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Chlorophyll degradation is an important phenomenon in the senescence process. It is necessary for the degradation of certain chlorophyll–protein complexes and thylakoid membranes during leaf senescence. Mutants retaining greenness during leaf senescence are known as 'stay-green' mutants. Non-functional type stay-green mutants, which possess defects in chlorophyll degradation, retain greenness but not leaf functionality during senescence. Here, we report a new stay-green mutant in rice, nyc3 . nyc3 retained a higher chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b content than the wild-type but showed a decrease in other senescence parameters during dark incubation, suggesting that it is a non-functional stay-green mutant. In addition, a small amount of pheophytin a , a chlorophyll a -derivative without Mg2+ ions in its tetrapyrrole ring, accumulated in the senescent leaves of nyc3 . nyc3 shows a similar but weaker phenotype to stay green ( sgr ), another non-functional stay-green mutant in rice. The chlorophyll content of nyc3 sgr double mutants at the late stage of leaf senescence was also similar to that of sgr . Linkage analysis revealed that NYC3 is located near the centromere region of chromosome 6. Map-based cloning of genes near the centromere is very difficult because of the low recombination rate; however, we overcame this problem by using ionizing radiation-induced mutant alleles harboring deletions of hundreds of kilobases. Thus, it was revealed that NYC3 encodes a plastid-localizing α/β hydrolase-fold family protein with an esterase/lipase motif. The possible function of NYC3 in the regulation of chlorophyll degradation is discussed.  相似文献   

NADPH:protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (POR) catalyzes photoreduction of protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) to chlorophyllide in chlorophyll (Chl) synthesis, and is required for prolamellar body (PLB) formation in etioplasts. Rice faded green leaf (fgl) mutants develop yellow/white leaf variegation and necrotic lesions during leaf elongation in field‐grown plants. Map‐based cloning revealed that FGL encodes OsPORB, one of two rice POR isoforms. In fgl, etiolated seedlings contained smaller PLBs in etioplasts, and lower levels of total and photoactive Pchlide. Under constant or high light (HL) conditions, newly emerging green leaves rapidly turned yellow and formed lesions. Increased levels of non‐photoactive Pchlide, which acts as a photosensitizer, may cause reactive oxygen accumulation and lesion formation. OsPORA expression is repressed by light and OsPORB expression is regulated in a circadian rhythm in short‐day conditions. OsPORA was expressed at high levels in developing leaves and decreased dramatically in fully mature leaves, whereas OsPORB expression was relatively constant throughout leaf development, similar to expression patterns of AtPORA and AtPORB in Arabidopsis. However, OsPORB expression is rapidly upregulated by HL treatment, similar to the fluence rate‐dependent regulation of AtPORC. This suggests that OsPORB function is equivalent to both AtPORB and AtPORC functions. Our results demonstrate that OsPORB is essential for maintaining light‐dependent Chl synthesis throughout leaf development, especially under HL conditions, whereas OsPORA mainly functions in the early stages of leaf development. Developmentally and physiologically distinct roles of monocot OsPORs are discussed by comparing with those of dicot AtPORs.  相似文献   

Chlorophylls, the most abundant pigments in the photosynthetic apparatus, are constantly turned over as a result of the degradation and replacement of the damage‐prone reaction center D1 protein of photosystem II. Results from isotope labeling experiments suggest that chlorophylls are recycled by reutilization of chlorophyllide and phytol, but the underlying mechanism is unclear. In this study, by characterization of a heat‐sensitive Arabidopsis mutant we provide evidence of a salvage pathway for chlorophyllide a. A missense mutation in CHLOROPHYLL SYNTHASE (CHLG) was identified and confirmed to be responsible for a light‐dependent, heat‐induced cotyledon bleaching phenotype. Following heat treatment, mutant (chlg‐1) but not wild‐type seedlings accumulated a substantial level of chlorophyllide a, which resulted in a surge of phototoxic singlet oxygen. Immunoblot analysis suggested that the mutation destabilized the chlorophyll synthase proteins and caused a conditional blockage of esterification of chlorophyllide a after heat stress. Accumulation of chlorophyllide a after heat treatment occurred during recovery in the dark in the light‐grown but not the etiolated seedlings, suggesting that the accumulated chlorophyllides were not derived from de novo biosynthesis but from de‐esterification of the existing chlorophylls. Further analysis of the triple mutant harboring the CHLG mutant allele and null mutations of CHLOROPHYLLASE1 (CLH1) and CLH2 indicated that the known chlorophyllases are not responsible for the accumulation of chlorophyllide a in chlg‐1. Taken together, our results show that chlorophyll synthase acts in a salvage pathway for chlorophyll biosynthesis by re‐esterifying the chlorophyllide a produced during chlorophyll turnover.  相似文献   

Auxin plays a pivotal role in many facets of plant development. It acts by inducing the interaction between auxin‐responsive [auxin (AUX)/indole‐3‐acetic acid (IAA)] proteins and the ubiquitin protein ligase SCFTIR to promote the degradation of the AUX/IAA proteins. Other cofactors and chaperones that participate in auxin signaling remain to be identified. Here, we characterized rice (Oryza sativa) plants with mutations in a cyclophilin gene (OsCYP2). cyp2 mutants showed defects in auxin responses and exhibited a variety of auxin‐related growth defects in the root. In cyp2 mutants, lateral root initiation was blocked after nuclear migration but before the first anticlinal division of the pericycle cell. Yeast two‐hybrid and in vitro pull‐down results revealed an association between OsCYP2 and the co‐chaperone Suppressor of G2 allele of skp1 (OsSGT1). Luciferase complementation imaging assays further supported this interaction. Similar to previous findings in an Arabidopsis thaliana SGT1 mutant (atsgt1b), degradation of AUX/IAA proteins was retarded in cyp2 mutants treated with exogenous 1‐naphthylacetic acid. Our results suggest that OsCYP2 participates in auxin signal transduction by interacting with OsSGT1.  相似文献   

Yellowing, which is related to the degradation of chlorophyll and chlorophyll–protein complexes, is a notable phenomenon during leaf senescence. NON-YELLOW COLORING1 ( NYC1 ) in rice encodes a membrane-localized short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR) that is thought to represent a chlorophyll  b reductase necessary for catalyzing the first step of chlorophyll  b degradation. Analysis of the nyc1 mutant, which shows the stay-green phenotype, revealed that chlorophyll  b degradation is required for the degradation of light-harvesting complex II and thylakoid grana in leaf senescence. Phylogenetic analysis further revealed the existence of NYC1-LIKE (NOL) as the most closely related protein to NYC1. In the present paper, the nol mutant in rice was also found to show a stay-green phenotype very similar to that of the nyc1 mutant, i.e. the degradation of chlorophyll  b was severely inhibited and light-harvesting complex II was selectively retained during senescence, resulting in the retention of thylakoid grana even at a late stage of senescence. The nyc1 nol double mutant did not show prominent enhancement of inhibition of chlorophyll degradation. NOL was localized on the stromal side of the thylakoid membrane despite the lack of a transmembrane domain. Immunoprecipitation analysis revealed that NOL and NYC1 interact physically in vitro . These observations suggest that NOL and NYC1 are co-localized in the thylakoid membrane and act in the form of a complex as a chlorophyll  b reductase in rice.  相似文献   

Rapid actin turnover is essential for numerous actin‐based processes. However, how it is precisely regulated remains poorly understood. Actin‐interacting protein 1 (AIP1) has been shown to be an important factor by acting coordinately with actin‐depolymerizing factor (ADF)/cofilin in promoting actin depolymerization, the rate‐limiting factor in actin turnover. However, the molecular mechanism by which AIP1 promotes actin turnover remains largely unknown in plants. Here, we provide a demonstration that AIP1 promotes actin turnover, which is required for optimal growth of rice plants. Specific down‐regulation of OsAIP1 increased the level of filamentous actin and reduced actin turnover, whereas over‐expression of OsAIP1 induced fragmentation and depolymerization of actin filaments and enhanced actin turnover. In vitro biochemical characterization showed that, although OsAIP1 alone does not affect actin dynamics, it enhances ADF‐mediated actin depolymerization. It also caps the filament barbed end in the presence of ADF, but the capping activity is not required for their coordinated action. Real‐time visualization of single filament dynamics showed that OsAIP1 enhanced ADF‐mediated severing and dissociation of pointed end subunits. Consistent with this, the filament severing frequency and subunit off‐rate were enhanced in OsAIP1 over‐expressors but decreased in RNAi protoplasts. Importantly, OsAIP1 acts coordinately with ADF and profilin to induce massive net actin depolymerization, indicating that AIP1 plays a major role in the turnover of actin, which is required to optimize F‐actin levels in plants.  相似文献   

Lesion mimic mutants that exhibit spontaneous hypersensitive response (HR)‐like necrotic lesions are ideal experimental systems for elucidating molecular mechanisms involved in plant cell death and defence responses. Here we report identification of a rice lesion mimic mutant, spotted leaf 35 (spl35), and cloning of the causal gene by TAIL‐PCR strategy. spl35 exhibited decreased chlorophyll content, higher accumulation of H2O2, up‐regulated expression of defence‐related marker genes, and enhanced resistance to both fungal and bacterial pathogens of rice. The SPL35 gene encodes a novel CUE (coupling of ubiquitin conjugation to ER degradation) domain‐containing protein that is predominantly localized in cytosol, ER and unknown punctate compartment(s). SPL35 is constitutively expressed in all organs, and both overexpression and knockdown of SPL35 cause the lesion mimic phenotype. SPL35 directly interacts with the E2 protein OsUBC5a and the coatomer subunit delta proteins Delta‐COP1 and Delta‐COP2 through the CUE domain, and down‐regulation of these interacting proteins also cause development of HR‐like lesions resembling those in spl35 and activation of defence responses, indicating that SPL35 may be involved in the ubiquitination and vesicular trafficking pathways. Our findings provide insight into a role of SPL35 in regulating cell death and defence response in plants.  相似文献   

Starch is the most widespread form of energy storage in the plant kingdom. Although many enzymes and related factors have been identified for starch biosynthesis, unknown players remain to be identified, given that it is a complicated and sophisticated process. The endosperm of rice (Oryza sativa) has been used for the study of starch synthesis. Here, we report the cloning and characterization of the FLOURY ENDOSPERM6 (FLO6) gene in rice. In the flo6 mutant, the starch content is decreased and the normal physicochemical features of starch are changed. Significantly, flo6 mutant endosperm cells show obvious defects in compound granule formation. Map‐based cloning showed that FLO6 encodes a protein of unknown function. It harbors an N–terminal transit peptide that ensures its correct localization and functions in the plastid, and a C–terminal carbohydrate‐binding module 48 (CBM48) domain that binds to starch. Furthermore, FLO6 can interact with isoamylase1 (ISA1) both in vitro and in vivo, whereas ISA1 does not bind to starch directly. We thus propose that FLO6 may act as a starch‐binding protein involved in starch synthesis and compound granule formation through a direct interaction with ISA1 in developing rice seeds. Our data provide a novel insight into the role of proteins with the CBM48 domain in plant species.  相似文献   

  • Ethylene and nitric oxide (NO) act as endogenous regulators during leaf senescence. Levels of ethylene or its precursor 1‐aminocyclopropane‐1‐carboxylate acid (ACC) depend on the activity of ACC synthases (ACS), and NO production is controlled by NO‐associated 1 (NOA1). However, the integration mechanisms of ACS and NOA1 activity still need to be explored during leaf senescence.
  • Here, using experimental techniques, such as physiological and molecular detection, liquid chromatography‐tandem mass spectrometry and fluorescence measurement, we investigated the relevant mechanisms.
  • Our observations showed that the loss‐of‐function acs1‐1 mutant ameliorated age‐ or dark‐induced leaf senescence syndrome, such as yellowing and loss of chlorophyll, that acs1‐1 reduced ACC accumulation mainly in mature leaves and that acs1‐1‐promoted NOA1 expression and NO accumulation mainly in juvenile leaves, when compared with the wild type (WT). But the leaf senescence promoted by the NO‐deficient noa1 mutant was not involved in ACS1 expression. There was a similar sharp reduction of ACS1 and NOA1 expression with the increase in WT leaf age, and this inflection point appeared in mature leaves and coincided with the onset of leaf senescence.
  • These findings suggest that NOA1‐dependent NO accumulation blocked the ACS1‐induced onset of leaf senescence, and that ACS1 activity corresponds to the onset of leaf senescence in Arabidopsis.

Phytoalexins play a pivotal role in plant–pathogen interactions. Whereas leaves of rice (Oryza sativa) cultivar Nipponbare predominantly accumulated the phytoalexin sakuranetin after jasmonic acid induction, only very low amounts accumulated in the Kasalath cultivar. Sakuranetin is synthesized from naringenin by naringenin 7‐O‐methyltransferase (NOMT). Analysis of chromosome segment substitution lines and backcrossed inbred lines suggested that NOMT is the underlying cause of differential phytoalexin accumulation between Nipponbare and Kasalath. Indeed, both NOMT expression and NOMT enzymatic activity are lower in Kasalath than in Nipponbare. We identified a proline to threonine substitution in Kasalath relative to Nipponbare NOMT as the main cause of the lower enzymatic activity. Expanding this analysis to rice cultivars with varying amounts of sakuranetin collected from around the world showed that NOMT induction is correlated with sakuranetin accumulation. In bioassays with Pyricularia oryzae, Gibberella fujikuroi, Bipolaris oryzae, Burkholderia glumae, Xanthomonas oryzae, Erwinia chrysanthemi, Pseudomonas syringae, and Acidovorax avenae, naringenin was more effective against bacterial pathogens and sakuranetin was more effective against fungal pathogens. Therefore, the relative amounts of naringenin and sakuranetin may provide protection against specific pathogen profiles in different rice‐growing environments. In a dendrogram of NOMT genes, those from low‐sakuranetin‐accumulating cultivars formed at least two clusters, only one of which involves the proline to threonine mutation, suggesting that the low sakuranetin chemotype was acquired more than once in cultivated rice. Strains of the wild rice species Oryza rufipogon also exhibited differential sakuranetin accumulation, indicating that this metabolic diversity predates rice domestication.  相似文献   

Low temperature is an environmental factor that affects plant growth and development and plant–pathogen interactions. How temperature regulates plant defense responses is not well understood. In this study, we characterized chilling‐sensitive mutant 1 (chs1), and functionally analyzed the role of the CHS1 gene in plant responses to chilling stress. The chs1 mutant displayed a chilling‐sensitive phenotype, and also displayed defense‐associated phenotypes, including extensive cell death, the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide and salicylic acid, and an increased expression of PR genes: these phenotypes indicated that the mutation in chs1 activates the defense responses under chilling stress. A map‐based cloning analysis revealed that CHS1 encodes a TIR‐NB‐type protein. The chilling sensitivity of chs1 was fully rescued by pad4 and eds1, but not by ndr1. The overexpression of the TIR and NB domains can suppress the chs1–conferred phenotypes. Interestingly, the stability of the CHS1 protein was positively regulated by low temperatures independently of the 26S proteasome pathway. This study revealed the role of a TIR‐NB‐type gene in plant growth and cell death under chilling stress, and suggests that temperature modulates the stability of the TIR‐NB protein in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Recombination during meiosis plays an important role in genome evolution by reshuffling existing genetic variations into fresh combinations with the possibility of recovery of lost ancestral genotypes. While crossover (CO) events have been well studied, gene conversion events (GCs), which represent non‐reciprocal information transfer between chromosomes, are poorly documented and difficult to detect due to their relatively small converted tract size. Here, we document these GC events and their phenotypic effects at an important locus in rice containing the SD1 gene, where multiple defective alleles contributed to the semi‐dwarf phenotype of rice in the ‘Green Revolution’ of the 1960s. Here, physical separation of two defects allows recombination to generate the wild‐type SD1 gene, for which plant height can then be used as a reporter. By screening 18 000 F2 progeny from a cross between two semi‐dwarf cultivars that carry these different defective alleles, we detected 24 GC events, indicating a conversion rate of ~3.3 × 10?4 per marker per generation in a single meiotic cycle in rice. Furthermore, our data show that indels and single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) do not differ significantly in GC rates, at least at the SD1 locus. Our results provide strong evidence that GC by itself can regain an ancestral phenotype that was lost through mutation. This GC detection approach is likely to be broadly applicable to natural or artificial alleles of other phenotype‐related functional genes, which are abundant in other plant genomes.  相似文献   

The retromer complex is responsible for retrograde transport,which is coordinated with anterograde transport in the secretorypathway including vacuolar protein sorting. Yeast VPS35 is acomponent of the retromer complex that is essential for recognitionof specific cargo molecules. The physiological function of VPS35has not been determined in vacuolar protein sorting in higherorganisms. Arabidopsis thaliana has three VPS35 homologs designatedVPS35a, VPS35b and VPS35c. We isolated four vps35 mutants (vps35a-1,vps35b-1, vps35b-2 and vps35c-1) and then generated four doublemutants and one triple mutant. vps35a-1 vps35c-1 exhibited nounusual phenotypes. On the other hand, vps35b-1 vps35c-1 andthe triple mutant (vps35a-1 vps35b-2 vps35c-1) exhibited severephenotypes: dwarfism, early leaf senescence and fragmentationof protein storage vacuoles (PSVs). In addition, these mutantsmis-sorted storage proteins by secreting them out of the cellsand accumulated a higher level of vacuolar sorting receptor(VSR) than the wild type. VPS35 was localized in pre-vacuolarcompartments (PVCs), some of which contained VSR. VPS35 wasimmunoprecipitated with VPS29/MAG1, another component of theretromer complex. Our findings suggest that VPS35, mainly VPS35b,is involved in sorting proteins to PSVs in seeds, possibly byrecycling VSR from PVCs to the Golgi complex, and is also involvedin plant growth and senescence in vegetative organs.  相似文献   

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