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The seed morphology of 90 samples from 83 species of tribe Gaultherieae (Chamaedaphne, Diplycosia, Eubotryoides, Eubotrys, Gaultheria and Leucothoe) and relatives in tribes Andromedeae (Andromeda and Zenobia) and Vaccinieae (Satyria) was investigated with stereoscopic and scanning electron microscopy. Seeds exhibit variation in shape, colour, size, wing, hilum region, primary ornamentation and epidermal cells. Non‐metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) analysis based on selected seed characters supports the affinities of some groups within Gaultherieae at various taxonomic levels. Seed characters corroborate the delimitation of Andromeda, Chamaedaphne, Leucothoe, Satyria and Zenobia and Gaultheria series Trichophyllae, series Hispidulae, section Amblyandra and section Brossaeopsis. Parsimony optimization of seed characters onto a previously published phylogenetic estimate of Gaultherieae reveals that small seeds have evolved from larger seeds and an areolate seed coat has evolved from a reticulate seed coat. Optimization also suggests that several seed character states are synapomorphies or potential synapomorphies for some major clades of Gaultherieae. Seeds of Gaultherieae from East Asia, temperate North America and the Pacific are more diverse than those from tropical America. Samples from the eastern Himalaya possess the highest variation in seed morphology. The wing and bulging edge cells observed in seeds of Leucothoe suggest dispersal by wind. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 162 , 477–495.  相似文献   

A common adaptation in angiosperms is the deposition of hydrophilic mucilage into the apoplast of seed coat epidermal cells during the course of their differentiation. Upon imbibition, seed mucilage, composed mainly of carbohydrates (i.e. pectins, hemicelluloses and glycans) expands rapidly, encapsulating the seed and aiding in seed dispersal and germination. The FEI1/FEI2 receptor-like kinases and the SOS5 extracellular GPI-anchored protein were previously shown to act on a pathway regulating cellulose biosynthesis during Arabidopsis root elongation. In the highlighted study, we demonstrated that FEI2 and SOS5 regulate the production of the cellulosic rays deposited across the inner adherent-layer of seed mucilage. Mutations in either fei2 or sos5 disrupted the formation of rays, which was associated with an increase in the soluble, outer layer of pectin mucilage and accompanied by a reduction in the inner adherent-layer. Mutations in CELLULOSE SYNTHASE 5 also led to reduced rays and mal-partitioning of the pectic component of seed mucilage, further establishing a structural role for cellulose in seed mucilage. Here, we show that FEI2 expressed from a CaMV 35S promoter complemented both root and seed mucilage defects of the fei1 fei2 double mutant. In contrast, expression of FEI1 from a 35S promoter complemented the root, but not the seed phenotype of the fei1 fei2 double mutant, suggesting that unlike in the root, FEI2 plays a unique and non-redundant role in the regulation of cellulose synthesis in seed mucilage. Altogether, these data suggest a novel role for cellulose in anchoring the pectic component of seed mucilage to the seed surface and indicate that the FEI2 protein has a function distinct from that of FEI1, despite the high sequence similarity of these RLKs.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Seeds of east Australian Grevillea species generally recruit post-fire; previous work showed that the seed coat was the controller of dormancy in Grevillea linearifolia. Former studies on seed development in Grevillea have concentrated on embryology, with little information that would allow testing of hypotheses about the breaking of dormancy by fire-related cues. Our aim was to investigate structural and chemical characteristics of the seed coat that may be related to dormancy for three Grevillea species. METHODS: Seeds of Grevillea linearifolia, Grevillea buxifolia and Grevillea sericea were investigated using gross dissection, thin sectioning and histochemical staining. Water movement across the seed coat was tested for by determining the water content of embryos from imbibed and dry seeds of G. sericea. Penetration of intact seeds by Lucifer Yellow was used to test for internal barriers to diffusion of high-molecular-weight compounds. KEY RESULTS: Two integuments were present in the seed coat: an outer testa, with exo-, meso- and endotestal (palisade) layers, and an inner tegmen of unlignified sclerenchyma. A hypostase at the chalazal end was a region of structural difference in the seed coat, and differed slightly among the three species. An internal cuticle was found on each side of the sclerenchyma layer. The embryos of imbibed seeds had a water content six times that of dry seeds. Barriers to diffusion of Lucifer Yellow existed at the exotestal and the endotestal/hypostase layers. CONCLUSIONS: Several potential mechanisms of seed coat dormancy were identified. The embryo appeared to be completely surrounded by outer and inner barriers to diffusion of high-molecular-weight compounds. Phenolic compounds present in the exotesta could interfere with gas exchange. The sclerenchyma layer, together with strengthening in the endotestal and exotestal cells, could act as a mechanical constraint.  相似文献   

Solid state 13C NMR measurements of cork, before and after suberin removal, showed that aliphatic suberin is spatially separated from carbohydrate and lignin and experiences higher motional freedom. Two types of chain methylenes, differing in chemical shift and in dynamic properties, were identified in aliphatic suberin. Experimental evidence indicated that the more motionally hindered methylenes are those situated nearer the linkages of aliphatic suberin to the cell wall. These linkages were shown to involve –CH2O– groups, probably engaged in ester linkages to phenylpropane units and carbohydrate C6 carbons. Spectral intensity changes indicated that, during the first steps of alkaline desuberization, these linkages are broken and the shorter aliphatic suberin chains removed. Longer chains require hydrolysis of the ester linkages within the chains and are removed upon stronger alkaline treatment. T1(C), T1ρ(H) and T1ρ(C) relaxation times have shown that the removal of suberin from cork leads to a motionally restricted and more compact environment, on the megahertz and mid-kilohertz timescales. The properties of cork suberin showed that suberin organization in cork is distinct from that in potato tissue.  相似文献   

Deuterium magnetic resonance (2H-NMR) and Raman spectroscopy are used to investigate order and fluidity at the terminal methyl position in 16-d3, 16′-d3 dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (16-d6 DPPC) multibilayers. These methods reveal substantial motion and disorder in the gel phase, 5–10°C below the gel-liquid crystal phase transition temperature (Tm). The phase transition is sensed in the 2H-NMR spectrum as a reduction in the quadrupole splitting from 14 kHz to 3 kHz. In contrast, the Raman parameter used to characterize the CD3 vibrations is quite insensitive to the melting process, although an analogous parameter does sense disordering at Tm at the 10 and 10′ position in 10-d2, 10′-d2 DPPC. The difference in the response of the NMR and Raman parameters may arise because the vibrational spectrum of the CD3 group is inhomogenously broadened and is therefore quite sensitive to alterations in the local environment around the methyl group. In contrast, the NMR quadrupole splitting is sensitive to both local motion of the methyl group and, near Tm, to motions of the CD2 group induced by transgauche isomerizations further up the chain. The difficulties that arise when results from different spectroscopic techniques are compared are demonstrated.  相似文献   


This integrated study provides new insights into pollen and seed morphology and pollen heteromorphism of four closely related annual taxa of Viola sect. Melanium. The plant material, both fresh and dried, was collected in Italy and studied using light and scanning electron microscope. Palynological data for V. hymettia together with a detailed comparative analysis of seed morphology and micromorphology of the four species are reported for the first time. Results of this work highlight some pollen and seed features as useful diagnostic characters. The pollen size proves to be of diagnostic value to easily separate V. kitaibeliana, having the smallest pollen grains, from the others, especially from V. arvensis with the largest ones. Exine ornamentation is microreticulate, showing no relevant differences among species. We can partially confirm the diagnostic value of the prevailing pollen morph as it can be useful only for V. arvensis (five-aperturate) versus V. tricolor and V. hymettia (four-aperturate). The macro- and micromorphology of seeds provide additional useful distinguishing characters. Particularly, seed size was found to be a good delimitating character, especially to distinguish V. kitaibeliana (with the smallest seeds) from V. arvensis, and easy to be measured with no need of particular equipment.  相似文献   

To avoid seed predation, plants may invest in protective seed tissues. Often related to seed size, allocation in seeds' physical defenses can also be influenced by dispersers. We explore the relationships between seed traits (seed mass and hardness) and seed removal in 22 Myrtaceae species of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, a dominant and diverse fleshy-fruited taxon dispersed by birds, rodents, and other mammals. Our goal is to understand how seed traits influence seed removal rates, and whether dispersers can affect tissue allocation in the seed coat. Seeds were exposed to field removal experiments. In the laboratory, total seed mass and seed coat mass were obtained. To evaluate the influence of seed traits on removal, we performed Kruskal–Wallis and Simple Linear Regression tests. We assessed seed coat and seed mass covariation through standardized major-axis allometric regressions. Harder seeds were larger than softer ones. Seed traits affect removal rates, as tougher and heavier seeds had lower removal. Seed mass significantly predicts seed coat proportion in seven of the 14 species tested. Bird-dispersed species tend to exhibit lower proportions of seed coat as seed mass increases, whereas rodent-dispersed species apparently present the opposite trend, with seed coat proportion increasing with seed mass. Such difference may be caused by the contrasting seed predation pressure represented by birds and rodents. Energy allocation for defense, expressed in seed coat proportion, is greater in large seeds, as these are mostly dispersed by rodents whose propensity to cache and disperse seeds is greater for large and well-protected seeds.  相似文献   

13C and 15N chemical shift anisotropy and 15N1H dipolar powder patterns from backbone sites of the coat protein in fd bacteriophage are not averaged by motion. This means that the polypeptide backbone of the protein has no large amplitude motions rapid compared to 104 Hz. Relaxation studies on the 13Cα and 15N amide resonances indicate the presence of motions on the 109 Hz timescale. These results are reconciled with a model where an otherwise rigid backbone undergoes small amplitude, rapid motions.  相似文献   

The fungal kingdom comprises a hyperdiverse clade of heterotrophic eukaryotes characterized by the presence of a chitinous cell wall, the loss of phagotrophic capabilities and cell organizations that range from completely unicellular monopolar organisms to highly complex syncitial filaments that may form macroscopic structures. Fungi emerged as a ‘Third Kingdom’, embracing organisms that were outside the classical dichotomy of animals versus vegetals. The taxonomy of this group has a turbulent history that is only now starting to be settled with the advent of genomics and phylogenomics. We here review the current status of the phylogeny and taxonomy of fungi, providing an overview of the main defined groups. Based on current knowledge, nine phylum‐level clades can be defined: Opisthosporidia, Chytridiomycota, Neocallimastigomycota, Blastocladiomycota, Zoopagomycota, Mucoromycota, Glomeromycota, Basidiomycota and Ascomycota. For each group, we discuss their main traits and their diversity, focusing on the evolutionary relationships among the main fungal clades. We also explore the diversity and phylogeny of several groups of uncertain affinities and the main phylogenetic and taxonomical controversies and hypotheses in the field.  相似文献   

1. We investigated the vertical distribution of seeds in the soil, using data from nine studies in five European countries. We discovered significant correlations between seed shape and distribution in the soil.
2. The classification of the longevity of seeds of plant species has been improved by the introduction of a 'longevity index', expressing on a continuous scale the most recent information on seed longevity represented as the proportion of non-transient seed bank records in the database of Thompson et al. (1997 ). Remarkably, no difference in seed longevity was found if the index was based on direct observations only when compared with the index based on the complete data set where indirect, 'depth-derived' observations were included.
3. Seed longevity was best estimated using a multiple regression model with an integrated measure of seed size and shape and depth distribution of seeds.
4. The shape of seeds, known to be a consistent character of species, was shown to be constant within species, whereas depth distribution of seeds was highly variable among sites. This is consistent with the variability of seed longevity found in published seed bank data.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Cells of the insect flagellate Crithidia fasciculata contained mannan and arabinogalactan components, whose porportion varied with culture age, the former predominating during early stages, and the latter during the later stages of exponential growth and the deceleration phase. The mannan was a β-D-(1→2)-linked D-mannopyranan. The arabinogalactan had a complex structure containing, in part, a β-D-(1→-3)-linked galactopyranose main-chain substituted in the 2 positions by single-unit D-arabinopyranose side-chains and with some unsubstituted units.  相似文献   

Environmental variation that is not predictably related to cues is expected to drive the evolution of bet-hedging strategies. The high variance observed in the timing of seed germination has led to it being the most cited diversification strategy in the theoretical bet-hedging literature. Despite this theoretical focus, virtually nothing is known about the mechanisms responsible for the generation of individual-level diversification. Here we report analyses of sources of variation in timing of germination within seasons, germination fraction over two generations and three sequential seasons, and the genetic correlation structure of these traits using almost 10,000 seeds from more than 100 genotypes of the monocarpic perennial Lobelia inflata. Microenvironmental analysis of time to germination suggests that extreme sensitivity to environmental gradients, or microplasticity, even within a homogeneous growth chamber, may act as an effective individual-level diversification mechanism and explains more than 30% of variance in time to germination. The heritability of within-season timing of germination was low (h(2) = 0.07) but significant under homogeneous conditions. Consistent with individual-level diversification, this low h(2) was attributable not to low additive genetic variance, but to an unusually high coefficient of residual variation in time to germination. Despite high power to detect additive genetic variance in within-season diversification, it was low and indistinguishable from zero. Restricted maximum likelihood detected significant genetic variation for germination fraction (h(2) = 0.18) under homogeneous conditions. Unexpectedly, this heritability was positive when measured within a generation by sibling analysis and negative when measured across generations by offspring-on-parent regression. The consistency of dormancy fraction over multiple delays, a major premise of Cohen's classic model, was supported by a strong genetic correlation (r = 0.468) observed for a cohort's germination fraction over two seasons. We discuss implications of the results for the evolution of bet hedging and highlight the need for further empirical study of the causal components of diversification.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Melocacatus paucispinus (Cactaceae) is endemic to the state of Bahia, Brazil, and due to its rarity and desirability to collectors it has been considered threatened with extinction. This species is usually sympatric and inter-fertile with M. concinnus, and morphological evidence for hybridization between them is present in some populations. Levels of genetic and morphological variation and sub-structuring in populations of these species were assessed and an attempt was made to verify the occurrence of natural hybridization between them. METHODS: Genetic variability was surveyed using allozymes (12 loci) and morphological variability using multivariate morphometric analyses (17 vegetative characters) in ten populations of M. paucispinus and three of M. concinnus occurring in the Chapada Diamantina, Bahia. KEY RESULTS: Genetic variability was low in both species (P = 0.0-33.3, A = 1.0-1.6, H(e) = 0.000-0.123 in M. paucispinus; P = 0.0-25.0, A = 1.0-1.4, H(e) = 0.000-0.104 in M. concinnus). Deficit of heterozygotes within the populations was detected in both species, with high values of F(IS) (0.732 and 0.901 in M. paucispinus and M. concinnus, respectively). Evidence of hybridization was detected by the relative allele frequency in the two diaphorase loci. High levels of genetic (F(ST) = 0.504 in M. paucispinus and 0.349 in M. concinnus) and morphological (A = 0.20 in M. paucispinus and 0.17 in M. concinnus) structuring among populations were found. CONCLUSIONS: The Melocactus spp. displayed levels of genetic variability lower than the values reported for other cactus species. The evidence indicates the occurrence of introgression in both species at two sites. The high F(ST) values cannot be explained by geographical substructuring, but are consistent with hybridization. Conversely, morphological differentiation in M. paucispinus, but not in M. concinnus, is probably due to isolation by distance.  相似文献   



The epidermal cells of the seed coat of certain species accumulate polysaccharides during seed development for cell wall reinforcement or release on imbibition to form mucilage. Seed-coat epidermal cells show natural variation in their structure and mucilage production, which could explain the diverse ecophysiological roles proposed for the latter. Arabidopsis mucilage mutants have proved to be an important tool for the identification of genes involved in the production of seed-coat polysaccharides.


This review documents genes that have been characterized as playing a role in the differentiation of the epidermal cells of the arabidopsis seed coat, the natural variability in polysaccharide features of these cells and the physiological roles attributed to seed mucilage.


Seed-coat epidermal cells are an excellent model for the study of polysaccharide metabolism and properties. Intra- and interspecies natural variation in the differentiation of these epidermal cells is an under-exploited resource for such studies and promises to play an important part in improving our knowledge of polysaccharide production and ecophysiological function.  相似文献   

Uptake of 14C-labelled sucrose and glucose by isolated seed coat halves of pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Marzia) seeds was measured in the concentration range <0.1 μM to 100 mM. The initial influx of sucrose was strictly proportional to the external concentration, with a coefficient of proportionality (k) of 6.2 μmol·(g FW)?1·min?1·M?1. Sucrose influx was not affected by 10 μM carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP), but it was inhibited by 40% in the presence of 2.5 mM p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid (PCMBS). Influx with diffusional kinetics was also observed for glucose (k = 4.8 μmol·(g FW)?1·min ?1·M ?1) and mannitol (k = 5.1 μmol·(g FW)?1·min?1·M?1). For glucose an additional saturable system was found (Km = 0.26 mM, V max = 4.2 nmol·(g FW)?1·min?1), which appeared to be completely inhibited by CCCP and partly by PCMBS. In contrast to the diffusional pathway, uptake by this saturable system was slightly pH-dependent, with an optimum at pH 5.5. The influx of sucrose appears to be by the same pathway as the efflux of endogenous sucrose, which was inhibited by 36% in the presence of 2.5 mM PCMBS (De Jong A, Wolswinkel P, 1995, Physiol Plant 94: 78–86). It is argued that passive transport may be the only mechanism for sucrose transport through the plasma membrane of seed coat parenchyma cells. The estimated permeability coefficient of the plasma membrane for sucrose (P = 3.5·10?7 cm·s?1) is more than 1 × 106-fold higher than that reported for artificial lipid membranes. This relatively high permeability is hypothesized to result from pore-forming proteins that allow the diffusion of sucrose. Furthermore, it is shown that a sucrose gradient across the plasma membrane of the seed coat parenchyma of only 22 mM will suffice to result in the net efflux of sucrose which is required to feed the embryo.  相似文献   

Temperature-dependent studies on the diastereoselective nucleophilic addition of n- BuLi to alpha-chiral aldehydes as (S)-O-(t-butyl-dimethylsilyl)lactal, (S)-O-(t-butyl-dimethylsilyl) mandelic aldehyde, and (R)-2-phenylpropanal in n-decane and n-dodecane reveal dynamic solvation phenomena with the presence of inversion temperatures (T(inv)) in the Eyring plots of ln (anti/syn) vs. 1/ T. These dynamic solvent effects were disclosed by temperature-dependent studies of the (13)C NMR, CD, and UV spectra of the starting aldehydes in solution of n-decane and n-dodecane. The concomitant presence of three peculiar temperatures T(CD), T(UV), and T(NMR), whose values are identical and match T(inv), clearly confirms our earlier interpretation of the solvent-dependent nature of T(inv). The inversion temperature, as well as T(CD), T(UV), and T(NMR) represents the interconversion temperature of two different solvation clusters which act as two different supramolecules with different stereoselectivities.  相似文献   

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