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Plants detect the presence of neighbouring vegetation by monitoring changes in the ratio of red (R) to far‐red (FR) wavelengths (R:FR) in ambient light. Reductions in R:FR are perceived by the phytochrome family of plant photoreceptors and initiate a suite of developmental responses termed the shade avoidance syndrome. These include increased elongation growth of stems and petioles, enabling plants to overtop competing vegetation. The majority of shade avoidance experiments are performed at standard laboratory growing temperatures (>20°C). In these conditions, elongation responses to low R:FR are often accompanied by reductions in leaf development and accumulation of plant biomass. Here we investigated shade avoidance responses at a cooler temperature (16°C). In these conditions, Arabidopsis thaliana displays considerable low R:FR‐mediated increases in leaf area, with reduced low R:FR‐mediated petiole elongation and leaf hyponasty responses. In Landsberg erecta, these strikingly different shade avoidance phenotypes are accompanied by increased leaf thickness, increased biomass and an altered metabolite profile. At 16°C, low R:FR treatment results in the accumulation of soluble sugars and metabolites associated with cold acclimation. Analyses of natural genetic variation in shade avoidance responses at 16°C have revealed a regulatory role for the receptor‐like kinase ERECTA.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis thaliana, loss of CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC 1 (COP1) function leads to constitutive photomorphogenesis in the dark associated with inhibition of endoreduplication in the hypocotyl, and a post‐germination growth arrest. MIDGET (MID), a component of the TOPOISOMERASE VI (TOPOVI) complex, is essential for endoreduplication and genome integrity in A. thaliana. Here we show that MID and COP1 interact in vitro and in vivo through the amino terminus of COP1. We further demonstrate that MID supports sub‐nuclear accumulation of COP1. The MID protein is not degraded in a COP1‐dependent fashion in darkness, and the phenotypes of single and double mutants prove that MID is not a target of COP1 but rather a necessary factor for proper COP1 activity with respect to both, control of COP1‐dependent morphogenesis and regulation of endoreduplication. Our data provide evidence for a functional connection between COP1 and the TOPOVI in plants linking COP1‐dependent development with the regulation of endoreduplication.  相似文献   

Light responses mediated by the photoreceptors play crucial roles in regulating different aspects of plant growth and development. An E3 ubiquitin ligase complex CONSTITUTIVELY PHOTOMORPHOGENIC1 (COP1)1/SUPPRESSOR OF PHYA (SPA), one of the central repressors of photomorphogenesis, is critical for maintaining skotomorphogenesis. It targets several positive regulators of photomorphogenesis for degradation in darkness. Recently, we revealed that basic helix‐loop‐helix factors, HECATEs (HECs), function as positive regulators of photomorphogenesis by directly interacting and antagonizing the activity of another group of repressors called PHYTOCHROME‐INTERACTING FACTORs (PIFs). It was also shown that HECs are partially degraded in the dark through the ubiquitin/26S proteasome pathway. However, the underlying mechanism of HEC degradation in the dark is still unclear. Here, we show that HECs also interact with both COP1 and SPA proteins in darkness, and that HEC2 is directly targeted by COP1 for degradation via the ubiquitin/26S proteasome pathway. Moreover, COP1‐mediated polyubiquitylation and degradation of HEC2 are enhanced by PIF1. Therefore, the ubiquitylation and subsequent degradation of HECs are significantly reduced in both cop1 and pif mutants. Consistent with this, the hec mutants partially suppress photomorphogenic phenotypes of both cop1 and pifQ mutants. Collectively, our work reveals that the COP1/SPA‐mediated ubiquitylation and degradation of HECs contributes to the coordination of skoto/photomorphogenic development in plants.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2022,57(16):2009-2025.e6
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Plants that are adapted to environments where light is abundant are especially sensitive to competition for light from neighboring vegetation. As a result, these plants initiate a series of changes known as the shade avoidance syndrome, during which plants elongate their stems and petioles at the expense of leaf development. Although the developmental outcomes of exposure to prolonged shade are known, the signaling dynamics during the initial exposure of seedlings to shade is less well studied. Here, we report the development of a new software-based tool, called HyDE (Hypocotyl Determining Engine) to measure hypocotyl lengths of time-resolved image stacks of Arabidopsis wild-type and mutant seedlings. We show that Arabidopsis grows rapidly in response to the shade stimulus, with measurable growth after just 45 min shade exposure. Similar to other mustard species, this growth response occurs in multiple distinct phases, including two phases of rapid growth and one phase of slower growth. Using mutants affected in shade avoidance phenotypes, we demonstrate that most of this early growth requires new auxin biosynthesis via the indole-3-pyruvate pathway. When activity of this pathway is reduced, the first phase of elongation growth is absent, and this is correlated with reduced activity of auxin-regulated genes. Finally, we show that varying shade intensity and duration can affect the shape and magnitude of the growth response, indicating a broad range of the elongation response to shade.  相似文献   

Rubisco activase (Rca) facilitates the release of sugar‐phosphate inhibitors from the active sites of Rubisco and thereby plays a central role in initiating and sustaining Rubisco activation. In Arabidopsis, alternative splicing of a single Rca gene results in two Rca isoforms, Rca‐α and Rca‐β. Redox modulation of Rca‐α regulates the function of Rca‐α and Rca‐β acting together to control Rubisco activation. Although Arabidopsis Rca‐α alone less effectively activates Rubisco in vitro, it is not known how CO2 assimilation and plant growth are impacted. Here, we show that two independent transgenic Arabidopsis lines expressing Rca‐α in the absence of Rca‐β (‘Rca‐α only’ lines) grew more slowly in various light conditions, especially under low light or fluctuating light intensity, and in a short day photoperiod compared to wildtype. Photosynthetic induction was slower in the Rca‐α only lines, and they maintained a lower rate of CO2 assimilation during both photoperiod types. Our findings suggest Rca oligomers composed of Rca‐α only are less effective in initiating and sustaining the activation of Rubisco than when Rca‐β is also present. Currently there are no examples of any plant species that naturally express Rca‐α only but numerous examples of species expressing Rca‐β only. That Rca‐α exists in most plant species, including many C3 and C4 food and bioenergy crops, implies its presence is adaptive under some circumstances.  相似文献   

Thylakoid energy metabolism is crucial for plant growth, development and acclimation. Non‐appressed thylakoids harbor several high molecular mass pigment–protein megacomplexes that have flexible compositions depending upon the environmental cues. This composition is important for dynamic energy balancing in photosystems (PS) I and II. We analysed the megacomplexes of Arabidopsis wild type (WT) plants and of several thylakoid regulatory mutants. The stn7 mutant, which is defective in phosphorylation of the light‐harvesting complex (LHC) II, possessed a megacomplex composition that was strikingly different from that of the WT. Of the nine megacomplexes in total for the non‐appressed thylakoids, the largest megacomplex in particular was less abundant in the stn7 mutant under standard growth conditions. This megacomplex contains both PSI and PSII and was recently shown to allow energy spillover between PSII and PSI (Nat. Commun., 6, 2015, 6675). The dynamics of the megacomplex composition was addressed by exposing plants to different light conditions prior to thylakoid isolation. The megacomplex pattern in the WT was highly dynamic. Under darkness or far red light it showed low levels of LHCII phosphorylation and resembled the stn7 pattern; under low light, which triggers LHCII phosphorylation, it resembled that of the tap38/pph1 phosphatase mutant. In contrast, solubilization of the entire thylakoid network with dodecyl maltoside, which efficiently solubilizes pigment–protein complexes from all thylakoid compartments, revealed that the pigment–protein composition remained stable despite the changing light conditions or mutations that affected LHCII (de)phosphorylation. We conclude that the composition of pigment–protein megacomplexes specifically in non‐appressed thylakoids undergoes redox‐dependent changes, thus facilitating maintenance of the excitation balance between the two photosystems upon changes in light conditions.  相似文献   

BRI1‐ASSOCIATED KINASE 1 (BAK1) was initially identified as a co‐receptor of the brassinosteroid (BR) receptor BRI1. Genetic analyses also revealed that BAK1 and its closest homolog BAK1‐LIKE 1 (BKK1) regulate a BR‐independent cell‐death control pathway. The double null mutant bak1 bkk1 displays a salicylic acid‐ and light‐dependent cell‐death phenotype even without pathogen invasion. Molecular mechanisms of the spontaneous cell death mediated by BAK1 and BKK1 remain unknown. Here we report our identification of a suppressor of bak1 bkk1 (sbb1–1). Genetic analyses indicated that cell‐death symptoms in a weak double mutant, bak1–3 bkk1–1, were completely suppressed by the loss‐of‐function mutation in SBB1, which encodes a nucleoporin (NUP) 85‐like protein. Genetic analyses also demonstrated that individually knocking out three other nucleoporin genes from the SBB1‐located sub‐complex was also able to rescue the cell‐death phenotype of bak1–3 bkk1–1. In addition, a DEAD‐box RNA helicase, DRH1, was identified in the same protein complex as SBB1 via a proteomic approach. The drh1 mutation also rescues the cell‐death symptoms of bak1–3 bkk1–1. Further analyses indicated that export of poly(A)+ RNA was greatly blocked in the nup and drh1 mutants, resulting in accumulation of significant levels of mRNAs in the nuclei. Over‐expression of a bacterial NahG gene to inactivate salicylic acid also rescues the cell‐death phenotype of bak1–3 bkk1–1. Mutants suppressing cell‐death symptoms always showed greatly reduced salicylic acid contents. These results suggest that nucleocytoplasmic trafficking, especially of molecules directly or indirectly involved in endogenous salicylic acid accumulation, is critical in BAK1‐ and BKK1‐mediated cell‐death control.  相似文献   

2,4‐Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4‐D), a functional analogue of auxin, is used as an exogenous source of auxin as it evokes physiological responses like the endogenous auxin, indole‐3‐acetic acid (IAA). Previous molecular analyses of the auxin response pathway revealed that IAA and 2,4‐D share a common mode of action to elicit downstream physiological responses. However, recent findings with 2,4‐D‐specific mutants suggested that 2,4‐D and IAA might also use distinct pathways to modulate root growth in Arabidopsis. Using genetic and cellular approaches, we demonstrate that the distinct effects of 2,4‐D and IAA on actin filament organization partly dictate the differential responses of roots to these two auxin analogues. 2,4‐D but not IAA altered the actin structure in long‐term and short‐term assays. Analysis of the 2,4‐D‐specific mutant aar1‐1 revealed that small acidic protein 1 (SMAP1) functions positively to facilitate the 2,4‐D‐induced depolymerization of actin. The ubiquitin proteasome mutants tir1‐1 and axr1‐12, which show enhanced resistance to 2,4‐D compared with IAA for inhibition of root growth, were also found to have less disrupted actin filament networks after 2,4‐D exposure. Consistently, a chemical inhibitor of the ubiquitin proteasome pathway mitigated the disrupting effects of 2,4‐D on the organization of actin filaments. Roots of the double mutant aar1‐1 tir1‐1 also showed enhanced resistance to 2,4‐D‐induced inhibition of root growth and actin degradation compared with their respective parental lines. Collectively, these results suggest that the effects of 2,4‐D on actin filament organization and root growth are mediated through synergistic interactions between SMAP1 and SCFTIR1 ubiquitin proteasome components.  相似文献   

Shade caused by the proximity of neighboring vegetation triggers a set of acclimation responses to either avoid or tolerate shade. Comparative analyses between the shade‐avoider Arabidopsis thaliana and the shade‐tolerant Cardamine hirsuta revealed a role for the atypical basic‐helix‐loop‐helix LONG HYPOCOTYL IN FR 1 (HFR1) in maintaining the shade tolerance in C. hirsuta, inhibiting hypocotyl elongation in shade and constraining expression profile of shade‐induced genes. We showed that C. hirsuta HFR1 protein is more stable than its A. thaliana counterpart, likely due to its lower binding affinity to CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC 1 (COP1), contributing to enhance its biological activity. The enhanced HFR1 total activity is accompanied by an attenuated PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR (PIF) activity in C. hirsuta. As a result, the PIF‐HFR1 module is differently balanced, causing a reduced PIF activity and attenuating other PIF‐mediated responses such as warm temperature‐induced hypocotyl elongation (thermomorphogenesis) and dark‐induced senescence. By this mechanism and that of the already‐known of phytochrome A photoreceptor, plants might ensure to properly adapt and thrive in habitats with disparate light amounts.  相似文献   

Stress responses in plants imply spatio‐temporal changes in enzymes and metabolites, including subcellular compartment‐specific re‐allocation processes triggered by sudden changes in environmental parameters. To investigate interactions of primary metabolism with abiotic stress, the gin2‐1 mutant, defective in the sugar sensor hexokinase 1 (HXK1) was compared with its wildtype Landsberg erecta (Ler) based on time resolved, compartment‐specific metabolome and proteome data obtained over a full diurnal cycle. The high light sensitive gin2‐1 mutant was substantially delayed in subcellular re‐distribution of metabolites upon stress, and this correlated with a massive reduction in proteins belonging to the ATP producing electron transport chain under high light, while fewer changes occurred in the cold. In the wildtype, compounds specifically protecting individual compartments could be identified, e.g., maltose and raffinose in plastids, myo‐inositol in mitochondria, but gin2‐1 failed to recruit these substances to the respective compartments, or responded only slowly to high irradiance. No such delay was obtained in the cold. At the whole cell level, concentrations of the amino acids, glycine and serine, provided strong evidence for an important role of the photorespiratory pathway during stress exposure, and different subcellular allocation of serine may contribute to the slow growth of the gin2‐1 mutant under high irradiance.  相似文献   

Plants constantly monitor changes in photoperiod and temperature throughout the year to synchronize flowering with optimal environmental conditions. In the temperate zones, both photoperiod and temperature fluctuate in a somewhat predictable manner through the seasons, although a transient shift to low temperature is also encountered during changing seasons, such as early spring. Although low temperatures are known to delay flowering by inducing the floral repressor FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC), it is not fully understood how temperature signals are coordinated with photoperiodic signals in the timing of seasonal flowering. Here, we show that the cold signaling activator INDUCER OF CBF EXPRESSION 1 (ICE1), FLC and the floral promoter SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CONSTANS 1 (SOC1) constitute an elaborate signaling network that integrates cold signals into flowering pathways. The cold‐activated ICE1 directly induces the gene encoding FLC, which represses SOC1 expression, resulting in delayed flowering. In contrast, under floral promotive conditions, SOC1 inhibits the binding of ICE1 to the promoters of the FLC gene, inducing flowering with a reduction of freezing tolerance. These observations indicate that the ICE1‐FLC‐SOC1 signaling network contributes to the fine‐tuning of flowering during changing seasons.  相似文献   

The cellular levels of methylglyoxal (MG), a toxic byproduct of glycolysis, rise under various abiotic stresses in plants. Detoxification of MG is primarily through the glyoxalase pathway. The first enzyme of the pathway, glyoxalase I (GLYI), is a cytosolic metalloenzyme requiring either Ni2+ or Zn2+ for its activity. Plants possess multiple GLYI genes, of which only some have been partially characterized; hence, the precise molecular mechanism, subcellular localization and physiological relevance of these diverse isoforms remain enigmatic. Here, we report the biochemical properties and physiological role of a putative chloroplast‐localized GLYI enzyme, OsGLYI‐8, from rice, which is strikingly different from all hitherto studied GLYI enzymes in terms of its intracellular localization, metal dependency and kinetics. In contrast to its predicted localization, OsGLYI‐8 was found to localize in the nucleus along with its substrate, MG. Further, OsGLYI‐8 does not show a strict requirement for metal ions for its activity, is functional as a dimer and exhibits unusual biphasic steady‐state kinetics with a low‐affinity and a high‐affinity substrate‐binding component. Loss of AtGLYI‐2, the closest Arabidopsis ortholog of OsGLYI‐8, results in severe germination defects in the presence of MG and growth retardation under salinity stress conditions. These defects were rescued upon complementation with AtGLYI‐2 or OsGLYI‐8. Our findings thus provide evidence for the presence of a GLYI enzyme and MG detoxification in the nucleus.  相似文献   

The COP1/SPA complex is an E3 ubiquitin ligase that acts as a key repressor of photomorphogenesis in dark‐grown plants. While both COP1 and the four SPA proteins contain coiled‐coil and WD‐repeat domains, SPA proteins differ from COP1 in carrying an N‐terminal kinase‐like domain that is not present in COP1. Here, we have analyzed the effects of deletions and missense mutations in the N‐terminus of SPA1 when expressed in a spa quadruple mutant background devoid of any other SPA proteins. Deletion of the large N‐terminus of SPA1 severely impaired SPA1 activity in transgenic plants with respect to seedling etiolation, leaf expansion and flowering time. This ΔN SPA1 protein showed a strongly reduced affinity for COP1 in vitro and in vivo, indicating that the N‐terminus contributes to COP1/SPA complex formation. Deletion of only the highly conserved 95 amino acids of the kinase‐like domain did not severely affect SPA1 function nor interactions with COP1 or cryptochromes. In contrast, missense mutations in this part of the kinase‐like domain severely abrogated SPA1 function, suggesting an overriding negative effect of these mutations on SPA1 activity. We therefore hypothesize that the sequence of the kinase‐like domain has been conserved during evolution because it carries structural information important for the activity of SPA1 in darkness. The N‐terminus of SPA1 was not essential for light responsiveness of seedlings, suggesting that photoreceptors can inhibit the COP1/SPA complex in the absence of the SPA1 N‐terminal domain. Together, these results uncover an important, but complex role of the SPA1 N‐terminus in the suppression of photomorphogenesis.  相似文献   

Proteins belonging to the enhancer of RNA interference‐1 subfamily of 3′–5′ exoribonucleases participate in divergent RNA pathways. They degrade small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), thus suppressing RNA interference, and are involved in the maturation of ribosomal RNAs and the degradation of histone messenger RNAs (mRNAs). Here, we report evidence for the role of the plant homologue of these proteins, which we termed ENHANCED RNA INTERFERENCE‐1‐LIKE‐1 (ERIL1), in chloroplast function. In vitro assays with AtERIL1 proved that the conserved 3′–5′ exonuclease activity is shared among all homologues studied. Confocal microscopy revealed that ERL1, a nucleus‐encoded protein, is targeted to the chloroplast. To gain insight into its role in plants, we used Nicotiana benthamiana and Arabidopsis thaliana plants that constitutively overexpress or suppress ERIL1. In the mutant lines of both species we observed malfunctions in photosynthetic ability. Molecular analysis showed that ERIL1 participates in the processing of chloroplastic ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs). Lastly, our results suggest that the missexpression of ERIL1 may have an indirect effect on the microRNA (miRNA) pathway. Altogether our data point to an additional piece of the puzzle in the complex RNA metabolism of chloroplasts.  相似文献   

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