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We assessed the importance for biodiversity of man-made farm ponds in an agricultural landscape in SW France lacking natural wetlands. The ponds were originally created to provide a variety of societal services (irrigation, visual amenity, water for cattle, etc.). We also assessed the environmental factors influencing invertebrate assemblages in these ponds. Only 18 invertebrate taxa out of 114 taxa occurring in the study area were common to ponds and rivers indicating that the contribution of farm ponds to freshwater biodiversity was potentially high. A Self-Organizing Map (SOM, neural network) was used to classify 36 farm ponds in terms of the 52 invertebrate families and genera they supported, and to specify the influence of environmental variables related to land-use and to pond characteristics on the assemblage patterns. The SOM trained with taxa occurrences showed five clusters of ponds, most taxa occurring only in 1–2 clusters of ponds. Abandoned ponds tended to support higher numbers of taxa, probably because they were allowed to undergo a natural succession. Nevertheless, abandoned ponds were also amongst the largest, so that it remained difficult to separate the effects of pond size and abandonment, although both factors were likely to interact to favour higher taxon richness. The invertebrate communities in the ponds appeared to be influenced mainly by widely acting environmental factors (e.g. area, regionalization of assemblages) with little evidence that pond use (e.g. cattle watering, amenity) generally influenced assemblage composition. Our results support the idea that agricultural landscapes containing man-made ponds make a significant contribution to freshwater biodiversity indicating that protection of farm ponds from threats such as in-filling and pollution can make a positive contribution to the maintenance of aquatic biodiversity. This added value for biodiversity should be considered when calculating the economic costs and benefits of constructing water bodies for human activities. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Guest editors: R. Céréghino, J. Biggs, B. Oertli & S. Declerck The ecology of European ponds: defining the characteristics of a neglected freshwater habitat  相似文献   

In this study we compared the biodiversity of five waterbody types (ditches, lakes, ponds, rivers and streams) within an agricultural study area in lowland England to assess their relative contribution to the plant and macroinvertebrate species richness and rarity of the region. We used a Geographical Information System (GIS) to compare the catchment areas and landuse composition for each of these waterbody types to assess the feasibility of deintensifying land to levels identified in the literature as acceptable for aquatic biota. Ponds supported the highest number of species and had the highest index of species rarity across the study area. Catchment areas associated with the different waterbody types differed significantly, with rivers having the largest average catchment sizes and ponds the smallest. The important contribution made to regional aquatic biodiversity by small waterbodies and in particular ponds, combined with their characteristically small catchment areas, means that they are amongst the most valuable, and potentially amongst the easiest, of waterbody types to protect. Given the limited area of land that may be available for the protection of aquatic biodiversity in agricultural landscapes, the deintensification of such small catchments (which can be termed microcatchments) could be an important addition to the measures used to protect aquatic biodiversity, enabling ‘pockets’ of high aquatic biodiversity to occur within working agricultural landscapes. Guest editors: R. Céréghino, J. Biggs, B. Oertli & S. Declerck The ecology of European ponds: defining the characteristics of a neglected freshwater habitat  相似文献   

农田景观格局变化对昆虫的生态学效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧阳芳  戈峰 《昆虫知识》2011,48(5):1177-1183
景观格局变化是全球变化的一个重要内容。农田是由人类赖以生存所种植的人工栽培作物组成的生态系统。在该景观系统中,多种植物-害虫-天敌相互作用、相互制约,形成有机整体。研究农田景观格局对害虫和天敌种群动态影响,不仅在害虫生物防治的实践中有重要意义,而且对于揭示人类活动对生物多样性结构与功能的影响,阐明农田景观中生物多样性整合、维持机理有重大的理论意义。本文从农田景观格局的"质、量、形、度"4个方面,系统地论述了农田景观格局变化对害虫和天敌的作用,分析了农田景观的生物控制服务功能,指出了未来研究发展的方向。  相似文献   

Assessments of invertebrate biodiversity in the agricultural landscape have been inconsistent and sometimes contradictory. There is a requirement to improve assessments, especially when quantifying the beneficial effects of low input and organic farming on biodiversity. To generate an improved understanding, data from four crops (organic leek, cabbage and broccoli, conventional calabrese), sampled in eastern England with both pitfall and pan traps, was used. Eight Orders, 55 ground beetle (Carabidae) species, 12 Coleoptera families and 66 Higher taxa (tribes, subfamilies and families) were used to calculate four diversity-related metrics and two fidelity metrics, using data from pitfall traps and from pitfall and pan traps combined. Diversity metrics were taxa richness, Shannon diversity index and Quantitative totals and indexes based on the number of each taxa recorded. Fidelity totals and indexes were used to assess deviations from the basic vegetable field habitat. Order was the least consistent taxa and the Shannon index was a poor diversity indicator. Taxa richness and Quantitative totals were more accurate and the use of quantifications based on the number of appropriate taxa recorded improved metric quality and Fidelity index was an improvement on the Fidelity total. In general, the highest metric values were in broccoli and cabbage, the crops with most weeds, and there were positive correlations between most metrics and weed cover. Metrics using combined epigeal and aerial invertebrate data, utilising the most taxa and the number recorded, were most appropriate for comparisons between crop types.  相似文献   

The southeast of the Iberian Peninsula is a recognized area of high aquatic biodiversity, water beetles being one of the most well-known groups contributing to such biodiversity. The standing waters of this area show a high habitat diversity, occurring fresh, saline, temporary, permanent, karstic, endorheic, and artificial small water bodies. Despite this, there has been no attempt to analyze their contribution to local biodiversity. In this work, we identify the species inhabiting standing waters, analyze their contribution to the checklist from the study area, and recognize the species exclusive to this kind of habitat. We also highlight the most threatened species, identify the habitats which constitute biodiversity hotspots for this group, explore patterns of water beetle assemblage composition, and identify indicator species associated with each habitat type. We collected 125 species, 55 of them being typical to lentic habitats, in the set of 26 sampled standing water bodies, which means the 57% of the 218 species recorded in the most recent checklist for the study area. A total of 10 species are Iberian endemics and four can be considered threatened, Ochthebius irenae falling in both categories. Natural ponds showed the highest species richness (91 species), while saline water bodies (endorheic lagoons and continental salt-pans) contributed the most threatened species: Nebrioporus baeticus, Ochthebius delgadoi, Ochthebius tudmirensis and Ochthebius irenae. The most representative species for continental salt-pans was Ochthebius notabilis, for endorheic lagoons Ochthebius marinus and Hygrotus pallidulus, while Hydroglyphus geminus played this part in rice fields. Our results suggest that rice fields, endorheic lagoons, and continental salt-pans have specific water beetles assemblages, which could be used in bioassessment and conservation studies. In general, standing waters are seriously threatened in this area, particularly as a result of intensive agricultural activities. Thus, taking into account these ecosystems hold a high number of species, their continued degradation is likely to result in a significant loss of biodiversity, including key populations of a number of threatened and endemic species.  相似文献   

Most of our current understanding of rarity has come from studies of terrestrial plants and animals, whereas freshwater habitats remain poorly documented under this topic. Here we considered the spatial distribution patterns of rarity at the river catchment scale, for five freshwater taxa (fish, Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera and Coleoptera) in southwestern France. The data were collected at 554 and 155 sampling sites for fish and aquatic insects, respectively. General Linear Modelling was used to assess the influence of some typological variables (elevation, stream order, distance from source, and reach slope) on local numbers of rare species (restricted range). The relative numbers of rare species per taxa varied from 16% (Plecoptera) to 59% (Trichoptera). GLM chiefly yielded highly significant correlations between rarity and distance from the source and/or elevation for all taxa, showing that numbers of rare stream species increase towards downstream areas within the stream system. The spatial patterns in rarity for the different study taxa were rather concordant, probably as a result of similar responses to environmental conditions. By focusing on integrative variables, we emphasized the influence of river typology on the rarity of aquatic animals. Areas which carry rare species may concentrate an important fraction of the regional biodiversity. If end-users need geographic models (i.e. maps) to design river management frameworks, numerical patterning is needed to provide theoretical backgrounds: by predicting what the rarity should be like in a given area, we can provide explicit spatial schemes that may be useful to target further research, and to implement management options.  相似文献   

The Brazilian Cerrado, one of the world’s 34 biodiversity hotspots, is today under increasing pressure from the intensification of agriculture, with the replacement of traditional extensive pastures by arable crops. Manmade ponds are currently widespread in rural areas of the Cerrado and provide many ecosystem services such as cattle watering, fish production, irrigation and erosion protection. As in other parts of the world, ponds are also likely to play a critical role in the conservation of freshwater biodiversity, although in the Cerrado there is still very little known about their biota. Good water quality, in particular the level of eutrophication, is a key factor in maintaining aquatic biodiversity at the regional scale. Therefore, we aimed here to assess the water quality of ponds in the Cerrado. We also assessed whether the main types of socioeconomic pond uses have an impact on their water quality. We focused on measures of primary production and conducted socioeconomic inquiries for 56 waterbodies in the Goiânia Cerrado region (GO, Brazil) at the beginning of the 2012 dry season. Overall, differences in water quality appeared to be linked to the type of pond use. The trophic level, as indicated by the chlorophyll concentration and conductivity, was greater in fish ponds and seemed to be related to management practices such as fish feeding and the type of water supply, in particular relatively low inflow volume. This contrasted with ponds used for cattle watering in extensive agricultural landscapes characterized by a low trophic level potentially beneficial for regional biodiversity. Good water quality in pasture ponds may be maintained by spring water inflow or heavy precipitation. Overall, the water quality of the Cerrado ponds was good compared with the same type of waterbodies in other regions of the world. These results highlight the high potential of the Cerrado ponds in extensive agricultural landscapes to provide an important habitat for aquatic biodiversity. Biodiversity inventories and assessments are now needed to increase our knowledge of these waterbodies and inform management activities at the local and regional scale.  相似文献   

South  Eric J.  Edward DeWalt  R.  Cao  Yong 《Hydrobiologia》2019,829(1):323-340
Hydrobiologia - The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) in the USA offer farmers government financial incentives to take erosive agricultural...  相似文献   

One of the promising approaches to monitoring biodiversity is assessing the status of pressures driving the biodiversity state. To achieve this, we need to identify the principal pressures that cause simultaneous biodiversity loss across taxonomic groups and clarify how multiple pressures act synergistically or at least simultaneously to decrease biodiversity in the focal ecosystem. Here, we used a series of 64 ponds as a case study and we developed a framework for an integrated biodiversity indicator that took into consideration the estimated relative importance of multiple pressures. The indicator is defined as a function of the pressure(s) and is parameterized to explain a number of individual indicators of biodiversity, such as richness, abundance, and functional diversity of focal taxa. We selected aquatic macrophytes, Odonata, and benthic macroinvertebrates as the focal taxa. In addition, we focused on three types of pressure: eutrophication (represented by total phosphorus, total nitrogen, suspended solids, chlorophyll a, and density of cyanobacteria of pond water), habitat destruction (land-use type around the pond and pond bank protection), and invasive alien species (abundance of bluegill, largemouth bass, red swamp crayfish, and American bullfrog). We then evaluated the relationships among direct pressures and the individual biodiversity indicators and used a hierarchical Bayesian approach to calculate the integrated biodiversity indicator. Using this framework, we demonstrated that eutrophication had greater effects on the state of biodiversity of the agricultural ponds than did habitat destruction or the presence of invasive alien species. We also showed that the integrated indicator could well explain the behaviors of several individual biodiversity indicators, including total richness, endangered species richness, and functional diversity of focal taxa. These results demonstrate the advantages of the framework in providing a more practical method for assessing biodiversity, and quantifying the relative importance of the major threats to biodiversity to prioritize strategies in conservation planning and policy making.  相似文献   

Coastal wetlands are characterized by a high biodiversity. At the same time, biodiversity is one of the main criteria used to establish protection policy priorities, or to propose management actions. In this study, crustacean and aquatic insect species richness in the Empordà wetlands was investigated. These two groups contribute in an important way to the total biodiversity, and still they are seldom taken into account in the management of natural areas. Representative samples (38 points) of all aquatic water body types in the Empordà wetlands were taken monthly (dip net with 250 μm mesh). Sampling was carried out between 1996 and 2000, but until present, only qualitative data have been extracted. A rich fauna of 125 crustacean taxa and 295 aquatic insect taxa were found. Some environments were characterized by low richness and high singularity (isolated artesian freshwater springs), some by high richness and high singularity (estuarine waters, brackish and meso-eutrophic freshwater wetlands), and others by low richness and low singularity (hypertrophic freshwater wetlands and hyperhaline wetlands). Factors determining singularity and richness are discussed. Comparison with crustacean richness of other western Mediterranean wetlands showed a similar high species richness in our study sites, probably due to high spatial heterogeneity of these areas.  相似文献   

Landscape context and habitat quality may have pronounced effects on the diversity of flower visiting insects. We investigated whether the effects of landscape context and habitat quality on flower visiting insects interact in agricultural landscapes in the Netherlands. Landscape context was expressed as the area of semi-natural habitats or the density of linear landscape features, and was quantified at spatial scales ranging from 250 to 2000 m. Habitat quality was determined as flower abundance. Species richness and abundance of hoverflies and bees were determined along 16 stream banks experiencing similar environmental conditions but situated in areas with contrasting landscape context. Only flower abundance and the area of semi-natural habitats within 500–1000 m were significantly related to species richness of hoverflies and bees and these factors had interacting effects on both species groups. Our results suggest that the regional area of semi-natural habitats had a positive effect on hoverfly species richness when flower abundance was relatively high, but not when flower abundance was low. Moreover, flower abundance had positive effects on hoverfly species richness only in areas with relatively many semi-natural habitats. Contrastingly, flower abundance had a more positive effect on bee species richness in landscapes with few semi-natural habitats compared to landscapes with more semi-natural habitats. Our results suggest that the importance of landscape context for the species richness of flower visiting insects depends upon the quality of the habitat patches.  相似文献   

Movement of immature aquatic insects in a lotic habitat   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
The movement of immature insects up down and across Salem Creek, Ontario, was measured with traps and nets at two week intervals from January to December 1977. Drift of most taxa was more strongly correlated with water velocity from August to December than it was over the whole year. That of Baetis, however, was not correlated with water velocity and it was significantly greater at the side of the stream than at the centre from May to July. Upstream movement, as measured in three different ways, was small compared with drift, being only 2.1, 7.3 and 15.2 percent respectively.Upstream and across stream movements were not consistently different from one another, changes in their intensity apparently merely representing changes in numbers and behaviour of the animals. It is concluded therefore that upstream movement is only random movement.Colonization of empty sediment in trays on and above the substratum confirmed that most reoccupation of denuded areas is by drift. This supports the finding that drift is far geater than random wandering of the insects.  相似文献   

Human demands have led to an increased number of artificial ponds for irrigation of crops year-round. Certain insect species have established in these ponds, including dragonflies (Insecta: Odonata). There has been discussion around the value of artificial ponds for encouraging dragonfly diversity, with little work in biodiversity hotspots rich in rare and endemic species. We focus here on the Cape Floristic Region (CFR) global biodiversity hotspot, which has many endemic dragonfly species but has few natural ponds. Yet it has many artificial ponds mostly used for irrigation on local farms. This leads to an interesting question: to what extent do these artificial ponds provide habitats for dragonflies in this biologically rich, agriculturally fragmented landscape? To answer this, we recorded dragonfly species richness and abundances from 17 artificial ponds and 13 natural stream deposition pools as reference, in an area of the CFR where there are no local, natural, perennial ponds. Thirteen environmental and physical variables were recorded at the ponds and pools. We found that although ponds attracted no rare or threatened dragonfly species, they increased the area of occupancy and population sizes of many generalist species. These came from nearby natural deposition pools or from unknown sources elsewhere in the region, so providing refuges which otherwise would not be there. Interestingly, some CFR endemic species were also recorded at our artificial ponds. Overall dragonfly assemblages and those of true dragonflies (Anisoptera) and damselflies (Zygoptera) differed between artificial ponds and deposition pools, suggesting that artificial ponds are to some extent a novel ecosystem. Habitat type, elevation and temperature were significant drivers in structuring overall species assemblages. For the Anisoptera, riparian vegetation and level of landscape connectivity was important, while temperature was not. In contrast, Zygoptera species were most affected by river catchment, habitat type and temperature. In sum, these artificial ponds are stepping stone habitats across an increasingly fragmented landscape. Managing these ponds with perennial water, constant water levels, and maximum complexity and heterogeneity of habitats in terms of vegetation will conserve a wide range of generalists and some specialists.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to gain a better understanding of the contribution of hydrogen bonds by tyrosine -OH groups to protein stability. The amino acid sequences of RNases Sa and Sa3 are 69 % identical and each contains eight Tyr residues with seven at equivalent structural positions. We have measured the stability of the 16 tyrosine to phenylalanine mutants. For two equivalent mutants, the stability increases by 0.3 kcal/mol (RNase Sa Y30F) and 0.5 kcal/mol (RNase Sa3 Y33F) (1 kcal=4.184 kJ). For all of the other mutants, the stability decreases with the greatest decrease being 3.6 kcal/mol for RNase Sa Y52F. Seven of the 16 tyrosine residues form intramolecular hydrogen bonds and the average decrease in stability for these is 2.0(+/-1.0) kcal/mol. For the nine tyrosine residues that do not form intramolecular hydrogen bonds, the average decrease in stability is 0.4(+/-0.6) kcal/mol. Thus, most tyrosine -OH groups contribute favorably to protein stability even if they do not form intramolecular hydrogen bonds. Generally, the stability changes for equivalent positions in the two proteins are remarkably similar. Crystal structures were determined for two of the tyrosine to phenylalanine mutants of RNase Sa: Y80F (1.2 A), and Y86F (1.7 A). The structures are very similar to that of wild-type RNase Sa, and the hydrogen bonding partners of the tyrosine residues always form intermolecular hydrogen bonds to water in the mutants. These results provide further evidence that the hydrogen bonding and van der Waals interactions of polar groups in the tightly packed interior of folded proteins are more favorable than similar interactions with water in the unfolded protein, and that polar group burial makes a substantial contribution to protein stability.  相似文献   

Manmade ponds are common landscape features in rural areas and also important habitats for maintaining biodiversity. However, they are vulnerable to anthropogenic activities, land-use changes, and habitat degradation; many ponds being filled or (re)created arbitrarily. Little attention has been paid to quantifying the spatial structure of these manmade ponds at a landscape scale, nor to their potential functional benefits in promoting ecological flows and interactions between habitats for whole-ecosystem integrity. In this study, we investigated the patch-based landscape connectivity of household ponds, a particular type of domestic pond prevalent in hilly rural areas of China, by using least-cost path modelling and graph theory based network analysis. A hierarchical network was modelled consisting of 4606 individual ponds, 373 pond patches and 772 potential links within a 1.5-km threshold distance. Network importance analysis revealed that the largest pond patch contributes 24.5 % to network building and that patches with larger areas are generally more important. In contrast, the importance of the simulated links is only 2.3 % at most, indicating that the network has spatial redundancy which can strengthen resilience to uncertain disturbances. Our study moves beyond network simulation and importance assessment by directly relating the connectivity analysis to a real construction context through the incorporation of a spatially explicit land suitability analysis. This approach systematises the analysis of pond landscapes and guides integration with the wider landscape matrix. It provides operational spatial suggestions for holistic landscape planning across local to regional scales.  相似文献   

Fish ponds in central and eastern Europe are artificial lakes of less than 1 ha to several 100 ha in size. Some of them were created around 900 years ago. These fish ponds form an important part of the hydrological system in the landscape; they also serve as water purification systems and sediment traps, provide habitat for many plant and animal species, as well as being used for recreation purposes—but above all, they are dedicated to fish production. The original oligo- or mesotrophic character of these fish ponds has been altered to one of eutrophic or even hypertrophic conditions due to the nature of the intensive management for high fish production, as well as agriculture practices within the catchment area. It can also be due to other uses of fish ponds, such as wastewater recipients. A thick layer of black anaerobic sediment invariably develops and serves as an uncontrolled internal source of nutrients. In order to stop the development of water blooms and restore the lake to reasonable healthy conditions, both the external and internal loading has to be reduced. An example of such a fish pond restoration within the Czech Republic is described. The phosphorus budget of the Vajgar fish pond (40 ha, S Bohemia) was evaluated and the dry matter, organic matter, nutrients, heavy metals and other metals content were estimated in the vertical profile of the fish pond's sediment. A precision suction dredger was designed, constructed, and used for the selective removal of 330 000 m3 black sediment from the Vajgar fish pond. The sediment was pumped to settling ponds at a distance of 2.5 km. Later, the suction dredger was used for sediment removal from other fish ponds. In one case, 40 000 m3 of eutrophic sediment was directly applied on an agriculture field. In another case, sediment containing oil products was decontaminated by using a biocatalyst and bacterial culture. Sediment removal from Vajgar fish pond resulted in a temporary negative phosphorus budget (lower concentrations in the outflow than the inflow). The temporary absence of cyanobacteria (Microcystis sp.) blooms was the result of the removal of the black sediment layer. The improvement of water quality after sediment removal was, however, temporary. A more holistic approach, aimed at the reduction of matter losses from the fish pond's catchment area, is therefore being adopted. The principles of such an holistic approach are described.  相似文献   

Indicators of biodiversity change are of growing political relevance. To be effective, they need to meet a number of scientific requirements, some of which are not easy to fulfil. Here we use a simple typology of biodiversity indicators according to the following two requirements: (1) indicators should reflect changes in biodiversity in general rather than the ups and downs of particular species and species groups, and (2) indicators should be linked to environmental drivers. We apply this typology to existing indicators developed for the Dutch Environmental Data Compendium and describe how the typology may guide the development of indicators of biodiversity change. We conclude that more conceptual and statistical work is needed to make better biodiversity indicators.  相似文献   

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