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黄冰 《古生物学报》2023,62(4):516-530
近半个世纪以来, 基于数据的古生物学研究日益占据重要位置。当下的科学研究进入大数据时代已得到公认, 虽然囿于总体上非实验性学科的特点, 古生物学数据产出速度有限, 目前尚难符合大数据的多数基本特征, 但大数据时代及相关理念显然对古生物学研究产生了积极效应, 比如近年来古生物学数据产出的多元化, 数学方法与模型的复杂化均与之密不可分。本文主要基于作者研究经验, 浅议了古生物学定量化研究历史三个阶段, 同时考虑古生物不同门类数据的相通性, 在大数据语境下将古生物学数据分为结构型、半结构型与非结构型, 并简介了基本研究方法。在讨论了定量古生物学与分析古生物学两大研究视角的异同后, 基于古生物学代表期刊最新论文的小样本抽样, 本文强调了分析古生物学的研究思路与统计模型较传统统计方法的优势。近年来古生物学展示了数据驱动型研究的特点, 未来可能需要同时重视模型驱动的研究视角, 将自上而下问题导向的模型设计与自下而上基于数据的收集分析相结合, 以保证古生物学数据研究的可持续发展。此外, 古生物学不是数据密集型科学, 未来将之与地学其他领域的数据有机整合, 会促成古生物学在学科交叉方向的深入。最后, 统计学领域最新的倡议同样需要古生物学者重视, 对统计模型的选择与对数据的解读需要考虑系统的复杂性与多解性, 统计显著性相关的因果规律识别尤其需要慎重。  相似文献   

国际古生物协会瓦利塞秘书长7月19日致函中国古生物学会尹赞勋理事长,来函称:国际古生物协会执委会已同意接受中国古生物学会包括所属的中国孢粉学会和中国微体古生物学会入会。中国古生物学会现在是国际古生物协会的团体会员。除将指派代表参加国际古生物  相似文献   

在中国古生物学会的领导下,“尹赞勋地层古生物学奖”的评奖工作已进行了4次,表彰了一批在古生物学、地层学及相关领域的研究、教学和野外等工作中作出突出贡献的科技工作者。近年来,我国的古生物学、地层学工作取得了许多重大成果,有些成果在国际古生物界引起了强烈反响,涌现了一大批在古生物学、地层学工作中作出突出成绩的科技工作者。为此,中国古生物学会将于2005年4月在第9届全国会员代表大会期间进行第5届“尹赞勋地层古生物学奖”的评选和表彰活动。  相似文献   

中国古生物学会微体古生物学分会第八届会员代表大会暨第十二次学术年会拟定于2008年10月底11月初在广西北海召开。会议将邀请有关专家介绍当今古生物学领域的热点和主要方向,交流微体古生物学及相邻学科的研究进展。会议地点及会后考察将在第二轮通知中说明,欢迎广大微体古生物学及相邻学科的专家学者到会交流。请各位会员积极准备提交会议论文摘要,会议将编辑会议论文摘要集。  相似文献   

正2014年9月28日~10月3日,第四届国际古生物学大会在阿根廷门多萨市召开。国际古生物学大会(IPC)为四年举办一次的世界范围的古生物学盛会,是全球古生物学界最高规格的学术会议,为全球的古生物学者提供了展示和交流的机会。本次会议安排24个主题会场,内容涉及无脊椎动物与脊椎动物主要门类的演化,形态功能学,埋藏学和地层学等多方面内容,共有来自世界各地900多名古生物学者参  相似文献   

按照中国古生物学会2020年工作计划和十二届三次常务理事会议关于开展 “中国古生物学年度十大进展”评选活动的决定, 中国古生物学会于2020年1月开展了2019年度中国古生物学十大进展的推荐和评选工作。提名推荐阶段学会秘书处共收到理事和分支机构推荐的提名成果22项。其中, 科研成果21项, 教学成果1项。 经中国古生物学会第十二届理事会成员和荣誉理事(含院士)组成的评审委员会投票评选, 评委会主任和副主任审定, 学会功能型党委审核, 2019年度中国古生物学十大进展评选结果如下(按照得票高低排序):  相似文献   

孙克勤 《化石》1989,(3):20-20
近年来,撕片技术已愈来愈广泛地应用于古生物学的研究领域中,对古生物学的发展产生了深远的影响。随着古生物学研究的不断深入,撕片技术在基本原理和实际操作上都作了相应的改进。  相似文献   

第一条为纪念和表彰尹赞勋教授对地层古生物学的贡献,鼓励支持地层古生物学工作者为祖国四化建设作出贡献,特设立尹赞勋地层古生物学奖。第二条设立尹赞勋地层古生物学奖评议委员会,委员会由13人组成,其中主任委员1人,副主任委员2人,秘书长1人,副秘书长2人。委员会设在中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所  相似文献   

第一条 为纪念和表彰尹赞勋教授对地层古生物学的贡献,鼓励支持地层古生物学工作者为祖国四化建设作出贡献,特设立尹赞勋地层古生物学奖。 第二条 设立尹赞勋地层古生物学奖评议委员会,委员会由13人组成,其中主任委员1人,副主任委员2人,秘书长1人,副秘书长2人。委员会设在中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所内。  相似文献   

微体古生物学第十一次学术年会定于2006年7月17日—20日在青海省西宁市召开。会议将邀请有关专家介绍当今古生物学领域的热点和主要方向,交流微体古生物学及相邻学科的研究进展。会议期间将组织青海湖等地区的野外地质考察,会后将组织两条地质考察路线。中国古生物学会微体古生  相似文献   

Empirical studies have identified increasing rates of problematic Internet use worldwide and a host of related negative consequences. However, researchers disagree as to whether problematic Internet use is a subtype of behavioral addiction. Thus, there are not yet widely accepted and validated diagnostic criteria for problematic Internet use. To address this gap, we used mixed-methods to examine the extent to which signs and symptoms of problematic Internet use mirror DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for substance use disorder, gambling disorder, and Internet gaming disorder. A total of 27 university students, who self-identified as intensive Internet users and who reported Internet-use-associated health and/or psychosocial problems were recruited. Students completed two measures that assess problematic Internet use (Young’s Diagnostic Questionnaire and the Compulsive Internet Use Scale) and participated in focus groups exploring their experiences with problematic Internet use. Results of standardized measures and focus group discussions indicated substantial overlap between students’ experiences of problematic Internet use and the signs and symptoms reflected in the DSM-5 criteria for substance use disorder, gambling disorder, and Internet gaming disorder. These signs and symptoms included: a) use Internet longer than intended, b) preoccupation with the Internet, c) withdrawal symptoms when unable to access the Internet, d) unsuccessful attempts to stop or reduce Internet use, e) craving, f) loss of interest in hobbies or activities other than the Internet, g) excessive Internet use despite the knowledge of related problems, g) use of the Internet to escape or relieve a negative mood, and h) lying about Internet use. Tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, and recurrent Internet use in hazardous situations were uniquely manifested in the context of problematic Internet use. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Use of the Internet in developing countries is now growing faster. Internet has created a new conduit not only for communication but also in the access, sharing and exchange of information among scientists. The Internet is now viewed as the world's biggest library where retrieval of scientific literature and other information resources are possible within seconds. Large volumes of toxicological information resources are available on the Internet. This review outlines some sites that may be of great importance and useful to the toxicologist.  相似文献   

Dong G  Lu Q  Zhou H  Zhao X 《PloS one》2011,6(2):e14703


This study aimed to evaluate the roles of pathological disorders in Internet addiction disorder and identify the pathological problems in IAD, as well as explore the mental status of Internet addicts prior to addiction, including the pathological traits that may trigger Internet addiction disorder.

Methods and Findings

59 students were measured by Symptom CheckList-90 before and after they became addicted to the Internet. A comparison of collected data from Symptom Checklist-90 before Internet addiction and the data collected after Internet addiction illustrated the roles of pathological disorders among people with Internet addiction disorder. The obsessive-compulsive dimension was found abnormal before they became addicted to the Internet. After their addiction, significantly higher scores were observed for dimensions on depression, anxiety, hostility, interpersonal sensitivity, and psychoticism, suggesting that these were outcomes of Internet addiction disorder. Dimensions on somatisation, paranoid ideation, and phobic anxiety did not change during the study period, signifying that these dimensions are not related to Internet addiction disorder.


We can not find a solid pathological predictor for Internet addiction disorder. Internet addiction disorder may bring some pathological problems to the addicts in some ways.  相似文献   

Wang H  Zhou X  Lu C  Wu J  Deng X  Hong L 《PloS one》2011,6(5):e19660


Problematic Internet Use (PIU) is a growing problem in Chinese adolescents. There are many risk factors for PIU, which are found at school and at home. This study was designed to investigate the prevalence of PIU and to investigate the potential risk factors for PIU among high school students in China.

Methodology/Principal Findings

A cross-sectional study was conducted. A total of 14,296 high school students were surveyed in four cities in Guangdong province. Problematic Internet Use was assessed by the 20-item Young Internet Addiction Test (YIAT). Information was also collected on demographics, family and school-related factors and Internet usage patterns. Of the 14,296 students, 12,446 were Internet users. Of those, 12.2% (1,515) were identified as problematic Internet users (PIUs). Generalized mixed-model regression revealed that there was no gender difference between PIUs and non-PIUs. High study-related stress, having social friends, poor relations with teachers and students and conflictive family relationships were risk factors for PIU. Students who spent more time on-line were more likely to develop PIU. The habits of and purposes for Internet usage were diverse, influencing the susceptibility to PIU.


PIU is common among high school students, and risk factors are found at home and at school. Teachers and parents should pay close attention to these risk factors. Effective measures are needed to prevent the spread of this problem.  相似文献   

Modern information technologies and world wide communications through the Internet play a significant role in medicinal plant research across the globe. The phenomenal growth in Internet usage is largely due to the success of World Wide Web. Various useful websites and databases on phytopharmacology are already in the "Net" and many more are being added constantly. The future of phytopharmacological research is handling the existing information in proper way. In this review of the Internet, compilation of important websites is expected to stimulate, instruct and update academicians and researchers involved in phytopharmacological research.  相似文献   

Cancer is a major health problem worldwide which is likely to assume alarming proportions in the next two decades. Communication and information have increasingly been considered important in helping people to cope with cancer. The arrival of Internet offers the opportunity to fundamentally reinvent medicine and health care delivery. Medical professionals can now use the Internet for continuing medical education, access latest medical information, for fast confirmation of diagnosis, exchange opinion on treatment strategies and in palliative care. Internet can provide cost-effective and timely ways to deliver a complex mix of interesting and high-quality information and expertise to cancer patients. Patients can also independently search the Internet to know about their illness and treatment options. However, of concern is the quality of information that is available in the 'Net'. Some Internet sites may contain erroneous information on cancer and can pose serious problems. There are also many good sites, which provide quality information on cancer for medical professionals, researchers and patients. This article focuses on how the Internet will aid us in fight against cancer.  相似文献   

The benefits to medical practitioners of using the Internet are growing rapidly as the Internet becomes easier to use and ever more biomedical resources become available on line. The Internet is the largest computer network in the world; it is also a virtual community, larger than many nation states, with its own rules of behaviour or "netiquette." There are several types of Internet connection and various ways of acquiring a connection. Once connected, you can obtain, free of charge, programs that allow easy use of the Internet''s resources and help on how to use these resources; you can access many of these resources through the hypertext references in the on line version of this series (go to http:@www.bmj.com/bmj/ to reach the electronic version). You can then explore the various methods for accessing, manipulating, or disseminating data on the Internet, such as electronic mail, telnet, file transfer protocol, and the world wide web. Results from a search of the world wide web for information on the rare condition of Recklinghausen''s neurofibromatosis illustrate the breadth of medical information available on the Internet.  相似文献   

Several Internet interventions have been developed and tested for common mental disorders, and the evidence to date shows that these treatments often result in similar outcomes as in face‐to‐face psychotherapy and that they are cost‐effective. In this paper, we first review the pros and cons of how participants in Internet treatment trials have been recruited. We then comment on the assessment procedures often involved in Internet interventions and conclude that, while online questionnaires yield robust results, diagnoses cannot be determined without any contact with the patient. We then review the role of the therapist and conclude that, although treatments including guidance seem to lead to better outcomes than unguided treatments, this guidance can be mainly practical and supportive rather than explicitly therapeutic in orientation. Then we briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of treatments for mood and anxiety disorders and comment on ways to handle comorbidity often associated with these disorders. Finally we discuss challenges when disseminating Internet interventions. In conclusion, there is now a large body of evidence suggesting that Internet interventions work. Several research questions remain open, including how Internet interventions can be blended with traditional forms of care.  相似文献   

The last five years experience has definitely demonstrated the possible applications of the Internet for telepathology. They may be listed as follows: (a) teleconsultation via multimedia e-mail; (b) teleconsultation via web-based tools; (c) distant education by means of World Wide Web; (d) virtual microscope management through Web and Java interfaces; (e) real-time consultations through Internet-based videoconferencing. Such applications have led to the recognition of some important limits of the Internet, when dealing with telemedicine: (i) no guarantees on the quality of service (QoS); (ii) inadequate security and privacy; (iii) for some countries, low bandwidth and thus low responsiveness for real-time applications. Currently, there are several innovations in the world of the Internet. Different initiatives have been aimed at an amelioration of the Internet protocols, in order to have quality of service, multimedia support, security and other advanced services, together with greater bandwidth. The forthcoming Internet improvements, although induced by electronic commerce, video on demand, and other commercial needs, are of real interest also for telemedicine, because they solve the limits currently slowing down the use of Internet. When such new services will be available, telepathology applications may switch from research to daily practice in a fast way.  相似文献   

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