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《Developmental cell》2022,57(5):569-582.e6
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Stomatal development was studied in wild-type Arabidopsis leaves using light and electron microscopy. Development involves three successive types of stomatal precursor cells: meristemoid mother cells, meristemoids, and guard mother cells (GMCs). The first two types divide asymmetrically, whereas GMCs divide symmetrically. Analysis of cell wall patterns indicates that meristemoids can divide asymmetrically a variable number of times. Before meristemoid division, the nucleus and a preprophase band of microtubules become located on one side of the cell, and the vacuole on the other. Meristemoids are often triangular in shape and have evenly thickened walls. GMCs can be detected by their roughly oval shape, increased starch accumulation, and wall thickenings on opposite ends of the cells. Because these features are also found in developing stomata, stomatal differentiation begins in GMCs. The wall thickenings mark the division site in the GMC since they overlie a preprophase band of microtubules and occur where the cell plate fuses with the parent cell wall. Stomatal differentiation in Arabidopsis resembles that of other genera with kidney-shaped guard cells. This identification of stages in stomatal development in wild-type Arabidopsis provides a foundation for the analysis of relevant genes and of mutants defective in stomatal patterning, cell specification, and differentiation.  相似文献   

The plant hormones gibberellin (GA), ethylene and auxin can promote hypocotyl elongation of Arabidopsis seedlings grown in the light on a low nutrient medium (LNM). In this study, we used hypocotyl elongation as a system to investigate interactions between GA and ethylene or auxin and analysed their influence on the development of stomata in the hypocotyl. When applied together, GA and ethylene or auxin exerted a synergistic effect on hypocotyl elongation. Stimulated cell elongation is the main cause of hypocotyl elongation. Furthermore, hypocotyls treated with GA plus either ethylene or auxin show an increased endoreduplication. In addition, a small but significant increase in cell number was observed in the cortical cell files of hypocotyls treated with ethylene and GA together. However, studies with transgenic seedlings expressing CycB1::uidA genes revealed that cell division in the hypocotyl occurs only in the epidermis and mainly to form stomata, a process strictly regulated by hormones. Stomata formation in the hypocotyl is induced by the treatment with either GA or ethylene. The effect of GA could be strongly enhanced by the simultaneous addition of ethylene or auxin to the growth medium. Gibberellin is the main signal inducing stomata formation in the hypocotyl. In addition, this signal regulates hypocotyl elongation and is modulated by ethylene and auxin. The implication of these three hormones in relation to cell division and stomata formation is discussed.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2022,32(14):3170-3179.e4
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The number and density of stomata are controlled by endogenous and environmental factors. Despite recent advances in our understanding of stomatal development, mechanisms which prevent stomatal‐lineage entry remain unclear. Here, we propose that abscisic acid (ABA), a phytohormone known to induce stomatal closure, limits initiation of stomatal development and induces enlargement of pavement cells in Arabidopsis cotyledons. An ABA‐deficient aba2‐2 mutant had an increased number/proportion of stomata within a smaller cotyledon, as well as reduced expansion of pavement cells. This tendency was reversed after ABA application or in an ABA over‐accumulating cyp707a1cyp707a3 doublemutant. Our time course analysis revealed that aba2‐2 shows prolonged formation of meristemoids and guard mother cells, both precursors of stoma. This finding is in accordance with prolonged gene expression of SPCH and MUTE, master regulators for stomatal formation, indicating that ABA acts upstream of these genes. Only aba2‐2 mute, but not aba2‐2 spch double mutant showed additive phenotypes and displayed inhibition of pavement cell enlargement with increased meristemoid number, indicating that ABA action on pavement cell expansion requires the presence of stomatal‐lineage cells.  相似文献   

Membranes of eukaryotic cells contain high lipid‐order sterol‐rich domains that are thought to mediate temporal and spatial organization of cellular processes. Sterols are crucial for execution of cytokinesis, the last stage of cell division, in diverse eukaryotes. The cell plate of higher‐plant cells is the membrane structure that separates daughter cells during somatic cytokinesis. Cell‐plate formation in Arabidopsis relies on sterol‐ and DYNAMIN‐RELATED PROTEIN1A (DRP1A)‐dependent endocytosis. However, functional relationships between lipid membrane order or lipid packing and endocytic machinery components during eukaryotic cytokinesis have not been elucidated. Using ratiometric live imaging of lipid order‐sensitive fluorescent probes, we show that the cell plate of Arabidopsis thaliana represents a dynamic, high lipid‐order membrane domain. The cell‐plate lipid order was found to be sensitive to pharmacological and genetic alterations of sterol composition. Sterols co‐localize with DRP1A at the cell plate, and DRP1A accumulates in detergent‐resistant membrane fractions. Modifications of sterol concentration or composition reduce cell‐plate membrane order and affect DRP1A localization. Strikingly, DRP1A function itself is essential for high lipid order at the cell plate. Our findings provide evidence that the cell plate represents a high lipid‐order domain, and pave the way to explore potential feedback between lipid order and function of dynamin‐related proteins during cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Stomatal pores formed by a pair of guard cells in the leaf epidermis control gas exchange and transpirational water loss. Stomatal closure is mediated by the release of potassium and anions from guard cells. Anion efflux from guard cells involves slow (S‐type) and rapid (R‐type) anion channels. Recently the SLAC1 gene has been shown to encode the slow, voltage‐independent anion channel component in guard cells. In contrast, the R‐type channel still awaits identification. Here, we show that AtALMT12, a member of the aluminum activated malate transporter family in Arabidopsis, represents a guard cell R‐type anion channel. AtALMT12 is highly expressed in guard cells and is targeted to the plasma membrane. Plants lacking AtALMT12 are impaired in dark‐ and CO2‐induced stomatal closure, as well as in response to the drought‐stress hormone abscisic acid. Patch‐clamp studies on guard cell protoplasts isolated from atalmt12 mutants revealed reduced R‐type currents compared with wild‐type plants when malate is present in the bath media. Following expression of AtALMT12 in Xenopus oocytes, voltage‐dependent anion currents reminiscent to R‐type channels could be activated. In line with the features of the R‐type channel, the activity of heterologously expressed AtALMT12 depends on extracellular malate. Thereby this key metabolite and osmolite of guard cells shifts the threshold for voltage activation of AtALMT12 towards more hyperpolarized potentials. R‐Type channels, like voltage‐dependent cation channels in nerve cells, are capable of transiently depolarizing guard cells, and thus could trigger membrane potential oscillations, action potentials and initiate long‐term anion and K+ efflux via SLAC1 and GORK, respectively.  相似文献   

Stomatal opening and closing are driven by ion fluxes that cause changes in guard cell turgor and volume. This process is, in turn, regulated by environmental and hormonal signals, including light and the phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA). Here, we present genetic evidence that expression of PHO1 in guard cells of Arabidopsis thaliana is required for full stomatal responses to ABA. PHO1 is involved in the export of phosphate into the root xylem vessels and, as a result, the pho1 mutant is characterized by low shoot phosphate levels. In leaves, PHO1 was found expressed in guard cells and up‐regulated following treatment with ABA. The pho1 mutant was unaffected in production of reactive oxygen species following ABA treatment, and in stomatal movements in response to light cues, high extracellular calcium, auxin, and fusicoccin. However, stomatal movements in response to ABA treatment were severely impaired, both in terms of induction of closure and inhibition of opening. Micro‐grafting a pho1 shoot scion onto wild‐type rootstock resulted in plants with normal shoot growth and phosphate content, but failed to restore normal stomatal response to ABA treatment. PHO1 knockdown using RNA interference specifically in guard cells of wild‐type plants caused a reduced stomatal response to ABA. In agreement, specific expression of PHO1 in guard cells of pho1 plants complemented the mutant guard cell phenotype and re‐established ABA sensitivity, although full functional complementation was dependent on shoot phosphate sufficiency. Together, these data reveal an important role for phosphate and the action of PHO1 in the stomatal response to ABA.  相似文献   

Compared with other organisms, plants have an extraordinary capacity for self-repair. Even if the entire tissues, including the stem cells, are resected, most plant species are able to completely regenerate whole tissues. However, the mechanism by which plants efficiently regenerate the stem cell niche during tissue reorganization is still largely unknown. Here, we found that the signaling mediated by plant steroid hormones brassinosteroids is activated during stem cell formation after root tip excision in Arabidopsis. Treatment with brassinazole, an inhibitor of brassinosteroid biosynthesis, delayed the recovery of stem cell niche after root tip excision. Regeneration of root tip after resection was also delayed in a brassinosteroid receptor mutant. Therefore, we propose that brassinosteroids participate in efficient root tip regeneration, thereby enabling efficient tissue regeneration to ensure continuous root growth after resection.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that proliferating cells polarize damaged proteins during mitosis to protect one cell from aging, and that the structural conformation of damaged proteins mediates their toxicity. We report that the growth, resistance to stress, and differentiation characteristics of a cancer cell line (PC12) with an inducible Huntingtin (Htt) fused to enhanced green fluorescent protein (GFP) are dependent on the conformation of Htt. Cell progeny containing inclusion bodies have a longer cell cycle and increased resistance to stress than those with diffuse Htt. Using live imaging, we demonstrate that asymmetric division resulting from a cell containing a single inclusion body produces sister cells with different fates. The cell that receives the inclusion body has decreased proliferation and increased differentiation compared with its sister cell without Htt. This is the first report that reveals a functional consequence of the asymmetric division of damaged proteins in mammalian cells, and we suggest that this is a result of inclusion body-induced proteasome impairment.  相似文献   

Environmental stimuli‐triggered stomatal movement is a key physiological process that regulates CO2 uptake and water loss in plants. Stomata are defined by pairs of guard cells that perceive and transduce external signals, leading to cellular volume changes and consequent stomatal aperture change. Within the visible light spectrum, red light induces stomatal opening in intact leaves. However, there has been debate regarding the extent to which red‐light‐induced stomatal opening arises from direct guard cell sensing of red light versus indirect responses as a result of red light influences on mesophyll photosynthesis. Here we identify conditions that result in red‐light‐stimulated stomatal opening in isolated epidermal peels and enlargement of protoplasts, firmly establishing a direct guard cell response to red light. We then employ metabolomics workflows utilizing gas chromatography mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography mass spectrometry for metabolite profiling and identification of Arabidopsis guard cell metabolic signatures in response to red light in the absence of the mesophyll. We quantified 223 metabolites in Arabidopsis guard cells, with 104 found to be red light responsive. These red‐light‐modulated metabolites participate in the tricarboxylic acid cycle, carbon balance, phytohormone biosynthesis and redox homeostasis. We next analyzed selected Arabidopsis mutants, and discovered that stomatal opening response to red light is correlated with a decrease in guard cell abscisic acid content and an increase in jasmonic acid content. The red‐light‐modulated guard cell metabolome reported here provides fundamental information concerning autonomous red light signaling pathways in guard cells.  相似文献   

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