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β‐Glucosidases (BG) are present in many plant tissues. Among these, abscisic acid (ABA) β‐glucosidases are thought to take part in the adjustment of cellular ABA levels, however the role of ABA‐BG in fruits is still unclear. In this study, through RNA‐seq analysis of persimmon fruit, 10 full‐length DkBG genes were isolated and were all found to be expressed. In particular, DkBG1 was highly expressed in persimmon fruits with a maximum expression 95 days after full bloom (DAFD). We verified that, in vitro, DkBG1 protein can hydrolyze ABA‐glucose ester (ABA‐GE) to release free ABA. Compared with wild‐type, tomato plants that overexpressed DkBG1 significantly upregulated the expression of ABA receptor PYL3/7 genes and showed typical symptoms of ABA hypersensitivity in fruits. DkBG1 overexpression (DkBG1‐OE) accelerated fruit ripening onset by 3–4 days by increasing ABA levels at the pre‐breaker stage and induced early ethylene release compared with wild‐type fruits. DkBG1‐OE altered the expression of ripening regulator NON‐RIPENING (NOR) and its target genes; this in turn altered fruit quality traits such as coloration. Our results demonstrated that DkBG1 plays an important role in fruit ripening and quality by adjusting ABA levels via hydrolysis of ABA‐GE.  相似文献   

Terpenes are important compounds in plant trophic interactions. A meta‐analysis of GC‐MS data from a diverse range of apple (Malus × domestica) genotypes revealed that apple fruit produces a range of terpene volatiles, with the predominant terpene being the acyclic branched sesquiterpene (E,E)‐α‐farnesene. Four quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for α‐farnesene production in ripe fruit were identified in a segregating ‘Royal Gala’ (RG) × ‘Granny Smith’ (GS) population with one major QTL on linkage group 10 co‐locating with the MdAFS1 (α‐farnesene synthase‐1) gene. Three of the four QTLs were derived from the GS parent, which was consistent with GC‐MS analysis of headspace and solvent‐extracted terpenes showing that cold‐treated GS apples produced higher levels of (E,E)‐α‐farnesene than RG. Transgenic RG fruit downregulated for MdAFS1 expression produced significantly lower levels of (E,E)‐α‐farnesene. To evaluate the role of (E,E)‐α‐farnesene in fungal pathogenesis, MdAFS1 RNA interference transgenic fruit and RG controls were inoculated with three important apple post‐harvest pathogens [Colletotrichum acutatum, Penicillium expansum and Neofabraea alba (synonym Phlyctema vagabunda)]. From results obtained over four seasons, we demonstrate that reduced (E,E)‐α‐farnesene is associated with decreased disease initiation rates of all three pathogens. In each case, the infection rate was significantly reduced 7 days post‐inoculation, although the size of successful lesions was comparable with infections on control fruit. These results indicate that (E,E)‐α‐farnesene production is likely to be an important factor involved in fungal pathogenesis in apple fruit.  相似文献   

The B–class of MADS box genes has been studied in a wide range of plant species, but has remained largely uncharacterized in legumes. Here we investigate the evolutionary fate of the duplicated AP3‐like genes of a legume species. To obtain insight into the extent to which B‐class MADS box gene functions are conserved or have diversified in legumes, we isolated and characterized the two members of the AP3 lineage in Medicago truncatula: MtNMH7 and MtTM6 (euAP3 and paleoAP3 genes, respectively). A non‐overlapping and complementary expression pattern of both genes was observed in petals and stamens. MtTM6 was expressed predominantly in the outer cell layers of both floral organs, and MtNMH7 in the inner cell layers of petals and stamens. Functional analyses by reverse genetics approaches (RNAi and Tnt1 mutagenesis) showed that the contribution of MtNMH7 to petal identity is more important than that of MtTM6, whereas MtTM6 plays a more important role in stamen identity than its paralog MtNMH7. Our results suggest that the M. truncatula AP3‐like genes have undergone a functional specialization process associated with complete partitioning of gene expression patterns of the ancestral gene lineage. We provide information regarding the similarities and differences in petal and stamen development among core eudicots.  相似文献   

The spikelet is the basic unit of the grass inflorescence. In tetraploid (Triticum turgidum) and hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum), the spikelet is a short indeterminate branch with two proximal sterile bracts (glumes) followed by a variable number of florets, each including a bract (lemma) with an axillary flower. Varying levels of miR172 and/or its target gene Q (AP2L5) result in gradual transitions of glumes to lemmas, and vice versa. Here, we show that AP2L5 and its related paralog AP2L2 play critical and redundant roles in the specification of axillary floral meristems and lemma identity. AP2L2, also targeted by miR172, displayed similar expression profiles to AP2L5 during spikelet development. Loss‐of‐function mutants in both homeologs of AP2L2 (henceforth ap2l2) developed normal spikelets, but ap2l2 ap2l5 double mutants generated spikelets with multiple empty bracts before transitioning to florets. The coordinated nature of these changes suggest an early role of these genes in floret development. Moreover, the flowers of ap2l2 ap2l5 mutants showed organ defects in paleas and lodicules, including the homeotic conversion of lodicules into carpels. Mutations in the miR172 target site of AP2L2 were associated with reduced plant height, more compact spikes, promotion of lemma‐like characters in glumes and smaller lodicules. Taken together, our results show that the balance in the expression of miR172 and AP2‐like genes is crucial for the correct development of spikelets and florets, and that this balance has been altered during the process of wheat and barley (Hordeum vulgare) domestication. The manipulation of this regulatory module provides an opportunity to modify spikelet architecture and improve grain yield.  相似文献   

Insulin/IGF signaling (IIS) regulates essential processes including development, metabolism, and aging. The Drosophila genome encodes eight insulin/IGF‐like peptide (dilp) paralogs, including tandem‐encoded dilp1 and dilp2. Many reports show that longevity is increased by manipulations that decrease DILP2 levels. It has been shown that dilp1 is expressed primarily in pupal stages, but also during adult reproductive diapause. Here, we find that dilp1 is also highly expressed in adult dilp2 mutants under nondiapause conditions. The inverse expression of dilp1 and dilp2 suggests these genes interact to regulate aging. Here, we study dilp1 and dilp2 single and double mutants to describe epistatic and synergistic interactions affecting longevity, metabolism, and adipokinetic hormone (AKH), the functional homolog of glucagon. Mutants of dilp2 extend lifespan and increase Akh mRNA and protein in a dilp1‐dependent manner. Loss of dilp1 alone has no impact on these traits, whereas transgene expression of dilp1 increases lifespan in dilp1 ? dilp2 double mutants. On the other hand, dilp1 and dilp2 redundantly or synergistically interact to control circulating sugar, starvation resistance, and compensatory dilp5 expression. These interactions do not correlate with patterns for how dilp1 and dilp2 affect longevity and AKH. Thus, repression or loss of dilp2 slows aging because its depletion induces dilp1, which acts as a pro‐longevity factor. Likewise, dilp2 regulates Akh through epistatic interaction with dilp1. Akh and glycogen affect aging in Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila. Our data suggest that dilp2 modulates lifespan in part by regulating Akh, and by repressing dilp1, which acts as a pro‐longevity insulin‐like peptide.  相似文献   

MADS-box转录因子的相互作用及对果实发育和成熟的调控   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘菊华  徐碧玉  张静  金志强 《遗传》2010,32(9):893-902
MADS-box基因编码的蛋白是一类数目庞大的转录因子家族, 通过与其他转录因子相互作用形成同源或异源二聚体, 调控着整个植株的生长发育。文章对近年来MADS-box转录因子的相互作用及对果实发育和成熟的调控作用的研究进展进行了综述, 为了解MADS-box转录因子的作用方式和作用机理及深入研究MADS-box基因对调控果实发育和成熟的作用提供参考。  相似文献   

Cardiac performance decreases with age, which is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and mortality in the aging human population, but the molecular mechanisms underlying cardiac aging are still poorly understood. Investigating the role of integrin‐linked kinase (ilk) and β1‐integrin (myospheroid, mys) in Drosophila, which colocalize near cardiomyocyte contacts and Z‐bands, we find that reduced ilk or mys function prevents the typical changes of cardiac aging seen in wildtype, such as arrhythmias. In particular, the characteristic increase in cardiac arrhythmias with age is prevented in ilk and mys heterozygous flies with nearly identical genetic background, and they live longer, in line with previous findings in Caenorhabditis elegans for ilk and in Drosophila for mys. Consistent with these findings, we observed elevated β1‐integrin protein levels in old compared with young wild‐type flies, and cardiac‐specific overexpression of mys in young flies causes aging‐like heart dysfunction. Moreover, moderate cardiac‐specific knockdown of integrin‐linked kinase (ILK)/integrin pathway‐associated genes also prevented the decline in cardiac performance with age. In contrast, strong cardiac knockdown of ilk or ILK‐associated genes can severely compromise cardiac integrity, including cardiomyocyte adhesion and overall heart function. These data suggest that ilk/mys function is necessary for establishing and maintaining normal heart structure and function, and appropriate fine‐tuning of this pathway can retard the age‐dependent decline in cardiac performance and extend lifespan. Thus, ILK/integrin‐associated signaling emerges as an important and conserved genetic mechanism in longevity, and as a new means to improve age‐dependent cardiac performance, in addition to its vital role in maintaining cardiac integrity.  相似文献   

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