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The skulls of 33 extant cat species were characterized through three‐dimensional geometric morphometrics using 20 landmarks. A principal component analysis (PCA) was performed with Procrustes fitted coordinates, and the PC‐scores were phylogenetically corrected by independent contrasts method. Three PCs allowed for the definition of five cat skull patterns. PC1: ‘snouted/massive‐headed cats’ (genus Panthera) opposing the ‘round‐headed small cats’ (genus Oncifelis, Prionailurus rubiginosus, Prionailurus bengalensis, among other small cats); PC2: ‘tapering‐headed cats’ (Neofelis nebulosa, Herpailurus yagouaroundi, Prionailurus planiceps) opposing the ‘stout‐headed cats’ (Acinonyx jubatus, Uncia uncia, Otocolobus manul, Felis margarita, and Felis nigripes); and PC3: ‘low profiled‐headed cats’ (mostly, Pr. planiceps). A sixth pattern, the ‘generalized skull’, observed in the Caracal lineage, genus Lynx, Leopardus pardalis, and Catopuma temminckii, indicates a morphological convergence among midsized‐cats. The morphological trends ‘snouted/massive’ and ‘round’ clearly denote a co‐evolution between size and shape. The other skull patterns evolved unrelatedly to the size (i.e. their allometric variations are not a size function). Nevertheless, each species comprises an amalgam of these patterns, so the influence of the size permeates, in some extent, the skull morphology along all cat lineages. The felid ecomorphological fit to hypercarnivory is obvious; however, different skull shapes in same‐sized species with similar habits, indicate that the variation in the skull morphology may result from phenotypic fluctuations, whose adaptive value (if indeed there is any) is still obscure. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103 , 176–190.  相似文献   

The study of cranial ontogeny is important for understanding the relationship between form and function in developmental, ecological, and evolutionary contexts. The transition from lactation to the diet of adult carnivores must be accompanied by pronounced modifications in skull morphology and feeding behavior. Our goal was to study relative growth and development in the skull ontogeny of the canid Lycalopex culpaeus, and interpret our findings in a functional context, thereby exploring the relationship between changes in shape and size with dietary habits and age stages. We performed quantitative analyses, including multivariate allometry and geometric morphometrics. Our results indicate that shape changes are related to functional improvements of the jaw mechanics related for food catching/processing. Estimates of full muscle size, mechanical advantage, and adult cranial shape are reached after sexual maturity, while adult mandible and skull size are reached after weaning, which is related to diet change (incorporation of meat and other food items). The ontogenetic pattern observed in L. culpaeus is similar to those observed in Canis familiaris and C. latrans. However, the magnitude of change seen in L. culpaeus is smaller than those seen in the felid Puma concolor and considerably smaller than those seen in the bone cracker hyaenid Crocuta crocuta. These patterns are associated with dietary habits and specializations in skull anatomy, as L. culpaeus, domestic dog and coyote are generalist species compared with hypercarnivores such as C. crocuta and P. concolor.  相似文献   

Morphological specialization is a complex interplay of adaptation and constraint, as similarly specialized features often evolve convergently in unrelated species, indicating that there are universally adaptive aspects to these morphologies. The evolutionary history of carnivores offers outstanding examples of convergent specialization. Among larger predators, borophagine canids were highly abundant during the tertiary of North America and are regarded as the ecological vicars of Afro‐Eurasian hyenas. Borophaginae is an extinct group of 60+ species, the largest forms evolving robust skulls with prominently domed foreheads, short snouts, and hypertrophied fourth premolars. These specializations have been speculated to enhance bone cracking. To test the extent that the skulls of derived borophagines were adapted for producing large bite forces and withstanding the mechanical stresses associated with bone cracking relative to their nonrobust sister clades, we manipulated muscle forces in models of six canid skulls and analyzed their mechanical response using 3D finite element analysis. Performance measures of bite force production efficiency and deformation minimization showed that skulls of derived borophagines Borophagus secundus and Epicyon haydeni are particularly strong in the frontal region; maximum stresses are lower and more evenly distributed over the skull than in other canids. Frontal strength is potentially coupled with a temporalis‐driven bite to minimize cranial stress during biting in the two derived genera, as tensile stress incurred by contracting temporalis muscles is dissipated rostro‐ventrally across the forehead and face. Comparison of estimated masticatory muscle cross section areas suggests that the temporalis‐masseter ratio is not strongly associated with morphological adaptations for bone cracking in Borophagus and Epicyon; larger body size may explain relatively larger temporalis muscles in the latter. When compared with previous studies, the overall cranial mechanics of the derived borophagines is more similar to bone‐cracking hyaenids and percrocutids than to their canid relatives, indicating convergence in both morphological form and functional capability. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A series of cranial remains as well as a few postcranial elements attributed to the basal eusuchian Allodaposuchus precedens are described from Velaux‐La Bastide Neuve, a Late Cretaceous continental locality in southern France. Four skulls of different size represent an ontogenetic series and permit an evaluation of the morphological variability in this species. On this basis, recent proposals that different species of Allodaposuchus inhabited the European archipelago are questioned and A. precedens is recognized from other Late Cretaceous deposits of France and Romania. A dentary bone is described for the first time in A. precedens and provides a basis to reconsider the validity of two taxa, Ischyrochampsa meridionalis and Musturzabalsuchus buffetauti, which are interpreted as possible junior synonyms of Allodaposuchus. These results allow the diversity of Late Cretaceous eusuchians from Europe to be refined and recognize a basal stock known as the Hylaeochampsidae sharing an absence of external mandibular fenestrae. Within this family, Allodaposuchus occupies a basal position relative to Acynodon, Iharkutosuchus and Hylaeochampsa. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Fossil puma-like cats (Puma pardoides) are recorded from several Late Pliocene to Early Pleistocene Eurasian localities, but the interpretation of the phylogenetic relationships between them and the extant puma (Puma concolor) remains controversial. In the past, extinct puma-like cats have been classified into several genera and species, and a close relationship with both pumas (Puma concolor) and snow leopards (Uncia uncia) has been suggested. Here, we describe the fossil remains of puma-like cats from the Iberian Peninsula. These remains (from the localities of La Puebla de Valverde, Cueva Victoria and Vallparadís) cover the whole known chronological distribution of this species in Eurasia. Although there are dentognathic similarities with U. uncia, the Iberian remains of P. pardoides most closely resemble the extant P. concolor. It is concluded that P. pardoides is closely related to living pumas, which supports a likely Eurasian origin of the puma lineage.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The jaguar (Panthera onca) and puma (Puma concolor) are the largest felids of the American Continent and live in sympatry along most of their distribution. Their tracks are frequently used for research and management purposes, but tracks are difficult to distinguish from each other and can be confused with those of big canids. We used tracks from pumas, jaguars, large dogs, and maned wolves (Chrysocyon brachyurus) to evaluate traditional qualitative and quantitative identification methods and to elaborate multivariate methods to differentiate big canids versus big felids and puma versus jaguar tracks (n = 167 tracks from 18 zoos). We tested accuracy of qualitative classification through an identification exercise with field-experienced volunteers. Qualitative methods were useful but there was high variability in accuracy of track identification. Most of the traditional quantitative methods showed an elevated percentage of misclassified tracks (≥20%). We used stepwise discriminant function analysis to develop 3 discriminant models: 1 for big canid versus big felid track identification and 2 alternative models for jaguar versus puma track differentiation using 1) best discriminant variables, and 2) size-independent variables. These models had high classification performance, with <10% of error in the validation procedures. We used simpler discriminant models in the elaboration of identification keys to facilitate track classification process. We developed an accurate method for track identification, capable of distinguishing between big felids (puma and jaguar) and large canids (dog and maned wolf) tracks and between jaguar and puma tracks. Application of our method will allow a more reliable use of tracks in puma and jaguar research and it will help managers using tracks as indicators of these felids' presence for conservation or management purposes.  相似文献   

Bending strength of upper canine teeth is examined among living canids, felids, hyaenids and several extinct species including sabretooth cats, borophagine dogs and the dire wolf, Canis dirus. The tooth is modelled as a cantilever with an elliptical cross-section. Using beam theory, the bending strength of the upper canine is calculated given a constant force applied to the canine tip. Results indicate that felids and hyaenids have relatively stronger canines than canids, particularly in bending about the anteroposterior (AP) rather than the mediolateral axis. It is suggested that canine shape reflects the forces produced during killing and feeding. As shown by an analysis of jaw muscle moment arms, felids and hyaenids have relatively stronger bites than canids. Moreover, the canines of hyaenids and felids are perhaps more likely to contact bone during feeding and killing and consequently may be subjected to larger and more frequent bending moments about the AP axis. The canines of sabretooth cats are shown to be more similar in shape and strength characteristics to those of living canids than felids, whereas those of the borophagine dogs and the dire wolf are closer to modern hyaenas.  相似文献   

Phylogeny of birch mice is estimated using sequences of ten nuclear genes and one mitochondrial gene. Based on the results of tree reconstructions and molecular dating, five major lineages are recognized: “tianschanica,” “concolor,” “caudata,” “betulina,” and “caucasica.” It is established that the three latter lineages constitute a clade and that the long‐tailed birch mouse Sicista caudata is the sister group of the “caucasica” lineage. The “tianschanica” lineage is placed as the sister branch to all other species, however, with insufficient support. The cytochrome b tree is generally concordant with the nuclear topology. The molecular clock results suggest that the radiation among the main lineages occurred in the Late Miocene–Early Pliocene (6.0–4.7 Mya). The correspondence between molecular dating and the fossil record is discussed. Based on nuclear data, a high level of divergence between cryptic species in the “tianschanica” lineage is confirmed. Mitochondrial and nuclear data suggest the existence of a potential cryptic species within Sicista strandi.  相似文献   

Many studies in primate and human evolution focus on aspects of cranial morphology to address issues of systematics, phylogeny, and functional anatomy. However, broad analyses of cranial diversity within Primates as an Order are notably absent. In this study, we present a 3D geometric morphometric analysis of primate cranial morphology, providing a multivariate comparison of the major patterns of cranial shape change during primate evolution and quantitative assessments of cranial diversity among different clades. We digitized a set of 18 landmarks designed to capture overall cranial shape on male and female crania representing 66 genera of living primates. The landmark data were aligned using a Generalized Procrustes Analysis and then subjected to a principal components analysis to identify the major axes of cranial variation. Cranial diversity among clades was compared using multivariate measurements of variance. The first principal component axis reflects differences in cranial flexion, orbit size and orientation, and relative neurocranial volume. In general, it separates strepsirrhines from anthropoids. The second axis reflects differences in relative cranial height and snout length and primarily describes differences among anthropoids. Eulemur, Mandrillus, Pongo, and Homo are among the extremes in cranial shape. Anthropoids, catarrhines, and haplorhines show a higher variance than prosimians or strepsirrhines. Hominoids show the highest variance in cranial shape among extant primate clades, and much of this diversity is driven by the unique cranium of Homo sapiens. Am J Phys Anthropol 142:565–578, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study is prompted by the discovery of an incus of Hyaenodon, the first known auditory ossicle of this genus and thus of any hyaenodont mammal so far. A large set of incudes of recent Carnivora, including felids, hyaenids, viverrids, herpestids, nandiniid and canids of different ecosystems, was set up for morphological comparison. This study examines especially the incudo-mallear facet. Typically, the incudo-mallear facet is composed of: (1) three articular surfaces in felids, (2) a U-shaped surface in hyaenids and (3) four surfaces in canids. Both taxonomy (on family level) and habitat (open, closed or mixed habitat preference) might have an impact on the morphology of the incus facets, the former having a major impact in our sample. The Hyaenodon incus is small, delicate and possesses an incudo-mallear facet of a general saddle-shape with two articulation facets, a large superior articulation area and a circular, inferior articulation area. Herein, its general morphology and facet shape is most similar to the felid incus morphology.  相似文献   

We employed landmark‐based 3D geometric morphometrics to assess cranial size and shape diversification in Trichechus manatus and T. inunguis to compare it with patterns among all manatee taxa (T. manatus latirostris, T. m. manatus, T. inunguis and T. senegalensis), and to analyse geographic variation within American manatee populations, using a sample of 189 skulls. Chromosome G‐ and C‐banding techniques were performed in T. m. manatus from Brazil. All taxa were statistically discriminated by skull shape. Trichechus m. manatus and T. m. latirostris have larger skulls than T. inunguis. A morphological discontinuity was noted within T. m. manatus, with the Brazilian population south of the Amazon discriminated from the T. m. manatus Caribbean and T. m. latirostris USA populations. Specimens from Suriname and Guyana had a skull shape more similar to the one from the Caribbean population. The Brazil Antillean manatee population exhibited morphological differences similar in magnitude to those found between the Amazonian and African species. Additionally, structural chromosome differences were detected between that population (chromosome pair 4 is metacentric and 10 is submetacentric) and manatees from Puerto Rico and Florida. Based on such morphological discontinuity and chromosomal divergence, we hypothesize that the Amazon River mouth may be acting as a reproductive barrier for the T. m. manatus population in Brazil, thus indicating that its taxonomic status and conservation strategies need an urgent reassessment.  相似文献   

According to ecological theory, the concept of niche differentiation is essential to our understanding of how sympatric species can limit competition over resources. We here examine ecological niche differentiation in 2 sympatric Asian langurs, Presbytis potenziani and Simias concolor, both endemic to the Mentawai Islands off the west coast of Sumatra. We collected data (home range size, canopy use, activity budgets, diet, and niche breadth and overlap) using GPS and scan/focal animal sampling methods on 2 groups of Presbytis potenziani and 3 groups of Simias concolor living in a mixed primary rain forest in northern Siberut. Results show that home ranges of the 2 species overlapped completely and that the home range size of Presbytis potenziani was ca. 4 times larger than that of Simias concolor. Lower canopy levels (<20 m) were used more often by Simias concolor, whereas Presbytis potenziani preferred the canopy >20 m. Apart from foraging and other activities, there was little difference in overall activity budgets of the 2 species. Regarding diet, although 60% of all food species examined were used by both langur species, they shared only 3 of the 10 most commonly eaten species. Presbytis potenziani fed more selectively on fruits, whereas Simias concolor fed predominantly on leaves. Levin’s niche breadth indices revealed that the diet of Simias concolor is more general (0.34) than that of Presbytis potenziani (0.22). Based on a Pianka index of 0.32, we conclude that there is a relatively small food niche overlap between the 2 colobine species and that diet represents an important mechanism enabling their coexistence.  相似文献   

A discriminant analysis was performed on 226 ceboid skulls using data on emissary foramina size and shape. The purposes of the study are to 1) measure the success with which these discriminating variables can distinguish among platyrrhine genera and 2) derive a set of classification functions which will permit the classification of new cases with unknown group membership (i.e., fossil skulls). This technique is able to correctly classify 80% of the 226 ceboid skulls. Support is given to the allocation of Chiropotes, Cacajao, and Pithecia into one morphologically unified subfamily, Pitheciinae. Alouatta, Ateles, and Lagothrix also share many similarities in emissary foramina size and shape and their inclusion into one subfamily, Atelinae, is probably warranted. The distinctiveness of Cebus in these same morphological features is apparent. Possibilities for extending this procedure to study fossil lineages in platyrrhines are discussed.  相似文献   

Cartesian transformation, applied as a landmark morphometric method, is used to investigate some of the evolutionary shape changes leading to the skulls of the modern rhinoceroses. The early Oligocene genusSubhyracodon serves as the primitive shape from which the extant genera (Dicerorhinus, Rhinocerso, Diceros, andCeratotherium) have been transformed. Coordinate data for 21 landmarks, defined in lateral view, are analyzed by the computer program Thinplate Splines. Each of the four transformations are interpreted separately as shape change fromSubhyracodon. Computed results forRhinoceros are also compared with previous results obtained by visual interpretation (the classic method). Among the extant genera,Ceratotherium andRhinoceros have the most derived shapes and are opposites with respect to orientation of the occiput and relative size of the mandible angle. The significance of these foci of change is discussed in terms of the functions of the masseter and posterior temporalis muscles. In head positions associated with feeding on short vs. tall grasses, the two skull shapes are consistent with a role for these muscles in support of a large mandible against gravity. This common factor may help to explain both shapes.  相似文献   



Recent assessments of morphological changes in the frill during ontogeny hypothesized that the late Maastrichtian horned dinosaur Torosaurus represents the “old adult” of Triceratops, although acceptance of this finding has been disputed on several lines of evidence.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Examining the cranial morphology of 28 skulls in lateral view and 36 squamosals of Nedoceratops hatcheri, Triceratops spp. and Torosaurus spp. by means of landmark-based geometric morphometrics, we compared ontogenetic trajectories among these taxa. Principal Component Analysis and cluster analysis confirmed different cranial morphologies. Torosaurus shape space is well separated from Triceratops, whereas Triceratops horridus and Triceratops prorsus partially overlap within Triceratops shape space. Linear regressions between shape and size suggest different ontogenetic trajectories among these taxa. Results support the “traditional” taxonomic status of Torosaurus. We hypothesize that ontogeny drives cranial morphology with different patterns between Torosaurus and Triceratops.


Torosaurus is a distinct and valid taxon. Whether looking at entire skulls, skulls without the frill, frills alone, or squamosals, Torosaurus has different morphologies and distinct allometric trajectories compared to Triceratops. This new approach confirms the taxonomic status of Torosaurus as well as the comparatively low diversity of ceratopsids at the end of the Maastrichtian in North America.  相似文献   

Assuming some optimization of bone structure to applied mechanical loadings in vivo , different killing and feeding behaviours in carnivores should be reflected in observed differences in cross-sectional shape of their mandibular corpora. Section moduli are used to gauge the magnitudes of bending moments in the mandibular corpus and, when dentary length is controlled, the magnitudes of forces applied to the corpus. Comparisons are made of section moduli at the P3P4 and P4M1 interdental gaps among canids, felids and hyaenids; in canids only, the M1M2 interdental gap was also studied. Local variations in loadings are identified by comparing the section moduli at adjacent loci along the corpus within each family.
The findings of this study show that the precarnassial corpora of canids and hyaenids have greater strength in bending than the corpora of felids of similar body weight. This is taken to reflect relatively greater bending moments under loading in the corpora of canids and hyaenids due, in part, to their elongate dentaries (relative to body weight). Relative to dentary length , however, the precarnassial corpora of felids and hyaenids have much greater strength in bending than the corpora of canids. These scaling relationships appear to reflect the high customary forces (i.e. not moments) applied to the precarnassial corpora of felids and hyaenids with sustained canine killing bites and with bone ingestion using the premolars, respectively. An increase in bending strength of the corpus caudal to the camassial blade in canids is interpreted to be an adaptation for bone-crushing with the postcarnassial molars.  相似文献   

Morphometric variation in 26 characters of 245 skulls of the marbled polecat (Vormela peregusna) was studied across the distribution range. Morphological diversity was low with respect to both the size and the shape of the skull. The sexual size dimorphism of cranial characters in V. peregusna was low compared with other similar-sized mustelids. This finding may be a result of more specialized behaviour, resulting in less intra-specific competition with respect to habitat and food selection. Analysis of the geographic variation of skulls revealed two morphological groups – western and eastern. These groups were treated as distinct subspecies in this study. Nominotypical V. p. peregusna (Güldenstädt, 1770) (syn. sarmatica, euxina) is found in southern and eastern Europe, Asia Minor and Caucasus. The eastern subspecies V. p. koshewnikowi Satunin, 1910 (syn. alpherakii, chinensis, negans, obscura, ornata, pallidior, syriaca, and tedshenika) is found south and east of the Middle East, in Middle and Central Asia and eastward to China. Our data revealed a gradual decrease in the morphological diversity in Vormela skulls from west to east in the distribution range. This phenomenon may be explained by the later origin of the eastern subclusters of the marbled polecat. The pattern of geographic variation revealed in this study may reflect the Pleistocene history of the species range formation, rather than a relationship to climate conditions throughout the modern species range.  相似文献   

Multivariate analysis methods were applied to the cranial measurements ofLeontopithecus. InLeontopithecus chrysomelas, the face is generally narrow and the cranial shape is relatively unique. Especially, the male has extremely narrow face and quite unique cranial shape amongLeontopithecus. Leontopithecus rosalia has the broad face compared with the other species. The cranial size ofL. rosalia is as large as that ofL. chrysomelas. Male ofLeontopithecus chrysopygus is the largest in overall size of the cranium, and has the widest braincase.  相似文献   

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