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The frequency and amplitude of oscillatory pollen tube growth can be altered by changing the osmotic value of the surrounding medium. This has motivated the proposition that the periodic change in growth velocity is caused by changes in turgor pressure. Using mathematical modeling we recently demonstrated that the oscillatory pollen tube growth does not require turgor to change but that this behavior can be explained with a mechanism that relies on changes in the mechanical properties of the cell wall which in turn are caused by temporal variations in the secretion of cell wall precursors. The model also explains why turgor and growth rate are correlated for oscillatory growth with long growth cycles while they seem uncorrelated for oscillatory growth with short growth cycles. The predictions made by the model are testifiable by experimental data and therefore represent an important step towards understanding the dynamics of the growth behavior in walled cells.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of desiccated ragweed pollen grains were determined using a micromanipulation technique and a theoretical model. Single pollen grains with a diameter of approximately 20 microm were compressed and held, compressed and released, and compressed to rupture at different speeds between two parallel surfaces. Simultaneously, the force being imposed on the pollen grains was measured. It has been found that the rupture force of pollen grains increased linearly with their displacement at rupture on average, but was independent of their diameter. The mean rupture force was 1.20 +/- 0.03 mN, and mean deformation (the ratio between the displacement and diameter) at rupture was 22 +/- 0.6%. Single pollen grains were modeled as a capsule with a core full of air and a non permeable wall. A constitutive equation based on Hookean law was used to determine the mechanical property parameters Eh (product of the Young's modulus and wall thickness), and the mean value of Eh of desiccated pollen gains was estimated to be 1653 +/- 36 N/m.  相似文献   

During bioethanol fermentation process, Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell membrane is the first target to be attacked by the accumulated ethanol. In such a prominent position, S. cerevisiae cell membrane could reversely provide protection through changing fluidity or elasticity secondary to remodeled membrane components or structure during the fermentation process. However, there is yet to be a direct observation of the real effect of the membrane compositional change. In this study, atomic force microscope-based strategy was performed to determine Young's modulus of S. cerevisiae to directly clarify ethanol stress-associated changes and roles of S. cerevisiae cell membrane fluidity and elasticity. Cell survival rate decreased while the cell swelling rate and membrane permeability increased as ethanol concentration increased from 0% to 20% v/v. Young's modulus decreased continuously from 3.76 MPa to 1.53 MPa while ethanol stress increased from 0% to 20% v/v, indicating that ethanol stress induced the S. cerevisiae membrane fluidity and elasticity changes. Combined with the fact that membrane composition varies under ethanol stress, to some extent, this could be considered as a forced defensive act to the ethanol stress by S. cerevisiae cells. On the other hand, the ethanol stress induced loosening of cell membrane also caused S. cerevisiae cell to proactively remodel membrane to make cell membrane more agreeable to the increase of environmental threat. Increased ethanol stress made S. cerevisiae cell membrane more fluidized and elastic, and eventually further facilitated yeast cell’s survival.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Rhamnogalacturonan-II (RG-II) is one of the pectin motifs found in the cell wall of all land plants. It contains sugars such as 2-keto-3-deoxy-d-lyxo-heptulosaric acid (Dha) and 2-keto-3-deoxy-d-manno-octulosonic acid (Kdo), and within the wall RG-II is mostly found as a dimer via a borate diester cross-link. To date, little is known regarding the biosynthesis of this motif. Here, after a brief review of our current knowledge on RG-II structure, biosynthesis and function in plants, this study explores the implications of the presence of a Golgi-localized sialyltransferase-like 2 (SIA2) protein that is possibly involved in the transfer of Dha or Kdo in the RG-II of Arabidopsis thaliana pollen tubes, a fast-growing cell type used as a model for the study of cell elongation.


Two heterozygous mutant lines of arabidopsis (sia2-1+/– and qrt1 × sia2-2+/–) were investigated. sia2-2+/– was in a quartet1 background and the inserted T-DNA contained the reporter gene β-glucuronidase (GUS) under the pollen-specific promoter LAT52. Pollen germination and pollen tube phenotype and growth were analysed both in vitro and in vivo by microscopy.

Key Results

Self-pollination of heterozygous lines produced no homozygous plants in the progeny, which may suggest that the mutation could be lethal. Heterozygous mutants displayed a much lower germination rate overall and exhibited a substantial delay in germination (20 h of delay to reach 30 % of pollen grain germination compared with the wild type). In both lines, mutant pollen grains that were able to produce a tube had tubes that were either bursting, abnormal (swollen or dichotomous branching tip) or much shorter compared with wild-type pollen tubes. In vivo, mutant pollen tubes were restricted to the style, whereas the wild-type pollen tubes were detected at the base of the ovary.


This study highlights that the mutation in arabidopsis SIA2 encoding a sialyltransferase-like protein that may transfer Dha or Kdo on the RG-II motif has a dramatic effect on the stability of the pollen tube cell wall.  相似文献   

Trivalent chromium has previously been found to effectively inhibit kiwifruit pollen tube emergence and elongation in vitro . In the present study, a photometric measure of increases in tube wall production during germination showed that 25 and 50 μ m CrCl3 treatment induced a substantial reduction in levels of polysaccharides in walls over those in controls. Moreover, chromium-treated kiwifruit pollen tubes had irregular and indented cell walls. Callose, the major tube wall polysaccharide, was deposited in an anomalous punctuate pattern. Arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs), which are integral in maintaining correct tube growth and shape in kiwifruit pollen, were found to be strongly altered in their distribution after CrCl3 treatment compared to control tube walls. Transmission electron microscopy–immunogold analysis using four monoclonal antibodies (JIM8, JIM13, JIM14 and MAC207) revealed discontinuous AGP distribution within the treated tube walls. Such clearly discernable alterations in the molecular and morphological architecture of pollen tube walls may be detrimental in vivo for the male gametophyte to accomplish its vital role in the fertilisation process.  相似文献   

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is used to investigate the topography and material properties of the mucilage layer of live cells of three benthic diatoms, the marine species Crasepdostauros australis E. J. Cox and Nitzschia navis‐varingica Lundholm et Moestrup and the freshwater species Pinnularia viridis (Nitzsch) Ehrenberg. Contrary to previous studies, we show that this surface mucilage layer displays unique nanostructural features. In C. australis, tapping mode images revealed a soft mucilage layer encasing the silica cell wall, consisting of a smooth flat surface that was interrupted by regions with groove‐like indentations, whereas force measurements revealed the adhesive binding of polymer chains. The elastic responses of these polymer chains, as they were stretched during force measurements, were successfully fitted to the worm‐like chain model, indicating the stretching of mostly single macromolecules from which quantitative information was extracted. In P. viridis, tapping mode images of cells revealed a mucilage layer that had the appearance of densely packed spheres, whereas force measurements exhibited no adhesion. In N. navis‐varingica, tapping mode images of the outer surface of this cell in the girdle region revealed the absence of a mucilage layer, in contrast to the other two species. In addition to these topographic and adhesion studies, the first quantitative measurement of the elastic properties of microalgal extracellular polymeric substance is presented and reveals significant spatial variation in the C. australis and P. viridis mucilage layers. This study highlights the capacity of AFM in elucidating the topography and mechanical properties of hydrated microalgal extracellular polymeric substance on a nanoscale.  相似文献   

Changes in the structural components of aortic tissues have been shown to play a significant role in the pathogenesis of aortic degeneration. Therefore, reliable stress analyses require a suitable and meaningful constitutive model that captures micro-structural changes. As recent data show, in-plane and out-of-plane collagen fiber dispersions vary significantly between healthy and aneurysmatic aortic walls. The aim of this study is to computationally investigate the influence of fiber dispersion on the mechanical response of aortic tissues in health and disease. In particular, the influence of three different fiber dispersions is studied: (i) non-rotationally symmetric dispersion, the most realistic assumption for aortic tissues; (ii) transversely isotropic dispersion, a special case; (iii) perfectly aligned fibers (no dispersion in either plane), another special case. Explicit expressions for the stress and elasticity tensors as needed for the implementation in a finite element code are provided. Three representative numerical examples are studied: planar biaxial extension, inflation of residually stressed and pre-stretched aortic segments and inflation of an idealized abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) geometry. For the AAA geometry the case of isotropic dispersion is additionally analyzed. Documented structural and mechanical parameters are taken from human aortas (healthy media/adventitia and AAA). The influence of fiber dispersions upon magnitudes and distributions of stresses and deformations are presented and analyzed. Stresses vary significantly, especially in the AAA case, where material stiffening is significantly influenced by fiber dispersion. The results highlight the need to incorporate the structural differences into finite element simulations to obtain more accurate stress predictions. Additionally, results show the capability of one constitutive model to represent different scenarios of aortic micro-structures allowing future studies of collagen reorientation during disease progression.  相似文献   

Nanoscale design and construction of affinity-based drug delivery systems (ADDS) is an active research area with enormous potential for the improvement of cancer treatment. For the therapeutic load of these ADDS, a promising strategy is the design of pH-sensitive prodrugs based on the construction of conjugates between adamantane and doxorubicin (Ad-Dox), which stands out as an excellent model system to obtain novel supramolecular materials. Construction of these prodrugs involves a modification of three zones of doxorubicin which in principle does not affect the action mechanism: the carbonyl group C13 (hydrazone linker), the primary alcohol neighboring the carbonyl (ester linker) and the 3′ amino group of daunosamine sugar (amide linker). These modifications are aimed to improve the efficacy and reduce the systemic toxicity of the drug chemotherapy by controlling its release in cancer cells. In this work, we performed 2D NMR experiments and molecular dynamics simulations to characterize the conformational changes of three constructed prodrugs. Our results demonstrated that ring A and the daunsamine sugar of the hydrazone and amide linkers conserve the half-chair state 9H8, while the ester linker disrupts this conformation. Our study also showed that the hydrazone-linked compound (Ad-h-Dox) does not modify the conformation of the original drug and maintains cytotoxic activity. Moreover, the inclusion complex (IC) of Ad-h-Dox with β-cyclodextrin (βCD) generated a highly soluble platform in water, whereas the ester-linked compound (Ad-e-Dox) causes the loss of biological activity. This study proves that Ad-h-Dox prodrug can be an optimum prodrug and act as a building block for a more complex drug transport system.  相似文献   

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