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Rac/Rop-type Rho-family small GTPases accumulate at the plasma membrane in the tip of pollen tubes and control the polar growth of these cells. Nt-RhoGDI2, a homolog of guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitors (GDIs) regulating Rho signaling in animals and yeast, is co-expressed with the Rac/Rop GTPase Nt-Rac5 specifically in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) pollen tubes. The two proteins interact with each other in yeast two-hybrid assays, preferentially when Nt-Rac5 is prenylated. Transient over-expression of Nt-Rac5 and Nt-RhoGDI2 depolarized or inhibited tobacco pollen tube growth, respectively. Interestingly, pollen tubes over-expressing both proteins grew normally, demonstrating that the two proteins functionally interact in vivo. Nt-RhoGDI2 was localized to the pollen tube cytoplasm and effectively transferred co-over-expressed YFP-Nt-Rac5 fusion proteins from the plasma membrane to this compartment. A single amino acid exchange (R69A), which abolished binding to Nt-RhoGDI2, caused Nt-Rac5 to be mis-localized to the flanks of pollen tubes and strongly compromised its ability to depolarize pollen tube growth upon over-expression. Based on these observations, we propose that Nt-RhoGDI2-mediated recycling of Nt-Rac5 from the flanks of the tip to the apex has an essential function in the maintenance of polarized Rac/Rop signaling and cell expansion in pollen tubes. Similar mechanisms may generally play a role in the polarized accumulation of Rho GTPases in specific membrane domains, an important process whose regulation has not been well characterized in any cell type to date.  相似文献   

Background information. Insulin‐stimulated glucose uptake into skeletal muscle is crucial for glucose homoeostasis, and depends on the recruitment of GLUT4 (glucose transporter 4) to the plasma membrane. Mechanisms underlying insulin‐dependent GLUT4 translocation, particularly the role of Rho family GTPases, remain controversial. Results. In the present study, we show that constitutively active Rac1, but not other Rho family GTPases tested, induced GLUT4 translocation in the absence of insulin, suggesting that Rac1 activation is sufficient for GLUT4 translocation in muscle cells. Rac1 activation occurred in dorsal membrane ruffles of insulin‐stimulated cells as revealed by a novel method to visualize activated Rac1 in situ. We further identified FLJ00068 as a GEF (guanine‐nucleotide‐exchange factor) responsible for this Rac1 activation. Indeed, constitutively active FLJ00068 caused Rac1 activation in dorsal membrane ruffles and GLUT4 translocation without insulin stimulation. Down‐regulation of Rac1 or FLJ00068 by RNA interference, on the other hand, abrogated insulin‐induced GLUT4 translocation. Basal, but not insulin‐stimulated, activity of the serine/threonine kinase Akt was required for the induction of GLUT4 translocation by constitutively active Rac1 or FLJ00068. Conclusion. Collectively, Rac1 activation specifically in membrane ruffles by the GEF FLJ00068 is sufficient for insulin induction of glucose uptake into skeletal‐muscle cells.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PIP3)-dependent Rac exchanger 2 (PREX2) is a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for the Ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1 (Rac1) GTPase, facilitating the exchange of GDP for GTP on Rac1. GTP-bound Rac1 then activates its downstream effectors, including p21-activated kinases (PAKs). PREX2 and Rac1 are frequently mutated in cancer and have key roles within the insulin-signaling pathway. Rac1 can be inactivated by multiple mechanisms; however, negative regulation by insulin is not well understood. Here, we show that in response to being activated after insulin stimulation, Rac1 initiates its own inactivation by decreasing PREX2 GEF activity. Following PREX2-mediated activation of Rac1 by the second messengers PIP3 or Gβγ, we found that PREX2 was phosphorylated through a PAK-dependent mechanism. PAK-mediated phosphorylation of PREX2 reduced GEF activity toward Rac1 by inhibiting PREX2 binding to PIP3 and Gβγ. Cell fractionation experiments also revealed that phosphorylation prevented PREX2 from localizing to the cellular membrane. Furthermore, the onset of insulin-induced phosphorylation of PREX2 was delayed compared with AKT. Altogether, we propose that second messengers activate the Rac1 signal, which sets in motion a cascade whereby PAKs phosphorylate and negatively regulate PREX2 to decrease Rac1 activation. This type of regulation would allow for transient activation of the PREX2-Rac1 signal and may be relevant in multiple physiological processes, including diseases such as diabetes and cancer when insulin signaling is chronically activated.  相似文献   

Engulfment and cell motility 1/dedicator of cytokinesis 180 (Elmo1/Dock180) is a bipartite guanine nucleotide exchange factor for the monomeric GTPase Ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1 (Rac1). Elmo1/Dock180 regulates Rac1 activity in a specific spatiotemporal manner in endothelial cells (ECs) during zebrafish development and acts downstream of the Netrin-1/Unc5-homolog B (Unc5B) signaling cascade. However, mechanistic details on the pathways by which Elmo1/Dock180 regulates endothelial function and vascular development remained elusive. In this study, we aimed to analyze the vascular function of Elmo1 and Dock180 in human ECs and during vascular development in zebrafish embryos. In vitro overexpression of Elmo1 and Dock180 in ECs reduced caspase-3/7 activity and annexin V-positive cell number upon induction of apoptosis. This protective effect of Elmo1 and Dock180 is mediated by activation of Rac1, p21-activated kinase (PAK) and AKT/protein kinase B (AKT) signaling. In zebrafish, Elmo1 and Dock180 overexpression reduced the total apoptotic cell and apoptotic EC number and promoted the formation of blood vessels during embryogenesis. In conclusion, Elmo1 and Dock180 protect ECs from apoptosis by the activation of the Rac1/PAK/AKT signaling cascade in vitro and in vivo. Thus, Elmo1 and Dock180 facilitate blood vessel formation by stabilization of the endothelium during angiogenesis.  相似文献   

Cholera toxin B subunit (CTB) has been extensively studied as immunogen, adjuvant, and oral tolerance inductor depending on the antigen conjugated or coadministered. It has been already expressed in several bacterial and yeast systems. In this study, we synthesized a versatile gene coding a 6XHis-tagged CTB (359 bp). The sequence was designed according to codon usage of Escherichia coli, Lactobacillus casei, and Salmonella typhimurium. The gene assembly was based on a polymerase chain reaction, in which the polymerase extends DNA fragments from a pool of overlapping oligonucleotides. The synthetic gene was amplified, cloned, and expressed in E. coli in an insoluble form, reaching levels about 13 mg of purified active pentameric rCTB per liter of induced culture. Western blot and ELISA analyses showed that recombinant CTB is strongly and specifically recognized by polyclonal antibodies against the cholera toxin. The ability to form the functional pentamers was observed in cell culture by the inhibition of cholera toxin activity on Y1 adrenal cells in the presence of recombinant CTB. The 6XHis-tagged CTB provides a simple way to obtain functional CTB through Ni2+-charged resin after refolding and also free of possible CTA contaminants as in the case of CTB obtained from Vibrio cholerae cultures.  相似文献   

In our previous proteomic analysis, we isolated a small GTPase RabG3b as a salicylic acid-responsive protein in Arabidopsis (Oh et al. in Plant Cell 17:2832–2847, 2005). Here, we constructed transgenic plants overexpressing wild-type (RabG3bOX), constitutively active (RabG3bCA), and dominant negative (RabG3bDN) forms of RabG3b for functional studies. The phenotypes of these transgenic plants were indistinguishable from wild-type plants under normal growth conditions. However, both RabG3bOX and RabG3bCA plants displayed unrestricted hypersensitive programmed cell death against a fungal toxin Fumonisin B1 and a fungal pathogen Alternaria brassicicola, whereas no major difference between wild-type and RabG3bDN plants was observed. In addition, RabG3bOX and RabG3bCA plants underwent accelerated leaf senescence compared to wild-type and RabG3bDN plants. These results suggest that RabG3b is a modulator for cell death progression during pathogen response and senescence process in plants. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Xue M  He S  Zhang J  Cui Y  Yao Y  Wang H 《Experimental parasitology》2008,119(3):352-357
Toxoplasmosis can lead to severe pathology in both humans and animals. However, an effective vaccine for humans has not been successfully developed. In this study, we used multi-antigenic SAG1-ROP2 as a DNA vaccine and cholera toxin A2/B subunit and murine interleukin-12 to compare their effectiveness as genetic adjuvants. Bagg albino/c (BAL/c) mice were immunized intramuscularly with pcDNA3.1-SAG1-ROP2 alone (control group), or pcDNA3.1-SAG1-ROP2 with co-administration of pCTA2/B or pIL-12, respectively. After immunization, the effectiveness of these two adjuvants were compared using lymphocyte proliferation assay, cytokine and antibody measurements. The group co-administered pIL-12 elicited stronger humoral and Th1-type cellular immune responses than those immunized with pcDNA3.1-SAG1-ROP2 alone, while in the group co-administered pCTA2/B there was no obvious enhancement of immunity. When challenged with Toxoplasma gondii RH strain, mice immunized with pIL-12 co-administration had significantly higher survival rates, whereas there was no notable augmentation of immunity in pCTA2/B group. Therefore, since pIL-12 significantly enhanced the antigenicity of multi-antigenic DNA vaccine, this suggests that IL-12 is a better and more effective adjuvant than CTA2/B in this situation.  相似文献   

Shiga toxins (Stx) 1 and 2 are responsible for intestinal and systemic sequelae of infection by enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC). However, the mechanisms through which enterocytes are damaged remain unclear. While secondary damage from ischemia and inflammation are postulated mechanisms for all intestinal effects, little evidence excludes roles for more primary toxin effects on intestinal epithelial cells. We now document direct pathologic effects of Stx on intestinal epithelial cells. We study a well-characterized rabbit model of EHEC infection, intestinal tissue and stool samples from EHEC-infected patients, and T84 intestinal epithelial cells treated with Stx1. Toxin uptake by intestinal epithelial cells in vitro and in vivo causes galectin-3 depletion from enterocytes by increasing the apical galectin-3 secretion. This Shiga toxin-mediated galectin-3 depletion impairs trafficking of several brush border structural proteins and transporters, including villin, dipeptidyl peptidase IV, and the sodium-proton exchanger 2, a major colonic sodium absorptive protein. The mistargeting of proteins responsible for the absorptive function might be a key event in Stx1-induced diarrhea. These observations provide new evidence that human enterocytes are directly damaged by Stx1. Conceivably, depletion of galectin-3 from enterocytes and subsequent apical protein mistargeting might even provide a means whereby other pathogens might alter intestinal epithelial absorption and produce diarrhea.  相似文献   

Rac signaling in breast cancer: a tale of GEFs and GAPs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rac GTPases, small G-proteins widely implicated in tumorigenesis and metastasis, transduce signals from tyrosine-kinase, G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), and integrins, and control a number of essential cellular functions including motility, adhesion, and proliferation. Deregulation of Rac signaling in cancer is generally a consequence of enhanced upstream inputs from tyrosine-kinase receptors, PI3K or Guanine nucleotide Exchange Factors (GEFs), or reduced Rac inactivation by GTPase Activating Proteins (GAPs). In breast cancer cells Rac1 is a downstream effector of ErbB receptors and mediates migratory responses by ErbB1/EGFR ligands such as EGF or TGFα and ErbB3 ligands such as heregulins. Recent advances in the field led to the identification of the Rac-GEF P-Rex1 as an essential mediator of Rac1 responses in breast cancer cells. P-Rex1 is activated by the PI3K product PIP3 and Gβγ subunits, and integrates signals from ErbB receptors and GPCRs. Most notably, P-Rex1 is highly overexpressed in human luminal breast tumors, particularly those expressing ErbB2 and estrogen receptor (ER). The P-Rex1/Rac signaling pathway may represent an attractive target for breast cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Crosstalk between carcinoma associated fibroblasts (CAFs) and oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) cells is suggested to mediate phenotype transition of cancer cells as a prerequisite for tumour progression, to predict patients’ outcome, and to influence the efficacy of EGFR inhibitor therapies. Here we investigate the influence of activated fibroblasts as a model for CAFs on phenotype and EGFR signalling in OSCC cells in vitro. For this, immortalised hTERT-BJ1 fibroblasts were activated with TGFβ1 and PDGFAB to generate a myofibroblast or proliferative phenotype, respectively. Conditioned media (FCMTGF, FCMPDGF) were used to stimulate PE/CA-PJ15 OSCC cells. Results were compared to the effect of conditioned media of non-stimulated fibroblasts (FCMB). FCMTGF stimulation leads to an up-regulation of vimentin in the OSCC cells and an enhancement of invasive behaviour, indicating EMT-like effects. Similarly, FCMTGF??FCMPDGF induced up-regulation of EGFR, but not of ErbB2/ErbB3. In addition, we detected an increase in basal activities of ERK, PI3K/Akt and Stat3 (FCMTGF>FCMPDGF) accompanied by protein interaction of vimentin with pERK. These effects are correlated with an increased proliferation. In summary, our results suggest that the activated myofibroblast phenotype provides soluble factors which are able to induce EMT-like phenomena and to increase EGFR signalling as well as cell proliferation in OSCC cells. Our results indicate a possible influence of activated myofibroblasts on EGFR-inhibitor therapy. Therefore, CAFs may serve as promising novel targets for combined therapy strategies.  相似文献   

We have successfully developed a system to produce full-length plant phytochrome assembled with phytochromobilin in Pichia pastoris by co-expressing apophytochromes and chromophore biosynthetic genes, heme oxygenase (HY1) and phytochromobilin synthase (HY2) from Arabidopsis. Affinity-purified phytochrome proteins from Pichia cells displayed zinc fluorescence indicating chromophore attachment. Spectroscopic analyses showed absorbance maximum peaks identical to in vitro reconstituted phytochromobilin-assembled phytochromes, suggesting that the co-expression system is effective to generate holo-phytochromes. Moreover, mitochondria localization of the phytochromobilin biosynthetic genes increased the efficiency of holophytochrome biosynthesis. Therefore, this system provides an excellent source of holophytochromes, including oat phytochrome A and Arabidopsis phytochrome B.  相似文献   

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