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A strong correlation has been found between the levels of nickel and citric acid in the leaves of 17 New Caledonian plant species which show a range of nickel-accumulating ability: Sebertia acuminata, Psychotria douarrei, Geissois pruinosa, Hybanthus austrocaledonicus, Hybanthus caledonicus, and 12 species of Homalium. Purified extracts of these plants contain nickel as a citrate complex. Three nickel-accumulating plants from beyond New Caledonia (Alyssum bertolonii, Alyssum serpyllifolium s.sp. lusitanicum and Pearsonia metallifera) do not contain unusually high levels of citrate, nor is citrate present in purified nickel-containing extracts of these species.  相似文献   

Hyperaccumulation of nickel by Geissois species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Herbarium specimens of 17 species of Geissois were analysed for nickel, cobalt, chromium and iron with a view to discovering further hyperaccumulators of nickel (>1000 g/g on a dry mass basis) in addition to the previously recordedG. pruinosa. A further six hyperaccumulators were discovered, all from New Caledonia. Unlike 90% of hyperaccumulators, Geissois is in Subclass Rosidae of the Magnioliate which it shares with three other hyperaccumulators (two species ofArgophyllum andPearsonia metallifera. The work highlights the remarkable concentration of hyperaccumulators in New Caledonia.  相似文献   

Aim The genus Kniphofia contains 71 species with an African–Malagasy distribution, including one species from Yemen. The genus has a general Afromontane distribution. Here we explore whether Kniphofia is a floristic indicator of the Afromontane centre of endemism and diversity. The South Africa Centre of diversity and endemism was explored in greater detail to understand biogeographical patterns. Location Africa, Afromontane Region, southern Africa, Madagascar and Yemen. Methods Diversity and endemism for the genus were examined at the continental scale using a chorological approach. Biogeographical patterns and endemism in the South Africa Centre were examined in greater detail using chorology, phenetics, parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE) and mapping of range‐restricted taxa. Results Six centres of diversity were recovered, five of which are also centres of endemism. Eight subcentres of diversity are proposed, of which only two are considered subcentres of endemism. The South Africa Centre is the most species‐rich region and the largest centre of endemism for Kniphofia. The phenetic analysis of the South Africa Centre at the full degree square scale recovered three biogeographical areas that correspond with the subcentres obtained from the chorological analysis. The PAE (at the full degree square scale) and the mapping of range‐restricted taxa recovered two and six areas of endemism (AOEs), respectively. These latter two approaches produced results of limited value, possibly as a result of inadequate collecting of Kniphofia species. Only two AOEs were identified by PAE and these are embedded within two of the six AOEs recovered by the mapping of range‐restricted taxa. All the above AOEs are within the three subcentres found by chorological and phenetic analysis (at the full degree square scale) for the South Africa Centre. Main conclusions The centres for Kniphofia broadly correspond to the Afromontane regional mountain systems, but with some notable differences. We regard Kniphofia as a floristic indicator of the Afromontane Region sensu lato. In southern Africa, the phenetic approach at the full‐degree scale retrieved areas that correlate well with those obtained by the chorological approach.  相似文献   


540 agarics and 156 other basidiomycetes, (excluding rusts and smuts), are recorded for an area within a 40 km radius of the Kindrogan Field Centre, Perthshire. Several are new records and do not appear in checklists for the British Isles; notes are provided on new, interesting and rare species.  相似文献   

Aim To use parsimony analysis of endemicity and cladistic analysis of distributions and endemism to evaluate two hypotheses addressing biogeographical relationships among Amazonia, the Caatinga forest enclaves, Pernambuco Centre and the southern Atlantic Forest. Location North‐eastern Brazil, South America. Methods To find the most parsimonious areagram we analysed a matrix composed of the presence (1) or absence (0) of 745 taxa (i.e. 293 genera and 452 species of woody plants) within 16 localities belonging to the four large regions addressed in this study. Results One most parsimonious areagram was found and it shows a basal separation between the southern Atlantic Forest and all other regions. This break is followed by a separation between all Caatinga forest enclaves (except Baturité) from a cluster composed of Baturité, the Pernambuco Centre and Amazonia. In this cluster, the most basal separation isolates Baturité from the cluster formed by localities from Amazonia and the Pernambuco Centre. The biogeographical relationships among sites could not be explained by either a random distribution of species among sites or by the geographical distance between sites. Main conclusions We found strong cladistic signal within the raw distribution and phylogenetic data used in our analysis, indicating structured species assemblages in the surveyed localities. They have resulted from the fragmentation of an ancestral biota that was once widely distributed in the region. Our results also support the hypothesis that Atlantic Forest is not a biogeographically natural area, because the Pernambuco Centre is more closely related to Amazonia than to the southern Atlantic Forest. Finally, our data do not support the notion that Caatinga forest enclaves comprise a single biogeographical region, because one Caatinga forest enclave (Baturité) is much more closely related to the cluster formed by Amazonia and the Pernambuco Centre than to other sites. These relationships suggest the occurrence of forest connections between Amazonia and the Atlantic Forests across Caatinga during several periods of the Tertiary and Quaternary. However, palaeoecological data currently available for the Caatinga region are still scarce and do not have either the spatial or temporal resolution required to reconstruct the history of connections among the forests in north‐eastern Brazil.  相似文献   

系贵州地区妙蝇属Myospila Rondani研究的系列论文之一,记述该属1新种群,黄股妙蝇群Myospila femorataspecies-group,并描述该新种群3新种:弯端妙蝇Myospilaacrula sp.nov.,黄叶妙蝇Myospila flavilobulusa sp.nov.和绯角妙蝇Myospila ruficornica sp.nov.。文中给出了黄股妙蝇群的定义,编制了该新种群所有已知8种的检索表,描述了新种详细的形态特征及其与近缘种的鉴别特征。新种的模式标本保存于作者所在单位。黄股妙蝇群的鉴别特征本文定义的黄股妙蝇群具备下列区别于妙蝇属其它成员的组合特征雄额狭,至多如单眼三角宽,触角黄色或黑色;前胸基腹片具毛;小盾片黑色,背面的正常毛被不越出缘鬃一线,且下侧缘无向下弯的、或多或少呈淡色的细毛;翅内鬃1+2或1+2;翅的前缘基鳞及翅肩鳞黄色。R1脉背面通常具毛;R4+5脉基部具毛或裸。足主要呈黄色,但个别跗节呈暗色。在上述黄股妙蝇群的鉴别特征中,仅小盾片黑色,翅的前缘基鳞及翅肩鳞黄色及足主要呈黄色这一组合特征是突出的、特有的,足以区别妙蝇属中前胸基腹片具毛,下腋瓣不具小叶(棘蝇型)和小盾片侧腹缘裸的类群。黄股妙蝇群的分种检索表1.触角通常橘黄色或暗红色,雄额宽等于或略狭于单眼三角宽,如果雄额狭窄如线,则触角呈黑色……………………………………2触角黑色,雄额宽通常等于前单眼宽,仅个别如单眼三角宽…62.翅内鬃1+1…………………………………………………………3翅内鬃1+2…………………………………………………………43.雄额宽约如头宽的的0.07倍,R1脉背面具稀疏毛,R4+5脉裸黄叶妙蝇,新种M.flavilobulusa sp.nov.……………………………雄额宽约如头宽的的0.05倍(据Shinonaga,2003),R1脉背面裸,R4+5脉背、腹面具毛……怯妙蝇M.pudica(Stein,1915)4.下后头具黄色毛………绯角妙蝇,新种M.ruficornica sp.nov.下后头具黑色毛……………………………………………………55.额宽约如前单眼宽或狭如线,触角黑色至黑褐色,背侧片裸,R1脉基半具毛,足基节黑色,腹第5背板全黑黄股妙蝇M.femorata(Malloch,1935)…………………………………………………额宽约如单眼三角宽,触角橘黄色或暗橘黄色,背侧片具毛,R1脉几乎全长具毛,足基节黑褐色,腹第5背板端部黄色黄尾妙蝇M.flavicauda Wei,1991…………………………………………6.雄额宽,约如单眼三角宽,下后头具黄色毛,跗节黑色弯端妙蝇,新种M.acrula sp.nov.…………………………………………雄额狭,仅约如前单眼宽,下后头具黑色毛,跗节黄色…………77.雄腹第3背板具1对小而略圆的斑,R1脉背面全长具毛暗基妙蝇M.fuscicoxa(Li,1980)…………………………………………雄腹第3背板无斑,R1脉背面基部1/3具毛类暗基妙蝇M.fuscicoxoides Xue et Lin,1996……………………………………1弯端妙蝇,新种M.acrula sp.nov.(图1~3)雄体长约8~9mm。在黄股妙蝇群中,新种前股黑色是独有的特征,新种与暗基妙蝇M.fuscicoxa(Li,1980)和类暗基妙蝇M.fuscicoxoidesXue et Lin,1996近缘,3者的区别详检索表的记述。正模♂,贵州平坝大坡林场(25°24.3’N,106°8.3’E;海拔1400m),2007年9月22日,魏濂艨、曹维平、刘美华、张田等采。副模:3♂♂,同正模;1♂,贵州平坝城关林场,海拔1200m,2007年11月24,28日,魏濂艨、曹维平、刘美华、张田等采;3♂♂,采集人及采集地同上,2007年12月22日;1♂,贵州安顺凤凰山林场,海拔1300m,2009年3月11日,魏濂艨、曹维平、刘美华等采;2♂♂,贵州关岭红岩碑,海拔1000m,2009年1月18日,魏濂艨、曹维平、刘美华等采;1♂,采集人及采集地同上,2009年2月18日;1♂,黄果树王安村,海拔1100m,人工松林,魏濂艨、蒋绍贵、曹维平、张宵等采,2009年1月18日;1♂,贵州关岭花江大峡谷,海拔640m,2009年1月6~15日,魏濂艨、曹维平、蒋绍贵、龙彪、张波、刘美华等采;1♂,采集地同上,2009年12月9日,魏濂艨、曹维平、蒋绍贵等采;1♂,贵州关岭断桥,海拔500m,2008年3月18日,魏濂艨、曹维平、蒋绍贵、金伟等采;1♂,安顺市对门山,海拔1300m,2009年1月1日,魏濂艨、曹维平、蒋绍贵等采集;5♂♂,贵州紫云浪风关林场,海拔1300m,2009年2月22日,魏濂艨、曹维平、蒋绍贵、吴建霖、刘美华等采;3♂♂,采集人及采集地同上,2009年3月22~31日;2♂♂,贵州普定城关林场,海拔1200m,2009年9月12日,魏濂艨、曹维平、蒋绍贵、王玉胜等采;1♂,采集人及采集地同上,2009年9月9日;1♂,贵州普定猴场普屯坝,海拔1500m,2007年10月20~21日,魏濂艨、曹维平、刘美华、吴建霖、张田、寿天虹、顾鸥等采;1♂,贵州普定补郎35公桩,海拔1550m,2009年9月1~30日;魏濂艨、曹维平、蒋绍贵、龙彪等采;7♂♂,贵州安顺轿子山林场,海拔1500m,2007年10月1~30日,魏濂艨、曹维平、龙彪、刘美华等采;1♂,采集人及采集地同上,2009年6月1~30日。词源:新种种名源自希腊词acrul意为"端部弯曲的",在此指新种类雄肛尾叶端部弯曲。2黄叶妙蝇,新种M.flavilobulusa sp.nov.(图4~6)雄体长约5.8mm。新种十分类似怯妙蝇M.pudica(Stein,1915),两者的区别详检索表的记述。正模♂,贵州关岭花江大峡谷(25°41.94’N,105°36.1’E;海拔640m),2009年9月11日,魏濂艨、曹维平、蒋绍贵、刘美华等采。副模:1♂,采集地及采集人同正模,2008年11月29~30日;1♂,采集地同正模,2008年11月2~4日,魏濂艨、曹维平、蒋绍贵、寿天虹等采;1♂,贵州关岭断桥,海拔600m,2009年11月2~4日,魏濂艨、曹维平、蒋绍贵、刘美华、龙彪等采。词源:新种种名源自拉丁词flav意为"黄色",lobulusa意为"叶",在此指新种雄第5腹板侧叶黄色。3绯角妙蝇,新种M.ruficornica sp.nov.(图7~9)雄体长约5.8mm。新种十分类似黄股妙蝇M.femorata(Malloch,1935)和黄尾妙蝇M.flavicauda Wei,1991,3者的区别详检索表的记述。正模♂,贵州关岭花江大峡谷(25°41.94’N,105°36.1’E;海拔640m),2008年11月29~30日,魏濂艨、曹维平、蒋绍贵、刘美华等采。词源:新种种名源自拉丁词ruf意为"暗红色",cornice意为"触角",在此指新种触角呈暗红色。  相似文献   

Changes in the understory dominated by glossy buckthorn Frangula alnus via the influence of primitive horses were analyzed in a 28-year-old enclosure in the village of Szklarnia at the Biłgoraj Horse-Breeding Centre near Janów Lubelski (eastern Poland). The analysis was conducted in 20 circular plots (30 m2) defined in adjacent, similar forest stands (enclosed and control). Disturbance by the horses, mainly through trampling, caused numerous paths to form within the glossy buckthorn-dominated understory and led to a decrease in density of stems of lower height classes (30–80 and 81–130 cm, respectively). An increase in species diversity at the expense of glossy buckthorn density was also observed. The horses' trampling caused an increase in Padus avium density and the encroachment of other woody plant species that were less shade-tolerant and grew well in soils rich in nutrients. An increase in the density of woody plants over 180 cm above ground was observed within the enclosure, which was probably the result of the horses’ excretion of feces. The results presented here provide new insight into the ecological role that horses play in forest-meadow landscape mosaics, which, via altering the development of vegetation, may contribute to an increase in biodiversity within forest habitats.  相似文献   

系贵州地区妙蝇属Myospila Rondani研究的系列论文之一,记述该属1新种群:双色妙蝇群Myospila bina species group并描述新种群1新种:长妙蝇Myospi lalonga sp.nov.。文中给出了双色妙蝇群的定义,编制了新种群所有已知种的检索表,描述了其详细的形态特征及其与近缘种的鉴别特征。新种的模式标本保存于作者所在单位。  相似文献   

Southern Africa is one of the hot spots for plant biodiversity, with ca. 80% of species endemic to this area. Rapid and recent radiations in Southern African plant genera were triggered by fine-scale differences in climate, topography and geology. The genus Lithops (Ruschioideae, Aizoaceae) contains 37 species and is widely distributed in Southern Africa. Species delimitation within the genus is challenging because the limited number of morphological characters in these reduced succulents varies intensely between populations, presumably as adaptations to local geological environments. We analysed phylogenetic relationships within Lithops using non-coding chloroplast DNA (trnS-trnG intergenic spacer), nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (nrITS) sequences and AFLP data. Genetic variability of the sequence data was very low, but AFLP data detected nine clades within Lithops that do not fit current morphology-based taxonomy. Two of these clades are separated by their distribution on the northern and eastern border of the distribution area, and four clades are found in the Gariep Centre in the estuary of the Orange River. Morphological similarities, especially colour of leaves, evolved repeatedly within the clades, thus we hypothesise that closely related species became adapted to different soil types in a mosaic-like geological environment. One-third of the species are found in the Gariep Centre, characterised by extremely diverse edaphic habitats.  相似文献   

系贵州地区妙蝇属Myospila Rondani研究的系列论文之一,记述该属1新种群:净妙蝇群M.species-lauta并描述该新种群5新种:冯氏妙蝇M.fengisp.nov.,肖黄基妙蝇M.flavibasisoides sp.nov.,亚黄基妙蝇M.subflavibasis sp.nov.,亚净妙蝇M.sublauta sp.nov.和黄褐妙蝇M.xuthosa sp.nov.。文中给出了净妙蝇群的定义,编制了新种群所有已知种的检索表,描述了新种详细的形态特征及其与近缘种的鉴别特征。新种的模式标本保存于作者所在单位。  相似文献   

A long-synonymized species Benthoctopus normani (Massy 1907) (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae) is redescribed from material collected over 30 years by the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton and the National Museums of Scotland. It can be distinguished from other octopodid specimens found in deep waters of the Northeast Atlantic by its biserial suckers, lack of ink sac, and simple ligula, which lacks transverse ridges. Examination of the collections led to the identification of a new species of Benthoctopus from the Northeast Atlantic, which is described herein.  相似文献   

Freshwater snails of the genus Bulinus, subfamily Bulininae, are widespread in Africa and the Middle East. Several species are intermediate hosts for schistosomes, mammalian blood flukes that cause schistosomiasis. The genus is split into four species groups and without recourse to further molecular DNA studies, phylogenetic relationships within and between species‐groups remain obscure. For example, the Bulinus truncatus/tropicus species complex, which cannot be adequately defined with morphological characters, appears to be monophyletic but increased taxon sampling is warranted for confirmation when this group appears to contain species with limited sequence divergence in either mitochondrial 16S rRNA or Cytochome Oxidase subunit I (COI) loci. In the present study, taxonomic sampling is increased through addition of several taxa, including B. nyassanus and B. succinoides both endemic to Lake Malawi. From DNA analyses, these two species appear basal within the B. truncatus/tropicus species complex which provides an interesting evolutionary insight into its origins. The relationship of the B. truncatus/tropicus species complex with the three other groups, however, is more problematic as incongruence between loci and computational methodologies exist. This phenomenon is likely due to mutational saturation of the COI as evidenced by the transition : transversion ratio which also results in placement of the discoidal Indoplanorbis exustus, a member of the Bulininae, within the ingroup. To resolve these more basal incongruencies between species groups inspection of more evolutionary conserved molecular loci is needed, for example, the nuclear histone H3 gene, and 18S and 28S rDNA. Louise V. Gersdorff Jørgensen, Thomas K. Kristensen and Henry Madsen, The Mandahl‐Barth Research Centre for Biodiversity and Health, DBL — Centre for Health Research and Development, Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Jægersborg Allé 1D, DK‐2920 Charlottenlund, Denmark. E‐mails: lgj@life.ku.dk , tkk@life.ku.dk , hmad@life.ku.dk J. Russell Stothard, Biomedical Parasitology Division, Department of Zoology, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, UK. E‐mail: R.Stothard@nhm.ac.uk  相似文献   

Within the context of a revision of Albuca, a new species, here described as Albuca annulata Mart.‐Azorín & M. B. Crespo sp. nov., was found in three populations in the Albany Centre of Endemism, Eastern Cape, South Africa. This new species is closely related to Albuca bakeri Mart.‐Azorín & M. B. Crespo and A. caudata Jacq., but it can be clearly differentiated by floral and vegetative characters. Data on morphology, ecology and distribution are reported for this new species. Affinities and divergences with other close allies are also discussed.  相似文献   

We describe here two new species of oegopsid squids. The first is an Asperoteuthis (Chiroteuthidae), and it is based on 18 specimens. This new species has sucker dentition and a funnel–mantle locking apparatus that are unique within the genus. The second new species is a Promachoteuthis (Promachoteuthidae), and is based on a unique specimen. This new species has tentacle ornamentation which is unique within the genus. We also describe a new genus and a new species of sepioid squid in the subfamily Heteroteuthinae (Sepiolidae) and it is based on four specimens. This new genus and species exhibits unique modifications of the arms in males.  相似文献   

记述采自贵州地区的毛盾蝇属Lasiopelta Malloch 2新种:红棕毛盾蝇L.rufescenta Wei et Jiang,sp.nov.和黄色毛盾蝇,L.flava Wei et Cao,sp.nov..文中编制了该属所有已知种的检索表、新种详细的形态特征及其与近缘种的鉴别特征;并建立了斑翅毛盾蝇群Lasiopelta maculipennis-group.新种的模式标本保存于作者所在单位.  相似文献   

Dryopteris katangaensis , a new species endemic to the Katango–Zambian centre of endemism (Congo-Zambezi watershed) in Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo is described and illustrated. The morphological differences between the new species and D. schimperiana are discussed, and the ferns endemic to the Katango–Zambian Centre are reviewed.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 142 , 237–242.  相似文献   

Wetlands occur where biotic and abiotic conditions combine to create unique habitats and plant assemblages. These systems have anaerobic or hydric soil resulting from waterlogging and are found across all nine biomes in South Africa. Wetlands can thus be regarded as hosting azonal vegetation. On Platberg, the freshwater wetlands are embedded within the Grassland Biome forming distinct units. Platberg wetlands were surveyed and described to explain and document vegetation of this inselberg. Additional aims were to elucidate Afro-montane floristic links with the Drakensberg Alpine Centre, and provide data for conservation management. The study site is located in the Eastern Free State, South Africa, on edge of the Great Escarpment. It is one of an archipelago of more than 20 inselbergs stretching north from the Drakensberg. A total of 51 sample plots (30 m2) were located in a randomly stratified manner within the wetland units to include all variations in the vegetation. The data was analysed using the TWINSPAN classification algorithm, refined by Braun-Blanquet procedures. The analysis showed the wetlands divided into five communities, six sub-communities and six variants. The wetland communities had an average of 13.56 species per relevé, ranging from 7 to 29 species per sample plot. Numerous floristic links with the Drakensberg Alpine Centre, the Cape Floristic Region and the Grassland biome were found. Platberg shows vegetation and hydrogeological affinity with low altitude freshwater and the high altitude Lesotho Mires of the Drakensberg Alpine Centre. A list of high altitude wetland species was compiled.  相似文献   

The high occurence of coagulase-negative staphylococci among bacteria responsible for hospital infections is unquestioned. Studies on the poorly-known novobiocin-resistant, coagulase-negative Staphylococcus cohnii were undertaken. The possibilities of optimizing conditions for determination of susceptibility to beta-lactam antibiotics of this species were researched. In the case of S. cohnii the new cefoxitin test for detection of methicillin resistant strains, introduced by the National Reference Centre for Antibiotics in Poland was found as a good and of credible quality. It was also shown, that application in in vitro examination conditions stimulating the mechanisms of resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics, supplies credible results relating to their true susceptibility. The necessity of establishing individual conditions for susceptibility determination in different species of coagulase-negative staphylococci was suggested.  相似文献   

记述采自云南的巨尾蝇属Hypopygiopsis Townsend3新种:云南巨尾蝇Hypopygiopsis yunnanensis sp. nov.,指突巨尾蝇H. dactylis sp. nov.和离叶巨尾蝇H. diversis sp. nov.。文中编制了该属所有已知种的检索表,新种详细的形态特征及其与近缘种的鉴别特征,并建立了两个新种群:紫色巨尾蝇群H. violacea-group和斑翅巨尾蝇群H. fumipennis group。新种的模式标本保存于作者所在单位。  相似文献   

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