发育,一定温度和湿度的环境可以活化珠心细胞输送营养物质供给雌配子体发育,提高受精和结籽的能力  相似文献   

樟子松大孢子的发生和雌配子体的形成过程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
樟子松大孢子母细胞经一系列变化,发育成雌配子体。在哈尔滨地区樟子松大孢子母细胞于每年6月8~14日形成,接着进行减数分裂,于6月16~20日形成大孢子。随着大孢子核的分裂,进入游离核时期,并于次年5月28日~6月4日形成细胞壁,幼雌配子体中出现颈卵器原始细胞,它分裂一次形成颈细胞和中央细胞。6月7~9日中央细胞分裂成卵细胞和腹沟细胞,6月13~15日颈卵器发育成熟。成熟的颈卵器含有颈细胞、腹沟细胞和卵细胞,但颈细胞和腹沟细胞已经退化。  相似文献   

濒危植物红花木莲大孢子发生和雌配子体发育的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
潘跃芝  龚洵 《西北植物学报》2002,22(5):T001-T003
研究了濒危植物红花木莲(Manglietia insignisBl)的大孢子发生和雌配子体的发育,红花木莲每朵花心皮数为48-73枚,每心皮内胚珠数4-8颗不等,多数是6颗或8颗,胚朱倒生,双珠被,厚珠心,大孢子四分体线形排列,功能大孢子位于合点端,胚囊发育为蓼型。胚珠具珠孔塞,成熟胚囊的卵细胞败育率高达79.1%。这是造成栽培红花木莲结籽率低的主要原因,较低的结籽率影响了红花木莲迁地保护的有效性。  相似文献   

Female gametophyte development in Arabidopsis thaliana follows a well-defined program that involves many fundamental cellular processes. In this study, we report the involvement of the Arabidopsis thaliana MIDASIN1 (AtMDN1) gene during female gametogenesis through the phenotypic characterization of plants heterozygous for an insertional mdn1 mutant allele. The MDN1 yeast ortholog has previously been shown to encode a non-ribosomal protein involved in the maturation and assembly of the 60S ribosomal subunit. Heterozygous MDN1/mdn1 plants were semisterile and mdn1 allele transmission through the female gametophyte was severely affected. Development of mdn1 female gametophyte was considerably delayed compared to their wild-type siblings. However, delayed mdn1 female gametophytes were able to reach maturity and a delayed pollination experiment showed that a small proportion of the female gametophytes were functional. We also report that the Arabidopsis NOTCHLESS (AtNLE) gene is also required for female gametogenesis. The NLE protein has been previously shown to interact with MDN1 and to be also involved in 60S subunit biogenesis. The introduction of an AtNLE-RNA interference construct in Arabidopsis led to semisterility defects. Defective female gametophytes were mostly arrested at the one-nucleate (FG1) developmental stage. These data suggest that the activity of both AtMDN1 and AtNLE is essential for female gametogenesis progression.  相似文献   

Cytokinins are a class of mitogenic plant hormones that play an important role in most aspects of plant development, including shoot and root growth, vascular and photomorphogenic development and leaf senescence. A model for cytokinin perception and signaling has emerged that is similar to bacterial two‐component phosphorelays. In this model, binding of cytokinin to the extracellular domain of the Arabidopsis histidine kinase (AHKs) receptors induces autophosphorylation within the intracellular histidine‐kinase domain. The phosphoryl group is subsequently transferred to cytosolic Arabidopsis histidine phosphotransfer proteins (AHPs), which have been suggested to translocate to the nucleus in response to cytokinin treatment, where they then transfer the phosphoryl group to nuclear‐localized response regulators (Type‐A and Type‐B ARRs). We examined the effects of cytokinin on AHP subcellular localization in Arabidopsis and, contrary to expectations, the AHPs maintained a constant nuclear/cytosolic distribution following cytokinin treatment. Furthermore, mutation of the conserved phosphoacceptor histidine residue of the AHP, as well as disruption of multiple cytokinin signaling elements, did not affect the subcellular localization of the AHP proteins. Finally, we present data indicating that AHPs maintain a nuclear/cytosolic distribution by balancing active transport into and out of the nucleus. Our findings suggest that the current models indicating relocalization of AHP protein into the nucleus in response to cytokinin are incorrect. Rather, AHPs actively maintain a consistent nuclear/cytosolic distribution regardless of the status of the cytokinin response pathway.  相似文献   

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