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The diversity of signalling traits within and across taxa is vast and striking, prompting us to consider how novelty evolves in the context of animal communication. Sexual selection contributes to diversification, and here we endeavour to understand the initial conditions that facilitate the maintenance or elimination of new sexual signals and receiver features. New sender and receiver variants can occur through mutation, plasticity, hybridization and cultural innovation, and the initial conditions of the sender, the receiver and the environment then dictate whether a novel cue becomes a signal. New features may arise in the sender, the receiver or both simultaneously. We contend that it may be easier than assumed to evolve new sexual signals because sexual signals may be arbitrary, sexual conflict is common and receivers are capable of perceiving much more of the world than just existing sexual signals. Additionally, changes in the signalling environment can approximate both signal and receiver changes through a change in transmission characteristics of a given environment or the use of new environments. The Anthropocene has led to wide-scale disruption of the environment and may thus generate opportunity to directly observe the evolution of new signals to address questions that are beyond the reach of phylogenetic approaches.  相似文献   

The region between the preexisting and nascentmembranes of a cleaving Rana egg is a dense protrusionregion of nearly 40μm wide at 180°stage.Later,thisregion differentiate,into an upper part,a strip withlong, branched and randomly distributed protrusionswhich are derived largely from the preexistingmembrane,and a lower part,a band with microvilli.During 4-and 8-cel1 stages,the strip is almost vanishedand microvilli in the band is shortened.The nascentmembrane is smooth at the 180°stage,then a rough areaappears below the smooth region and quickly expands.Wheat germ agglutinin which can bind to preexistingmembrane interrupts the development of the regionbetween the preexisting and nascent membranes.Detergent,Brij,having the property to increase the areaof nascent membrane,does not interrupt the developmentof the region between the preexisting and nascentmembranes.  相似文献   

Potti J  Canal D 《Heredity》2011,106(6):945-954
The genetic correlation between the sexes in the expression of secondary sex traits in wild vertebrate populations has attracted very few previous empirical efforts of field researchers. In southern European populations of pied flycatchers, a sexually selected male ornament is also expressed by a proportion of females. Additive genetic variances in ornament size and expression, transmission mechanisms (autosomal vs Z-linkage) and maternal effects are examined by looking at patterns of familial resemblance across three generations. Size of the secondary sex trait has a genetic basis common to both sexes, with estimated heritability being 0.5 under an autosomal model of inheritance. Significant additive genetic variance in males was also confirmed through a cross-fostering experiment. Heritability analyses were only partially consistent with previous molecular genetics evidence, as only two out of the three predictions supported Z-linkage and lack of significant mother-daughter resemblance could be due to small sample sizes caused by limited female trait expression. Therefore, the evidence was mixed as to the contribution of the Z chromosome and autosomal genes to trait size. The threshold heritability of trait expression in females was lower, around 0.3, supporting autosomal-based trait expression in females. Environmental (birth date) and parental effects on ornament size mediated by the mother's condition after accounting for maternal and paternal genetic influences are also highlighted. The genetic correlation between the sexes did not differ from one, indicating that selection on the character on either sex entails a correlated response in the opposite sex.  相似文献   

Natural and sexual selection can have either opposing or synergistic effects on the evolution of traits. In the green swordtail Xiphophorus helleri , sexual selection arising from female choice is known to favour larger males and males with longer swords. We examined variation in male and female size and fin morphology among 15 populations that varied in their predation environments. Males and females from populations in which piscivorous fishes were present had longer and deeper bodies than did males and females from populations in which piscivorous fishes were absent. Controlling for a positive effect of body size on sword length, males from populations in which piscivores were present had relatively shorter swords than did males from populations in which piscivores were absent. The associations between morphology and predation environment may be due to direct effects of predation, indirect effects of predation, other sources of selection that covary with predator presence, or other environmental effects on trait expression. These results suggest that while sexual selection favours longer swords, natural selection may have an opposing effect on sword length in populations with predators. Natural selection on body size, however, may act synergistically with sexual selection in populations with predators; both may favour the evolution of larger body size. The body size results for X. helleri contrast with related taxa that have become model systems for the study of life history evolution.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 83 , 87–100.  相似文献   

Most bird species are monogamous, and in many instances the male provides a substantial contribution to the care of the young. Traditionally, the initial phase of the relationship between the sexes has been characterized in terms of pair formation and an increasing bond between the sexes. But recent formulations emphasize the role of guarding, surveillance, and other behavioural devices that protect the genetic relationship of the male to the offspring for which he cares. Ring doves were studied to determine whether the details of the relationship during the initial period are consistent with this latter view. Experiment 1 reveals that males remain in close proximity to their mates until the first egg is laid and the fertile period of the female ends; social contact then falls to a low level. Experiment 2 shows that when the female is removed during her fertile period, the male searches and calls more vigorously than does a female when her partner is absent. Finally, Experiment 3 demonstrates that it is visual contact rather than simply proximity that the male maintains during the fertile period of the female. These observations are consonant with the view that males maintain surveillance over their mates, but they do not exclude the possibility that the behaviour patterns might provide other benefits as well.  相似文献   

王茜  邓洪平  丁博  周光林 《生态学报》2012,32(12):3921-3930
据有关资料记载,柃属(Eurya Thunb.)植物属于雌雄异株植物,目前仅在柃木(Eurya japonica Thunb.)中有过两性花的报道。近年的调查发现,钝叶柃(Eurya obtusifolia H.T.Chang)也有性别变异,存在两性花。在对其性别特征及功能研究的基础上,进一步跟踪了钝叶柃的开花和传粉过程,对不同性别花的花部形态和传粉特征进行了比较分析。在重庆市北碚区选取了4个样地,测定了花部形态、花朵朝向、花粉活力、柱头可授性、花粉对水的耐受性、单花花粉量和单花泌蜜体积等形态和传粉相关指标,并对其开花动态、传粉昆虫种类和昆虫传粉行为进行了仔细观察,还进行了套袋试验。结果发现钝叶柃不同性别花的花部形态和传粉特征既有一些共同点,又存在着明显差异,性别变异株则呈现出雌雄植株间的过渡特征。钝叶柃是一种花期短,花小而多,开花同步性高的植物,雌花和雄花色味相同。该植物的主要传粉方式为虫媒,主要传粉者为两种蜜蜂科昆虫,但风媒也在其传粉中起着一定作用。该植物不同性别花的主要差异有:1)雄花呈灯笼状,花瓣不反卷,雌花辐射状,花瓣反卷;2)雄花较雌花大;3)雄花倾向于垂直朝下,雌花倾向于斜向下朝向枝条末端;4)雌花寿命较雄花长。钝叶柃在开花和传粉上的许多特征都在一定程度上体现了其对雌雄异株性系统的适应。相应地,传粉者在不同性别植株上的行为也存在一定差异。钝叶柃不同性别花在形态上的差异是其周围各种生物因素及非生物因素共同作用的结果,其中传粉昆虫和雨水的选择可能在这些差异的塑造中起着重要作用。  相似文献   

Together with Calcinus verrilli from Bermuda, the Mediterraneanhermit crab C. tubularis is unique in that it exhibits a sharpsexual dimorphism in resource use in which one sex, the male,occupies loose shells and the other, the female, occupies attachedtubes. Field surveys and laboratory experiments addressed twoissues that help understand male-female resource partitioningin this species. First, the value of shells as shelters differsbetween sexes. Shells furnish mobility to their inhabitants,but also greater opportunities to grow because they can providelarger size than can the tubes, whereas both mobility and largedimensions are crucial selective factors for the reproductiveoutcomes of males only. In fact, egg production seemed not tobe affected by females' sedentary life and the number of eggswas not related to the female size. Second, previous shelterexperience plays a role in reducing male-female competition.I found that individual crabs, once presented simultaneouslywith a shell and a tube, more likely selected the type of shelterthat they were collected in. Then, in male-female competitionexperiments, pairs composed of one crab found in a shell andone crab found in a tube and offered a shell and a tube in conjunctionoccupied the housing in accordance to the shelter previouslyoccupied without any influence of their sex or size. The questionremains as to how, why, and when such a sexual dimorphism inthe distribution of C. tubularis between microhabitats did occurduring a hermit crab's life.  相似文献   

Andrew Digby  Ben D. Bell  Paul D. Teal 《Ibis》2013,155(2):229-245
Sexual call dimorphism in birds is usually associated with sexual size dimorphism. Departures from this relationship can be used to infer call function, but research into inter‐sexual call differences, as with song function in general, has been restricted by a bias towards male passerines. The nocturnal and flightless New Zealand kiwi (Apterygidae) are acoustically similar but taxonomically and ecologically very different from other birds, so provide a contrast in exploring avian call function and evolution. However, kiwi acoustic ecology is poorly understood, with the calls of only one of the five kiwi species spectrally described, and acoustic differences between the sexes virtually unknown. We conducted the first bioacoustic study of Little Spotted Kiwi Apteryx owenii, and assessed sexual call dimorphism in this species. There were significant inter‐sexual differences in call temporal and frequency characteristics that were not related to size dimorphism. Contribution to duets and variation in temporal structure with call context also differed between the sexes. We suggest that these differences indicate divergent call function, with male calls more suited for territory defence, and female calls for pair contact. There was a striking lack of overlap in the frequency spectrum distributions of male and female calls, which was also unrelated to size and was further emphasized by the presence of formants in female calls. We propose that this provides evidence for inter‐sexual acoustic cooperation in call frequency, of a type which to our knowledge has not previously been described in birds. This may result from selection for enhanced joint resource defence in kiwi.  相似文献   

Abstract.— The pre-mating behavior of female Drosophila pseudoobscura has been considered passive and "coy" relative to more active, "ardent," and indiscriminate male behavior. To test whether this long-held view–the "received wisdom" about mating behavior in Drosophila –is really true we carried out observations on how often D. pseudoobscura females approached males prior to courtship and copulation. By including only virgin females and males in the experiments, we eliminated the possibility that males are "coy" due to sperm limitation and females flexibly "coy" due to male manipulations that may affect the duration of remating inhibition. We observed the movements of females and males in vials during the first five minutes of exposure to one another. Video records revealed females went toward males as frequently as males toward females; we inferred that females were as interested in males as males in females. The total number of offspring emerging as adults correlated significantly with mutual, precourtship interest of both males and females in their vial-mates and latency to copulation. Thus, we hypothesize that females in nature approach males, perhaps actively soliciting male courtship simply by remaining close to them.  相似文献   

Six cohorts of the silver-stripe round herring Spratelloides gracilis , a fast-growing and short-lived tropical clupeid, were collected as juveniles and then as adults during austral summers from November to February in 1998–1999 and 1999–2000, using light traps in the Dampier Archipelago, Western Australia. Otolith analysis allowed backcalculation of size and growth rate at age to examine the relative influences of selective mortality and water temperature on early growth. Negative size-selective mortality and growth-selective mortality between the juvenile and the adult stages was found only in the cohort that was the smallest and slowest growing in the period immediately following hatching. Selective mortality preferentially removed members of this cohort that were smaller from age 0 to 15 days, and slower growing from 0 to 10 days, resulting in an elevation of size at age to, or even above, that of cohorts that had not undergone this process. Size and growth rate at 5 day age intervals in the first 20 days after hatching differed among cohorts within and between summers and were strongly and positively correlated ( r 2= 0·61–0·83) with water temperature.  相似文献   

Circadian clocks regulate the daily temporal structure of physiological and behavioural functions. In the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster Meigen, disruption of daily rhythms is suggested to reduce the fly's lifespan. In the present study, because pairs of mixed‐sex flies are known to show an activity pattern different from that of individual flies, this hypothesis is tested by measuring the lifespan of flies housed same‐sexually or mixed‐sexually under an LD 12 : 12 h photocycle at a constant temperature of 25 °C. The effect of housing wild‐type (Canton‐S) flies with period (per) circadian clock mutant flies is also examined because the mutant flies have different daily activity patterns. When males and females of wild‐type flies are housed together, their lifespan is substantially lengthened (males) or shortened (females) compared with same‐sex housed flies. The shortening of the lifespan in females is significantly enhanced when mated with per mutant males. The shortening effects are significantly reduced when the mixed‐sex interaction is limited for the first 5 days after emergence. A slight elongation in lifespan, rather than a reduction, occurs when wild‐type females are housed same‐sexually with per0 or perL mutant flies. In male flies, the elongation of lifespan occurs not only when wild‐type males are housed with wild‐type, per0 or perL females, but also when housed with per0 or perS mutant males. Mixed‐sex couples always show altered daily locomotor rhythms with an enhanced night‐time activity, whereas same‐sex couples show daily behavioural profiles slightly altered but essentially similar to a sum of the respective two flies. No significant correlation is found between the lifespan and reproductive capacity. These results suggest that the alteration of daily activity rhythms and sexual interaction may have significant impact on the fly's lifespan.  相似文献   

This study aimed to examine differences between sexes in thermoregulatory responses and exercise time after ice slurry ingestion in a hot environment. Twenty-four healthy adults (male n = 12, body weight (BW) = 65.8 ± 10.3; female n = 12, BW = 58.2 ± 10.0) ingested 7.5 g/kg of either ice slurry at −1 °C (ICE) or control water at 20 °C (CON) before cycling at 55%VO2 max in a hot environment (controlled at 38 °C, 40% relative humidity). Rectal (Tre) and skin (Tsk) temperature, heart rate, sweat rate, respiratory gases, ratings of thermal sensation (TS), thermal comfort (TC), and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were measured. Ice slurry did not improve exercise time in both sexes despite Tre was significantly lower in ICE than CON in both sexes. Tre, Tsk, HR, sweat rate and TS did not differ between sexes. TC and RPE in ICE were significantly higher during exercise in males than in females. In conclusion, there were no sex differences in the effects of pre-cooling with ice slurry ingestion; however, pre-cooling with ice slurry may be more effective in mitigating ratings of TC and RPE in females than males.  相似文献   

A single locus, diallelic selection model with female and male viability differences is studied. If the variables are ratios of allele frequencies in each sex, a 2-dimensional difference equation describes the model. Because of the strong monotonicity of the resulting map, every initial genotypic structure converges to an equilibrium structure assuming that no equilibrium has eigenvalues on the unit circle.Partially supported by funds provided by a Science and Education Grant to the USDA-Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station, Population Genetics of Forest Trees Research Unit, Raleigh, USASupported by a grant from the Max Kade Foundation, New York, USA  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Differences in competitive ability between the sexes of dioecious plants are expected as a result of allocation trade-offs associated with sex-differential reproductive costs. However, the available data on competitive ability in dioecious plants are scarce and contradictory. In this study sexual competition was evaluated using the dioecious plant Antennaria dioica in a common garden transplantation experiment.


Male and female plants were grown for 3 years either in isolation, or in competition with a plant of the same sex or the opposite sex. Flowering phenology, sexual and asexual reproduction, plant growth, nutrient content and arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization in the roots were assessed.

Key Results

Our results showed little evidence of sexual differences in competitive ability. Both sexes suffered similarly from competition, and competitive effects were manifested in some traits related to fitness but not in others. Survival was unaffected by competition, but competing plants reduced their vegetative growth and reproductive investment compared with non-competing plants. In addition, differences in sexual competitive ability were observed in relation to flowering frequency, an important life history trait not reported in previous studies.


The findings indicate that female and male A. dioica plants possess similar intersexual competitive abilities which may be related to the similar costs of reproduction between sexes in this species. Nevertheless, intrasexual competition is higher in females, giving support for asymmetric niche segregation between the sexes.  相似文献   

In the golden egg bug (Phyllomorpha laciniata Vill. Heteroptera: Coreidae) females lay eggs on the backs of conspecifics, oftenon courting males. Although the bugs do not provide care tothe eggs, this decreases the risk of egg predation. As an effectmales carry many eggs which are not their own. The male andfemale interests are in conflict; females need to find an ovipositionsite, and male fitness depends on the obtained number of matings. By using a very rare modeling approach, a supergame where theindividuals actions change payoffs over time, we show thatcombinations of reciprocating strategies where males obtaina mating in return for a carried egg can be stable. The valueof the mating, to males, is more important than the relatednessto the eggs in gaining their cooperation in carrying eggs. Females may also take advantage of the males without reciprocating.This is especially likely if the probability of future meetingis high and the value of a mating is high for the male. Werelate our results to our own data from empirical studies andexperiments on the species. In the light of the results we discuss the behavior of the bugs in relation to nuptial gifts. We alsodiscuss the general applicability of the supergame approach.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Males of many insect species increase the fecundity and/or egg size of their mates through the amount or composition of their nuptial gifts or ejaculate. The genetic bases of such male effects on fecundity or egg size are generally unknown, and thus their ability to evolve remains speculative. Likewise, the genetic relationship between male and female investment into reproduction in dioecious species, which is expected to be positive if effects on fecundity are controlled by at least some of the same genes in males and females, is also unknown. Males of the seed beetle Stator limbatus contribute large ejaculates to females during mating, and the amount of donated ejaculate is positively correlated with male body mass. Females mated to large males lay more eggs in their lifetime than females mated to small males. We describe an experiment in which we quantify genetic variation in the number of eggs sired by males (mated to a single female) and found that a significant proportion of the phenotypic variance in the number of eggs sired by males was explained by their genotype. Additionally, the number of eggs sired by a male was highly positively genetically correlated with his body mass. The between-sex genetic correlation, that is, the genetic correlation between the number of eggs sired by males and the number of eggs laid by females, was highly positive when eggs were laid on Acacia greggii seeds. This indicates that males that sire many eggs have sisters that lay many eggs. Thus, some of the genes that control male ejaculate size (or some other fecundity-enhancing factor) when expressed in males appear to control fecundity when expressed in females. We found no significant interaction between male and female genotype on fecundity.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of operational sex ratio on female reluctanceand male persistence to mate as well as on the length of copulationand postcopulatory guarding in Gerris lacustris by adding fivesurplus males or females to the basin with a pair in tandem.In the control treatment, a pair alone was tested. Accordingto the copulatory guarding hypothesis (CGH), males should prolongmating and guard females in the presence of surplus males. Accordingto the convenience polyandry hypothesis (CPH), females shouldshow lower levels of resistance to prolonged mating in the presenceof surplus males because the mating male protects the femaleagainst harassment from other males. As expected on the basisof both the CGH and CPH, mating (copulation + guarding) averagedlonger in the male-biased treatment. The behavior of males andfemales during mating suggested that both hypotheses hold true:females showed less resistance to prolonged mating (as predictedfrom CPH), and male behavior suggested stronger efforts to stayon the female when surplus males were present (as predictedfrom CGH). Comparisons of the treatment with surplus femaleswith the results from the mating pair without surplus individualssuggested that the capabilities of water striders in tandemto assess the sex of nearby nonmating striders are limited.  相似文献   

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