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Indium‐tin‐oxide‐free (ITO‐free) polymer solar cells with composite electrodes containing current‐collecting grids and a semitransparent poly(3,4‐ethylenedioxythiophene):polystyrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) conductor are demonstrated. The up‐scaling of the length of the solar cell from 1 to 6 cm and the effect of the grid line resistance are explored for a series of devices. Laser‐beam‐induced current (LBIC) mapping is used for quality control of the devices. A theoretical modeling study is presented that enables the identification of the most rational cell dimension for the grids with different resistances. The performance of ITO‐free organic solar cells with different dimensions and different electrode resistances are evaluated for different light intensities. The current generation and electric potential distribution are found to not be uniformly distributed in large‐area devices at simulated 1 Sun illumination. The generated current uniformity increases with decreasing light intensities.  相似文献   

Organic photovoltaic (OPV) solar cells that can be simply processed from solution are in the focus of the academic and industrial community because of their enormous potential to reduce cost. One big challenge in developing a fully solution‐processed OPV technology is the design of a well‐performing electrode system, allowing the replacement of ITO. Several solution‐processed electrode systems were already discussed, but none of them could match the performance of ITO. Here, we report efficient ITO‐free and fully solution‐processed semitransparent inverted organic solar cells based on silver nanowire (AgNW) electrodes. To demonstrate the potential of these AgNW electrodes, they were employed as both the bottom and top electrodes. Record devices achieved fill factors as high as 63.0%, which is comparable to ITO based reference devices. These results provide important progress for fully printed organic solar cells and indicate that ITO‐free, transparent as well as non‐transparent organic solar cells can indeed be fully solution‐processed without losses.  相似文献   

Semitransparent perovskite solar cells (st‐PSCs) have received remarkable interest in recent years because of their great potential in applications for solar window, tandem solar cells, and flexible photovoltaics. However, all reported st‐PSCs require expensive transparent conducting oxides (TCOs) or metal‐based thin films made by vacuum deposition, which is not cost effective for large‐scale fabrication: the cost of TCOs is estimated to occupy ≈75% of the manufacturing cost of PSCs. To address this critical challenge, this study reports a low‐temperature and vacuum‐free strategy for the fabrication of highly efficient TCO‐free st‐PSCs. The TCO‐free st‐PSC on glass exhibits 13.9% power conversion efficiency (PCE), and the four‐terminal tandem cell made with the st‐PSC top cell and c‐Si bottom cell shows an overall PCE of 19.2%. Due to the low processing temperature, the fabrication of flexible st‐PSCs is demonstrated on polyethylene terephthalate and polyimide, which show excellent stability under repeated bending or even crumbing.  相似文献   

Ternary approaches to solar cell design utilizing a small bandgap nonfullerene acceptor as the near infrared absorber to increase the short‐circuit current density always decreases the open‐circuit voltage. Herein, a highly efficient polymer solar cell with an impressive efficiency of 16.28 ± 0.20% enabled by an effective voltage‐increased ternary blended fullerene‐free material approach is reported. In this approach, the structural similarity between the host and the higher‐LUMO‐level guest enables the two acceptors to be synergized, obtaining increased open‐circuit voltage and fill factor and a small increase of short‐circuit current density. The same beneficial effects are demonstrated by using two host binary systems. The homogeneous fine film morphologies and the π–π stacking patterns of the host blend are well maintained, while larger donor and acceptor phases and increased lamellar crystallinity, increased charge mobilities, and reduced monomolecular recombination can be achieved upon addition of the guest nonfullerene acceptor. The increased charge mobilities and reduced monomolecular recombination not only contribute to the improved fill factor but also enable the best devices to be fabricated with a relatively thicker ternary blended active layer (110 vs 100 nm). This, combined with the absorption from the added guest acceptor, contribute to the increased short‐circuit current.  相似文献   

In this work, a multijunction solar cell is developed on a GaSb substrate that can efficiently convert the long‐wavelength photons typically lost in a multijunction solar cell into electricity. A combination of modeling and experimental device development is used to optimize the performance of a dual junction GaSb/InGaAsSb concentrator solar cell. Using transfer printing, a commercially available GaAs‐based triple junction cell is stacked mechanically with the GaSb‐based materials to create a four‐terminal, five junction cell with a spectral response range covering the region containing >99% of the available direct‐beam power from the Sun reaching the surface of the Earth. The cell is assembled in a mini‐module with a geometric concentration ratio of 744 suns on a two‐axis tracking system and demonstrated a combined module efficiency of 41.2%, measured outdoors in Durham, NC. Taking into account the measured transmission of the optics gives an implied cell efficiency of 44.5%.  相似文献   

There has been considerable progress over the last decade in development of the perovskite solar cells (PSCs), with reported performances now surpassing 25.2% power conversion efficiency. Both long‐term stability and component costs of PSCs remain to be addressed by the research community, using hole transporting materials (HTMs) such as 2,2′,7,7′‐tetrakis(N,N′‐di‐pmethoxyphenylamino)‐9,9′‐spirbiuorene(Spiro‐OMeTAD) and poly[bis(4‐phenyl)(2,4,6‐trimethylphenyl)amine] (PTAA). HTMs are essential for high‐performance PSC devices. Although effective, these materials require a relatively high degree of doping with additives to improve charge mobility and interlayer/substrate compatibility, introducing doping‐induced stability issues with these HTMs, and further, additional costs and experimental complexity associated with using these doped materials. This article reviews dopant‐free organic HTMs for PSCs, outlining reports of structures with promising properties toward achieving low‐cost, effective, and scalable materials for devices with long‐term stability. It summarizes recent literature reports on non‐doped, alternative, and more stable HTMs used in PSCs as essential components for high‐efficiency cells, categorizing HTMs as reported for different PSC architectures in addition to use of dopant‐free small molecular and polymeric HTMs. Finally, an outlook and critical assessment of dopant‐free organic HTMs toward commercial application and insight into the development of stable PSC devices is provided.  相似文献   

Transferring the high power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) of spin‐coated perovskite solar cells (PSCs) on the laboratory scale to large‐area photovoltaic modules requires a significant advance in scalable fabrication methods. Digital inkjet printing promises scalable, material, and cost‐efficient deposition of perovskite thin films on a wide range of substrates and in arbitrary shapes. In this work, high‐quality inkjet‐printed triple‐cation (methylammonium, formamidinium, and cesium) perovskite layers with exceptional thicknesses of >1 µm are demonstrated, enabling unprecedentedly high PCEs > 21% and stabilized power output efficiencies > 18% for inkjet‐printed PSCs. In‐depth characterization shows that the thick inkjet‐printed perovskite thin films deposited using the process developed herein exhibit a columnar crystal structure, free of horizontal grain boundaries, which extend over the entire thickness. A thin film thickness of around 1.5 µm is determined as optimal for PSC for this process. Up to this layer thickness X‐ray photoemission spectroscopy analysis confirms the expected stoichiometric perovskite composition at the surface and shows strong deviations and inhomogeneities for thicker thin films. The micrometer‐thick perovskite thin films exhibit remarkably long charge carrier lifetimes, highlighting their excellent optoelectronic characteristics. They are particularly promising for next‐generation inkjet‐printed perovskite solar cells, photodetectors, and X‐ray detectors.  相似文献   

Evaporation is the most commonly used deposition method in the processing of back electrodes in polymer solar cells used in scientific studies. However, vacuum‐based methods such as evaporation are uneconomical in the upscaling of polymer solar cells as they are throughput limiting steps in an otherwise fast roll‐to‐roll production line. In this paper, the applicability of inkjet printing in the ambient processing of back electrodes in inverted polymer solar cells with the structure ITO/ZnO/P3HT:PCBM/PEDOT:PSS/Ag is investigated. Furthermore, the limitation of screen printing, the commonly employed method in the ambient processing of back electrode, is demonstrated and discussed. Both inkjet printing and screen printing of back electrodes are studied for their impact on the photovoltaic properties of the polymer solar cells measured under 1000 Wm?2 AM1.5. Each ambient processing technique is compared with evaporation in the processing of back electrode. Laser beam induced current (LBIC) imaging is used to investigate the impact of the processing techniques on the current collection in the devices. We report that inkjet printing of back electrode delivers devices having photovoltaic performance comparable to devices with evaporated back electrodes. We further confirm that inkjet printing represent an efficient alternative to screen printing.  相似文献   

Although perovskite solar cells (PVSCs) have achieved rapid progress in the past few years, most of the high‐performance device results are based on the doped small molecule hole‐transporting material (HTM), spiro‐OMeTAD, which affects their long‐term stability. In addition, some defects from under‐coordinated Pb atoms on the surface of perovskite films can also result in nonradiative recombination to affect device performance. To alleviate these problems, a dopant‐free HTM based on a donor‐acceptor polymer, PBT1‐C, synthesized from the copolymerization between the benzodithiophene and 1,3‐bis(4‐(2‐ethylhexyl)thiophen‐2‐yl)‐5,7‐bis(2‐alkyl)benzo[1,2‐c:4,5‐c′]dithiophene‐4,8‐dione units is introduced. PBT1‐C not only possesses excellent hole mobility, but is also able to passivate the surface traps of the perovskite films. The derived PVSC shows a high power conversion efficiency of 19.06% with a very high fill factor of 81.22%, which is the highest reported for dopant‐free polymeric HTMs. The results from photoluminescence and trap density of states measurements validate that PBT1‐C can effectively passivate both surface and grain boundary traps of the perovskite.  相似文献   

A wide‐bandgap polymer, (poly[(2,6‐(4,8‐bis(5‐(2‐ethylhexyl)thiophen‐2‐yl)‐benzo[1,2‐b:4,5‐b′]dithiophene))‐alt‐(2,5‐(methyl thiophene carboxylate))]) (3MT‐Th), is synthesized to obtain a complementary broad range absorption when harmonized with 3,9‐bis(2‐methylene‐(3‐(1,1‐dicyanomethylene)‐indanone))‐5,5,11,11‐tetrakis(4‐hexylphenyl)‐dithieno[2,3‐d:2′,3′‐d′]‐s‐indaceno[1,2‐b:5,6‐b′]dithiophene (ITIC). The synthesized regiorandom 3MT‐Th polymer shows good solubility in nonhalogenated solvents. A film of 3MT‐Th:ITIC can be employed for forming an active layer in a polymer solar cell (PSC), with the blend solution containing toluene with 0.25% diphenylether as a nonhalogenated additive. The corresponding PSC devices display a power conversion efficiency of 9.73%. Moreover, the 3MT‐Th‐based PSCs exhibit excellent shelf‐life time of over 1000 h and are operationally stable under continuous light illumination. Therefore, methyl thiophene‐3‐carboxylate in 3MT‐Th is a promising new accepting unit for constructing p‐type polymers used for high‐performance nonfullerene‐type PSCs.  相似文献   

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